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Trapped in Diaper Dreams: Prologue


   I yawned, despite the three cups of coffee I'd already downed this evening. The subject of my testing, a Mr. Franklin Jones, snored next to me at a decibel level high enough that I wondered if I should be wearing ear plugs to prevent any long-term damage. Well, I'd have to remember that for next time. 

   Mr. Jones was had volunteered for a special sleep study in which I, Dr. Hannah Lynton, tested my ingenious invention on him. It was an apparatus designed to allow a conscious person to control the dreams of someone who was asleep by measuring the activity of the awake person and projecting it as theta waves into the brain of the sleeper. 

   On the surface, not many people see the utility of such a device. Why would you want to control someone's dreams? But they don't see the bigger picture. This could be used to allow people to speak to comatose loved ones. Or perhaps it could be used as a rehabilitation method on the criminally insane? The possibilities are as limitless as… Well, as dreams! 

   Unfortunately, I haven't had much success. 

   The test involved myself and the patient wearing special headgear attached to the machine between us. Then once he was asleep, I was to read a novel–in this case Moby Dick–and then when the patient awakes we ask him what he dreamt about and see if it matches the events of the book. This was our 5th time repeating this test and we've seen few positive results. On the 2nd night he did dream about being on a boat, but that's where the similarities ended. If tonight didn't yield any workable results, I'd be back to the drawing board. 

   The door opened to my right and I managed to glance up from my book to see my colleague, Dr. Bethany Avery bringing me another cup of coffee. "Having fun yet?" she whispered. 

   I gave her a quick smile and turned my attention back to my book. Protocol dictated that I keep distractions to a minimum. 

   Although I had to admit, I could find myself very easily distracted by Dr. Avery… 

   She placed the coffee cup on the tray next to me and took my empty one. "I don't know how you manage to drink so much coffee during these tests knowing you can't get up to use the bathroom until morning. Unless you're wearing an adult diaper or something?”

   I cringed at the thought. A diaper? Me? ”As if I would ever do something so…” Humiliating? Childish? ”Unprofessional.”

   She shrugged “Is it really all that less-professional than pissing in a bottle?” She glanced under my chair and I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. I know she couldn't see the bottle I'd hidden inside my purse, but I suppose she must have surmised that I was finding some way to relieve myself during these overnight tests.

   I think she sensed my discomfort with the topic and backed off a bit “Sorry, I'm being weird. Do whatever you think is best, doctor.”

   The sudden use of an honorific somehow made me feel like I'd messed up. Pushing Bethany away was the last thing I wanted. “N-no, it's fine! I umm… I guess I just… Never thought of it that way?” 

   Perhaps I was just projecting my own desires, but I could've sworn I caught a hint of a smirk in her eyes. Was she… Enjoying watching me get all flustered? 

   “Well, if you decide you wanna try it, I can probably sneak a diaper from the supply closet for you.” she winked, heading out of the room. 

   My gaze lingered on the doorway after she was gone. Damn. She sure does have a way of getting under my skin… 

   And her idea was… Not without merit. Using my “piss bottle” as she called it, was among my least favorite parts of this whole experiment. I'd never considered that there might be an alternative solution.

   But diapers? Really? How could I, a grown woman, stoop so low as to wear a diaper and pee myself like some kind of… Baby? 

   And why are my cheeks burning so badly at the thought? 

   *ZZZZZZTTT!* The lights overhead suddenly flickered as something on the machine burst and sparks spewed out. But none of that registered to my mind as my body went completely rigid and my head felt like it was on fire! I don't know if it lasted a second or several minutes, but when the Surge of electricity finally subsided I slumped in my seat, my vision darkening as I fell into unconsciousness…




(And now, a message from Wannatripbaby):


   Hi all! So this is the Prologue for a sort of Anthology series Princessdiapergirl and myself have decided to start for any sort of random, crazy story idea we get that isn't quite big or bold enough for a multi-chapter story. This way we can get straight into the good stuff without all the set-up. 

   So far, we have one (1) fully written story for this series which we will likely post sometime within the next few days. After that? Well, that's where you come in! If you can think of any crazy or kinky scenarios you'd like to see us inflict upon our poor Dr. Hannah Lynton, leave a Comment down below and tell us! We might just make it a reality! 😁

  • Like 3

I like this. I'm not the most creative with kinky ideas but I'm looking forward to reading whatever you two come up with.


hmm.. Diaper suits like in the “To love a googirl” game?

4 hours ago, dmavn said:

hmm.. Diaper suits like in the “To love a googirl” game?

I am not familiar with this. Care to elaborate? 

  • 2 weeks later...

Episode I: High School Horror


   As my blurry vision slowly comes into focus. I was in a... Classroom? My old high school science teacher was here, saying... Something. All his words sounded garbled like I was under water. Why was I here? I graduated over a decade ago…

   Everything looked the same as it had all those years ago. The room, the people, everything. Except me... I looked at myself, and was surprised to find that I looked like... me. Well- not me as I was then, but me as I am now.


   No... No, this can't be right! I am Doctor Hannah Lynton! I should be *teaching* a highschool class, not attending one! I should-

   My thoughts were interrupted by an unusual crinkling sound.

   I looked around to check if anybody else had heard it. No sign from anyone.

That means- it must have come from me. I froze, slowly coming to realize what it must have been.

   Trying not to draw any attention to myself, I reached up under my skirt. 

   I had to suppress a squeal as my hand met the material. It was exactly what I thought it was... This revelation delighted and confused me all at once.

   But why? Why was I back in my old high school? And more importantly, why was I wearing a diaper?

   "Ms. Lynton!" the teacher's voice boomed out over the classroom, turning my blood to ice. "Is it possible for you to pay attention to something other than what's between your legs?"

   W-what did he just... There's no way I heard that right. "M-my apologies, sir…"

   He gave me a hard look, before turning back to the blackboard and continuing the lesson. I tried to pay attention to avoid getting in trouble again, but something was wrong. I couldn't understand. It was like he was speaking gibberish. "And if the grabbledob duiriknitaks barishnadab skleenie, superfleoxtococneyed freeble dabble until it moxlflox. As you might expect-"

   I glanced around the room to see if anyone else was as confused as I was, but they all just stared passively at the teacher, as one would expect.

   What was going on here!? Everyone seemed to understand him perfectly, yet he made no sense! I had to figure this out, but it wasn't like I could just leave- if I was in a high school class then they'd expect me to stay... 

   The school bell signaling the end of class felt like an answer to prayer. Now I could get out of here and try to find some answers. Maybe I could-

Something caught my foot as I was getting up to leave and I tumbled forward. I hit the floor palms-first, unharmed by still shaken by the fall. Was I just that clumsy, or had someone tripped me?

   Before I could get up, a voice from behind me nearly caused my heart to stop "Oh my god! She's wearing a diaper!"

   I froze. What? Well.. I guessed pretty quickly that they'd be able to see it. But- who even was that? I didn't want to get up, my face burned red with shame.

   It was too late to try to fix my skirt to hide the diaper. By now, I felt like every eye in the room was staring at my babyish undergarments. 

   "Oh god, she is!"

   "What a baby..."

   "How old even are you!?"

   "Do we need to call your Mommy to come change you?"

    "Maybe someone should check her diaper for her?"

   I had no idea what to do. First of all I didn't know why I was even wearing a diaper. I also didn't know what to do in this situation, I'd never been so humiliated in my life. ...on top of not knowing why this all felt so good and bad at the same time, I was well and truly stumped.

