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A Radical Equality - My First Attempt at ABDL/MDLB Fiction

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Hey everyone! So this is my first story. 

I am actually a barely popular ABDL artist and I post most of my art content here: Hottogurugan (Comms Open) (@hottogurugan) / Twitter

I usually do normal ABDL art, and I've only recently gotten anywhere close to good, and I rarely post new stuff but I'm working on getting more output. I am also collabing on an abdl game with another artist.

But that's not why I'm here. Though I mainly draw diaper girls, I have a huge soft spot for Md/Lb and femdom dynamics involving diapers. Women putting boys in their pampered place etc. etc. I just have never had an idea that struck me as something I wanted to draw. So as a fun experiment, and after brainstorming with some fellow ABDL/MDLB writers on tumblr, I decided to write down a story idea that has been sifting around in my head for at least two years or so. 

The idea is not entirely original. There is a CYOA on Writing.com called 'The Colony'. The premise was that a Communist Matriarchy had been established on some space station. The women ruled the station and kept all men in diapers. No man was allowed to be potty trained and all had to obey female authority. One of the story avenues let you be a young man who was headed off to college in this strange matriarchal society. 

Needless to say, I fell in love with the premise, and I even tried to contribute to it myself. However, I did not like how the collaborative CYOA provided zero narrative control to any individual author. I was fascinated with exploring the idea of this society, and following a young man as he broke out from his parents only to eventually find himself ensnared in the matriarchy's web and succumbing to the authority of a new 'mommy'.

Some of the writing was of....... subpar quality. Some of the story routes had entries that seemed like purposeful derailments by trolls, one literally ends with an entry that simply reads, "??????????". Can't exactly go from there without disrupting the flow. The story is sporadically updated, but individual authors never seem to contribute more than once. I have tried to get in touch with the original author, but after two attempts at contact, and four years of no reply, I assume he has abandoned his account and the story itself.

As such, I have decided that I would take the premise and write my own story based on it. In order to avoid plagiarism, I am completely changing the names of characters, places, and even making some of the few plot points presented in the original CYOA differently. I am only taking the premise, and my own rendition of the first part of one of the story avenues presented originally, beyond that, this is my own work. I simply wanted a creative avenue that was under my control in which I could explore the world set by such a premise, the people who live in it, and the ideology of the ruling matriarchy. I hope you all can enjoy my take on this premise, and I hope you all come along and follow me for what may be the first of possibly many stories.


Disclaimer: The author of this work does not follow or endorse any of the ideologies described in this work of fiction. All mentions or opinions expressed in this work do not reflect the authors own opinions. The opinions of characters in the work do not reflect the author's, and only serve as vehicles to further the plot or help in characterization of the characters involved. This is erotic fiction first and foremost, none of the ideas represented are meant to be taken seriously or advocated for in the real world.


Our story follows Raymond, a young man who finds himself attending university in a strange society where matriarchy is the ruling ideology. In this society, men are kept as partially infantilized adults with the legal rights of toddlers as they are cared for and commanded by an all-female elite. Raymond must navigate his way through this strange culture until he completes his pilots' certification, and he is determined to escape the society with his dignity and continence intact before the female web of the matriarchy fully ensnares him? Things become even more complicated when he meets the love of his life in this strange place. Will our hero escape or be made into a loyal pamper-packer at the behest of female authority?

A Radical Equality

Chapter 1: Arrival


“I am not wearing that!”

“You have no choice, it’s the law.”

                In the room stood three figures. Two women and one man. The man, an average student in his mid-20s, sat on a medical table in a brightly lit backroom resembling an examination room. A traveling case and a backpack lay at his feet. With his arms crossed, he glared defiantly at the two women who stood just barely above him.

                The two women were of different professions, both at least a decade older than the man. One was dressed as an office professional, her blouse had an emblem stitched to her left breast, with the word “IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS” embroidered just above. On the right breast, an ID card hung from a clip in her breast pocket. The other woman was a law officer, her faded navy-blue uniform barely disguised the silhouette of a Kevlar vest. The tools of her trade were clasped onto her duty belt. Her left boot tap-tapping in an annoyed cadence.

