WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 18, 2024 Posted October 18, 2024 Long time lurker. This is the first story I've ever written. It's set in @bbykimmy’s Keeperverse. I haven’t seen a story set here in a while, so I thought I’d write my own. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a world where some of the population can randomly pair off in a biological bond of Keeper and human pet. The pet is legally owned by the Keeper and kept in diapers. Like an ABDL dynamic, but a publicly understood and accepted phenomenon. @bbykimmy's story Keeper's Pet got me to see how hot petplay can be, and Jeff’s Story by @justforfun solidified it for me. I definitely "borrowed" a lot from those 🙂. I tried my best not to contradict established lore. It’s a fun sandbox to explore. As a disclaimer, I’m not much of a writer. I’m not really concerned with things like pacing or character development or any of that. This is just pure smutty fantasy for me. Also it’s not short. I like the little details of scenes like these. I have 40k words written so far. Hope you enjoy. *** Chapter 1- Undone I was clamoring through the halls of an office building on my way to a client meeting when it happened; the earth-shattering, mind-altering experience of the Bond. All it took was one shared look. A single moment of eye-contact. You think you know who you are, and what your life is, and then in a split second everything you thought you knew is swallowed up by a single desire; be near her. Do anything you have to be hers and please her. Her eyes, her scent, her warmth, her entire aura become my world in an instant and eclipsed everything else I had ever experienced. We shared that look of shock, realization, horror, and most of all, deep affection, and that was it. The Bond. “Come here, pet” was all it took for her to say and I was a submissive puddle. My head buried itself down into her chest as her arms engulfed my body. I barely even noticed the tears in my eyes or the warmth spreading in my pants. Picture the safest you’ve ever felt. The most loved. The most you’ve ever felt like you belonged. And then multiply it by ten, twenty, by a thousand. It still wouldn’t come close to the Bond. But after you’re hit with the flood of animal endorphins, a flood of human anxiety mixes in. What about my life? My future? My freedom? What, I’m just a pet now? I can’t be just a fucking pet! Who even is this person? But a truth you feel in your bones fights those doubts; she’s my Keeper. We had slumped to the floor against the wall where she held me, softly shushing my whimpers and stroking my hair. “I’m here now. I’ve got you, pet. You’re safe,” she cooed, “I’m going to take good care of you. You're mine.” Everything went fuzzy. I didn’t know if we were there minutes or hours before my brain turned back on. I opened my eyes and saw a few people staring at us out of a door down the hall. Seeing a Bond take hold wasn’t that uncommon, but like seeing a police scene, everybody always wanted to gawk. I felt half-dried tears on my face as I pried my head out of her chest to look up to her anxiously. My eyes met hers. Her eyes. Oh my god, her eyes. Like two pools of forever telling me everything was going to be okay. “Well hey there.” She spoke so gently, warmly inviting me into her presence. “That’s one way to meet someone.” We shared a small laugh through the awkward confusion of what had just happened. “Hi,” I said meekly, words escaping me. “Hello, Oliver. My pet,” she said, as if confirming it for herself. “You— you know my name?” She held up my wallet. Duh. “You were pretty out of it. I guess I just had to know who I was holding in my arms.” “Oh.” “I’m Annie.” Annie. Like a tidal wave her name washed over me and solidified her identity as my Keeper into the deepest parts of psyche. My world’s name was Annie. She had wavy, auburn hair that fell just beneath her shoulders. She was a little shorter than me and somewhere around the same age best I could tell; 30-ish. Her impossibly brown eyes smothered me like a comfy weighted blanket. And she smelled incredible. I’d never smelled anything like it before. I now felt my wet pants, soaked with my own urine, which had cooled. My face burned with embarrassment and shame. I was just lucky my bowels didn’t let loose too. The Bond made pets varying degrees of incontinent and I had heard of it happening. “What does this mean?” I asked. “It means we’ve found each other. I’m your Keeper, and you’re my pet. The rest is just…details, that we’ll figure out. But we’ll be together." Warm contentment rippled through me upon hearing her words. My Keeper. “You alright, Annie?” a male voice called down the hall. I couldn’t bring myself to tear my gaze away from Annie to see who was intruding on our embrace, but I hated him for it. “Yeah, I’m good, Mark,” she called back. “Just a bit of an unexpected situation, here.” She laughed a bit. “Could you do me a big favor? Go get Kaitlin and tell her I need a ride?” “Of course!” And I heard a door close. “I have my car here,” I blurted out, without thinking. She laughed, like the way you would at a child who has said something amusing. “So do I, sweetie. But now that I’ve found you, I just don’t think I can let you go. It’s easier if someone drives us.” I felt stupid. Of course we wouldn’t be taking my car. It just stopped being my car at all, didn’t it? I thought. Pets can’t drive. I then noticed the familiar weight of my keys and phone was missing from my pockets.Where does she want to take me anyways? My breathing quickened as another sense of realization over my situation was setting in. She probably didn’t want to let go of me because she didn’t want to risk me running. A twinge of panic. My body tensed and adrenaline flooded. I have to get my life back before it's too late. Maybe the Bond hasn’t set in fully. I tried to shift my weight to get my legs under me in order to make a break for it. “Shh, shh. No.” She gripped my limbs tighter. “You’re okay. Look at me...Look at me, pet.” Despite the fear, something deep inside me compelled me to obey her. “You’re safe here with me.” My breathing slowly steadied as she pet my hair and brought me further into her arms. “Good boy.” Those last two words. They hit me like a ton of bricks. My focus blurred like a shot of heavy pain medication just entered my bloodstream. It felt wonderful. I only heard Annie’s half of a conversation that somehow felt far away as someone else approached us. “Yeah, that would be awesome… There’s one a few miles from here…Yes…Thank you so much, Kaitlin, seriously. Yeah, I—I just don’t want to let him go; he’s still shaking…Okay…Yeah, thank you! We’ll be out there in a minute.” She turned back to me. “Okay, honey, do you think you can walk with me?” “Where are we going?” I asked anxiously. “There’s a pet store close by where we can figure all this out.” Another wave of adrenaline. “No, I don’t wa—” “—Yes,” she interjected firmly and decisively, like it wasn’t up for debate. “Be a good boy for me, okay?” I wanted to. I wanted to more than anything. Against all rationality I wanted to earn her praise, even if it mean going against my own interests. She helped me to my feet, keeping me close to her with a firm grip of my hand in hers. She pulled my head into her shoulder as we snaked through the winding hallway of the business complex, with a few pairs of curious eyes on us. I was now acutely aware of my soaked jeans. Annie led me towards the entryway and out to a car waiting outside, where she carted us both into the backseat. She was clearly aware of my panted breathes because she quickly pulled me back into her chest. The ride was a blur. Annie kept cooing soft reassurances to calm me, only breaking to tell Kaitlin where to go. I felt uncomfortably warm and was already starting to sweat. Soon we were at a human pet superstore, the kind I would previously pay no mind to as I drove past. There was a side entryway to an intake area for newly bonded pets. As we got out and approached the entrance I reflexively jerked away from Annie, who kept a firm grip on my hand. “No, Oliver. Stay with me,” she ordered firmly, but with affection in her voice. Every instinct in me was telling me to run, to salvage my freedom. Every instinct but one; stay near Annie. That one was stronger than all rest. In through the doors we were quickly greeted by a uniformed employee behind a desk. “Hi there!” she chirped. She approached slowly and spoke softly, no doubt for my benefit. “I’m Jenny. Looks like we have a new Keeper and pet?” I’m sure it was painfully obvious who was who in that equation. I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact and just held Annie’s hand tighter. “Yes, I’m Annie, and this is Oliver.” “Hi, Oliver,” she said, her voice dripping in condescension, like she was talking to a child. I didn’t look up. “Let’s get you guys into a transition room and I can walk you through what happens now. Follow me.” I looked over my shoulder at the automatic sliding doors. One last chance at freedom. I almost got my muscles to obey my desire to run before Annie firmly tugged my arm and I felt helpless to break away from her. Jenny led us into a room and quickly shut the door behind, locking it. It was like a normal medical room, except there were two exam tables, one of which that had a cage mounted atop it. Not to mention the human pet paraphernalia on the shelves. Seeing the cage, I instinctively began to whimper despite myself. Annie turned me to her and brought her hand to face. “It’s okay. You’re okay, pet.” If she said it was true then it must be, because she was my Keeper. “Alright,” Jenny began, “I know there are a lot of emotions and confusion happening right now, but I’m going to walk you through each step. First things first, we should get him cleaned up. His body is shifting rapidly, and his rising body temperature and continence are the quickest to change. This clothing just isn’t suitable for him. Let’s undress him.” “Right,” Annie replied. She reached the top button of my shirt and brought my hands up to block her. I whined, “No! Please, I—” “—Oliver,” She grabbed my hands, “If you can remain calm, I promise I won’t put you in the cage while we get you ready, but I need you to behave and listen, okay?” She said she needed me to. That was all I had to hear and my overwhelming desire to please her did the rest. “Okay?” she asked again, more sternly. I nodded meekly. “Good boy.” Another rush of endorphins. “Nice job, Annie,” Jenny said, impressed. “I suggest we get him on the table before undressing.” “Good idea,” Annie affirmed. “Okay, pet, I need you climb up and lay back for me, okay?” I didn’t take my eyes off her as she and Jenny helped me up onto the exam table and laid me back. “Good, keep reassuring him. Keep him looking at you.” “Look at me, sweetie. Keep your eyes on me. Good.” It didn’t matter that I could hear Jenny coaching her on the tactics, I still didn’t stand a chance against them. My newly developing pet brain overrode my critical thinking and I was mush. Annie held my gaze as I felt my arms being brought up over my head and my wrists were secured into soft leather cuffs. Next my shoes and socks were removed and my ankles went into similar restraints. Seeing Jenny hand Annie some medical sheers, I pulled on the restraints and whimpered. “Keep talking him through what you’re doing. It’s important that he trusts you. It might feel like you’ve known each other forever, but your is Bond is brand new. Undefined. He needs to know your intention.” “I’m going to get your clothes off now so that you can be so much more comfortable,” she told me. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m never going to hurt you.” As she began cutting through the sleeves of my shirt I wanted to scream but her command for me to stay calm enveloped the front of my mind. My shirt was pulled away from beneath my body. Jenny joined her in cutting through my wet jeans, pulling them away next. The cool air was nice on my skin, but I felt so much more exposed. She brought her hand up to stroke my cheek again. “Good job, sweetie. You’re doing so well for me.” My eyes closed as I melted into her words and worked my face into her hand, trying to inhale her wonderful scent to quell my anxiety. “You’re a natural, Annie,” Jenny mused. “Do you have pet experience?” “I lived with a pet for a few years. My roommate’s. I was there when she first brought her home. I remember those first days pretty well.” Well at least my Keeper had a resume. “Great! So I’m sure you know what happens next.” No. Even I knew what Jenny was getting at. “No, please!” I cried, “Please, Annie, don’t make me wear a diaper!” I tried to sit up and plead with her but the cuffs held me down. Annie was quickly at my side calming me down. “This is why we use restraints.” Jenny spoke with a practiced authority. “He’s quickly becoming prone to acting on instinct and heightened emotions. He wants to behave, I’m sure, but he’s scared and his rational decision making skills are already diminishing.” Pets wore diapers. I knew this. Everyone knew this. As much as you knew to stop at red lights. But to fully absorb that it was about to happen to you was mortifying. “At this point, I think it’s best we use this to help keep him calm,” Jenny said as she handed Annie something. It was a rubbery bulb mounted to a leather face attachment with a thinner strap. A muzzle, with a gag attached. “No, I’ll be quiet, I swear!” I tried to plead pathetically as Annie brought the gag towards my head. “Open for me, pet. Let’s get this on. That’s it. Good boy. My good boy.” I was putty in her hands as she inserted the gag and strapped the muzzle around my head. The bulky structure cupped my jaw and wrapped around my lower face. I tested the gag and was barely audible. The silicon teat in my mouth felt weird. My soaked underwear was cut off, leaving me naked and covered in my own piss in front of Annie, this stranger who I felt more affection for than I even knew possible. It was beyond humiliating as she used baby wipes to thoroughly clean my crotch. I expected pity or disgust from her as she cleaned my urine soaked skin, but instead her look betrayed something else. Is that…lust? I asked myself. She bit her lip as she handled my penis and balls to clean them. The attention from her quickly translated to a growing erection. Her gaze was transfixed to my crotch. I tried to move my hips into her as she brought down another wipe. I didn’t care who else was there. I wanted her touch, I needed more of her touch. “As you can see, and I’m sure feel,” Jenny started, and Annie's attention snapped back, “the sexual connection brought on by the Bond is strong. And he’s all instinct right now. But I'm sure I don't have to tell you pet parenthood is illegal, so pets in intersex Bonds are required by law to be neutered. Frankly, in the long run you’re just not always going to have the restraint to practice safe sex. You’re just as drawn to him as he is to you. So sterilizing him is the best option.” I whimpered hearing this. Jenny giggled at my erection dissipating. “That kind of talk usually works to get male pets under control down there. How else would we get them in their first diapers?” I groaned into the gag as loudly as I could and pulled at the restraints to convey my protest. It was ignored as Jenny handed Annie a bulky, pastel blue disposable diaper. Pet diapers were much thicker than medical incontinence diapers for human adults. “Also, it’s fine for a diaper or two, but you’re going to want to remove the hair in his diaper area for hygiene purposes. He’ll shed some of his body hair naturally as his body continues to shift, but not all of it. We have some cream I’ll send you home with.” “Thank you.” Again, I tried to make my disapproval known but was quickly learning it was getting me nowhere. Annie fluffed out the diaper before bringing it down to me. “I can see you’ve done this before,” Jenny said to her, “Repetition is always good, especially when training. Using touch on the inner thigh and phrases like ‘butt up’ is good for getting him used to diaper changes.” I hated being talked about like I wasn’t in the room, like I was a baby. Yet I was hopelessly unable to resist when Annie tapped my inner thigh and ordered, “Butt up, Oliver.” “Down.” She pressed on my hips and my bottom landed on the considerable padding. “Baby powder is a must. You won’t always be there to change him immediately and nobody wants to deal with a rash.” “Good job,” Annie cooed to me, “Good boy being still for me.” Her praise lit up my brain. She sprinkled baby powder over my crotch. The diaper was pulled up over me and Jenny walked Annie through pulling on the tapes snugly. I instantly felt an odd sense of claustrophobia around my groin as it was sealed off. It was warm and bulky and for some reason I actually I preferred the sensation of being naked. Not to mention the sheer humiliation of being diapered like a toddler. Jenny checked the fit of the diaper and settled the leak guards into place. “Since we don’t know what level of incontinence new pet will have, store policy requires him to also be put in a diaper cover of some sort.” Jenny held up a cloth garment with plastic lining inside and snaps, sort of like another diaper. “Obviously, it’s ultimately up to you to decide what level of protection he needs, be it plastic pants, cloth diaper cover, etc.” Annie quickly repeated, “Butt up,” and laid out the diaper cover before snapping it on, making my crotch even bulkier. “Next, let’s get his other restraints on, starting with pet mitts.” I whined all over again and tugged at my bonds as Jenny took out the black leather pet paws. “Right now, he’s most likely stronger than you, no offense. That will probably change soon as his bones lose density and muscles lose mass, but for these first few weeks or so, you need to make sure he’s well restrained. Your voice’s authority as his Keeper is one of your best tools in this regard. For Female/male Bonds, training and using hypnotic triggers is more crucial than ever because you might not always be able to restrain him with just your physical strength.” Annie looked down on me squirming with the same sensuous look. “Keep him calm, Annie,” Jenny gently guided, “Take his arm, let him know what you’re doing.” “Shh, pet. Stay still for me. You’re going to be a good boy while I put your mitts on.” The warm smile conveying her command melted me as she