   Professor Morris started saying something again, but I still couldn't understand him. "Bigandalsh martigiot, Ms. Lynton! Get her Wagaspigold!"

   "Yes, Professor."

   My blood somehow ran even colder. I knew that voice.

   Suddenly I felt myself being hoisted to my feet by at least two people behind me. But I wasn't focused on them, I was focused on the bitch who now stood right in front of me.

   Nicole–The meanest bully in the whole school.

   Seeing her cemented the fact that yes, I really was back in my old high school, as much as I tried to deny it… 

   Apparently whatever the professor has said involved permission to escort me out of the classroom, she started walking towards the door and the people grabbing me--no doubt part of the entourage that always followed her around--started forcefully shuffling me towards the door.

   It was strange that I couldn't understand him, yet everyone else was perfectly clear..

I tried to writhe and escape from their grasp, I should've been able to easily but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape.

   They ushered me through the door and suddenly I was... In the girl's bathroom? What!? But we didn't even go through the halls... Right? I mean, surely we must've gone through the halls to get here. But why can't I remember that?

   There must be some logical explanation for whatever's going on.

   There was no time to think of an explanation though, as they rather unceremoniously dumped me on the floor, facing towards them.

   Nicole stalked in front of me "Well well well, if it isn't the diaper girl making a scene in front of the whole class." she looked larger than life from this angle. Like she could just step on me and crush me like a bug.

It made me feel so helpless. I shrank back, not knowing what to do. What could I do? They had surrounded me.

   "What's the matter, diaper girl?" she sneered down at me "You look so sad and pathetic."

   One of the other girls chimed in, "Maybe she's sad because she pissed her pampers?"

   "Mmm, that could be." Nicole nodded "Is that it, baby girl? Are you so fussy because you wet your wittle diapies?"

   I blushed, though this time it was for a different reason. I hoped that they didn't notice though… 

   Nicole snapped her fingers at one of her minions. "Check her diaper for me."

I wasn't afraid of what they'd find. After all, it's not as though I'd-

   Suddenly my bladder felt so full! It took me by such surprise, that as soon as the girl reached up under my skirt and touched my diaper, that's when the floodgates let loose.

   I couldn't quite believe it. I'm a grown woman, damnit! No- more than that, I'm a doctor! I can't just be pissing myself! 

   Then again, I didn't exactly mind them poking and prodding my now-soggy diaper…

   "Oh my god, she's pissing herself right now!" the minion said, poking and prodding my squishy diaper. My cheeks burned with humiliation and... Also arousal. Why was I getting so turned on by this!? I was being assaulted!

   Nicole tisked above me "Naughty naughty. What are we going to do with you, diaper girl?"

   I tried to suggest that they let me go, but I couldn't get the words out. Was I too aroused? Probably. I was ashamed of myself.

   Nicole leaned down, an evil glint in her eye, and said "I think we need to teach you a lesson about what happens to diaper babies who cause a scene."

   Without seemingly any signal to her cohorts, they both grabbed me and before I could blink they had me flipped over with my butt in the air. How could they overpower me so easily? However they did it, it didn't really matter. What I did know was that I wasn't going to enjoy what would happen next. Or.. at least that's what I thought.

   I felt a hand, presumably Nicole's, undo my skirt and pull it off of my waist, leaving my diaper completely exposed to anyone who might walk in.

   Again, I tried to fight back but I was rooted to the spot. I couldn't even open my mouth to protest.

   "Not so fussy now, are you?" Nicole taunted, hand running over my squishy padding, sending tingles down my spine. "Ew, did you drink a pool before class? This thing is fucking drenched!"

   I whimpered a little and continued to shiver from her touch.

   "Awwww, the baby girl sounds so sad. But pouting won't get you out of this one, pissy pants." even though I couldn't see her from the angle I was held at, I sensed her raising her arm back in preparation for... My spanking...

   "Ready? Oh wait, I don't care."


   I cried out, I couldn't even hold a hand to my mouth to suppress it. It felt.. strange. Obviously it was painful but at the same time- it was wonderful.. I hadn't felt this type of pleasure well- ever..


   She continued raining spank after spank, causing the thick, wet diaper to squish against me with every impact. I was definitely thankful for the diaper cushioning the blows, as well as for how each spank sent tingles down to a certain part of my anatomy.

   I hated to admit that I liked it. I hated myself for it but at the same time I knew deep down that it was exactly what I wanted.

   I tried to speak, but all that came out of my mouth was more whimpering.

   "God, you really are a pathetic baby, aren't you?" Nicole said "Maybe I should keep your skirt so that you're forced to waddle all over school in your droopy, piss-soaked diaper?"

   A wave of embarrassment, arousal and fear washed over me. Why did I like this so much? What if I couldn't get out of here?

   One of the minions decided to join in on the tormenting with her leader "I think she would like that. After all, she doesn't seem too eager to protest."

   I wanted to protest, I really did. But I just couldn't conjure anything but whimpering from my vocal cords.

   And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I heard my tummy rumble audibly, and just as my bladder had filled earlier, I now felt I was about to have an even worse accident.

   No, no.. NO. I screamed at myself to stop but again, no words came out. I knew I was going to do it and I couldn't stop myself no matter how I tried.

   The two minions holding me apparently heard the rumbling as well. 

   "Is... Is she about to-"

   "I think so-



   They both released me and backed off, but even if I wanted to take advantage of my new-found freedom, I felt like I was paralyzed as the first cramp hit me like a freight train and my body didn't even try to hold it back-

   No effort was made by my body at all. Not one bit. It all came rushing out at once, piling into the seat of my diaper and creating the most disgusting and arousing smell I've ever smelt.

   For the briefest moment, I felt completely numb. As though my body had expended every ounce of energy I had into my diaper. I felt nothing. Nothing, that is, except for the mucky diaper now sagging between my legs. It felt so warm and gooey and... And...

No, NO! I should NOT be enjoying this!

   When I finally tuned back into my surroundings, the first sound that greeted my ears was Nicole cackling like a banshee "I cannot BELIEVE you just did that! You really must be some kind of fucking pervert."

   "God, she STINKS!" Both of the minions were now covering their noses.

   I liked it. I liked what they said about me. I hated that I liked it but I couldn't deny that I liked it.

   I felt myself being yanked up off the floor by Nicole who spun me around to look in the mirror. "Look at yourself, diaper bitch. Look at yourself and tell me how pathetic you are."

   It was a perplexing sight, to say the least. The mirror confirmed that I was definitely my thirty-year-old adult self. The only thing odd about my appearance was the yellow-and-brown stained diaper sagging between my thighs.


   I was shocked by my sudden ability to speak, in fact I shut right up there and then because of just how shocked I was.

   "Oh, has the baby decided she can talk now?" Nicole mocked. Then before I could try to verbalize a response, she smacked my messy diaper.

   I tried to pull myself together. I'm a grown woman for goodness sake. I shouldn't be enjoying getting my diaper smacked around. My squishy.. messy.. soggy diaper...

N-no! I had to stop this. I tried to speak again but the wrong words came out of my mouth, stopping before I could finish whatever horrible thing I was going to say next.

   "I'm just a-"

   I was stopped dead in my tracks when I say an especially evil glint in Nicole's eye. "Actually, I have a better idea. Why don't you tell all your friends outside?"