                Even those both women were physically smaller and less intimidating than the man, they stood as if they were the authorities. They gave off the impression of two stern schoolteachers trying to subdue an unruly toddler. In their minds, that was exactly what they were doing.

“Listen, you can either be mature and wear the diaper or we can arrest you and have you deported.” Said the immigration woman. “Oh, and if you do decide on arrest, you’ll still get diapered. Prisoners don’t have potty privileges.”

“But that’s ridiculous! I was never told I’d need to wear…. one of those.” The man replied.

“The diapers? You said you were here on a student visa, right? Did you not read the rules required of males living on this planet?”

In truth, the man had read the rule sheet, but he thought it was a joke. He also didn't even bother to do much research on where he was headed, otherwise, he would have known of the strange rules he would be subjected to, and the puffy garments that would replace his normal boxers.

“I…. I read the rules.” He said, “I just thought it was a joke? Like, you can’t seriously require all men to wear those things, right?”

“Diapers, and we do. It's one of the foundational pillars that our society rests on, and I am simply asking you to respect it, young sir."

“Stop talking to me like I’m a kid!”

“Stop acting like one then!”

“I’m 21…”

"That doesn't mean anything. Here, you're legally a child still. And with that attitude, you might as well be one!”

                The room fell to silence for a moment. She was right. He knew she was. He felt childish, being told by two authoritative women that he needed to put on a diaper. His cheeks were flushed red from the emotions he was feeling. Anger and embarrassment. Angry that he was so stupid to not take the pamphlet seriously and embarrassed at having to go through the ordeal.

                He found himself in this situation because he had no other choice. No other university accepted his application. He was intelligent, but a terrible student, and as such his grades were lackluster. He originally tried to make it as a dockworker on Earth's Intergalactic Trade Station, but after two years of that, he decided it wasn't the type of career he wanted. But being exposed to the spacecraft he unloaded cargo from, he got the idea that maybe being a space pilot might be a fun job to take. So, he decided to try his hand at one of the many credentialing institutions in Human space. The issue was, that only a select handful of institutions offered classes. Spacecraft piloting was necessary and high-in-demand profession, but companies were always particular about who could become a pilot, and a certification in a specific space quadrant meant where you got certified is where you would work. But none of the larger and well-known institutions would take him in on account of his lazy performance in high school. Until one day when he received a strange email from a university, he had never heard about.

                He didn’t remember much of the email, nor did he even try to pay much attention when he was reading it. All he remembered was something about “communist matriarchy”, “a particular way of life, and "revolutionary culture'. But he mostly paid attention to the "reduced board and tuition for off-planet male students" and the “Spacecraft license classes offered”. That’s what got him here, a college degree and at a cheaper cost somewhere away from his parents? He couldn’t pass it up. If only he had known, he might have held out for somewhere else before submitting his application.

“I am going to ask you one more time.” Chimed in the office lady, breaking the silence. “Will you submit to a diapering, or will you continue to be fussy and require us to send you home?”

                The woman crossed her arms and looked at him with a stern expression, awaiting an answer. The policewoman’s tap-tapping increased in rhythm.

                The young man paused for a second, he wanted to say ‘just send me home! I’m going back to Earth.’ But his subconscious stopped him, he knew deep down that if he went back, he might not get another chance to get a certificate and license. Maybe, just maybe, he could cram courses as much as he could and get out as soon as possible. Maybe wearing diapers for a year or two wouldn't be so bad, was it? He didn't necessarily have to use said diapers, and this station was built from a prefab, so there had to be a men's room somewhere hidden away he could use. This was his chance, he had to take it.

He took a deep breath and let his arms fall to his side.

“Alright, I’ll wear the diaper.” He said, “I guess when in Rome.”

