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How To Change A Man - An entry in the 4th Kasarberang Story Contest

by Bo Tox

Chapter 1

Brian stared off into the distance. His terminal's cursor was blinking at him. He could not focus any more and lately his mind wandered all the time. He looked at the picture of his wife, Nadia. She was the adorable light in his otherwise dull, dreary existence. This was his favorite shot of her.

The photo had been taken when they vacationed in Hawaii a few years ago. Her light brown hair was tousled and sun-streaked. A satin finished stainless necklace with an Egyptian Shenu hung between her tanned breasts. His name was engraved in the middle of the ancient symbol. She claimed it was for protection of his soul. She was kind of into that sort of thing and it seemed harmless enough.

He was a lucky man. It was clear that he married up. She could have had any man she wanted but she had shot him a smile that fateful evening at the pub almost five years ago. The college hangout where she was the weekend bartender. What she saw in him was a mystery but she knew what she wanted.

Brian started to think about how they met. He was a bit shy and awkward. When he placed the order for his friends, she slipped him a note under the drinks. He almost didn’t see it until he was handing out drinks to his mates. One of them spied and started to look at it when Brian snatched it out of his hand.

“Dude, did you get the hot chick’s number” asked a buddy.

Brian looked at it, “Maybe, it’s never happened before.”

That got a laugh from the table but Brian put the slip of paper in his pocket and continued to drink his beer. It was someone else’s turn to buy a round and they returned without a slip of paper. The next round was bought and still no number.

“I can’t believe she gave you her number, Brian,” said a drinking buddy.

By the time it was Brian’s turn to buy the next round, he was more than a little tipsy. He stumbled to the bar and slurred his order. She looked at him sideways as she placed foaming glasses of beer on a platter for him.

“You aren’t going to spill those are you?” she asked.

“NOPE!” said Brian too loud.

He made his way back to the table where they continued to drink and talk about the game on the TV across from them. When the game was over, they all started to filter out. Brian was very much drunk and had difficulty standing. Nadia came over to his table, the only person still at their table.

She asked, “Did your friends leave you?”

He looked up with his puppy dog eyes and nodded, “I think so.”

She took his arm and helped him up, “Well, my shift is over. Can you walk a girl home?”

Brian stood, a touch wobbly but answered, “Yes, ma’am. At your service.”

He didn’t remember anything else about that night. The next morning, he awoke with a screaming headache. When he could finally open an eye, he found a note he couldn’t focus to read but it was next to a glass of water and a bottle aspirin. He popped two of them and drank some water.

An hour later, he felt a little better and was able to read the note. It was in a woman’s handwriting and said, “I hope you are feeling better. This should help. Thanks for almost walking me home.”

Some recollection of the beautiful girl that slipped him her number returned. He fished in his pocket and found the note. It had her name, Nadia, and her number. He texted her a thank you and a wink emoji. She sent back a smile.

Back in the present, Brian’s mind wandered into a daydream. Brian had been at work nearly three hours with nothing to show for it. None of his budget spreadsheets had a single number changed since yesterday when he shut down for the night.

He imagined Nadia in a black satin thong that framed her hips and disappeared between her thighs. A leather corset pushed her firm breasts into a well defined bosom. The garter straps on the corset held up her fish net stockings. He loved how the straps traced the outline of her lovely bottom, especially when she walked sexily away from him.

Brian suddenly became aware of his own reaction to his daydream. He looked around to see if anyone was near him. The cubes around him were quiet. He looked at his watch and realized why, it was a few minutes after noon. All his co-workers were out, thankfully.

His heartbeat slowed and his blood pressure dropped to normal levels. His condition was in remission. Brian mindlessly went through the motions as he walked to the sandwich shop across the street, ate his meal and returned to his tiny cubicle and hard chair.

His thoughts again turned to Nadia. She was still at work herself, an assistant to some big wheel at a big-deal accounting firm uptown. It paid well, than Brian's own job and with much better benefits. Nadia told him he should give notice if he hated it so much but he didn't have the nerve.

That was his plight, insecure and insignificant. Today, though, Brian had resolved to do something to make a change. He was determined to go through with one stinking thing in his life, even if it was wrong. He typed up his resignation and left it on his boss’s desk.

His boss was surprised but didn’t really try to talk him out of it. He accepted the resignation and his two weeks notice had begun. Brian wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but the wheels were in motion and change was coming.

The day mercifully ended and Brian decided to walk home. It was only a half dozen blocks and the cool air would help him clear his mind. As he walked up the stairs to his and Nadia’s apartment, he realized he’d made a huge decision without consulting her. He started to regret his hasty action.

Brian’s key slid into the lock and he entered the apartment. Nadia wasn’t home yet so he started dinner. They had chicken thawing and he put that on to simmer while he washed the lettuce and put a frozen bag of mixed vegetables in the microwave.

He was almost done preparing dinner and had set the plates on the table when he heard a key in the door start to open. Nadia walked in, beaming a smile that wiped all his fears and cares out of his mind. She walked over and kissed him.

She sniffed the aroma of seasoning on chicken and asked, “How long have you been home?”

Brian answered, “A little bit. I figured it was my turn to cook. Are you hungry?”

“Yes, it smells good,” she said, “Want some wine?”

He nodded, “Yes, and I have some news.”

Nadia opened the bottle and poured a couple of glasses, “So, tell me your news!”

Brian cleared his throat, “I turned in my two weeks notice today.”

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Chapter 2

Nadia stopped pouring the wine for a beat. If you weren’t watching, you’d have missed it. She handed one of the glasses of wine to Brian. She took a sip and sat her glass down. Brian took a big gulp of his wine and sat his glass down, too.

“Quit your job,” she said. “How’d that go over?”

“I don’t think they’ll miss me. They didn’t try to get me to stay or ask why I was leaving,” said Brian.

“How do you feel about it?” she asked.

“Strange. I hated the place. It was killing my soul,” he said. “I’ll miss a few of my coworkers but I died a little every time I walked in the door.”

Nadia walked to Brian’s side of the counter and wrapped her arms around him, “I’ve told you to quit more than once. I’m glad you finally did it. Now, how much longer until the chicken is done?”

“You’re not mad? Not upset I didn’t talk to your first?” he asked.

“Of course not,” she said. “Where’s that chicken?”

Brian turned to check the chicken and managed to burn himself in the process. He let out a little yelp. Nadia walked to him to see what he had done. She looked it over and kissed it. He didn’t think much of it at the time but that was the most motherly thing she’d ever done since he’d known her.

