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This is my submission to the 4th kasarberand non-contest.



All characters depicted are above 18 years old


Part 1


He was completely mystified and estranged by the sight. She looked like an adult woman, kind of attractive actually, sort of chubby, with a cute face and big breasts. Noticing her chest made him feel awkward considering her attire and demeanor. She was dressed with a purple shortall and a white t-shirt with flowers, she also had white high thigh socks. She was sitting on the floor, sucking a pacifier. There was a bulk on her crotch that expanded her shortall, and each time she made a small move a crinkle sound came out from her. It didn’t took a genius to tell what was that, especially considering the smell of baby powder that inundated the living room.


He stood looking at her not really knowing what to do now. His wife had already said hi to her the same way she would with a child, and her friend, the caretaker of this person apparently, stood at her side making sure she felt comfortable with these new people that just invaded her comfort zone. After she was properly introduced, and with the “little” girl satisfied with this new woman, both the wife and her friend looked at him, waiting for his reaction. He looked at his wife, expecting some sort of guidance considering how well she had fared so far. “Look Lily, this is my husband Matt. Do you want to say hi to him?” She said while squatting, holding her back and looking at her. Matt didn’t react, so her wife gave him a look, prompting him to react. “Oh, right” he said, approaching the group of women.


He stood in front of the girl who was flanked by the two women, awkwardly looking at her and then at his wife, with her giving him encouraging looks each time he looked at her. After a little while of this he stretched his hand and retracted it, tried to squat and stopped, squirmed a bit and finally settled for a fistbump. Lily looks back, unfazed, and begins to retreat to her caretaker. Feeling like the situation it’s kind of spiraling out of control he waves and says “hey. What’s your name?”. “Her name is Lily” says her caretaker, making Matt make a feigned surprise expression. By now Lily is completely latched on her caretaker’s leg, keeping her eyes fixed on the strange man. Matt gets desperate, the silence of the room and the reaction of the girl making him feel even worse. He tries his luck and goes for a pat on the head, but as he sees the girl recoiling and making a desperate squeal he desists, opting for taking a step back with his hands now resting on the pockets of his jeans.


The girl is trembling now, her eyes closed, clearly distressed by the whole ordeal. Matt looks at her wife, but she’s focused on the little girl, thinking about a way she could help. The caretaker squats and starts comforting the girl, then she tells her something to her ear and the caretaker excuses herself, taking the girl to one of the bedrooms of the spacious apartment. “Trish, if you need anything just ask” says the wife. “Thanks Pam”, says Trish with a worried look and a smile. When they’re out of sight, Pam approaches Matt and in a lower voice begins to talk to him.


“What the fuck was that? Hey, what’s your name? Are you stupid?”

“Fuck. I know, ok? Sorry. It’s just that… I just didn’t expected this”

“You didn’t expect this? I filled you in before we came here. I explained everything. I sent you a video. Did you watch it?”

“I… didn’t had the time, ok?”

“It was a 15 minutes video. This is important Matt. She’s an old friend, and a really good one”
“I know! It’s just… I mean even if I watched the video this would still be so weird. That’s an adult, Pam. She’s even kind of hot too”

“Matt!… I mean yeah, but still. Don’t say it”

“But that’s what made me feel so awkward. I look at this cute girl and I’m supposed to treat her like some sort of baby?”

Pam scoffs “yes Matt, that’s what you were supposed to do. But instead you flopped it and now we’re going to have to leave. You know how much convincing it took to bring you here? You made me look like an idiot”

“Hey, I know I fucked it up, but like come on. This is so weird. Just look at them. What are they? Are they friends? Are they a couple? Is this some sort of fetish thing?”

“Wow, now you’re making questions. Incredible. You know where you can find all of those answers? In the fucking video I sent you, that’s where”

“Agghhh. Ok, give me a crash course then”

“Are you for real? Jesus. Ok, look, Lily it’s a little and she’s functionally a baby, and Trish is her mommy and she takes care of her. They love and trust each other a lot. It’s actually really touching when you get past your prejudices”

“Ok, really touching. Noted it. Anything else I should know?”

“Well, in case we stay and you have to be here when it happens, she’s fully dependent on her diapers”

“Fully dependent?”

“Fully dependent”


“Yes Matt, she shits and pees them. Also in the video by the way”

“What the fuck. I hope she asks us to l-” before he can end the sentence he notices Pam has glassy eyes. She’s clearly distressed and frustrated.