                The office woman’s expression changed from stern disapproval to a pleased smile. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some items before returning to the medical bench.

“I’m glad to hear that you’re big enough to take the easy way, I was worried Miss Roland here was going to have to cuff you.”

“I would prefer not to, makes my job easier when they behave.” Said the policewoman.

"Oh, I bet it does. Alright, young man lay down on the bench and I'll get you changed."

“Whoa, hold on. I can change myself just fine!”

                The stern and disappointed expression returned to the woman’s face.

"I'm sorry, but in addition to having to wear diapers, you are also not allowed to change them yourself. Lay down on the medical bench and I’ll get you into your diaper.”

“No way lady! That’s weird! I can put it on myself.”

“Officer Roland please restrain him.”

                The man found himself being pushed down by the officer with more force than she had been able to use. She must be on enhancers. "What the- “he retorted as he fell back on the bench. Cop lady quickly restrained his left hand with a medical cuff, and the office woman quickly went around the other side and cuffed his right. They were quick from lots of practice with this exact scenario. With only his legs free, the young man began to squirm and lightly kick them about.

“Hey, get me out of this! You can’t- “

“If you don’t stop moving your legs, we will have to restrain those too. Calm down and just let me change you!”

“No! Let me out you bitch!” he cried back.

“Suit yourself.”

                Immediately the women set about restraining his legs. The police officer had no issues restraining his leg, but the immigration lady needed help. But after a short struggle, his legs were restrained as well. He was about to let out another expletive but was interrupted by a soft, rubbery object being forcefully inserted into his mouth.

“Spit that out and I’ll have to tie that around your head.”

                He wanted to spit it out but decided against further restraint. It was also somewhat soothing to have in. What was it exactly? The office woman began to make her way back to the cabinet while Officer Roland stared over the young man like a hawk. The Office lady returns with a pair of razor-scissors.

“I’m sorry but since we had to restrain your legs, the only way to get your pants off for a diaper change is by cutting them up.” She then gave a quick snip-snip with the scissors.

                The young man didn’t want his pants cut up, but this was the fate he chose. He squirmed up until the point of the woman removing his belt and readying the scissors. He knew better than to be unsteady around those things.

                It took several cuts to get both sides of his pants undone. No longer held together with thread, the woman slid the pants out from underneath him, leaving him mostly exposed except for his underwear. The woman held up the scissors with a disgusted face after seeing his gray boxers. As if she were offended by being subjected to seeing them. She positioned the scissors to begin cutting the undergarment.

“Now hold still, otherwise there will be a bad accident.”

                Saying that, she began to cut the boxers, both ends now lie open. She removes the underwear from underneath the young man, whose face goes beet red. Holding the underwear out, somewhat in disgust and curiosity.

“Why do you off-world boys even wear these? They don’t offer any protection and they don’t look comfortable. If I left my boys in these, they’d make a mess all over my carpet.”

                She tosses the cut-up garment into a trash bin.

“You won’t need those anymore mister.” She turns around to face her charge, with a wide grin on her face. “Are you ready for your first diaper mister grumpypants?”

                The tone of her voice and mood noticeably changed, as if a switch had been flipped in her hand. Or maybe to try and signal to him that he is now in her good graces. She wanted him in those diapers, not his big boy undies. She pulled out a bottle with lotion inside and squirted it onto her hands before rubbing them together. She went for his crotch, and he began to squirm in reaction to this strange lady rubbing his groin.

“Stop squirming little guy, it’ll go faster if you stay still.”

                The woman was surprisingly professional about rubbing lotion on all of a man’s junk. The young man on the other hand was flustered as one could be. This was the first time a woman had ever given him the attention of this sort, and it was while he was restrained and trying to put him in a diaper. By the end of the lotion rubbing, he was a blushing, embarrassed mess and could barely come up with a thought. The woman retracted her hands and turned around to grab something else. Turning back to face the man she holds up a thick white object, which the man immediately recognized to be an unfolded diaper. The woman’s smile beamed at him, it was a happy smile, but he still found himself intimidated.