During dinner, they discussed how things could be different now that he was leaving his job. Brian wanted to start looking for something right away. Nadia suggested he take some time off, discover what he really wanted to do. She took the opportunity to tell him her news, she was getting a promotion.

“We can live off my salary, hun,” she said. “You won’t have to go back to work for quite a while if you don’t want to. You can lounge around the house and be my little boy toy.”

She’d always liked to take charge though it was usually in the bedroom. It didn’t surprise him when she made that statement. He wasn’t hating the idea of taking a break from the rat race and decided to see how it went.

That evening, Nadia was feeling particularly aroused. She wouldn’t take no for an answer from Brian. When he didn’t hold up his end of the arrangement, she smacked his bottom and it was more than a playful swat. It stung his behind.

She looked him in the eye, “You may be finished but I’m not. Now that I’m going to be supporting us, I think we need to make some new arrangements.”

He tilted his head, “Like what, exactly?”

“For one, you should have dinner ready when I get home,” she said. “On top of that, when I need a sexual release, you should make sure I’m finished before your job is done.”

“OK,” he said. “I can do dinner but it’s a lot harder for a guy. You’ve never complained before.”

She smirked, “I’m feeling my dominant side kick into overdrive. If you aren’t up to the task, I’m going to find some toys that will finish what you started.”

Brian liked the idea of shedding some responsibility in favor of her taking more control but he wasn’t sure he liked the idea of her saying he was lacking in the bedroom. He was going to see what could be done in that department when he had a free moment.

The next morning, nothing much was said about the previous night as they both went through their morning routine. Brian shaved while Nadia applied her makeup. He took a moment to stare at her lovely breasts in the lacy black push-up bra. He still thought himself a very lucky man.

They kissed as they left for work. Brian’s day ended almost as soon as it started. When he entered the building, an HR person was waiting for him. She was a tall woman. With heels she was eye to eye with Brian. She asked him to follow her to conference room.

Inside the conference room was Brian’s boss and another HR person. They asked him to take a seat. The lady read off a few things that basically said Brian would get his two-weeks severance and was no longer employed. The other HR person followed him to his desk as he cleaned it out and that was it.

Brian couldn’t believe it was over that quickly. He texted Nadia that he was released and was now free man, to pursue whatever it was he was going to do next. She called him and got the details. She made it clear he was to have dinner on the table when she arrive tonight.

Brian made some pasta with salad and bread sticks before Nadia arrived. The table was set and there was no evidence he’d played video games all day. He even shaved again and put on fresh after shave for her. He was debating romantic candles for the table when the door opened.

Nadia walked looking as fresh as when she left this morning. She walked to Brian and kissed him on the cheek. She looked over the stove and the table to see the table set. She was pleased he took the suggestion he take the evening meal prep seriously.

They had a nice meal and Brian asked Nadia about her day. Hers was uneventful and she steered the conversation to Brian’s largely free time. She stated he should do the laundry, the dishes and most of the other chores around the house. He agreed, after all, he was no longer working, at least for now.

As he cleaned the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, Nadia opened up laptop from her bag and started scrolling through some things. She smiled and even giggled a little. Brian smiled though he didn’t know why other than Nadia was smiling.

“What are you looking at?” he asked.

“Come see for yourself,” she motioned. “I’m going to need a good romp and I want to be satisfied. If you are going to come up short, this will be the substitute.”

She turned the screen where he could see it. There on the display was a rather intimidating dildo. Brian didn’t think much of it but she turned the laptop back toward herself and typed away. She pulled out her wallet and put in a credit card.

“There, done,” she said. “It will be here by the weekend.”

Brian’s eyes were wide, “Wow! You weren’t kidding.”

“Actually, I got two of them,” she said with a wry smile. “A pink one for me and a black one for you.”

He stuttered his response, “B-b-but, I don’t need one of those.”

Nadia looked at him, “If you don’t give me what I want, I’m going to give you what I want, little boy.”

Brian gulped, “Oh.”

He wasn’t feeling quite as good about his time off. The power dynamic of their relationship had always skewed toward Nadia but not the balance of powered shifted completely in her favor. The truth of the matter was, he wasn’t comfortable taking charge. Nadia easily filled the vacuum.

  • Like 15

Delightful, as ever (like, back to the Bytemine days)!

  • Like 1

Nice, slow start, although the tags do give the game away (thanks for being up front).  Given that the contest requires being forced into babyhood, I am surprised that he is the usual spineless wimp that populates hundreds of stories here.  I was sort of expecting him to draw lines in the beginning that she would have to erase as the story progresses.  Right now, there's no tension, and it's tension that makes a story work.  Hope that he's got some fight in him.

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Chapter 3

That night, Nadia initiated intimacy again. This time she straddled him and pushed her breasts into his face. She bid him to enjoy them and forget about anything else. Her gyrations left him wanting to thrust, to finish what she had started but she denied him his release. She pulled away at the wrong time.

“Not so fast!” she said. “Slow down and let me show you what I want.”

With his tongue still on her nipple, he slowly nodded as the need to finish subsided though the desire remained. She slowly rocked against him but not enough to let him go. His lips circled her breast as she pushed her chest into his face.

Nadia was starting to feel like she was close to bliss when Brian couldn’t hold it any more. He erupted before she had reached her point of ecstasy. She continued to ride him, even as he started to deflate. She was so close, yet so far.

Frustrated, she said, “Oh, honey, I was so close.”

Taking his lips off her nipple he apologized, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t take it any more. It felt so good and there was nothing I could do.”

She rolled off of him and patted his cheek, “Don’t fret about it. We will work on it together.”

Brian didn’t think much about it when she said it and he drifted off to sleep with a, “Good night, love.”

The both fell asleep quickly. Brian woke to find Nadia already in the shower. He started breakfast for them. Today was going to be blueberry pancakes, bacon and a fresh pot of coffee. He had the table set by the time the shower stopped.

He poured a steaming cup of coffee for her and set the cream and sugar next to her saucer with a teaspoon placed next to it on a fluffed napkin. The pancakes and bacon on separate plates in the center of the table.

When Nadia sat at the table, she smiled at Brian, “What a lovely table you’ve set. What a wonderful wife you are turning out to be.”

He looked at her, “What does that mean?”

She touched his cheek, “It was a compliment, babe. You did an excellent job.”

Brian let it go and Nadia gathered her jacket on her way out the door. They kissed and he started cleaning the dishes off the table and putting them in the dishwasher. Nadia had closed the door and was opening the garage door when the door opened again.

Nadia stuck her head in and said, “OH, and don’t sit on the couch all day playing your Modern Warfare or whatever it is you like. Either you need to look for a job or you need to do something around the house.”

