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Big decision

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I have always wanted to become double incontinent but mainly bladder and I am trying to decide if I am going to get help from my urologist (I had a string of UTIs he just helping with the most recent after I used a catheter) in order to get surgery or should I train myself because I been wearing a lot since I moved out last year. Money isn’t a problem after my grandads inheritance. The reason I’m skeptical for training is I have quite a steel bladder that holds a lot for along time. Another thing I already have is a psychiatrist I’ve had for 10 years or so. So which should I pick?

(Don’t bother trying to dissuade me)

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Do what you think is right for you at age 19, just make sure it is what you want for the next 60+ years of your life.  Think of where you will be in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, your life's goals, relationships, marriage, family, work, possible politics, sports you like to play.  Then just ponder how it would all work out when you have no choice anymore but to be in diapers 24/7/365.  Once you become incontinent either surgically (doubt you will get any urologist to do surgery on you to make you become incontinent without a life threatening need for it), or by training yourself to just wet by hypnosis or catheters, it's permanent and there is no going back or changing your mind down the road as you get older and have significant life changes. 

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I am a lot older and have accepted and embraced my incontinence and thoroughly enjoy being incontinent and dependant on nappies all the time but at your age please think carefully. What seems like fun now could be a real problem later.

I am not  trying to dissuade you as it is your life and if not hurting anyone you should live it as you choose. No one will perform surgery to make you incontinent so you will have to train your self to be dependant on nappies.

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