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Colonoscopy - 2nd time

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I just went for my second colonoscopy 2 weeks ago, with my first one being about 5.5 years ago.  It was nice to have no polyps.

When I went in for my procedure I was told to change into the medical gown they provide and to remove all of my other clothing even my underwear.  I had to explain to the nurse that I was wearing a diaper (she looked in my chart and said she had missed that it said incontinent), and did I need to also remove that?  I was told to remove the diaper and that they would put a new one on my after the procedure prior to my waking up (since I was told not to drink any water 4 hours before I went, and they were delayed by two hours, it was over six hours since I had water).  Due to this the nurse said I should be OK for the short time I am under, and that they could put a diaper on me before I woke back up.  When I woke I had a new diaper on me and still wonder which nurse put it on me?  

The only hard thing during the procedure is the burning pain in your hand when they first put in the anesthesia!

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I had my last colonoscopy 3 years ago. I was also diapered when I got there. After I undressed down to my diaper and put the gown on, the nurse came back in to prep me. I told her I wet whenever I slept, so I was diapered. (She could see the diaper from the back of the gown.) She told me that it was more common than I might think, and it would be no problem. For the procedure, they just un-taped one side of my diaper and folded it back, then re-fastened it when they were done.  As it turned out, I was wet when I woke up, so it was a good thing I was diapered. 

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I was on the three year cycle until one a couple of months ago and they put me on a five year now.    I wore a diaper to/from the appointment.   Stripped out of it for the procedure.   They had me on a chux anyhow.


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I was on a 5 year cycle , but the cancer Dr said I needed to do it because they saw something and had to get pictures . so it was 4 yrs. But it turned out ok. Anyhow I have been diapered my last few times, and they said it was fine just leave it on. And it is something they see all the time.

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