She closed the door before he could object. How did she know? Well, it was none of her business and if he needed to relax with a little game therapy, that was what he’d do. After all, they were a couple, man and wife, a team. Just because he was currently unemployed didn’t give her the final say in everything.

Things coasted like this for a few days. Then, the box Nadia had ordered arrived. She wanted Brian to watch as she unboxed it. It was a nondescript brown shipping box. Even the label was vanilla. It was shipped from C&P Enterprises. Inside the invoice was more descriptive, Cock & Pussy Pleasers.

When Nadia pulled the first dildo out of the box, Brian blushed. It was a big pink one, long, thick and with a bulbous tip. She fondled it and offered to let Brian touch it. He declined. Next, she pulled the black one out. It was similar, only differing in color. She handed it to Brian but he wouldn’t take it.

“Brian, sweety,” she said, “This one is for you. You might as well get acquainted with it.”

He shook his head, “NOPE! Not likely.”

She pouted, “Please, won’t you at least feel it… for me?”

“No, I don’t want anything to do with it,” he said.

“OK,” she started, “Be that way.”

That night when they went to bed, Nadia didn’t initiate intimacy with Brian. Instead, she took her new pink toy and began to experiment with it. Brian rolled over to his side and tried to block it out but her moaning was making it difficult.

He had to admit, it made him a little horny. He rolled back over and placed a hand on her cheek. She was flushed and breathing heavily. Her chest heaved and her breasts rose and fell to his liking. Brian assumed he could join in but she was satisfied and not in the mood for anything else.

That was the first night Brian didn’t get affection from Nadia but it wasn’t the last. With her new toy providing all the fulfillment she needed, she wasn’t giving him any attention in the bedroom. This frustrated Brian to the point he confronted her.

“What is happening here?” he questioned, “Are you never going to have sex with me again?”

She looked at him, “I told you I need to be satisfied. If you can’t do it, I’ll use this toy. If you try and fail, I’m going to use that other toy on you. Simple as that. Take it or leave it.”

Feeling brave, he puffed himself up, “I can do better than that piece of plastic. I’m a living breathing man. I can do things that thing can’t.”

Nadia smiled, “Then take me to bed and prove it.”

When the went to bed, she had places ropes at the four corners. She said she would be the judge of him satisfying her and the restraints were make sure she was driving, so to speak. She slipped Brian’s hands into the ones at the head of the bed. Then, his ankles in the ones at the foot.

He did not see the black dildo she had concealed in the sheets. Her sheer top was eased off and revealed her pert breasts. Brian licked his lips. She had already slipped off her panties. When she sat on his stomach, he could feel her warm, wetness, arousing him more.

She slid onto him easily, taking a gentle stride, holding him at bay. He tried to thrust up to meet her but she held him down. He couldn’t resist the urge to push deeper into her as she teased him mercilessly. He was fearing his imminent eruption when she fiddled with the sheets.

He was distracted when something hard touched his butt cheeks. She grabbed his bottom and wiggled something up his rear crack. It dawned on him, she had that dildo ready to go up his butt hole! He started to breath quickly, begging her not to do it.

“But, hun, you are about to blow. You know it and I know it,” she said.

She pushed a little harder and he felt the rounded head touch his rosebud. He squeezed to hold it out as best he could. She tapped at it, keeping time to her thrusts against him. Like that, it didn’t feel so threatening but he dared not let his guard down.

He relaxed for just a moment and she slipped it by his sphincter. He was shocked to feel the tip slip inside of him as she worked it to and fro. He begged her to pull it out but she refused. She had him just where she wanted him.

“You see, with this in your rear, you are easy to control,” she said.

“Pull it out,” he pleaded, “It’s too distracting.”

She leaned over and kissed him, “That’s the idea. You haven’t gone off yet and you won’t as long as I keep it there.”

She rode him harder and harder as her own release neared. He grunted and panted as she slipped more and more of the black intruder into his rear. She leaned her breasts down into his face and he knew what she wanted. He sucked on her nipples for all he was worth.

She was working him harder and deeper with the dildo but he couldn’t explode with buried in his rectum. She finally had enough and let out a long moan as she released the dildo. As it slipped out of his bottom, he met her climax with his own in great relief.

She collapsed on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, “That is how you satisfy a girl.”

The dildo had slid mostly out of him but the tip was holding it inside. He could do nothing and he feared trying to push it out might end badly. He waited for her to roll off of him and to the side. She stared into his eyes sleepily.

“Can you let me up now?” he asked, “I feel like I need to use the bathroom.”

As she undid his restraints she commented, “Not with that hard-on you won’t. Maybe we’ve found the secret to keeping you at the ready.”

Brian got up, holding the black rubber phallus dangling from his bottom, and made his way to the bathroom. Once the door was closed, he tugged at it but it was still lodged inside of him. He tugged a little harder and it popped out. He immediately sat on the toilet and felt relief.

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  • Thanks 1

This gets hotter by the chapter!

  • Like 1

Chapter 4

Nadia spoke to him from the bedroom, “Wash your new toy and put it away. I think we will be using it quite a lot in the near future.”

Brian grumbled, “NOPE! I didn’t like it!”

She didn’t reply but he could hear her laugh. He did as asked and washed the dirty thing. It was places in the tub to dry. He didn’t like seeing it there, knowing where it had been, and pulled the shower curtain to hide it from his view.

When he went back to the bedroom, Nadia was already asleep. Hmm, I guess that’s how it normally worked for him, come and go to sleep. Well, at least he’d get a good nights sleep and think of ways to get rid of the thing in the tub.

But for Brian, it wasn’t a restful sleep. He tossed and turned, having weird dreams about the things Nadia had done and his decided lack of enjoyment from them. She woke before him but her leaving the bed roused him slumber. Despite his rough night, he rose to make their breakfast and a pot of coffee.

Despite the warning, Brian spent a large part of his day playing on the console. He did wash dishes and folded clothes but he was caught in the middle of a battle when Nadia arrived home. The coffee table was littered with candy wrappers and empty aluminum cans. Nadia shook her head.

Brian abruptly stopped and went to kiss Nadia, “Dinner is in the oven. I’m waiting for the timer to go off.”

She raised an eyebrow and asked, “What are we having?”

Noticing he forgot to set the table after getting lost in the engaging game play, he said, “It’s a baked chicken dish. Salads are in the fridge and I’ll set the table now.”

