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Joining the Army (Help)

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I’m a little who is joining the Army. I don’t want to completely give up ageplay or diapers (I already know I’ll have no chance during basic, that’s fine). Anyone have recommendations on how to indulge this side of me while I’m in? I’m joining active duty 68w.

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You have an advantage over us that were preinternet, you can still go online. That being said. Keep your devices secure, get one of the screens that prevent anyone from reading off the side. See if you can live off base. Read all the rules and regulations about your digital rights and security. 


Remember the first rule of diaper club. Don't talk about diaper club.


I'm not sure what your MOS is, but if it requires having a security clearance, then suck it up and don't do anything ABDL until you get out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 BEdwetting is a DQ factor in the army. 

Also depends on what component you going to. If youre going regular army, push the whole diaper thing to the side. You may not have the personal time. 

If youre going reserve or national guard, push it to the side until after training. 

 BEdwetting is a DQ factor in the army. 

Also depends on what component you going to. If youre going regular army, push the whole diaper thing to the side. You may not have the personal time. 

If youre going reserve or national guard, push it to the side until after training. 

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1 hour ago, Wowpally said:

 BEdwetting is a DQ factor in the army. 

Also depends on what component you going to. If youre going regular army, push the whole diaper thing to the side. You may not have the personal time. 

If youre going reserve or national guard, push it to the side until after training. 

 BEdwetting is a DQ factor in the army. 

Also depends on what component you going to. If youre going regular army, push the whole diaper thing to the side. You may not have the personal time. 

If youre going reserve or national guard, push it to the side until after training. 

I’m going active duty and will have aprox. 7 months of training total. After that, I may have limited ability to wear from what I understand, but it will be VERY limited.

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 Best of luck, in any case. Wait til after trqining to wear. 

Consider barracks inspections and your peer group. Also if possible see if you can find muches were you will be stationed. Great way to find others. 

Again best of luck and stay safe 

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Buuut if youre hell bent on wearing and you want diacretion, no print diapers. Also white or any color. So basically megamax

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UPDATE: I’m going to MEPS next week. After that, I’m in delayed entry and awaiting my ship date. Thanks for all the advice.

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Ok future medic, I wrote some of my best diaper fiction during basic and AIT. But back in 05 it was limited as far as computer access at least during basic. I did my writing in a biro in shorthand that my sis and I developed as kids, Sadly that biro is lost in time.

So to answer your question if you are going active, you will have to do without and mabe whair when on Passes or leave.  Or get off base housing  if allowed.  Active in barracks don't even try. You might scrape by with man pads or cloth diapers (cleaning supplies/ super towels) if guard or reserve keep it to yourself till home

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  • 3 months later...

Active marine here.  You will have time to wear just don't be too open about it, keep it in your room and don't act weird.  I never wore on deployments, but I had a foot locker in my barracks room  stuffed with bambino diapers and other things.  

Again don't make it weird.  

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I don't know what it's like in the USA, but in the UK air force eventually I got single man room in our accommodation block, this made it easier, but I used to use a large towel (it was the nineties, no internet or access to actual diapers).

Once we were posted to an  active unit it was almost exclusively single man rooms

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