“Pam… I’m sorry”

“Yeah, you should.” she sniffs and clears her eyes. “We were really close in college, you know? She was always there for me, and so was I. When she left for a work overseas I was devastated, I missed her every day. I would cry because something would happen that I knew she would find funny or sad or touching. We talked over the internet all the time, but after a year of that I could feel we were growing apart. And now that she came back and she’s living here I can finally reconnect and be a part of her life again. So please, please, make an effort.”


Matt was already feeling bad for the blunder he made, but now he felt even worse. He was ashamed and sad because of his failure to notice how important this was and how much pain he was causing to her. He thought that this would be a freaky day visiting some old friend of hers with a weird couple, but now it was clear that this was much more than that. Still, he felt there was something odd about this. She had talked before about Trish, but never on this terms. She always made her look like a good friend, but now it felt like there was something more between them.


Still, he knew what he had to do. He hugged his wife and said “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll try”. After a short silence she just said “thanks” and half assed it in reciprocating the hug. Matt noticed this, and that meant he had fucked it up big time. He will have to go above and beyond if he wants to make it up, so he would have to speedrun it through his prejudice and think about a way to fix this.

  • Like 5
  • babishfantasies changed the title to Making it up. Part 2 (8/1/2024)

Part 2


The couple waited in the living room, anxiously looking at their phones, exchanging looks every now and then. This went on for about half an hour until Trish came out of the main bedroom. They sprang from their seats, almost as if they were waiting for the surgeon to give them the bad news. Trish looked their worried expressions and couldn’t help herself to feel a little touched. “She’s taking a nap… She, well, had an episode”.


An episode? Matt didn’t know what she meant exactly, but it certainly didn’t sound good. Pam went to comfort her and asked what it was and how they could help, with Matt following her from a distance. She didn’t go into details, but said she sometimes has these kinds of episodes that exhaust her. Probably cried until she fell asleep, Matt thought. Pam comforted her and apologized, and Matt followed her lead offering an apology of his own. “oh, it’s fine, it’s not your fault Matt” she said, though it obviously was his fault, otherwise why did she have to specify?


The sight of a defeated Trish getting comforted by his wife cut him deeply, sending him even deeper into guilt. It dawned on him how much of this she had to deal with on a regular basis. something about having to release him from his guilt felt rehearsed. How many times has she said that? He wondered. He started to feel genuine empathy for them, which only enhanced his guilt even further.


Not being able to go any further like this he took a step forward, and looking directly at Trish eyes said “Trish, I’m really really sorry. If there’s anything, anything I can do to make it up just ask. I mean it”. Trish's expression changed, now between being puzzled and surprised. She almost went for another exculpation, but instead she looked at Pam, wanting to confirm something. Then she looked at the ceiling, and with a meditative look on her face she started to think about it. After a short while an idea. “Well… there is something we could try.”


The moment Matt felt there was a way out he felt relieved, he would finally be able to get rid of his guilt, so he stood there, listening attentively. “Well Matt… I’m going to be very blunt with you. Lily, she’s afraid of you, and usually it would take a lot of exposure to convince her that you’re not a threat. But we could try to use a shortcut, if you’re up to it”. A shortcut? thought Matt, unable to come up with something concrete about what that could be. “of course” He answered nonetheless. Trish then proceeded. “Good. Ok, look, here’s the thing. I think it might help to ease her if you had a, let’s say, more appealing appearance. Appealing to her, of course, I’m not implying anything else here” They laughed. “So, what I mean is we need to reduce the threat factor in your appearance basically”.


Matt stood there, puzzled. The first thing that came to his mind was wearing a bear costume, or even dressing as a clown, though clowns were more of a wild card when it came to comforting children, even adult ones he figured. “So… I have to wear a costume of sorts?”. Pam, who already figured it out the moment Trish said they could take a shortcut, had a massive grin on her face. In part because she wanted vengeance for his husband's crassness, but also because she was curious about how this could turn out. The potential teasing she could take out from this had infinite potential. Matt, who already had seen her grinning, only assumed it was because she also thought it was something along the lines of a costume. “Well, not a costume per se” said Trish, enhancing Pam's excitement and Matt's confusion. “Well Matt, what I’m trying to get at is that if we want to reduce your threat factor what we need to do is… make your appearance into something more familiar for Lily”. Matt's eyes went wide, his face plastered with a shocked expression “you want me… to dress…” Trish nod. “like a woman?”. Pam covered her mouth to suppress her laugh, and Trish grinned while shaking her head. “No, Matt. I want you to dress like a baby”.

  • Like 3

Part 3






“come on! I swear I wont show them to anybody. just two”



The couple was waiting in the living room again, this time for a different reason.