Nadia didn’t say a word but she went to the bedroom to change out of her skirt and blouse. She returned a few minutes later. This time she was wearing a loose t-shirt off one shoulder and a pair of jeans that showed her bottom in a flattering manner. Her dirty blonde hair was down.

Her relaxed yet attractive look did not go unnoticed by Brian. He finished setting the table and pulled the chicken from the oven. He served her and poured a glass of wine for both of them. She tasted it and gave an approving nod. He smiled.

Between bites she said, “You make a pretty good housewife.”

He didn’t know how to take that but assumed it was a compliment. When they were finished, she helped him clear the table and load the dishwasher. She brushed against him several times and it made him aware of his desire to take her to bed sooner than later.

She leaned over the sink to pick up a plate and Brian leaned in over her, pressing his jeans to hers. She smiled and reached behind her to feel his growing desire. Her bottom wiggled against his ever tightening jeans.

“Feeling a little frisky?” she asked.

“You look so nice,” he said, “I remember why I love you so much.”

She pushed back against him and turned around to face him. She planted a kiss squarely on his lips before taking his hand, leading him to the bedroom. She popped the button on her jeans and let them slide down just enough to reveal her black lacy panties.

Brian kicked off his shoes as they entered the bedroom. The ropes were still there from last night but he didn’t notice. All he could see was her round bottom strutting to the bed. She turned and wiggled her hips to allow the jeans to fall to the ground. She stepped out of them and pulled off her t-shirt.

She turned to face him and fell backwards onto the bed. Her breasts mesmerized him when he saw she had not worn a bra. There she lay, smiling with nothing but her skimpy black panties on. He unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off. His polo shirt soon joined the growing pile of clothes by the bed.

When he started to remove her panties, she held up a finger and shook it. He made a pouting expression but she smiled and pulled his head into her bosom. She set him on her left nipple and eased his underwear down, leaving it around his knees. His eager member ready to please.

After a sufficient amount of nipple teasing and neck nuzzling, she allowed him to remove her panties. He worked his way down her stomach and buried his face between her legs, tasting her damp lower lips. She spread her legs to allow him better access and he dove in. She didn’t orgasm but it felt nice.

Upon giving up with his mouth, Brian eased back up to slip between her legs. They easily meshed and he started pumping too aggressively for Nadia’s tastes. She wrapped her legs around him to slow him down and he took the hint for a time. His urges took over and he was back to rough strokes too soon.

She was ready for him, though. She took the black dildo she had folded into the sheets and placed the tip against his rosebud. He got the picture and slowed down. Still, he ramped up his strokes beyond her desired pace. She shoved the dildo into her rear and felt his stop dead.

“Go slow, baby,” she said. “We’ve got all night.”

He didn’t speak but nodded and licked her nipples. She could feel him trying to maintain a slower pace, methodically moving against her. Every time he tried to speed up, she drove the dildo in his butt deeper to bring him back to her way of pleasuring her.

“Sweety, if I don’t like what you’re doing, I’m going to shove this deeper until you get the idea,” she said.

He managed to squeak out, “Understood.”

It wasn’t long before his urges took over once more and she was forced to drive the black intruder farther than it had ever been up his backside. No matter what she did now, though, he was going to explode. She pounded his rear at least as hard as he was pumping her and they both exploded.

“See,” she said, “that’s what it feels like when you get too rough. It’s OK for a bit but not what you want for the whole ride.”

“I get your point,” he said catching his breath.

“Now, go get cleaned up,” she said, “I’m worn out.”

He got out of bed, again holding the thing she’d shoved up his butt. He was afraid if he pulled it out, he’d make a mess on the bed. Something about that thing caused his bowels to stir to empty. He dared not remove it until he was perched over the toilet.

For the second time in as many days, Nadia had violated him anally with the dildo. Was she developing a sadistic streak? This was a turn in their love life he had not anticipated. The sex was great but he still did not like being probed back there. He would mention it at breakfast.

Grudgingly, he cleaned the thing and left it in tub. For a moment, he considered putting it in the trash but decided she would not appreciate that. He needed a plan to get her to stop using it on him. It wasn’t his idea of fun.

  • Like 6
  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 5

The next morning, Nadia was in a great mood. Why wouldn’t she be? She was having her way with Brian and he was reluctantly accepting his position in life. Perhaps she could push him more and see where it led.

While Nadia was at work, Brian sunk into a drunken depression. He drank all the beer in the fridge and started on the wine bottles. After eight cans of beer, two bottles of wine and the half bottle of vodka, he passed out on the kitchen tile, face down.

Nadia arrived to find Brian shitfaced and soaking in his own urine. She turned around and left again. He was going to make this way too easy. At the medical supply store a mile from their home, she stopped in to gather some supplies. If he was going to act like a baby, well, she’d treat him like one!

When she returned, her arms loaded with shopping, she found Brian had not stirred from his inebriated state. She stowed the packages in the master bathroom and went to rouse Brian, if she could. She threw towels down around him to soak up some of the mess he’d made. She tapped his arm with a shoe.

He moaned and rolled over. When his eyes opened, he squinted and moaned in pain. She pulled on his arm to help him sit up. Nadia suspected he had the mother of all hangovers going on as he wobbled. He put his arms out to stabilize himself and took a deep breath.

“Did you have fun today?” she asked.

“shhh,” he whispered.

“Get up! You need to get cleaned up,” she said firmly.

“I can’t. My head is killing me,” he said softly.

She grabbed his arm and tried to drag him up. He was mostly dead weight until he unsteadily pushed off the floor with the other arm. Once standing, she could see his sodden underwear and the t-shirt he was wearing when she left for work that morning.

“Well, it seems you’ve had a productive day,” sarcasm dripping from her tone.

She managed to get him to the shower and let him sit in the floor while she ran cold water over him. It didn’t sober him up but it made him forget about his headache for a bit. She washed some of the stench off of him and dried him off as best she could. Then, she took him to the bedroom to lay down.

He fell back onto the bed, naked and passed out again as soon as he went horizontal. She put her hands on her hips before turning to get the things she needed. When she returned, she laid out the things and started to prepare Brian for bed. He wouldn’t soon forget his drunken pity party.

It took her a while but she managed to get two laxative suppositories up his bottom. She had bought the biggest, thickest adult incontinence briefs the store carried. They were overnight Confies and she taped one on Brian snugly. She put the sheet over him and went to clean up the kitchen.

For supper Nadia fixed herself a salad and a burger. Brian had drank all the wine so she put another bottle from the rack in to chill. He couldn’t be allowed to fall into this cycle of spiraling downward. He’d have no choice in what happened next. She was fully in control from here on out.

