LittleRorie Posted January 26, 2024 Posted January 26, 2024 Chapter One The engine of a blue sports car purrs as it races down the street. The day's stress starts to melt as I start driving farther away from work and closer to home. My work is my passion and I love what I do but today marked the beginning of my long overdue vacation. I am a co-owner of a small aviation business called Red Tail Aviation. We own a small fleet of privet jets that are rented by business owners to fly around the country to conduct their business mostly, but also available for privet bookings as well for people who don’t want to fly on big-name carriers. My business is only a few years old but thanks to my wife and her family it has grown by leaps and bounds. Three weeks ago, was the third anniversary of Red Tail Aviation’s doors opening for business and my co-owner Alice, also my wife’s older sister, demanded that I take time off to relax. After a lot of coaxing from Alice, I finally agreed to take time off, to be honest, she tattled to my wife this last Wednesday and when I got home made a very convincing argument to listen to Alice and plan some time for a vacation. So, here I am two days later leaving work early on Friday to head home and start my vacation. I soon turn off the main road and into my neighborhood, after a few more turns my house comes into view. Downshifting, I turn into my driveway, pull in next to my wife’s SUV, set the parking brake, and turn my car off. As I opened my door I put my car in gear, grabbed my portfolio, and hopped out of the car to head into the house. My wife, Jennifer, and I have been married for about five years and have known each other for seven. We are close in age and only a year and a half apart, her being the older one. She is also taller than me by over a foot, standing flat-footed she is an easy six foot. If I stand on my tippy toes, I am almost five feet tall, I am only four feet nine inches tall standing flat on my feet. Height is not on my side. As I make my way to the front door I start to wonder if my wife even went to work today. It was always hard to tell Jen’s schedule due to the secretive nature of her job. Jennifer may have come from a wealthy family but that did not discourage her from taking it easy and just working at her parents’ law firm. Nope, my wife decided to pursue a degree in information technology and has been working with a high-end security company that is contracted by the government. I am not privy to a lot of what she does, but I do know that she seems to make her hours and sometimes works from home. Our home on the other hand was a gift from her family, I tried to argue with her father about it and even tried to tell him I would at least pay for it but was quickly shut down. Our home is a two-story house with four bedrooms and three bathrooms all sitting on a one-acre lot. After seeing the house for the first time I quickly fell in love with the huge two-car garage that would eventually be my fortress of solitude and home to my precious cars and tools. Making my way through the front door I quickly take my shoes off and make my way through the living room and up the stairs to our bedroom so I can change out of my suit. Halfway up I find Jennifer standing at the top of the stairs dressed in jeans and a comfy low-cut T-shirt with a big smile on her face. “I am so glad you are home honey” she purred as I made my way up the stairs into her embarrassing arms. “Ya, it was a short day, mostly due to Alice kicking me out of the office after lunch”, I said as I stood on my tippy toes hugging my wife. Due to our height difference my face generally gets buried in her breast, it took me a while to not blush every time we hugged. After she released me from her embrace she bent down and kissed me. “I take it you stayed home today?” I asked as I was trying to get past her. “I did a little work this morning but nothing that could not be done from home”, she stated as she followed me to our bedroom. “Are you ready to start the weekend?” “To be honest I don’t even know what to do,” I said blandly as I started to strip off my suit and lay it neatly on the bed. “So how long do you and Alice plan on keeping me away from work?” I inquired as moved over to the dresser to fetch my old athletic shorts and slip them over my boxer briefs. With my shorts on I open another drawer and start to rummage through the neatly folded T-shirts. “Um, honey. . . what are you looking for?” she asked as she came over to help me look and stop me from making a mess of my neatly folded shirts. “I am looking for my Batman shirt, I thought I put it in here somewhere,” I told her as I tried to tidy up the little mess I made. Once I put the last shirt back in its place, I look up to see her pointing to the chair that is tucked in the corner behind the door. “Ah, there it is” is stated as I made my way over to snatch the shirt up and pull it over my head, “what would I do without you, babe?” Jen smiles and just shakes her head, “To be honest I am not sure, probably work yourself to the bone.” As I was putting the Batman shirt on, she closed the distance between us again and tussled my well-groomed hair as it popped through the head hole while giving me a peck on the cheek, “You are so adorable”. The kiss made me smile but being called adorable made me shake my head, “I love you too, babe”. With that I made my way over to the closet and grabbed a hanger to put my suit jacket away, the jacket was recently dry-cleaned and was still rather fresh and I could get more wear out of it before I sent it off to the cleaners. Once the suit jacket was on the hanger, I separated the belt from the pants and tossed them in the hamper along with my shirt and dress socks. With everything put away, I feel a small sense of accomplishment, it’s just a few hours in the afternoon and I am in my favorite lounging attire ready to get my forced vacation started. As I head out of the bedroom Jennifer gets up from the same share my shirt sat and follows me with a smile on her face, most likely from me putting away my dirty clothes without being told. Her infectious smile made my lips turn up words and a small chuckle escaped as I went out of the room, down the stairs, and over to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, I make a b-line to the fridge to grab a cold beer, Jennifer on the other hand makes a turn for the bar stool that sat on the opposite side of the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen. With the watchful eyes of my loving wife on my back I open our fridge, to my surprise I only found one bottle of beer sitting on the shelf. I was confused because I could have sworn, I had three beers left, not one. With a quick scan of the fridge, I quickly found the rest of the beer nestled on the very top shelf pushed halfway back, just out of reach without getting a step stool. Jennifer loved putting things outside of my reach, so I had to either find the step stool that she often hid or ask her to help me reach what I wanted. My wife loved to be needed and despite her keeping things on the top shelves out of my reach she always beamed with excitement when she got the chance to get me to come to her and ask for help. Not once did she ever get upset at me when I came to her, one time I could not find my step stool for a week and was constantly asking for assistance. Mainly due to her scolding me for climbing on the counters to grab the Oreos to go with my milk for a late-night snack. That night I did not realize that she was home from work and was just walking out of our home office that is located on the main floor of the house and caught me handed. I grabbed the lonely beer on the bottom shelf, “you are so funny!” I said, rolling my eyes as I shut the door. Gasping in fake shock, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I just figured after a long week you would want a refreshing beverage so I simply placed it at a level my little king could reach out without needing to get your cute little step stool.” Giggling in delight she added, “I also have hidden your step stool, I promise even if you find it you won’t be able to get it.” I just stare blankly into her eyes with a smirk on her face, as I open the bottle of beer simply say, “It’s on the top shelf there in the garage, pushed back with something covering it.” I simply toss the cap in the trash and walk over to the kitchen table over in the corner and sit down facing Jen taking a swig of the amber liquid, “it’s your favorite place to put it”. “As a matter of fact, I did not place it there, and have been hesitant to since I found you climbing the shelves and almost falling to get it,” she simply stated as she got up from her bar stool perch to join me at the table. “For one I did not almost fall . . .” I started to say. “I watched the security camera, yes you did,” she interrupted. “. . . no matter, I will still find it eventually,” I continued. “So how long do you and Alice plan on keeping locked out of my office?” I asked to change the subject. “You are not locked out, but Alice did tell me that she forwarded an email to your normal clientele stating that you will be out of the office for a couple of weeks and to contact her if they need anything,” Jennifer informed. “She also said that you left your laptop and your backpack in your office. I asked her if she could stop by sometime and drop it off so you could at least have that.” “Ya, I left it there because she locked me out of my own office and pointed at the front door and told me to go home. I was lucky to have my. . .” I started to panic as mid-sentence I realized I realized I forgot one important thing, “. . . where is my phone? Shit, I must have left it on my desk at work.” I sat my beer down and started to get up, “I was walking back from the break room after rinsing my mug off from my third cup of coffee. Alice just tossed me my keys and pointed at the door telling me ‘Go home Charlie, relax and be with your wife. I will give you your office key back later after I know you are truly going to stay home a take a vacation.’ So, with only my portfolio that I was carting around and the keys that were just tossed to me I just simply walked out of the office and went home,” I said, verbally retracing my steps. “Your sister can be very intimidating when she wants to, you know. I was not about to argue with her, especially after her going off and getting you involved.” “She is just worried you are working too hard; you have been at it non-stop for the past few years. You need a break.” Jennifer said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down in the chair, I was sitting in. “I told you honey; she will bring your stuff over later. She will take care of the office and keep things running while you are out. Also, watch your language Mr.” I sat back down, huffing at the thought of being without my phone, laptop, or anything that connected me to my work and the outside world. “Fine, I will just relax. Can you at least get her to drop off my things tonight?” I ask giving my best puppy dog eyes to Jen. “I promise to behave and take it easy for at least a couple of weeks.” Reaching for her phone, which always seemed to be within arms reach of her, Jennifer started texting her sister. Jenifer: Do you mind stopping by tonight and dropping off Charlie’s stuff he left? Alice: That’s fine, I was planning on it anyway. But I am not giving him his office keys back though, at least not yet. Jenifer: lol, that is fine. I have my spare key anyway just in case, I am not sure he even knows I have it. Alice: Just know, if I see him in the office next week, I am going to duct tape him to a chair and put him in the corner. Jenifer: You are so mean to him. “There, all done, she will be over later tonight as long as you keep your word and stay out of the office,” she informed setting her phone back down. “Honestly, I don’t understand why you two are so keen on me staying away from work, I can relax,” I stated taking another swig of my beer. With a raised eyebrow she simply inquired, “When was the last time you took time off? I mean actual time off that lasted more than a day or so. And don’t say last Saturday because you were eating lunch and answering emails and making phone calls to God knows who.” It was true, most weekends or days that I was not in the office I was always arm’s length away from my phone or laptop. Working in aviation is a busy job, people must go places and do things and to accommodate it takes time to get everything coordinated. I did have a secretary and a small team to help me manage the logistics of day-to-day business, but I was not just the type of person to sit idly by. I was always in contact with the customer, our pilots, the maintenance team, and even our research and development team which consisted of one person that mainly handles our advertisement. “You’re right, it has been a while since I was truly disconnected from work. But you are the same way, you even took over our home office. How is locking me out of my office at all fair?” I said dryly. “Yes, I know I am right” she quipped, “and for your information just last week I was off for three whole days without even stepping foot in the office at work or home, you were too busy working to even notice. I even baked cookies for you that you scarfed down like a ravishing dog.” “Oh, I did not realize,” I said sheepishly, “and those cookies were good by the way.” “I am sure they are, especially when I get a text from Alice telling me you did not eat lunch that day. If I correctly recall the breakfast sandwich, I sent to work with you was only half eaten,” she stated. Quickly trying to recall the events of last week, “What? How do you know that? What day was that even?” “It was Tuesday of last week babe, and I know because I also got a call from your secretary that you were one cup of coffee and three energy drinks down before one o’clock racing out of the office to take care of some business on the other side of the airport. She said that your breakfast was still sitting on your desk half eaten. Shortly after that is when I get the text from Alice,” she said, staring into my eyes with a soft smile. As much as it seemed, it was normal for Jen to keep tabs on me. Even though what she does for work is mostly kept hush-hush, I did know that gathering information is just part of her job and due to her security clearance, she tried to keep her work at work. It still did not keep her from keeping a low-key tab on me. Now to fully understand why she likes keeping a tab on me you must understand the dynamic of our relationship. Jen is very much of a type ‘A’ personality, she is also very dominant. With her line of work, she almost needs to be. As this may deter most men, afraid of being emasculated, it opened a window for me to befriend her and well, marry her. Now that does not mean that I am some loser who drives on being dominated by a woman and can’t think for myself. I was just self-confident and knew who I was, I did not let anyone detour me and my dream and who I wanted to be. Later in college, I learned that my personality was type ‘B’, which was cool to learn because she and I worked well together. Jen and I first met at a college party, my friend dared me to go up to her and talk to her. I accepted my friend’s dare only because she did not seem to be with anyone at the party. She was always around a group of people talking but I had never seen a guy hovering around her, just the opposite, most guys were arm’s length from her. This was good news, I may have been confident in myself, but I knew that my short stature did not help me in a fight, and being a bit tipsy I was in no way wanting to fight someone bigger than me over a girl. I still remember that day vividly, as I walked up to her to introduce myself, I got about halfway through my sentence when I was shoved by the crowd right into her. Due to the height difference my face planted in, you guessed it, her chest. I quickly tried to recover and put space between us to apologize and finish my introduction by telling her my name. I fully expected to get a hand across my face but that never happened, she only came back with, ‘Nice to meet you, Charlie, you might want to be careful, a little guy like you might get trampled on in a place like this’. The whole situation did not help hide my blushing, not even the booze. The only thing my brain could come up with was ‘You may be right, that is why I wanted to make my way through the sea of drunken people to your beautiful smile. I figured if I could befriend you, I could stay safe from all these drunks.’ After a moment to take in the audacity of my statement, all she said was ‘You are cute’ and then took my hand and led me over to a quiet corner of the party. Normally I would balk at the idea of someone calling me cute, but she was too pretty, and I was too tipsy to care. Fast forward a little bit, after that party, we kept in contact with each other and would go on dates often. She would often poke fun and play the role of protector and me the dazzle needing protecting. I did not care much because I knew it was all in good fun, there were times (and still are) when she would let me be the big strong man, despite her still being taller than me. The more I got to know her the more I fell in love, she was more goal-oriented as I was more of a dreamer, and she often kept me focused on my aspirations. After a year of dating, she became very protective of me in a soft caring way, I did not mind this at all as I loved having someone in my corner. I do my best to reciprocate the efforts to care for her as much as I can. And of course, after about two years of dating she and I got married and moved in together, of course not before getting permission from both her father and her mother, which is a story for another time. So, as I was saying, the dynamic of our relationship is a unique one, and her memory is also as sharp as an elephant. As for me, my head is mostly in the clouds, not saying I am forgetful, but I often get distracted. You would not believe how many times I almost lost my phone only to have Jen pick it up after me and hand it back once I realized and slightly freaked out that I left my phone somewhere that I should not have. Her protective and caring disposition towards me led to her having a mothering demeanor over me. As carefree as I was, I did not mind as much as she kept me grounded and on track, and I did just the opposite for her. I was the one that she was able to count on to lift her spirits and not forget to smile and have fun. And I know what you are thinking, how does a carefree dreamer find myself in a predicament of being forced to take a vacation? Well, I may be whimsical but that did not deter my drive, especially with Jen by my side. My work may be stressful, but it is my passion, and it is still fun. They say if you do what you love you never work a day in your life. With that, I soon realized that if Jen knew of my lack of eating that day and overindulgence of caffeine why I was not in trouble. With regret in my eyes, I spoke, “You uh, found out about that did you?” I quickly took another sip of my drink trying to hide the shame and guilt of not following the rules Jen placed down for me. Seeing the deer caught in the headlights look so quickly and responded, “Yup. There are a few times I can raddle off you forgetting to eat and not drinking your water only to be zooming around the office driven off your intake of caffeine.” Yup, rules were set by Jen herself and agreed on by us both to help keep me safe, on track and cared for. I won’t bother you with the full list, but it does include me drinking plenty of water, no caffeine after lunch, eating at least two solid meals a day (preferably three), getting at least 6 hours of sleep, asking for help if I need it, and of course no climbing on the counters. That day in particular last week I broke all those rules, that night I only got about 4 hours of sleep due to me staying up working from my laptop while I was in bed which made me crave a late-night snack. That following morning, I also had to get up early for work due to a conference I had to attend across the country. Lucky for me I only had to attend virtually. I thought that I would get off scot-free, but apparently, I didn’t. All I could do was sit there speechless, gulping at what punishment I may have. Yeah, Jen believed that our actions had consequences. She was correct metaphorically, but that did not deter her from having punishments lined up for me when I was naughty. I try to accuse her of being naughty on occasion, but she is quick to come back with the rules that are designed for me and keep me healthy and safe. I have only caught her being naughty a few times, mostly due to me not paying attention or trying to hide my misdeeds. The rule of thumb is that the punishment should fit the crime. The one time I caught her not eating all day, and just like she did to me I was able to punish her just like she would me. Unfortunately, I did not realize that her texting and/or calling me every time she ate was just as much of a burden on the other end of the spectrum, well for me that was. When it’s me who must do it due to me not eating enough (which is about once or twice a month) I send the bare minimum text telling her that I ate. Her on the other hand blew my phone up on when she ate, what she ate, and how much she ate. She eats more than I do, you could not tell by just looking at her but as my father would say, she was built like a brick shit house. After about three days of keeping her accountable for her diet, my phone was able to be free of messages about food. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking about my wife, but I am not as much of a foodie as most people are. I eat what I feel I need to survive and that’s it, after forgetting to eat a proper meal for three days in a row was when Jen sat me down and discussed the food rules. “Why did you wait so long to bring up that day, am I in trouble”, I ask nervously somewhat afraid of the punishment of breaking multiple rules due to the predicament Jen caught me in the night before last Tuesday. Jen was not against harsher punishments like time out, grounding me (mostly from my step stool), or even the occasional spanking. Of course, all punishments were agreed upon by both of us, she wanted to make sure that I was on board with it all as much as possible. She did love me dearly and always assured me that she loved me and only wanted the best for me. “No, you’re not in trouble, well not the way that you are thinking at least” she informed. “I have been seeing you work so hard that it has started to affect your well-being. Have you noticed I am constantly making sure you are eating? I have also noticed that you don’t sleep well, that is also mostly due to you drinking too much coffee and energy drinks.” “What? How can you tell that I am drinking too much coffee,” I asked. “Really? Do you need to ask that? Who is the one that takes your diaper off every morning before you hop in the shower?” I look down blushing crimson only to whisper, “You do.” “What was that, I don’t think I heard you,” she chided. I look up at her, still red with embarrassment, and repeat my answer “You do.” This was always the subject of embarrassment for me. Even when we started dating, I had a bedwetting issue. She never judged me about it, but that did not change the fact that I eventually had to tell her that was the reason I had a waterproof sheet on my bed and a small pack of cheap store-bought pull-ups in my closet. She also soon figured out that I would purposefully dehydrate myself to help keep myself from wetting the bed. That was good and all till she made me go to the doctor for my headache and constant fatigue. This was also around the time she started to fuss over my well-being and started mothering me. At first, it was just a small set of unspoken rules she wanted me to follow, drink plenty of water, make sure you eat, and get plenty of rest. The only problem was that the more hydrated I was the more I wet the bed. She was quick to console me and help me work through my issues. One night we sat and talked about it, I told her that I always had an issue with bedwetting. I have been to the doctor with little to no help, they always just said that I will grow out of it just give it time. Well, I did not grow out of it and barely grew taller than my mother, I eventually just came to terms with it and did my best to manage on my own. Jen hated seeing me hurt, that night was the first time she had seen me shed a tear. To this day I am not sure if it was a tear of hurt, embarrassment, sorrow, or anger. Jen just being herself offered solutions and took charge of my bedwetting. The main reason that I listened to her was because she did not judge me, not once, and she told me that if I wanted to sleep in the same bed as her I would let her help. Soon all my sheets were replaced as well as my mattress. Jen also insisted that my protection gets upgraded as well, my pull-ups quickly turned into full-fledged diapers. As time progressed, we found a new way to bond and connect. Before bedtime, she would always insist on putting the diapers on me, and when I woke up, she was always there to praise me for keeping the bed dry and using my diapers. She took great pride in overseeing our nightly routine, even after sex she would not skip a beat, she would help clean me up and make sure I was snug in a diaper before we cuddled up and fell asleep. Over the years she eventually introduced me to printed diapers, she kept saying they are more absorbent and better quality. I was hesitant at first but just like before she coaxed me into trying them. After a while all my diapers in the closet were cute, printed diapers that she picked out. I eventually was unfazed by it and just enjoyed the care she brought every night making sure I was comfortable. There were some nights that I had to put my diaper on but most of the time it was her. Knowing that I was the one who put myself to bed Monday last week, including putting on my diaper. Most of the time I try to sleep as naked as I can, so basically just wear my diaper to bed. But because I was still typing away on my laptop, I was sitting in bed in just a t-shirt and diaper. And you guessed it, I was wearing just that when I thought it was a good idea to sneak downstairs to get a snack. I still can see the smirk on my wife’s face as she caught her husband clad in just a t-shirt and diaper with a bear and rainbow polka dots all over it kneeling on the counter and reaching for the Oreos that were hiding on the top shelf. What can I say, Oreos make the best late-night snack, especially paired with a glass of milk. Jen accepted my answer as her the warden of my diapers, “That’s right, I am, and all too often I have noticed that your diapers are not as wet as they usually are, and your urine is starting to be darker than it should be.” All I could do was just sit there and tell her “Sorry.” “Baby, I love you and I want the best for you,” she said with endearment. Her calling me baby always made me blush; I knew she meant well though. As of late that has turned into her favorite word of endearment for me. Even in public liked to call me that, most people did not even pay her any mind. It still did not the fact it made me blush, maybe it was because she was the one who insisted on diapering me. Jennifer continued, “I have just been noticing that you are starting to not take care of yourself as well as you should. You are working late hours, and not eating well, and I have even started to see your sleep is starting to suffer. You need a break, honey.” Looking back, she was right, I have been so wrapped up in work that I did not notice how it affected me. “I guess you’re right” I stated. “Charlie, it’s not about being right. I just want you to take a step back and just relax. Learn to lean on Alice and the team you have built,” she said with a caring smile. ************************************************************************************************************************ Chapter Two I continued to nurse my beer as Jen continued to talk. I knew she meant well and only cared for my health and happiness. As her caring words reached my ears, I remembered the time she shared a secret of hers with me. It was around the same time she found out that I was still a bed-wetter. In my vulnerable state, she told me that she had an insecurity herself, she confided in me that she was infertile and could not bear any children. She continued to tell me that every man that she dated who was able to look past her intimidating stature and see her true beauty seemed to end shortly after she told them that secret. They all were worried about passing on their family name and seemed to forget about the love and care they had for each other. The moment she told me her secret made me fall even more in love with her. This woman endured such cruel heartbreak and yet still be so caring. Once she realized that her secret did not end our relationship, she poured even more love into the bond that seemed to grow by the day. I could not get enough of her, the way she cared about me only fueled me to be the best I could be for her, even if that meant letting her diaper me before I went to bed. As our relationship grew so did our knowledge of each other. Around the time she introduced me to the more playful and cute printed diapers was the time she brought up the subjects of Caregiver/little and Adult Baby Diaper Lover. With me being a bedwetter you would think that I would have known about these subjects but due to my embarrassment and stubbornness in the subject, I didn’t. It took her a few days to get my head wrapped around the depth of the subjects. I soon learned that she was very much a caregiver, a Mommy if you will. She did convince me to go to a couple of munches in the kink world to show me that I was not alone in my struggles and there was a community that was accepting. Eventually, both of us got so busy with each other and our work that we ventured away from the kink scene. Regardless she was there for me most nights until she and I moved in together, then she was there every night to take care of all my little needs at night. A year into living together in our new home as a married couple, we lay in bed together cuddling. Somehow, I was always the little spoon or the one being held which ended up with me being smothered by her breasts. This night was no different, she was laying on her back with me laying my head on her shoulder and her arm around me and mine around her waist. If my memory serves me correctly it was the first night after she started her new job and the company, she works for now. As she held me, she asked, ‘Do you like when I diaper you and baby you at nighttime?’ Without thinking there was only one response that came to mind, ‘of course I do, why would I?’ Laying on her shoulder with my arm wrapped around her I felt her take a breath and continue, ‘What you say if I told you I wanted to do more of it outside of bedtime?’ My eyes open and I turn my head to look at her the best I can, ‘what do you mean? You want to diaper me in a diaper during the day?’ Cool as a cucumber she went on to elaborate on her initial question, ‘Not just diaper you, I want us to grow our relationship into a Caregiver/little role.’ I settled my head back in the position that it was in. ‘So, want to be my Mommy,’ I said tiredly. After a little chuckle she responded with ‘Yes, I want to be your Mommy. But most importantly I want you to be my little boy.’ There was more to what she said but I could not remember it due to me falling asleep. That morning I could not tell if she was mad or amused that I fell asleep in mid-conversation. She reminded me of her question as I lay on the edge of the bed and her standing over me as she started to remove my wet diaper. That morning as we both got ready for the day, we continued the conversation with me eventually fully aware of her intentions. To my surprise, I agreed to it if she let me take it slow at my own pace and not jump right into the whole thing. I told her that I did not want it to conflict with either of our careers. After that, she seemed to be glowing for about a week. That was also the birth of my official set of rules. To my surprise she has them, to this day, printed and signed by both of us and posted on the fridge. It’s only been a few years since that initial conversation, and we have not mentioned much of it since except for a time here or there. Outside of the agreed-upon list of rules and punishment she eventually started to coddle me more, for example: cutting up my food for me, talking to me as you would a child, putting things out of my reach, and making me ask her for help. Just this last year I noticed when we are out and about, she makes me hold her hand. Most would see this as a sign of endearment, I did too until she told me that she did not want me to get lost and wander off and proceeded to not let me out of arms reach of her. She also tends to ask me if I need to go potty at the most embarrassing times, which for me is every time. Outside of the embarrassing childish care she loves to smother me with, she still allows me to be an adult and has never gotten in the way of my career. She has been just the opposite; I am not sure I could do what I do without her there supporting me. Until now all this was not really in the forefront of my brain until I heard her say these next words, breaking up my reminiscence of the past and crashing back into the present. “I want to take our Mommy Dom and little boy dynamic to the next level. You’re not going to like it but before I say any more, I want you to promise to hear me out,” she said as she looked longingly into my eyes. She seemed to hold her breath for a moment before I started to speak. I will tell you though, I had a feeling about where she was going with this and she was right, I don’t like it. Reluctantly with a worrisome look told her, “I promise to listen, though I cannot say anything about my reaction. But yes, I will hear you out.” With a sigh of relief, she almost a giddy smile she reviled the next level, “I want you to start wearing diapers during the daytime.” I sat there dumbfounded; it was exactly what I thought she was going to say. It did not matter what thought I was still too shocked to say anything. Instead of saying anything I just tipped my beer up and drank the last of my liquid courage. “You don’t have to say anything just yet just listen,” she said, waiting for a small nod from me to signal her to continue. “There is not a day that you don’t wake up in a wet diaper, I know that is not much but from where we started you do not shy away from getting ready for bed anymore. And remember just last month. . .” It took a second, but I did recall the events that happened just one month ago. “. . . you wore a diaper for a whole weekend. From the time I got you ready for bedtime Friday till the time you got up Monday morning to get ready for work,” she said. With only a slight pause she continued, “You did wonderful that weekend, you were such a good boy for me. You did not cry or pout once during your diaper changes. I want more of that, and when Alice talked about making you take a vacation it all just clicked. We can use this time to get you adjusted.” She recalled last month’s event correctly; I did let her keep me in diapers for a whole weekend. “But. . .” I started to speak my thoughts were hindering my words to form a sentence. Last month was just a relaxing weekend at home, she just wanted to try something new. It took two weeks of her hounding me just give it a try; she said it will be like a trial run. I did not imagine she wanted to do it so soon. And true to her earlier words I could not fully leave work at work. It only took till lunchtime Saturday to have her confiscate my laptop due to me working on a day that I was supposed to be about us. Shortly after that, she took my phone away till after she gave me my bath on Sunday, and that was still short-lived due to my bedtime being moved up two hours than normal. I suddenly had a million questions I wanted to ask, “what about work? Will it be 24/7 or just on the weekends? What if we go somewhere? What about your work? Right now, you have the rule that only you get to change my diaper, will I get to change myself? Oh God, what if I got to . . . you know?” “Slow down honey, take a breath,” she said as she reached for my hand to hold. “Ideally yes, I want you diapered every day. I would still oversee your diaper changes; little boys should not have to worry about such things. I can adjust my schedule more often and would be able to be home with you most of the time. And to answer your last question, yes, the big boy potty would be totally off-limits this time.” To be honest, I knew this day was going to come, I just wish it was not now. Diapers were a constant reminder of my bedwetting issue growing up and how hard it was. For Jen, my diapers were a sign of endearment. The moment I gave her control of my diapers was an ultimate sign of trust, she knew how much I detested the need I had for them at night. She promised me that she would help me overcome that. For the most part, she has, they still made me blush but for as long as she was by my side, I no longer felt like they were a burden, they were just a part of who I was. Taking this next step was the final relinquishment of the hate I had of my past. Luckily, I trusted her to help me take this step. Plus, I knew she loved to baby me, she did it as much as she could without scaring me off. But she still did not answer all my questions, “That makes sense and all, but I still had a question when it came to work.” Just then the doorbell rang and without hesitation, Jennifer started to stand and say, “Hold on babe, let me see who this is.” She made it through the kitchen halfway across the living room before the doorbell rang again and a familiar voice called out. “Jen it’s me, Alice.” As the door opened my colleague stood in the doorway holding my phone in her hands and my backpack hanging from her right shoulder. She peeked around her sister finding me leaning against the wall of the threshold between the living room and kitchen only to tell me, “I got your stuff squirt.” Looking a bit perplexed Jennifer looked at her phone to see what time it was. “It’s only half past three, how on earth did you get here so fast? I only texted you what, fifteen minutes ago,” she said surprised. Alice simply smiled and said, “To be honest I was out the door shortly after Charlie left. It is a slow weekend, and all the planes are on the ground here at home, the next flight out is not till Tuesday evening. I knew that once Charlie realized he left his stuff he would be out the door as fast as you would let him to come and get his things.” I was halfway between where I was leaning on the wall and the front door before Jen moved aside, inviting Alice inside. As she moved through the archway, she set my bag on the small bench next to the door and mindlessly stepped out of her flats leaving them with the rest of the shoes by the door. As Alice handed me the phone Jen shut the door and turned to face both of us. With Alice just as tall as her sister I looked up and politely said “Thank you.” Alice and Jen may be about the same height and have long hair but that is where their looks differed. Alice had blond hair that she often wore in big curls, she also resembled her father’s features. Jen had brunette hair that was strait and worn in a ponytail, single braid, or down. Unlike Alice, Jen resembled her mother. Both women were strong, but Alice had nothing but Jen’s solid physique. I should be used to it by now, but it never fails, I felt dwarfed when I was in the presence of both at the same time. I stood there for one solid before I turned myself 180 degrees and went back to the kitchen. I took one step toward the kitchen, and I felt my phone get snagged from my hand and over my head. “Oh no you don’t, remember you are on vacation,” Jennifer announces as she watches me head into the kitchen. “That did not take long,” the tall blond comments. “By the way, did you. . .” “We are in the middle of the conversation now,” Jennifer said interrupting her sister. “. . . and?” Alice inquires. I did my best to ignore my wife and sister-in-law’s whispering. I wanted to drag a chair over to the fridge and get another beer, but to my better judgment, I didn’t. Instead of risking punishment, I decided to just sit back down, pull my knees up to my chest, and wait for Alice to leave and Jen to come back and finish our conversation. To my surprise Jen came back sooner than I thought she would, normally she and her sister gabbed for hours some time. Also, to my surprise, it was not just Jen that came back to the kitchen. I turned my head to see Alice strolling behind her sister and into the kitchen. Jen made her way back to where she was sitting, Alice on the other hand made a pit-stop at the fridge to grab the last two beers sitting on the top shelf. With the two beers in one hand, Alice shuts the door of the fridge, opens the drawer just next to it, and pulls out a bottle opener. With quick work, the bottle tops found their way into the trash and the bottle opener went back into the drawer and closed with a quick bump of Alice’s hip. “Why do you look like someone just kicked your puppy,” she stated making her way to the table. With Jen to my right, I turned to my left to find Alice pulling the chair to my left out and plopped down making herself comfortable. I watched her slide me one of the two beers, I generously took it and told her “Thanks, and I am just anxious,” as I raised my drink and took a swig. With the biggest grin on her face, she could not help but ask, “Anxious? You are only a few hours into your vacation, what on earth are you worried about? Did you get in trouble with your mommy already?” “Hey,” was all Jennifer could get out before I whipped my head around to scowl at her. “You didn’t,” I said almost yelling. “How much does she know?” “Before you get upset at her” Alice started as I turned my head back around to her. “I have known for a long time; your wife and I are sisters. There is very little that we keep from each other. And why else do you think I always kept your wife informed on your misdeeds.” “For one you because you are a tattletale. . .” I retorted. “Spoken like a true child” Alice spats quickly. “Second I thought I could have a little bit of privacy about what goes on in my house,” I stated matter-of-factly. Alice raised her hand in surrender, “I may know your little ‘secret’, but I am not the one who talked about it at the dinner table.” With that said my face went flush, I dropped my feet down and slowly turned to look at Jen. With a shaky voice, I asked, “Dinner table? What dinner table.” “The cats out the bag now might as well spill the beans,” Alice quips behind me. All Jennifer could do was close her eyes as she took a deep breath in. As she breathes out, she opens her eyes and starts to explain the situation, “Yes, my family knows. They have known for a long time.” “Long time? Like since we got married a long time ago?” I inquired. “Like since I told you about my infertility,” she said quickly answering my question. “I was vulnerable and thought that you were going to be just like any other man I dated. I had only told my mother, who quickly told my father.” She said nervously continuing her explanation carefully watching the expressions on my face change from upset back to anxious and worried. “But you are not like any of the other men, you stayed and cared for me like no one ever did.” “Cared for you,” Alice snickered. “You are the one changing the rugrat's diapers.” “Shut it, Alice, you are not helping” Jenefer snapped back. She quickly glanced back at me and continued explaining, “Charlie, I love you. I did not mean to betray your trust. Everyone is so supportive and on board. They think what we have is amazing.” “Hold on,” I say quickly before Jen could continue. “So, you’re saying that when I went to your parents for your hand in marriage, they knew? “Yes,” both women said in unison. I quickly glance at Alice inquisitively. “What? I told you I was not the one who couldn’t keep their mouth shut at the dinner table. That was all Mom and Dad,” Alice informed me. I look back at Jen to continue my clarification of the whole ordeal, “When you say they are supportive, you mean in just our marriage right?” “They are supportive of the whole kit and caboodle,” Alice blurts out taking a drink of her beer. “Alice please” Jennifer pleads, “you are not helping.” “Of course, I am” Alice responds, “you got to rip this off like a band-aid over your little one’s booboo.” I followed suit and took a drink of my beer as well and looked at Alice, waiting for her to rip my band-aid off my booboo. Alice smiles at her sister and continues, “As I said, Jen told Mom, Mom, to Dad. Once Jen knew you were the one and not going to leave her, Mom pipes up during dinner questioning everything. The three of them discussed not just your bedwetting, but your sex life. That dinner was when I found out if you were wondering. To make a long story short, we all know every and keep informed. I am mostly informed because you and I work together, and my wife likes keeping tabs on you. My mom is always asking about you two and dad is just there to listen to Mom as she spreads the gossip at the dinner table.” “Everything?” I simply ask, staring blankly at her taking another sip of beer. “Yes, everything” Alice states, “and the reason I am here drinking a beer with you is so I can hear the juicy details first on if I will get my little nephew or not.” “Nephew?” I asked, looking confused. “Yes, nephew” she repeated before looking over to Jen. “What on earth did you do to him, Jen? You do still know I need him at work, right?” “I did not do anything to him, this is a lot to take in” my wife retorts. “Either that or his brain is fried worse than I thought, I knew I should have locked him out of his office sooner,” Alice states before looking back at me. “Let’s take this slow, yah? You are baby, correct?” Just as my face got its color back from the shock of figuring out my in-laws knew everything about me, my face turned bright red. I respond with a weak “yes.” “Good, I did not lose you yet!” Alice beams with joy, “If you are baby, that makes Jen Mommy.” After a longer pause than necessary, I realized that she was waiting for me to respond to make sure she did not confuse me. Half annoyed I responded with another “Yes.” “Calm down there Mr.” Alice teased, “we are getting there. If you are baby, Jen is Mommy, that makes me Aunty.” I just stared at her blankly, and just before I started to look back at Jen, Alice continued. “And we all want to know, is our little man finally going back into diapers?” Alice finishes, repeating the question that seemed to start all this. I took a deep breath and started speaking in a calm clear voice, “As surprised and upset as I am to know that so many people know about my. . . well. . . everything. There is no reason to say no.” At that moment I decided to look back at my loving wife who I noticed was holding my hand. “So, you are saying yes to letting me put back in diapers?” Jennifer asked carefully. With a shaky smile, I gave her a reassuring “yes, but I have some requests to bring to the table first before we set this in stone.” “Of course, sweety,” Jen said beaming with excitement. “As Alice has stated, I am still needed at our company. I am a little worried, but I trust that you have a plan to make sure this does not interfere with my job,” I stated. With a smile, she simply said, “Of course, I have already figured that all out. I would never come between you and your aspirations. Any other request darling?” “My cars, I still get to drive my cars and work on them when I want,” I stated as I started to ramble off more demands since I had a feeling, I knew where all this was heading. “Also, a later bedtime, the ability to drink alcohol, I want to change my diapers at work, and I want to be able to use the potty for number two’s.” A short silence grew as I saw my wife’s smile grow. “I see, is that all?” she questioned. Confident in my answer I told her “Yes.” “Good, now that I heard your request here is my rebuttal.” She said smiling “As I stated before, I will not come between your work. As far as working on your cars is concerned, I will allow you to continue playing with your cars as long as you do not break any of the other rules we have agreed upon. Your bedtime is not up for debate, nice try but I reserve the right to say when your bedtime is. Drinking any kind of alcohol will be a case-by-case scenario, your diet and water intake is still a rule that is already agreed upon and is nonnegotiable. As far as the last request is concerned it is a hard no, once you are put in diapers I am in charge, you do not change them or even think about using the big boy potty. You will be considered for all intents and purposes not potty trained.” Jen simply sat there and made sure I understood everything she said. “Do you agree on these terms, or do you have a rebuttal yourself?” I furrowed my brow thinking, was there anything I was missing? I knew I was not going to get most of that, but it never hurts to ask. I mean she did not say no to booze, and I still had my cars. As far as trying to get permission to change my diaper and use the potty for number two, that was a long shot. She has not let me even touch my diapers since she took over without her consent, which is currently only when she is not physically home to do it herself. I was curious about how this was going to change our dynamic. “Who is going to change my diaper if I am to be wearing them at work?” I asked. “That my dear baby boy will fall to the volunteered responsibility of your Aunty Alce,” She answered. “Oh, and I forgot to mention one last thing, I would like you to start making more of an effort to call me Mommy when we are behind closed doors.” “Make an effort?” Alice questioned. She gained the attention of both Jen and me as she continued, “You are going a little too soft sis, he will call you mommy behind closed doors. You better make sure you do not let his manners slip, you know how Mom and Dad are. I almost expect Mom to demand to be called Grammy.” “Yes, you are probably right” Jen agreed. She gently guided my face with her hand back to face her and she looked me into my eyes, “Do you agree with these terms?” Unable to look away, I swallowed my fear, put faith in my wife, and simply said “Yes.” Of course, as I spoke those words I heard Alice chime in, “Yes what?” My eyebrows raised in concern that I was once again in trouble and I repeated what I said only to make sure I added the missing words my sister-in-law demanded I say, “Yes Mommy, I agree.” ************************************************************************************************************************ Chapter Three After I agreed to take the next step with Momma Jen to the next level of our relationship, I tried not to think so hard and regret the decision I made. Don’t get me wrong, it was something that I agreed to do years ago, it just scared me that this was going to be a big change. But to my surprise, it was as if Jen knew exactly what I was thinking. As Jennifer let her hand drop from my face, she continued to console the worries she must have seen in my eyes. “Just breathe baby, I know I told you I would take it slow, but this is the biggest change that you will have. Everything else after this is easy-peasy.” Alice also wanted to console me, and with a gentle nudge to get my attention she said, “I am proud of you squirt, cheers,” she said raising her bottle of beer. I turn to face her, raising my beer to mimic her, “cheers.” We both raise our beer to our lips and tip them up. To my surprise, I felt her free hand helping me support my bottle upside down as I continued to drink it till it was all gone. As I finished was able to set the now-empty bottle down. Alice also finished her beer sitting her empty bottle down just before I did. “Now that those are empty, I think it is a good time to get a certain someone in the correct attire,” Jennifer simply states as she stands up and moves closer to me. As she sees me set my beer down, she simply puts her hands under my armpits and lifts me to carry me. Startled by the sudden change in altitude I cling to her for what seemed dear life. “Shh, calm down a little,” she said trying to console me. Confused and startled at the same time, I simply ask “Wait, um, what happening?” I may be a little more than a foot shorter but due to my diet, or lack thereof, I am also only about 110 pounds soaking wet. With the combination of my size and Jen’s strength I was easily carried anywhere Jen wanted me to. She loved holding me and carting me around, on the other hand, I was not fond of it. I loved being close to her, but I was always afraid I was going to fall, but let it know I was never dropped. But every time Jen picked me up, she was always on a mission, and this time was no different. As I cling to her like a baby koala, I face the opposite direction she is going. Looking over Jen's right shoulder I see Alice get up and follow us, threw the kitchen, into the living room, and up the stairs. Once I realized where we were going, I squeaked in fear and hid my face in the nook of Jen's neck. “Aww, I think someone is scared” Alice states. As soon as I heard her call me out, I was just as quick to rebuttal a shaky “am not.” Even if I tried to sound brake, I still did not raise my head from Jen’s neck. “Shh, we are almost to the top baby,” Jennifer said trying to console me. “Alice don’t tease him.” “I wasn’t, I was simply stating an observation I have never seen before. I see your big strong Charlie fly in our jets with no fear but being carried up a flight of steps in your arms makes him hide in fear.” Alice states. “I will not let him live this down.” Before I knew it, we were already up the stairs and halfway down the hall about to turn into our bedroom before I looked back up. “Alice if that is what you tease me on after what all has been said, I think I will be ok,” I simply say still holding on to Jen for dear life. “You may be my sister’s little, but that does not mean I am going to be mean to you,” she says reassuringly. “I am the one that gets to change your little butt at work after all.” With that statement, I was reminded of what mission Jen was set on. I was on my way to get put in a fresh diaper, one of many to come. Normally I would not fuss over a trivial task, she has been helping me with my diapers for the past, how many years? Six going on seven years now. No today was different because as Jen walked us into the bedroom Alice was there too. I half expected to be put down, but I was, yet again, wrong. Jen held me tight standing in the middle of our giant bedroom just gently bouncing me up in down as if I were an upset baby. I guess she was anticipating what was to come because I was about to be upset at the words she said. “Alice, will you close the door behind you? And the diapers, wipes, and baby powder are all in the closet.” Jennifer said, instructing her sister on what to do. With wide eyes I watched Alice do just as instructed, I tried to wiggle free but all that happened was me grunting against Jen’s tight hold. I also felt a firm swat to my bare thy just below my shorts. It did not hurt but it still surprised me and made me squeak in fear. To be honest I was not sure what I was afraid of, Jen spanking me or Alice watching Jen put me in a diaper. “You just change him on your bed, right?” Alice questioned. “Yeah, but I do have a changing matt that I have him lay on. It’s at the foot of the bed sitting on the trunk,” Jennifer responds. “And you are sure that you're ready to change his diaper?” Yup, there it is. My reason for being afraid, Jen just asked Alice if she was ready to change my diaper. Slightly freaking out I started to protest, “Jen please, don’t. Please, Jen.” As if my words did not reach, she continued what she was doing paying me no mind. And my evening was going to get worse before it got better. I felt Jen start to shift me around in her arms. “Here, take him,” Jen said to Alice. “He is definitely fussy,” Alice says as she moves in and starts to take me from Jennifer. Like I said before, Jen was stronger than Alice but compared to me I still was just an oversized baby to them. That is kind of funny given the circumstances I am in. In what seemed like the passing of the torch I was now somehow in Alice’s arms holding on for dear life. I still was freaking out, my body was shaking and all I could do was just call out for my wife, “Jennifer please, I am sorry, Jennifer I don’t want to do this. . .” My pleas were soon met with gentle bouncing and Alice rubbing my back. “Hush sugar, shh” Alice cooed as she tried to settle me down. Jennifer took the time to walk behind Alice as she bounced me up and down like the fussy infant I was starting to act like. She makes eye contact with me and simply states, “Charlie, you need to hush. You are overreacting.” I am not sure if I stopped fussing because I was able to see her, the calmness in her voice, or because she could get rather scared when she talked in a calm voice. I have seen her a few times when we went out on dates, completely defusing a situation forcibly all while talking in a calm smooth voice. I was sure this was not the same situation, but it still made me quiet down and listen. “Good boy, and what is my name?” she asked. “Jen. . .” as I uttered the name, I have called her so many times before, I saw her beautifully sculpted eyebrows raise as she gave me a look as if she was asking me if was sure of my answer. I quickly realized what she was wanting and meekly muttered “Mommy.” “That’s right, I am Mommy,” Jennifer said, praising me as if saying her name for the first time. “Now is it acceptable behavior to throw a tantrum, demanding my attention?” I was slightly confused with the way she was talking to me; I knew I upset her, but she did not treat me like any other guy she got mad at. She was simply talking to me if I was exactly what she wanted me to be, her little. With her eye not breaking contact in what seemed like a war of wills, I lowered my gaze and simply answered the question she expected me to answer, “No” I stated meekly. Again, she raised her eyebrows and firmly said, “No what?” “No Ma’am,” I said quickly without hesitation, not sure if that was the answer she was looking for. After a brief pause, her stern look softened into a smile. She gently said, “That my good boy. I know you are upset, scared, and nervous about this whole situation but we are going to get threw it together. Now I want you to take a deep breath for me and think. Why are you all fussy?” I did as instructed I took a deep breath and relaxed. Alice did stop bouncing but still seemed to rock me side to side. “I am scared. . .” hiccup “of Alice seeing me naked.” hiccup, where on earth did my hiccups come from? After the second one, I felt Alice, hiccup, and chuckle at my predicament. Jennifer repeated what I said in a more nonchalant format like a parent would a child, “That’s what you’re scared of? Just of Alice changing your diaper?” I thought I got my hiccups under control, but I did not want to open my mouth afraid I might hiccup again. All I could do was nod in agreement with Mommy. With a clear understanding of why I was upset, and fussy Jennifer confidently walked me through her train of thought, “Not too long ago you and I made an agreement that ultimately put you back in diapers, correct?” “Yes ma’am,” I said a little more confidently than before. “And are you allowed to change your diaper?” she asked, hoping I would remember one of the new rules. With only a little hesitation I shook my head, “No Mommy.” A smile formed on Jennifer's face as she heard me say Mommy unprompted. “Such a smart baby,” she cooed, “now if my baby is not able to change his diapers and you are at work, who did I tell you was going to help you take care of them.” I was still not pleased with what I was about to say but I knew it was the correct answer. Almost forgetting my manners, I make a slight pause before I say, “Aunty Alice.” As I expected I was right and was rewarded with Jen’s enthusiasm. With a smile, Jen continued, “If my baby is at work needing his diaper changed wouldn’t you want to be comfortable and confident in Aunty Alice?” “Yes Mommy,” I said, still unable to meet her gaze. “Smart answer baby,” she said with a smile. “Last question, now what better way to get comfortable with your Aunty Alice and her diaper-changing skills than in the comfort of your own home?” She had me there, and Jen’s logic was sound. “I guess that is a smart decision, Mommy,” I responded. “Now that is what I thought. You do not have to say ‘mommy’ after every sentence but if we are behind closed doors, I do not want to hear you say my name, I want you calling me mommy or some form of it. Next, you are going to be my good boy like I know you can and let Alice put you in a diaper, do you understand?” she asked, still staring at me. I look up briefly to catch a glimpse of a smile but a set of very serious eyes. I look back down and respond, “Yes ma’am, I promise to be a good boy.” “Ok Alice he is all yours,” Jen said as she walked over to stand next to Alice. “Oh, my turn now?” Alice comments as she shifts my weight around getting a different hold on me so she can lay me down on my back. I did as Mommy asked of me and let her take charge and change my diaper. It still did not keep me from letting a squeak slip out as my back made its way to the bed. I look down to see Alice stand over me, only to see her reach for my ankles and start to lift them over my head. With one hand holding my ankle I feel the other one reach down and grab the back of my shorts and boxer briefs at the same time and pull them toward my ankles. My reflexes kicked in and used my hand to cover my manhood. Alice simply let go of my ankles letting them kind of fall halfway before I started to pull my knees towards my chest and tuck my feet down. Alice tosses my shorts and underwear to Jen so she can take care of them. I see my shorts get tossed in the hamper and my underwear found its way into a sack that seemed to house what I can only assume is the rest of my underwear. I switched my focus back over to Alice as she grabbed my ankles once more and raised them high, raising my bottom for a moment before it came back down resting on a soft fluffy diaper. Still hesitant, on little me legs fully fall and relax I hear Alice say something. “Feet down squirt,” she quipped as her hands helped guide my legs down. With a small smirk, she then swatted my hand away. And there it was, the moment I dreaded. Here I am lying flat on my back in only a t-shirt and a fresh diaper lying open and my down dropping over the side of the bed, one leg on either side of my sister-in-law. I was there on full display, even if I tried to cover up with my hand they would only get swotted out of the way. I did not realize that I closed my eyes because I felt the damp cold feeling of a baby wipe start to clean all over my diapered area. Any man would agree that the head that resides in the nether regions tends to think for itself. Against my own will, I started to get excited, lucky for me there was enough blood to rush to my cheeks at the same time and turn them even more red, if it’s even possible. At first, she ignored it but soon took my member between her index finger and thumb. I could only blush a deep crimson, wishing this would end soon. “Hey Jen when the last time is you drained this sucker.” Alice teased as she ignored me and made eye contact with her sister, “You know it may not be very big but it sure is a cute little thing.” “Mommy please” I whimper. “Nope, not Mommy. My name is Alice,” she said slowly to make sure I could understand her. “And don’t get all fussy on me, I am just making sure your mommy is taking care of all her little one’s needs.” “Quit teasing him,” Jennifer quickly stated, “I already had to calm one tantrum. You can handle the next one, especially if you are the one who winds him up.” Alice just giggles as she makes quick work of the rest of the diapering. After making sure my diapered area was clean front and back, she sprinkled a light dusting of powder. Lastly, she brings my diaper up and over and tapes it in place. As I lay there too embarrassed to move, I noticed Alice tidying up the area, my baby powder and a pack of baby wipes got put away while the used ones found their way in the same sack that my underwear did. I got a feeling that I won’t be seeing my underwear again after today. Breaking my trance Alice playfully rolls me over and starts to tickle me, the tickle attack only lasted a moment as I found out she was just trying to get me off the changing pad so she could put it away. I soon made my way off the bed and back onto my feet and pulled my shirt down to cover my belly. I did not even try and hide my diaper; I got over that a while ago. I do not own a shirt long enough to hide my diaper, what I needed was a pair of shorts. As I look around all I see is Alice standing in the middle of the room, hands on her hips, watching me get my bearings. I just simply ask, “Shorts?” Alice responds in kind, “Nope.” “Oh,” I state looking down in mock defeat. I look back up and look around once more, still not seeing Jen I ask Alice, “Mommy?” My simple one-word question was starting to make her smile, Alice continued our simple conversation by answering, “Downstairs.” “. . . Oh,” says once more looking defeated. Now Jen has told me about little space, but I have never been able to achieve it. I was sure I was not anywhere close still, but I did at least feel small. And I felt like the fewer words I said the less trouble I could get myself into. I also was not sure what to do, so I just stood there, in nothing but a t-shirt and diaper that had a cute bear and polka dots on it. Alice must have seen my unease because she continued our little one-word conversations. “Hand” she stated, as she held out her right hand. It was not a question but a statement. I responded simply with “K” as I placed my left hand into her right hand. I must have chosen right due to the big smile on her face as she turned and led me out of the bedroom, down the hallway, and paused at the top of the stairway. I must have worried her due to my recent theatrics going up the stairs, because as she stopped, she turned to me inquisitively, “OK?” I looked up at her and saw care in her eyes, she was not trying to tease me or anything but was wanting to make sure I was genially ok and would make it down the stairs. I don’t know why but hasn’t she seen me climb a set of stairs before? Still amused by our one-word conversation, with my words carefully chosen I simply stated with confidence, “self” and pointed to the staircase. I quickly realized that she was not taking any chances as she shot me down fast. “No”, she commanded. Alice made a quick look back at the stairs and must have been confident that letting me go down the stairs by myself would most likely end with a booboo. She quickly turns back around and breaks the one-word conversation, but keeps it simple, “hand or uppies?” Getting picked up and carried was not what I wanted, no way was I going to do that again any time. I simply took my hand out of hers and took a step back. She must have seen the hesitation in my eye for what she did next made me smile, but I still did not want ‘uppies’, I just hoped she knew that. Alice simply bent her knees got down at my level looked me into my eyes and asked me, “Hugs,” as she opened her arms. What can I say I was a sucker for hugs, they just made you feel good. I thought we were going to hug it out and I could still choose to just hold her hand. As I stepped into the hug and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, I found myself once again hoisted up in the air clinging on to dear life as Alice proceeded to carry me down the stairs. Now going up while being held is scary but in my mind, I will still survive. If we fall, I land on the person that is holding me. Now on the other hand, going down the steps was just the opposite, I was the one that was going to be crushed, and I was a lot smaller than the one who decided that picking me up and carting me down a flight of stairs was safe. “Honestly Charlie, what have you so scared of the stairs?” Alice asked. Still clinging to my sister-in-law like I was about to die, and my head buried in the nook of her neck, shakily I responded with “I’m not scared of the stairs.” “You sure fooled me,” she stated, “look we are perfectly safe.” Now I was a grown man, well at least in age at the very second. Right now, I do not feel like a man. Nonetheless, I knew my ABCs and my 123’s. Normally in one flight of stairs there is an average of 15 steps give or take a few depending on the building. As far as the house that Jen and I own is concerned it has exactly 15, I know this because I counted them, on multiple occasions. But this time my sister-in-law caught me off guard and did not bother to count, it did not feel like we went down the full flight of stairs. But she was standing still trying to encourage a thought of safety. As I lifted my head to take in my surroundings, I noticed that he was not at the bottom of the stairs, we were not even at the top. My head starts to spin and once again bury my face in the nook of Alice’s neck. “Baby, you are shaking like a leaf,” Alice said. Was I? I could not tell. All I know is that all I wanted was to go down, down off these steps and I cared very much about how I got down. I want to go down safely. All I could do was Close my eyes shut and just hope Alice moves. The next thing I know I have this falling feeling. All I could do was brace for impact as Alice and I went down. As we stop falling, I feel as if I was sitting on Alice. . . as she rubs my back. As Alice sits on the couch in the living room she tries to look down at her charge. With little luck at prying Charlie off she ended up just rubbing his back. At least he was not shaking anymore. With myself planted fairly on Alice, she turned out okay because she was rubbing my back. I start to let go of my death grip and sit up. I start to blush as I realize that the fall was not the stairs but Alice sitting on the couch. “But how did we get from there,” pointing to the stairs. “To here,” I ask, moving my finger from pointing to the stairs to the couch where we now were. With a chuckle, Alice replies simply, “I walked and then sat here.” “But. . . but. . .but” I stammered “I didn’t feel you walk; I only felt your fall.” “Not falling, plopping” she corrected, “and you were too busy shaking to feel me walk down the stairs. Looks like you were also too busy wetting those cute diapers of yours.” “What?” I questioned looking down at myself. Lo and behold Alice was right, my fresh diaper did not even stay fresh for ten minutes. I almost did not believe myself, so I decided to poke it to see if I was wet. Before my finger touched my diaper it was swotted away. “No,” Alice firmly said, swatting away my hands. “You don’t need to play with your diaper. And yes, little boy you wet your diaper, believe it.” Shocked that my hand was yet again swotted away from my diapered area. All I could do was look at Alice in disbelief. How dare she, who did she think she was? “What?” she said matter-of-factly, “don’t look so surprised Sir!” she continued, emphasizing the word ‘sir’ as if to mock me. “You and I may be business partners at work but outside of that you might as well believe that I am second in command of you.” “In command of me?” I chuckle, “What is this, the military? If you are second in command, who is first,” I said sharply, trying to get one up on my sister-in-law. And without missing a beat Jennifer walked in seemingly out of nowhere answering my question in a cool and casual tone, “That would be me, my love, I am first in command of this operation. Also, quit trying to be mean to Alice. You are only making yourself cuter, especially with you trying while you sit on her lap in just your t-shirt and diaper.” As she rounded the couch sitting on the other end of Alice, she turned to us and asked, “By the way, you did not want any shorts?” I instantly turned my head from Mommy to Alice scowling at her with my mouth open in shock. Just like that, I picked back up Alice and I’s conversation before she so rudely scared the piss right out of me, literally. “Shorts!” I proclaimed. Alice turned her attention back to me as she held on to me with a firm grip, both to make sure I did not fall off her lap and to make sure I did not run off. She looked at me as if her face was asking its question ‘Really, you’re asking again?’ Instead, she her one-word response not budging on her previous decision, “NO.” My face turned from scowling to pleading, “Why,” I muttered, trying to understand why I was being denied an article of clothing. “Because,” Alice said, almost wondering why I would even question her. “Please” I pleaded. All Jennifer could do was giggle at the most simplistic of conversations, “here, let me have him,” she said, reaching her arms out for her tiny husband. Yet again here I am, a four-foot-nine-inch man getting passed around, in my case like a toddler. With Alice already keeping a hold of me just picks me up and hands me over to Jen. With a slight unease of being passed around subconsciously reached for the closest thing to stabilize myself, unfortunately, that was Alice. It did not take long for Jen to grab me and pull me into her lap. Jen had me in a cradling position, for the most part. My back was supported by Jen's left arm that was wrapped around me, my bottom was sitting mostly on Jen's left side as my legs were together extending across her lap to the right. I wiggle a bit to get in a comfortable position. Due to the way Jen was holding me my right arm was trapped between Jen’s body and mine, leaving my left arm free to move. My feet though were resting on the couch between Jen and Alice. To be honest, it was a bit awkward for me, Jen's body was not quite square with the couch. Both Jen and Alice were halfway facing each other on the opposite sides of the couch, with me on Jen’s lap. “Deep conversation you two are having,” Jen stated with a giggle. Even though I was getting comfortable on Jen’s lap, that statement was it. I had enough, I wanted down and to go hide. I started to wiggle but was met by Jen’s firm grasp on me. “Down,” I stated in the middle of my struggle. “Hush now,” Jen said in a soothing voice. “What is the matter?” I knew if Jen did not want me down, I was not going to be put down. As I settled, I could not help but feel flustered, what was wrong with me? Since I was carted upstairs, I had one minor meltdown, an embarrassing diaper change from my sister-in-law, and a small panic attack being carried back downstairs. All I mustered was a toddler-like conversation between Alice and me since I was left alone with her after my final descent into diapers. I know that I fully agreed to this, but it did not mean I was ready to accept the fact I am now bound to a life of diapers, dependent on Jen to keep me clean. I just wanted to go somewhere quiet and think, I needed to calm down from all this and get my head on straight. *** “Charlie?” I asked inquisitively to my little husband. I noticed he was staring off into space but a moment after he struggled to get down he settled and leaned into me. I turned my gaze back to my sister asking her, “Did you break him?” “I did not mean to,” Alice said as she watched Charlie lean into me. “After you left all, I did was tell him no to shorts, which he was okay with initially and then went to bring him back downstairs.” I felt Charlie curl his legs up and try to lean further into me, resting his head on my chest. I wrapped my right arm around his legs and just gently swayed side to side as I continued my conversation, “Ya, there is a rule that when he is in his diaper, I have a final say in what he wears. Until today that rule was only invoked at bedtime, and most of the time I only let him wear his pajama shirt and diaper.” “Well, that makes sense,” chuckling Alice continued to say, “Now I know why he was irritated by the fact that he had an option for shorts.” “Probably, but you are probably correct in not letting him put any on. He needs to get used to you seeing him in his diaper,” I said, agreeing with my sister’s decision. “I do have one question though,” Alice states. “What’s that?” I ask, curious about what’s on Alice's mind. “Why on earth is Charlie deathly afraid of stairs and why have I not noticed it before?” asked Alice in a rather serious tone. “I get halfway down, and he looks up only to have a full-blown panic attack and hides his face and wets his diaper all before I can get over to the couch to sit down.” Furrowing my brows, I looked down at Charlie lying there with his eyes closed, still as a mouse. “Aww, pour guy,” I say turning my attention back to Alice. “He does not have an issue with stairs or heights per se. When he was small. . .” “He still is small,” Alice said dryly, interrupting me. “When he was smaller,” I corrected myself shaking my head at my sister’s taunt. “You’re an ass,” quipping back before continuing. “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. Charlie's Mom was a bit of a drunk and a clumsy one at that, there were a few times that she had on her hip and fell. The final last time she did it she fell down the stairs and landed on Charlie. Luckily Charlie's Father just got home from work that day and rushed him to the doctor. Charlie was okay, just a bump and bruise. Barrett, Charlie’s father, filed for divorce shortly after and raised his two boys on his own.” “Holy shit, no wonder he is afraid. Also, it makes sense why he never mentioned his mother.” Alice said as she was taken aback by her sister’s story. “So why do you cart him up and down the stairs?” “At first I did not realize.” I started to explain before looking back down at Charlie, wondering if he was asleep or just lying there with his eyes closed. I looked back up and continued, “The first time was just an accident, he fell asleep on the couch trying to stay awake and watch a movie with me. Like any other loving wife with a compact hubby decided to carry him upstairs and put him to bed. He was also not wearing a diaper, which was another reason I wanted to get him upstairs and get him ready for bed.” Giggling Alice says, “Now who has the short jokes.” Ignoring my sister’s comment, I continue to explain, “About halfway up the stairs my phone goes off in my back pocket. I was curious about who was calling so late but also wanted to silence so I did not wake Charlie. So, I shifted him so he was sitting more on my right side and had him rest on my right arm so I could use my left to grab my phone. In the middle of me shifting him he woke up and after realizing where he was completely panicked and nearly jumped out of my arms. Once I realized what he was doing I caught him with my left hand, simultaneously tossing my phone off the stairs.” “Instead of him jumping out of his skin as he did for you, he completely attached himself to me,” Alice said, comparing recent events. “Oh, once I caught him, he latched on to me and refused to let go. It took a little bit of time but once we were in our room he finally calmed down and would let me put him down,” I stated. Taking a brief pause before adding more to the story, “Once Charlie regained his composure, and we were both clean from his little accident, he told me the first and so far, the only story of his mother. He did not realize it still bothered him so much, mainly because as he grew up, he evenly mastered the stairs by himself and grew confident in his ability. Because of our relationship dynamics, he loved me holding him, even though it was embarrassing for him. He told me that he wanted to get over his childhood fear and asked me to help him with it. He has gotten a little better about it but still has a way to go, of course, I don’t always carry him up the stairs.” “He actually peed on you?” Alice asked in an airy tone. “That is your takeaway?” I questioned. “He peed this last time too, when you were bringing him down.” Alice snickered and went on to say, “Ya, but the little squirt was in a diaper, I am all dry.” As the conversation was seeming at its end, I saw Alice look over to the wall where the clock hung. “Well, I am going to get out of here, leave you two to cuddle the day way,” she said turning around to her sister. “Really? You sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?” I Inquired “Yeah, I got a few errands to run myself before my weekend starts,” Alice responded. “Errands before your weekend starts,” I repeated, “If I did not know any better, it sounds like you still have work to do. I thought you said Everything was good to go at the office?” “They are, I just need to go by the grocery store and pick a few things up, so I don’t have to go later,” Alice informed. “Oh, before I forget, will you and Charlie be coming to dinner Sunday at Mom and Dad's?” she asked quickly. “To be honest I am not sure if Charlie is going to be up for it,” I said. “Just know Mom is very excited to see the little squirt” Alice informed as she was getting up. “Hold on, let me walk you to your car,” I say as I move my right arm under Charlie's legs to support his lower side as I start to get up. “Will you move that pill down a little bit,” I asked turning around so I could lay Charlie back down on the couch. Without a word, Alice adjusts one of the small decorative pillows on the couch under Charlie’s head as he is placed back down on the couch. She watched Jen roll him over on his side, so he was facing the back of the couch. Both of us satisfied that Charlie was not going to fall I turned and headed for the door and put my flip flops on as I saw Alice slip her flats back on as fast as they were taken off. Both of us make one more glance towards the couch before slipping out of the door, first Alice then me. I left the door cracked as I went to close the screen door. “I guess he really was sleeping, I almost thought he was just faking,” I say, following my sister to her car. “Well, the little guy had a pretty exciting day so far,” Alice said as she opened the door to her car. Before she gets in, she turns to hug her sister and softly tells her, “Call me if you need anything. “Ditto,” I say in a matching soft tone before ending the sisterly embrace. I stood there and watched my sister get in her car and back out of the driveway. Before my sister sped off, she gave me one last wave. Satisfied, I make my way up the sidewalk and back to the front door. Slipping my flip flops off as I walk through the door, glancing at my napping husband, and then turn to softly shut the front door before heading off to fetch a small blanket for Charlie. ************************************************************************************************************************ Chapter Four I am not sure how long I slept, to be honest, I was not even trying to sleep. I was just simply trying to take comfort in the situation at hand. One of my first customers at Red Tail Aviation got me into meditation. He told me, ‘Owning your own business is a stressful job, it is wise to learn to find peace in stressful situations.’ It was not the first time hearing about meditation, but what he said stuck with me. That is why when Jen refused to let me down, I just tried to make the best of it. Of course, her body was almost always warmer than mine, and with me pants less why not take advantage of my situation and curl up and her as my heater? I also wanted to close my eyes to help me focus on meditating. The bam, one minute I am listening to Jen disclose my origin story all comfy curled up on her lap, next minute I wake up almost falling off the couch jolting me back awake. To be perfectly honest, it would not be the first time I fell off the couch while I was napping. It’s kind of funny, the first it happened Jen was in her office when she heard a thud and shortly after that a very prominent four-letter curse work started with an ‘F’ and ended with a ‘K’. This was also after the rule of no cursing was invoked. After collecting my thoughts from yet another tumble off the couch, I sit up correctly rub the sleep out of my eyes and look around. It was still daylight outside, but that did not mean much. It was mid-summer, and the days were longer, perfect for road trips or working in the garage on my old 76 CJ7. I look over to the wall that has our clock hanging on it. The time read five thirty-two pm, close to dinner time. I was feeling a bit peckish due to skipping lunch. Dinner time was one thing that Jen loved to control in our house. It was the only meal that she could make sure I sat down to and ate. Lunch was always a hit or miss due to work and well, me getting distracted. Who needs food when you have coffee? Breakfast was always a struggle for me, though I have gotten used to at least attempting to grab a bite of something. I sat on the couch chuckling at the memory of Jen yelling at me as I ran out the door trying to get to work. That fate full day started with me taking a single bite out of the bagel I toasted for myself. Once I realized that I was running late I just dropped my bagel and ran. She saw me drop my food and bolt, and she quickly chased after me. ‘A bit to eat is an idiom,’ she hollered as I headed for the door. ‘It’s not supposed to be taken literally,’ she finished as she made it to the front door, trying to chase me down. By the time she made it to the door, I was already in my blue sports car putting it in gear. I also got in trouble the following night because of the whole ordeal. Jen had to go out of the state for work that same day I ran out of the house with only one bite taken out of my breakfast. Somehow, she found out that I did not eat anything else that day, the following breakfast, or lunch the next day. In my defense, I was going to eat that night, but I just got lost working on my Jeep. So, there I am lost in the garage again on night number two, nearly forgetting to eat when I see Alice pulled up carrying a mall brown bag and a huge scowl on her face. What happened next was scary at the time but looking back it’s kind of funny. When I saw Alice walking up to the garage, I stopped what I was doing and started to wipe my hands clean when she walked right up to me, grabbed one of my hands, and proceeded to drag me into my own house through the garage door. She dragged me to the kitchen table and sat me in a chair first before putting her small brown bag on the table, at this moment I realized what was going on. Alice then proceeded to look me in the eyes with the same scowl on her face as she arrived and pointed her index finger straight at me. ‘You are going to sit here and not get up until I watch you eat everything,’ she howled. She then proceeded to pull out the biggest sub sandwich I had ever seen, a small bag of ships, and one apple. As I said, I knew the moment she sat me in the kitchen of the misdeed I had done. Since I knew I was in trouble I might as well have a little fun. I looked down at the palms of my hands and saw they still had dirt on them. So, I simply looked up at Alice who was now sitting next to me fuming with anger, and showed her my hands and told her, ‘My hands are dirty.’ Let me tell you it was the best ‘worst’ decision I ever made, wordlessly got up grabbed a cloth from the counter, dampened it at the sink returned to the seat next to me, and proceeded to clean my hands for like a five-year-old. Once my hands were scrubbed with more vigor than needed, she sat the cloth on the table picked up the sub sandwich, and placed it in my hand, in my opinion, they were still dirty, but I was not about to tell her that. I know I am a small person, but that sub sandwich was massive in my tiny hands. Let me tell you she sat there for over an hour making sure I ate every bite. Once I was done, she left with the same grace as she came, without a word and anger spewing from her eyes. The following day I came home from work and found a very upset Jennifer. She waited till I was fully in the door before she proceeded to scold me on my health and how eating is somehow important to my health. She proceeded to lay out my punishment for me, I was to write a 500-apology letter to Alice, and I found out the reason she was angry that day was because I caused her date with a hot guy to be rescheduled. Her date told her that their date could wait and that making sure her brother-in-law was doing ok was more important. The rest of my punishment consisted of supervised meals, at home I had to sit with Jen, and at work it was Alice, I could not get till they were satisfied. I was also not allowed to have sweets for a month, and boy did Alice rub that in my face. Shaking the memory from my head I toss the small blanket that covered me to the side exposing my bare legs to the brisk air of the house and hop off the couch. I quietly make my way from the living room towards the kitchen, instead of veering to the left and going fully into the kitchen I instead turn right where the door to the office is. With the door cracked and the light on I had a strong hunch that I figured out where Jen was hiding. I push the door open ever so slightly to just poke my head in to catch Jen sitting at the computer. The office is both ours but due to me operating mostly from my laptop and phone when I am not at work Jen has turned it into her personal home office. I honestly don’t mind; it has given me the ability to work from home often. With sharp senses, I notice Jen glancing at me smiling, and giving me a wink before going back to typing on her computer. With my element of surprise gone, I open the door the rest of the way make my way towards her, and ask, “Hey Jen.” “Try again” Jennifer quickly states. I rounded the desk to see her face better and to see what she had pulled up on the computer screen. I give a longing look of sorrow and ask her, “Can I really not call you Jen?” Watching Jennifer quickly finish her email and hit send, closes her web browser, turns her attention to me and my visible diapered bottom, and asks, “Are we in public?” I was not fond when she answered my questions with a question. She had the uncanny ability to make me feel smaller than I was, my current attire did not help the situation. Reminded of the answer I knew I looked down in defeat and said, “No” Jennifer gently lifted my head, so I was looking at her. “If we are not in public, how are you to address me?” she asked softly. I would not say I am submissive, I do have rather high confidence in myself, and I will stand up for myself or my wife against anyone, no matter how big they are trust me when I say everyone is bigger than me. There have been multiple times that Jen had to pull me back from a fight, when you are small you tend to learn to either run or fight. And my father did not raise me to run or back down. But I had one weakness, my wife. I do not know what it is about her, but her dominating presence and confidence make me weak at the knees. It’s a mystery to me because I know that Alice has the same demeanor, I seen it with my eye both at work and on the occasional double date. But with Alice, I can stand up to her and tease her like I would my brother, the fun thing is she teases me just as much. Unable to look away I softly say, “I am to address you as Mommy.” With the correct answer, she gives me a peck on the lips and releases my face. Her gaze does not go far though, I look down and I follow suit to see what she is looking at. As Jennifer releases my face, she reaches down to check my diaper and gives it a gentle squeeze. “Smart baby, and a little soggy I see. You are such a good boy,” she praised. Jen always did her best to make sure that when I was up in the morning, she was not mad that I was wet. Just the opposite, she was always happy and proud of me for using my diapers. She did not want me to be ashamed of wetting the bed, she told me it’s just who you are and should be proud of yourself. There were many mornings in the beginning when she would show me that the bed was not wet and that it was only my diaper that was wet. To this day she will still praise me for my wet diapers, reminding me that I should not be ashamed of wetting them. I don’t know why I expected anything different from her now that diapers are now permanent in my everyday attire. Even after her gentle and kind praise I still felt it necessary to remind her that my wet diaper was not all my fault. “It’s Alice’s fault, she is the one who made me pee myself,” I informed her. In a gentle mothering tone, she told me, her small charge, “Now it’s not nice to blame others for things they did not due. Also, your diaper was not this wet before your nap.” “But it was her fault, she scared the. . .” I began as I saw her eyebrows raised listening intently to my choice of words. Cautiously I finished my statement, “Pee right out of me.” “Good catch Mr.” she chided and went on to say “Alice did not mean to scare you, she and I talked about it, and she will be more careful next time. I want you to answer me this, what are diapers for?” I knew she talked to Alice about me, I was conscious at least for part of it. It was the question at the end that had me perplexed. With uncertainty, I answered, “To potty in?” “Close baby, they are for someone that is not yet potty trained.” She said, correcting me. She went on to ask another question, “And are you potty trained?” Ah, now I see where this is going, but what did I say, nothing but questions to answer me with. “No, I am not potty trained,” I answered her with a huff after recalling the conversation that was had earlier today. Jennifer smiled and again praised Charlie for yet another correct answer. “Very good, I am suppressed you can remember that, but you seem to be forgetting to call me what?” she said cleverly. I got a feeling this was not the last time she was going to tease me about what I was to her. With a small smile and some fake enthusiasm, I tell her, “Mommy,” and move in and hug her. Without missing a step Jen used the momentum of my spring-loaded hug to snatch me off the ground and on her lap with a soft squish. “See, I knew you know who I am” she mused. “And you are my little boy who is not yet potty trained. Since my baby boy is not potty trained how could your Aunty Alice ever make you tinkle in your cute little diapie,” she said in conclusion. I slightly blushed when I felt my diaper squish as she sat me on her lap, I guess she was right, I think I was a little bit wetter than I was before I drifted off to sleep. Blasted bedwetting, well I guess I am not just a bed wetter now; I am not officially potty trained in the eyes of my Mommy. Sitting sideways in her lap, much like I was on the couch, I had my legs draped over one side of the office chair and Jen supporting my back. I watched her turn her attention from me to a stack of papers sitting on the desk. Jennifer reached over to pull out two identical pieces of paper and pulled them close so I could read them. “Now look over here sweetie, I have updated our Rules and punishments. Let me read them to you, ok. When we are done, we will both initial by every rule and punishment and then sign at the bottom.” I sat quietly trying my best to follow along with Jen, this kind of stuff always makes my mind wander. But I wanted to be good, so I told her, “Yes Mommy.” Jennifer cleared her throat and started at the top of the “Momma Jen’s and Little Charlie’s Rules and Punishments, Rules include but are not limited to 1. Drink plenty of water; 2. No caffeine after Lunch; 3. Get at least six hours of rest; 4. Eat two solid meals a day at least (preferably three); 5. Ask for help if you need it, 5a. Especially reaching for stuff out of reach; 6. Do not climb on counters.” Yup, all those are still the same. Most of them are from our very first agreement, all except Rule 6. Jen had to put that in there specifically due to me telling her that things would not be out of reach if I was on the counter. She was not too happy with me the first time she caught me on the countertop let alone the second time reaching yet again for the Oreos she likes to hide from me. Jennifer took a breath and continued to read aloud, “7. Absolutely no cursing; 8 Jennifer has final approval on clothing worn by Charlie. . .” The cursing rule is Mommy's favorite to enforce, I am honestly surprised that I have not caught her doing it. Also, it is good to note that Mommy and I agreed that rules one through seven are rules we both follow. When she first introduced the idea of a list of rules for me to follow, I did not think it was fair for me to have them and not her. After a very long conversation, we came up with the first list of rules for both of us to follow, which is why both of us signed it. Oh, and that goes for punishments too, but she does not break the rules as much as I do. It’s not like I go out of my way too; I just find myself wanting an Oreo or going almost two days without eating because I get too busy to care. “. . . 9. Charlie is considered NOT potty trained and will be kept in diapers, 9a. Yes, Charlie, this means the big boy potty is a no-no.” Jenifer stopped reading to look at Charlie and make sure he was paying attention. “Baby, are you listening? What was that last rule I just read?” she asked. “The potty is a no-no,” I said dryly, not believing she would write the list. What did she think I was going to do, sneak off and use the potty? If I did that, she could get me on rules 5, 8, and 9 at least, probably more as she keeps reading. I am good. “Keep going Mommy,” I said to get back on track. “Just making sure you are paying attention and not daydreaming,” she said before she continued reading the list. “10. Charlie is not allowed to change his diaper, 10a. Jennifer is ultimately in charge of Charlie’s Diapers.” “One second Mommy,” I interrupted, “what I am by myself, can I change my diaper then?” Jennifer simply said “No" and before Charlie could ask a follow-up question she explained, “At home you have me, at work you have Alice. Anywhere else I assure you; you will have someone there to help you with your needs.” The thought swirled around my head only for a second before the words “That’s not fair" blurted out of my mouth. “You are essentially telling me I will have a babysitter when you are not with me? But . . .” flustered at trying not to alert out Jen's name only a moment passed before I was able to continue, “Mommy that’s obscene, I am a grown man. What about not hindering me from work?” I firmly asked, needing to hear her explanation. “I can see you are a little unsettled by this," she replied, trying to keep the smile from showing. She thought it was cute seeing her little husband sitting on her lap in a wet diaper arguing that he was a grown man. It was not her intention to belittle him, but the situation was rather adorable. Unsettled was not the word I would have used but I was not about to correct her. I Tully wanted to understand her reasoning, so I did not interrupt her trying to convince me that I needed a babysitter. Jennifer kept on talking explaining her reasoning to my very sour face, “Yes, you will have an attendant with you to help you out with your diapers for when you need to be changed. Also, anyone that you are with who has agreed to help me with you is fully aware of any and all of our Rules. Since I cannot trust you to follow the rules, we both have agreed upon I feel it is necessary to make sure I have a babysitter to make sure my little Charlie is not getting into mischief.” Jen saw the shock on my face as she made her comment but continued still, “you may be an adult and my husband, but you are also my Little as I am your Mommy. You and I started this journey a while ago and both of us wanted to make each other happy let me tell you that you may not see the ‘little side’ in you, but I sure do all too well and a mommy knows when her little boy is not ready for adult privileges.” I was shocked, I could not believe what she just said, “first I am too responsible, second, I do not have a ‘little’ side,” I said firmly as I used air quotes when I said the word little. She simply smiled and raised her eyebrows in amusement, “I hope you hear yourself; I can recall multiple times when I had to get someone to help you remember to eat, go home and sleep or any one of the times I caught you eating sweets during the night. That proves to me that you are not responsible for respecting the rules you agreed on that were put in place for your health and wellbeing; and yes, you do have a ‘little' side,” she said ending with air quotes on the word little to mimic me. “I still don’t need a babysitter,” I said flatly. More importantly, she mentioned something that I need to reiterate, “third thing, you said that anyone that I am with has agreed to help you with me,” I repeated in confusion. I went on to ask, “Who else knows about our little dynamic? I thought it was just between us, our little secret?” I asked worriedly. “You and I talked about this baby; you knew what I wanted. The both of us came up with a plan and compromises to make it all work for the best. This is a part of that. And outside of a select few people, it is our little secret, we just have friends that understand and want to be there for us,” she said softly with a sympathetic look. With a huff I turned back to our list and with a flat tone of defeat I as her, “Please continue Mommy.” Jen simply left me to my feelings as she continued, “11. Charlie will refer to Jennifer as Mommy or Momma, 11a. enforced heavily behind closed doors, 11b. First names are good in the public eye, just be respectful; 12. Charlie is allowed to work on his cars in the garage unless Jennifer says otherwise; 13. Charlie is allowed to drive alone if it’s communicated with Jennifer, 13a. If there is a backup plan this privilege can be taken away as punishment, 13b. Backup plans include but are not limited to driving by Jennifer, Alice, or an approved friend; 14. Charlie’s consumption of alcohol will be approved on a case-by-case basis, 14a. approval authority limited to Jennifer; 15. Rules outside of this list must be discussed and agreed upon before implementation.” Jennifer stopped to take a breath and asked me, as I sat in her lap quietly as a mouse, “That is all the rules, you ready for the Punishments?” “That is a lot of rules, Mommy, how am I supposed to remember all of them? I can barely follow the list we had before this and it’s twice as long,” I said a bit sarcastically “The punishments look the same though, you don’t need to read them,” I said reaching for a writing utensil. Jennifer grabbed my eager hand and said, “Not so fast baby, we need to read them allowed to make sure we both agree. When we are done with all this, I will post one on the fridge for us to look at and the other will go in the filing box,” she explained trying to ignore my unsettled mood. Clearing her throat and finishing reading the document, “Punishment includes but is not limited to 1. Time out for naughty behavior; 2. Writing lines or something similar, to learn a lesson; 3. Grounding (or taking things away), to appreciate what you have; 4. Supervised mealtime, to make sure you eat healthy; 5. Spankings, for severe rule breaking; 6. Ultimately the punishment must fit the crime; 7. Punishments outside of this list must be discussed and agreed upon before implementation.” Once she finished, I quickly piped up and quickly spoke, “Yes, I agree. Can I sign?” “Baby I know you are eager to get down, but are sure you understand all the rules? You mentioned there were a lot of them,” she asked repeating the concern I stated a moment ago. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then looked at Jen and said, “Yes Mommy, the first half of the rules are the same. The second half is the new ones we mentioned before, the ones making me baby.” I did my best to smile but it was hard to form. I knew Jen was right, she always is. I am just too carefree and aloof, she does mean the best for me, and I cannot be upset at her for it. I still get my career, my hobbies, and most importantly her by my side. “I am sorry for freaking out before, it’s just I was not expecting this decent into diapers to be so steep.” Jennifer hugged me tight and kissed me on the cheek while letting my hand go so, I could reach for the pen. After I signed, she followed suit and within that moment marked our written and signed agreement to our new contract. I was still on her lap and was getting more anxious by the moment, she could tell. To break the tension she asked, “Are you hungry? I have dinner prepped, just needs to be cooked and put together?” I nodded my head and scuttled off her lap, allowing her to get up and move towards the kitchen. Not wanting to be alone with my thoughts I followed her into the kitchen. I quickly went from being upset at the thought of being an actual little to being worried that I was too immature and not enough for my wife. As she was reaching the fridge I shakily asked, “Am I immature?” ************************************************************************************************************************ Chapter Five Jennifer’s hand was just touching the handle of the refrigerator when she heard me ask my question. I watched her turn to me and bend down to my level, looking me in the eyes, “I love everything there is about you, including your immaturity. Witch to be honest is just you being so carefree and dreaming the big ideas. You are my everything, I promise.” I felt better hearing Jen say those words. That was what I needed, to put faith into our new contract and do my best to be all I can be for Jen. But there was one simple question that lingered on my mind, “do we still get to you know, have sexy time?” I said bluntly with a worried face. All Jen could do was smile and giggle as she turned to me, “You may be my little, but you are definitely all boy. Yes sweetie, we still get sexy time, but since I am in charge of your little diapee. . .” she said with a gentle pat to my sodden diaper, “I will be ultimately in charge of that department as well. Just another reason for my Baby boy to be a good boy.” With that question she knew had to know my spirits were back on the rise, she gave me another kiss and stood back up so she could start preparing our dinner. With the promise of sexy time does not disappear I was rather happy. “Mommy, can I help you with dinner?” I asked, still standing next to her. “It’s OK honey, I got it. You just relax and enjoy your evening.” She said busying herself with dinner. “Please may I have a diaper change?” I asked, not wanting to feel my bulky diaper swell any bigger. “Who is in charge of my baby’s diapers?” Jennifer asked in a mock confused tone. I rolled my eyes and replied in a monotone voice, “You are.” Beaming with happiness she glances at me and says, “My baby is so smart, you don’t need to worry about your diapers, you just focus on using them like a good little boy. But to soothe your worries, your diaper will hold till it’s time to get you ready for bed. You are still wearing your thick nighttime diapers; they can hold quite a lot.” With a huff, I simply said, “Fine, I guess I will just waddle the rest of the night.” “Cheer up sweetheart, I have some new diapers on order, they are a bit thinner for the daytime. They are not as bulky.” She said busying herself around the kitchen. “Plus, these diapers are all white with a blue landing strip with bunnies on them, they are adorable,” she said. “Yay, more diapers,” I said with fake excitement in my voice. I turned on my heel and started to go back into the living room before I heard Jen get my attention. “Hold on one sec,” she commanded as she opened the fridge. Jen pulled out my large water bottle and handed it to me, “How about you start drinking some water while I am cooking.” I grabbed the seemingly large blue canteen from Jen, “do I have to drink the whole thing?” “Not all at once,” Jen said with a smile, “just sip on it till it's bedtime, ok.” She watched her little's face scrunch up with disgust, knowing what he was going say she asked anyway, “What’s with the face?” I knew all too well she was just trying to get me to stay hydrated, but I hated it when she handed my canteen to me, it’s the only thing she let me drink till it was empty. “it’s so big, and water sucks,” he said not so enthusiastically. “It’s only 40 ounces and water is good for you, especially since all you have to drink is coffee and beer. Call me mean all you want to, but I am just looking after you,” Jen said well-rehearsed due to this conversation being brought up almost every other time she handed him his canteen. “Just think though, now you won’t have to worry about the multiple potty trips anymore,” she said with a grin. “Ha ha ha, laugh all you want to, Mr. Soggy Bottom shall be in the other room while his dinner is prepared,” I said mockingly. I took a drink from my canteen in front of her to show her my goodwill before turning back around to head to the living room. She must have been satisfied because all I heard was giggling when I rounded the corner to the living room. I took one more drink before setting my canteen down on the end table next to the couch and headed towards my backpack that was still sitting by the door. Jen still had my phone with her and probably would not give it to me even if I asked. She knows all too well that I will just use it to check on work. To be honest I was not obsessed with work, I just been getting shut out this last week due to Alice trying to make me take a vacation. I just wanted to check my emails and make sure there was nothing I needed to take care of. I unzipped the backpack and peered inside and to my surprise my laptop was not in there. This was totally unfair, but I was not done digging in my backpack. I opened a small Pouch inside the main component of my bag and saw that my candy was still there. I quickly closed my backpack leaving all its contents in and left it by the door. Still not happy my laptop was confiscated as well; I grabbed my canteen off the end table and waddled back into the kitchen. I did not make eye contact with Jen, I simply walked around the island and over to the table. After sitting my can teen down on the table, I took my seat at my normal spot and just Stat there with my arms folded. After a few minutes of listening to her hum while she cooked and seemingly ignoring my presence, I grabbed my canteen to have another drink and sighed loud enough for her to hear me. Jen noticed me come back in and sit down at the table. She probably knew I was eventually going to look for my laptop, though she probably took it before I woke up from my nap. We were both aware of why I was pouting, so I just watched her cook as I sat and sulked. After a while the food was done, and she pulled down two plates and started filling them both. She put a fork on each plate and went to put the plates on the table, “I hope you are hungry I made chicken penne pasta and steamed broccoli,” she said setting the plate on the table. I was still not happy with my electronics gone but the food did smell amazing. I watched her grab herself a drink of water before sitting down and joining me at the table, “it smells good babe, thank you for cooking.” “I am glad you like it,” Jen said with a smile before she started to eat. My wife was a good cook, there was not one dish she prepared that I did not like. I even ate all my vegetables without any fuss. For me it’s not necessarily what I eat it’s just that I tend to not eat, but when I eat Jen’s food I am always struggling to eat as much as I can. The only difference is my version of eating a lot is different than hers. None the less I did my best and that is all she asked for. After a few bites of my pasta, I asked, “So do you have any plans while I am on vacation?” Jen finished the bite she had in her mouth before answering, “Nothing too crazy, getting you into diapers was the biggest thing. I wanted a relaxing couple of weeks for you to adjust to the new lifestyle before really doing anything too crazy.” “Ah" was all I said before blushing profusely, even though I was just around Jen it was still embarrassing to be at the dinner table in just a t-shirt and diaper like some toddler. My embarrassment did remind me of something though, “Oh, um. You mentioned that your parents know about my secret, well I assume our new set of rules is also known. Are they going to treat me differently?” Jen sat her cup down after taking a drink, “Yes sweetie, they know about our new set of rules, well the just of them anyways. She will get a copy of our rule list when I send out a list to all the participating parties that agreed to help keep an eye on you if you are ever not with me,” she said before taking a bite of her broccoli. After swallowing her food, she continued to say, “as far as my parents treating you differently, you can expect Dad to be the same. Mom on the other hand is very excited for the veil to be lifted and for you to take this step in our life, she has been talking about treating you like one of the grandkids.” I stopped mid-chew to look into Jen’s eye to see if she was joking. I could see the sorrow in her eyes as she continued to eat, waiting for my rebuttal to what I just learned. “This is going to be embarrassing the next time I am over there. She knows I am still an adult and your husband, right?” Jen nodded her head while she was chewing her food. She saw my thoughts rolling around in my head. After swelling and clearing her mouth of food she went to say, “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you alone with them.” Jen just then started to notice Charlie wiggling more than normal in his chair. She just smiled and continued to eat; she had this problem with him that one weekend she let her keep him in diapers for two whole days. As much as I was displeased with my in-laws knowing about my situation, I did not have much of a choice in the matter. I was just glad they are seemingly ok with it all. I was about done with my food before my bladder decided to make itself known. With my apparent slowing down of eating I heard Jen start to say something. “Just go honey, you will feel better,” Jen said, somehow knowing I had to pee. As soon as she said it, I went to get up but stopped me by continuing to say, “No-no honey, sit in your chair and finish eating. I know you are not done.” “But you said. . .” was all I said before she shut my plea down. “Go pee-pee in your diaper honey, that’s what it is there for. You can do that and finish eating at the same time,” she said softly. Jen sat her fork down on her empty plate and reached for her drink while she watched me finish my food. I turned back to my plate and picked my fork back up, I went to scoop up another bit of pasta and put it in my mouth. When I was pulling my fork out of my mouth my tiny bladder made its presence known again. I simply closed my eyes and did my best to relax. I opened my eyes again and sat my fork down with a little bit of stiffness in my posture as I started to wet myself at the dinner table. I am glad Jen did not want to make a big scene out of my little milestone, she was good at making me feel comfortable. “One more bite and you are all finished sweetheart,” she said with praise in her voice. Jen watched as me, very embarrassed, ate my last bit of food and placed my fork on the plate. Dinner was the one meal Jen was strict on, we always ate at the table and the first implementation of rule number four she had another unspoken rule that went along with it, I was not allowed to get up without her approval on how much I ate during dinner time. I went along with this because I knew she knew I did not eat very well during the day. I figured if she let me do my thing throughout my day, I could be good and let her make sure I get at least one good meal. Still very embarrassed about just wetting myself at the dinner table I still let out a quiet, “Please may I be excused?” *** As I heard Charlie’s question, I grabbed both of Our plates to take to the sink and told him, “Yes you may, I am so happy you cleaned your plate.” I made a quick business to tidy up the last of the dirty dishes and start the dishwasher after we ate. When I went to wipe the table down to finish my post-dinner cleaning, I saw Charlie still sitting at the table but with his knees pulled up to his chest. “What’s the matter?” I said with slight concern. “I don’t know what to do,” Charlie told me as I picked up his half-full canteen off the table so I could wipe it down. “My normal Friday routine is off, and I just want to be in the same room as you,” he said. “I am not sad, just kind of bored.” I was done tidying up and went over to Charlie. “How about we move this into the living room,” I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the chair. As he stood up, I took the time and check his diaper and made sure it would last just a little bit longer so I could put a fresh one on him just before we went to bed. “Look at that buddy, your diaper is still good to go. It’s getting rather soggy though, but it will last the evening, we will get you a new one at bedtime, ok?” Charlie just stood there nodding his head at me as I took the canteen from him and gave it a gentle shake, “Look at you, you have drunk half of your water. Good job honey!” I still could not get over how adorable Charlie looked in his diapers, ever since I started to help him with them, I just could not get the picture of him being my little boy out of my head. I always respected him as my partner and let him be the man in the relationship, but even a strong man [no matter how small] has a vulnerable side. I wanted to nurture his vulnerability and protect it, I did not want him to be afraid of showing her his emotions, I wanted to be his rock, just like he was for me. As I gave Charlie his canteen of water back, I wondered if I could ever get him to drink from a bottle for me. With thoughts swirling in my head, I asked him, “Since dinner was a little late how about we end the night with a little TV and cuddling on the couch?” Charlie took his canteen back from me, he should know I was not letting up on him drinking fluids to keep hydrated. “Sure, that sounds great actually,” he responded. After all the events of today, I knew he was questioning his maturity. But there was one thing that always cheered him up, and that was our cuddle time. Charlie never said no to cuddles and simply just melted when we did. “We can watch the next episode of our show!” I said with a smile. Charlie and I may be busy, but we do try our best to make sure we make time for us. His diaper was getting rather plump, and it made it hard for him to not be embarrassed, but I tried to help him get over it by not making a big scene and just following his little waddle to the living room and sitting down on the couch. As I followed my husband into the living room, I snagged the remote to the TV off the coffee table before sitting down on the couch facing Charlie instead of the TV. Charlie chose to sit in the middle of the couch, as I chose to sit on one of the ends. Splitting my attention with getting the TV turned on and watching Charlie sip on his water, I could not help myself and take a chance, “Hey Charlie, would you like some cookies for dessert while we watch our show?” He was a little confused, normally I did not offer after-dinner cookies unless he ate everything on his plate, and he still had food on his plate when I let him be done. “I will never say no to cookies, but I did not eat all my food?” Charlie stated. “That is true but considering that today was a big step for you, let's count this as celebratory milestone cookies,” I responded. With that said he seemed to feel okay in indulging in some cookies, well truth be told I knew he could never say no to me offering him Oreos. With a smile I heard Charlie start to say, “Do we have . . .” was all he got out before I interrupted him. “Oreos,” I said finishing Charlie’s sentence. “Am I that predictable?” Charlie asked, a little shocked. “Babe, out of all the cookies I buy, Oreos are the only ones I have caught you sneaking in the middle of the night and climbing on our counter for,” I said with a smile. Noticing Charlie's sheepish grin indicating my statement was correct, I started to stand up. I handed the remote to my little one and instructed him, “You find our show and I will get our snacks,” and then headed into the kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen I reached up to the top shelf of the cabinet and pulled down the package of Oreos and a small saucer to put a hand full on. After the cookies of choice were plated, I put the rest back on the top shelf and then opened the small cabinet above the fridge and pulled down a small plain brown box. The box was only folded shut and took no effort for me to open it and reveal a baby bottle. This was no ordinary bottle; it was slightly larger than a normal baby bottle and the nipple was a bit larger as well. I had purchased this as well as a few things that were hidden around the house from one of the adult baby/diaper lover websites that catered to the little lifestyle. The bottle was already washed, all I needed was to put the milk my hubby was going to ask for in it. I made quick work of filling the bottle with some milk and a little bit of honey and placed it in the fridge for the time being. With that done I picked up the saucer of Oreos and brought them back into the living room, setting them on the coffee table in front of Charlie. Sitting back down on the couch with one leg under me, I faced Charlie and simply said, “Cookies for my little man.” Once I sat the cookies in front of him and sat back down, all he could do was just hug me to show his affection and love. Charlie learned a long time ago that one of my love languages was physical touch, he liked it too, but hugging was a favorite way for him to show me how much I meant to him. “Thank you for the cookies, Mommy,” Charlie said before pressing play to our show and reaching for an Oreo. I just sat there watching him and the show we have been binge-watching lately. I only ate a few of the Oreos, though Charlie kept offering them to me. It only took one episode for the Oreos to be fully devoured, and as expected I watched Charlie drink his water with a disappointed look on his face. I knew that Charlie loved to drink milk with his cookies, as do most people I presume. However, I was surprised that he did not complain about drinking the water that was provided for him. At the end of the current episode that we were watching I turned to Charlie and smiled. “What would you say if I told you that you don’t need to finish your water and I will get you some milk to wash the cookies down with?” I asked calmly. He reached for the remote and paused the TV before the next episode started to play. “I would ask you what the catch was,” Charlie told me looking skeptical. He must suspect something is up, first, there were cookies after dinner after he did not clean his plate and now, he didn’t have to finish his water that I always enforce him to drink. “Just please keep an open mind ok,” I calmly stated before getting up and heading back into the kitchen. I know he must be sitting there in utter confusion, wondering what I was doing. The TV was not on, so I knew he was listening to me getting the milk out of the fridge and putting it in the microwave. I know he liked warm milk before bed, he mentioned that he used to have it as a kid. It did not take me long to get his bottle warmed and ready for him before I went back to the living room, hiding his bottle behind my back. I sat back on the couch facing Charlie and the bottle of milk behind my back. “I would like for you to try something and if you like it, I would like to start a new nighttime ritual,” I said simply. “And if you say no or try it and don’t like it, I am ok with it,” I added right before I presented the slightly larger baby bottle that was filled with milk. “That is a bottle . . .” Charlie said looking at what I pulled out from behind my back. “I saw it when I was shopping for you online, then purchased it on a whim and thought that you might. . . you know, like it.” I said cautiously. His eyes did not break contact with the slightly larger baby bottle in my hands. As if not believing what he saw I saw that he was trying to figure out what to say. “I don’t know babe,” Charlie told me, sitting in confusion. I see the look of shock and confusion on his face. “It is totally up to you, I will not make you drink from it, it was just something that I thought we could add to our play. I am sure that you will like it if you try it,” I added trying to sway him over and take the offered bottle of milk. “I will also not make you finish your water if you try it,” I added. “I just drink from the bottle, and I don’t have to finish my water?” Charlie repeated, baffled by the predicament that sat in front of him. He did not know what to say, that much was obvious. I knew he did not desire to drink from a bottle, nor did he want to finish his water. The bottle was my thing hands down, he knew I wanted to care for him and baby him, and I knew he was on the fence about this bottle decision. I sat there for what seemed like an hour but was only about a little over a minute. Charlie was just sitting there dumbfounded about what I presented him. I knew that it was not a hard no, otherwise he would have said it by now. With confidence, I softly told Charlie, “How about I give this to you.” Once I handed the bottle to Charlie, I picked up the empty saucer and his canteen so I could take them back to the kitchen and put them away. He just sat there holding the bottle as I tidied up. When I disappeared into the kitchen, I looked back to find him studying the bottle. When I introduced him to the world of Littles and adult babies, he knew they had these and others liked to use them. They made a lot of things for today’s adult baby to enjoy including pacifiers and a plethora of baby clothes that would fit anyone. It did not take long before Charlie saw me walk back into the living room, turning off the light from the kitchen. I did not come straight over to the couch; he watched me turn off the lights in the living room as well so that it was just the glow of the TV lighting up the living room. I also grabbed the blanket that Charlie left lying on the other side of the couch from his previous nap. I could feel Charlie watching me as I made my way back to my spot. I placed the blanket on the back of the couch so I could easily retrieve it. After sitting down like before I gently grabbed Charlie’s bottle, “here let me take that for a moment,” I said before placing it on the coffee table. “How about we lay down on the couch while we watch some more TV shall we,” I stated as I guided Charlie, adjusting both of their positions on the couch. I lay there on my back with a small couch pillow under my head. Charlie, being the smaller one, laid on my stomach, pinning one of his arms between us and the couch, and his legs intertwined with mine. Both of my arms were free, I gently guided Charlie’s head to rest on my chest before reaching for the blanket and tossing the blanket open, attempting to cover us both the best I could. I looked down at Charlie and asked, “Are you comfy?” With Charlie's nod of approval, I reached over pressed play on the remote, and then grabbed the worm bottle of milk that was laced with a small amount of honey. Laying on my stomach was always Charlie's favorite, he loved to wrap his one free arm around Jen or sneak it up my shirt so he could touch my soft skin. Outside of the occasional shock of my cold hands on my bare skin I never was bothered by him touching me. But this time he just opted to hold on to me for comfort because as soon as we got situated and continued our show, I grabbed the bottle and presented the nipple of the bottle to Charlie’s lips. “Come on sweety, open up,” I said, trying to coax her little in taking the bottle. It only took a second before she saw his reluctant lip’s part and inserted the bottle in my littles mouth. “There we go honey,” she praised. He did not agree to this, but he never said no to it either. I lay there for a moment holding the bottle in his mouth as he was reluctant to start sucking. It did not take long before some of the milk dripped out into his mouth showering me with worm-sweet milk, making him swallow and start the process of sucking the contents of the bottle. At that point he tried using his one free hand and tried to grab the bottle, so I did not have to. “It’s ok baby, I got it. You just lay there and drink your milk ok,” I said in the sweetest of tones. He put his hand back down and just laid there, his head on my chest, watching our show together drinking from a bottle. About halfway through the bottle, I found his one free hand wandering up my shirt, rubbing my skin as he nursed. I know he could not see it, but I had a big smile on my face. I am not sure how long it took but I do remember us being into our third episode of the night before his eyes got droopy. It took him all the second episode for him to drink the whole bottle though. Between all the water, dinner, cookies, and the full bottle of milk his stomach was rather full. Unfortunately, it was not the only full thing, at the same time his eyes were getting heavy I knew his bladder made itself known once again, letting him know that it was full. I was just beside myself in happiness when Charlie drank from the bottle, I got him. I was curious about what he thought of it, but I would not ask him tonight, I just want to stay in the moment and just enjoy the progress we have made so far. I saw Charlie’s droopy eyes suddenly get wide and started to wiggle, it did not take much for me to notice that Charlie was about to potty again. “Shh, it's ok honey, just relax and let it go, baby,” I soothed while rubbing his back. I watched him struggle to keep still but after a bit the wiggling stopped, and I could feel Charlie peeing in his diaper. “I am so proud of you baby, good job,” I praised as I continued to rub his back. Charlie just lay there whimpering; I did my best though to praise him for using his diaper. I could not help but think of the fact I got him to just stay put and wet himself while he was lying on me, I know he felt guilty as he said “I am sorry Mommy” softly while he lay there. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry about,” I said caringly. “You don’t need to be ashamed for wetting your diapers, it’s going to be a normal thing for your honey,” I continued. Charlie was about to rebuttal, but I did not want to hear it, “shh, just be still baby,” I told him as I went from rubbing his back to patting his diapered butt. It did not take long before my rhythmic patting of his bottom and the fact I did not want to listen to his pout before his droopy eyes came back. After a while, he just accepted defeat much like last time, and started falling asleep on me. It was halfway into the fourth episode before I noticed Charlie’s breathing change. I looked down and as expected Little Charlie was asleep once again. It took me a moment to think, I could probably get up and carry him to bed without him waking up, but I did not need him to wake up halfway up the stairs. So, I did just the opposite and started to gently rub his back, “Baby, wake up, it’s bedtime.” I watched as Charlie rubbed his eye and slowly got off me and just stood there holding the blanket. He watched me get up after he got off me, I took the blanket he was holding and draped it across the couch. We do not get to do this often, most of the time we both head to bed early just so we can wake up early and get ourselves around for work. But the days we both don’t work the next day we try and stay up a little bit. He tends to start dozing off way before I do though. He saw me reach for the remote and turn the TV off leaving us in darkness. He was never afraid of the dark, but that did not discourage me from taking him by the hand and leading him over to and up the staircase. It did not take long before I had him led into our room and flipped on the bright lights. My first thought was to get my little man into a fresh diaper before I saw him head to the bathroom with a smile, I quickly started to interrogate his mischief, “What are you doing baby?” I asked inquisitively. “Don’t worry Mommy, just brushing my teeth,” Charlie told me tiredly. With a smile and already stepping into the bathroom he jokingly told me, “If I see the big bad potty monster move, I will cry for you to come rescue me though.” All I could do was smile and giggle at Charlie, making light of his new situation. “You do just that Baby and I will come rescue you from that mean old potty monster,” I responded in kind. “While you do that, I am going to get ready for bed. When you are done, I will change your diaper and get you ready as well,” I informed. I watched Charlie flip the light on in the bathroom and step in front of the sink reaching for his toothbrush. He stood there applying toothpaste on his toothbrush and glanced at the mirror and saw himself standing there in his Batman t-shirt and one soggy diaper. He started to brush his teeth. Normally that is the site he only saw when he was just waking up and waiting for me to take his diaper off in the morning. No more, this will be a new normal for him. As he was nearly done cleaning his teeth I saw him glance at the toilet, probably thinking ‘Potty monster huh, was not long ago you was my porcelain thrown. Now here I am bound to diapers like an un-potty-trained toddler, unable to sit on you without Mommy holding my hand.’ That thought brought a smile to my face. As Charlie was about done with brushing his teeth, I turned to finish changing my clothes and get into something more comfortable. I stripped myself of my clothes and tossed them in the hamper. After downing a clean pair of cotton underwear, I walked into the closet to find myself a baggy shirt to put on. While I was there, I grabbed a fresh diaper for Charlie. As I walked out of the closet, I saw Charlie sitting on the bed in the same spot Alice put him to get him diapered. I walked up to him, grabbed his shirt, and told him, “Arms up.” He was a little confused at the command I gave him, but he did as he was told. Sitting there on the bed, now in just his soggy diaper, I tossed his shirt in the hamper and then I put the diaper that was also in my hand on the bed next to Charlie. I gently pushed him back, a wordless command to lay down. I have been putting him in diapers since I found out he wore them to bed, I was a pro, and tonight was just another night of getting my baby husband ready for bed. He watched me make quick work of his diaper change and before he knew it, he was back in a fresh clean diaper. To be honest, I do not know that he knew the diapers I picked out for him held so much. When I first got them and put them on him for the first time, he just thought they were so thick. But now after getting a fresh diaper change after just wearing a fully saturated one, I am sure it did not feel as thick as it once did. Satisfied with my work I smiled down at my diapered husband as he was sitting up. “Stay right there,” I said firmly before I went and walked out of the room. He looked confused at the command I had just given him. I am also confident he was wondering where I was going. As instructed, He did stay seated in his spot, but I knew he was listening closely to try and hear what I was doing. I tried to be as silent as I could, but I knew he heard what he probably thought to be one of the spare rooms open, after a moment the door closed, only for me to come back holding what looked to be a baby blue shirt. “Arms up honey,” I instructed again. Confused still, He raised my arms like before, and to my expectation, he let me put his arms and threw the sleeves and the shirt over his head. As his eyes made it through the headhole, he put my arms down and went to look at the shirt before he was gently guided back down to lie on the bed. As quickly as he lay down, I raised his legs momentarily, grabbed the back of his shirt, and pulled it down. He lowered his legs, and I brought the back of his shirt up over his diaper and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling it down over his diaper and snap, snap, snap, snap. He quickly got up and looked down, “what is this, am I wearing a. . .” he started to say before I cut him off. “Onesie?” I started with a smile pleased at my work and how well Charlie let me put it on him. “Yes, you are wearing a onesie, and you look adorable in it. And before you ask no you can’t take it off, yes you are wearing it all night, I will take it off of you before your morning shower.” Dumbfounded, all he could do was just look down to see what was printed on the front of the onesie he was wearing, it read ‘Mommy's little boy’ with black lettering. “Why?” he asked me astonished at what I put him in. “There are a few reasons, babe,” I said starting to explain. “First is that they are not only adorable but practical, they will help support your diaper and keep it from sagging when it gets full and soggy. Second, I thought you might want a surefire way to help keep your diaper from peeking out when you are working and being a big boy. Once you put your pants on and your normal shirt on it just looks like an undershirt you have tucked in.” I was proud of my explanation, I thought that the onesies were a good thing and would be a hit when Charlie realized their potential. He would like them too; I was sure of it. “Of course, I am wearing onesies to work,” Charlie said tired and defeated. I knew that he was able to see the practical use for it, it was just me surprising him with a onesie on top of putting him permanently back in diapers, and the surprise baby bottle was probably just overloading him a little. I embraced Charlie in a hug, “Oh honey, don’t feel blue. I only wanted to give you a way to hide your diaper when you are not at home. Not all of them have prints on them, some are just solid colors,” I said trying to soothe him. “It’s not that, I do appreciate the thought, I am just tired and ready to go to sleep,” Charlie responded hugging back. After we got done hugging Charlie went to turn on his bedside lamp, before he went to crawl into bed, he saw me walk over, turn the bedroom light on, and head to the bathroom myself. Charlie just pulled the blankets up and closed his eyes. Not long after I flipped the switch in the bathroom turning the light in the bathroom off. As I crawled in by myself, I felt Charlie shift a little with muscle memory turning the lights off, leaving both of us in a dark room ready to sleep. My eyes were still shut but I rolled over and pulled Charlie in to cuddle him like he was my personal stuffed animal. Since he was facing me tonight, his face got pulled into my chest with no mercy. With only a slight shifting around he found a comfortable position and passed out. 8
LittleRorie Posted January 26, 2024 Author Posted January 26, 2024 Glad to be here. 😅 Now I just got to get this story board up to date. 🤔 by the way, how do you update the tittle on these forums, I have not found the button.