Pam was negotiating the amount of photos she could take, with little success. She was still riding the high of him actually accepting. It took some persuasion from her, and some assurance to Trish that this was fine when she started to get some cold feet, but after a while he agreed. It was so thrilling for some reason, she figured that mostly due to the novelty of it all. But there was also a bit of curiosity. How would Matt turn out?


Matt wasn’t all too thrilled, not at all actually. In fact his feelings were mostly fear and disgust, mixed with a bit of shame. How did he got into this? He kept going back to that, only to remember how it happened. It helped to keep in mind why he was doing this, but that didn’t took away how embarrassing this all was. Pam tried to assure him that it was just clothes, and that he shouldn’t give it so much thought, but he couldn’t buy it even if he tried to convince himself that that was the case. He came back again and again to the moment he saw Lily for the first time, on the floor, childish and defenseless. The thought of becoming something like that made his stomach sink, and he couldn’t think of something worse than that now.


As Pam desisted from her negotiations Trish made it back to the living room. “Ok, you can come”. They stood from the couch and before Matt could do anything Pam grabbed him by his hand and took the lead. “follow me, babe”. Matt glared, not too keen on her choice of words. Trish guided them through the hallway into a room not too far from the main bedroom, so they made sure to make as little sound as they could. But when Trish opened the door Pam couldn’t stop herself from saying “OH MY GOD!”, only to be met by two “ssshhhhh”.


The room was a fully equipped nursery, plastered with pastel pink walls and adorned with similarly colored animals, all of which wore diapers. It had everything you would expect in a nursery too, but resized to fit an adult. Crib, changing table, wardrobe and a playing mat with lots of toys, plushies and other babish entertainment items like coloring books. It was quite the sight really, especially if it’s the first time you get exposed to it. Trish made a gesture to signal them to get in, and as they were inside she closed the door hoping any other outburst from her friend would be contained within the room. “I had to tidy up the place a little, sorry for making you wait” she said before making her way to the wardrobe.


He hadn’t thought about it before, but right now he realized that if he was going to wear a baby outfit, and they were in the nursery of an adult baby girl, then it was logical to assume that it was most likely that he would have to wear a baby girl outfit. This didn’t sit right with him, already on the edge from doing this. “I’m sorry Trish but… do you have something there that is, well, not so girly?”. Trish looked at him and then at Pam. “Oh… I’ll make sure to find something more neutral. Don’t worry”. She said before going back to her search. Pam grabbed his arm and rubbed his shoulder, trying to calm him down.


Trish spent a while doing her search, and even went for the upper size of the wardrobe, where she kept clothes Lily didn’t use anymore. She ended up deciding that the best choice would be an old purple shortall as the main piece, a striped white and purple t-shirt with long sleeves and some fuzzy thigh high socks, also stripped with white and purple lines. She saw her choices and couldn’t contain herself from feeling a bit excited about this. She loved this shortall, but due to Lily gaining some weight she couldn’t wear it anymore, at least not comfortably. She loved her new body, but something about bringing this garment back to life made her kind of fuzzy. It took her back to the times she had just met Lily, and all of the wonderful feelings and new experiences that came with it.


She took the clothes and presented them to Matt. Pam immediately took the shortall while Matt examined the t-shirt and socks. They certainly weren’t something an adult would wear, but still weren’t so bad as he feared. Even if they were feminine, they were seem to be the least feminine outfit considering the situation, something Matt was grateful for. Pam held the shortall in front of Matt, checking how it would fit and finding that it was indeed a good fit. She was kind of impressed Lily and him were about the same height.


“So, what do you think?” Asked an expectant Trish. “It’s… ok, I guess” said an unconvinced Matt. “Oh, come on, they’re adorable. You’re going to look just fine” said Pam prompting a death stare from Matt. She was enjoying this way too much for his taste. “So, where can I change?”. As he asked this Trish started to approach him with a serious expression on her face, taking slow steps while looking at him directly to his eyes. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed, and for some reason Matt felt like he had done something really bad. He felt threatened, with each step increasing his fear. As she was in front of him, reminding him of a height difference he didn’t notice too much until now, she put a hand on his shoulder, sliding it down to his arm, and then she said in a calm and commanding tone “babies don’t change themselves, they’re changed by their mommies” as she turned her head towards Pam.


Matt's fear skyrocketed as he imagined the humiliating ordeal of Pam dressing him like an infant. His cheeks turned a deep red as he felt reduced in front of their gaze. When he looked at Pam she was standing with a similar serious expression, her arms crossed and her stern gaze fixed on him. It was happening, he was going to get changed by her, he was sure of it, and all of it because he accepted to do this stupid thing. What other rules were they going to force upon him from now on?