That night she slept in the spare bedroom. She had a restful sleep without Brian’s snoring and pulling the sheet off of her. Perhaps that was another aspect she’d like to incorporate moving forward. She made a mental note before heading to the shower.

When she was finished showering, Brian was still out cold in the bed. She went to check on him and found him in a sorry state. The suppositories had worked sometime in the night and he had fouled his undergarment. Luckily, it didn’t leak. On top of that, his diaper was very wet. Diapering him worked.

She went to wake him, “Brian, wake up!”

He held his head with both hands, “Please, not so loud.”

“You’ve got to get up,” she said.

“I need to rest a little more,” he said.

“Young man! GET UP NOW!” she shouted.

Brian scrunched his eyes tight as the words grated across his raw headache. She took his hand and pulled at him until he sat up. He realized there was something wrong when a squishiness between his legs informed him this was not normal.

The look of disgust on his face was priceless. She could almost feel the confusion he was experiencing. He froze, unable to fully process what his situation was or how he had come to be in this position. He ran his hand across the white plastic covering his groin, feeling the thick padding full of his urine.

“Wha, what happened last night?” he questioned.

She shook her head, “Isn’t it clear, you big baby. You’ve messed your diaper.”

“But why am I wearing a diaper?” he asked, still quite confused.

Nadia looked at his pitiful face, “You were so drunk and made such a terrible, foul mess in the kitchen that appropriate measures had to be taken.”

He stood, “I’m going to the bathroom now.”

She smelled the stench wafting from him as he passed her, “I want this place spotless when I come home and this time, dinner better be ready to make up for your lapse last night.”

The stage was set and his fate was sealed. Now all she needed to do was turn the dials of his emotions and he would fall in line, doing anything she demanded. This evening would be the most interesting one of their marriage so far.

At the end of the day when she returned home, the house was spotless and dinner was waiting. The table was set and a couple of wine glasses waited to be filled. Brian pulled the pork chops out of the oven and placed them on a serving platter.

She kissed him on the cheek and sat at the table as he dished out the largest pork chop on her plate. She green beans and corn were in dishes with spoons in them. He waited for her to finish filling her own plate before he made his own.

“So, have you recovered?” she asked. “Your headache go away and your bathroom control return?”

He blushed, embarrassed, “Yes, all better now.”

The rest of the meal found him silent while Nadia ate peacefully. She drank her glass of wine and allowed Brian to have one as well. It would work into her plan. Brian had turned a corner he didn’t even know he had encountered. They’d never started a family so this would be her new plan.

  • Like 6

Chapter 6

Nadia relaxed with a book while Brian cleaned up the kitchen dishes. After he was done with the kitchen, he joined her in the living room. He wanted to play some video games but didn’t dare disturb her serene mood. Instead, he played with his phone for a bit.

She closed her book and looked over at Brian buried in his phone, oblivious to the rest of the world. She opened the book again and closed it loudly. That got his attention as he jumped at the sudden clap. He looked at her with a sheepish smile.

“Ready for bed?” she asked.

“I was hoping to get a little gaming in first,” he half pleaded.

She shook her head, “No, I think it is bed time.”

“Go ahead,” he said, “I’ll be in later.”

She looked at him, “After the way you were yesterday, I don’t think you need to be missing any sleep.”

Nadia stood there until he wilted under her glare and rose to follow her to the bedroom. They both undressed down to their underwear, he in gray briefs and a white t-shirt, her in a beige bra and panties. She put her clothes in the bathroom hamper and returned with a few things. Brian saw what she had.

“What’s the deal with that,” he said, pointing to an adult incontinence brief.

“You clearly had no control last night,” she said, “and I don’t intend to wake up in a bed ruined by another of your accidents. So, lay down and I’ll get you taken care of.”

He shook his head, “No, not happening.”

She cocked her head at him, “You can either give in to my request or go sleep on the couch. If you ruin that couch with your inability to hold your fluids… well, it won’t be good.”

Brian hung his head and fell back on the bed. She smiled as she pulled off his underwear. His member started to stiffen as she had him lift his rear to place the diaper under him. He wiggled and seemed uncomfortable with the situation.

“Can’t we have a little fun first,” he asked.

“Honey, I’m tired. Let’s just go to bed,” she said.

She fastened him into the diaper, the bulge showing his desire for intimacy. She threw off her bra and pulled on her nightshirt. He was not the least bit sleepy now and snuggled up next to his wife. She rolled over to face him and felt him through the diaper.

She massaged the front of his diaper and he started to pull it down. She stopped him and continued to rub his hardness through the covering. He laid back on the bed as she raised his lust to the point of no return. He sighed as she felt the pulsing of his ejaculation.

When it was done, she kissed and said, “There, now go to sleep.”

It was much easier for him to drift off now that she had removed his reason for staying awake.

They both slept well that night. She awoke first and slipped out of bed without waking Brian. With any luck, he had wet himself. If he hadn’t she would continue diapering him until he did on his own. A quick hand job and he was easy to manipulate.

When she exited the shower, he was still asleep but starting to stir. She went to his side of the bed and began feeling his diapered crotch. It wasn’t wet but it stuck to his body. She massaged his member until it was awake though he was still drowsy.

“You’re finally up,” she said.

He opened his eyes wide, “OH, that’s a new one.”

She stroked him and said, “You like this don’t you?”

He smiled and smelled her damp hair, “Yes, ma’am.”

She brought him to completion in his diaper for the second time. He threw his head back on the pillow as his muscles involuntarily completed what she had started. When she was done, she left him there in his twice cummed diaper.

She dressed in front of him as he smiled. She was not hard to look at and he definitely married above his level. He started to get up and pull the tape on the diaper but she looked at him with that ‘don’t you dare’ stare.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I was going to get this thing off and use the bathroom,” he said.

She snickered, “You’re wearing your bathroom. Let it go. Are you afraid?”

He wrinkled his face, “Why would I do that?”

She looked at him, “You did last night. You get a hardon easily while wearing it. I thought you must like wearing diapers.”

“What? NO!” he said.

“Then go ahead and piss that diaper and tell me it didn’t feel good,” she said.

He cleared his throat, “I don’t want to.”

She laughed, “You liked getting a handjob well enough and you pissed yourself more than once last night. Do it. I dare you.”

He started to get up out of bed and said, “I don’t need this right now.”

She grabbed his padded behind and squeezed it. The crinkling plastic echoed like thunder in his ears. She kissed him and pressed on his abdomen. He broke the kiss and eased back from her. He thought she was crazy.

“Go ahead, get in the bathroom then,” she said.