unfastened the cuff and took my wrist. “These are to keep you safe. When you’re wearing them you'll know I am taking care of you.” “Very good!” Jenny complemented her as she inserted my hand into the mitt. My hand was slid into a comfortable position around a soft pad, but held tightly so I could barely bend my fingers. My hand would be completely useless. The mitt’s shape vaguely resembled a paw, with traction pads on the palm. There was a D-ring on the wrist that could be clipped. Once my hand was inside and tightened at the wrist, the mitt zipped halfway up my forearm and was fastened. My wrist was re-cuffed to the table. Annie talked me through the same thing on my other hand. My best chance at freeing myself and escaping my pethood was just taken away. “You should keep these on him at all times, other than baths, for the first few weeks, if not months. Some people use them permanently with their pets. Until he’s trained not to take off his diapers or open doors and latches he shouldn’t, his instincts will get the better of him. Now let’s do his legs.” They slipped a similar pet paw on my foot, and then a leg harness that came up to a soft pad fitted around my knee and a strap around my thigh. “Everything we’re using here comes free in the standard-issued pet kit for new Keepers, but they’re pretty cheap. You’ll probably want to upgrade to something else based on both your needs. You’ll have chance here a little later before taking him home if you like.” “Got it. Yeah, I’d like to get him something more comfortable,” said Annie. “There are different ways to keep a pet down on all fours. The most common is clipping a short strap from the thigh to the calf to keep the knees a little bent,” Jenny explained. “And there are different schools of thought on letting pets walk upright or be kept down. I do recommend new pets be kept down for a while, but, of course, that’s up to you as his Keeper.” I knew that many pets were kept on all fours all the time. No one even bats an eye seeing a half naked pet being walked on a leash, down on all fours in a diaper and restraints. It was totally mundane. Is Annie really not going to let me walk? Another wave of human clarity washed over me. Nothing was going to be my choice anymore. I was going lose everything. My entire life. For some unknown future with this near-stranger. Despair overwhelmed me and tears formed in my eyes. I wasn’t even struggling, I just laid there forlorn. Annie saw this and had a look of deep sympathy and concern. “That’s all for restraints, right?" She asked, with some urgency, without taking her eyes off me. “Yep! We can move on to registration now.” “So we can let him up for that,” Annie said, not really asking. “Well, we prefer to—” “—I want to let him up,” Annie interjected assertively and was already going to my ankle cuffs and undoing them. “Just for now.” “Okay, usually we do some bonding time after registering but I can see you need some time now. We’ll take a break.” Annie uncuffed my wrists and once free I immediately scrambled off the table into her arms, almost knocking her over. She brought me to the floor in her lap. My face was back in her chest and I began to full-on weep. Being enveloped in her touch and smell went a long way to comfort me, but I still felt the crushing weight of my lost life, and my lost future. And I sobbed. “Oh, my pet. It’s okay. Shh. I’ve got you,” she cooed, “I’m so glad I found you. You’re mine now. I promise I’m going to take care of you. My sweet boy. You’re never going to be alone. Shh. I’ve got you now.” I felt a warmness radiate through my body; a great comfort combating the anxiety and despair. Then I felt a physical warmness pooling around my crotch and I knew I was wetting the diaper; my diaper. Everything became a blur. 14
Snowflake182 Posted October 18, 2024 Posted October 18, 2024 I love the keeperverse stories, I'm looking forward to seeing this! This is a really strong start as well! 2
thedman Posted October 18, 2024 Posted October 18, 2024 Great start, always good to see some new keeperverse content, I need to rekindle my drive to continue on my own story, this just might be the prod I need 1
justforfun Posted October 18, 2024 Posted October 18, 2024 Great to see another story set in this universe! Looks like a good start, I'm curious to see where it goes! 1
justforfun Posted October 19, 2024 Posted October 19, 2024 I dusted off an old story I had started, based on Jeff's Story, but is much, much darker. It was mostly done but I never completed the final editing because it was... well, even I had a hard time reading it, emotionally, and I wrote the damn thing. Maybe I'll update it to be a little less... Disturbing. When you think about where these power dynamics and pet behaviors lead in the context of less-than-savory, exploitive characters... *Shiver*, and not in a good way. But going back, I do find these Keeperverse stories are interesting because the explore many of the same themes and dynamics as the, say, Diaper Dimension universe, but through a different lens. Some people prefer one perspective, some another, But both look at what is means to give control versus take control, what it means to be an 'adult' or even 'human', and the blurred lines between 'caring for' versus 'owning'. Personally, as a (very amateur) writer I find the color gamut between 'Keeper/human' and 'Pet/animal' to be wider and more interesting to explore than between 'Amazon' and 'Little', but it also starts to get into even more uncomfortable territory, which some people find interesting and others, not so much. So, I'm glad you're putting this out there, and I hope it inspires other to complete, or start, stories in this universe!
WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 19, 2024 Author Posted October 19, 2024 @justforfun I totally agree. I usually can't get into the Diaper Dimension stories, but for some reason the Keeperverse stories get me going like crazy. You definitely have to be willing to forgo any real examination of the darker implication of someone losing essentially all their agency, freedom, dignity, etc. I think it works for me a little more in Keeperverse because bbykimmy established there is a biological change wherein pets are overly impulsive and cannot live on their own without being a danger to themselves and others. They essentially are like actual pets, who are also intelligent. Just zooming out to the smutty fantasy lens, the prospect of total domination being completely acceptable and public in the Keeperverse is absolutely a crazy turn on for me, plus all the pet paraphernalia as restraints. It's also interesting to consider if this a world where other pets exist. Or has society evolved in a way that these transformed humans simply filled the role of what we know as pets? I sort of like the latter a little better personally, as it feels less dehumanizing if there aren't any dogs/cats to compare this treatment to. I've seen it both ways in stories; some where dogs/cats are never mentioned at all, and then some where human pets are just a another type of pet. I urge you to revisit that story if you feel the creative spark! I LOVE Jeff's Story, and would also love to see more Keeperverse content! Thanks for reading!
WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 19, 2024 Author Posted October 19, 2024 22 hours ago, thedman said: Great start, always good to see some new keeperverse content, I need to rekindle my drive to continue on my own story, this just might be the prod I need Do it! I would love to see this universe grow!
justforfun Posted October 19, 2024 Posted October 19, 2024 On 10/19/2024 at 7:37 AM, WillinglyUnwiling said: @justforfun It's also interesting to consider if this a world where other pets exist? I rather think that Pets exist along with 'normal' animal pets. Otherwise, what would the people know how to model it on? Most of the equipment being dual use (collars, leases, muzzles, cages, etc) helps explain why they would have been introduced and used already. I think that's mentioned in one of the other stories someplace? In any case, it allows for the interesting scene in the unpublished story where JayJay has taken a job as a dog walker, and has a run-in with Animal Control... So at least in that part of the world they definitely co-exist I look forward to much more of your story!!! 1
bbykimmy Posted October 21, 2024 Posted October 21, 2024 omg I'm so flattered that this is still inspiring people!!! Thank you for tagging me! I don't usually read male protag stories but I couldn't help myself on this one. I'm really curious what you consider to be your main influences in your writing style! I really enjoy it And you can call me Kimmy (yes, I'm that Kimmy from The Usual Bet lol) I really like where you're going with this, and yes, the universe is rooted ultimately in the normalization of the fetish, which means that there needs to be sane legal protections for what is a helpless group of semi-people. Yes, there will be exploitation because there will always be some people who lack empathy or love for one reason or another, but ultimately society is run because everyone - no matter how misguided - generally acts toward what they believe to be morally correct. For most, that includes helping the helpless and caring for those in need which includes legal protections. Plus I just really like shopping scenes. 3
Diaperingdaddy Posted October 22, 2024 Posted October 22, 2024 10 hours ago, bbykimmy said: omg I'm so flattered that this is still inspiring people!!! Thank you for tagging me! I don't usually read male protag stories but I couldn't help myself on this one. I'm really curious what you consider to be your main influences in your writing style! I really enjoy it And you can call me Kimmy (yes, I'm that Kimmy from The Usual Bet lol) I really like where you're going with this, and yes, the universe is rooted ultimately in the normalization of the fetish, which means that there needs to be sane legal protections for what is a helpless group of semi-people. Yes, there will be exploitation because there will always be some people who lack empathy or love for one reason or another, but ultimately society is run because everyone - no matter how misguided - generally acts toward what they believe to be morally correct. For most, that includes helping the helpless and caring for those in need which includes legal protections. Plus I just really like shopping scenes. Lots of us love your keeperverse! Hope to see more! What other thoughts you got in that mind of yours you haven't shared yet?
WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 22, 2024 Author Posted October 22, 2024 12 hours ago, bbykimmy said: omg I'm so flattered that this is still inspiring people!!! Thank you for tagging me! I don't usually read male protag stories but I couldn't help myself on this one. I'm really curious what you consider to be your main influences in your writing style! I really enjoy it Thank you!!!! I wish I had better answer for you regarding my influences. Being such an amateur, it's mostly just stream of consciousness of my fantasy within your universe. With ABDL stuff in general, I tend to gravitate towards stories that deal with the transition from full-fledged adult into being affectionately dominated, and the various stages of resisting that and giving into it. And the Keeperverse is rife with opportunity to explore that!
bbykimmy Posted October 22, 2024 Posted October 22, 2024 12 hours ago, Diaperingdaddy said: Lots of us love your keeperverse! Hope to see more! What other thoughts you got in that mind of yours you haven't shared yet? D'aww. I actually write almost every single day, just not a lot of ABDL stories anymore. I write for fun with my friend Juno and we put all kinds of crazy, elaborate, and kinky energy out there - but we're the only ones who get to see it. I just don't generally put in the effort to edit it into something more coherent. 8 hours ago, WillinglyUnwiling said: Thank you!!!! I wish I had better answer for you regarding my influences. Being such an amateur, it's mostly just stream of consciousness of my fantasy within your universe. With ABDL stuff in general, I tend to gravitate towards stories that deal with the transition from full-fledged adult into being affectionately dominated, and the various stages of resisting that and giving into it. And the Keeperverse is rife with opportunity to explore that! Well I like your style! It's very clean, deliberate, and thoughtful. ❤️ 1
WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 23, 2024 Author Posted October 23, 2024 Thank you for all the kind comments! This is another long chapter, but I didn't want to break this one up. Most of the rest will be more digestible. *** Chapter 2- Remade I had never really given much of a second thought to pets. I always just saw them as unlucky people with some sort of genetic predisposition to the Bond. They looked like us, but after bonding they weren’t really human anymore, right? How easy it had always been for me to make that distinction. Like some rare disease or a random tragedy, bonding felt like one of those things that happens to other people, not me. If it was going to happen, there would’ve been signs before now, right? I made it through 30 years of vanilla life without ever feeling the pull of submission or dominance. I was self-sufficient, had a well-maintained social circle, more or less mentally well. I was as “normal” and boring as they came. I guess I thought that made me immune to becoming a pet. Still so little was understood about the Bond. Most of all, where it comes from. Why the random pairings? Despite the prevalence of theories, they hadn’t actually discovered any sort of “Keeper/pet” gene unique to bonded individuals. Were there “potential” pets and Keepers that have the trait awakened in one moment? Or maybe the whole population is susceptible and most people just never meet their Keeper/pet? Or maybe Keepers and pets have some sort of cosmic pull towards one another? And is there only one person someone could Bond with, or multiple possible pairings? Just another mystery of the universe for now, it seems, but it had become my universe in the blink of an eye. ****** When the world became clearer my upper body was laying in Annie’s lap, arms wrapped around her waist. She was stroking my thick brown hair. I always left it a little longer on top, short on the sides, and swept it overtop my head. My short beard itched underneath the muzzle. My body was achy all over. There was moisture on my face and Annie’s blouse from my tears, but I was calmer now. I could feel the thigh/calf strap had been clipped, keeping my knees a little bent. I turned my head and looked up at Annie, who gave me the warmest smile. “Hi, sweet thing,” she cooed. She used a tissue to wipe my face a bit. Jenny was working on a tablet, giving us some space, but noticed our stirring. “Do we think we’re ready to proceed?” Jenny asked gently. “Yes, I think so,” Annie replied. “Thank you.” “Of course! I totally understand how intense this is. I’ve seen it dozens of times, and I’ve lived it with my own pet.” Jenny came over with the tablet and some supplies. “Did we want to move him back or—?” “He’s fine like this right now,” Annie asserted. “We can do it here. Right, Oliver?” I nodded. Anything to stay in her embrace and out of more restraints, or the cage. Knowing she wanted me to stay in her lap filled my heart. “Alright. Let’s get him registered. First, I need a small blood sample.” Annie kept my attention on her as Jenny pricked my bicep with the collection device. It didn’t really hurt, but my body still jerked as if it were in danger before I could compose myself. “Good job. Next, can I have both your licenses?” Annie had them ready. “Thank you.” Jenny worked away on her tablet and narrated what she was entering. “Oliver Becker. Male. Age 30. Human height and weight: 5’9”. 160 pounds. Blue eyes. His license lets me let access his social security number and then government records will autofill most of the rest.” “And now Keeper. Annie Summers. Female. Age 32. 5’7”. 140 pounds. Brown eyes.