And before I could even think to protest, she shoved me through the door and out into the crowded hall with nothing covering my wet, messy diaper.

   "I'm just a pathetic little stinky baby!" I seemed to yell as I was thrown down the hall. Before I could really register what I'd just said, my thoughts were drowned out by the laughter. It swelled all around me like an inescapable cage. My entire body simultaneously burned with shame and tingled with pleasure. All those people laughing at me in my poopy, stinky, wet, mushy diaper overwhelmed my senses. Any rational thought in my brain was completely drowned out by the din of roarous laughter. Everyone around seemed to tower above me and I felt smaller than I already did.

   I really was just a tiny little pathetic baby in a poopy, stinky... Wet... Mushy... D-diaper......

   I felt it in the tips of my toes and the top of my head first. Like electricity coursing through my body, but in slow motion. It traveled up my legs, causing my knees to buckle and give beneath me. My eyes rolled back into my head as it surged down my neck. Every inch of my skin pickled, my fingers and toes curled inward, my back arched, and my mouth hung open in a silent scream as this feeling wracked my body, until finally it met in the center of my core.

   And I exploded in my diaper.

   Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me. All my other senses faded into the background as my body and soul focused all of its attention on the feeling of the most powerful orgasm I'd ever experienced in my life. My hands shot down to the front of my poopy diaper, pressing the filthy padding against me as I doubled over on the floor, my body surrendering to ecstasy as I came over and over again in my stinky, squishy diaper.

   I didn't care what anyone else saw. I dug my hand into that diaper as hard as I could, mushing and squishing it around.

   By the time I was done cumming back-to-back, it felt like an eternity had passed. I was slumped over on the floor, chest heaving and sweat glistening all over my body. And yet, all I felt was warm--warm and content. I couldn't hear the laughter anymore, or anything else beyond the subsiding pounding of my own pulse in my ears. My eyes were closed, I think? Or maybe I was just too spaced-out to see straight. Everything felt fuzzy, but I didn't care. I was calm and happy like I'd never been before. In fact, I felt like I was drifting off…

   I couldn't feel the shame. I couldn't feel the pleasure. I couldn't even feel the sticky, squishy diaper between my legs. I blinked a couple times but to no avail, as I fell asleep. 

  • Like 4
  • Wannatripbaby changed the title to Trapped in Diaper Dreams - Episode 1: "High School Horror" (11/29/23)

Not going to lie. When I read this on another site once the chapter 1 was posted, I might have made a mess in my underwear reading chapter 1. It was so hot 😳

Maybe a scene where she is caught humping something in her messy diaper, maybe by her mother and is paddled and she cums during the paddling and her mom says since she obviously enjoys her diapers so much she can wear them 24/7 and be treated like a big baby even in public. Or some variation of that lol.

  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, Guilend said:

Not going to lie. When I read this on another site once the chapter 1 was posted, I might have made a mess in my underwear reading chapter 1. It was so hot 😳

This is the best compliment a smut writer such as myself could receive. 😄

Also, I knew you would love this one in particular. 😉

6 hours ago, Guilend said:

Maybe a scene where she is caught humping something in her messy diaper, maybe by her mother and is paddled and she cums during the paddling and her mom says since she obviously enjoys her diapers so much she can wear them 24/7 and be treated like a big baby even in public. Or some variation of that lol.

Oooooo that could be fun! I'll run it by PDG and see what she thinks. 😄

  • 1 month later...

Small Update:

Just started on the next chapter of this series. Expect new content some time in the next couple of weeks or so. 😅

  • 9 months later...
On 1/30/2024 at 2:57 PM, Wannatripbaby said:

Small Update:

Just started on the next chapter of this series. Expect new content some time in the next couple of weeks or so. 😅

So... As you may have surmised that didn't quite work out. 😅 Just didn't quite come together like we were hoping it would. 

But! I have good news! 

We started another chapter and this one is going much better than the last attempt. 😊 I'm not gonna give a time frame, but we should have it out... Soon! 

  • Like 2
  • Wannatripbaby changed the title to Trapped in Diaper Dreams - (New chapter coming soon!)
  • 2 months later...

Well this took a LOT longer than anticipated. 😅 Sorry for the delay, the second half of last year was a bit crazy for me.

Reminder: All characters depicted here are 18+. Any appearances to the contrary is due to dream logic.





   Clouds faded and gave way to stars. No, wait, not stars. Or at least not *real* stars, but rather those glow-in-the-dark plastic stars you put on the ceiling of a child's bedroom. That seemed to be where I was, as instead of being met with a twinkling, dark sky, what I saw above me instead was a garish sort of pink, rather bright and overwhelming to my sleepy eyes.

   Blinking several times, my vision cleared up a bit, but what I saw wasn't making much more sense. To my immediate left and right were bars. Pink bars. Rising up impossibly high towards a ceiling that felt like it must've been miles away. I sat up and swiveled my head around, confirming that I was indeed inside of a giant crib. And beyond the bars, what I saw only managed to further increase my confusion.

   The room was a similar shade of pink, with various toys of similar colors, causing my face to flush ever so slightly at the babyish sight. This place was decidedly strange, though that wasn't all.

   I looked down at myself and found I was wearing exactly two things: a pink shirt with a unicorn on it, and a purple pull-up. I knew it was a pull-up somehow, rather than a tape-on baby diaper. But it still felt quite bulky and thick between my legs.

   The blush on my face only worsened once I noticed the pull-up, and how it felt between my legs. The unicorn shirt and my general surroundings didn't help either, as cute as they were. My flustered and embarrassed thoughts were interrupted by a harsh knock on the door.

   In walked a giant. Or, maybe she was normal-sized and I was now tiny? I was still too frazzled to think that clearly. What was important was that I knew this person: my sister.

   Wait, I have a sister? I mean, of course I must have one. She's right here! But then, why can't I remember... Anything about her? I know that she's my sister, but... That's it. I can't even recall her name. She had to be my sister though, why else would she be in my room... This was my room, right? It must've been...

   "Good morning, baby sis!" she said cheerily. A bit *too* cheerily if I'm being honest. For some reason, it kinda set me on-edge.

   "Mommy had to go run some boring grown-up errands, so she's put me in charge of you until she gets back! Won't that be fun?"

   I speak, though through my tiredness, and what I could only assume to be a pacifier in my mouth given the rubbery feeling and how I was subconsciously suckling upon it, all that came out was a sleepy whine.

   "Dawww, so cute with your widdle paci!" she coos down at me, booping the shield of my pacifier and making me feel even smaller. "Now then, let's check your pull-ups to see if you had any accidents in the night." she said, and before I could do much more than blush, she reached down and felt the front of my padded underwear.

   I yelped and squirmed, attempting to protest but only whining and huffing more.

   "Hmm. All dry it seems." She said, not with the cheeriness she had first greeted me with, but with a touch of... Disappointment?

   "I'll bet that means you REALLY gotta go potty though, doesn't it?" she said, a disconcerting grin making its way onto her face.

   Now that she mentioned it, I did have a slight feeling that I might need to relieve myself. Not really knowing what else to do, I nodded, hoping she'd at least let me out of the crib, as there was no chance of me making it over the large bars.

   "In that case," her grin widened "it would be a shame if you had a sudden visit from... The Tickle Monster!" her fingers suddenly lunged at my ribs and my tummy, tickling me relentlessly.