Pam stood with her stern face for a solid 5 seconds before she broke, causing Trish to follow her not too long after that. They laughed maniacally, trying to find support on each other so they wouldn’t fall down. “PAM, PAM, LOWER, LILY COULD WAKE UP” said Trish in between laughs as she tried to compose herself. Matt stood there, with a mixture of shame and anger. He felt really stupid and kind of betrayed too, considering how humiliating this was already without adding jokes and pranks to the mix. As Trish settled down she looked at Matt and noticed his annoyance. “I’m sorry Matt, I didn’t expect you would react like that. Of course you can change, there’s a bathroom there in that door” she said with a bit of laughter still in her voice. Matt looked at Pam which made an apologetic gesture and said “I’m sorry sweetie, I just followed her lead”. He sent her another death stare which made her think that perhaps she did go a little bit far this time.


As he entered the nursery’s bathroom with his new clothes in hand he noticed that it was a regular bathroom. Kind of disappointing in a way, but he figured it was perhaps because this place wasn’t meant for Lily. He took a look at himself in the mirror, wondering how he would look with his new clothes, not because he was excited about it but rather the opposite. He decided to not dwell much on that and went to work.


Meanwhile, Pam and Trish were waiting outside. 

“So, you really think this would work?” asked Pam.

“I don’t know, it’s worth a shoot. I haven’t done it before. I’m actually impressed he accepted”

“Well, I’ve told you about how cooperative he is. He wasn’t all too much with preparing to come here though, he didn’t even watched the video I sent him”

“Really? But it’s 15 minutes long”

“I know! But still he didn’t. He can be really inattentive sometimes”

“Hey, he’s doing this. I think he deserves some credit. Lots of it actually”

“I mean yeah… But… I don’t know.” Pam took a pause to put her thoughts in order “So here’s the problem. He can be really attentive, but I feel like he sometimes relies a lot on being obedient so he can be spared from paying me any real attention, and that really sucks because he makes me feel unwanted. I would even prefer if he would tell me outright he doesn’t care, but instead he doesn’t say anything and then goes into obedience mode when shit hits the fan. And don’t get me wrong, I love him and he has a lot of good qualities, but it stings that he has this consistent behavior and I feel like I can’t say anything about it because I don’t want to be the bitch who complains about some specific thing he does kind of often but not too often to be a real problem. Does it make any sense what I’m saying?”

Trish nodded. “Yeah, I get what you’re saying.” she pondered about what to say next. “I think I had sort of a similar problem with Lily back when we started. She wasn’t like this from the start. We used to indulge into her baby side every now and then at first. It was great, but I couldn’t help feeling that something was off. She would always be grumpy and kind of angry the day after we stopped babying her. The weirdest part is that sometimes it was her the one who asked me to stop, but even in those cases she would be angry the next day, sometimes even more than when it was me the one who wanted a break. One day I sat down with her and asked her how much she wanted to be a baby. She lied and said that she didn’t knew for sure, maybe two weeks each month tops. I told her bullshit, you want far more than that. Let’s do it for a month and see how you feel. She laughed, I still remember that, there was kind of a relief in her laugh. She hesitated a bit but ended up agreeing. When the month was over she told me that it had been the happiest month of her life, and that she didn’t wanted to ever come back to her old life. She was crying, apologizing for being so selfish. I told her it was fine, that I could indulge her all she wanted, she didn’t need to work, I was making more than enough for the both of us anyways. She still refused, but after going back to her old job for a week she couldn’t resist it anymore and told me if the offer was still up. I said yes and here we are.”

“Wow. So she kind of didn’t knew what she wanted?”

“Exactly. It took me to push things for her to figure it out. And later she confessed that she never dared to even consider the possibility because she felt guilty about it, but when she got exposed to a taste of it and knew I was up for it she figured herself out and was able to ask for what she needed”

“Yeah, I get it. Wow, you’re a really good girlfriend”

“And I’m an even better mommy” they both laugh.

“so, what do you think I should do with my baby?”

“haha. Well, to me it seems like he’s defaulting to that behavior because there’s something he doesn’t know about himself that he pushes down using guilt. Maybe what you need to do is to remove the guilt from the equation, and see what comes to the surface”

“remove the guilt from the equation, uh? Oh, I don’t know how to do that”

“Well, maybe you need to push it out of him”

“I know less about how to do that. Gosh, I wish he was a baby like Lily. He would just trust me without needing to put some many layers of bullshit between us”

“hahahha. Really? You want that?”