…” and Jenny read off Annie’s address and government identity info. “Okay, you’re both unmarried with no kids. That makes things significantly easier. What’s your occupation?” “I’m an attorney.” “If you can take some time off work over the next week, I highly suggest it. We recommend new Keepers spend as much time as possible with their pets in the first several days. He’ll be the most pliable to training now, but also just to foster your Bond.” “Yep, that shouldn’t be an issue. My company is really understanding of these situations.” “Awesome. And now your home situation. Apartment/house? Own/rent? And size?” “I just bought a house a few months ago,” Annie replied. “It’s two bed, two bath. One main level and a small basement.” “Do you live alone?” “Yes.” “And do you feel this is a suitable place to care for your pet?” “Yes I do.” “Perfect! Okay, Annie, I need you to sign a few things here.” Jenny handed her the tablet and stylus. I instantly missed her touch from my head. “The first is a document basically swearing you’ve truly experienced the Bond with a pet. I will co-sign attesting as a professional that everything I’ve seen confirms this is legitimate.” Annie signed. “The second document is your commitment to your pet. To care for him and provide for him. Not to exploit, abuse, or neglect him, under penalty of law.” Annie signed quickly. “And the third. This is confirming Oliver’s change of status from human to pet, making you his legal guardian and him your dependent. It gives you authority over all decisions regarding his wellbeing. It also has some information on the legal transfer of his possessions.” It still didn’t feel real that I was losing my adulthood, and all the freedoms that came with it. I clutched Annie’s waist tighter in a subconscious attempt to soothe myself and shifted uneasily in my wet diaper. It felt gross and I wanted it off. Another whimper escaped my mouth despite myself. Annie signed the tablet and handed it back to Jenny, and her touch returned to my head. “Perfect. His last name will become yours. Do you want to change his first name? A lot of Keepers do. It can help with the transition to a new identity.” “Uh…” Annie muttered. I looked up to see her looking back at me contemplatively. Is she really going to take my name? “I don’t know. I mean, he’s already in my head as Oliver. And ‘Ollie’ is super cute. Let’s keep it as is, I think.” “It can always be changed later. I’ll put down Oliver Summers for now. Pets don’t typically have legal middle names.” So only two-thirds of my name changed. Yay… “Annnd done. Congratulations, you are now legally his Keeper and owner.” I felt remorse and uncertainty, but I saw joy in Annie’s eyes, and I couldn’t help but feel a little less shitty knowing this perfect creature was going to care for me forever. “Okay, let’s get him chipped. It’s all programmed now, we just need to insert it.” I was not loving the word ‘insert’ and I looked to see Jenny approaching with the chipping gun. Annie held me tightly as I instinctively squirmed. “It’s okay. You’re okay, baby. Just look at me,” she soothed. I felt Jenny press the gun into the base of my neck. A very sharp sting caused me to loudly yelp into the gag, which was barely audible. “Sorry, buddy,” Jenny said, “But that’s it. All done.” She put a bandaid on the area. “Okay, I’m going to give you two some time alone while I go send his blood sample to the lab and make sure all our forms are squared away. Once you’re ready, just press the call button.” Jenny smiled warmly and exited the room, re-locking the door behind her. Annie and I sat in silence for a moment, letting the intensity of the day sit. She repositioned me in her lap so I was laying on my back and put her hands on the muzzle. “I’d like to take this off. Will you be good? And stay calm?” I nodded enthusiastically. She unbuckled the leather strap behind my head and removed the gag slowly. I flexed my jaw. I wanted to scream. I wanted to bolt, but there was enough common sense left in me to know the door was locked and my hands were useless. "Hi," Annie said sweetly. Once again at a loss for words, I just said, "Hi" back to her. “I know it’s a stupid question, but are you doing okay?” Annie asked me. My brain was going a million miles a second but I tried to slow it down and actually consider her question. “I don’t know. I know I want to be near you in a way I can’t explain…but I can’t believe this is happening to me. I mean, a couple hours ago I was person, and now I’m…just…” She turned my face towards her. “Hey. You’re still a person. You’re my person. And I promise to care for you and protect you. Always.” I felt pleasantly fuzzy hearing her affirmation. “I can’t imagine what this must feel like for you,” she continued, “but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you’re happy. And I can’t wait to get to know you, even though it feels like I already do.” “This is so weird.” “I know. but we’ll figure it out together.” “But what about my job? I was going to a meeting. And my car is there. I’m supposed to quit now, aren’t I? And how do I tell my friends? And what about my family?” I was starting to spiral. “Shh shh, hey, slow down. You don’t need to worry about any of that, baby. I’m going to take care of it all.” Hearing this, I felt a nagging in the back of my head I couldn’t ignore that was making me emotional; doubt and guilt. Like I was a burden. “Do you—do you even want a pet?” My voice broke and I could feel my eyes welling. “I want you, Oliver. And I’m so glad to have you. I want to take care of you so badly, I can’t even put it into words. So of course I want a pet.” There was a pause as I let her affection reassure me. “Thank you for letting me keep my name.” “I like it. It suits you. Some people think I should change your name or you’ll get confused now that you’re not that same person. But I think you’ve lost enough today, and I think you can be my pet and still be Oliver, right?” I nodded. “Can you say it for me?” she asked. Her tone had changed to be a little more sensual as she ran her hand along my bare torso. “Hmm?” “Tell me who you belong to,” she ordered gently. “I belong to you. You’re my Keeper. I’m yours.” And I meant it, from deep in my bones. I could tell she enjoyed hearing it. “Good boy.” My body tingled with pleasure. The sensation of her hands on my skin felt divine. I was becoming stiff inside the wet diaper. I unconsciously moaned under her touch. Annie let out a chuckle, making me self-conscious. “I’m not normally like this,” I said sheepishly, “Like at all.” “I know what you mean. Me neither,” she said. “I mean it’s not like the thought never crossed my mind that I could be a Keeper one day. I’ve always found pets to be so adorable. I loved my roommate’s pet. So I did my research, but I never felt like a Keeper. And yet now it feels so natural. Seeing you here, all bound up. Obeying me. I can’t help it.” She bit her lip and ran her hand over my padded crotch. I lurched at her touch and she smirked. “It’s intoxicating. Suddenly it feels like I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” “I think I know what you mean,” I responded. “Can I ask you some questions about yourself?” she asked. “Mmhmm,” I mumbled, a little disappointed the teasing had stopped. Annie proceeded to ask me about my job, my living situation in my apartment, my possessions, my finances, and other logistics. It was difficult imagining I wouldn’t be going back to those things, but she did a good job of soothing me through it. I could tell she was staying away from asking me about emotional things like my friends, family, hobbies, etc. It was a little tense, but also nice to talk to her like an adult for the first time. She asked me if I have ever known someone who ended up becoming a pet, which I hadn’t. I hadn’t even really spent all that much time around pets. In fact, I specifically avoided women on dating apps who said they were Keepers. Pets just weren’t really people I was super interested in being around. I never really figured out how to interact with them or how to treat them, and I didn’t even find them particularly cute. I just felt pity for them more than anything. Back in college I had a friend who became a Keeper. We didn’t see her as much after that. Her life began to revolve around her pet. Turns out bars and city nightlife aren’t great scenes for a pet. Then Annie told me about herself. Her career as a defense attorney for a small firm, her time living with a pet, her new house. She lived across the city from me, not too far from where we were. She told me the basics of her life and I just laid and listened, relishing the chance to know her better, and adore her even more. I closed my eyes. “Here, Jenny left some water for you earlier. Do you think you could drink it for me? She said it’s important to keep you extra hydrated while your body changes.” I nodded. I was actually feeling really thirsty. She brought the cup of water to my lips and I gulped it down quickly. “Good boy,” she praised and I felt the warm body tingle again. I laid my head back in her lap. “I don’t want my body to change,” I lamented. “I know, honey,” she replied sympathetically. “I’m sorry. But it won’t be all bad. I promise.” She gently scratched behind my ear and I hated to admit that it felt wonderful. “For whatever it’s worth, I think you’re being incredibly brave.” It was worth a lot, more than she knew. I was feeling relaxed in her lap, and started to feel tired. It had been a long few hours. “What happens now?” I asked her. “Well, I definitely need to get some things before we head home.” “Home,” I said, as if testing out the concept. “Yes, our home,” she confirmed, “Obviously you’re moving in with me. It’s not exactly pet-proofed or anything, but that can wait a day or two. I’ll take the rest of the week off and we’ll just get you settled. They have a list of things I for sure need to get before we leave. Kaitlin will come get us with my car. I might be able to get my sister to come help out over the next few days…” I closed my eyes and listened as she continued listing off tasks but felt sleepier and sleepier, unnaturally so, as she ran her fingers through my hair. Annie could see I was nodding off. She leaned down and whispered, “I’m so happy I found you, my sweet boy. I would never want anyone else.” She said more sweet things I don’t remember as I faded to unconsciousness. ****** I awoke lying on a comfortable, soft surface. I opened my eyes to see bars. I had been moved to the elevated exam cage. Luckily I wasn’t muzzled. My groin was dry so my diaper must’ve been changed while I was out. I was normally such a light sleeper. How the hell did they change my diaper and move me into the cage without waking me? I looked around and saw I was alone in the room. I was immediately unsettled by the absence of my Keeper, and the fact I was locked in a cage. There was enough room that I could get on all fours. I quickly turned around and thrust my encased hands out, trying to find the latch. There would be no way I could ever open anything with the mitts on, but I wasn’t thinking rationally. “Annie?” I called. “Annie!” Louder this time, more panicked. Where is she? I had just found her and now she was gone. Why would she leave me here alone? I pawed at the lock helplessly, and then rammed my shoulder into the bars in frustration. Again I called her name and whimpered desperately. What if she decided she doesn’t want a pet? What if she left me? My breathing was quick and labored. I kept fumbling at the latch futilely. Finally the door opened and a woman in the same pet store polo as Jenny entered. “Hi there, sweetie,” she greeted me warmly. “You’re okay, boy, you’re ok–.” “–Where’s Annie?!” I blurted urgently. “Why isn’t she here?” “Your Keeper is here. She’s just right over in the retail area getting supplies for you, but she’ll be back any minute.” I suddenly felt stupid. And needy. And childish. Of course she needed to go buy supplies. They probably sedated me earlier just so she had the chance. I’m a grown man, I told myself. Except I wasn’t. I was a pet now. And I needed my Keeper. Badly. Without her, none of this made sense, and my world was insecure and frightening. “Can you get her?” I asked, trying to stay composed. “Please?” She gave me a sympathetic look. She was wearing an earpiece connected to a radio, same as Jenny had been. She pressed a button on the chord. “Jenny, are you with Annie Summers? Her pet is awake and anxious to see her.” Again, I felt small and silly, but I didn’t really care, I just needed Annie to be near. “Okay…Great.. Thank you!” She looked back to me. “She’s checking out now and on her way.” Yes! That helped ease me a bit. I waited several anxious minutes until the door opened and Annie’s perfect smile was back in sight. I tried to temper my elation but couldn’t as I smiled with relief and got up on all fours. “Hi, sweet boy!” She quickly moved to the cage and reached in to touch me. “I missed you, sleepyhead.” Everything felt right again with my Keeper’s hands on me and her scent around me. Jenny undid the latch and lowered the door. I eagerly nuzzled into Annie’s waiting arms. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up,” she said, “I wanted to be, but there was just a lot to choose from out there!” “Sorry, I don't know why I was freaking out so much. I just…” “I know, honey. Me too. I was only right out there in the store for a while, but I already missed you a lot.” Knowing she felt the distance as much as I did felt amazing. “I have something for you,” she said. From a shopping bag she produced a short blue strap made of nylon. It was a collar. The ultimate symbol of my new status. Of my pet-hood. Once this was on there was no going back. Everywhere I went, everyone would know I was owned and kept. That I wasn’t an adult, I was a pet. Annie’s pet. I swallowed in nervous anticipation. “When I put this on you, think of this it my touch around your neck. Whenever you feel it, you will know I am taking care of you and protecting you.” She spoke calmly and with authority. I sat still as she reached out and wrapped the collar around my neck. I heard the click of the lock as she fastened it on and I whimpered a little. There was D ring positioned under my chin and a little black plastic rectangle along one side. I moved my head around a bit, trying to get used to the feeling. “Good boy.” She stroked my hair and euphoria washed over me. “It’s a good model, Annie,” Jenny said, “There are instructions in the box that will tell you how to get set up the app to monitor his heart rate, breathing, whether he’s conscious, and more. And of course you can track his location if he gets away from you.” “See, pet?” Annie said, “Even if I’m not physically with you, I’ll always be looking after you.” I didn’t know if I hated the close supervision or loved it. I suspected I would be feeling a lot of that ambiguity from now on. But I was definitely loving the attention from Annie as she scratched my head and then took my face in her hands and kissed me on the forehead. I nearly fuzzed out right there. “Also, I talked to your boss on the phone and let her know about the situation. She was obviously pretty surprised, but she understood. I mean, Bonding happens. That’s life. So that’s more or less taken care of. You don’t have to worry about it.” “Wait, how did you get ahold of her? Or even know to?” “Your phone,” she answered, “Your cell carrier unlocked it remotely once your pet status was confirmed, and I opened your work emails.” “Oh.” I said, a bit dejected. I guess privacy doesn’t really exist for me anymore. “I know it must suck, but I don’t want to hide anything. I’d rather just be upfront about what’s happening.” It did suck, but I appreciated her candor. “I think that’s a pretty good approach, Annie,” Jenny said, “Some pets can handle it more than others. Just pay close attention to his mood. You don’t want to overwhelm him. This transition is obviously a lot. But I would say Oliver is doing exceptionally well with everything.” She turned to me, “You really are.” “I agree,” Annie said, stroking my head. “Ready to go home?” I nodded at the prospect, but then had a realization. “Wait, do I have to go out there in just this?” “Well, I didn’t have time to pick out any pet clothes. And your body temp is raising quickly. You won’t be comfortable in anything else.” “Oh come on, please?” I whined She turned to Jenny. “Do you have any sort of top he could wear?” “Hmm, well we do have some short tops for female pets, just to cover their breasts.” “I really don’t mind!” I chimed in. “Okay, I suppose it couldn’t hurt this once,” Annie said. Jenny fetched a plain black shirt from a cupboard and Annie threaded my arms and head inside. The loose top came down to my mid torso, well above my belly button, but it still felt more dignified than being naked except for the diaper and restraints. Jenny used a foot pedal to lower the exam table so Annie could help me out of the cage and onto the floor. “Now, sit.” Her instruction held the weight of a command from a Keeper; firm and with booming authority that reached down into my subconsciousness. Without a second thought I quickly sat my diapered bottom against my heels. “Good boy.” More warm tingling. She pulled out a leash from her shopping bag. It was blue, matching my collar. She knelt down. “Just like your collar, treat this leash like it were my hand guiding you along. When you feel it pull, follow it and know that I’m taking you somewhere safe.” She clipped the leash to the ring on my collar. “One more thing. Just because it might be scary to go out there, and they said it’s store policy..." She took out another leather muzzle with a gag. This one looked a little more comfortable and wouldn’t encapsulate so much of my jaw, but still just as restrictive. I started to say something as she brought it near but she was quick to cut me off. “Ah ah ah, just open for me. It’s just until we get home.” I relented and obeyed. She inserted the rubber teat into my mouth and brought the strap around my head. In retrospect, the rubber bulb made it feel like a mix between a muzzle and a pacifier. “Thank you for being so good, pet.” She rewarded me with head scratches. “Nice job, Annie. Like I said, you’re a natural. Literally. You have a biological imperative to take care of him. That’s good, because his changing body and mind means he won’t be able to look after himself. Listen to that instinct and the rest will fall into place. For both of you. I promise.” “Okay, off we go.” Annie gently pulled on the leash as Jenny opened the door. I gave a few hesitant movements forward on all fours, testing it out. “It won’t feel like the most natural thing in the world at first," Jenny explained to me, "but as your body gets lighter and leaner, it'll become second nature.” It felt awkward and humiliating to move like this. The bulky diaper and cover made it worse and crinkled loudly as I moved my hips. Annie walked slowly to allow me to try to find a rhythm. The pet paws and knee pads at least made it comfortable to hold my body weight, which I was sure was already in the process of decreasing. Both Annie and Jenny seemed to pay close attention to me as moved through the short hallway, probably to see if I was going to try to take off running. I wasn’t sure how I could even try with the restraints. We made it to the side entry we initially came through. There was an SUV parked just outside that I figured must be Annie’s. “Okay,” Jenny said to Annie, “So like I was saying earlier, try to schedule the initial pet-doctor check-up for sometime around a week from now. In the meantime, we’re here if you need any guidance or want professional help with training or anything like that!” “Thank you, Jenny. I appreciate you helping us through this!” “Of course! You’ll do fine. You too, Oliver,” she said, kneeling down and placing a hand on my shoulder. “Every pet has felt how you do now. And I don’t know a single one who doesn’t love their life now. You’re lucky to have Annie, and she’s lucky to have you.” She rubbed my arm a bit. Her words were kind. She gave us a wave and left us there. Even with hardly any clothing on in the cool afternoon air, I wasn’t the least bit cold. Kaitlin came out of the driver seat. “Hey! They just finished loading everything,” she said to Annie. “Perfect. I’m more than ready to get home. I’m sure he’s tired too.” “Look how cute he is,” Kaitlin gushed, much to my chagrin. She knelt down to me. “Hi, Oliver. It’s nice to officially meet you.” I blushed furiously. Having Annie and the professional staff see me like this was one thing, but now it was another random person, someone who would’ve been my peer just hours ago. She reached out a hand. “May I?” she asked, looking to Annie. “Go ahead, just a little bit,” Annie replied. She tightened the slack on my leash to keep me in place. Kaitlin brought her hand to my head and stroked my hair a little. I fought the urge to pull back. It didn’t feel bad, it just wasn’t my Keeper’s touch and my body seemed to innately understand that. I shifted my weight a bit so my torso leaned up against Annie’s leg, trying to feel her for comfort. She brought her hand down to my head. “Aww,” Kaitlin giggled. She stood and opened the back door. Annie unclipped my leg restraints and helped me to my feet. “In you go, mister.” She gave me highly embarrassing pat on my butt and guided me into the seat, before climbing in after me and pulling me into her lap. “It’s against the law to not have a pet either crated or in a pet carseat,” Annie said to Kaitlin, “but I couldn’t decide on anything without him with me. It’s a short distance so we’ll just avoid the highway and go nice and slow.” “Got it,” said Kaitlin. I felt the car move into drive. “Thanks again for doing this! It means a lot.” “Of course! It’s not a problem at all. Not like you get a pet everyday. I’ll have someone from the office help me drop off your car with you tomorrow.” “I appreciate it. It’s been a long, but wonderful, afternoon. I’m just happy to be getting him home.” I felt too secure in Annie’s lap to let my worry work me up. She held me tightly, probably worried that I was unbuckled. It just made me feel even safer and more relaxed. I didn’t even try to pay attention to their conversation any further. 16