   Frenzied whines and yelps, interrupted by laughs, came from my mouth as I tried to push her away from me. It seemed like I was having barely any effect on her, though. She just continued to tickle me as I squirmed and squealed. My bladder, overtaxed by the tickling assault, couldn't take it anymore and released all of its contents into my pull-up. I felt the warmth spread throughout the infantile padding, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the flow.

   "Awww, looks like somebody had an accident after all." My sister cooed above me.

   I grumbled and blushed as I felt the warmth upon my crotch. I stared up at my sister with an angry pout.

   My sister tisked down at me "Let's go get you cleaned up, baby sis." before lifting me under my arms and up into the air, giving me a momentary sense of vertigo, before pivoting on her heals and carrying me across the room.

   It felt strange, being seemingly so high up. I must've still been dreaming, though I didn't yet know why everything seemed so big, or, indeed, why I was so small. I clung to my sister as if my life depended upon it, certainly not enjoying the feeling of being carried anywhere.

   Soon enough I was being pried from her body and laid down on a padded surface. The presence of a suitcase-sized container of baby wipes and a massive bottle of talcum powder informed me of the obvious conclusion: this was a changing table.

Which meant my sister was about to...

   My hands reacted instinctively, one flying down to my crotch in some vain attempt to protect it, and the other reaching out towards her, trying to stop her as she reached down.

   "What's the matter, squirt? If I didn't know any better I'd think you DON'T want me to change that soggy pull-up?"

   I quickly shook my head, realizing I'd rather go through a change than just sit in the soggy thing all day.

   My sister smirked down at me, making me somehow feel even tinier. "That's what I thought." she said before sliding my pee-filled pull-up down off my legs, and the cool air hitting my skin down there made me involuntarily shiver.

   As if the cold air wasn't bad enough, the baby wipes she started using to clean me up were a lot colder, on top of being so much-more invasive. "C-cold!" I lisped around the pacifier, which came out more like "Cowd!"

   "Well maybe if you hadn't peed in your pull-up, you wouldn't need to be changed like a baby?" she taunted, as if she hadn't been the one who caused my accident in the first place!

   "Hmph.." I pouted again, glaring at her. She was so annoying...

   My sister rummaged through the drawer of the changing table and brought out a different object in each hand. In her right hand was another purple pull-up, just like the one I woke up in. But in the other was a white baby diaper with some sort of cartoon characters on it.

   "Hmm, do we wanna put you in a pull-up and risk having another accident, or should we go with a diaper so that we don't have to worry about the potty at all today?" she asked.

   I pointed at the pull-up, subconsciously knowing that it's what I should be wearing. I wasn't a baby! I shouldn't be in diapers!

  My sister squinted her eyes at me, carefully considering my choice.

   "Well okay, we can try pull-ups again. But if you have another accident, Mommy's gonna be real disappointed in you when she gets home." she said, sliding the slightly-less babyish garment up onto my hips.

   I whimpered a little, knowing her statement to be true. This babyish mindset was taking me over...

   Her giant hand loomed over to my mouth and pulled the pacifier I had been sucking on out, immediately causing a flash of frustration and irritation to wash over me.

   "Now what do we say when someone changes our squishy, yucky pull-ups?" she asked.

   "Mmhh.. thank you.." I murmured, reaching out for the pacifier.

   "You're welcome, sis!" she said cheerily before pushing the pacifier back between my lips.

    I looked at her, still annoyed, though grateful that she'd changed me. I turned my head to look down, but seeing how far I was from the floor seemed to scare me. I turned back to my sister and whined, instinctually putting my arms out to ask her to pick me up. It was strange that I knew exactly what to do to signal her.. in fact, this entire situation was rather odd.

   My sister immediately scooped me up before gently depositing me onto my feet on the carpeted floor. Physically, I felt okay, other than the added bulk of the pull-up feeling strange between my legs. But everything else in the house being so huge compared to my size was indescribably bizarre.

   "Now then, how about some breakfast, squirt?" my sister asked above me.

   So that's what time it was.. before now I had no clue, not that there was a clock in my room anyway. I nodded, looking up at her. She sure was large...

   She gestured for me to lead the way. I was a bit hesitant at first, since I had no idea where I was... No, that's not right. This is my home. I've lived here all my life... Right? Definitely. I think. Anyway, my legs seemed to know the way and I began quickly toddling down the hall, the added bulk of the pull-up hampering my mobility just a bit.

   I made my way to the couch, seeming to know exactly where to go. The couch seemed too big to get up by myself, so I pointed at my sister, raising my arms again.

   "Go on, squirt, you can climb that couch. I've seen you do it a hundred times." she said before lightly swatting me on my padded butt.

   It didn't hurt, but it did make me squeal and quickly try to scrambled up onto the couch. Despite barely being able to get ahold of the edge of the cushions, I was somehow able to pull myself up with relative ease, even if I did tumble onto the cushion with little grace. I sank into a cushion, breathing heavily and leaning comfortably against it, resting from the effort of climbing the couch. The cushion seemed familiar, as if it was mine.. well, of course it was. Why was I suddenly questioning everything?

   My sister brought a large tray over--practically the size of a dinner table to me--and placed it over my lap. Then she placed a bowl of some sort of very colorful cereal as well as a sippy cup filled with what I assumed to be apple juice and placed them both on the tray.

   "bon appetite, squirt." she said.

   Why did she have to keep calling me squirt?

   I began to eat and drink eagerly, wasting no time. Sure, I had no clue where I was, and sure, I couldn't remember my sister's name, but I had priorities.

   And the food was so good! Logically I knew it was just a bowl of cereal, hardly a gourmet meal by any means. But it tasted so sweet! It was like eating candy for breakfast! And juice! Perfectly sweet and tart all at once! Once finished, I sighed, sitting back with a satisfied smile.

   My calm contentment didn't last long, however, as I once again felt my bladder filling up rapidly. Did all of that juice go through me already? How long has it been? It couldn't have been more than a minute, I think... Was it just a minute? A few minutes, maybe? My sense of time was all messed up. I tried to hide my need to pee, knowing my sister would just try to take advantage of me again. If I was going to go, it'd be on my own terms.

   I looked around urgently. My sister was nowhere to be seen. Should I try to make a break for the bathroom? I peered over the edge of the couch, and while the vertigo wasn't as bad as it was from the crib or changing table, it still felt higher than I would prefer. I climbed up here, I should be able to climb back down, right?

   Then again.. getting up seemed easy, just climb. Getting down.. well, I didn't know if I wanted to jump, or attempt to climb down the couch backwards. I sat, thinking it over for a moment.

   My bladder ached more and more by the second. If I didn't make a choice, it would soon be made for me and I would wet myself for the second time this morning. Only this time, I would only have myself to blame...

   Since I'd rather not wet myself, I decided to attempt climbing off of the couch. I got down on my belly and shuffled over to the edge, swinging my legs off the couch and dangling from my arms. With one more glance back down towards the floor, I let go. Sure enough, I dropped maybe a foot of two before my feet hit the carpet, unharmed. Although the impact certainly didn't do my bladder any favors. I felt like I was gonna burst!

   Now just to get to the bathroom.. where was it again? I had no real clue, and attempting to find it on my own seemed scary... But then I remembered my sister's threat about how disappointed in me Mom would be if I had another accident, and that spurred me forward.

   I ran out into the hall as fast as I could while still holding in my aching bladder. I opened one door. Closet. I opened another. Bedroom. Come on! Where was the...