“I mean my finances aren’t bad either. I think I would be able to hold the fort as a single mother”

“Yeah, sure, but there’s the diaper changes, feedings, changing his clothes. There’s so much to it”

“I mean that does sounds like a lot. Well, maybe I could drop him here and let you do that, for a commission of course” They both laughed.

“Well, I’m sure Lily would love to have a playmate.” She said with a longing look “That would be a sight for sure”

Pam smiles and gives her friend a rub on her arm “hey, who knows? Maybe Matt takes a liking for this stuff after this.”

Trish scoffs “as if. He hates it. I can tell.”

“Well, maybe all he needs is a push” Pam said jokingly

“haha, yeah, sure. There’s no way. He’s going to hate this day for the rest of his life”

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened, prompting them to look at it.

  • Like 6
  • babishfantasies changed the title to Making it up. Part 3 (9/1/2024)
  • 3 weeks later...

The premise here is kinda New, but also believable. Im really eager to see where it goes and how deep will the the boy fall.

  • Like 2

I feel like this was planned from the get-go. He was likely never meant to get the meeting right


My suspicions were there too, but the last conversation between the "mommies" make the 'all as planned' route less likely to me.

They could be just pretending, or it could be a ruse from just 1-2 of the 4 characters so far...


Part 4


As the door opened and Matt found himself with two pairs of eyes fixed on him he felt mortified. He even thought about going to the bathroom, changing back and calling this off.


It didn’t took much effort to put on the outfit, though noticing how the crotch of the shortall had buttons made him cringe more than it probably should. When he was done he didn’t felt particularly different, it was just a set of clothes after all, nothing to worry about. The real fear set in when he saw himself in the mirror, watching in disgust how the clothes despite fitting him just fine had a bagginess to them that made him look smaller. The t-shirt, made of soft cotton, hugged his chest just fine, with only a tad of looseness. The shortall was the real problem. Hanging from his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, widening on the lower part and making his torso and head look smaller in comparison. That not only made him look smaller, but also more feminine, and it was something that didn’t sit well with him. It didn’t help that he could hear them talking about something outside, and not being able to tell what it was he just assumed it was probably about him and the ways they would tease him. He hoped they didn’t, but he knew his wife and so far it seemed she was on some sort of high from all of this. As he stepped outside, all of his shameful feelings were cranked up to eleven, now being exposed in his infantile attire to them.


Pam was ecstatic, she couldn’t believe this was happening. She felt a nervous laughter creeping out of her that she had to contain, fearful of halting all of the progress they’ve made. Though her greatest effort was stopping herself from taking her phone and start taking photos, it was all too much of a good opportunity to not take a couple of pictures to commemorate the occasion. The temptation was big, even more considering that she was truthful about keeping them only to herself (and perhaps to Trish, but that doesn’t count) making her intentions look pure in her own eyes. She even considered for a small moment pleading with him about this, but quickly desisted, knowing it could be too much for him to handle right now. Maybe she could sneak some photos later, while he’s distracted playing with Lily. Playing with Lily, she wondered how that would play out. This was all about playful couple banter for her, but she couldn’t deny that her laughter wasn’t about finding him ridiculous, but rather because of how cute he looked. She could get used to this she thought, almost lamenting this would be a one time thing.


Pam wasn’t the only one that picked up on the appealing appearance of Matt. Trish was perhaps even more surprised than Pam. She had said that this was nothing more than a way to make him more appealing to Lily, more approachable. “To reduce his threat factor” she had said. Right now she found out that perhaps not only Lily would find him more appealing. Something was awakening in her while looking at Matt wearing what for her was just a simple attire. Something that wanted more out of this. Something that after a quick glance at Pam only became stronger, emboldening her at realizing how elated her friend was. She started to weave something in her mind, she had to be fast if they were going to get something out of it.


Matt stood in the door frame, waiting for something to happen. It had been about five seconds of silence after all. Pam was the first to react, beginning the motion to approach him. Trish quickly stopped her, subtly touching her hand signaling her to stop. Then she approached him slowly with an inquisitive but neutral look. This somewhat reassured Matt, he would have hated an outburst of laughter followed by observations about how cute and babyish he looked. He looked at her wife during the inspection and realized her initial joyful expression had changed to a more neutral one now, much like Trish’s. They seemed to have some sort of rapport thing going on, not too different from what he had with her, or at least he hoped, trying to dismiss any feeling even tangentially related to jealousy from his mind.