WillinglyUnwiling Posted October 27, 2024 Author Posted October 27, 2024 Chapter 3- Home I wasn’t asleep, more like daydreaming, but I was definitely zoned out, enjoying the warmth of Annie’s body. Must be a pet thing, I figured. I was roused by the car pulling into a driveway. “We’re home,” Annie whispered to me and tousled my hair. She moved me off her lap. “Now, I want you to stay put while we move your things out of the back, okay?” I nodded as she closed the door behind her. Annie and Kaitlin had moved to the now open trunk and began grabbing bags. I tried to look over the seat to see. There was a large crate, obviously a kennel/cage for a human pet, and several bags of supplies. I couldn’t really make out what was in them, but one of them was definitely a massive pack of disposable diapers. Annie smiled at my nervous curiosity. “You’re okay, baby. Just sit tight for a few minutes.” I just laid back down and tried to quell my anxiety by taking in Annie’s scent from where she was sitting. I was embarrassed to admit to myself that it was working. There were several trips back and forth before finally the trunk closed. My adrenaline spiked as Annie opened the backdoor and grabbed the leash handle. I didn’t want anyone to see me like this, gagged and in a diaper, down on all fours. And I couldn’t even tell her that. I instinctively shifted back in the opposite direction until the leash was pulled taut. “Hey, woah, what’s up?” she asked, concerned. “You’re okay. Come here.” I got a hold of myself and moved into her arms. “I’ve got you. I just want to bring you in. You wanna go inside, right?” I nodded. “Well then let’s go, silly.” She helped me out of the car. My attention was on the neighborhood, trying to see if anyone was in sight. I didn’t see anyone. “Sit,” she said. I hesitated, not wanting to be on the ground. Definitely not out in the open. Another thought came to my head: Maybe I could run. Maybe this is my last chance. Could Annie really physically stop me? “Sit,” she ordered again, this time with an undeniable firmness in her voice that could only come from a Keeper. Her command reached down deep into my subconscious and compelled me to heed it. I quickly fell to my knees and butt, looking up at her. “Good. We’ll work on that.” She knelt down and clipped the leg restraints. “Let’s get you inside.” A gentle tug of the leash prompted me forward and I quickly followed her up the sidewalk on all fours to the front door being held open. Her house was really cozy; modestly sized, what some people might call “a starter home,” but with nice carpeting and lots of windows. Plus, traces of her scent were everywhere. That was nice. Annie led me to the living room and told me to stay. I saw all the bags of supplies she had bought, and a big kennel was set up. I knew it was mine, but it still hadn’t set in, really. Annie hugged Kaitlin, who was reassuring her work would be fine while she was gone. While Annie wasn’t looking I tried to examined the leg restraints keeping me from standing, seeing if there was any way I could remove them with my mitts on. The girls exchanged goodbyes and I quickly quit my subterfuge. The door closed and we were finally alone. It felt like one of the first moments of quiet in the chaos of the day. Annie sighed a deep sigh, one of relief, and looked over to me. “Wow, what a day,” she mused. Yeah, I’ll say. She came over to me and knelt down. She unclipped the leash and then moved her hands to the muzzle. “You’ll be good, right?” She arched an eyebrow. “Mmhmm,” I mumbled behind the gag. She unhooked the clasp and took off the muzzle. I licked my lips and flexed my jaw. “Thanks. It’s itchy on my beard.” She scratched my face for me, which felt great. I leaned into it contently and she giggled. “I think we can take this off now too.” She was tugging at the short black top. I sighed but let her remove it. It probably looked ridiculous anyway. “Are you thirsty?” “Mmhmm.” “Stay right here. Don’t move, okay?” She quickly ducked into a the kitchen, losing sight of me for just a second before returning with a water bottle. She held it to my lips. It was so cold and refreshing, I immediately began guzzling it down. “Thirsty boy!” she laughed. Without thinking I was sucking it sloppily and water spilled out around my mouth and dripped down. “Woah, careful!” she said, amused. I realized what I was doing and snapped out of it. I had downed almost the whole bottle. “Sorry, I guess I was really thirsty.” She just chuckled and wiped my face with her sleeve. “How are you feeling?” She stroked my face. “I don’t know. I’m really tired. And my stomach hurts. I’m sorta achy all over.” “Jenny said that would happen. It’s your body shifting. She gave me some medication to help with that.” Ugh, great. She produced two medication bottles. “Here, open up.” She brought a few pills to my mouth and gave me another sip of water. “Good. That should help.” “So. Welcome home, my pet. How about I show you around?" “Sure. Can I walk?” “Mmm, I think for today, let’s just get you a little used to being down.” “Okay,” I said, a bit dejected. “I promise I will let you walk plenty if you show me you can behave.” That gave me some hope. I didn’t want to be like this all the time. She led me around to her kitchen and small dining area, with a door to the backyard. We then went down the hall where we passed a guest room/office, a nice big bathroom, and her bedroom, complete with her own bathroom. “So that’s it! The basement is just laundry, storage, and my workout stuff. I don’t really want you going down there. The stairs are steep and it’s all concrete.” “You have a really nice place. It’s cozy,” I said. “We have a nice place, Oliver,” Annie corrected. She knelt down to me. “This is your home too, now. I really want you to feel like it is.” She stroked my hair. “I’m going to set up plenty of space for you in the living room, and I think in the guest room, which I’m gonna turn partially into an office, so I can work from home sometimes. That way I can be here with you more.” I blushed, but it made me feel nice she wanted to be here with me. “So…what about my place?” “Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s just get through the rest of the night and tomorrow. We don’t have to figure everything out now.” “Okay,” I said. She slumped down on the couch. “Now come here, I want to hold you for a bit.” I liked the sound of that. She took me down into her lap and rubbed my stomach soothingly. “This still doesn’t feel real,” I said. My head was reeling trying to process everything. “But the rational part of me knows what this means, and that there’s no going back. Pets are pets. They’re just not wired or built the same. They can’t be normal people,” I said, with a forlorn tone. I was becoming emotional again. “No, but they can be happy and loved.” “Thank you.” She look a little confused. “For what?” “For being so kind to me.” There were tears in my eyes now. “And for being my Keeper.” She was tearing up now too. “This would be so much worse without you,” I choked out. She scooped me up into a tight hug, as we both cried in each other’s arms. After I calmed down a bit, I was feeling more relaxed as Annie idly played with my hair and whispered affirmations. I was suddenly very sleepy again, but I felt warm and loved in her arms. “How about you take a little nap, and I’ll be right here when you wake up. That’s it. Good boy. Everything’s going to be okay, Oliver. I promise.” And I was out. ***** I slowly drifted into consciousness experiencing some vague, distant, foggy dream about going to the bathroom, standing in a urinal. Things became clearer and I quickly realized I was actively peeing my diaper. I couldn’t stop the flow of urine flooding around my crotch, into the thirsty padding. The sogginess felt gross. I was curled up the couch. Embarrassingly, I had also drooled the cushion. I wiped my mouth with the mitten and turned over to see the living room had been tidied of many of the bags from the pet store. Annie was on the other couch against the window. She had changed out of her work clothes into comfortable-looking leggings and a loose shirt. She was reading a book. I squinted to see the title. Your First Week With Your Pet. There was a plate on the coffee table with some remnants of food and a fork. Some time had clearly passed. I took a moment to admire Annie shrouded in the setting sunlight before she noticed of me. “Hey there. Sleep well?” “Mmm,” I mumbled lazily. “A little groggy?” I nodded. “Sorry, that’s probably my fault. They said I should give you a short-lasting sedative with the other medication so I could have some time to get the house ready. There’s still a lot to do, but I got a good start.” She came over and knelt down on the floor in front of the couch, running her hands over me. “Feeling any better?” “A little. I’m still kinda nauseous,” I told her. “Aww, I’m sorry,” she said, gently rubbing my stomach. “They said you will be for a day or two. It’s because your digestive tract is changing quickly, but you still have human food in your system. Unfortunately there’s no real way around it. That said, I still need to try to feed you something to keep up your strength.” I frowned. Food. I hadn’t even thought about food yet. Pets didn’t eat normal food. They couldn’t digest it the way humans could. I tried not to think about all the food I would never have again. But I shuddered to think what I would be eating from now on. “First, how’s your diaper?” She didn’t wait for answer as she pressed her hand into the padding of my crotch and then put two fingers into the leg hole. “Oh yeah, you definitely need a change.” I blushed furiously and buried my face in the couch. “It must’ve been the sedative,” I reasoned, unwilling to accept incontinence as an explanation. “Maybe,” she smirked. “Anyway, diaper change first. Then food.” She got up and went to where she had organized some materials by the kennel, including the giant pack of diapers. She unfold a big, plastic-lined diaper changing mat. “Okay, come here. Diaper change time,” she said cheerily and patted the mat. I groaned. Why does she have to say it like that? I thought. I moved slowly off the couch and the soggy diaper shifted weight and redistributed my pee as I crawled over to the mat. “Maybe I could just do it myself?” I asked. “No, baby. I’m not even sure you could with your dexterity now. And I’m sorry but I’m not letting you out of the mitts. Your impulse control is really weak right now and your emotions are high.” “It’s just so humiliating,” I whined. “It’s not humiliating, it’s just what pets need to do, sweetie,” she said sympathetically, “Besides, I’ve changed my roommate’s pet’s diapers a thousand times. And I’ve already changed yours twice. Nothing I haven’t seen.” I sighed. “Now lay down,” she ordered. I complied. “Good.” “Okay, so I think this is where we’ll do most diaper changes. I have all your things set up.” She pulled a new diaper from the pack, another blue one, and grabbed wipes, lotion, and baby powder. “Maybe I won’t always need them,” I posited, “I mean, it’s a spectrum, right? Not all pets lose full control.” She looked to me. “Ollie, you’ve wet yourself three times today already.” “But that was different! Everything’s been…intense today. And then there were the sedatives. And this time I woke up feeling myself going! And I feel like I’m in control of it right now!” I was whining now. “Shh. No, you’re not in control,” she said softly. She ran her hands over my body soothingly, “And that’s okay, because I am, and I’m going to take care of you. That’s my job.” I moaned, as both a sign of my discontent and as reaction to her touch. “So, we’ll see what happens later on, but for now you’re going to be in diapers and I’m going to change them. Okay, baby?” “Fine,” I grumbled. She untaped and opened the diaper. I just brought an arm up around my face as she began wiping the urine off my body, trying unsuccessfully to hide from the humiliation. Annie laughed. “Oh, come on, there’s really nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. It’s not like you can help it. It’s just what pets do.” “Well I don’t like it,” I barked back. “Duly noted. You have every right to be grumpy, but you’ll get used to it,” she said reassuringly. I didn’t want to get used to it. I didn’t want to get used any of this. “Butt up.” She pulled the used diaper away and rolled it up. She deposited it into a large diaper pail she clearly just bought. I heard a snap and looked up to see Annie donning latex gloves. I looked to her inquisitively. “Okay, you’re not going to love this next part, but we gotta do it.” “What?” I asked worriedly, trying to see what she was setting up. She squirted a big glob of cream into her hand. “It’s hair removal cream. We need to get rid of this pesky hair in your diaper area to help keep you clean.” “Oh, come on!” I whined. I squirmed, but a firm arm from Annie on my hip kept me in place. “Stay.” Again her voiced carried a fierceness that thrust itself into the deepest part of my brain and my body simply obeyed it before my mind could resist. I moaned grumpily. “Do you want a rash? Hmm? Do you want to make it harder for me to clean you every time I change your diaper?” That shut me up. “I’m only gonna do your diaper area for now. And if you be a good boy and stay still, I promise I’ll give you a reward.” My ears perked up. What could she mean by that? I really wanted to find out. Stupid pet brain, so easily excited by the prospect of a reward from my Keeper. This entire experience had been so weird. One minute I was lost in instinctual behavior I didn’t understand, and the next I was overcome with a human clarity of my situation. The pet versus the person. It was disorienting. My thoughts were interrupted by Annie spreading cream all over my crotch. I let out a reflexive whimper as it began to tingle. “Shhh, you’re okay, pet. It won’t hurt,” she cooed, “Stay still.” I was so conflicted by her calling me ‘pet.’ The largest part of me felt warm and blissfully submissive hearing it. The human part of me felt infantilized and humiliated and wanted to push back. The pet side was clearly winning out as my penis grew under her touch. She smirked at this reaction. "I think we'll save that for later, baby." She spread the foamy cream all around the nooks and crannies of my genitals, thighs, and butt. “Bring your legs up,” she ordered. I blushed as she spread my cheeks and worked her hands into my delicate skin. She took off her gloves and got me some more water while we waited a few minutes for the cream to work as the tingling sensation grew in intensity. Just as it was starting to burn a bit, she took a plastic scraper and methodically wiped it off. With it came all the hair around my genitals, thighs, butt, and taint. As she fluffed out a new diaper I looked down at my crotch. It was weird seeing it completely barren of hair and baby smooth. Another piece of my adulthood erased. I didn’t like it at all. She prompted me to lift, laid out the new diaper, sprinkled powder over me, and taped up the diaper snugly. Luckily she didn’t put the diaper cover back on. She had me move to all fours so she could inspect the fit, and redid one of the tapes before she was satisfied. “Good boy,” she praised, patting the diaper. “Okay, we gotta try to feed you something.” 12
kerry Posted October 27, 2024 Posted October 27, 2024 Nice to see a new Keeperverse story. For readers who might desire more, you can check out FAFOP (link below), my own entry into this universe. 1
aLittle Posted November 1, 2024 Posted November 1, 2024 I'm loving this story. It's my first exposure to the keeperverse and it's captivating. 1