   There! That's gotta be the one! I'm sure of it! I reached up on my tippy-toes and tried turning the handle.

   But why wouldn't it open?? No matter how hard I turned it, which seemed to have worked before, the door just wouldn't open.

   "Occupied! You're gonna have to wait, squirt." My sister's voice came from within. No no no! Why did she have to be in there right now!?

   "Heyyy-!!" I whined, banging my noticeably tiny fist against the door. Was it always that small? At least, it seemed small compared to the door anyway.

   "Hannah! Cut it out!" my sister's voice boomed angrily from beyond the door.

   I flinched, and the fear of my sister's yelling was the straw that broke the camel's back. It came slowly, I tried to stop it, but to no avail. A trickle turned into a stream, and that stream turned into a flood. I felt the pull-up warm and swell until it ballooned between my legs. A click followed by the turning of a doorknob signaled my sister finishing up in the bathroom. Not that it did me much good now. "Geez, you couldn't even hold it for ten seconds?" she chided, gazing down at me with her hands on her hips.

   Her timing was a little suspicious.. it was almost as if she'd purposefully locked herself inside just so I would wet myself. I glared at her, beginning to get increasingly annoyed. She'd caused me to wet myself twice now! I had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't be the last...

   Her smile sent a chill down my spine, causing me to momentarily rethink my glare. But she just reached down and ruffled my hair. "Awww, I can't be mad at my baby sis for having a widdle accident, now can I?"

   I pouted and crossed my arms, turning my head to look away. I didn't want to give her any satisfaction.

   "Oh would you look at the time! Your show is about to start!" my sister declared cheerily. Before I could even begin to wonder what she meant, she grabbed my hand and started pulling me back down the hallway towards the living room.

   "Heyy!" I whined as she dragged me along to the couch. It was all I could do to keep up with her now that my pull-up was so wet and saggy. Once we reached the couch, I was unceremoniously hoisted into the air once again and plopped down in my sister's lap.

   I cringed at the squishy feeling of my pull-up against her lap. Attempting to wriggle into a comfortable position only served to squish it around further, causing me to whimper and whine, much to my sister's amusement.

   "Oh quit fidgeting and watch your show." she said, directing my attention to the television. What I saw was... Hard to comprehend. There were a lot of bright colors and weird shapes. The dialogue was garbled, yet I had the undeniable feeling that it made some sort of sense? I couldn't recall any characters' names, and yet I felt like I *knew* them personally. It was nonsensical, yet enthralling.

   I had almost forgotten about the soggy pull-up still clinging to me when I felt another strong twinge in my bladder. Again!? I thought I just peed?! How much could I possibly have in me? I wondered grumpily as I shifted and whined, looking at my sister, wanting her to let go of me so I could go pee.

   All I managed to get was a glance down at me and a smile before she turned back to the TV. She wasn't listening to me! Why wouldn't she just let me go!?

   As if to spite my struggle, I felt her arms tighten around me, and it felt like all of the pressure was focused on my bladder! I didn't have time to even think about holding it. Not with my sister effectively squeezing my bladder. I felt the warmth in my pull-up before I even realized I was peeing. I whined and squirmed as the warmth spread further, the garment sagging further from the added liquid.

   "Hannah!" My sister yelped, suddenly hoisting me into the air as she stood up from her seat.

   Before I could question what could have happened, I felt liquid trickling down my leg before splattering onto the carpet.

   Oh.. I looked down, not really believing what had happened. But.. I'd apparently leaked.

   In a rush of wind I was suddenly whisked away back down the hallway, back into my room, and unceremoniously plopped down on the changing table for the second time today.

   "Look what you did!" my sister fumed, drawing my attention to the patch of wetness on the front of her pants from where my pull-up had leaked.

   I felt embarrassed, sure.. but was it really my fault? She hadn't let me move, she'd purposefully locked the bathroom so I could go.. I'd never say it to her face, but she almost deserved it.

   Giant hands grabbed at the sides of my pull-up, tearing them completely and lifting the soiled garment off of me. Next came the sensation of cold wipes, not just on my privates, but my legs and feet as well. It didn't feel quite as shocking as it was the first time, and the thought that I was already getting used to being changed brought a fresh blush to my cheeks.

   "I suppose I can't be mad. Really I have no one to blame but myself." I looked up at my sister, surprised at her admission, before I say the diaper in her hand and I realized what she meant. "I should have trusted my gut and put you in a proper pamper this morning."

   At first I was a little smug at her admission of guilt, but that expression faded into pleading and worry as I saw her holding the diaper.

   "But don't you worry. We're not gonna make that mistake again, now are me?" she said, grabbing my ankles and lifting my butt with ease before sliding the diaper underneath me.

   I whined and squirmed, kicking and protesting, really doing anything for her to not put this diaper on me.

   "Hey!" she said as I kicked, stopping me cold. Then she held up both of the drenched pull-ups I had made. "You had your chance in pull-ups. Now quit squirming or you'll be in big trouble when mom gets home."

   The negative emotions that washed over me at the threat of getting in trouble with mom almost made me start bawling like a... Well, you know. I turned my head away, clamping my eyes shut and trying to maintain my composure.

   I felt a cold dusting of baby powder on my privates, my nose feeling with the sweet babyish scent, followed by the sensation of the diaper being pulled up over my front and taped snuggly onto my hips.

   Before I could protest further, my backside was all wrapped up in a crinkly, fluffy diaper.

   "There. That should prevent any more of your accidents from making a mess everywhere." My sister said triumphantly. "Now what do we say?"

   "Hmph... Thank you." I huffed, knowing it'd do me no good to be rude to my sister at this point.

   With a smile of satisfaction, my sister lifted me up again--an act that I was getting fairly used to at this point--and placed me on the ground again. "Now, why don't you go play with your toys while I-" she gestures to the wet spot on her own pants "-go change into some dry pants. Then I'll deal with the wet spot on the living room carpet."

   I sighed and waddled off to the corner of my room, where an assortment of toys laid.

   A trio of stuffed animals caught my eye: a fox, a cat, and an owl. They looked very cuddly and inviting. And before I got within three paces of them, I heard one of them speak.

   "Ha! I told ya she was gonna get demoted to diapers!" the fox teased. "She's WAY too much of a baby to handle potty training."

   I stared at the fox, not believing my ears. Did.. did it speak? Was it mocking me?

   "What's the matter, piddle pants?" the fox asked. "Cat got your tongue?"

   "I most certainly do not!" said the cat next to him. "Pay him no mind. He's just a big bully."

   I cautiously approached, still wondering what the hell was going on.. these plushies really were talking to me. Their mouths weren't moving, leading me to believe it was all in my head.

   "Oh you needn't worry." said the owl, chiming in. "This IS all in your head."

   "If this is all in her head, what does that make me!?" the fox said.

   "What you've always been: a nuisance." the cat answered.

   I looked towards my door to see if my sister could hear them, but she was already gone. It was me and these talking plushies, alone. So why not humour them? I sat down in front of them, cringing as I heard the crinkling of my diaper.

   "Tell me," the owl said "Do you remember how you came to be here? Why you find yourself trapped in a place so foreign, yet so very familiar?"

   I tilted my head, considering the question. "No.." I spoke slowly.

   "Whats there to remember? She was clearly born yesterday!" the fox said.

   "Now you stop that, Fox." said the cat.

