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Mommy for Trans (MtF) Males

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Having experienced many disappointments seeking a mommy, I am now a Mommy!

To be clear, I'm a male mommy.

The truth is I'm still a baby too!

But I'm not here to find a mommy to take care of the baby, just the opposite.

I hope to find a trans male with whom commonalities other than diapers and mommy-baby dynamic are shared.

You need not be a sissy baby! As a baby I am a girl, there was never any question about it. There are people who identify as female who don't need/want an abundance of costume. Sometimes it's fun but I'm hoping to find a male baby girl who would like the attention of a strict but loving male Mommy.

For the  longest time I thought I would always be just a baby girl. But role playing on this site, some time ago, helped reinforce my desire to be a caregiver. Now I'm back wearing a different hat after experiencing many ups and downs on other sites.

I hope someday to find someone here who will be as good for me as I would like to be for them, ideally someone who is serious about wanting to connect with a Mommy who has a lot to share and would like to share in return.

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So just to be clear your looking for a F to M trans person.

 I’m gender fluid NB but do primarily identify as a girl very much feminine 

I hope you find what your looking for

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Hi Mommy Wendy, and welcome to DD. Nice to meet you. I hope you can find what you’re looking for here, and enjoy the site. Come in, and make yourself comfy. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!

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7 hours ago, Mommy Wendy Marie said:

As it states quite clearly, "I'm hoping to find a male baby girl ".

One thing Mommy expects of any little is that they can understand the printed word. She doesn't write them down for nothing.

I think I get it now, hope it works out for you

and yes I’m male, but enjoy baby girl time 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi baby girl,

I'd love to, sweetheart, but I have reservations about the "420" after your name.

If you are a pot smoker, that's something Mommy isn't interested in.

That's because when she's with her baby she needs to be confident that she is sober.

In my mind it's a very simple equation. You can continue to imbibe in whatever it is you enjoy using as an escape, or you can immerse yourself in life and all its ups and downs. If you've ever been sober you know what I'm talking about. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I'm no angel, but I understand the attraction of using foreign substances to enhance our happiness. Believe me, I do.

Tell me  more about yourself. I'd like to get to know you. But I'd ask that we not engage as Mommy and Baby until I know more about your habits.

Mommy Wendy

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you search "Minnesota", at present it should return 241 entries.  Scroll down the first page, and you should find several posts that look promising.  I don't know about the Twin Cities, or for that matter western Wisconsin, but the region does seem to offer possibilities.

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26 minutes ago, Babypants said:

If you search "Minnesota", at present it should return 241 entries.  Scroll down the first page, and you should find several posts that look promising.  I don't know about the Twin Cities, or for that matter western Wisconsin, but the region does seem to offer possibilities.

Thank you for this. I prefer to let them come to me. That way only the ones who are half-way serious about wanting to develop a mommy-baby relationship will take the time to perform such a search. At this point in time I'm not heartened by the results I've obtained so far; combine that with results I've had on other sites, I conclude that most are more interested in playing and less interested in actually working on something. That doesn't surprise me but it does disappoint me because of what it says about the general population of adult babies....Why should I be surprised? After all, all babies want to do is play!

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You used the word "commonalities" in your original post.  Have you considered expanding on that?  Enduring relationships need a broad base, not a narrow one.  Would you like to take your partner to a Twins game, or a picnic in the park?  A bicycle ride around Lake Harriet?  Talking about your broader approach to life can open more doors than narrowing it down to a single facet.

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46 minutes ago, Babypants said:

You used the word "commonalities" in your original post.  Have you considered expanding on that?  Enduring relationships need a broad base, not a narrow one.  Would you like to take your partner to a Twins game, or a picnic in the park?  A bicycle ride around Lake Harriet?  Talking about your broader approach to life can open more doors than narrowing it down to a single facet.

I'm not sure a word other than "commonalities" can possibly be any broader than it already is. I suppose it depends on how you define the word but if you look up the word, you'll see it is virtually universal in terms of what it could include. So no, I would not change the way I've worded it. As far as doing things publicly, that's way down the road. My attitude is "first things first." Suggesting things to do could be a detriment to some. I appreciate your input but I'm sorry to say that I'm just not "there" with your suggestions.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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