After Trish finished her inspection she stood in front of Matt, making him feel even smaller due to his lack of shoes and probably due to his clothes too. After a short reflection she let out a sigh and said “Not bad, not bad… But I think we’re not there yet”. Matt tilted his head with a puzzled look on his face. His lips started to move, but no sounds came out of his mouth. It was as if he wanted to protest, but he couldn’t find the words. Trish delicately put her hand on his shoulder, stopping his lips, and said “I know what you’re thinking, but hear me out. There is a… specific aesthetic we’re trying to achieve here, and I don’t think we’re there yet” she said in a matter of fact way, containing herself from acting more condescending or dominant than she should. Her hand on shoulder gesture was already too much by her own standards, but that was something she couldn’t contain after watching him acting so… Little, quivering lips and all.


“I think I know what you mean, Trish” interjected Pam, finally approaching them. “I mean, for us this would be like enough, right?” said Pam, giving Matt a quick glance. “But since you know about this stuff there has to be something we can’t see, right?”. Trish looked at Pam, and for a brief moment she was more than surprised, she didn’t expect Pam would be actively cooperating with her. After all it couldn’t be that she truly thinks this isn’t enough when it was evident it was. “Yes Pam, you’re correct. That’s precisely what I meant” she said, returning to Matt. “I would say right now we’re at 20% success chance as things are” she said, now her voice taking a more serious tone “And I know just what might increase our chances” she closed, exchanging another quick glance with Pam, confirming she was indeed fully committed.


Matt, always slow on the intake for this sort of things, was confused. It was finally time for the bear costume perhaps? No, that would defeat the purpose of the clothes he was wearing right now. The clown makeup could be a possibility, but it would kind of clash with his current “aesthetic” theme. Then it dawned on him. A shiver went through his spine as he even considered the possibility of that being what she suggested. As his mind went back to his eyes, he was met again by Trish towering in front of him, but now there was Pam at her side too. She normally was about his height, but after ditching his shoes he was noticeably smaller, though she was not as intimidating as Trish. He felt something stopping him from talking but quickly overcame it and said “You mean… diapers?”. Trish nodded, and that was enough for Matt’s stomach to sink to the floor.

Pam quickly noticed Matt's distress, and quickly went to his side. She felt conflicted at first, perhaps fearing this was too much for him, but she was also still salty, and also thought this wasn’t as bad as he was probably making it in his little catastrophizing head of his. And of course, there was also the thrill of what would come out of the bathroom this time. She gave him a pat on the back, prompting him to look at her. “Hey, come on, it’s not a big deal. And we’re already this far into it so, why not?”. Matt gave her a death stare, and Pam could tell this wasn’t a playful death state but a “I’m this close to end this” death stare. This was bad. But Pam, quick on her feet, had a brilliant idea. She put her index finger in front of him first and then took her phone out of her pocket. Before he could protest about what she was or not about to do she grabbed his hand and put her phone in it. He grabbed it, looked at it for a moment and then returned to Pam who had a candid smile on her face.


He put the phone inside of the chest pocket of the shortall, not before realizing that the thing had a lot of small pockets but not many big enough for something like a phone. He made a sigh, one hand on his head and the other on his hip. How low would he have to go for this? Well, maybe that was a bit dramatic. His little catastrophizing head like Pam likes to say. He took a look at the expectant women, and feeling half defeated and half pressured said “well, since we’ve made it this far…”

  • Like 4
  • babishfantasies changed the title to Making it up. Part 4 (9/22/2024)

The more you write, the less I think the plot's staged by any character, makes me feel a weird mix of wanting to be even ritgher (is that a word???) And waiting for the drop that twist my whole view of the story... dunno really loved the premise you have set here


Part 5


Matt found himself again inside the bathroom. He was standing in front of the toilet somewhat contemplatively. He didn’t want to go or anything like that, but rather he was reflecting. How could someone give up on using the toilet? It was so convenient after all, so elegantly designed for its purpose, so hygienic. It was a miracle of modernity as much as soap or antibiotics. It was truly a blessing in this dark and miserable world. He sighed, and looked at what he had on his hand. A diaper, with its cold plastic and plain white design feeling almost like a threat. It kind of resembled the toilet in a way, its modern manufactured aspect, all white and marked by lines and numbers that made it look sort of like a modern marvel too. And still despite all of their similarities they felt so distant and different.


A loud knock on the door took him out of his trance. “Honey, are you all right? you’ve been there for five minutes. Do you need a hand?”. It was Pam. She knew he could fall into some heavy rumination when he had to do something hard or boring, which is why she checked to make sure he wasn’t beating himself too hard in there. Matt didn’t appreciate the concept of “needing a hand” though. “No Pam, I’m fine. Just give me a sec”. “Are you sure? You remember Trish’s instructions? I could do it for you if you want”. Matt cringed at the idea “No! No… just give me a minute, ok?”. The audacity of that woman, like he was going to actually ask for help for such a thing. “Ok, just let me know if you need anything, ok?”. “Thanks Pam. I love you” Matt said with a tired tone. “I love you too, sweetie”. He could swear she was becoming a tad more condescending by the moment, almost as if she was taking this whole thing a bit too serious.