BabySofia Posted January 26, 2024 Posted January 26, 2024 1 minute ago, LittleRorie said: how do you update the tittle on these forums, Ah, the age old mystery! It's the three dots at the top of the first post of each thread. Be warned if you're really quick at submitting you may have to give it a few seconds as there's a like 15 second cooldown period? 1
LittleRorie Posted January 27, 2024 Author Posted January 27, 2024 Chapter Six Like most mornings I woke up first. Throughout the night Jen’s hold on me must have loosened as I know had my back turned to her, though her arm was still over the top of me. I mindlessly reached over to the nightstand to grab my phone, only to quickly remind myself that Jen still had it in her position. Without knowing what time, it was, and it was still dark outside I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep but it was no use. I was awake and there was no going back, I blame the nap I had yesterday evening, to be honest. With practiced precision, I snuck out of bed and used the glow of the moon that crept into the room to carefully make my way over to the open door of our bedroom. Before I continued my path, I made one glance to make sure Jen was still sound asleep. Happy with what I saw, I pulled the door to the bedroom shut, but not latched, as I slipped out and made my way downstairs. The living room was as dark as our bedroom, only having the glow of the moon seeping through the window shade. I reached for the lamp on the end table close to me and turned it on. I did not want to turn the main light on due to being afraid I would draw too much attention and wake up Jen, though I am sure with the door shut she would not be able to tell. Regardless, I had enough light to see and continued my way to the kitchen. The lamp I turned on was able to reach its light into a part of the kitchen, letting me see just enough to walk over to the table and grab a share from the table and ever so quietly pull it over to the counter and in front of the stove. I tried not to break rules as much as I could, but some were easier to follow than others. I may not be able to climb on the counter but standing on chairs was a fine grey line that fell between the cracks. I climbed up on the chair to turn the stovetop light on to help bring more light to the room without turning on the main light. After dismounting the chair to adjust the position I climbed back up to grab the stuff I needed to make a small pot of coffee. Coffee was one of the few vices I had, and Jen generally did not mind me drinking it if it was not the only thing I drank. She left most of the stuff within reach, so I could make my own coffee in the morning with little to no assistance. The container of coffee beans and coffee filters was the only thing sitting in the cabinet over the counter, barely within reach, but since I had drug the chair over to turn on the light I might as well make it easier on myself and use it to get the coffee as well. It did not take long for me to get the coffee maker set up and start brewing While I had that going I pulled a mug from another cabinet down and placed it on the counter next to the coffee pot, I pushed the chair back in its original spot, and then pulled out the sweet cream from the fridge and put some in my mug prepping it for the coffee to come. As I stood there waiting for the coffee to finish, I glanced at the glowing numbers on the microwave, it read 04:28. Doing quick math and adding up the hours, depending on when we went to bed I slept for about 6 hours, give or take. The calculation was good enough for me and will keep me in the good graces of Jen as well. Satisfied with that, I glanced down and stared at the outfit Jen put me in. Despite its babyish look, it did support my diaper which was once again rather wet this morning, it also did wonders on covering my diaper as well. However, the outfit did not hide the fact that I was indeed in a diaper. Looking back at the coffee pot I saw it brewed enough to fill the pot halfway, which was more than enough to fill my mug. I quickly pulled the pot of coffee out of its stand, filled my mug, and quickly placed it back to finish brewing. With coffee in hand, I move to the one place that feels like my fortress of solitude, my garage. The garage is attached to the house and can hold two cars, but at the current moment, its only inhabitants are just my old Jeep. I never went to school to be a mechanic, but my father was and did his best to teach me as much as he could, he also liked that my hands were small and could get in place he could not. For me turning wrenches on my cars is just a hobby, most of the intricate work is done with the help of my best friend Adam. I carried my coffee from the kitchen, threw the laundry room, and into the garage. I flipped the light on and sitting to one side was my old CJ and between it and the wall sat a workbench that, to my surprise, had my old laptop sitting on top of it. Sipping my coffee before setting it down, I look for my stool and pull it up so I can sit down at the workbench. I mostly used my old laptop to stream music while I was working in the garage, Jen also hooked up some speakers around the garage for me to use as well. Pressing the power button, the laptop started to come alive. With a few clicks and a little bit of searching, I found some music to listen to, I checked the volume on the computer made sure it was low, and clicked play. As the music softly played, I just closed my eyes and sipped my coffee while just being in the moment. I loved the mornings, most of the time I get up before Jen and will have the whole house to myself, though mornings like this are often spent in my garage listening to music while I practice my meditation, enjoying the piece of the morning. It was not long before the coffee in my mug was drained and the need to go to the bathroom grew. With yesterday fresh on my mind, I knew that trying to use the toilet was not in the cards anymore. Using music and my meditation as a distraction I relax my self and just do my business. After about an hour I started to get bored, I could not work on my cars due to the fact I would get dirty, and I am sure Jen did not want me dirty this early in the morning. So, I did the next best thing, after turning off the lights I turned on and put my mug in the sink I snuck back upstairs and went to go see if Jen was still sleeping. With the sun still not up, making my way back to the bedroom in the dark after I had all the lights out was slow but nothing that I was not used to. After pushing the door open and peeking my head back in I saw that Jen had rolled over to her back. Using precision and grace I crawled back in bed and under the covers next to Jen. Once I curled up next to her, I must have woken her up because she wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer. “I would put a baby gate up if I knew you would not climb over it, you know that,” Jennifer said half asleep still. I wrapped my arm around Jen hugging her and trying to use her body heat to warm myself back up. “Shh, you are still sleeping,” I whispered in response, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep. With an exaggerated delay Jennifer whispers back, “Uh huh, and what mischief did my baby boy get into this morning?” After a moment of no response, I felt Jen take the arm she had wrapped around me and gently poked my rib, “I know you are awake, you little stinker.” I flinched at her poke and let out a chuckle, “You caught me, I am awake. Also, I would like to state that I am a good boy and stayed well with my legal rights of the contracted rules.” With that statement, I felt Jen look down on me as I did my best to get closer to her and nestle into her side. It was like her eyes could see right through me and stare into my soul, a trick she learned from her mother I came to find out when I was first introduced to her. The funny thing is most people are intimidated by my father-in-law, but to be honest it was my mother-in-law that intimidated me the most. After a moment I could not help myself and blurted out, “I promise I was good, I just made coffee and listened to music. My feet did not touch the countertop.” I looked up and met her eyes trying my best to prove I did not break any rules. I saw her satisfied smile with my answer and watched her lay her head back down, taking a deep breath and enjoying the morning cuddles with her little. Before long the sun started to rise and staying in bed was not an option anymore, also I was not one to stay still and seldom fell back asleep once I woke up in the morning. This morning was no different as I am sure she felt me using my finger to draw pictures all over her stomach. With a quick kiss to the top of my head, I watched Jen unceremoniously make her way out of bed and make a quick pit stop to the bathroom before donning a pair of shorts. “You ready to get back up again?” she asked. I smiled and sat up in bed stretching my arms over my head, “I thought you would never ask.” I jumped out of bed and walked over to Jen. “Oh, I did leave some coffee for you downstairs,” I informed her. “Thanks, babe,” she praised making her way out of the room with her husband close behind. I knew that I did need to work today, but I was still surprised when she didn’t even motion to take my morning diaper off. “Hey Mommy,” I said with slight hesitation, almost calling her by her first name. I followed Jen downstairs, although my calling her Mommy is new, she still had this knack of knowing what I was thinking, almost like a motherly sixth sense. “What is it baby,” Jennifer inquired, halfway to the kitchen. “I know you said it was none of my concern, but you normally help me out of my nighttime diaper first thing. When. . .” I started to ask before Jen interrupted me. “Stop right there baby,” Jennifer said quickly to cut me off mid-sentence. “I know I did not put the rules on the fridge just yet, but can you recall who is in charge of your diapers,” she asked inquisitively, pulling a mug out of the cabinet to put some coffee in. I sighed in annoyance as I watched her fill her mug up, waiting for me to answer her rhetorical question. I leaned on the counter watching her drink her coffee with no cream or sugar, “I was just curious,” I said eventually. “Well to satisfy your curiosity I was planning on making you a light breakfast and waiting for your morning constitutional before getting you cleaned up and showered for the day,” Jennifer informed as she turned to look at Charlie and watch his reaction. “My what,” Charlie asked. “I want you to go poop first sweety,” she said bluntly. With the clarification of her words, I just stood there with an expression that only could be read as ‘Really?’ Jennifer looked stunned as she started to say, “I thought you would appreciate the thought of mitigating multiple diaper changes this early in the morning. Plus, despite your poor eating habits you are quite regular, you can wait a little bit and eat some breakfast for me first. If you have not gone poopy by then I will release you from your morning diaper so you can get your morning shower.” “I guess that makes sense,” I said looking defeated. It was going to be a while before I got used to this being diapered full-time, I got a feeling Jen is not going to let anything slide. I tried to make the best of it and be at least a more proactive approach and asked her, “Can I just have a bagel for breakfast?” I watched Jen return the ‘really’ look at me as she stared at me for a moment. “You are not getting away with that light of breakfast, one more try before I help you choose,” Jennifer said. I knew that comment well, Jen was generally lenient on what I ate if I was in reason. I took a moment to think about what I wanted to eat for breakfast but eventually asked, “May I have a bagel and an egg?” Jen looked satisfied with my effort to ask for more, I watched her move to start making my little breakfast. “Do you want it separately or as a sandwich?” she asked in clarification. With us both satisfied I made my way over and crawled up one of the bar stools that sat on the island. “A sandwich sounds good,” I answered her as I watched her move about the kitchen. Jen had two eggs cooking and a bagel in the toaster before she poured a small glass of milk and sat it in front of Charlie. “Cheese?” she simply inquired, I took a sip of my milk and nodded yes to the cheese. It did not take long for Jen to produce an egg and cheese bagel sandwich on a small plate and put it in front of me. After I told her “Thanks” she moved to make a second one for herself. Jen was good at not letting me eat alone. Before I knew it, I was done and took my plate and empty glass, excusing me from my breakfast. Unfortunately, Jen was spot on about my normal routine, with a small gurgle in my stomach I scuttled off to the other room to take care of my inevitable business alone. I am sure that Jen could see the expression on my face change, she all too well has told me that my expressions allow her to read me all too well. Luckily, she did not follow me as I made my way up the stairs and found the perfect place to relieve the pressure that was building up. I started to push open the upstairs bathroom, once I saw the toilet my mind instantly wanted to betray me. It would be all too easy to take off the diaper and just use the toilet like an adult, but I gave Jen my word that I would do my best to follow our new rules. I shut the door to the bathroom, reminding myself that the big boy potty was off limits, soon it would not matter as my body wanted to betray years of potty training. After a few minutes, the deed was done, and the only thing left was to tell my mommy that I needed her. Slowly I walked over to the top of the stairs and tried to holler “Mommy” but when it came out it was just a faint cry. I was about to walk down the stairs and just go to her till I saw Jen emerge from the living room and make her way to the stairs to come to collect me. I did not mean to hide just around the corner, but I was too embarrassed; I had just soiled myself, and I was crying for my wife to help clean me up like some toddler. As Jen made it to the top of the stairs, I saw her smile and instantly knew that there was no judgment in what I did, she just reached her hand out for me to take so she could lead me to be cleaned up, “Did you get all done, baby?” she said sweetly. I was too embarrassed for words I just nodded my head and followed her. I watched her lay the changing matt out and set the wipes to the side before she laid me down and cleaned me up. Just like normal she did not react negatively or make any face while she cleaned me up, all she did was praise me for being a good boy. It did not take her long before she was done and gave me a playful swat on my butt. “Go take your shower, sweety,” Jen instructed me. I felt her eyes on me as I made my way towards the bathroom. “Make sure you take your time and shave down there too, ok,” she said as watched her go to dispose of my dirty balled-up diaper. I was Glad to be free from my diapered restraints, and happy that I still had my shower to myself. I did my best to take my time, but it still did not take long to shower, shave what little hair I had down on my diapered area, and wash my hair. Once I was clean and wrapped in a towel, I took the time to get my teeth brushed, and my face shaved clean. Satisfied with myself, I stared at myself in the mirror. I was not as hairy as most guys, even my brother has more hair than I do. I was able to grow somewhat of a beard but not all that well, I always preferred a clean shave. As far as keeping my nether regains shaved, well it was just good hygiene with me being diapered every night, and even more so now with me diapered full time. Also contrary to my friend’s popular belief, I don’t shave my legs either, the hair is just too fine and blond to tell I have hair until you look closely. Walking out of the shower wrapped in a towel I saw exactly what I expected, a fresh diaper laid out waiting for me, the only thing missing was Jen. I tossed the towel in the hamper and was about to walk out of the room on a naked search for my wife, but she returned as I reached to open the door. “Not so fast my little streaker, you need a diaper on that booty,” Jen said with a smile, ushering me back over to the bed to be diapered. “What were you doing,” I asked as I laid down so she could diaper me. Jennifer smiled, setting some clothes down beside me I assume to get me ready for the day. “I was getting some clothes from the other room for you,” Jennifer said while she finished taping my diaper shut. “Sit up for me,” she instructed, grabbing one of the articles of clothing that she had brought over. I raised my arms letting her dress me in what seemed to be another onesie, this time it looked to have a cute dinosaur pattern to it instead of lettering. After she laid me back down to snap the crotch, she let me get up as she presented me with the second article of clothing, she brought with her. “Where did you get the cargo shorts?” I asked, taking them from her and putting them on. “You like them?” Jennifer asked with a smile. “I got them on the same sites as I got your onesies.” As I was putting them on, I noticed that the crotch had snapped on them. I went to the mirror to see how they looked on me, satisfied I told her, “They look good, despite having the snaps on them. The onesie is cute, but do you mind if I put a normal shirt over it?” “Of course, honey, and the snaps will make for easy diaper changes,” Jennifer informed smiling at her husband’s approval. With Jen’s approval, I momentarily disappeared into the closet and walked back out wearing a black shirt with a car logo matching one of my blue sports cars outside. Jennifer must have been happy to get me diapered and put in the clothes she picked out because as I stepped out of the closet, I noticed her stripping and getting into the shower herself. “By the way honey, where do you have all these outfits hidden and how many more do you have?” Just as Jennifer was stepping into the shower she gave a sinister glance at Charlie, “Baby I know it's hard but it's ‘Mommy’, I do not want you calling me by my first name or anything else when we are not in public. The clothes are stashed in one of the spare bedrooms. Please do not go digging around for them, there are things I have that I do not want you getting into just yet.” she said while she was starting her shower. “Yes, Mommy,” I said in reply as I was reminded of my new place in our relationship. With another glance in the mirror, I was satisfied that Jen was right, the Onesies do help keep my diaper in place, you can barely tell that I am wearing a diaper. But I was a bit curious about what she meant by that last comment she made, what else could she have? With curiosity in my mind, I left my ‘Mommy’ to her shower and went downstairs to hunt for my step stool, though I could not find it downstairs. I will almost bet she has it in the spare room that she does not want me in, but I knew better. Last time I did not heed the warning of her ominous stare it did not end well for me. Either way, it’s Saturday and I have nothing better to do than play ‘Where did Mommy hide my Stool’. *** I know that my husband’s vacation has just started but I was excited that yesterday went as well as it did. To be honest I did not expect my sister to spill the beans on our parents knowing about Charlie and I’s relationship dynamic. It was probably the best though; he was going to find out one way or another. Ever since I told her that we entered a relationship as a Mommy Dom and Little Boy she was excited, of course, I had to explain what that was. But since then, she wanted to baby him herself and see him more as a grandson than a son-in-law. I purposefully did not take Charlie to our family weekly dinners after I told her about us, I needed to make sure my mother would behave herself until I was ready for Charlie to know. My father on the other hand was indifferent to the whole thing, he saw Charlie as Charlie. Once my father saw how happy Charlie made me father was all in, he even invested in Charlie’s business. He was even more excited when Charlie gave my sister Alice an offer to be co-owner of Red Tail Aviation. Charlie had this crazy idea that since my father wanted to invest in his idea, he would return the favor and create a family business. Either way, now that I have Charlie in diapers full-time, I am not going to be able to hold my mother back anymore. I am also sure that if I do not show up with him, I will be the one in trouble. I turned the water off to end my shower and my contemplation on what I was going to do tomorrow evening at dinner. As I stepped out of the shower to dry off, I heard the noise of the garage door opening, knowing it was my little husband once again getting into more mischief. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself, went over to one of the bedroom windows, and peeked through to see if I could see what Charlie was up to. I could not see him which meant that he was probably still in the garage tinkering with an old jeep. “As long as he does not get dirty,” I say out loud to reassure myself. I finish drying myself off and put on some casual clothes for the day before heading back into the bathroom to brush my teeth, put make-up on, and braid my hair. Grabbing my phone before heading out of the bedroom I saw that it only took me forty-five minutes to get ready, not too bad if I say so myself. The only bad thing is that it takes less than five minutes for Charlie to be covered in dirt when he starts playing mechanic to his jeep or his car. I wanted to take Charlie out today to show him that even though he is on a tighter leash he was still allowed to be big and have fun, it was also going to be used to boost his confidence in wearing his diapers in public. I stood at the top of the stairs, about to go down before the door to one of the spare bedrooms stole my attention and beckoned me over. Looking to make sure that Charlie was not in sight I stepped towards the spare bedroom door stepped inside and turned the light on, closing the door behind me. It still shocked me that Charlie did not catch me buying all this stuff. Looking over the room, painting the walls a pretty baby blue fading to a darker blue as the walls grew to the ceiling was my favorite. Of course, putting the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling to add the final touch and make the ceiling look like the midnight sky was surely going to be a big hit when Charlie finally saw it. One thing I was looking forward to using was Charlie's new changing station that was hand-built, though it and the matching crib had to be sent back at first due to being painted pink instead of blue. I walked further to Charlie’s nursery, grabbing the stuffed bunny that sat on the changing station as I made my way over to the rocking plush rocking chair. The toys in the corner were a stretch, I always saw Charlie’s little side, but I was never sure if he would get into the headspace and want to play with them. Charlie always seemed afraid that I would judge him for being vulnerable. There was more that I could get but I wanted to just make a safe space for Charlie to go and be comfortable being little. I got up, taking the stuffed bunny with me over to the closet, and smiled at all the cute outfits that I knew I would be putting on Charlie. I pulled out one outfit in particular, a black onesie and jeans short all’s for him to wear and get dirty in the garage, I would have put this on him today if I was not taking him out and about. As I closed the door to the closet, I heard the distinct sound of Charlie's sports car starting. I rushed out of the room, turning the lights off and shutting the door behind me, and raced downstairs to see where Charlie was going. *** I started my car so I could move it out of the way and bring my jeep outside and then put my car inside the garage. Even though Jen and I had a two-car garage she seems to have claimed one side and me the other, also she is not fond of me driving her SUV. I put the car in reverse slowly let out the clutch and started to creep back out of the driveway when I saw Jen bust through the front door with a frantic look on her face, “Hey Mommy, are you ok?” “Where on earth do you think you are going?” Jennifer said in a half panic. I looked at her a bit confused, “I was just swapping the jeep and the car around, the car needs an oil change. I thought that since I am off, I could do that today. Also, why are you holding a stuffed bunny?” I could see the gears turning in Jen’s head. I may not be as good at reading her as she is me, but I would bet a dollar that she went from frantic to mad to embarrassed. I watched Jen put the bunny behind her back and try to regain her composure. “Once you are done, please come back inside, I don’t need you getting dirty. I wanted to go out today and have some fun with you,” Jennifer said in the best motherly tone she could manage. “With a stuffed bunny?” I ask. I could not help but giggle, she turned and left without a word and with a stone-cold look on her face. I was not sure how, but I think I managed to get myself into something, I was either in trouble or I caught her being naughty. With a smile on my face, I return to the task at hand and pull the car out parking it on the street, making room to pull the jeep out and put the car in the garage. 6
LittleRorie Posted January 27, 2024 Author Posted January 27, 2024 Chapter Seven With the Jeep outside and my sports car inside I press the button to close the garage. I had a feeling once she heard the car start that she was going to come and see what I was doing, I just did not expect her to run like she did. I do not know what she expected me to do if I was not able to get dirty and I can at least prepare for myself to get dirty later. I did need to change the oil in the car, I have been so absent-minded lately though due to work and all, but this vacation is a perfect time. I glance around the garage one more time to make sure everything is in order and to scan for my stepstool. Flipping the lights off, I walk back into the house closing the door to the garage behind me. As I made my way to the living room, I spotted Jen walking down the stairs and smiled, “Hey babe, what’s up.” As soon as the words left my mouth, nearly automatically, I realized messed up once again and instantly tried to correct myself. “Mommy, I meant Mommy I promise.” Jen did not even look at me when she calmly said, “Strike one.” Oh, the horrid strikes that counted down to my doom. This was one thing she was just like any other parent; Jen was lenient but only by so much. Most of the time I got three warnings before I got punished, other rules will skip my three-strike point system and go straight into punishment. My only guess is that she is tired of me breaking one of the rules so much this soon. “I am sorry, I did not mean it Mommy,” I said trying to plead my case to a brick wall. “I have corrected you multiple times, yesterday was free but even today you have called me something other than Mommy multiple times. If you need help baby, just ask, I know a way you will remember what I am to be called,” Jennifer said as I saw her make way off the stairs and stare at me with her hands on her hips. Anyone could see that her offer was a free invitation to something not so fun and knowing her it would be me writing. The last time I got in trouble that led me to write lines was not fun. “No thank you, Mommy, I promise that I will remember,” I told her, hoping that my tung would keep my promise and not start spewing words like my phone's auto-correct. With a strike on my record already today I was eager to change the subject quickly, “So you said we were going somewhere today?” Jen started to straighten my hair with her hands and inspected me for any kind of dirt or grease. “I know you have excellent recall Charlie, what is rule number 13,” She asked me calmly still trying to groom me like I was some unkept ruffian. For the most part, she is right, I did have good recall when I wanted to. “Rule number 13 states that Charlie is allowed to drive alone,” I stated dryly still wondering why she was so upset at me. I finally saw a smile from Jen, “There is more to that rule,” she said waiting for me to continue. I rolled my eyes and finished, “If it’s communicated with Mommy.” The paper I signed read Jennifer, but I was not about to make that mistake again if I could help it. “I would also like to add to my defense that I had no intent to ‘drive.’ I just wanted to move the cars around so I could give myself something to do. I was looking for my step stool while you were showering but one thing led to another, and I got the idea of changing the oil in the car.” “You are running on thin ice buddy,” Jennifer says with a stern smile. This meant that she was serious but getting back in a better mood. Still not sure why her mood changed so fast this morning, but she did look panicked when she busted through the front door. Oh, speaking of which, “Mommy, what was with the bunny earlier?” I asked curiously as I tried to shake her hands away from the hair that she was still playing with. I saw Jen giggle with my detest of her constant fiddling of my hair. “It's just a bunny, nothing special. Why you ask?” Jennifer asked in response. I moved to put the keys up by the front door as I told her, “Just curious, you seem to be holding on to it hard when you came outside, and I see you blush as soon as I mentioned it.” As I turned around from hanging the keys up all I saw was Jen’s steal blue eyes and gorgeous smile as she just stared at me. Jen was good at a few things and one of those things was keeping a secret. That look she gave me was that of the secret she did not want to share with me just yet, I knew not to press buttons. If I was not to know about the bunny that could be why her mood suddenly changed. I could see the gears turning in Jennifer's head, what was she thinking? Just then she told me, “Since you already have your shoes on and have decided to track them through the house, how about you go hop in the car and wait for me to come out? I must get a couple of things from upstairs first and then we will be on our way today.” I simply told her, “Sure thing” and started to open the front door, grabbing the keys on my way out. I glanced back about to ask her something but decided not to bother and made my way to my wife’s SUV. I pressed the unlock button on her car and hopped in the passenger seat to wait. My hands wanted to reach for my phone, but I knew that Jen still had it, so I settled on just sitting there waiting as patiently as I could. As my hands were sitting in my lap, I started to fiddle with one of the buttons on my cargo shorts. Just then my heart skipped a beat as I realized that I was going to be going out in public dressed like this. As panic started to set in, I noticed Jen was already halfway to the SUV from the front door, and she had that bunny again along with her purse and a baby blue backpack. I watched Jen get in the car and held her hand out as I gave her the Key fob and started the car. Jen just sat there for a moment looking at me longingly before she broke the silence of the car, “The first thing I want to give you is your very own diaper bag,” she said as she handed me a medium-sized backpack that was made of dyed blue leather. I took the bag from her and held it out in front of me. It was a cute backpack that was plain yet still screamed childishly. There was a small pendant in the shape of a bunny hanging from the main pouch zipper. The bag was filled with what I could only guess was my diaper supplies, even the smaller pouches looked to be holding something. The bag was cute, nothing I would ever pick out but what baby gets to pick out their diaper bag? “Mommy,” I started to say as I turned my head back to her, “don’t you think that it’s a bit much?” Armed with a smile and a sincere voice, “It's one solid color, you cannot tell what it is, and it somewhat matches that death trap of a sports car.” Her comment automatically made me smile, it was not the care that she detested, it was the two speeding tickets I had in it and the one time she got called because the cops thought I was her child and stole her car. I chuckled at the memory, “Thank you, Mommy, I love it,” I told her to reassure her that her thoughts and sentiment had my gratitude. The next thing she handed me was that bunny from before. Confused, I just looked at her as I sat there holding the bunny. “At first I was not going to give you this just yet,” she informed me. “I was going to wait a little while longer, but I guess today is just as good as any.” She must have read my confusion as she smiled and put her purse up so she could put her SUV in reverse to back out of the driveway and start driving, “Seatbelt baby.” I buckled up and Jen started our journey to I don’t know where, I was just along for the ride. I looked down and studied the plushie that was now sitting in my lap. The bunny was super soft with light tan fur, and two long floppy ears fell to either side of the buddy giving it a cuddly aura that beckoned to be held. The bunny had a little black nose that sat on top of a cut smile and big blue eyes that seemed to just see right through you, not in a creepy way but in a soft loving way. I look up from the bunny and turn towards Jen, pleading for an explanation. I watched Jen drive with a nostalgic smile on her face for what seemed to be at least a good solid two miles. Breaking from her trance-like state she finally spoke, “I originally got that bunny for you the same week that you agreed to be my Little.” I looked back at the bunny quickly before looking back at her, “You did?” “Yup,” she confirmed. “I was so happy that I wanted to give you a gift that would always remind you of me and something that you could hold on to on the days that I was not there with you. I have just been a little scared that you would not like it and tell me that boys don’t have dolls or stuffed animals.” I turned my head to look out the window as I sat the bunny in my lap facing forward and wrapped my arms around it. It was true, though I agreed to be her little and begin this journey I was reluctant at first and was worried that it would ruin my reputation and give me a bad image. To be honest I did not know why I agreed to be her little, it was not my thing, it was hers. I just wanted to see her smile, and the joy I had seen on her face when I let her take care of me and my bedwetting (diapers and all) I just could not get over it. I had never seen Jen as happy as when she had someone at home to care for. I guess I thought that if I let her take care of me and made her that happy why not let her, it’s not like I did a bang-up job taking care of myself. Jen did teach me to be more confident in myself and not let my worries get the best of me. I turned back to look at Jen, “Thank you, Mommy,” I said smiling, “I do love it.” “I thought that your bunny could give you some comfort in the challenges of today,” Jen said informatively. “This is your first time being out and about wearing diapers, I am surprised you have not started to fuss yet.” My eyes went from longing to just plain blank. Jen was right, I am still in my diapers and about to be out in public. I did my best to discreetly check my diaper to see if I was wet. Wait, what was I thinking, of course, I am dry I am still potty trained during the daytime, and I don’t need diapers. Maybe if I just make sure to stay dry no one will notice. “Yes honey, you are wearing diapers, and you will be using them today before we go home,” she said as she saw me reach down to touch the front of my diaper. “You said baby steps, Mommy,” I said franticly, “I am not ready for this. Home is one thing, but I cannot be seen wearing a diaper.” Jennifer looked at me for a second with a confused look before putting her eye back on the road as she kept driving. “You do remember telling me that you agree to wear diapers full time, right? I asked you more than once to make sure you heard me,” she said inquisitively. “Ya,” I said sheepishly, “but I did not realize you were going to parade me around with a diaper bag and have me carry a stuffed rabbit. I thought you were going to. . . I don’t know, start small and ease me in it.” I did not mean to just get into this without thinking but somehow, I did. Jen gave another glance at me with her eyebrows furrowed, “If you don’t like your bunny I will take him back,” she told me as she started to reach for my new bunny. I quickly guarded my bunny, putting it just out of her reach. “No, It's my bunny. You gave it to me,” I said in a whining whimper. “Then talk to me, why are you having second thoughts? You did not cry the last time you let me diaper you for a weekend,” Jennifer said setting her hand on my knee to try and calm my nerves. Feeling Jen’s hand on me did help ground me to the present, I did my best to explain to her, “Well when you and Alice were talking to me and telling me that everyone knew about me and my bedwetting,” I started to say blushing in shame as I admitted my juvenile nighttime issue. After taking a breath I continued, “With everyone knowing I am already in diapers and know that you don’t even let me change myself, I thought in that moment why not? It’s not like wearing them during the day was going to change the fact everyone knows thinks I am a baby.” I started to get a little salty towards the end and Jen caught on. “Check your tone,” Jennifer said firmly. “How many times have I told you that wetting the bed is not that big of a deal and that you are not the only one who does it.” I looked down in shame, “A lot.” She was right, she introduced me to a lot of people who had similar issues as I did, and not one judged me like I was afraid they were. “And yes, I was the one who told my mother about a wonderful man who opened up his heart to me and spilled his soul,” Jennifer confessed. “I shared that in confidence as most kids do to their parents, I did not mean to hurt your feelings and betray your trust.” I see the longing in Jen’s eye as she continues, “My family has not once thought of you any differently, especially when I opened up to you and told you about my secret. My mother was so excited that you and I have this little dynamic, she finally has hope and wants to join in caring for you as her daughter’s little. And why we are on the subject we are going to dinner with them this week, there is no getting out of it this time.” I felt bad, she was right, she had shown me a world of acceptance and love. “I am sorry for freaking out, but I am still scared of being in public in a diaper. What if I run into someone I know?” I said apologetically. As I took in what she just said I realized what she just told me, “I know you said you told your mom about us and especially about me but what do you mean that she wants to join in on caring for me?” Jen smiled and just plainly said, “My mother wants you to call her Grammy, and she is going to be treating you very much as my little boy. I cannot help that, and I have prolonged it as much as I can. But now that you are back in diapers, I cannot hold her back anymore.” I sat there holding my bunny just staring at Jen as I felt the SUV come to a stop. I did not know how to take this. I did not know what to fear more, walking around in diapers in public or being babied by my mother-in-law. I heard Jen put the car in the park, but it did not register in my mind until she started speaking. “Ground rules,” Jennifer said, catching my attention back. I looked at her and listened intently. “First one is you are not potty trained, and what does that mean Charlie?” As she reiterated the rules that I agreed to, I responded with the answer she was looking for, “the potty is off limits.” Without skipping a beat Jen continued to ask me another question, “Can you change your diapers?” I looked down defeated, “No, Mommy is in charge of my diaper,” I told her trying to hide my shame that was starting to come back. I looked up to see Jen looking at me with loving and caring eyes as she caressed my face, “You do not have to call me Mommy when we are in public, you will not get any more strikes and only one warning when we get back. The way I have you dressed no one can tell that you have a diaper on, I want to show you that you can be confident and be diapered at the same time. I will be making you drink fluids to make sure you will need to potty, and I will expect you to be a good boy and potty in your diaper without being told. I am doing this for your own good and to show you that you have nothing to fear.” “Mommy, I don’t want to do this anymore, I don’t want to be little,” I told her in a scared voice. I was shocked to see her just smile and get out of the car. My eyes followed her as she rounded the car, opened my door, and unbuckled my seatbelt. “Charlie, you are only as little as you allow yourself. I have not once forced you to be little, you do it all on your own. I am here to guide you and protect you. I want to teach you to be comfortable in your skin, I want to show you that you can be yourself and still be a successful man,” she told me as I stared into her eyes not wanting to blink. I felt her guide me out of the car and shut the door behind me. “See, that is not so bad now, is it?” I started to look around to see where we were and realized that Jen drove us downtown, our city was rather beautiful and nearly everyone was friendly. This is actually a really fun place to be, there were a bunch of little shops and small eateries around here, and it was the ultimate place to just hang out and people-watch. I started to walk before I realized the hand that Jen still had a hold of held me back from going any further. I looked back to see Jen just standing there smiling. “Charlie,” Jennifer said apparently for a second time, I guess I was too engrossed to hear her the first time. “Are you going to take your bunny with us as we explore?” she asked me. I turned bright red as I realized I was still clutching my bunny like my life depended on it. My face paled in embarrassment and silence pleading with Jen to not make me take my new bunny. Jen read my face like a pro and knew exactly what I was trying to say, but it was not her voice that I heard as Jen reached for my bunny so she could put it safely back in the SUV. “Smart move little guy, don’t want your bunny to get lost or dirty,” an old lady said as she started to walk by us. I watched her smile at me and turn to Jen and tell her, “You got a cutie on your hands, don’t let him grow up too fast.” Jen and I had this all the time at first, due to our height difference and my youthful appearance people often thought that I was her child. I have tried to grow facial hair to help me look older, but I found out that I lack the ability to grow facial hair. Most of the time it did not bother me but due to what I was wearing under my clothes I just got beat read and froze. Jen though just smiled and followed through saying, “Don’t worry no matter how much he grows he will always be my little baby.” Before the old lady got out of earshot she replied, “Isn’t that the truth.” Smiles and waves were traded, and she finally was far enough away I could start breathing again. “Mommy I can’t do this,” I told her, forgetting that I was now allowed to call her Jen again. “Relax darling,” Jen reassured me, “she did not know anything other than you are a cute-looking young man that was clutching his stuffed bunny. You looked rather darling if I say so myself.” Jen then started to walk down the sidewalk holding my hand, inevitably dragging me away from the comfort of the car. In the first block, Jen had us both in a small convenience store to buy, of course, a drink, one for both of us. I tried to get a canned coffee, but I was met with a set of very stern eyes. “What? I have not eaten lunch so technically I am still good to have it,” I told her firmly. I watched Jen glance at her phone which seemed to appear out of thin air as it always does and check the time. Jen’s expression softened and admitted, “You would be correct, I guess I will not stop you.” I watched as her look turned into a grin as she grabbed water for herself. I tried to pull my wallet out of my back pocket, but I realized I did not have it, I must have forgotten to grab it before I left. I just heard Jen giggle as stood there in mock shame at having her pay for my drink. “I would gotten it,” I told her trying to play off my slight embarrassment. “Of course, you would darling, though if I remember right, I think your back is being guarded by a brave bunny that is overseeing a special blue backpack that I saw it in last,” Jen said cryptically with a smile. I rolled my eyes and responded, “Of course you would have put it in the . . .” I said ending my sentence in an inaudible mumble. Jen, keeping me close in arms reach leads us out of the store and continues our walk down the street. “If you are going to say it, make sure we all can hear you, sweetie. No one can hear you mumble,” Jen said in a sugary motherly tone. cha I make eye contact with her with one eyebrow raised giving her the look of ‘Did you just say that?’ Of course, Jen just looks ahead and tells me in the most informative of voices, “Do not blame me for merely responding to what I thought was a child speaking. I was raised to speak clearly and firmly, and if my little boy needs to be reminded of that I will make sure to correct him on the spot. How else do you expect to learn?” Perplexed at her statement I decided to ignore her and pop the top of my coffee and start drinking it. After a swig and about five and half steps though I felt Jen’s eyes burning a hole in my skull. I rolled my eyes unceremoniously and said “May I help you madam” in a monotone voice. “You better count your luck as I know you are playing, but I almost sense a bit of sass in that statement,” Jen said with an inquisitive smile. “But yes, my little sir, you heard me correctly. I want you to repeat what you said earlier, clearly so I can hear and understand you,” Jennifer quipped with a devilish grin. I did my best to throw daggers at her with my eyes, but she only stopped dead in her tracks staring me down. We both stood there for a solid minute, making the people move around us. I blinked first and just like a child Jen smiled knowing she won the game and proceeded to egg me on silently, making it known she expected me to repeat my sentence without mumbling. I took a deep breath and told her, “Of course, you would have put it in the diaper bag.” As I blushed, she smiled, took my hand once again, and continued to lead me on our excursion of my embarrassment. It took three blocks before I realized that Jen may have been right about no one noticing my diaper. By the fourth block I realized even in our little stare-down game, no one cared. But that was all about to end, as we were walking through a shop she spotted and wanted to go in, I saw one of my local clients whom I happen to book flights for at my company on a somewhat regular basis. I started to pretend I did not see him until I her, “Charlie? Charlie!” coming from Mr. Kim from across the way. Of course, this alerts Jen who, like a harlequin, puts a smile on and insists on starting a conversation. “Oh, hello. I don’t think I have the pleasure of knowing you,” she says handing her hand out to my client, Mr. Kim. Normally I would not mind introducing my clients to my wife, but Mr. Kim is a bit of an acentric and insisted on us being friends. He also will not allow anyone to book his flights for him other than me. Normally I would drop him due to his infatuation with me, but he was not only a client but an investor in the company itself, so naturally I bite my tongue, tune out Alice’s laughter, and put up with my acentric friend. Mr. Kim strolls overtakes my wife's hand and proceeds to grace us with his joyful personality, “You must be the beautiful and heroic wife of Mr. Finley. It is my honor to finally meet you,” he said with a bow. “My name is Mr. Kim, and I will say Mr. Finley has told me so much about you.” I stood there with a stupid smile on my face. I was not fond of being called Mr. Finley, that was my dad, who is very much alive. Also, I would like to note that I did not talk willingly to Mr. Kim about Jennifer, I was drug on a business trip with Mr. Kim and was sitting in the air for hours on end making small talk. Mr. Kim is also the one who started me on meditation, believe it or not. “Mr. Kim,” I said getting his attention. “I did not expect you to be here, nice to see you again,” I told him. Mr. Kim turned to me and explained, “I did not even expect to be here, but I needed a gift for my wife and somehow found myself halfway across the city.” He then leans into me and in a loud whisper says, “Maybe you and your wife could help me!” He then winks at Jennifer and says, your wife looks to have great taste, I see she has drug you in here as well.” Jennifer smiled and said, “Very nice to meet you, and I would love to help you shop. Charlie and I were just out for a stole and was merely window shopping.” With an amused smile, I watch Mr. Kim woo my wife in a bit of shopping. As they turn to start bantering about knick-knacks and look around, I merely follow behind. “Yes, let us go shopping,” I said to myself out loud. 4
LittleRorie Posted January 27, 2024 Author Posted January 27, 2024 Chapter Eight It took Jennifer and Mr. Kim three shops and what seemed like hours of shopping to find the perfect gift for Mr. Kim’s wife. I found myself wondering about the different corners of this small shop as the two of them were ogling over the different cards to go with the porcelain dolphin they found. Jen also bought me a cold bottle of water during the visit to the second shop due to me guzzling my coffee. Mr. Kim found delight in my wife caring for my hydration. The conversations that I kept overhearing them talk about were the same things Mr. Kim and I talked about on our trip to his business meeting he insisted I go to. Luckily for me Mr. Kim still had more to talk about on the way back but dozed off halfway, allowing me to get some peace to myself and work on a few expense reports that I had to do. Today on the other hand I had Jennifer distracting him. Only I was still being monitored by my loving wife and making sure I was being good. To be honest, walking around in a dry diaper wound up to be no big deal. No one suspected that I had a onesie under my shirt, or that my cargo shorts had snaps in the crotch so my wife could change my diaper with ease. The moment of discomfort hit when we hit shop number three, the urge to go pee hit and hit hard. Looking back at it now my coffee helped my energy spike and my mood to increase. But I forgot that it also ran right through me and as I was realizing right now, the need to relieve myself was getting greater. I thought that I was going to have to do the inevitable and just pee my diaper like I did so easily yesterday. Don’t get me wrong, I figured it would hold and no one could probably tell but I just could not do it, not in public, not while entertaining a client. I Turned the corner trying to find a quiet spot to sulk in my misery when I ran into the door that said ‘restroom’. My heart skipped a beat and I instantly turned around to find my wife. I could see the back of her braid bouncing with her laughter as she listened to Mr. Kim’s jokes and stories about the good old days. I took a quick deep breath and moved without thinking and went into the bathroom and locked the door. My heart was racing, what was I doing? Oh yeah, I was trying to bend the rules and relieve my aching bladder. At first, I just stood there staring at the toilet. . . at the potty monster. A sudden sharp pain in my pelvis told me if I was going to do this it was now. I quickly lowered my cargo shorts and franticly tried to undo the snaps on my onesie. Once I was able to raise my onesie out of the way I clawed at my diaper like a dinosaur that was depicted on my onesie. As the diaper dropped to the floor I aimed, peed in the toilet, and nearly crossed my eyes at the feeling of nearly making it. At that moment I felt like a big boy. I may be small, but it still felt like my bladder was taking too long to empty. I started to get nervous that Jen was going to wonder where I was. With a gentle shake, I grabbed my diaper and moved away from the toilet so I could get myself put back together. I started to back myself up to the wall to help me keep my diaper up as I tape it back up but soon realized in my ravishing frenzy, I damaged my diaper nearly to a non-usable state. Luckily, I was able to halfway fasten my diaper up so I could move on and fiddle with my onesie and figure out how to snap the crotch and not fall face first trying to see what I was doing or pop the damaged tape on my sad diaper. With my rushed effort, I was able to get my onesie done most of the way and pull my cargo shorts up and my t-shirt down. I opted for the hand sanitizer over washing my hands to save time and get myself out of dodge, which in my case was the bathroom. I snuck out of the bathroom and back around the corner. I picked up a random candle in front of me and pretended to smell it as I gazed around the room to find Jennifer. To my Luck the cashier was handing Mr. Kim his receipt as my wife was parting with her newfound friend. I blindly set the candle down and made my way to Jen. I reached them Just in time to tell Mr. Kim goodbye myself. I was trying to calm my nerves when I realized I left my half-empty bottle of water in the restroom. As I made my realization, I heard Jen get my attention. “Charlie, did you find anything you wanted?” she asked inquisitively. I put my hands in my pockets and huffed out a “No ma’am.” As Jen ushered me out of the store, I could feel the heat coming from her laser vision scanning me up and down. Right on queue she asked me, “Did you finish your water?” As quick as I could I told her “Yup, I found a trashcan in the back and threw away the empty water bottle.” Which was not a total lie, I was done with it, just not done to her standard. I also did leave it in the back. So, focusing on the little truth that was laying in my lie helped me sell my confident answer. I felt Jen wrap her arms around me from behind as we were walking down the street and gave me a very handsy hug. “Charlie, you need to go potty. I know you must be getting close to needing to go, your diaper feels dry as a bone,” she whispers in my ear as I feel her hands leave my diapered area. My heart started to race again for multiple different reasons. The main one was the public diaper check. I spun around quickly stopping her in her tracks, “Mommy,” I blurted out in a fluster of embarrassment. As soon as I realized what I called her so vocally I moved to correct myself, “Jennifer, what are you doing,” I said saying her full name I rarely do, even before I was restricted to calling her by her title of Mommy. I watched Jen’s eyes get big in excitement as she heard what initially called her. She was biting her lip to keep from smiling before she seductively spat, “Does my little man not like his big strong Mommy to make sure he is comfortable?” She pushed me along and led me down the street as she was trying to control her fit of laughter. “Calm down, Charlie. I just was trying to discreetly check and see if you went potty. I intentionally left you to wander around because I thought you had to pee and was trying to distract your BFF back there while you did your business.” She stated. “Oh,” I said in response. “Well still don’t get to go, maybe later?” “You should not hold it in Charlie, you will get an infection and then I will have to take you to see your other best friend, Dr. Clair,” Jennifer simply stated. I was not afraid of the doctor’s office; I was just simply not fond of them. Jen quickly noticed this and did her best to accommodate my needs but ultimately started to drag me to the doctor for my normal visits. Luckily that has not happened in a while. Breaking my daze was the sound of Jen’s phone. Jen grabbed her phone in one hand and felt the need to put her other hand on my back to gently push me forward as she answered her phone. With a glance at the number pressed the button on her phone connecting the call, “Hey Jessica, how are you?” With only a brief pause she continued what I heard as a one-way conversation, “Yes, we are almost there. . . No problem, we will see you there.” I tried to look back at Jen and inquire what that phone call was about, but she kept guiding me forward. “Jen, who was that?” I asked trying to get information. “Oh, it was just Jessica. Do you remember meeting her?” Jen asked me. I tried to rack my brain, but I could not rack my brain on who she was but all I was drawing was a blank. With nothing popping up on who this person is I simply said, “Nope, I am drawing a blank, babe.” The hand on my back that was guiding me forward started to move up and down as she told me, “Not to worry, I am sure when you see her you will remember. The three of us are having a late lunch just around the corner.” “Is it lunchtime all ready?” I asked in a disappointed huff. I was in no mood to eat, with Jen pushing me outside in public, running into a client during our outing, and so far, getting away with using the toilet, I did not really want to eat. Plus, I ate my whole breakfast, couldn’t my breakfast sandwich just tide me over till dinner? Sometimes I wondered if Jen could read my mind. But I knew she couldn’t, she was just smart and observant and knew when I did not want to eat. I should pay attention to how I talk sometimes because I soon heard her inform me, “Charlie, you will eat something, regardless of how small. If you promise to eat well, I will not complain about you drinking caffeine. Since this is technically lunch, we are still in our rules.” The way she worded that made me truly wonder what time it was, since I was still without my phone, I was lost without a clock around me. “Is it really that late?” I ask trying to look up and try to figure out how to tell the time by the sun. “It's almost three PM, your last diaper change was before nine this morning if I remember correctly,” Jen informed me yet again. Luckily for her with the coffee and half of that water, I was going to be able to potty probably sometime soon so I could get her off my case of going. Halfway down the block from our last turn, I felt Jen’s hand leave my back and quickly snag my hand. I quickly turned my head to see what building it was and to my surprise, it was some toco joint, ironically, I knew the owner of the restaurant. I did not know him as well as Mr. Kim but the one flight this toco shop entrepreneur asked for left a lasting impression. Toco shop guy requested a round trip to Mexico City, Mexico so he could pick up a small tin that was gifted to him after his grandmother passed. When his flight made it back home, he stopped by my office and told me thanks like a thousand times and gave me his business card telling me if I was ever in the mood for tacos to stop by. He also told me that the tin that his grandmother left him was filled with recipes, he did not need them but with his successful restaurant, they became sentimental. A loud squeal broke my reminiscing of the past and Jen not letting go of me when the squealing female jumped to hug my wife caused me to jerk in their direction almost falling. Two things happened following that moment. My diaper tapes popping loose was the first thing, the second was remembering who Jessica was. I stood there holding Jen’s hand like a juvenile looking up and saw Jen’s college friend. After Jen and I got married I thought that Jen and her parted ways, guess I was wrong. “Oh my gosh, it is so good to see you again,” Jessica continued to squeal as she let go of Jen. I felt Jen release her old friend from her one-armed hug and nearly started matching Jessica’s pitch as she excitedly said, “I know, I missed you so much. You remember Charlie, right?” Jen said, pulling the conversation over to me as I stood there like a deer in the headlights with my free hand trying to protect at least one ear from the sudden high-pitched noise. “Of course, how can I forget this handsome little devil that stole my bestie from me,” Jessica quipped back smiling down at me with her bright red lipstick. Jessica was not as tall as Jen but still way taller than I was if I had to guess probably around the five-foot-ten-inch mark, give or take. Her hair was also the same color as Jen’s and was pulled up in a messy bun. By the looks of it, Jess came straight from either work or some business requiring a cheap black suit, though I did notice that the heel she supported made the suit look nice. Jessica tussled my hair, messing up my hair that Jen spent five minutes fussing over in the middle of the living room. Moving her attention back to Jen, Jessica tried to atone for her attire, “I am sorry for looking so formal, I just came from the office. By the time I could leave, I had no time to change so I just came here.” Since my memory was getting back on track with who Jessica was, I remembered that she went to school for nearly the same thing as Jen. I also remembered something else, “Jessica, didn’t you go to work for the government?” I asked trying to piece my memory back together. Jessica and Jen both looked at me Jen started to nod her head as Jessica praised me, “Such a good job with that memory shortcake. I did, your Mommy went to the contract side as I went to the federal side.” Once I heard the words come out of her mouth my eyes started to widen. “But since I was finally able to get moved back home into a local office and move back to my favorite city. Plus when I found out you and Jen were here, I was even more excited, did Jen not tell you that I just moved a couple of streets down from you two?” Jessica finished informing me as she glanced back at Jen. I turned my eyes as well to Jen and stated, “Why no, Mommy did not tell me.” I stood there looking at her wondering what was going on. Jen just smiled and simply said, “Say hello to your new babysitter, if you don’t have Me or Alice you will be seeing her. I figured that you two used to get along and she knows everything anyway.” Jen saw my defeat and began to explain, “Charlie, she was the first to know and she surprised me the other month telling me she just closed on her house. She asked how you were doing, and I updated her on how things were progressing. She asked if I needed help looking after you and eventually, I took her up on the offer and told her that I would love to have her as a babysitter if I was gone.” “A babysitter though,” I asked as my ego was falling. Jessica turned to me and tried to reassure me, “Don’t be blue Charlie, I just adored you and Jennifer as a couple. I don’t see you any less of a man, I promise.” I rolled my eyes and simply asked, “I assume you know the rules that Jen and I have?” I saw Jessica smile and nod. “Ya, if you are my babysitter, you don’t see me as a man.” Jennifer apparently had enough and started to push me into the restaurant. “Charlie, behave and quit beating yourself up. Jessica is trying to show you she supports you and me and is here for you if you ever need her,” Jen told me in a tough lovin tone. As soon as I started walking, I quickly realized the error in my previous actions. My diaper was now completely being supported by just the onesie; it was no longer secured to me at all. I heard the clicking of Jessica's heels behind us as we entered the restaurant and were greeted by the hostess. With a quick count, the hostess asked, “Just three of yah?”