“Time for your first diapering little boy!” Beamed the woman before unfolding the diaper.

                The unfolded diaper surprised the boy in just how large it was, it had to be as long as the woman’s torso, and it couldn’t have been less than half a foot wide in the middle. She slid the enormous underwear beneath him and adjusted its position under him. She pulled the front of the diaper over his crotch.

“Shh, such a good boy for keeping still. I’m proud of you.”

                The woman cooed at him as if he were a toddler while she pulled the diaper's wings over the front. The tapes made a distinctive sound as they were secured onto the landing strip. The woman pulled back after the diaper was fastened onto the man.

“All done! Good job for calming down, I bet you feel much happier now that you’re properly padded up, huh?” Cooed the woman, the cop on the other side of the bench gave a quick chuckle at the sight.

                The young man just sat in silence, too flustered from the events to react to anything. To him, the diaper felt bulky and soft, if tightly secured. It was surprisingly comfortable for what it was, felt almost like a pillow between his thighs. Both women began undoing his restraints, once his arms and legs were free the office woman helped him sit up on the bench and the police lady sat next to him.

"Now I know you must be flustered by what occurred and feel like you've been punished enough. But your behavior from earlier is simply unacceptable. Around here you are to respect and obey female authorities, your little outburst is simply something you'll need to learn to control. I understand this is your first time on our planet, but you simply must learn to follow our rules if you wish to stay here. As such, to help you learn, Officer Roland here will administer a light spanking to you.”

                Her words were practiced and professional, she does this routinely. The young man was taken aback by her threat of a spanking. But before he could reply Officer Roland grabbed his hands and forced him over her lap. His thickly padded behind was now exposed prominently to the air. He popped the pacifier out of his mouth and yelled.

“Let go of me!”

                He now couldn’t see the woman who had been administering his defeat for the past hour, but he could hear her tone change in her voice.

Sigh You just don’t learn to stay quiet, do you? Officer, how many spankings do you think are in order?"

“I’d say at least 20 ma’am.”

“Make it 30.”

                The young man began squirming and yelling in protest. 'This is an injustice!' he thought to himself. And he continued to writhe about. He felt another pacifier being inserted into his mouth and a strap tightening around his head. He could no longer vocalize his distaste for the actions being done to him. He feels a hand grab his chin and rotate his head. The office woman rotated his head, so their eyes meet.

“Welcome to Estrea little boy.”



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Chapter 2: His New World

                The man was now bent over the woman’s lap, whimpering like a child. The spanking he had received was painful. The paddle connected with his right thigh one last time.


                The man, with renewed agitation, began to bawl like an infant. Unable to cry out due to the pacifier gag in his mouth. He only laid there whimpering, defeated.

“45.” Said the voice of the policewoman. “Next time don’t kick me if you don’t want extra spankings.”

                The man tried to say he was sorry, but all that came out were muffled exclamations of pain.

"I hope that was an apology, little boy." Said the immigration official in a stern, maternal voice.

                The boy let another set of muffled cries, trying to say, ‘I’m sorry!’ and hoping the women didn’t take it as him trying to curse them out.

“Sounds like he’s had enough.”

"I think so too, Officer. Come on boy let's get you into a new pair of pants and head to my office. We still have paperwork to sign."

                The policewoman let go of his hands and helped him stand up. The pain from the beating his thighs received stung his skin and left a series of bright red patterns. The diaper chaffed against the edges of the spanking area with every little movement. Now standing, Roland steps aside and re-straps the paddle to her duty belt. The man begins to rub his thighs as the office lady lifts his suitcase onto the bench and begins to open it. The man motions to try and stop her, that he can do it himself, but the initiative-taking woman waves him.

“I got this little boy. You just stand there and wait.”

                She pulls out a pair of pants from the case and holds it out, inspecting it. Turning it around in her hands, she found it lacking.