After she was gone, now out of his overly dramatic mood, he figured he better get back to work. He wasn’t too keen about using the shortall crotch buttons, something about it didn’t sit right with him, so instead opted for taking the entire thing off. He removed it and let it rest on the toilet seat. As he looked down, now only wearing the t-shirt, boxers and thigh high socks, he figured he might look even worse like this, or maybe as worse but in a different way. Trying not to dwell too much on that and wanting to get this done as quickly as he could he quickly removed his boxers.


Trish was really insistent on this, something about the diaper being too smelly, and that smell seeping into the boxers and being a bitch to clean. He really didn’t want to have such an intimate contact with the thing and was of the idea that it wouldn’t be a big deal, but his wife interjected and insisted on it, and being that it’s her the one that takes care of laundry most of the time he didn’t felt like being too whiny about it. Now, down to a t-shirt and the socks he let out yet another sigh, took the diaper and began in earnest to put it on, his first diaper in a really, really long time.


Pam was nervously tapping her foot while leaning on one of the pink-adorned walls, as Trish stood arms crossed leaning against the changing table, more composed than her friend, her mind preoccupied with how long they had until Lily woke up. When Pam was just on the verge of leaving her place on the wall to knock once more, the door opened.


He didn’t look all too different to Pam at first, but as she noticed the bulge on his crotch and the subtle waddle he made as he walked towards her, she realized how much of a change the diaper had made. And it wasn’t an unwelcome change, she had to admit. In fact, she felt something far different from her nervous laughter from the first time he emerged from the bathroom. It was something homely and calm, as if she wanted to hug him right then and there. She didn’t know he could look this cute.


She quickly snapped out of it as he approached her and said “I put on the damn thing, but for some fucking reason it feels wrong”. Well, that’s him, her good old Matt. Nothing wrong with him, but he could have waited a bit longer to come back. She had little Matt for just five seconds and was already missing him. As she saw Trish approaching she started to realize how inadequate her feelings were and quickly tried to push them somewhere deep inside her mind, not wanting to indulge in something so mortifying and humiliating for her lover.


Trish could only see the diaper bulging under Matt’s shortall, but even so she could tell there was something wrong with it. “Matt, can I take a look?” she asked in her most impersonal tone. Matt hesitated, but after looking for Pam’s approval and getting it, he started to unbutton the shortall. As he exposed his padded crotch to Trish she squatted and began to closely inspect his handiwork. “I see, you messed up while putting on the tapes. I can fix it” she said, throwing him an expectant look. Matt glanced at Pam again, who made a “stop asking me for approval” look. That took Matt out of balance, almost yearning for her to stop this. “uhhh, you don’t mean removing it, right?” Asked Matt with a nervous tone. Trish smiled, and almost thought about ordering him to lay on the changing table, after all babies weren’t supposed to put on their own diapers. She could even take the opportunity to educate Pam on how to do it.


Despite how enticing that seemed she decided to keep that thought to herself. “No Matt, oh no” she said while laughing “I’ll just adjust the tapes and the diaper, but I won’t be taking it off, I promise” she said, throwing Pam a wink. “You better not get any funny ideas down there Trish” said Pam with a playful tone. “Oh, of course not, I wouldn’t want to get in the middle of anything” she said before taking a pause “but if you want any funny ideas about how to handle one of this you just have to ask” she said while giving the diaper a gentle pat.


Matt blushed, and even made a small yelp at the pat. "oh, sorry" said Trish. He thought about interjecting with something, but rather decided not too, feeling all too ashamed at the moment considering his situation. He would rather feel unseen, as if he wasn’t even there. All in all it was a very humiliating position, he thought, and remaining quiet felt like the most natural thing to do. But something about being treated like this and just letting things happen felt somewhat comfortable, he didn’t have to do anything, and talking at a time like this would actually feel exhausting, he figured. Also, it’s not that they were going to get mad at him, or expect him to say or do anything.


As Matt was going through his newfound feelings he also felt another thing, this time inside his diaper. He didn’t know where it came from, but there was a growing concern down there, something that threatened to form a small tent in the front of his diaper if he didn’t keep it in check. It didn’t help that not only Trish was working on adjusting his diaper, sometimes sliding her fingers along the brim of the crotch section, or that his wife had her arm around him, gently rubbing his arm while Trish worked on him. It all felt too cozy and comfortable when you ignored the humiliating aspect, and that must have been getting to him. Or perhaps it was having two beautiful women having intimate contact with him, even if it wasn’t the kind of ideal scenario he would come up with when thinking about being alone with two women.