. I could not see Jen due to her keeping me in front of her, but I assume she nodded to her, confirming her count, because the hostess moved on to tell us, “Just follow me, we have a booth for you over here.” It did not take long before we found our seat, Jen ushered me to the inside of the booth as she took the outside. Jessica sat comfortably in the middle of her side of the booth. Nearly as we got seated a Hispanic man walked up to us and greeted us, welcoming us into his restaurant and informing him our server would be with us shortly. I am sure he did not spot me due to me being dwarfed by my wife, but I poked my head out to confirm my suspicion, this man was the taco shop guy I flew to Mexico. As soon as he saw my face, he smiled at me and informed us, “Please enjoy your food today, and let me bring you all out a treat while you wait.” He did not accept no for an answer and left as soon as he finished talking. Both women looked at each other puzzled at what just happened. I simply rolled my eyes as I supported my heat with my hand as I rested my elbow on the table. “This is the taco shop guy I flew down to Mexico,” I started to tell them as I lifted my head explaining to them the short version of my interaction with him. Jessica was simply aww struck and commented, “Jen told me that you get to meet a lot of people at your work. It must be so exciting.” I smiled and said, “Thank you, I do enjoy what I do.” Just then a younger version of the man that created us came up to us and placed three margaritas down on the table, one for each of us. “Complements from the owner,” he said as he also proceeded to provide us with chips and salsa before asking if we wanted a moment with the menu. Jenifer promptly asks the server, “Can I get one sprite and one water please?” Jessica simply stated, “Just a water to go with my margarita and I am good.” I was about to rebuttal on the drink she just ordered me, but she started to speak before I could get a word out, “Jessica, do you mind keeping an eye on him, I need to go to the bathroom. He gets the Sprite when it comes, and he can have the margarita too. Just make sure he does not spill it,” Jennifer told Jessica as if I could not make my own decisions. Jessica and I watch Jen saunter off to hunt down the bathroom. We turn to meet each other’s gaze and she simply smiles and asks, “She always like this?” “Yes, and now,” I informed her. “She is protective over me, but right now she is trying to make sure I am hydrated and is waiting for me to go to the bathroom.” “Ahh,” Jessica said, understanding the situation. “When was the last time you went potty?” I simply advert my gaze from hers trying to avoid the question. I go and reach for my margarita and start sipping on it. Booths were never my friends due to my size; Jen was always afraid that I was going to spill my drink in my lap. By the time look back at Jessica, I see her with a serious smile on her face and eyes that seem to pierce threw my defenses. “Oh, you’re in trouble,” she said as her smile turned sinister. I sat my margarita down carefully before I started to tell her, “I didn’t do nothing” in a defensive tone. Just then Jen appeared in my peripheral, making me claim up and stare daggers at Jessica for accusing me of being naughty. How could she even know, she was not with us? Jen sat down next to me with a smile and pulled up her menu to see what looked good. After a little bit of looking through the menu, she turned to me and asked, “Do you know what you want?” I sighed as I dreaded her question. I simply mimicked her and pulled my menu up to skip through the photos to see what looked appetizing. I knew I did not have long before she would start questioning me and assisting me in my ordering, so I blurt out the first thing that looked good, “enchiladas?” Jen must have been happy with my choice because she just smiled and looked back at her menu. “I think I am going to have the chimichanga,” Jenifer told me with delight. I smiled back at her as I was able to order on my own without assistance. With confidence, I go to ask, “Jen, can I get it with just beans on the side and no rice?” Sounds like a plan,” she said, accepting my request. Jesica followed suit and informed us and said, “I am going to have the taco salad.” For the most part, our lunch went well, we ordered our food and drank our margaritas as we waited. As soon as my Sprite came to the table to pushed it right in front of me, signaling for me to drink up. The food did not take long to come out after we ordered it. As we started to eat it was Jessica and Jennifer that did most of the talking. The conversation was about work, the house, and most importantly, me. I tried to keep up with the conversation, but I was too busy trying not to just push my food around. I ate most of my food before I found myself throwing in the towel and asking, “Jen, may I be done? I am stuffed.” I watched her inspect my plate with a glance and nodded her head in approval. After she had seen me lean back to relax and let my food settle, I felt her hand find my diaper once again to check how it was doing. I did not realize I was holding my breath as her hand inspected my diaper, I was so afraid that she was going to find out. “Just finish drinking your soda please,” Jen asked politely. Jen and Jessica went back to talking as I started to sip the rest of my drink. It was when the bill got placed on the table though when the first feeling of needing to pee came back. The funny thing was, it was the same moment that I realized that I needed to find an excuse for why my diaper is not properly taped to my butt. As I scoured my brain for a good excuse, there was only one that sounded somewhat plausible. Jen just might believe that with all the walking I did my diaper just gave out and fell apart. It was the only thing that I could think of that made sense. I saw our server come by the table and take the bill along with Jen’s credit card and Jessica’s cash. I also heard Jen ask for a cup of water in a Togo cup. Yup, that was for me, I just knew it. Luckily for Jen, she was probably not going to need to wait much longer as I was starting to feel full in more ways than one. Jessica’s change and Jen’s card came back after a few moments along with my styrofoam cup of ice water. I watched Jen sign the receipt and turn to me. “You ready their kiddo,” Jen asked. I gave a fake smile and nodded my head. I followed her out of the booth and before I could go anywhere, she took one hand of mine before putting my cup in the other hand. With me properly in tow, she begins to follow Jessica out the door. Just to my expectation, standing up did not help me and the need to pee, nor did walking. though I still did my best to hold it. We walked down a little way towards the direction we came from before we suddenly stopped. “Why are we stopping?” I ask. No sooner than I ask get led over to the side of a building and blocked in by them both. I had a wall to my back, Jen to my right, and Jessica to my left. I had nowhere to go. Jen just looks down at me and says, “You need to go potty.” I don’t know why but I turned to look at Jessica, hoping for a lifeline that did not exist. Jessica just smiled at me and repeated to Jen, “You need to go potty, shortcake.” I stood there looking at both and just shook my head, “No thank you.” Both women just kept me blocked in as they started to chit-chat over me as if I was just a prized dog they had on a walk. It did not take long before Jen noticed me doing the potty dance. Once I realized they were no longer talking and just watching me, I looked down to pretend they were not there. My potty dance soon turned to me shivering in the effort of trying to hold on as long as I could. I went to close my eyes and took a deep breath in, and on my exhale, I felt Jen’s hand find my back to start rubbing it. The only issue was that I did not expect it and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I was so deep in concentration when Jen startled me and made me jump my concentration went out the window. The same thing happened with my bladder. Normally I can cut myself off midstream but this time it was hard, I had to go potty so bad It just came out like a river being freed from the confines of a dam. For the life of me, I just could not stop, by the time I felt some control come back it was too late. Once the dam broke all I could do was stand there frozen as I felt my diaper fail me, there was too much too fast for such a broken diaper hold. My Shivering stopped but the hand rubbing my back was still there, making its presence known that I was not alone. Knowing that I was surrounded and could not hide made my eyes start to water. As a single tear fell down my cheek, I finally regained control of myself and stood there afraid to look up. As I looked down, I saw the wet spot on my cargo shorts as well as the puddle that was around my feet. Once I dared to look up, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Jen crouching down waiting for me to look at her. I saw sympathy and sorrow in her eyes, as well as concern. “Are you done?” Jenifer simply asked me, and without a word I, not my head yes. I felt her take my hand and lead me back to the car. Jessica followed us halfway before she said her goodbyes and left Jen and see to my care. 2
StarStuff Posted January 28, 2024 Posted January 28, 2024 I’m really enjoying your story! Thank you for sharing! 🙂 1
LittleRorie Posted January 28, 2024 Author Posted January 28, 2024 @StarStuff Thank you ********************************************************************************************************************************************** Chapter Nine This walk back to the SUV seems to not end. Jessica dropped off and went on her own way about two or so blocks ago in a different direction. Jen has not yelled at me, scolded me, looked at me funny, or even belittled me. I feel so bad because she has done nothing but be kind and gentle with me since I wet myself. Well, she has not let go of my hand but that is not necessarily out of the normal of what she has been doing this whole trip. Just Jen and I said our goodbyes to Jessica there was a lady that commented to Jen and me, and she told us, well more Jen, ‘Poor little guy, did not make it to the bathroom.’ Jen smiled at the gal and replied to her for me and said, ‘We had a little wardrobe malfunction, unfortunately, we left our diaper bag in the car. Luckily, we parked just down the street.’ Then Jen just smiled and started walking with me in tow before the conversation progressed any further. To be honest I don’t know why Jen told that lady that ‘we’ had the wardrobe malfunction, it was me with urine soak shorts, and it was my diaper bag. But that is one thing that always surprises me with Jen, no matter what issues I have she is always there to share the burden and the blame. I think that is what is making me feel bad the most right now, she has always been a team player and pushing me to be my best. What have I done to be her team player? What have I done to help push her to be her best? To be honest, I have been so wrapped up in work that I probably have not given Jen as much attention as she deserves. I shake my head to try and get myself out of my sinking thoughts. Looking around I spot Jen's SUV up ahead, instantly feeling worried about what trouble I am in, I look up to my wife. . . No that is not right, I look up to my Mommy and try to figure out what is going on in her head. What was she thinking about? All she is doing is walking at my short-legged pace armed with a gentle expression and smile that could melt any iceberg. “Almost their buddy,” Jen says glancing down and catching me staring at her. I blushed as I made eye contact with her and instantly looked down at my feet. The last time I broke the rules this badly it did not end well, minus what happened last week on Tuesday when I was caught red-handed standing on the counter in the middle of the night. But before now the rules that we agreed on were for our health and safety, The first time I dehydrated myself to try and stop bedwetting I found myself in the doctor’s office. Or the time I did not eat and take care of myself led to a week of Alice watching me eat when Jen was at work. The reason I was surprised I did not get in trouble for standing on the counter this last time was because the last time I was caught doing just the same thing ended with me writing a 900-word minimum essay explaining why I chose to sneak a late-night snack when I did not eat any dinner. My stool was also confiscated for a month, in the moment she caught me I was put in the corner for time out. Oh, and that one time that Jen put my stool on the top of one of the shelves in the garage, she was more accurate than I give her credit, I did almost fell. But she originally took my stool yet again not asking for help when I needed it, when I went to retrieve it before I was told I could have it I nearly fell and busted my head on the concrete. Jen just happened to be there in the nick of time to not only catch me but stop the shelves from falling, though there were a few cans of oil that dropped and busted out that I had to clean up. But that time was one of the very few times that ended with me getting a very hard spanking. I do my best to keep my emotions in check but at that time it was difficult to keep from bawling my eyes out. Jen has only resorted to a spanking only a few times, and every time looking back now I kind of deserved it. Breaking me out of my trance Jen tilted my head up gently so I was looking at her as she started to say, “Honey, please stand right here. Wait for me to help you get in, I want to get something first.” She also physically placed one of my hands on the car and wordlessly motioned for me not to let go of the car. I did as I was instructed to and held my hand on the SUV just after the front passenger door. Jen disappeared to the back of the vehicle and popped the back hatch. She must have been prepared for this because it did not take long before I heard the back hatch close and Jen making her way around to me holding a small blanket. I watched her intently as she adjusted my position so the door to the passenger side did not hit me when she opened it. She placed the folded blanket on the seat, moved my new bunny to the center console to sit comfortably, and motioned for me to hop in. I went to put my seatbelt on, but she just caught my hands and gently placed them on my lap before she proceeded to buckle me up herself. Once she made sure I was not on the way she shut my door and hopped in the driver’s seat, buckled herself, and started the engine to start our journey back to the house . . . I hope. The nonexistent tension that was between us continued in the SUV, though Jen’s smile did turn into a neutral expression as she kept her eyes on the road. The normal radio station that she had tuned was playing softly as I sat there with my hands in my lap. I tried to make conversation with her, but I did not know what to say, so I just went from looking out the window to glancing at her and back to watching the scenery pass by. About ten minutes into our trip Jen must have noticed me shivering due to the air conditioning blowing on me and wordlessly adjusted it so that I was not shivering anymore. With only my thoughts swirling in my head to keep me occupied the trip home seemed to be twice as long to get home, but as I was keeping track with the radio’s digital clock it was about two minutes faster. There was also a little less traffic to slow us down. Our neighborhood finally came into view, shortly after that I watched Jen make a few turns and eventually reach our house. She pulls strain in the driveway slowly brings the SUV to a stop, places the transmission in park, and turns the engine off. Before she opened her door, she made sure she had her purse, my diaper bag, and my bunny. Her seatbelt clicked, releasing her from the seat, and hopped out of the vehicle. I hesitated at my seat belt due to her not letting me buckle myself. My hand was hovering over the buckle before I noticed Jen was moving to the passenger side to retrieve me before going into the house. I avoided eye contact as she opened my door, unbuckled my seatbelt, and motioned for me to hop out. As my feet planted on the concrete Jen gently instructed me, “Grab the blanket please.” “Yes, Mommy,” I tell her as I do as I was told. The blanket did its job of keeping Jen’s seat clean and dry from my wet cargo shorts, but they will need to be laundered before it gets used again. She gently but firmly closed my door once I was out of the way and turned to go into the house. With nowhere to go my only option was to follow suit behind her. though when we reached the front door, she opened it and motioned me to go in first as she placed her hand in the middle of my back, guiding me through the threshold. I took my shoes off, placed them on the shoe rack, and waited for Jen to get done doing the same. I was not afraid of Jen; she never did anything of the sort to give me that emotion. The correct emotions I was feeling were shame, guilt, and anxiety, how was I supposed to react to Jen when she was nothing but caring for me even when I knew I was in the wrong? Before my spiral of emotions could go any further, I noticed she had already placed her purse on the little table we keep next to the door and halfway up the stairs before I heard her say my name for the second time, trying to get my attention. “Charlie, sweetie, come on,” Jen said warmly as she waved for me to follow her. As reluctant as I was, I needed to get this over with and own up to what I did. I followed Jen up the stairs, down the hall, and into our bedroom. I stood there just in the doorway and watched Jen take the urine-soaked blanket from me, place it in the hamper, and then move to sit down at the foot of the bed on the trunk, setting my diaper bag and bunny down next to her. With Jen sitting down I still felt smaller than her even though we were now nearly eye to eye with her sitting on the trunk. If I was to stand directly in front of her, I would only need to bend my head ever so slightly to make eye contact. But I did not do that, I opted to stay only a couple steps away from the doorway. Jen did not motion for me to come closer, she only just started to speak. “Do you want to tell me what happened, Charlie?” Jennifer asked calmly, keeping eye contact. I very much did not want to admit to my actions. I wanted to run and hide under the sink and pretend I was somewhere else. But Jen would not let this go till we talked our way through this, no matter what the outcome. Even before I had gotten spanked, she and I had a deep conversation about what happened, why it happened, and the consequences of my actions. Hell, Jen even made sure I was cared for and held no tension after every punishment she dealt to make sure I was ok. “Charlie, please focus,” Jennifer says directing my attention on her and not on my thoughts. Once she saw my deer in the headlights look go away, she repeated her question, “Do you want to tell me what happened?” Meekly, I tell her, “Not really, no.” As my eyes started to divert, I heard Jen say, “Charlie, stay focused. Keep your eyes on me.” With a brief pause to make sure I was not going to say anything, she continued. “I can see the turmoil swirling around in your head. Before I get you cleaned up and investigate why your diaper did not do its job, I want to see why your demeanor changed from a managed shy and embarrassed, which was expected, to an overwhelming guilt and regret.” “I, um . . .” I started to say realizing she did not know what I did. She is only reacting to her observations of the way I have been behaving? With my brief pause, Jen said, “Please do not lie to me.” “I, um . . .” I started again trying not to freeze at Jen’s request. Do I attempt to give my only lame excuse? Or do I just come clean? I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and decided to try and lie my way out. As I let my breath out, I rapidly say, “Iusedthepottywhenwewasattheshop.” What? That was not what I wanted to say. Shit, shit, shit. “You did what?” Jennifer started to ask me. “I got about half that but, please, say it slower so I can make sure I heard correctly,” she requested. I felt like a deer in a bear trap, my heart betrayed my brain and forced my tongue to speak the truth. There is no way to backpedal from this, might as well follow in my heart's lead and tell the truth. With frightened eyes I clarified my last statement, “I used the potty when we were at the shop.” Jen made a serious face and asked, “Why?” I waited to see if there was more, a rhetorical question or something, but there wasn’t. She wanted me to explain my actions. Good grief, this sucks. “I did not want to be seen wetting my paints with Mr. Kim around,” I told her. After a second, I continued to elaborate with a shaky breath, “Even though I realized that wearing a diaper in public was not that bad and no one noticed I still could not come to terms with actually peeing my pants in public.” Jen's face relaxed but with raised eyebrows reiterated what she heard, “You were embarrassed to use your diaper, so you snuck into the bathroom to use the potty.” After a dramatic pause, she added, “When I let you have some space. . . Like an adult.” Like an adult? How is pissing my pants being an adult? It was my turn to furrow my brows and confidently tell her, “In the heat of the moment I was about to piss my diaper like a child but saw a toilet and decided to be an actual adult and use the ‘toilet.’” I emphasized the word toilet firmly and was confident in what I said, standing up for myself. I may have gotten my emotions riled up but at this moment I did not care. Jen just stared at me blankly as she said, “Please calm down and do not cuss. That is strike two today.” Her face became a bit more serious when she continued, “Wearing diapers does not make you any less of an adult. Yes, we have a Momma Dom and little boy relationship that ‘we’ both agreed on, physically signed agreeing, but at no time have I not respected you as an adult.” I watched Jen stare at me, letting her words sink in. Jen softened her gaze saying, “I wanted to take you out today to show you that you can be an adult and still wear diapers, show you that it does not limit you as a person. I wanted to make sure that I was with you as we, as a team, build your confidence together.” What was I supposed to respond with? As I searched for words I started to say, “I just. . .” I looked around for the right words to say, “It was. . .” I took a breath, diverted my eyes, and said, “I’m sorry.” I heard Jen sigh and looked at the compassion in her eyes, “Charlie, if this is too much for you, I want you to tell me.” She must have seen confusion in my eyes because she took a breath and continued to say, “I know this is all a big jump for you. I also know you are plagued with the fear of people finding out your insecurities, and often feel like you need to change to make others like you. You may think you are confident in yourself and may portray that to others, but remember how you acted once I found out you wet the bed? And if wearing diapers and being my little boy is too much, I need you to tell me, and be honest about it.” It took me a moment to collect my thoughts, but I decided to respond by telling her, “You cannot imagine the confidence you have given me over the years just by being my friend. I do not mean to . . . I don’t know. Work so hard to please the people around me. I guess constantly being picked on for being short and afraid that my bedwetting was going to hinder my dating life made me feel like I had to compensate.” All of this was true, I was not sure why I felt the need to spill my guts on this be it just kind of came out. “Charlie, everyone has flaws, no one person is perfect,” Jenifer said during my brief pause. I quickly picked my voice back up and responded, “I know, and you have been an amazing friend, partner, and wife. . . not to mention the best Mommy. The things you help me with, not just physically, but emotionally. I honestly feel like you help me more than I can help you.” I watched as love and passion sparkled in her eyes as she smiled at my comment. “Babe, you help me more than you realize, you are my favorite person to be around. You do not need to act all macho around me to impress me, you being yourself is what I find attractive.” I blushed and did not know where to look but eventually settled on looking at my best friend, telling her, “Thanks, that means a lot.” “I need you to answer my last question though,” she said in all seriousness. “Is wearing diapers too much, if so, do I need to stop being Mommy and you my little boy?” she asked in a more serious tone. I felt the weight of the world start to bear down on me, but I eventually was able to answer, “Yes diapers are always too much, but you give me confidence in them. I don’t want to stop what we have. I feel it is a part of us.” “So, you want to wear diapers and want to be my little boy,” Jen clarifies. I knew what she wanted me to say. My cheeks turned crimson as I uttered the words, “I want to wear diapers and I want to be your little boy. . . Mommy.” As soon as the words left my mouth, butterflies were waging war in my stomach. Jen smiled lightly and firmly stated, “If that is truly how you feel then I accept.” With another dramatic pause, she continued to say, “You understand that you broke a few rules today correct.” And all the regret returned. I gulped and admitted my wrongdoing, “Yes, Mommy.” Jen calmly asked another question, “What rules did you break?” I unconsciously tried to look away as I was about to recite the rules that were broken, but just then Jen cleared her throat and pointed to her eyes, demanding I look at her as I admit my wrongdoings. I cleared the frog in my throat and started to recite, “I broke sub-rule nine, the potty is off limits by utilizing the potty at the store. Rule ten and sub-rule ten were both broken, I am not allowed to change my diaper and Mommy is in charge of my diaper. I broke them when I decided to take my diaper off and attempted to diaper myself back up.” I watched Jen listen to what I was saying. Before she responded I felt the need to add, “I also kind of broke rule five for not asking for help when I need it. I need help going potty and I took it upon myself to take care of it and ended up breaking more rules.” I took a breath and swallowed my pride as I also added to my shape admitting, “I also lied about finishing the bottle of water that you purchased for me, I accidently left it in the bathroom and felt the need to hide that information so I did not get caught fiddling with my diaper and using the potty. . . I guess you can put that one under rule one on drinking plenty of water.” I knew Jen knew what rules I broke, well most of them. She probably expected it from me admitting my guilt for what I did. But it was when I told her I lied to her about drinking water that I saw her mood change. The last time she caught me not being honest on my water consumption she warned me I would not like it if I did it again. The whole diaper rules were still rather new and though I expected punishment I doubt she would ever go to harshly; she was always the one to make the punishment fit the crime. The lying about drinking water, well that piled up on a well-established pile of previous wrongdoings eventually leading to me needing to see my doctor. Jen made sure after that I knew she meant business and put drinking water at the tip top of the list. “You did what?” Jenifer said with fury pouring from her eyes. I looked down in defeat, “I lied about not drinking water.” Her deep breath made me look up and watch her exhale. Opening her eyes revealed a calm level head and started to speak, “You understand that you misplacing your water is not the issue.” “Yes Mommy,” was all I dared to say. “You lying about not drinking water is what I am upset about,” Jen informed me. She also went on to ask, “What did I say I would do the next time you were not honest about your water intake.” I made eye contact with her giving her my best puppy dog eyes, hoping that I would receive mercy, “You said I was going to get a spanking.” Once I realized my puppy dog eyes were not going to work, I looked down and added, “Mommy.” In an even tone, she said, “I am glad you remember. But speaking of punishments, what do you think we should do about the other rules you broke?” I looked at her wishing she would just issue out the punishment without doing this whole show. But I knew she was thorough with me understanding my wrongdoing and helping pick the punishment that fit. With a tired breath told her, “I was naughty with what I did but time out does not seem to capture the gravity of the situation. You made me write an essay last time I had to learn a serious lesson, so that kind of fits the bill but I honestly do not know. Maybe Grounding?” I received a sympathetic look from Jen before she helped me with my punishments, “I do not feel grounding you will teach the right lesson. And you are right, timeout does not fit our situation. The diapers are relatively new, and we are still working on them. You walking down the street in wet pants was probably really embarrassing. I do like the idea of writing another essay, it will be good for you, and you can learn from it. What lesson are you needing to learn?” Her inquisitive question made me think for a moment, but I soon answered with, “I ultimately did not trust your method of creating confidence with my diapers. I failed at communicating my worries and needs to you so we as a team can work together and find what helps.” I saw Jen smile at my insightful point of view and commented, “I like your point of view, let’s go with that. Let’s do an essay depicting the pros and cons of communication and no communication. I also would like you to add how communication affects teamwork.” I looked at her in disbelief. “What?” I started to say, calculating how much I was going to need to think on this assignment. With a sigh of acceptance, I asked her, “How long should my essay be?” “I want 1500 words minimum, handwritten first, then typed up. You can use my computer downstairs to type it. There will be no music while doing your assignment, this is a punishment. You will also have as long as you need to write it, taking normal breaks to eat, hydrate, and diaper changes. I don’t mean to add to the punishment but there will be no garage time or driving until you finish your punishment. Remember, work before play. Also, do not forget, you are still on strike two for today, you get one free pass if you fail to call me Mommy, pass ends at bedtime.” “Yes Mommy,” I tell her, accepting the punishment. Her face turned serious once more, “Here is what we are going to do. I am going to take your wet clothes off you, get your spanking over with, then you can take a shower to get clean. When you are done, I will make sure you are snug in a fresh diaper and clean onesie. You will be allowed to take your bunny with you but ultimately need to start your essay when you are all dressed for the afternoon. I will make a light dinner and expect you to do your best to eat what you can.” Not that I forgot but I was hoping she would blow over the first punishment. “Yes Mommy,” I said to let her know I understood. “Now please come here so I can get my baby out of those icky clothes,” Jen said in a motherly tone, beckoning me over. I slowly made my way over to her and, true to her word she started to strip my clothes for me, not allowing me to touch them. First was my shirt, “Arms up honey,” she instructed. My cargo shorts were next as she grabbed the waist and pulled down. “Can you step out of your shorts for me,” she asked making sure I was not going to lose my balance. Her hand soon found its way to my crotch and with unknown speed popped the snaps to my onesie, letting my diaper plop to the ground between my legs a soft thud. “Arms up one more time baby,” she instructed as she continued to remove the onesie. I started to blush as I was only in my wet socks, standing in front of my wife. I saw her move my somewhat wet diaper out of the way, balling it up the best she could and putting it next to the small pile of clothes she was collecting from my body. “Sit on your bottom honey, I need to take your sockies off,” she said, using childish terms to talk to me. None the less I sat down and gave her one foot at a time. She then picked my diaper off the floor and started to hand it to me asking, “Do you think you can throw away your diaper for Mommy?” The reason for her to talk to me like a child did not register, none the less I responded in kind, “Yes Mommy, I can do that.” “Good boy, go put it in the bathroom over there, ok?” she praised as she pointed to the direction, she wanted me to go. I got up and took my diaper to the trash as instructed. When I went to go back to her, I saw her walking back to her spot on the truck, she must have put my wet clothes in the hamper since I did not see them on the floor anymore. The closer I got to her the more fear came to my throat. I felt her gently grab my hands and lead me to where I was standing when she was taking my clothes off. “Now this is important Charlie,” she said, giving herself a natural pause as she continued to instruct me. “I need you to tell me why you are going to get spanked and then I need you to tell me if you accept the consequence of your actions leading up to this. Do you understand so far?” With a nervous voice, I say, “Yes Mommy.” “Good boy, after you say that we will get your spanking over with. When we are done, I want you to not say sorry, but I want you to repeat what you did wrong and how you are going to improve your actions for the better. Once you say that I will let you take a shower and collect your thoughts. When you are done with the shower, I will be here for you and make sure you are good, clean, safe, and loved. Do you understand,” she said, finishing her instructions on how the next few moments were going to go. I was calm, ready to get this over with. “Yes, Mommy,” I said one more time. “Remember, once we are done, we are done. There is no grudge, hard feelings, or remorse. We will pick ourselves up, learn, and most importantly hug it out,” she said reminding me that this was meant as a hard lesson more so than a punishment. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes and let my breath out and told Jen, “Mommy I am getting a spanking for lying about drinking water, which is a repeat offense, and was warned what would happen the next time I did it. I fully accept my spanking and have agreed to them.” My breath was a bit shaky at the end and tears were welling up. But I still did as she said and accepted my fate. Even in tough situations like this I still know that Jen still loves me, she would not go out of her way to make sure I understood why I was getting punished if she did not care. And she meant every word she said. Once she was done her part of the hard task I stood up and blubbered my way through basically the same words I said just a moment ago. I am sure that half of it was not understandable, but I knew she understood I tried my best. When she saw I was stuck at the end of what I was supposed to say she pulled me into a hug and began to console me. It did not take as long as I thought to collect myself and stop the waterworks, mostly and calm down to calmer breathing. Jen released me from my hug but still held on to me, looked me in the eyes, and asked me, “Are you ok?” I wiped my tears and snot away as dignified as I could and shook my head yes. She gave me a sympathetic look and asked, “You ok to take a shower by yourself, or do you want me to help you?” The care that she gave me did not waver whatsoever, even when she was mad, she always made sure that I knew she still loved me. I started to tear up and cry some more, even though my bottom was bright red I still craved her gentle touch. The tears that came prompted Jen to get up and usher me to the bathroom and proceed to get the shower prepped and start stripping herself so she could come in with me. 3