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 1, 2024 Author Posted November 1, 2024 Things get a little spicier as we end day one for our new Keeper and pet. *** Chapter 4- Closer “Stay,” Annie ordered, “Show me I can trust you.” I wanted to, for my own self interest in getting more freedom if for no other reason. She moved into the kitchen. I heard the microwave going and she soon came back with a bowl and a plastic spoon. I could smell it instantly. Some kind of salty meat scent. She sat crossed legged in front of me on the floor. “Your tummy is really sensitive right now, but I think you deserve something a little better than Pet Chow.” Ugh, pet food. It always looked so awful to me. It was usually either Pet Chow, which was dry cereal-like food, or the more moist mushy kind of food. I had always just figured pets didn’t care and would eat anything. Now I lamented the prospect of being denied all the flavorful foods I’d always taken for granted. What Annie brought over was a bowl of some sort of chunks of meat in a sauce. It didn’t smell that bad, but it didn’t exactly look appetizing. Annie could see my ambivalence. “Can you just try some?” I looked at the spoon. “How am I supposed to eat with these on?” I held up an encased hand. “Well, I suppose you could eat out of the bowl, or… maybe I could feed you,” she proposed, a little more shyly than I’d heard her so far. I had seen many pets eat directly from the bowl without their hands. It didn’t look fun. And I couldn’t deny something about my Keeper’s offer felt intimate and loving in a way I probably needed. “I guess… you could just do it,” I said. “Okay!” She looked excited by my choice. She dipped the spoon in to get some chunks of food and brought it to my mouth. I instinctively sniffed it, causing her to chuckle. I opened my mouth a little hesitantly and she inserted the spoon. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but it was pretty bland and the texture was off. It definitely wasn’t 100% meat, more like ‘made to taste like meat.’ It was clearly developed by someone who wasn’t going to have to eat it. But despite my nausea, I was hungry, so I dutifully ate up every spoonful Annie fed me until the bowl was gone. “Good boy,” she praised, and held up another water bottle for me to drink down. When Annie returned after cleaning up I worked up the courage to broach something that had been on my mind. “Can I ask you a weird question?” “Of course. You can ask me anything. Always.” “What should I call you?…I know different Keepers like to be referred to in differently, but I don’t know what you want.” I knew some Keepers used titles with their pets like ‘Miss’, ‘Ma’am’, ‘Sir’, ‘Mistress’, ‘Master’, or even just ‘Keeper’. Some even used cutsie parental names like ‘Mommy’ or ‘Daddy’. Two adult humans using any of these in public would feel like a gross overstep of a private kink, but with a pet and Keeper involved no one bats an eye hearing terms like those thrown around. “I haven’t really thought about it,” she replied. “I don’t think I really care. You can definitely call me Annie. Or whatever comes naturally. But you don’t have to call me ‘Keeper’ or anything, though I’ll admit the idea does sort of turn me on a little, now that I think about it… But it’s whatever you're comfortable with. I’m your owner, but you’re still a person, with dignity.” I felt validated hearing her say that, and also emboldened to ask, “Does that mean I can wear clothes? I feel so…naked.” “Hmm, are you cold?” I wanted to lie to help my point, but preemptive guilt nagged at me. “Well, no. But it feels weird.” “That’s understandable right now, but it’ll feel less weird in time.” “Can’t we just get, like, a couple shirts from my place or something?” She sighed a little. “With your body temp rising, you’d overheat in those. And most experts say it’s actually cruel to have you interact with your old life in that way. I’ll clear out your apartment soon, but I don’t think it would be helpful for you to go there.” Just this morning I had woken up in my bed, in my apartment, surrounded by all my things. Things that already seemed trivial. Like my worn-in recliner, my laptop, my bike, and all the random creature comforts accumulated over the years. “However, I promise I will get you some pet-clothing— that will be breathable and appropriate for your body,” she said, “But just know that I think you’re adorable as is.” She ran her hand over my chest. “Your skin is already so soft and will only get softer. I can’t keep my hands off you.” I didn’t want her to either. “Now, today has been one hell of a day. I think we should both try to get a good night’s rest.” I looked past her over at the kennel and frowned a bit. She smiled. “There will be plenty of time to crate train you later. Tonight I want you with me. Call it a Keeper/pet bonding ritual.” I bit my lip to hide the giddy smile forming as I heard this. It clearly didn’t work as she smiled back and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead. If I had a tail I would’ve been wagging it. “Come on, pet.” I followed close behind on all fours as we may our way to her bedroom. She closed the bedroom door and undid the strap holding my knees bent so I could hop up on her bed. It was wonderful. Her scent was everywhere, deep in the mattress. “Alright, I’m going to go wash my face and brush my teeth. Be patient and do not move from this bed. If you do, I’ll assume you don’t want to sleep in here tonight and put you in your cage. Got it?” I nodded submissively. No way I was going to risk not being able to stay with her tonight. I could tell she was wary because she left the bathroom door cracked as she went through her nighttime routine, even as she sat on the toilet to pee, just so she could keep an eye on me. I just laid splayed out in her bed contently. Despite two naps during the day I was still exhausted and felt my eyelids getting heavy. Eventually I heard the shutter sound effect of a camera and my eyes shot open to see Annie standing in her bathroom doorway in a revealing pajama top and shorts, holding her phone. She smirked at me. “Do you have any idea how damn cute you are?” Part of me was mortified thinking there was a photo of me in nothing but a diaper and pet restraints, but Annie’s affection combatted that. Her opinion was quickly becoming the only one that mattered to me. She crawled into bed next to me. “Come here, baby.” I quickly nuzzled into her chest and moaned contently as she wrapped her arms around me. There would time to mourn my life later. Right now I just wanted her comfort. We laid there for a while cuddling. She ran her fingers through my hair while her other hand explored my body, all the while cooing sweet things in my ear. I couldn’t get enough of her; her smell, her touch, her voice, the warmth of her body against mine. It was more intoxicating than any other high I'd ever experienced. I made soft, low moans in response, completely out of my control. My cock was as hard as the snug diaper allowed it to be. Part of me felt like I would explode right then and there. I started to smell another scent, like Annie but stronger. I sniffed the air. Wait, is that…? I realized it was coming from between her legs. Oh. “I believe I made a promise of a reward earlier,” she said softly. Her hand wandered down to my groin and lightly teased my erection through the diaper, which strained desperately at her touch. “Is this what you want, puppy?” she asked with an impossibly gentle domination in her voice. Her tone was dripping in lovely condescension and affection. “Mmhmm,” I moaned through the mushy submissive haze. “You have to earn it, sweet boy,” she teased. She slipped her hand into her PJ shorts for a moment and then brought it up to my lips. The scent was incredible. I reflexively licked her fingers, and then took them into my mouth. I got the hint as she repositioned and slipped off her shorts. She guided my head down, and shifted her legs so I was between them. I didn’t need any more prompting and happily dove in with my tongue. She was so wet, and I lapped it all up greedily. She instantly tensed and moaned. “Oh, yes, baby. Mmmm, my good pet. Gooood boyyy.” Her taste and scent were beyond amazing. It took less than two minutes to bring her to a powerful orgasm. She gripped a fistful of my hair and squeezed her legs around my head as she shuddered. I felt it rippling through her body. I just continued my work and felt close to climaxing myself, despite no real touch other than the friction of the diaper against the bed. “Don’t stop, pet,” she breathed between moans and it didn’t take long for her to build up into another orgasm. Again she held my head in place and commanded I keep going. I matched the intensity of her moans with my rhythmic licking; gentle at first, and then more vigorous and forceful. After a third climax, she hooked a finger through the ring on my collar and pulled me back up to her. She kissed me. A long, deep, affectionate kiss, while still keeping a tight grip on my collar. She then quickly flipped me onto my back and pinned my arms down over my head with a Keeper's strength. She was kissing me again, her tongue manhandling mine inside my mouth. I could feel her still experiencing body tremors from her last orgasm as she straddled me. She then laid on her side and was back to aggressively cuddling me, with my face pressed into her breasts. Her pull over me was absolute; her strength, her dominant presence, it was all too much. I was making animalistic whimpers of pleasure. Her hand moved back to my diaper, teasing me gently. I tried to thrust my hips into her hand, eagerly trying to get more friction against my cock. She laughed, amused by my desperation for her touch, clearly reveling in the power she held. “So needy,” she teased softly. Her hand returned more firmly. “Is this what you want?” I moaned affirmatively. She rubbed a little harder, and faster too. “Does it feel good, baby?” “Mmmm.” “Use your words, pet. Does this feel good?” “Yes,” I moaned, besides myself with pleasure. “And who owns you?” “You do.” My eyes rolled back. I had completely surrendered. "Who do you belong to?” “You! Annie, my Keeper!” “Are you a good boy for your Keeper?” “Yes!” “Say it.” “I’m a good boy for my Keeper!” “Then cum for me, puppy," she ordered. Bursting with submission and humiliation, I exploded with the most glorious orgasm. It lasted much longer than any I had ever experienced before and cascaded through my entire body in a wave of ecstasy, cementing Annie as my Keeper in the deepest parts of my brain. And I wasn’t quiet about it as I squirmed in her arms. I fuzzed out to the sounds of more soft domination from my Keeper. *** When I came to Annie was spooning me tightly from behind. Her arm was under my head, the other one wrapped over me. She even had a leg up over my hip. I could tell she was sound asleep behind me, her breath hot against my neck. The gag was back in my mouth and strapped around my head. The leash had been clipped to my collar and was tied around the foot of the bed. I could still smell Annie’s…fluids around my mouth, arousing me and stirring my penis to life. My diaper was a little soggy. I really disliked the feeling. It was like being forced to sit in wet clothes, with moisture held against your body. Except this was my own pee, and cum. But I was too content in Annie’s arms to dare move. I didn’t think I’d ever felt safer or more protected than in that moment with my Keeper’s body wrapped around me. I never wanted to leave her. And it suddenly dawned on me that I couldn’t leave her even if I did want to. I was helpless against the power she held over me. As if to test it, I wiggled forward just a tiny bit and instantly felt Annie’s limbs instinctively clamp down harder around me, even as she stayed sleeping. Her instincts were just as powerful as mine. She was going to control every aspect of my life from now on and there was nothing I could do about it. I loved it and I hated it. I leaned into the submissive feeling of loving it and let my fuzzy pet brain lull me back into blissful unconsciousness. And so ended the last day I ever woke up fully human. 12
SGTbaby Posted November 2, 2024 Posted November 2, 2024 Great story! I am definitely looking forward to more bonding and how it goes! 1
2001rocket Posted November 2, 2024 Posted November 2, 2024 Can I just say that I'm ecstatic to have another keeperverse story going up? I joined the site after the initial wave was done with, and I'm really enjoying this one. 2
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 4, 2024 Author Posted November 4, 2024 On 11/2/2024 at 12:10 PM, 2001rocket said: Can I just say that I'm ecstatic to have another keeperverse story going up? I joined the site after the initial wave was done with, and I'm really enjoying this one. Thanks! I love this universe and its blend of ABDL and petplay. For me, it's also the perfect blend of smutty power exchanges and wholesome, gentle domination. I really hope people keep creating stories set here! 1
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 8, 2024 Author Posted November 8, 2024 Chapter 5- Settling In Light flooded the room as the blinds were opened, pulling me from my slumber. I squinted through the rays and saw Annie, who looked impossibly beautiful in the morning light. My Keeper. She was dressed for the day and had clearly been up awhile. My wet diaper was cool and itchy, and very uncomfortable. My jaw was a little sore from the gag in my mouth all night. I could still smell and taste Annie around my mouth and despite my discomfort I was still highly aroused. “Morning, cutie!” she beamed. She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before unstrapping the muzzle to free my mouth. She unclipped the leash as well. I yawned and stretched out on my limbs, making her giggle. “How are you feeling?” she asked. “Okay, I guess. My gut still feels off.” “Poor baby,” she said with genuine sympathy and rubbed my belly, “We’ll just keep an eye on it today. I’ll give you some more of the tummy medication.” “Okay,” I said. I sat up and worked up the courage to ask, “Could—could you maybe wipe my face? I can still….smell you all around my mouth. It’s making me all worked up. I can’t help it. It kept waking me up last night.” I blushed. She laughed, clearly amused, and quickly fetched a wet wipe from the bathroom. “Mmm, that’s good to know,” she said mischievously and wiped my face. “Did you enjoy last night, baby?” I nodded bashfully, to which she smiled. “Me too. You were soo good for me.” She scratched behind my ear lovingly. “I’ve always heard pet sex is like nothing else. Now I get it. Just wait until you’re neutered and we can do more,” she purred. I frowned at the reminder of the eventual medical intervention, but grew undeniably excited knowing she was itching to be intimate with me. “However,” she said, switching to a firmer tone, “I know you enjoyed me rubbing that diaper of yours, but I don’t want you doing that yourself.” “What do you mean?” I asked, feeling small as she towered over me. She hooked a finger through my collar and leaned down close to me. “Well, legally I own you now. Which means all of you, including this,” she gripped my well-padded morning wood. “So I don’t want to ever catch you using it without my permission.” No masturbation?! “But that’s not fair!” I whined. I couldn’t believe how naturally I had already fallen into a submissive role in Annie’s presence. “Maybe not. But I’m the Keeper and you’re the pet.” She smiled devilishly. “And it’s really turning me on knowing I’ll be controlling your orgasms and that you’ll be desperate for me to get pleasure. So, no being naughty, or I might just have to punish you." She smirked. I groaned again. She simply smiled and kissed me on the lips. “Now, how’s that diaper?” She brought her hands down to assess its condition. “Oh boy, this is full. And it leaked a little bit. Damnit. That’s on me for not putting you in a nighttime diaper or any extra protection. I also need to get a mattress protector for my bed.” “I’m sorry.” “No no no, it’s not your fault!” she assured me. “I’m the one who needs to be thinking of these things, not you. Let’s get you changed.” “Umm, I really have to go again too, so maybe I could just run to the bathroom quick while you’re changing it.” “Hmm, I don’t think so. If you have to go, you can just go now before I change you.” “Wait, you’re not going to let me use the bathroom even if I can feel it coming?” “Oliver, you need to get used to going in your diapers. If I let you use the toilet, it gives you the wrong expectations. Plus public bathrooms don’t even allow pet use. I think we need to get you acclimated to using the diapers for now.” “But that doesn’t make any sense! Why can’t they just be for protection but if I can make it the bathroom then I can use that?!” I was arguing like a little kid who didn’t get their way. “Oliver, hush,” she said sternly, shutting down my petulance. “This isn’t a negotiation. I'm sorry but you need the diapers, so you’re going to wear them and use them. End of story.” I just looked away and pouted. “Now come on, let’s go to your changing mat. The sooner you go potty, the sooner you can be clean. I’ll even be nice and let you walk.” Yay, I thought sarcastically, still grumpy. But it was admittedly nice to use my legs. I felt the full diaper shift heavily between my legs as the bulk made me I waddle. Annie led me by the arm out of the bedroom. I was surprised to discover I actually felt lighter. It wasn’t really like I had lost a bunch of noticeable weight by sight, but I was definitely lighter. I knew pets had less bone density and muscle mass, but it was amazing to feel it happening; amazing and scary. As we got to the living room suddenly a painful cramp wracked my stomach. Something about the movement must have caused a reaction in my body that was just waiting to take place. I moaned in pain and fell to my knees. “What’s wrong?!” Annie asked with concern. “Ah, my stomach.” Another cramp, and I realized it was alerting me to an urgent need... to void my bowels. “Oh no, I think I’m gonna…I gotta go to the bathroom! I need the toilet, please!” “You mean poop? Oh honey, go ahead and let it out.” Before she had even finished her sentence I felt it coming. I was mortified as I grunted and felt a mushy mass erupting from my bottom. It spread around the seat of my diaper and coated my crotch. My bladder gave way too and I was peeing myself simultaneously, mixing in with the mess. It felt awful. I wanted to cry. Stupid pet body changes messing with my gut. Stupid pet brain making me so emotional. I was hanging my head looking at the floor and desperately pretending Annie wasn’t staring at me. She knelt down and rubbed my back. “That’s it. Good job,” she cooed, “Does that feel better?” “No it feels awful!” I said emotionally. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. Let’s get you all clean and fresh. I’m sure that will make you feel better,” she said. “Come on, diaper change time!” She said it like it was a command. I knew she was trying to train my brain to respond to that phrase through repetition. I despondently crawled over as carefully as I could, so as not to move the mess around, but gravity shifted it around my genitals with each movement forward. I laid down on the mat and winced at the shifting mass. This is going to suck, I thought. My face burned red with shame. Annie set about getting supplies ready. I wanted to die as she untaped the diaper and folded it down. The odor was awful against my heightening sense of smell. “Oh, sweetheart,” she remarked. “You must really not feel well. It’s okay! They said it’ll pass after a day or so.” She brought a baby wipe to my mess away and set about cleaning my mucky crotch. The cleaning took awhile and many wipes. Annie didn’t seem that phased as she worked. Her face was so matter-of-fact about the situation, if not content. “Doesn’t this gross you out?” I asked her. “Not really, honestly. I told you about my old roommate’s pet, Frankie. I changed her messy diapers plenty,” she explained as she kept wiping clean every little crevice. “Plus I worked as a CNA in a nursing home for a few years in undergrad. I almost wanted to be a nurse. So I’m pretty desensitized to this stuff. It’s just poop, Oliver. It’s natural. The only difference is for pets it goes in a diaper instead of a toilet. And I actually kinda like that I get to care for you in this way and get you all fresh and clean.” “Ugh, I hate this,” I whined. “They won’t all be this bad. You’re not feeling well. This is basically what it looks like when a pet eats human food. Your new diet with help with that.” I yelped when a wipe-covered finger slid into my bottom and swirled around quickly. “Shh,” she cooed, “just gotta make sure you’re clean inside and out." I tensed and grit my teeth until her finger was pulled out. "How about a nice bath after this? I’m sure it would feel good,” she said as she rolled up the soiled diaper and deposited it into the sealed diaper pail. “Maybe I could just shower?” I countered. “Mmm, no. We still don’t know what your coordination is like. I think I'll be taking care of bathing you for the time being.” “Okay,” I said, a little deflated. She helped me to my feet, took my wrist, and lead me naked to the main bathroom. I looked down to my hairless genitals, which still looked odd to me. She sat me on the edge of the tub as she drew a bath. As it filled, she set about removing my leg restraints, and then the pet paws. It felt wonderful to have my hands free again. She had made sure to shut the door before she took them off, probably worried I was still skittish. Admittedly, the prospect of reclaiming my freedom was still lingering in mind. Maybe with my hands free… “Okay, in you go.” I quickly snapped out of it as she eased me down into the tub water, kneeling down next to me. She applied out some pet soap to the warm water, lathered up a hand scrubber, and got to work washing me down. It was weird being washed by someone else. It was intimate and somewhat infantilizing, with an implication that I couldn’t do it myself. At first I was tense, but I soon relaxed under my Keeper’s gentle touch and fell into a docile, if not somewhat euphoric, state. She hummed a tune softly. At one point she got me up on all fours so she could get in every nook and cranny. She was thorough in her scrubbing. I laid back down and she set about clipping my nails. “Good boy, staying so still for me,” she purred, with that same affectionate condescension I couldn’t deny made me body light up with tingles. When she said things like that I swear it was worth the price of my autonomy. Next she brought out some pet shampoo. She moved to unclip my collar and the strangest thing happened. I felt…naked. Like more naked. Vulnerable even. And a little colder inside. I tried to ignore this quiet rise in anxiety. I couldn’t help but eye the blue nylon collar as she sat it on the toilet seat. I brushed off the odd sense of insecurity as best as could. It doesn’t mean anything. But yet I heard Annie’s voice deep in my head telling me this collar was like her touch, and now that touch had left me. I wanted it back. “Close your eyes. Good. You’re doing so well,” Annie praised as she used a cup to rinsed my hair. She worked her fingers into my scalp, massaging pet shampoo into it. My brain tingled under the delightful sensation and I let out an involuntary moan. “Oh you like that, huh?” she asked, amused. I was too embarrassed to answer and stifled another moan. "Well this is going to make your hair so soft and shiny and beautiful." I was too lost in a the euphoria of her massage to really absorb her words. After rinsing my hair again she told me to keep my head still as she brought out shaving cream and a razor. I shifted uneasily in the tub. “What’s that for now!?” “Hey, Ollie, stay still,” she ordered firmly, and placed a strong hand on my shoulder. She shifted to a gentler tone again. “It’s for your facial hair.” “Oh come on! Why?” I hated how whiny and childish my protests were sounding, but I couldn’t help it. “Because your muzzle pulls on it and irritates it your face. It’s better that it stays bare,” she explained. “You’d probably shed it off naturally over time anyway. How many pets do you know with beards?” She had a point, I never saw bearded pets, but it still didn’t seem fair and I just huffed as she lathered up my face with shaving cream. I’d had a my short, groomed beard for a long time. It had become part of my physical identity. But I knew that identity was gone now anyway. “You’ll still look super cute without it. More so, probably.” Yeah right. Cute for a pet, maybe. Not a man. She tenderly shaved my face stroke by stroke. One more little part of my adulthood gone. “Such a good boy, being so still.” With how relaxed I had been, and how good her touch had felt on my body, I couldn’t deny the impact her praise had on me. My erection couldn’t deny it either. Annie took notice of this as she kept shaving my face. “You know, some Keepers put their male pets in chastity, especially in the beginning, to control all their physical reactions and sexual impulses. But I didn’t even buy a chastity cage. For now.” She spoke with syrupy, sultry sweetness. “So you might think I’m a big mean ol’ Keeper, but I plan on involving plenty of pleasure in your training. So think about that while you’re pouting, baby.” My penis twitched at the thought, and I had to strongly fight the urge to reach down seek release. My face felt oddly naked once Annie had finished. She drained the tube and dried me down with a fluffy towel. After, she blow-dried my hair and ran a comb through it. “You have such beautiful hair. And it’s only going to get more thick and shiny as you fully shift to a pet. Maybe we should grow it out a bit,” she mused. “I’ve always kinda liked it on the shorter side." “Well,” she smirked, “What if I like it longer?” The Keeper in her knew what she was doing by asking me this. We both did. But it still worked and my mind defaulted to pet submission. “Then…we could grow it out,” I said meekly. Having me verbally surrender control of my body to her like that clearly drove her wild. And I couldn’t deny how it seemed to excite something innate in me too. She suddenly snapped out of her lustful trance. “Oh god, I’m sorry!” she said, “I don’t know where that came from! I mean, I do, but the Bond is just so crazy. I need to remember both our brains our changing. The desire I have to control you and have you submit to me is so…intense. But I shouldn’t be pushing you so hard right now and making this transition harder for you. We can keep your hair however you like it.” “It’s okay,” I reassured her. “I don’t really care what it looks like. And I don’t think you're a ‘mean ol’ Keeper’.” “Thank you, sweet boy.” She kissed me on the forehead, and more warmth radiated through my body. She fastened my collar back on with a click, and I cursed the fact that I felt a certain sense of security return. “But let’s see if you still feel that way in a second. Give me your hands,” she commanded, and I saw the pet mitts. I frowned, but obeyed, and she slid the paws back over my hands and fastened them on. Next the leg restraints and thick pet socks. I endured another humiliation as she stood me over the sink and brushed my teeth for me, despite my protests I could do it. Soon enough we were back in the living room where she powdered and diapered me in a plain white diaper. Annie then showed what she had been setting up while I slept in. There was a large transparent water bottle mounted to the kennel that ended with a rubber nipple at the bottom where I could always get cold water. She also had a few pet water bottles that looked like a mix between a sippy cup and a baby’s bottle, so they could be used with pet mitts on. Neither option seemed very dignified. She showed me the pet beds she had bought, one in the guest room and one in the living room. They actually looked pretty comfy. She said she didn’t mind if I was on the couches either, but didn’t want me up on her bed without her. The kennel was spacious and had a plastic-coated mattress in it, but still looked confining. She then showed me some of the different pet food options she picked out. I felt a twinge of guilt again knowing that Annie was going through this all trouble for me. My friend who had bonded just had the bare minimum for her pet; water and food bowls, bland pet chow for every meal, didn’t allow her on the furniture, and a simple metal cage she was kept in while my friend worked everyday. “I know, it's a lot to take in. But I wanted to splurge a bit for you. I told you however I could make this easier, I would. Plus there will be the incoming money from…,” she paused. “...well, from your finances.” Oh. Right. I hadn’t even thought about that. My money was now Annie's money. My savings, my retirement accounts: all of it. Not to mention my car and all possessions. I was basically funding my own pet-hood. Seeing my obvious sadness, she knelt down and scratched me behind the ear. She simply said, “I know, honey. I’m sorry.” Her acknowledgement meant a lot. “How about something to eat?” I nodded. Annie parked me in front of the couch and came back from the kitchen with a plastic bowl that had a little curved area sticking out, like it could be sipped out of. “Why don’t we try breakfast like this? It’s supposed to be easy to grip with pet paws. It might be better than sticking your head in a bowl on the floor.” She carefully placed the bowl in my mitts. It had rubber grips on the side to sit against the traction pads on the palms of the mittens. It was filled with some sort of dry, cereal-looking food in it. I sighed. Eating basic pet food like this felt like another step further from being a civilized adult human. “I tried to get some variety in flavors to see what you would like,” she told me. “This is supposed to be strawberry. If you don’t like it I won’t get it again, and we can try something else!” I looked up at Annie. My wonderful Keeper. She was trying everything she could to ease this transition. The least I could do was try to suck it up a bit. I brought the bowl to my mouth and let some of the food slip in. It was surprisingly not disgusting. It was dry and a little bland, but was mostly like eating cereal with no milk. “It’s not bad,” I half lied. “Sorta like sweet cereal.” “Good!” Annie sat next on the couch with her own delicious breakfast, a loaded bagel and fruit. She turned on the TV to some morning talk show while I crunched away at my meal, sitting at her feet. I was careful not to let any spill, but coordinating the bowl in my mitts was a challenge. She sipped some coffee. It smelled delicious. “Don’t suppose I could convince you to let have me a cup of that?” I leaned into my pet-hood and looked up at her with begging puppy eyes. She couldn’t help but react with a smile. “You’re cute, but no, Ollie. Caffeine and pets do not mix. Plus I’m pretty sure this would ruin your digestive tract, and you’re still nauseous from bonding.” “Worth a try,” I shrugged. “Already seeing what you can get away with, hmm?” She smirked, and then leaned close to me, near whispering, “Careful, pet. We haven’t even discussed punishments yet.” Her voice was sultry as her hand grazed my diaper. A submissive shiver tingled down my spine and I did everything I could to keep hold of the bowl. I almost peed my diaper and fuzzed out, but she retreated quickly and told me to finish my meal while she scrolled around on her phone. 10
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 14, 2024 Author Posted November 14, 2024 Chapter 6- Growing Pains Once I had finished eating, I snuggled up to Annie and nudged her arm with my head, trying to get her attention. She giggled and happily took me up onto the couch, laying in her lap. “So what now?” I asked. “I mean…what do I do all day? I don’t really know how to… be a pet.” “Sure you do. I think you feel it just like I feel it as a Keeper. And we’ll just take it one day at a time. I think today is mostly about bonding, like outside of the Bond. Maybe work on some training a little later too.” Ugh, ‘training.’ It was such a patronizing word and I didn’t like at all what it could mean for me. We cuddled, watched TV, and talked a lot. I told Annie about my hobbies, my friends, childhood, my strained relationship with my family. And Annie told me all about herself; her passions, her family, her values, the books she liked to she read, her guilty pleasures on TV. It was like the first few “get to know you” dates rolled into one, except there were a lot more emotions involved because most of what I was telling her about were things I was losing. But still, it was nice to talk to her like a human for a while, until I was harshly reminded of the difference in our status when she checked my diaper, which I had thankfully kept dry. She stayed by my side all day, and I drank in her attention. I felt high off it. I did have a few dissociative episodes as my life as human collided with the reality that I was now an owned pet. One resembled a panic attack, followed by a bout of crying. Annie just held and comforted me through all of these emotions with a maternal tenderness that enveloped me in warmth. Her voice and her touch were the only things that made sense. In the late afternoon Annie’s phone rang. “Oh! This is my friend Jessica, my old roommate who was a Keeper. Are you okay here if I talk to her for a bit?” “Mmhmm.” I nodded. “Good boy.” She pet my head. “Just stay right here and watch TV. Be good.” She got up and answered the phone. “Hey, Jess! Aaagh, I know I know! Day two. It’s crazy, isn’t it? Who woulda thought?” Annie paced around the house aimlessly while chatting away. “Yes, ‘he.’ His name is Oliver…I know…Well, I was just walking around the corner at work and boom….Yup…. I got him to the pet store and home fine. Hmm, not really. No, he’s been really good! And I’m off work all week so…” She moved down the hall and my attention was pulled away from the conversation when I felt my shrinking bladder begging for attention. I wanted to ask to use the toilet but knew what the answer would be. I sulked at the illogic of forcing me to consciously use the diapers even when I was in control. Now I just wanted to hold it until she could change me right away. Annie must’ve got sucked into her conversation because she had wandered into the her bedroom and plopped down on the bed while she talked. It was becoming more and more difficult to hold my bladder. While fidgeting restlessly, I suddenly noticed the zipper on the left mitt hadn’t been sealed perfectly up my forearm when she put it back on after bathing me. This is my chance! If I could get the mitten off, I could take off the diaper and prove to Annie I was capable of using the toilet on my own like a normal person and had control of my bladder. Then maybe she wouldn’t make me wear diapers all the time! Or at least not use them when I didn’t need to! With my critical thinking diminished, that’s as far my plan got; just get the diaper off and pee in the toilet. No other details or consequences even factored in. I brought my mouth down to the zipper, securing it between my teeth. After a few attempts I was able to drag it down almost all the way. Next I bit at the strap holding the mitten tight around my wrist. It took some gnawing at the buckle and several attempts, but I was finally able to pull the clasp back just enough to loosen it a bit. I held the mitt between my knees as tightly as I could and began yanking my arm up, trying to pry my hand out. It took some effort, but finally my hand slid out of the mitten. Yes! Take that, pet-proof mitt! Ha, I must not be a pet if I could get it off then, huh?! I thought, irrationally. I messily ripped at the tapes the diaper and let it fall off me. I didn’t even bother with the other mitt because my bladder was becoming desperate. I moved down the hall naked on all fours as quietly as I could, stopping briefly to check if Annie was still absorbed into her phone call, before slipping into the bathroom. I fumbled at the leg restraints very briefly, but couldn’t figure out how to undo the clasp holding my knee bent and my bladder was at the breaking point. It was an emergency now. Fuck it, forget them! I tried getting to my feet, using the counter to help myself stand as upright as my forcibly bent knees allowed, with great difficulty. The counter was to my left, so I had to keep my free hand against it for balance, meaning I was going to have to aim my penis with the pet mitt. In my pet-brained desperation, it never even occurred to my to just sit on the toilet. I guess I just wanted to stand and pee like a man. I quickly brought the toilet lid up with my mittened hand and didn’t even bother with the seat. I lined it up as best I could before my bladder gave way. Pee shot into the toilet, but I was unstable and shaky, never mind not even using an actual hand to aim. My stream quickly started splattering on the toilet seat, and I panicked, letting go of the counter to correct my aim, but that meant I lost my balance and slipped backwards. I toppled over, still peeing, and smacked the back of my head hard on the edge of the bathtub. My body landed roughly with a loud thud. I yelped in pain, as urine got all over me and the floor. “Oliver?!” I heard hurried footsteps coming out of the bedroom. Annie’s figure appeared in the doorway. “Ollie! What happened?!” I just groaned in response. She rushed down and took me into her lap. “Are you okay?! What are you doing?!” There was great concern in her voice. “I just wanted to use the toilet,” I said pathetically. She noticed the mess I made. “Ugh, damnit, it’s everywhere! And I just gave you a bath!” There was frustration in her voice now. “How did you even get your mitten off?” she grabbed my hand. “That’s what I get for keeping the cheap pet-paws on.” “I hit my head.” I tried to rub the back of my skull where I felt pain. She quickly brushed my hand away and maneuvered my head under the light to see. “Oh my