   I glared at the fox. I was beginning to not like it very much.

   "Now Hannah, I know you've had a bit of a rough morning," the cat began "but maybe your sister has a point? Perhaps it's okay to be small and wear diapers and just be the baby for a little bit longer?"

   Something inside me did agree with that cat. Being a baby wasn't so bad, and I had this nagging feeling, tugging at the back of my mind, telling me that it was something I enjoyed. But then again.. I was a big girl! I'd been demoted from pull-ups to diapers, and that just wasn't right.

   As if on cue, I suddenly felt a strong pressure to go potty again. Only this time, I didn't just need to pee...

   Oh no.

   "Ha! Looks like the baby is about to fill her diapy!"

   "That's enough, Fox!" the cat said. "It's okay, Hannah. You've got nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just us here."

   "Besides, it was always inevitable." the owl chimed in.

   I glared at the three animals as I whined, unable to stop as I began to make a mess in my diaper, almost agonizingly slowly. Push after uncontrollable push I felt my diaper expand and sag more and more. Just when I thought it must be almost over, it kept on going and going. And then to add insult to injury, my bladder let loose as well, filling my diaper from both ends at once. By the time I was done, my diaper felt like it must weigh twenty pounds!

   It was the ultimate shame. Even if I felt less embarrassed with my sister being gone for the moment, I knew she'd be back eventually.

   "How do you feel, sweetie?" the cat asked. Thankfully, the fox stayed silent.

   I scowled at the cat. "Hmph.. icky.." I mumbled.

   "Awww, I'm sorry to hear that, Hannah." the cat said sympathetically.

   "Haha, baby made a stinky!"

   "Shut up, Fox! We're stuffed animals, none of us can even smell anything."

   "I don't need to be able to smell her to know that she stinks."

   I glared at the stupid animal again. I debated approaching it to teach it a lesson, but I doubt I could do any lasting damage. It also didn't feel right to try and do something to it, even if it was just a toy.. The other two seemed nice enough, though.

   The owl spoke once again "Your path is yours to decide. What would you like to do, Doctor?"

   "... What?" I questioned, thinking I hadn't heard it correctly. I then gasped, my hand flying up to my mouth as I heard my voice. It was different than my previous babyish speech.

   "What's wrong, Hannah?" the cat asked. The owl remained silent.

   "I.. I don't.." I didn't know what to say. What was going on? The speaking toys.. my voice.. m-my- ah.. my head began to hurt.

   The next thing I knew I felt a soft sensation caress my hand. I looked up and saw the cat--now standing at my side rather than over on its bench--holding my hand between its paws.

   "There there," the cat said comfortingly "It's going to be alright, sweetie."

   I was even more confused now.. if the cat had moved, that meant that it was actually alive, and the voices weren't a hallucination. Was.. was I still dreaming? The reality of the situation, or at least what I'd assumed to be reality, seemed so solid that I thought it was real.

   "Enjoy your lucidity while you can. It will not last." the owl said. "You are trapped in your dreams. Soon this one will end and a new one shall begin."

   "..you mean- there'll be more?" I asked, my voice fully adult and competent.

   "Most definitely." the owl answered. "You shall continue to dream until someone in your realm awakens you from your slumber."

   "When will that happen?"

   "How should I know? I'm just a stuffed animal." the owl said before flying away. It... Flew... Away. How? And to where? There weren't any open windows. But no matter how hard I looked around, the owl was nowhere to be seen.

   I looked to the two other animals for answers, but they seemed just as confused.

   "I wouldn't worry too much about him, dear." the cat said, referring to the missing owl. "I'm sure he'll be back when he deems it necessary. He seems very wise."

   I nodded, knowing I could at least trust the cat. Now having nothing to distract myself with, though, the feeling of my soaked, poopy diaper was again at the forefront of my mind.

   Just then, I felt something press against the back of my diaper, smushing the poopy mess all over my butt even more.

   Spinning around, I saw that the fox had gotten up, just as the cat had done, and decided to use its sudden autonomy to invade my personal space with its paw. And even though the face of the stuffie hadn't changed, I couldn't help but infer a malicious grin on his face.

   "Hey!!" I yelped, swatting the fox's plush paw away from my butt. I cringed at how the slick muck now spread around my behind.

   "Fox! That is very rude!" the cat fumed.

   "Whaaat? I'm just trying to help her get used to her return to poopy pampers." the fox said with a chuckle.

   I pouted, giving the fox a sharp glare. It was testing my patience...

   "Maybe you could go ask your sister for a diaper change?" said the cat.

   "I'll bet ten bucks the sister refuses."

   "Where would you get the money? You don't even have pockets."

   "You don't know what I got!"

   I thought about that for a moment, ignoring the fox's comment. On one hand, I'd really rather not have a poopy diaper, but asking my sister for a change so soon after she'd already changed me before would be the ultimate shame. How could I prove I was a big girl if I'd dumped in my diapers so quickly?

   I looked back at the two stuffed animals and found them both back on the bench where I'd found them, immobile and unspeaking.

   Well, I guess I can't expect them to make up my mind for me...

   I hoped that the mushy load of sagging poop weighing down my diaper would disappear along with the talking plushies, but no luck.

   That left me with a few options. I could toddle around in a heavy, stinking diaper and try to find other toys to talk to, or I could suck it up and go ask my sister for a change.

   Well.. would any others talk to me? It was strange enough that those 3 had suddenly come to life, so why should any others? Of course, this was a dream.. but maybe not. I decided to go and find my sister instead, I'd rather not stick around in this horrible diaper any longer.

   If I thought waddling around in the pull-up was bad, this was SO much worse. The diaper was so thick even when it was clean. And now that it was... Not... It felt like I was dragging a bowling ball behind me. A bowling ball that squished and squelched against me with every step... And the smell was inescapable... I wanted this experience over as quick as humanly possible, but that couldn't be achieved without finding my sister, and I had no idea where she could be.

   Then I remembered what she said about dealing with the wet spot on the carpet! I waddled towards the living room as fast as my dirty diaper would let me and, lo and behold, my sister was there, dabbing at the carpet with a paper towel. "Oh hey squirt." she said, straightening up to her full height, towering over me.

   Thankfully, she seemed to be done cleaning up my little accident. Well.. one of them, anyway.

   "Well? What's the matter, squirt?" she asked impatiently "I left you alone for two minutes!"

   "I.. I.. um.." I had no idea what to say to her. How could I tell her my toys had started talking, then I'd had the most earth-shattering shit of my life? One thing was for sure, I didn't need to say anything for her to notice my dangerously sagging diaper.

   "Wait a minute..." she said, eyeing me suspiciously. "Did you...?" without bothering to finish her question, she quickly leaned down over me and pulled the back of my diaper open.

   "You did! You pooped in your diaper!"

   I yelped as I felt the cool air of the house intrude upon my butt. It wasn't super cold, but after the uncomfortable warmth of my poop, it was a surprising feeling.

   When my sister stepped back, I looked up at her and saw that she was... Laughing? "Oh my god, I JUST put that diaper on you!"

   The shame was unbelievable. It really hadn't been that long since she'd changed me, and here I was with a stinky butt...

   My sister crouched down closer to my level, although she still towered over me. "Did you come all the way out here just to show your big sis what a good job you did filling your huggies?" she teased.

   Well, technically I had.. but it wasn't because I'd done a 'good job'. I huffed and turned away.