“You’re going to need to buy new pants on account of those diapers mister. It’s best to go a size up, these pants will make your crotch feel all tight.”

                The boy didn’t respond and just stood there in shame. Wearing nothing but his shoes, shirt, and thick adult diaper. Not to mention the pacifier gag…. Wait, had he begun to suck on it? He stopped himself in a quick moment of realization. He didn't just start suckling like a big baby, did he?

“Alright, legs through mister.” The woman said holding out the new pair of pants at his feet.

                It felt awkward to push his feet through the legs while his shoes were still on, and he worried about scuffing the insides. But he pushed his right leg through and then his left. The woman lifted his pants to his waist and shimmied them above the diaper. Here he was, a young adult man, being diapered and spanked by two women, and now, he wasn't even being allowed to pull up his pants. He felt humiliated. It felt like all his blood had gone to his face. She then went on to loop his belt around and fasten it.

"There we go, now you're ready." She said pulling back, "Now that wasn't so hard was it, baby?"

                She reached her hand up and ruffled his hair. Both she and Officer Roland weren't less than 5 inches shorter than him, yet here they had fully humiliated and subdued him in less than an hour. In addition, this was the most attention he had ever received from women in his entire life.

                The office lady returned her attention to his belongings and began rummaging through them. She grabbed onto something inside the suitcase and turned to Officer Roland.

“Uh-oh! Officer, it looks like we have contraband to confiscate!”

                Contraband? He was sure he didn’t bring any drugs or guns. What could possibly be contraband? After his previous interaction, he should have known. The office lady pulled out a pair of his boxers and held them up.

"I'm sorry but these aren't allowed here, mister."

                Officer Roland came by with a plastic bag marked CONTRABAND and the two women began confiscating his things. Roland took his phone, his holopad, and his laptop.

“These will be returned after IT scrubs it of any inappropriate content. Don’t worry, you won’t be punished further if there is.”

                Inappropriate content? The women finished their search and miss Roland deposited the confiscated property into a black canvas bag before zipping it up and carrying it over her shoulder.

"Alright, now grab the rest of your things, and let’s go to my office, we have paperwork to sign and then I’ll send you off to your university. Come along.”

                The women didn’t even help him clean up. He had to pick up and replace his rummaged clothing himself. The Office Lady headed for the door and beckoned him to come with her hand. The young man meekly began to collect his things, threw his backpack over his shoulder, and grabbed the handle for his briefcase.

“Do you still require my help or do you think you got this?” Said Officer Roland.

"I think he's been properly subdued," the office lady turned to reply, "Thanks for the help, I don't like administering spankings to naughty brats, so I appreciate it, Officer.”

“It’s no problem, ma’am,” She adjusted her police cap. “I gotta head back to the station, my shift ends soon.”


"Well, thanks for taking the time to help our new citizen correct his behavior." The office lady said as Officer Roland exited the room carrying the black bag of his underwear and confiscated property. She turned back to the young man and put her hands around his head, grabbing the straps to the gag.

“Now are you going to be a good boy and be respectful to me or do I need to keep you like this?”

                The young man tried to say ‘yes ma’am’ but it only came out muffled. He nodded his head instead.

“Good boy! You learn fast,” she said as she took off the gag and put it in her pocket. “Now don’t you feel much better with that off?”



“Uhm, yes?”

"It's yes ma'am. Your mom must not have taught you how to address women." She turned to the door and opened it. "But that’s fine, you’ll learn. Come on, let’s not waste time.”

                The young man exited the room and followed closely behind the woman. Dragging his luggage behind him, they navigated the hallways of the immigration and customs department of Estrea Spaceport. He had been sent here after arrival due to him being from off-world, and then sent to that backroom after being found ‘Diaper Non-compliant’.