dlgore Posted January 28, 2024 Posted January 28, 2024 Thanks for the story so far. I am just looking forward to seeing more. See how many privileges he losses 1
LittleRorie Posted January 29, 2024 Author Posted January 29, 2024 Chapter Ten Taking a shower with Charlie was not planned, but due to the situation and outcome of what took place, I felt that it was needed. We normally don’t make a habit of showering together but there are times here and there when it just happens. I was also happy to see that the hot shower was not only washing away his little potty accident but was also helping him wash away his stress and worries. There were no more tears, just a wet and soapy Charlie armed with a smile and foamy loofa. Though he was not happy when I proceeded to wash his hair for him, Charlie kept on insisting that he could do it himself and that the conditioner was pointless on his short hair. After turning the shower off I wrapped a towel around myself and grabbed the second towel for Charlie. I was about to dry him off but with gentle hands outreached, his eyes said that he wanted to do it himself. I smiled back at my very independent little husband and just handed him the towel. “Once we are all dried off, I will help you get your diaper situated, ok hon,” I softly tell him as I make room in the bathroom and focus on drying my hair, for the second time today. “K,” was all I heard Charlie say as I watched him walk out of the shower and directly into our room still half wet and the towel around his waist. I could only shake my head, what was I going to do with him? “You know you are supposed to use the towel to dry off with, right?” I ask him in a humorous tone. “Towel? For drying?” Charlie said acting utterly confused as he popped his head back in the bathroom giving me a confused look to match. “That sounds absurd and utterly preposterous, who in their right would use a towel for such acts? Just criminal!” he added drifting into a fake English accent. Once I made eye contact, he just smiled and winked at me before disappearing back into the bedroom yelling, “Free Bird.” I could only chuckle at Charlie’s antics as I finished drying myself. Before I left the bathroom, I wrapped myself with the towel modestly and went in search of clean clothes. It did not take long to survey our bedroom and realize Charlie was nowhere to be seen. “Baby, you better not be running around the house with that butt uncovered,” I hollered in hopes my little streaker would hear as I pulled on a pair of clean underwear. Since we were staying home for the night I opted for no bra and just pulled out a comfy shirt and shorts from our dresser to put on. As I was finishing pulling my shorts up so I could go in search of Charlie, I spotted him walking out of the closet with a shirt in his hands and shorts draped over his shoulder. He looks at me and holds up another one of his favorite shirts for me to see, “Can I wear this, please,” he asked politely. I took the shirt from him and pretended to inspect it. “I see no reason to say no,” I tell him. Snagging the shorts on his shoulder as I walk by, I make my way over to where the diaper bag was telling him, “But first, let’s put one of these on.” I pull a diaper out of his bag along with some cream to put on his bottom and the baby wipes. Charlie kept a neutral expression as I watched him walk over to the bed and sit down. With a gentle smile, I moved to stand in front of him, setting his clothes and diaper supplies down next to him. Charlie laid down so I could get to work on putting his diaper on. “Mommy, what’s that,” He asked me, pointing to the tube of cream. “This,” I started to say, grabbing the tube of cream he was inquiring about, “my cutie-pa-tootie, is cream you put on your bootie, so you don’t get a diaper rash. It will protect your skin and keep it healthy.” “Oh, but I don’t have a rash though,” he said confused. “Do I?” I smile at him as I set the diaper cream down and move to clean my hands with a baby wipe. “No, but it will prevent one, and I am sure that it will help your tender bottom feel better though,” I gently inform him. With no comment, Charlie just kept his eye on me, watching, as I finished taping up his diaper. “Done,” I declared, motioning him to sit back up. I picked up the shirt he picked out and told him, “Arms up.” I slid his shirt on him, first the hands the head, “There we go.” With a gentle kiss on the forehead, I take the diaper cream and baby wipes and put them back in his diaper bag. Charlie stood up and moved to pick up his shorts and proceeded to follow me to the foot of the bed “Mommy,” he said gently tapping me on the arm with one hand and presenting his shorts with the other. “Please, Mommy!” I zipped his diaper bag up, left it on the trunk, and picked up his bunny that was sitting next to it. Biting my lower lip in an attempt not to smile, I grabbed Charlie’s shorts from his hand and replaced them with his bunny. “There, fair trade,” I say with a smile, waiting for his rebuttal. Charlie’s confused face moved to a more irritated look as he informed me, “Not a fair trade.” Charlie drops his hands, leaving his bunny to dangle from his left hand. “I want to wear shorts. . . please?” he begged. “Baby, it's summer, it's hot outside, we are not going nowhere, and simply put, no,” I told him sympathetically. “Why do you need shorts?” “You get shorts,” he stated, trying to plead his case. After a moment of thinking and staring at his determination, I finally gave in. “Fine, you can wear shorts,” I say as I move to hold his shorts open for him to step into. “Thank you, Mommy,” he said kindly, as he stepped into his shorts, using me to keep him balanced. “Better?” I ask pulling his shorts over his diaper. I put my hands on my hips, looking at my little husband and his diaper bulge that was unmistakable even with the shorts on. His nighttime diapers were rather thick, for obvious reasons of course, but depending on the new diapers coming on Monday, we may need to go through his wardrobe. “Honey, those shorts are looking a little snug. Are you sure you want to wear them? I can get you another onesie if you just want your diaper covered.” Charlie looked down blushing. “I just want to wear normal clothes,” he started to say before he almost whispered, “like a big boy.” I at him with sad eyes, bringing one of my hands up to cover my mouth. “Oh, Charlie,” I said, kneeling to hug my embarrassed little husband. “You are most definitely a big boy.” Releasing him from my hug, I reached for his bunny and held it up for him so he could see his fuzzy buddy. “You know, your friend here needs a name,” I tell him in an effort to make him smile again. “It's just stuffed bunny?” Charlie states I gasp in shock, “Your friend here is not an ‘It’,” I tell him pretending to overreact. “You are going to hurt your bunny’s feelings.” Charlie just stood there staring at me blankly. After a long moment Charlie finally says, “Fine, I will think about it” and reaches for the bunny, pulling it into his chest, hugging the stuffed bunny with both arms, and walking out of the room. Accepting the small win, I stood up and followed Charlie out of our room and downstairs. Over halfway down the stairs, I start to ask him, “Are you ready to get started on your Essay?” “Ya,” he said as he stepped foot off the stairs into the living room and headed for the office. I glanced at the clock on the wall as we passed by, it was nearly five-thirty pm. Normally I would be thinking of dinner about what I was going to start cooking for dinner around this time. But with the late lunch, even I was not in the mood to eat, so I followed Charlie into our home office. I watched him set the stuffed bunny gently on the desk, using the computer monitor for the bunny's back to rest and scooting the keyboard up for the bunny to sit on. I walked over to one of the bookshelves to find something to read as I watched Charlie. I plucked a book down off the top shelf, it was one I read multiple times but still a favorite to read. I sat down on the couch that was up against the wall, next to the door, facing the opposite direction to my desk where Charlie was sitting. I watched Charlie pull a pencil out to start writing on the large pad of paper he had put in front of him. With him busy doing his task, I opened my book and started to read, enjoying the silence of the afternoon. Reading has always been a favorite pastime, especially reading a book that I have already read, it helps me not only to relax but reflect. I knew today was not going to be an easy day for Charlie, and I halfway expected him to do something he was not supposed to do. I just did not think it would end the way it did though. Threw every punishment, regardless of how big or small, I do try and stay with him. Not to supervise him and make sure he did it, but to make sure he was not alone and left to stew in his thoughts. Plus, I do enjoy my time with him, even if it’s watching him write an essay, almost brings back memories of me making sure he did his homework back in college. As I come to the end of the current, I pick my phone up to check the time and notice an hour and a half has passed. Dinner seemed to be a bust tonight, but I did not want to go to bed without at least something small to eat. I go to set the book down and go into the kitchen. “I will be in the other room if you need me, baby,” I inform him as I walk through the threshold of the office. Charlie did not reply, though I did not expect him to. If I were to look back, I would guess he never looked up, he may be a daydreamer but when he is on task, he can focus like the best of them. Once I was in the kitchen, the first thing I wanted to do was get a drink for Charlie. I did not want to give him his canteen, that would overwhelm him, so I will do one better. Reaching up into the cabinet I pull down a normal-sized plastic cup with a removable lid and matching straw. The first time I saw these at the store I instantly knew I needed them for Charlie. They were not kiddish at all, they were just a simple cup with a lid and straw combo, something I knew would help Charlie not spill his drink. Though Charlie did ask why I purchased two of them just for him, he also went and claimed that he rarely spilled his drinks. Thankfully I bought the excuse, I got it for when you are in the garage or outside, it will help your drink stay in your cup and everything else stays out of your cup, and I mentioned I thought that they were cute. Once I had the cup filled with water and just a couple of ice cubes, I put the lid and straw on and took it to Charlie. I set it down on the desk within his reach but still out of the way for him to keep writing. Just as I went to turn back and head back to the kitchen, I saw him reach for the cup without even looking up. He took a small drink, pulled it away to look at the cup, and then took one more drink before setting it back down where I placed it for him. My smile grew as I walked out the door and back into the kitchen. After getting my own glass of water, I open the fridge to study its contents. It took only a moment before I had the perfect dinner, it would be easy, light, and hopefully not look intimidating to Charlie when I presented it to him. I reached in, pulled out some chicken breast, and set it on the counter. Cooking was always enjoyable, of course, my mother was also Italian and taught me everything she knew, she believed food brought people together. When I first went steady with Charlie, naturally I always wanted to cook for him, not to impress him but to bring us closer. At first, I thought he was blowing me off, but soon realized he just was not eating. When I confronted him about it, he kept saying that it was just not a thing he thought about, he said he ate when he remembered and did feel hungry at times but just got distracted. After we started to get serious about being together, I started to make sure he was treating his body right and eating regularly. When we made our first set of rules for us to follow together, I made sure to put eating food on the list. He first thought it was a silly rule till he realized how hard it was for him to follow at first. For the most part, Charlie does well with it but every once in a while, he slips up. With the Chicken on the skillet cooking, I moved to start pulling out the stuff I needed to make a salad. When Charlie did eat, he ate well, for the most part. There was food he disliked for his own reasons, but he ate vegetables, meat, and sweets [cookies to be exact]. Satisfied with the salad I check the chicken, then move to get a cutting board out and chief knife. I take the grilled chicken off the stove, cut it up, and dump it into the salad mix. With all the ingredients assembled, I toss the salad with Charlie's favorite Caesar dressing. I split the salad and moved the two bowls aside so I could tidy up before I pulled Charlie in to eat. The dirty dishes get rinsed first and then put in the dishwasher, the stove is double-checked to be turned off, leftover ingredients get put away, and the counter is wiped down. I poke my head in the office, “Charlie,” I start to say, trying to get his attention. “Let’s take a break and eat a little, you have been at it for a couple of hours now.” I go back over to grab the two salad bowls I made and place them on the table. When I turn around to go get our forks and my water, I see Charlie trudge out of the office with his notepad and pencil in one hand and his drink in the other. Going back to the table myself I put my drink down and put a fork next to Charlie’s bowl. Charlie sat his notepad to the side and smelled the food with a smile. “Thank you, it smells amazing,” he said tiredly. “I don’t know how you do it, but this is perfect,” he states as he takes the first bite. Between my bites of food, I ask, “How did you get on your essay?” Charlie took a drink to wash down the food and just looked down wistfully, shrugging his shoulders as he took another bite. We finished dinner mostly in silence, there was no tension or remorse, Charlie was just tired and determined to get his writing punishment done. For the first time in a while, I saw him finish his dinner before I did and with the politest demeanor Charlie asked, “Please may I be excused, and may I have another glass of water.” “Yes you may,” I tell him with a gentle smile. Leaving my food on the table to come back to, I take Charlie’s bowl, fork, and cup to the sink. I left the bowl and fork in the sink and filled Charlie’s cup with fresh water and two more ice cubes before placing it down next to him on the table. He was already writing again before I sat back down to finish my food. It was not unheard of for Charlie to ask for more water, but I knew this time was a deliberate act to make up for earlier today. Soon I finished myself and got up to finish putting the rest of the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. But with it not yet full enough I did not start it, I could still get breakfast cooked and in there to fill it better. Looking over at Charlie I see that he is engrossed in his writing. So, I go to the office to get my book and his bunny, turning the lights out behind me. Sitting down back in my chair at the table, with Charlie’s bunny in my lap, I sit there reading my book. After losing track of time, I whip my head at the sound of a THUMP. My mouth drops in amazement, Charlie fell asleep writing and faceplant into the table, poor guy, and he is still sleeping. I set my book and the bunny on the table so I could check on Charlie. Luckily his head was not far from the table when it fell, there was only a red mark that would away after an hour or so. Glancing at my phone, “Yup, it is way past your bedtime little sir.” With a very delicate touch, I go to pick him up. Once I got him settled in my arms, his head laying on my shoulder, I noticed his diaper was wet. His diaper still had a way to go to be fully saturated, but he definitely did a number on it. “I am impressed buddy, going potty in your diaper without getting up,” I whisper to him as I start to walk to the living room. As if Charlie heard me, he seemed to reply in gibberish, the only thing comprehendible was the word ‘chair’. Before I walked up the stairs I looked down at Charlie, was he awake? “Buddy, you awake,” I softly ask. . . Nope, still out cold. With a deep breath, I make my way up the stairs, hoping that he does not wake halfway up. Luck was on my side tonight, I made it upstairs and all the way into the bedroom without him waking up. It has been a while since I was able to carry him up without waking up, let us see if I can finish the job without him waking. I very carefully laid him down on his back where he normally lays, letting his head rest on his pillow. With a thief’s precision, I gently start to tug his shorts off to gain access to his wet diaper. ‘Perfect, now comes the hard part’ I tell myself mentally. I toss the shorts on the trunk next to the diaper bag before retrieving a fresh diaper for Charlie to sleep in. He may be already passed out, but he still deserves a fresh butt to start the night in. With hard work, determination, and lots of Mommy magic I was able to get Charlie into a fresh diaper without waking up, though it did take longer than normal but that is to be expected. With Charlie all tucked in bed in nothing but his diaper and t-shirt, I made haste and quietly exited the room, making my way back to the kitchen. I look down at Charlie's work and flip through the five full pages filled with words. Not too bad, he is off to a good start, though he is not finished. Leaving his notepad of paper and pencil where he left, I grabbed both of our cups and put them in the dishwasher for later. I was about to turn the light off before my mind started to wander. As much as I would like to think Charlie is going to sleep the whole night, I know better. He is going to be up obscenely early and unable to go back to sleep. But I had an Idea. I pull my phone out and send a text out to Jessica. Jennifer: Hey are you still awake? As I wait for Jessica to respond I start to put my plan together. I pull out Charlie's bottle from last night and give it a good wash before setting it on the counter. Taking out the milk from the fridge and the honey from the pantry, I start filling up Charlie’s bottle. BUZZ, BUZZ. I set the milk down on the counter and reach for my phone. Jessica: Yup, of course I am up. What are you and Shortcake doing? Did he get in trouble? Jennifer: Of course, he did, wait, how did you know? Jessica: I asked him a few questions when you went to the bathroom. Shortcake cannot lie very well if you know what I mean. Jennifer: Yup, his power of deception is not strong. Jennifer: Back to the point of my late text. . . Do you still have that baby gate you said I could borrow? Jessica: Of course, I don’t have my dog anymore so I have no use for it. You can have it for all I care… But I thought you said Charlie would just climb over it. Jennifer: He probably will but I am going to try and put it up at the top of the stairs. Jessica: That sounds like a plan, but what is stopping him from just taking it down? Jennifer: Nothing…but I still want to try. Would you mind bringing it over tonight? Jessica: No worries, be right there. Jennifer: Please don’t ring the doorbell, just come on in. Jessica: Oh, is my little shortcake asleep already? Jennifer: He is out like a light. He fell asleep writing his essay at the table and faceplanted on the table, did not wake up. Jessica: OMG, I will be over in a sec. With that taken care of, I put the milk and honey away, put the cap on Charlie’s bottle, and gave it a gentle shake. With his bottle made I started looking for his insulated lunchbox. “Ah, there you are,” I say out loud. I place it on the counter and do a test fit to make sure that the bottle will fit. “Perfect,” I say vocalizing my success. Next is the ice packs to keep his milk cold and fresh. “One and two, oh, oh, will it fit? Perfect Got all three in there, look at me go,” I tell myself. ‘What, what? Am I talking to myself? Who cares, who doesn’t verbalize their internal monolog when they are alone?’ I think to myself happily. Eager to see if my plan would work, I started to smile. I turn to the cabinets to grab a small snack to stuff in the cooler, Ah peanut butter crackers, that will be perfect. With his cooler all packed I go to the office and sit down at the desk, grab a few small pieces of paper, and start writing notes for Charlie to find. Before long I heard a noise at the front door and got up to go investigate. “Jennifer? It’s me,” I heard Jessica say in a loud hushed voice from the front door. Emerging from the office and stepping into the living room I smile and wave Jessica in. “You are amazing, thank you so much,” I tell her as I help her close the door behind her. Jessica smiled and sat down at the somewhat large baby gate. “Here yah go, one grade a quality baby gate,” she says in a humourism tone. “So, tell me what happened when you two got home, is this essay a part of a punishment?” she asked inquisitively. I smile back at her and say, “How about you come over for breakfast in the morning and I tell you all about it? Plus, I am sure Charlie would love to see you again.” I start to grab the baby gate from Jessica before I ask a question myself, “So what kind of dog did you have?” Jessica chuckled, “Oh it was a great Dane. The silly dog would not jump so I just needed a baby gate big enough for him not to step over. But I let my boyfriend when we split up.” “You and Tom split up?” I asked. Jessica responded, “With me moving halfway across the country he could not follow me. It’s no big deal, we are still friends, due to circumstances it just did not work out. Plus, our pooch was more attached to him than me.” She then smiled and added, “Well let me let you go before I cause Shortcake up there to wake up.” “Well thank you again, see you in the morning,” I told her as I watched her leave. With a big smile on my face, I look down. ‘This will work better than I thought’ I think to myself. I carry the baby gate upstairs and set it up at the top of the stairs. The baby gate was about to my waist in height and had a door in the middle of it that made it easy for a person to swing open and go through, granted they knew how to open it. With it all set up I leave it open and head back downstairs to collect Charlie’s lunchbox, his bunny, and the notes I wrote. Before going back up I turn the lights off and make sure all the doors are locked. Securing the little door on the baby gate shut, I placed my first note directly on the baby gate itself for Charlie to find and then headed to the bedroom. When I shut the light off in the hall the little night light starts to glow, making me smile as I gently open the bedroom door and slip in quietly. With stealth, precision, and the glow of the nightlight I had placed for Charlie in the bedroom I was able to put the lunch pail by the door with its note placed on top. The last note was put in the lunch pail with Charlie’s late-night snack. After a quick survey of the room to make sure everything was in place, I tossed my shirt and shorts on the truck at the foot of our bed and then crawled into bed next to Charlie. I placed the bunny in Charlie’s arms, who was now laying on his side facing outward. With a loving kiss on his cheek, I pull my baby husband close and close my eyes. Before my mind started to slip, I moved my hand down to check and see how Charlie’s diaper was doing. ‘Good job buddy, still dry. Though I doubt that will be the same story in the morning,’ I think to myself before falling asleep. *** I feel Jen's arms wrapped around me tightly and something soft in my arms. As my mind started to become more alert, I realized I was holding my bunny, Jen must have put it there for me. It was not the first time I woke up in the middle of the night seemingly trapped by the clutches of my beautifully strong wife. With practiced grace I slip out of Jen’s arms, leaving the fuzzy bunny for her to hold, and slowly stand up making sure to stay quiet. I look down to see my shorts gone and my diaper soggy. ‘Did I go to bed wet? Or did Jen change me and then wet in my sleep?’ I thought to myself. Regardless there was nothing I could do, I was stuck in this diaper till Jen woke up, and for what happened yesterday I was not about to break the rules again this soon. Being light as a mouse, I stepped to the door and opened it so I could make my way over to the stairs and down to the kitchen. When I reached the top of the stairs I was blocked by, “a baby gate,” I whispered a bit too loud. With a brief pause, I look back to the bedroom to see if I woke Jen up. Satisfied with hearing nothing but the gentle winds outside I turned back to my roadblock and noticed a note. My Loving Little Husband. I would tell you to come back to bed but I know that is hard for you to do, so I did you a favor and already made you a snack, look just inside the bedroom door and you will see your Insulated lunchbox. Trust me you will be surprised. P.S. Do you like the gate? It was a gift from Jessica, you can tell her thank you tomorrow. I roll my eyes and check the baby gate, ‘Really Jen,’ I think to myself. After my inspection, I realized I was not going to be able to figure out how to open it without making a ruckus, and I was not going to wake Jen up. Climbing over it was also a no-go, I was not about to fall down the stairs, hurt myself, and wake up Jen. That would be a nightmare, probably for Jen as much as it would for me. Could you imagine waking up to a sudden and loud crash and a thud, finding your husband in a jumbled mess at the bottom of the stairs groaning in pain and humiliation, yah I would be hung out to dry on that note. I went back to the bedroom to investigate the snack Jen packed for me. With a quick search, I found the pale, guess I overlooked this on my way out the first time. I picked up the note I spotted on the lunch box and read it. Good job at finding me! Lookie Baby, I have a little late-night treat for you. I hope you like what I packed. Also don’t be cross about the gate, if you have not seen it yet, go look by the stairs. It is not going to be used all the time but you are not done with your essay and you know that means no fun till you are finished. I shook my head, even in her sleep she was going to make this difficult. Even though a snack is a snack, I just hope that it is either cookies or candy, and I know where she hides them both. As I open the box I spot three things, the bottle filled with I assume the same stuff as last time, peanut butter crackers, and another note. It would not be my first pick but Jen knows what I like, and I will give her credit for that. I open the package of crackers and shove the first one in my mouth before picking up the note. Surprise! Baby, before you tell me no, take a breath and think, you can’t tell me you enjoyed it last time. Plus, by the time you finish the peanut butter cookies, you will need a drink. Just grab your bottle and crawl back into bed. Don’t worry about waking me up, I will be happy to cuddle with you. And just like that she has trapped me. I shove another cracker in my mouth, sit down by the door, and think about what just happened. Did my Mommy outthink me? I mean I can get down the stairs but like I mentioned earlier, it will probably lead to me waking Mommy up. I finish eating my crackers by the door, putting my notes Mommy left me and my trash in the lunch box when I am done. Regrettably, I picked up the bottle, staring at it before I popped the cap covering the nipple off and put it back into the lunchbox before getting back up and moving back to the bed. Instead of my side, I went to her side to try and peek at her phone, I wanted to know what time it was. I was standing there next to the bed, my bottle in my left hand at my side and my right hand about to touch the screen of Mommy’s phone. “Don’t even think about it mister,” I heard Mommy’s voice say as she lay there motionless. I looked over my shoulder with wide eyes, Is she awake? I dared not move, my only thought was if I stayed still enough Mommy T-rex would just not see me and go back to sleep. This right here is why I go downstairs, I never want to wake her up because . . . . . I see Mommy somehow move with lightning speed. She rolled over and snatched me up like a helpless goat trapped in the jaws of a dinosaur. Luckily my Mommy T-rex loved me and would not eat me. . . I think. “Did you have your crackers?” Mommy asked with her eyes shining down on me as she held me tight. With me in a comfortable position cuddling up to her and touching her soft skin, she gently takes the bottle out of my hands. “Yes, Mommy. Thank You,” I say, though while I still had my mouth open, she gently shoved the bottle in my mouth. “Hush, no more talking.” She said holding my bottled up. “Just be still and enjoy the moment.” With not much choice or anything better to do, I accept my position and melt in her arms, washing down my peanut butter crackers with the sweat honey milk Mommy made for me. About halfway through the bottle, I closed my eyes just to relax, then I did what I thought was not possible, I drifted back to sleep. 6
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