   Evidently, turning away had been a mistake, as it left my full diaper turned towards her. And just like the fox, she took it upon herself to poke the sagging load, causing me to cringe.

   "It's definitely a good thing I didn't put you in another pull-up," she said. "You would've made a ROYAL mess everywhere."

   I whined as she poked my bulging diaper, turning again to face her and sticking my tongue out. It wasn't much, but it felt pretty cool.

   My show of defiance didn't seem to faze her, however. "But luckily for your I DID put you in a diaper since you seem to enjoy going pee-pee AND poo-poo in them so much."

   Now that was embarrassing.. my face went red enough to show it.

   My sister giggled at my blush. "See? I knew from the start that you belonged in diapers. Isn't that right, squirt?"

   "No!" I protested. I was adamant that I absolutely didn't belong in diapers at all!

   "She speaks!" my sister exclaimed in faux-shock. "Well if you don't belong in diapers, care to explain the stinking load of poop you dropped in your diaper AS SOON as I put it on you, plus the two pull-ups you flooded?"

   She had me there.. she was so annoying!

   "Mm-hmm. That's what I thought." my sister declared, grinning triumphantly. "Besides, I think you look cute waddling around in those saggy pampers."

   I glared at her yet again, though with my absolutely destroyed diaper, I doubted I looked menacing at all.

   She bent down towards me, her menacing smile sending a chill down my spine. "And since you look so cute like that, I don't see a reason to change you yet, stinky girl."

   W-what? She couldn't just do that, right? She- she had to change me! My facial expression said it all, really.

   But the smirk on her face seemed to indicate that, yes, she could indeed do that. "You just need to learn to accept that this is how you're supposed to be. Babies don't care about the state of their diapers. They just wait until an adult decides to change them. And given that I'm the only adult here, I have decided not to change you."

   But I did care! It was icky, and gross, and I hated it! "Hey!!" I whined, grabbing at her shirt. I really needed a change-

   My sister looked down at me, not with annoyance thankfully, but just a sort of smug grin on her face. "Yes? What's the matter, squirt?"

   "Change!" I continued to grab at her shirt, trying to be a little annoying so she'd actually listen.

   "Weren't you listening? I told you no, squirt. I know you're just a baby, but you can remember longer than 5 seconds ago, can't you?" her absolutely evil grin made me fear that I really was gonna be stuck in this poopy diaper...

   I pouted... Not really sure if I could do anything else to be honest. I also glared at her as best I could, which at least made me feel better.

   She took a step back and got a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm. Then again, *maybe* I could reconsider changing you..."

   I looked at her pleadingly, in hopes of her changing me. It was all I could really do.

   My hopes dwindled a bit as that same malicious grin returned to my sister's face. "That is... If you can catch me!" she said, and then she darted to the left behind the couch.

   "Hey!" I yelped as she began to run. Upon trying to chase after her, it really did set in how heavy my diaper was. Did I really have to drag around this literal sack of shit to get a change?

   I toddled after her. Step after mushy, disgusting step, I chased her around the couch. I tried to catch her, I really did. But no matter how close I got, she always managed to be a good two steps ahead of me--two of steps, that is. Which was more like eight steps for me. At one point she started walking backwards just to taunt me! Ugh!

   I was so focused on chasing after her that I didn't notice a snag in the carpet, until it was too late, of course.

   I hit the floor. Not hard enough to hurt myself, but definitely enough to take the wind out of my sails, so to speak. I was breathing hard and my limbs were tired from all the running.

   My sister had turned around and came towards me, though not close enough for me to catch her, unfortunately. I wasn't sure if she was genuinely worried if I was alright, or if she'd only come back around to gloat and tease. But my question would not go unanswered for long. "Wow, maybe running is too much of a big-girl activity for a stinky diaper baby like you? I think crawling is a bit more your speed." she said with a laugh.

   I could only huff and whine pathetically in response. Thanks to the fall, the icky mess in my diaper had spread around, only making it worse.

   Hands grabbed me under my armpits and hoisted me into the air. Suddenly I was at eye level with my sister, and I dared not look down. She tilted her head back and forth, as if checking me over. "No boo boos that I can see. You're fine." she declared before setting me back down on my feet.

   I huffed. Even though she was within arm's reach, I was pretty sure it wouldn't count if I "caught" her now. Instead, I grabbed at her shirt, gripping as hard as I could. I was adamant to not let go until she agreed to change me.

   "Awwww," my sister cooed above me, "Is someone feeling all cuddly now?" she reached down and ruffled my hair, "Now see, this is why you belong in diapers--they bring out the cutest side of you!"

   I pouted and tugged at her shirt harder, trying to make it clear I did not want any cuddles. How could I be cuddly and clingy when I had such a horribly stinky diaper?

   Her huge hands once again lifted me up from under my armpits, up to dizzying heights. I briefly hoped that she was picking me up to carry my down to my room to change me out of this stinky diaper... But the wicked grin on her face didn't make me feel all that hopeful...Our elevation shifted as she sat down on the couch we'd been standing in front of, before, to my horror, plopping my squishy butt right down on her knee. "I think somebody could use a horsey ride," she said.

   Realizing immediately what that entailed, I attempted to escape, struggling within her grip. Annoyingly, she held firm.. damn her for being so strong-

   She jerked her knee upward, propelling me into the air, probably only an inch or two, but it felt like a lot more. Time seemed to slow to a crawl for an agonizing moment... Before I came crashing back down onto her leg with a sickening squish. I gasped at the shock of just how disgusting it felt, but that was only just the beginning. Immediately she bounced me up again. Immediately I squished back down into my horrible poopy diaper. Bounce, squish, bounce, squish, bounce, squish. Over and over again she bounced me, all while holding me steady so that I didn't fall to either side. I whined and squirmed, still trying to escape, but no luck. The force of her bouncing and her hold on me rendered me entirely unable to escape.

   I don't know how long it went on, but eventually, mercifully, the nightmarish horsey ride stopped. While I was still registering that I was no longer being forcibly bounced in my own poop, she lifted me up, turning me to the side a bit in what I would quickly come to find was some sort of inspection. "No leaks, no blowouts!" she declared, "Now see? I told you that diaper was good to last a bit longer. You're fine."

   Before I could protest further, she set me back down on my feet. But unfortunately, due to the vigorous and horrible jostling that was her involuntary horsey ride, my legs were too shaky to support my weight and I lost my balance, falling backwards and landing one final, disgusting time onto my mushy messy diapered bottom.

   That was finally enough. The day had been far, far too much for me. So what was a baby to do but cry? That's exactly what I did. Tears poured down my cheeks as I let out pathetic wail. I threw myself down and pounded the carpet with my fists and feet. It's not fair! Why won't my sister just change me! I don't wanna be stuck in a poopy diaper! I want a clean one! Why was she being so mean to me? It's not fair! Not fair! NOT FAIR!!!

   This went on for a while.. it felt nice to get my emotions out for once. When I was done, all I could do was breathe heavily, and lie on the floor in a pathetic fashion. All my energy was gone, so I just laid there. Maybe she'd finally take pity on me..

   My sister stood up from her seat and stepped around me. I didn't look up at her--I was both too tired and too worried that her reaction might not be what I had hoped.

   "My! That was quite the temper tantrum!" she said. "I can't wait to tell mom all about it when she gets home."

   Just then a sound came from down the hall--the sound of keys jiggling in a lock followed by a door opening.