                The Estrea Spaceport was a large but mostly empty facility. Only two terminals were open, and there were only a few shops and restaurants that usually existed in large numbers in other spaceports.  Estrea had always had low amounts of immigration and trade in comparison to other colonies. It was a relatively small mining and deep space scanning outpost on the edge of settled space. The frontier of human settled space was mostly full of the military outposts of the OId-Earth Nations and space colonies, some mineral extraction corporations had ports and mining stations out in this cold, dark section of space. It was quite popular among political groups with ‘experimental’ ideologies to settle on the frontier, a haven away from the governments and cultures they left where they could put their ideology into practice. Estrea was one of these experiments.

                The hallway let out into an office area with glass cubicles. Office workers went about discussing work and exchanging information. The office was almost entirely staffed by women, he could only see two men. One of the other men looked slightly older than him and was walking on the other side of the room. He was walking with an uneven gait. The second man in the room was standing next to a table with two women sitting at it. One older and one younger. Both women were wearing reddish cargo jackets with large lapel pins, and colored berets. The younger woman with a blue beret and the older woman had a faded pink beret. The man was handing papers over to the older woman, who quickly scanned them and made large lines on the paper with a black marker as the younger woman made entries on an electronic tablet.

                He noticed that the man had, a larger than a normal pants seat. It seemed to slightly bulge out of his khakis. A small amount of white plastic protruded from the back of the man's pants, it couldn't be mistaken for anything but a diaper. This man and the other must also be sharing in the young man's humiliation. 'So they do diaper men here' he thought to himself.

“Here’s my office, step on in.”

                The office lady held open the glass door leading into her office. On the front of the door, a holo-panel displayed the name and occupation of the office owner. HELEN BOWERS VICE HEAD OF IMMIGRATION. ‘So her name was Helen’, and if she was the head, why was she personally attending to him? He entered the office and Helen closed the door behind him. The young man took a seat on the chair. He didn't notice before but, it was awkward to sit in a diaper. He felt like he was sitting on a folded-up towel and not the chair itself. He shifted his weight a little to try to find a comfortable way to sit. The woman maneuvered around him and sat in the office chair.

                The inside of the office was mostly normal for an office. A giant L-shaped desk dominated the middle with a couple of chairs in front and a comfortable-looking swivel chair behind positioned in the desk's inner corner. On the desk lay a litany of papers, a desktop holo-monitor, and several knick-knacks and family photos. On the back wall was a large and thick glassed window that looked out into the star polka-dotted blackness of space. On a small table below the window sat two fern plants with the wood-carved bust of a woman between them. The woman had long hair, and the bust made it seem like she was important.

“We don’t get very many male immigrants here. So, I get to process these individually." The woman said, turning to the monitor and navigating through some official-looking menus.

“I can’t imagine why.”

“Is that back talk?” The woman turned her head to face the man, and her stern expression returned. "I hope I don't need to gag you again boy."

“I’m…. sorry. Ma’am”

"Good boy," She returned her attention to her computer and then back to the man. "Your passport."

                The young man handed Helen his passport. Helen examined it and flipped it to the first page, entering information into a computer system.

“So, your name is Raymond?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And here it says you’re from the Republic of Florida? My daughter moved out to Arizona with her husband a few years ago.  Got a job with a research firm. They like it but her husband had some trouble acclimating. You don't have the same facilities we offer, it's hard on the boys off-world."

                Raymond didn't know how to reply to that. He could infer what she meant by ‘facilities’ from his experience and the other men he saw. But he just couldn’t think of a response. It was normal for her to be concerned about such things as ‘facilities’, but to him, it was alien and weird.

“What are you here to study for?”

“Oh, uh, I saw you had a pilot training program so I’m here for that.”

“Oh really? Sarah, she works across the hall from me, her husband works as a pilot hauling extracted gas to our refinery. She tells me he loves the job. The women who work as the OSCGs for those men are absolute angels too. I can’t imagine being locked in a ship with a bunch of boys in dirty diapers for that long, it must smell terrible.” Helen scrunched her nose a little saying that.