“I am!” he said.

Once he was in the bathroom she continued to get ready. She listened for the tapes of the diaper to be removed but it didn’t happen right away. She giggled to herself. He was probably peeing in the diaper and he wasn’t sure what to make of how it made him feel.

After several minutes she was finally dressed. When she heard the sound of the tapes ripping loose and the shower turning on, she left for the kitchen to fix her breakfast and get some coffee started. She had finished her second cup of coffee when Brian entered the kitchen. She didn’t say a word.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat across from her, looking at his phone. She ate the last bit of her egg and put the dishes in the dishwasher. He looked up and smiled at her. He looked back at his phone and sat it down.

She spoke, “I don’t want you playing video games all day while I’m gone,” she said.

“I won’t,” he said.

She kissed him and left for work after saying, “Good. Can you do the shopping today? I made a list.”

“Sure,” he said.

She left, knowing he would be buying several items she would use to reduce him to her darling little boy. A little fiber supplement, a bottle of laxative powder and a combination hot water bottle and enema bag.

  • Like 10

Very good pacing on this story.  Resisting the urge to bring diapers onto the stage in the first couple of paragraphs can be hard, but postponing it to invest in your characters and the plot architecture always results in a better product.  Well done. 

  • Like 1

Author note: I'm trying to tie this all up so it is complete by the time the contest ends. Sorry for any rushed typos.

Chapter 7

Brian finished his breakfast and dressed to go to the grocery. He found Nadia’s list on the fridge. He didn’t study it too hard but saw the oat milk and bagels. He didn’t bother skimming the rest of it then. He grabbed his car keys and sun glasses as he head out the door.

Once at the store, he strolled the aisle, picking up the things she had listed. The food was easy, he’d bought most of it before. It was the other aisles, the ones he had not frequented that threw him. She had a hot water bottle, laxative powder and big package of fiber on the list. All of that was new.

He paid, bagged it all and headed home. The produce and other food was put away. He didn’t know what to do with the other stuff so he left it on the kitchen counter near the refrigerator. Feeling he had accomplished something positive, he opened a beer and sat down to get a little gaming in.

One beer turned into three, 30 minutes of gaming turned into four hours. Starting supper at four o’clock turned into five o’clock and Nadia walking through the door with nothing in the oven or on the table. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had screwed up.

“What’s for dinner?” she asked, seeing a lack of prep having been done.

“How about we order in. I didn’t know if you’d prefer Chinese or pizza,” he recovered.

She smiled one corner of her mouth, “How thoughtful. Let’s have pizza. The usually meat lovers.”

He picked up his phone and ordered one in the app, “It will be here in 22 minutes.”

She didn’t push the gaming and didn’t acknowledge the empty beer bottles. Instead she went to the bedroom to change out of her dress clothes and into loose t-shirt and short. She knew he liked they way it framed her firm behind in them.

She redid her lipstick, touched up her hair and sauntered back into the living room. Brian wisely had removed the beer bottles and put away the game controllers. She didn’t understand what boys saw in playing soldier in a game but she wasn’t a boy.

Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang and it was the pizza delivery girl. She handed Brian the pizza and he handed her a $5 tip. He sat the pizza on the table and Nadia brought two beers out of the fridge. She opened them and sat one in front of Brian and one for herself.

Brian placed the plates and napkins on the table. He served the first steaming hot piece to Nadia and placed another slice on his plate. The clinked beer bottles and started to eat. Brian remembered he’d forgotten to eat lunch and wolfed his first slice down quickly. The beer was gone almost as fast.

Nadia brought him another brew and opened it for him. He smiled and thanked her. She ate two pieces of pizza and he ate four. She had one beer and he had three. Had it been regular beer, things would have been fine but Nadia like a particular craft beer with seven percent alcohol. It went great with pizza.

"Whew, I'm stuffed!" Brian said.

"It was good," said Nadia.

After dinner, Brian was feeling a bit drowsy and nodded off on the couch. She roused him and directed him to the bedroom. There she helped him undress and prepare for bed. After he brushed his teeth, he returned to the bedroom to find she had laid out a diaper for him.

“I don’t need that,” he said.

“How many beers did you have today?” she quizzed him.

He gulped, “Three with pizza.”

She cocked her with a glare, “How many BEFORE I came home?”

“Two, I think,” he said sheepishly.

She held up three fingers, “I counted three bottles on the coffee table. That’s six today. I’m sorry, but I cannot take a chance you’ll have an accident.”

He hung his head. Her logic was sound, especially after the mess he made the last time he overindulged. He fell onto the bed. She worked his pants and underwear off. The diaper slipped under him easily, without a fight. He was giving in easier than she expected.

Once sealed in for the night, she undressed on her side of the bed. She could see that he was enthusiastically watching her disrobe. He rolled on his side to stare at his lovely wife. The diaper crinkled with his movement. A burp escaped as he moved.

“Excuse me!” he said.

She giggle, “Beer will do that.”

She crawled into bed and snuggled up to him. The heat of his stiff diaper radiated against her thigh. She playfully squeezed his padded erection. The rustle of the diaper ever present. He placed his lips on her nipple and started to tease her.

He started to pull at his diaper and she stopped him. Instead, she rubbed the front of it, working him closer to orgasm as he sucked on her nipple. It wasn’t long before he stopped teasing her nipple and exploded into the diaper. She smiled.

She cooed, “Hmm, that felt good. Did you like it?”

He looked up from her breast, “Heaven’s, yes.”

They lay there for sometime before Brian said, “I need to go to the bathroom.”

She asked innocently, “Why?”

“I need to pee,” he said.

She patted his crotch, “Don’t bother. This will take care of it. Now, get some sleep.”

“No, really, I need to use the bathroom,” he pleaded as he pushed the sheet away.

“Stay here,” she said.

As his erection receded, his need to urinated grew. The pressure was building but he couldn’t let go in this thing. At least when he peed this morning’s diaper he was standing up and pretended he was using the toilet. Now, he was laying down it wasn’t the same.

He started to get out of bed until she placed her hand on his crotch again and began massaging the front of his diaper. That started the blood flowing and the urge to void his bladder eased. It wouldn’t last all night but it gave him a slight reprieve.

He still was uneasy until she said, “Pee that diaper and I’ll make sure you enjoy it.”

As much as he wanted to explore that thought, he couldn’t override his bladder’s inability to release in bed. She rubbed his belly above the diaper to relax him. She rubbed his shoulders as well. It was helping but still not enough to let it go.

She whispered in his ear, “Give a little push. That’s all it will take.”