god, you’re bleeding!” Her anger instantly became worry as she grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed at whatever cut I had just inflicted on the back of my head. Great shame overcame me for having disobeyed and disappointed Annie, my Keeper. I felt like I couldn’t bear it. I’m a bad pet. A bad, stupid, dumb pet and Annie would be better off without me. I’m nothing but a burden. The thought was overwhelming. “I’m sorry!” I said emphatically and emotionally, eyes welling up. I couldn’t help it. My emotional stability was at an all time low in my current state, and failing Annie was too much to bear right now. Her face softened and any frustration left melted from her voice as she said, “Oh, honey, no. I’m not mad at you, I was just scared. And I’m mad at myself. I know you can’t help it.” I wasn't sure that made me feel any better. The implication was like I was just an animal, or a baby. My shame was only worsened by the fact I was lying naked, covered in my own urine. "Your head looks okay. Just a small cut and a bump.” “But I’m an awful pet,” I choked out before a sob. She quickly pulled me up into a hug. “No, you’re not! Listen to me. It’s not your fault. I know this is hard. This is brand new for us both! Your instincts and impulses are all over the place right now. It’s my job to protect you. I thought you would be fine for a few minutes without me watching you, but I was wrong. I need to stop thinking of you as an adult. Your brain is changing so quickly.” Her reassurances helped, but I still felt awful— instinctively for not obeying my Keeper, and emotionally for her telling me I was less than an adult human, no matter how true I knew it was. She cleaned me up with wet wipes as I just sniffled and whimpered. She kept her finger hooked in the ring of my collar as she led me naked, out to the changing mat, where she swiftly re-diapered me, this time with a bulky diaper cover that had a magnetic lock on the elastic waistband. I didn’t dare put up a fight. She then slipped on the better quality pet mittens she had bought. Instead of scratchy leather material, these were soft and velvety on the outside, and colored dark navy blue. They were shaped more like paws and less bulky, but held my fingers just as tightly and were much more securely buckled on, with a little flap covering the zipper so I couldn't bite at it. I wasn't getting these off with my mouth anytime soon. She also replaced my leg restraints, apparently part of a matching set with the paws, and secured the thigh/calf strap so I couldn’t stand. She sat me up close to her and took my head in her hands. “Now, I’m going to put you in your kennel for bit, pet, but this isn't a punishment. This is just so I can get the house a little more pet-proof and review some of the materials on training so that you and I can work on it. Plus, we need to get you used to your crate. But it’s not a punishment. What you did was naughty, but I'm not mad because we really haven’t gone over any rules yet. It’s my job to set your boundaries and make sure you don’t have the opportunity to misbehave or get yourself hurt like that. And I will, okay?” I nodded. I knew it was true. I acted rashly, with barely a plan, and now I had a small gash and an achy head to show for it. Maybe I really can’t take care of myself without her, I pondered. “I want you to say it. Tell me in your own words that you know this isn’t a punishment.” “This isn’t a punishment. This is so you can get some things done without worrying about me ruining everything.” “Hey, no,” she said firmly, taking my chin in her hand and bringing my eye contact back to her. “That’s not what I asked you to tell me. Try again, without the judgement.” “This isn’t a punishment. It’s to get me used to the crate and so you can work in the house.” “Good boy. And you are not a bad pet. You are wonderful and I’m so lucky to have you.” She kissed me on the cheek, “Now, kennel up.” I wanted so badly to object, but I knew I had messed up. She gently guided me into the cage on all fours. It had plastic walls but big, barred windows for me to see out into most of the room and a typical pet cage door. It was big enough I could almost stretch all the way out lying down. She had a blanket and multiple pillows inside. It wasn’t at all uncomfortable, just confining. She made sure I had access to the mounted water bottle and then slid an access hatch open on the top and reached her hand in to stroke my hair, which I gladly accepted. “Good boy. You’re okay, honey. This kennel will keep you safe. When you’re in here, you will feel warm and secure,” she said intently. “I’ll be right out here. Try to take a little nap, okay? Here, I read this is supposed to help.” I was surprised when she reached in and dropped the shirt and panties she had been wearing overnight. I was embarrassed enough to wait until she closed the hatch and turned to leave before I grabbed the clothing and buried my face in it, letting her scent comfort me. As much as she assured me this wasn't a punishment, it was impossible not to feel guilt accompanied by a physical coldness. I had let her down. My wonderful Keeper. And now I was alone in my new cage. After drinking some water through the rubber nipple poking into the cage, I curled up in the lightweight blanket to comfort myself. I heard Annie’s light footsteps around the home. The sounds of whatever TV show was on felt distant as I become lost in thought. Here I was, locked in a kennel, wrapped in a diaper, my body in restraints, and it still hadn’t fully set in that I was a pet. It’s awful to think now, but when previously considering the loss of freedom pets had to endure I always just thought, Well, it's for their own good. They’re not quite human. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be treated with dignity and respect as sentient beings, but they don’t qualify as human in the eyes of the law or society. They can’t vote, or drive, or get married, or live independently. They don’t have jobs, or date, or go get a drink, or have a nice meal at restaurant. They don’t own property, they are property. And for better or worse, now I was Annie’s. 14
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 20, 2024 Author Posted November 20, 2024 Chapter 7- Training I lazily rolled over in bed. I was already going to be late meeting the group for dinner before the concert, yet the allure of getting sucked into an instagram rabbit hole was too tempting. I finished the rest of my beer and finally summoned the motivation to get myself dressed for an evening out. As I shuffled out of my bedroom, I figured I better pee before leaving. Standing over the toilet, I reached down to unzip my pants, only suddenly I wasn’t wearing pants. My jeans had been replaced by a puffy white diaper. My eyes widened as I saw soft mitts encasing my hands, and now felt the gentle bite of nylon around my neck. Reality came crashing in as I awoke from my dream with an abrupt twitch, with my knee lightly hitting the kennel wall. Oh… right. I’m not going to any concerts anytime soon. Because now I’m just a diapered pet for my Keeper. My bladder was yelling at me that it was time to pee. I really wanted to ask Annie to use the bathroom and convince her it would be different this time, but I had enough common sense left to know she would never go for it after my fiasco earlier. I sighed deeply and decided to let go. I was surprised how little effort it took to start a flow. Urine flooded out around my crotch and into all my crevices and up around my bottom before being absorbed and redistributed by the waiting padding of the thick diaper. I could actually hear the stream. I got up to all fours and looked out into the room but didn’t see Annie. “Annie?” I called out. I turned around in the crate and moved to the door. This one had bars that were too close together to get my hands through to try to mess with the latch. Great. No escape attempts in my future, even if I didn’t have the mittens on. “Annie?” I called again, louder. It’s fine. Don’t get worked up. She’s still here, I told myself… and yet, what if she did leave? “Coming!” I heard from the bedroom. She strolled into the living room, taking out some headphones. “Sorry! I was watching a pet training video!” “Can I come out now?” I pleaded, “I’m all wet.” I loathed how whiny I came across, which seemed like it was a natural instinct now. “Yes you may,” she replied, unlocking the door. I shuffled out and she caressed me affectionately. “Good boy for staying in your kennel without fussing,” she praised. “Look, I have something for you.” She held her hand out and I saw a small cookie. My eyes couldn’t help but light up a little. After a day of just pet food, it looked great. I gratefully accepted it from her hand and scarfed it down probably too quickly. But it was good. Really good. Annie just giggled and pet me down. I suddenly became embarrassed at how animalistic I had just been. Just like a pet. She moved to unlock the diaper cover with a magnetic key and put her fingers in my waist. It tickled and I squirmed a bit. “Hmm, I wouldn’t call this ‘all wet.’ These diapers can hold a lot. But I’ll change you this time because we need to go over some things.” Ominous, but I’ll take the offer to get out of this wet diaper. “Diaper change time!” she announced, clearly trying to condition me. She set about changing my wet diaper. After wiping down my crotch, I felt her moving my genitals around like she was inspecting them. I tried hard not to get hard by focusing on the humiliation of it all. “Your skin seems like it’s doing okay, but I think I’m still going to use some diaper rash cream. It’ll take some time for your body to adjust to using diapers.” “Mmm…,” I groaned disapprovingly, and without thought. It was something between a low growl and the angry moan of a petulant child. Annie just laughed as she squirted some cream into her hands. “Hey, don’t get sassy with me for thinking of your comfort, my pet.” She was right. I softened. “Sorry.” I twitched a bit as the cold cream touched my skin. Annie rubbed it all over. “And I’m sorry for earlier,” I added, “I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I just wanted to show you I still could use the toilet like a normal person,” I posited. “I know, baby. It’s okay. Really,” she assured me. “I mean, I don’t want you doing anything like that again, but I do understand; nothing feels normal right now. It will get better as we get used to everything.” She lifted my legs to wipe more cream on my butt before sprinkling powder over my groin and diapering me up again. She pulled me up so that I was sitting face her. “I think it’d be helpful for us both if we laid down some ground rules.” Gulp. “First off, you’re my pet, Oliver. You’re still a person, but I’m your owner now,” she explained deliberately but gently, with affection, “That means it’s my job to protect you and I decide what’s best for you. So, when I tell you to do or not to do something, you need to trust me and listen.” Her commanding presence made it feel like she was towering over me despite our heights lining up. She ran her fingers through my hair. “Training will help with this, but I think we should go through some things now too, just for the record.” Her tone became a little firmer, “First, you are not allowed to take off your diapers. Ever. In fact, I don’t even want to catch you touching them, even through the mitts.” I frowned, but stayed quiet. “And that goes for any clothing I put you in, including your pet paws, collar, harnesses, or anything. If I put you in it, it’s for a reason, so be a good boy and don’t try to take it off. Understood?” She looked to me expectantly. I nodded defeatedly. “Good. Next, when I’m not here to keep an eye on you, don’t go getting into trouble, like rifling through cupboard or drawers or anything like that. I have pet-locks on a lot of it, but please don’t try. I’ll have plenty of appropriate stimulation for you out here. And please stay out of the bathrooms unless you’re with me.” I couldn’t possibly argue with that last rule after the incident earlier. “And it’s especially important you listen to my every word when we’re out of the house or around other people. I’m responsible for you. And I know you want to be a good boy, but you’ll just need some help.” I hated all these restrictions. They made me feel like a little kid. I guess it was last vestiges of my adulthood dying. “I’d much rather reward good behavior than punish bad behavior. I know you can’t control all your impulses. Slip-ups are gonna happen. But I’m just asking you to try your best to follow my rules. Do you think you could do that?” How I could ever push back against that while looking into the beautiful, caring eyes of my Keeper? “Mmhmm, I’ll try my best,” I assured her. “Good boy.” she kissed me and then turned me around and pulled me into her lap. “We’ll figure it out as go. Just trust me. I would never do anything to hurt you. You’re mine and I already care about you so much, Ollie, and it’s barely been a day since I’ve had you.” Her words gave me warmth and security and I could only bashfully reply, “Me too.” She smiled down at me and scratched behind my ear. “I think some training could go a long way. Most of the pet stuff I’ve been listening to and reading says now is the perfect time.” My contentment turned to an exaggerated frowned. Annie just laughed. “Don’t worry, I think you’re really going to enjoy this.” “How so?” “Well, I already knew enough about pets to know your brain is extra suggestible to conditioning right now, especially through hypnotic triggers.” “Okay…,” I said hesitantly. I had heard about this through friends and just general public knowledge of how pets are trained, but didn’t really know the details. “You know when I give you a command in that ‘I-mean-business’ voice, and you can’t help but obey me?” “Yeah, it’s…intense, like my body can’t ignore it.” “It’s like that, only the command is implanted in your subconscious.” I didn’t like the sound of that at all. “Uh, do we have to do that?” “Yes, baby, we do,” she answered decidedly, “so that it helps you behave even when I’m not there to keep you out of trouble. Like this morning.” I cringed at my blunder. “So these hypnotic triggers will remind you of the boundaries I set for you.” “What kind of triggers?” I asked, a little nervous at the prospect of her poking around in my mind. “Well, that I’m not gonna tell you, sweet pet,” she said, squeezing my cheeks playfully. “These work better if you’re not consciously aware of them. Just know they are there for your own good. And plus, don’t you sort of like the idea of my voice deeeep within that cute little head of yours, guiding you to be good for me?” I had to admit I did. It made me feel deliciously owned by her. “And you’re gonna like how we set them too,” she continued. “You know that fuzzy state you go into? And how you felt last night after we…played together?” I blushed and gave a few shy nods. “Mmhmm. It’s typical with pets when the domination just overwhelms your brain. You go into a docile autopilot mode, “she explained, “It’s seriously the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. And it’s also the easiest time to set the triggers. So that means…” she reached down and touched my diaper, “that we get to be really…‘hands on’ with your obedience training.” My crotch lurched at her touch, causing her to giggle. “One thing, first” she said, reaching for something. I craned my head to see her grab the muzzle gag she put on me last night. “Oh, come on! Why?” I cried. “Because I don’t think you realize how loud you were last night and we have neighbors, honey,” she reasoned. “But it’s the middle of the day!” I argued. “Well maybe I just like gagging you,” she purred. Her seductive tone disarmed me completely. “So open your mouth, pup,” she ordered gently. I relented and slowly opened my mouth. “That’s it. There’s my good boy.” She inserted the rubber bulb, then lifted my head and strapped the gag around in place snugly. She smirked. “Mmm, that’s better.” Her hands ran along my body. Within seconds I was hard as steel inside the diaper and all my resistance dissipated. I looked up into my Keeper’s eyes; drinking in her attention, scent, and beauty. I was completely powerless in her thrall, and part of me loved every second of it. My mittened hand naturally moved to my crotch. “Uh uh uh,” she tutted and grabbed my wrist, “What did we just talk about?” I whimpered pathetically, which I could already tell she liked hearing from me. “No touching your diaper. And definitely no touching yourself like that that. Hands at your side.” She leaned in close. Her breasts brushed against my face. “I decide when, and if, you’re allowed pleasure.” Her hand moved over my diaper. “Seeing you like this; helpless in your restraints and locked in your diaper, depending on me, desperate for my touch…oh my god I can’t stand it.” And I felt the same, feeling her control over me, waiting for her to give me permission and praise me. No matter what apprehension or grief I had over being a pet, I was so quickly and naturally falling into the submissive role for Annie. And knowing it was driving her wild only made it all the more satisfying. She needed my submission as much as I needed her domination. I wriggled under her teasing hand, trying to get more friction out of it. She had that same wicked smile on her face as the night before, like a predator playing with its food. “Oh my…So squirmy,” she teased in her sickly sweet domme voice, “Maybe I’ll have to get some restraints for my bed so I can keep you still when I finally fuck you.” I moaned lustfully and my eyes rolled back. I slowly rocked in rhythm with her hand as she rubbed my diaper. With her free hand she gently drug her nails across my torso. I lost myself in the sensations. “That’s it, suck on your gag. Maybe next time I’ll let you have the real thing.” Annie’s sensual voice became far away as I neared climax. “Good boy, Ollie. Is my obedient little pet going to cum?” The world became a haze as submission fully took hold of my mind. *** There were vague, dream-like memories of Annie whispering in my ear, strings of words I couldn’t focus on, then more pleasure, and my muffled cries of ecstasy. All in a jumbled, fuzzy mess. When my consciousness slowly swam back into lucidity I was laying in Annie’s lap. She was looking down me while softly scritching under my chin. I felt a peaceful