   "Speak of the angel, sounds like she's here!"

   She didn't even have the decency to take pity on me! At least mom would, hopefully-

   My mother came around the corner. "Hey girls, I'm home." Her eyes flicked between me and my sister. "Why is Hannah wearing a diaper? And-" her nose wrinkled a bit "-why does she stink?"

   "Oh boy, have I got a story for you, mom!" my sister declared enthusiastically.

   "Mnhh.." I tried to say something, but all that came out was a pathetic whine.

   "First of all, when I went to get her up this morning, I checked her pull-up and was absolutely soaked! Still warm too! So she apparently must've just used it before I came in. Didn't even try to call for me to let her out!"

   My mother looked down at me, a suspicious eyebrow raised, "Is that true Hannah? Did you go potty in your pull-ups this morning?" she asked with that sort of parental town that made me feel like I was already in trouble.

   I didn't want to admit it, but it was true. There's no way I could've lied my way out of it, so instead I just nodded shamefully.

   "And that was just the beginning," my sister continued to my dismay, "I asked her if she wanted another pull-up or a diaper and she *insisted* on a pull-up, so I changed her into a fresh one. Not one hour later we were watching TV together and, without any kind of warning, she just lets loose and floods her pull-up again! Only this time she leaked ON MY LAP!"

   My guts twisted even further when my mom looked down at me, disappointment writ clearly on her face, "Hannah, you know better than that."

   I was just a baby, how was I supposed to control myself! Besides.. it wasn't entirely my fault. I just stared blankly at the floor. What was I supposed to do? It was all true, even if my sister was leaving out some details..

   She continued her account of the day "So of course I put her in a diaper after that to avoid any more messes. That was FIVE MINUTES AGO and look what she did in it! I figure she must be doing it in purpose at this point, so I said I'm not gonna change her yet. She then throws a MASSIVE tantrum about it, and that's about when you walked in."

   My mother crossed her arms, looking down at me. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?"

   I didn't really have much to say as all my sister was saying was true. I just looked up at my mother in shame, tears still stinging my eyes. She hadn't even offered to help me up, I was still on the floor..

   My mother shook her head with that sort of pity smile adults tend to give children. "What am I going to do with you?"

   "I wouldn't be too hard on her," My sister said. Wait, she was defending me now? "I think she's just not quite ready for potty training yet."

   So she was defending me but also saying I shouldn't be potty trained? ..mom told me I was ready before... Right? But now I don't think she'll be so sure after what my sister said.

   "You might be right, sweetie," my mom said. "But before we give up on potty training Hannah, you should probably know that my boss called me today and asked if I could switch to morning shift for the foreseeable future. Which would mean you'd be stuck on diaper duty for the first half of the day."

   My sister looked down at me with the most spine-chillingly grin I've ever seen. "You hear that, squirt? Looks like I'll be babysitting you a LOT more often AND you get to keep your diapers! Won't that be fun!"

   It absolutely wouldn't be! I looked between my mother and sister with a pleading look. There was no way this was happening-

   Mom kneeled down and put a hand in my shoulder. "I know it's not what you want, sweetie, but Mommy thinks it's probably for the best. Maybe we'll try potty training again in a couple months, okay?"

   I nodded, hanging my head in shame. It wasn't my fault, but with mom's tone of voice it almost made me feel like it was. Of course that was just because my sister had lied and kept making me need to go!!

   My mother smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "There's my girl."

   I couldn't remember the last time my mother had kissed me. It felt... Nice. All of the shame I had felt just seconds ago completely evaporated at that single affectionate gesture, and for a moment I forgot all about the horrible mess in my diaper. Just for a moment, I thought it would be alright... Until I remembered that all the torture my sister had put me through would be a daily thing.

   Mom stood up and said to my sister, "I'm gonna go jump in the shower. Can you take care of Hannah?"

   "Sure thing, mom!" my sister responded before bending down and picking me up. Unfortunately, the way the she picked me up had her hand right under my poopy diaper, supporting my weight in the squishiest way possible. I whined and wriggled in her grip, unfortunately spreading it around further and only making me more uncomfortable. I really couldn't win..

   She carried me down towards my room, and I was briefly hopeful that I would finally be getting a fresh diaper... Until my sister walked right past the changing table and over to my crib.

   At that point I didn't have the energy to fight against her. I just whined quietly and pathetically beat my fist against her shoulder in protest. It didn't seem to faze her much as she effortlessly pried me from her side and laid me down in the crib. "Mom just said to 'take care' of you. She didn't specify that I had to change you, and I think with the tantrums you've been throwing today, you need a nap FAR more than you need a diaper change." she said with a malicious, almost sadistic grin.

   More whining and crying followed, but I didn't try to leave my crib, I was just too tired.

   My sister left the side of the crib for a moment and came back with my stuffed cat in one hand... And the fox in the other, "Here, you can have your little nap buddies too. Sweet dreams, squirt!" she said before leaving the room and shutting the door.

   "Welcome back, Hannah." the cat said.

   "Told ya she wouldn't get a change! You owe me ten bucks." said the fox.

   The cat's face didn't change, but I somehow imagined her rolling her eyes, "You're impossible," she said to the fox.

   "At least I'm not impossibly stinky, unlike one of us." said the fox.

   "Heyyy-" I huffed and whined for about the 50th time that day, this time directed at the fox.

   "Hehehehehehe!" the fox laughed, "What are you gonna do about it, ya big stinky baby?"

   And for the first time today, I knew exactly what I needed to do: I was gonna put my stupid diaper to some good use!

   I stood slowly, bracing myself against the side of my crib with one hand, and pushing the fox down with the other. Before it could react or try to fight back, I sat down on it, wriggling back and forth to squish my stinking, sagging diaper in its face!

   "Mrfphrgrphmfpfrgrphfffff!!!!" was all that could be heard from the fox as I smothered him in my stinky diaper.

   From the other side of the crib, the cat snickered, "Maybe that'll teach him, huh?"

   "Yeah!" I giggled, making sure the fox was sufficiently buried under my saggy padding. If I could use them to get revenge on the fox, then maybe diapers weren't so bad.

   Yeah... Maybe they weren't so bad... Really today hadn't been all that awful. Parts of it were, sure. But not all of it. And... And maybe my sister had a point about the accidents. Perhaps I'm just not quite ready for potty training, and maybe... Maybe that's okay? My mom certainly thinks so, and mommy can never be wrong! I'd get the hang of the potty eventually. Just... Not quite yet.

   I pulled the cat into my arms and hugged her tight. She was so soft and cuddly. I loved my cat! And she loved me! And I loved my owl! And... Well, maybe I didn't love the fox right now. But sitting on him in my stinky diaper was definitely funny! Maybe being a baby wouldn't be so bad... I still hate wearing a gross poopy diaper, but I'm sure my sister would change me before I get a rash. She just wants what's best for me, right? Yeah! Of course she does! She loves me and mommy loves me and they'd never do anything to hurt me.

   A yawn escaped my lips and I felt myself being pulled down into the crib with an almost magnetic force. I closed my eyes, cat still cuddled against my chest, and drifted off to sleep, the state of my diaper completely forgotten.




Did you know that I'm available for Story Commissions? If you'd like to see your story idea brought to life, you can find my Commission details here:















  • Wannatripbaby changed the title to Trapped in Diaper Dreams - Chapter 2: Sister Troubles (01/08/25)

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