He did while she was still holding his crotch, “That’s a good boy! Isn’t it warm and pleasant?”

She wasn’t wrong. With that, she pulled off her panties and moved in the bed. She rolled onto him, her knees around his ears and her face near his diaper. He could smell her sex as she rubbed his warm, snug diaper. It felt better now that it did earlier. The heat was exciting him. He licked at her slit, tasting her.

He was thoroughly enjoying her and she was bringing him to full attention. His tongue darted and teased as she returned the favor with her hand through the diaper. The crinkling rhythmically hypnotizing. He finally had her about to explode and she moaned as she stroked his diaper furiously.

His face was dripping with her juices as she trembled and collapse on him. She didn’t let up with her hand though and sent Brian over the edge as well. They both were spent. She barely had enough energy to move back to her pillow. They kissed and fell into a deep sleep.

  • Like 8

Nice love scene.  If he gets a hand job every time he pees his diaper, he will be one happy husband ... and a well conditioned one.  On the flip side, if he is good with his tongue, she will be more than ready to change him.  Now, what reward can she offer him for pooping in his diaper?

  • Like 3

Chapter 8

Nadia woke to Brian fidgeting in his sleep. She gently felt his diaper and could tell he had used it at least once more during the night. It was swollen and thicker than his first wetting. That was a tremendous milestone. She would keep reinforcing his drinking and diaper dependence.

Brian was still fast asleep. She awoke him with a kiss on the lips and gentle rubbing on his diaper that increased until she felt his morning erection stiffen. He finally stirred awake and looked surprised. She smiled at him.

He smiled at her, “Morning, Love.”

She answered, “Morning, Baby.”

“That feels nice,” he said as he relaxed into the pillow.

She worked his diaper until he exploded once more in his soggy diaper. Despite his reluctance, he was no longer fighting her efforts to keep him diapered. Nadia took the opportunity to push him farther, deeper into the diapered bliss.

“Baby, when did you have your last BM?” she asked as she patted his shrinking bulge.

“I don’t know. Maybe the unfortunate event that occurred a few nights ago,” he thought.

“Well, it’s not good to be stopped up. I think we need to get you unplugged,” she smiled.

“No need, it will happen soon,” he said.

She looked at him, “Just a quick enema to free things up. Then, you’ll be back to normal.”

He shook his head, “NO, I do NOT need an enema.”

“Sweety, do you feel like you need to go?” she asked.

“Not really,” he replied.

“And it has been at least two days?” she inquired.

“Probably, but it isn’t a problem,” he almost pleaded.

“Don’t be silly,” she said.

“Besides, you’ll be late for work,” he said, thinking he’d won.

“Oh, Brian, you’ve forgotten what day it is. This is Saturday!” she said.

“Still, I don’t want one,” he begged.

“Want has nothing to do with it. You need one. Do you want to cooperate or do I have to resort to stronger measures?” she said.

He held his head low. She wasn’t bigger than him, she wasn’t stronger than him but she had the will to push him and always had. She got her way every time it came down to a conflict between them. Deep down, Brian was afraid he’d lose her if he pushed too hard. She knew she’d never lose him, no matter.

Nadia went to the bathroom and dug around in the closet. He heard her open a box and the water started to run. She did a few other things he didn’t pay attention to until she returned from the bathroom with several items in hand.

The first thing he noticed was the black dildo she had forced up his rear. He’d almost forgotten about it. Then there was the bulging red enema bag that he thought was just a hot water bottle. He didn’t even notice the clean diaper, tucked under her arm.

“Lay back and let me get you out of that soggy diaper,” she sweetly said.

He complied without a sound. She untaped it and balled it up. It was heavy with his overnight voids. She placed the clean one under him and prepared the enema equipment. The dildo, he would learn, had a hollow core and could double as an enema nozzle. She covered it with a water based lubricant.

“Relax and you might even enjoy this,” she said with a wry grin.

She turned him on his left side and spread his cheeks. He tightened when the nozzle touched his anus. She rubbed it around, slowly pushing the head against his rosebud. With a few more subtle probes, the tip finally slipped in. She eased it in and out a bit at a time, going deeper each time.

As she suspected, his manhood responded to the prostate massaging he was experiencing. Like it or not, his body enjoyed the stimulation. His prostate would be dry by the time she was through with him. He might be hard but he would be shooting dust.

Once the dildo nozzle was deep in his rear, she rolled him onto the diaper and taped it up with the hose up his back. The dildo started to slip out but was held from falling out by the diaper, as she had planned. She gave it a few pushes and watched the front of his diaper develop an expanding wet spot.

Nadia held the bag up to her shoulder and released the clamp. At first, Brian felt nothing. Then, he felt warmth in his bottom that spread to his belly. She rubbed his abdomen in a circular motion as she pushed the nozzle repeatedly into his rear. The sensation was distracting and confusing.

Despite his desire to not be receiving an enema, his manhood seemed just fine with it. His precum was belying his lack of enthusiasm for the whole procedure. She thought he needed and it he was nothing if not willing to give in to her wishes.

She worked the nozzle and rubbed his belly for several minutes. He felt no discomfort. Quite the opposite, he was aroused despite himself. She noted his belly was swollen with the contents of the enema bag. He’d taken two full quarts without a complaint. She closed the clamp laid the bag aside.

Now, she concentrated on moving the nozzle as deeply into his bottom as she could. Each stroke in was met with a slow, natural attempt to expel it along with the extra fluid she’d filled him with. She pushed harder and harder on his belly to get the enema fully dispersed into his colon.

Nadia stopped rubbing his belly and concentrated on the dildo nozzle and his diapered erection. She pushed the nozzle and stroked his diaper. His breathing became ragged as she started panting. When he had lost all ability to think, his orgasm erupted and his behind betrayed him.

His diaper filled with the contents of his colon that leaked around the intruder in his butt as his throbbing penis gave him mixed signals. Joy and disgust at the same time. He was confused and unable to stop either from happening.

“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked.

He nodded his head in agreement. His bowels had settled down and his erection was subsiding. The feeling of hot, wet mush around his bottom, still filled with the dildo, was understandably making him conflicted. His bladder reminded him it was full and he voided without thinking.

She looked at the blank stare on his face and said, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He took her hand and stood. The dildo and heavy diaper drooping between his legs. As he walked into the bathroom bowlegged, the dildo nozzle finally had enough room to slip out of his rear. The added weight of the water still in his colon caused him to hunch over as another wave of mush left him.

“Oh, don’t worry,” she consoled him.