euphoric feeling, like everything made perfect sense, despite being collared, gagged, and diapered. I looked up to her. “There he is,” she cooed, “Are you back with me?” I nodded. “You are seriously the cutest when you get like that. You just stare up at me like an adorably helpless little thing.” She turned my head to unlock the muzzle strap and removed the gag. I flexed my jaw and yawned, eliciting another giggle from Annie. “You don’t remember a thing, do you?” she asked. “Not really. It’s like I was dreaming…or on heavy medication.” “I’ve seen it before with pets a bunch of times, but with my own pet, well it’s something else entirely. But I think that’s probably enough for today. I really made a mess of you,” she laughed as she tousled my unkempt hair. I knew I had orgasmed more than once and that I had been in the blissful fuzzed-out state for a while. I could feel my diaper was damp, with both pee and cum. “You did so well for me,” she praised, making my head swim. “I think the hypnosis went okay for my first time! I’m sorta excited to see how it works.” I still didn’t like her using my squishy pet mind to implant subconscious triggers, but couldn’t deny how impossibly good the stimulation felt coming from my Keeper. I would gladly let her inside my brain to receive that kind of attention from her. She changed me into a bulky nighttime diaper that was much thicker than what I had worn, and also used the locking diaper cover which made everything even bigger. I didn’t like it at all as it loudly crinkled and kept my legs far apart. She then spoon-fed me some more of the warmed up pet food before making her own dinner. We laid together on the couch that evening and watched some TV. I was soon nodding off laying against Annie’s chest as she idly played with my hair. I drifted in and out a bit, and then awoke with a jump, shaking Annie a little. “Woah,” she laughed. “Shh shh, you’re okay, sweetie. I’ve got you.” “Sorry.” “It’s okay, honey,” she replied warmly. “How are you doing?” “I’m okay,” I answered. “Really? Like actually? Be honest with me.” “I think so. I mean, I don’t know. I love being here with you, I really do. Obviously it’s still hard. It’s just…It’s a lot of change all at once.” “Yeah, you’re telling me. I just became a parent, essentially,” she said without thinking, as if commiserating with a friend. I felt the same nagging guilt from before. “I’m sorry. I wish you didn’t have to do everything for me.” “Oh no! That’s not—ugh, shit, that sounded awful. I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant! I mean, god, you lost so much and I only gained things. I gained you.” “I just…It feels like I’m a burden.” “Hey.” She sat up and took my face in her hands. “You are not a burden. You are precious to me. I know it’s gonna be work, sure, but it’s more than worth it to have you.” “I’m just saying, I know you didn’t choose this either--” “--But I would have. I would have 1,000 times over if it meant I could have you here with me. To be mine. When I saw you in that hallway that was it, I knew you were my boy.” That felt good. Profoundly good. She kissed me on the forehead. Then on the lips. I laid back in her lap and nuzzled her crotch, trying to inhale the scent. I could smell that she had been turned on earlier. She just laughed and repositioned my head. “Not now, Ollie. It’s late and I think we both need some rest. You in particular need to be sleeping more during these first few days. So I think it’s probably bedtime.” I groaned in protest. “Yes,” she retorted firmly, sitting me up. “And I think someone needs to sleep in his kennel tonight.” “What? Why?” I whined. “Because you have to get used to it, sweetheart.” “Isn’t there time for that later? Can’t I stay with you again? Please? I don’t want to be alone.” It was true, and I didn’t care how clingy it sounded. “Well…I should really put my foot down here.” “Please? I just want to be near you.” I gave her my best innocent face. She chuckled. “You’re clearly trying to take advantage of me here, but you are ridiculously cute too, so it might be working a little bit.” I smiled. “Hmm…fine,” she said, “but only if you agree to sleep in your cage tomorrow night without any fuss at all. Deal?” “Yes, ma’am!” I said eagerly. “Okay, I’m holding you to that. Your puppy-dog eyes won’t work again,” she asserted. “Mmm, we’ll see about that…,” I said coyly, with a sly smirk. She laughed. “Oh you wanna get snarky with me, little pet?” She hooked her finger through my collar’s ring and pulled me in close, grinning devilishly. “You think you have power here, baby? Well you’re just begging for a punishment with that tone, aren’t you?” Her dominant, seductive tone made me quiver. “Maybe I should gag that mouth of yours before it gets you into any more trouble. Or maybe tomorrow I’ll march you around the neighborhood in the colorful diapers I bought, so that everyone knows you’re mine.” “I’m sorry, Miss, I’ll be good!” I quickly squeaked out in an unassuming tone while averting my eyes. She leaned closer and gently bit on my earlobe before whispering, “That’s what I thought, pet.” Her breath was hot on my ear, sending shockwaves down my body. Again I shivered under the delicious feeling of submitting to her as my brain fuzzed a bit. I could tell she loved it too. “Now come,” she ordered firmly. I eagerly followed her on all fours to her bedroom. I clamored onto the bed and she clipped my leash on, which was already hooked to the leg of her bed. After she went through her nightly routine, she climbed into bed facing me and scooped me up into her arms. “Happy now, sweet boy?” she cooed. “Mmhmm,” I muttered contently. As I nestled into her body, I couldn’t help but softly moan, almost a purr. “Aww, such a needy puppy I have,” she teased. “Are you Mommy’s needy little pet?” Her words burrowed into my mind and electrified the pleasure centers of my brain in a way I never would’ve imagined was possible a few days ago. Mommy. I was so totally and completely hers. The edges of the world fuzzed out and my diaper grew warm. Maybe being a pet didn’t have to be so bad. 12
WillinglyUnwiling Posted November 27, 2024 Author Posted November 27, 2024 Short-ish chapter, so I'll post the next one in a few days 🙂 Chapter 8- Routines I had never been a good sleeper, but I slept like a rock in Annie’s arms— so much so that she had to reposition me a few times when I started snoring. She woke me up the next morning by rolling me to the side and placing a plastic changing mat down on the bed that crinkled loudly as I came down on it. I could feel that I had wet the soggy diaper overnight. “Morning, sleepy boy,” she beamed, “I let you sleep in long enough. Let’s get you changed and fed.” She untaped the diaper and changed me right there on the bed. I still wasn’t used to the intimate process of a diaper change, and it was just as humiliating now as it had been the first time two days earlier. That said, it wasn’t enough to keep my morning wood down and Annie had to maneuver around it to clean my groin. Soon was I wrapped up in an embarrassing purple diaper and locked into a thin diaper cover. Annie pulled me to my feet. I couldn’t believe how light my body felt, and in only a few days. You would never be able to tell by just looking at me but I must’ve already lost a couple dozen pounds in mass, and a few inches of height too. I hoped my body wouldn’t change any further. My breakfast was a bowl of savory, dry pet food. Hers was delicious smelling scrambled eggs. I ate from the pet bowl sitting on the floor again, which turned out to be necessary because my diminished dexterity meant some crumbs and a few loose pellets of food ended up on the carpet. After we both finished eating, I rubbed up against Annie and asked, “Do you have any more of those cookies from yesterday?” “Hmm…yes, I do, but those are treats, sweetie,” she replied, “Used to reward good behavior.” “Well I ate the pet food without complaining or asking for any of your food. I think that should count.” “Oh you do, do you?” she laughed, “Well those are just basic things you should be doing, sweetie.” I exaggerated a frown. “I told you that pouty face wasn’t going to work again, my pet.” She bit her lip to suppress a smile. “But I do love seeing you try.” I just groaned and laid my head in her lap. “Tell you what, if you’re good while we do some training, I’ll give you some treats,” she said. I perked up at the prospect, but then immediately felt stupid for being excited about a damn cookie. I was disappointed to learn ‘training’ in this case meant her repeating basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘down’, ‘come’, ‘heel’, etc, and me obeying. This continued for a while. I was rewarded with praise, touch, and eventually a few cookies. I thought that was all until led me to the couch and positioned my head in her lap. She took her shirt off and unhooked her bra. My body instantly lit up in lust. “Come here, beautiful boy,” she beckoned. She cradled my head and brought it to her nipple. I gave it a few licks and then took it into my mouth and began suckling, first gently and slowly, and then with more vigor. “Yes, baby,” she purred between breathy moans. She moved one of her hands down to her waistband, beneath my head, and slipped it inside. The other hand moved to my diaper. Soon I fuzzing out hearing Annie’s own orgasm take hold. When I came to Annie had me on all fours over the changing mat, gently caressing my body and speaking softly. “Go ahead and go potty, Ollie, so that I can change you. Won’t it feel sooo nice to be all clean and fresh in a dry, fluffy diaper?” When she saw the awareness had returned to my face, she took my chin in her hand and kissed me. “Come on, sweet baby, let it out.” I was still partially in a docile haze, so I relaxed my bladder and pushed to get a flow of urine started. I whimpered as an audible stream flooded my crotch, pooling up around my genitals as gravity took over. “Good job,” she swooned as she pet me down, “What a good boy I have here.” Once I had finished she announced, “Diaper change time!” and changed my warm, soggy bottom into dry padding. As promised, Annie insisted on making me sleep in the cage that night, but she relented and decided to sleep on the floor right next to me curled up in on of the cushy pet beds. I felt guilty and tried to talk her out of it, but she was resolved. She was just as attached to me as I was to her. The balance of power in that regard was perfectly equal. She looked deep in my eyes and said, “It’s cold out here. Your kennel is warm.” Whatever hypnosis she had been working on must’ve had an effect, because as soon as I entered the cage I felt a comfortable warmth; not just in the physical temperature around me, but also internally, like a feeling. I wished she was holding me in her bed, but still, with her just a foot away, so close I could hear her breathing, it wasn’t so bad. I drifted off in no time. The next morning when she let me out, I instantly felt a grey, murky coldness, both inside and out. I shivered a bit. Annie took notice. “What’s wrong? Oh yeah!” she realized, and took my head in her hands like she had the night before. “It’s warm out here, not just in your kennel. It’s warm all over the house.” The uncomfortable chill dissipated. Woah, I thought, the hypnotic conditioning did that? It’s that powerful?! It was like she flicked a switch in my head. I shuddered at the thought of what other triggers she was planting in me. The next couple days played out relatively similarly to the last few, with lots of bonding time and more training. I had more emotional episodes and dissociation. Annie just held me through it all with a calming, loving presence. I slept a lot too. My body continued to become leaner as the shift to full pet took hold. I hated my shrinking bladder. It felt like I had to pee way too frequently, and I was thirsty all the time too. I was still mostly in control of my bladder. The only times I wet myself without meaning to were sometimes when I slept and when I would fuzz out. I wanted to continue to plead my case for toilet use, but after my disobedience the second day, I resigned to letting go my diaper. I discovered one wetting alone didn’t guarantee me a diaper change when Annie told me the diapers could hold more without leaking. I felt even more emotional and upset, as I didn’t want to have to get used to consistently damp pants. Pooping was another issue. I hated doing the prospect of doing it again in a diaper and held it in for a day. The next morning Annie had fed me soft pet food and afterwards told me she had put laxative in it to make sure I was “regular”, much to my whiny chagrin. I begged Annie to let me use the toilet, but she stood firm on making me acclimate to using my diapers for all my bathroom needs. The only way I could do it was by getting out of Annie’s eyesight and concentrating on letting go until I pushed a solid mess into the seat of my diaper. It was no less awful than the first time, even if my bowel movement was now more solid. Afterwards I shamefully hung my head and crawled up to Annie to ask to be changed, to which she cheerfully obliged. “This fucking sucks,” I lamented as I tactfully laid my bottom against the changing, feeling the mess mash a little. “Hey,” Annie said sternly, “No. Look, baby, as long as you’re my pet, which I intend to be forever, you are not going to use that kind of language. Understood?” “But I’ve heard you curse plenty of times.” “Mmhmm, but I’m an adult. You are not,” she declared, “It’s unbecoming of a sweet pet like you.” “That’s so not fair,” I grumbled. “Oliver, do not argue with me,” she warned, “If you want to curse like that or back-talk me, you better get used to that gag in your mouth much more frequently, my pet. Now, I said, ‘understood’?” This wasn’t like the fun, sexy scolding. It felt more like a mother chastising her child. I didn’t love the infantilization of it all, but I wanted Annie to be happy with me and praise me, so I resigned to adapting to her rules and just nodded. *** I was easily bored whenever Annie wasn’t paying attention to me while she would read her pet books or watch pet-training videos. She would park me in front of the TV during this time. The pet-safe programming was always some schmaltzy series about pets and Keepers that felt pandering and dumb. I was clearly feeling the effects of being forced to quit my phone addiction cold turkey and missed the instant gratification of amusing clips and memes. I pleaded with Annie to let me scroll around on my phone, which I knew she still had, as long she supervised. She refused, telling me it wasn’t healthy for pets to interact with their old life, but said that she would eventually get me a pet-phone for entertainment and so she could call me while she was at work. That didn’t sound so bad. One of the days a representative from Pet Adoption Services came by to finalize the legal details of me becoming Annie’s pet, including the transfer of my finances. Annie kept me leashed and muzzled in the living room while they sat at the kitchen table. I anxiously listened as the representative walked Annie through the process. Everything in my bank account, my 401k, the modest finances I had invested in stocks – it was all being emptied and transferred to Annie, and the accounts were closed. My possessions were now legally hers now too, and she discussed selling my car. It was all sobering for me to listen to, but ultimately they were realities I needed to hear. There was no denying my change in status now. I wasn’t ever going to be considered a human adult again. There was nothing I could do but find way to accept it. Eventually I was unmuzzled and the representative sweetly, if not condescendingly, asked me some questions about how things were going, recording my answers. I told her how hard it was to accept but that Annie was the best Keeper and I would never want to be anywhere else. She concluded by covering laws protecting pets’ wellbeing and how they would conduct periodic wellness visits. After she left, Annie clearly felt bad because she gave me a couple of pet cookies and removed my leg restraints entirely to let me stretch my legs and walk around for the rest of the day. On my fifth day as pet, she took me outside in her small background, leashed of course, and down on all fours. I was extremely anxious about the prospect of going out in a near-public setting and exposing my new diapered-pet status to the world. The fencing around the yard providing some privacy helped me relax. We laid in the grass together for a while and enjoyed each others’ company. Later on as Annie was bathing me again, she announced, “So, my sister is coming over tonight for a bit. She wants to meet you.” My apprehension must’ve been apparent because she added, “Look, you’re going to have to get used to interacting with people, honey. I’m not just going to hide you away here forever. We’re going to start going for walks, shopping, social outings, and other trips out. I think tonight will be a good first step for you. And plus she’ll definitely be helping me to take care of you when I need it.” Ugh, ‘take care of you.’ I don’t need anyone to take care of me. Or if I do, I don’t need anyone but Annie. I was anxious and grumpy as she dried me off and rubbed pet-lotion all over my skin. She just laughed at my pouting and kissed me on the cheek. “You’ll be fine, sweet boy,” she assured me as she ran a small brush through my hair. That afternoon as I napped in my kennel, I thought about my friends, family, and all the various acquaintances that made up my former life. I wondered if they had been told, and what they had been told. I imagined their various reactions to the news. “Did you hear about Oliver? He Bonded.” “Really? Him? Damn, that’s crazy. So he got a pet?… or is he, like…” “Yup, he is a pet…” “Woah.” I wondered what they were all up to right then as I laid there diapered in a cage. I wondered if I would see any of them again. There was still a surreal feeling to my pet-hood. The permanence hadn’t fully set in, even after the meeting with Pet Adoption Services. Annie and I had bonded on Monday and it was Friday now. I wanted nothing more than to be with her, and was grateful for this time, but I knew she would be returning to work soon. I felt preemptive separation anxiety and uncertainty. What would the routines in my life look like now? 11
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