It took a lot of focus but he managed to survive the readjustment without a tent crisis. There was some twitching here and there, but he figured Trish didn’t realize anything. Or at least he hoped she didn’t. Trish reapplied the last tape and before he could even protest she also buttoned his crotch, much to his embarrassment. As she stood from her squat she asked “so, how does it feels?”. Matt was still entranced, and Trish’s words removed him from it somewhat violently. Pam released him and stood expectant. After shaking it off, he started to  move a bit to get the feel of it, and after doing a couple of small jumps and walking around he realized that indeed the difference was huge, like night and day. “Yeah, it feels right” he said, almost feeling like he should thank her.


“Glad you’re enjoying it” said Trish, prompting a laugh out of Pam and a blush out of Matt, who’s diaper had a now familiar growing stiffness again. He nervously laughed “no, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just it felt really awkward but now it doesn’t, that’s all”. Trish made a slightly devious smile, savored the silence for a moment, and said “I know”.


Pam went to Matt’s side again, and following through with her clinginess from before, she hugged him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder. Matt didn’t hated it, of course he didn’t, but as he was fully out of his trance he started to realize that perhaps this thing might be starting to get to his head in ways he didn’t want to, and her hugs felt somewhat… insulting, or perhaps condescending was a better word. He gently moved her arms aside, not without feeling a bit sad from doing so, and moved a bit further from her.


“I’m sorry” she said, feeling guilty, knowing part of her enjoyment came from clinging to her currently adorable husband. “no, it’s just… I’m not feeling it right now, that’s all”. Pam went to his side and took his hand, yearning for some affection that would reassure her he wasn’t upset. He squeezed her hand and gave her a half smile.


Meanwhile Trish was rummaging through a drawer in a nearby dresser. As Matt realized it he asked “so, are we good?”. Trish, taken out of her own trance this time, looked at him with a surprised look. “oh. I would say we’re just about it. Just some last finishing touches. Speaking of which, could you go get me the alcohol? it’s in the bathroom under the sink”. Matt wasn’t thrilled about the idea of more of this, but as he had said before they were already this far into it, so he kept his protests to himself and went to the bathroom. “Pam, could you help me with this?” Asked Trish as she saw Matt getting into the bathroom.


Pam approached Trish with a worried look. What just happened made her reflect about how far she was going with this, fearing this might be harming her relationship with Matt. As she reached Trish’s side and saw the items Trish had readied on the dresser she felt even more compelled to voice her concerns. “Trish, I think we have to call this out”.


This took Trish by surprise. She had lost most of the interaction Pam and Matt just had, being too focused on her own things. She heard some of it, but couldn’t care less about it. She was on a high, and wanted to see more than ever how far they could go.


She took a quick glance towards the bathroom. Matt had closed the door, and right now he must be searching thoroughly through the bathroom for an alcohol that wasn’t even there. She figured he would be the kind of guy that would search until he was sure it wasn’t there. They had time, a bit at least.


She fixed her eyes on her friend and leaned in slightly. In a low and clear tone she said “He likes this”. Pam made a surprised expression, not really believing what she was hearing. “what? why are you saying that?” she said, almost upset, watching her tone so Matt wouldn’t hear. Trish hesitated for a moment “while I was adjusting his diaper I noticed something”. Well, that wasn’t much, Pam figured. “what?” she inquired, now more curious than mad. “I took a glance at his face and it reminded me a bit of Lily’s when I change her”. Trish took a pause, preparing for what she was going to say next. “and?” Pam asked anxiously. “And there’s also… Well… He was hard, Pam, during the entire thing”.


Pam's eyes almost popped from her orbits. Her mind went blank for a moment, overwhelmed by the shock of the news. It took her a couple of seconds to feel anything, and when she did she was surprised by it. It was joy. Joy from knowing that, perhaps, she could get to enjoy her new found little Matt a bit more than she thought.

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  • babishfantasies changed the title to Making it up. Part 5 (9/25/2024)

Point - DATE error - - - Part 5 (9/25/2024) - - - date should be 8/25/2024

  • babishfantasies changed the title to Making it up. Part 5 (8/25/2024)
8 hours ago, BabyLock said:

Point - DATE error - - - Part 5 (9/25/2024) - - - date should be 8/25/2024



Whoopsies. Thanks for pointing it out.

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