She directed him to stand by the shower as she ran the water to get it warm. Once it was at the proper temperature, she turned it off and stood him in the stall. She undressed and stepped in with him. He stared at her breasts as she undid his filthy diaper. She balled it up and placed it in the trash.

The black dildo nozzle and the enema back were tossed in the sink to be cleaned later. She turned the water back to warm. The water felt good on his back. She took the shower wand and rinsed off his bottom, even directing the massaging jets at his testicles.

As he started to feel better, she soaped and washed him. When he was clean, he soaped her and returned the favor, paying particular attention to her nipples and her nether regions. Despite his desire to have her in the shower, his spent member was used up for now. He needed time to recover.

Once they had showered, they dried each other off. They went into the bedroom. Nadia put on a red bra and panties. Brian opened his underwear drawer to find it no longer contained his boxers and briefs. Instead, he found Nadia had filled it to the brim with adult diapers!

  • Like 5

Author note: Wrapping (or is it diapering?) it all up to be done before the deadline. I could have gone on, and may, but this is a good spot to have a defined ending.

Chapter 9

“What’s the deal? Where’s my underwear?” he asked.

“Well, Baby, that is your underwear from now on,” she started, “You’ve had trouble lately and I’ve decided you can game and drink all you like as long as you wear a diaper.”

“I don’t need a diaper!” he said.

“Really, after the last couple of days you’ve had, that’s the story you’re going with?” she said with her hands on her hips.

He hung his head and shook it, “Fine.”

She spread out a fresh diaper and pushed him back onto it. He was back in a diaper again. Soon, he would barely remember a time when he didn’t wear a diaper. The rest of the day was going to be a whole new experience for him. They finished dressing, Brian in sweats, her in t-shirt and jeans.

“Now, let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving!” she said.

In the kitchen, Nadia made Brian a bowl of bran cereal with blueberries and a cup of coffee for both of them. She also made him a yogurt smoothie with two liberal scoops of fiber powder and a dose of powdered laxative while he watched.

“That’s for me?” he asked.

“Sweety, you were all backed up. Don’t you feel better now?” she asked.

“Well, yeah, I feel better but do you really need to use so much of that stuff?” he asked.

She smiled as she hit the blender button, “Better safe than sorry. I’m having the same thing.”

Nadia indeed did have some of the smoothie and the same bran cereal but not as much. Brian struggled to get the smoothie down and was going to abandon over half of it when Nadia urged him to drink up. He got another swallow down but the high fiber cereal had expanded in his stomach.

“Come on, Baby,” she encouraged him.

Despite feeling exceedingly full, he gave in and drank more of it. His belly was bloated and he felt like he needed to burp. He flexed his abdominal muscles to force the gas up. Instead, his bowels erupted with a noisy mess that surprised them both.

“SHIT!” he said as he raised off his seat.

She had to hide a giggle from him, “It’s OK. Enemas sometimes linger and sneak out. It’s a good thing your diaper caught it. Finish your smoothie and I’ll help you get cleaned up.”

Despite the mess he’d made in his diaper, he now felt less full and was able to finish the smoothie. Nadia took him to the bedroom and used wet wipes to clean his bottom. A fresh diaper was applied and this time he didn’t get an erection. Was he already thinking of this as normal? She could only hope.

That morning, while Nadia paid a few bills online, Brian joined an online game with some friends. She didn’t hear the whole thing but she got the idea they paused between rounds for the players to take bathroom breaks and get more refreshments.

Brian didn’t need a bathroom break. She wasn’t sure but he surely had wet himself by the time she had brought him another beer at 11 o’clock. She started on lunch shortly afterward. He was going to have a chicken wrap made with high fiber tortilla.

When she brought him a plate with the wrap and loaded potato skins, she could smell him. It was clear he had done more than simply wetting his diaper. She sat the plate down and decided to wait to see how long he would go before he needed a change.

She heard him take off his headset and stretch his neck at one o’clock. The others must have taken another biobreak. He said nothing. Brian had been in a wet and dirty diaper for over an hour without mentioning it. She handed him another beer and cleared away the dishes. They would need to add air freshener to the shopping list.

“Baby, I think you need to freshen up. Let’s go to the bedroom,” she said.

He looked down and felt his diaper, “Holy crap! I totally got into the game and forgot.”

She lead him to the bedroom and again changed him into a fresh diaper. He smiled at her the whole time like it was normal. She finished and helped him. He kissed her and went back to his gaming as if this was how it had always been. Men are just big boys. Give them toys and they will play all day.

Brian drank three more beers before supper. Nadia warmed up the pizza from last night and gave him a cup of chocolate chip ice cream with high fiber graham crackers. By her calculations, he’d consumed 175% of the require daily fiber intake. He wouldn’t be constipated anymore.

After two more beers, Nadia found Brian snoring on the couch. His game had timed out and he was offline. She cleaned up the empties and roused him awake to get ready for bed. She could see through his sweatpants that his diaper was exceedingly droopy.

“Let’s get your teeth brushed and you can go to bed,” she said.

He nodded his head and dutifully brushed his teeth with droopy eyelids. When he was done, she waited for him in the bedroom with a clean diaper. He pulled off his sweats and laid on the bed while she changed him once again. He was asleep before she finished taping him in.

She started the dishwasher and swept up the crumbs around where he’d sat all day. She got ready for bed and joined him without him even stirring. She gave a gentle squeeze to his diaper to find it had already been used.

Sunday morning saw him rise before her. He walked into the kitchen in nothing but his soggy diaper to start the coffee pot. He had a little hangover and took some aspirin with a glass of water. He felt a fart coming on a pushed it out. It was much more than a fart but he kept pushing until he felt better.

When he returned to the bedroom, he went to his underwear draw and pulled out a clean diaper. In the bathroom, he removed the soiled garment and started the shower. He cleaned himself up thought nothing of the fact he’d messed himself.

Once he was clean, he dried off and put on a fresh diaper. It was the first time he’d done it himself but he’d watched Nadia. It was different standing up but he managed to get it snugged up and feeling like it did when she diapered him.

Brian went to the bedroom to dress. Nadia was already up and in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. She had poured one for him as well. He had on a pair of jeans that normally were loose. Today, with his thick diaper, it was tight and showed his rear to be bigger and fuller than normal.

He looked presentable so Nadia suggested they go have brunch at the little place around the corner. It was beautiful morning for a walk so they did. Brian though nothing of the fact he was wearing a diaper and was leaving the house. She was thrilled at his transformation!

As they walked down the street, hand in hand, Nadia knew for certain: This is how you change a man, with love and diapers!

The End… or is it the beginning?

  • Like 7

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