                Raymond was taken aback by her casual mention of men in dirty diapers. Was that normal around here? Was the state of men's diapers casually discussed on this weird station? He blushed from secondhand embarrassment.

“Once you get your license, you should go see about getting a job with our ministry of mineral extraction, they’re always hiring pilots for cargo ships. I also think the Women's militia lets men join as combat pilots."

“Oh, I am not staying. I plan to leave this station when I get my degree. I would never stay in a place like this.”

                Helen turned her head and bopped Raymond’s nose with her pointer finger. A smug expression lay upon her face. The kind you give to someone you’re trying to bully.

“Never say never little Rayray.”

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Chapter 3: Assembly


                It had been six hours since Raymond had left the station and arrived at the university, the bus ride over was long but silent. Other than the driver, he was the only man on the entire bus. He spent the entire four hours in silence. Occasionally, he would lightly grab his butt, or pull out his pants and look at his crotch. Just to prove to himself that yes, he was wearing what he thought he was wearing. A woman on the bus chuckled after he had done this one too many times and he wondered if it was meant for him. If he had any more humiliations today the blood going to his head from all the blushing might cause him to pass out.

                He sat on a bench in front of the university’s main building. The bench was situated on the edge of a set of stone paths surrounded by light greenery. The stone paths all connected to a circular stone walkway which connected to another stone path leading to the front entrance. In the center of this walkway was a statue about 12 feet tall. The statue depicted two women, leaning on their front legs holding up a hammer and sickle high above their heads. The woman holding the hammer had the same uniform as the woman going over papers at the immigration center, the woman with the sickle was dressed normally but with a handkerchief covering her hair. The women were otherwise nondescript. The statue reminded Raymond of the ones he saw in history class of the 20th century, as well as some of the old decrepit statues he saw in a junkyard when he passed through the Los Angeles ruins back on earth. But those statues depicted strong and willful men, and some of the ones he saw in LA had a bear.

                Raymond checked the clock standing above the doorway, the time was 1:58 P.M. The school assembly would start in 12 minutes. He put his backpack over his shoulder and grabbed the handle on his suitcase. He took one step forward and stopped, then looked around him, but no one was close by. He then put his hand down his pants and give his diaper, no, the diaper he was forced to wear a tug and quick adjustment. He wasn’t going to dignify his predicament by claiming that the diapers were meant for his use. He walked towards the entrance with a wider gait than normal and made audible crinkling noises. He wondered if he would ever get used to that.

                Inside the middle of the main hall was a young woman sitting at a booth, she looked up to see him as he entered and smiled a welcoming smile.

“New student?”


“The assembly is up the hall and to the left. The big auditorium, there’s a sign in front, you can’t miss it.”


                Raymond headed down the hall and easily found the auditorium she mentioned. A large standing hologram depicted a banner saying ASSEMBLY. Outside was a table with papers and some water. He reached for one of the water bottles and then remembered what under he was wearing. He had the sudden realization that eventually, he would need to pee. He presumed that the women here would make him use his diaper. He was disgusted by the idea; they couldn't force all men to pee their pants, could they? Why would any man submit to such infant treatment?

                He picked up the water bottle and put it in his backpack. He would be thirsty later. But that was later, and before he induced the process that would lead to him needing to urinate. He decided to set out to hold it until he could figure out some way to pee without using this diaper. Maybe he’d have to resort to bushes. It did not occur to him that he would need to pee in bushes for his entire college career with this plan. He was already holding in a bit of pee and was starting to feel it in his bladder, he would need to pee soon, but he was certain he had at least an hour.

                Entering the auditorium, Raymond’s ears were greeted by the cacophony of a thousand voices having hundreds of conversations at once. There had to be at least one to two thousand people in the auditorium, probably closer to fifteen hundred he thought. The auditorium was split in two, one section was marked off for women with a sign, the other, for boys. The boy’s section was about half as filled as the women’s and he spotted some of the women in that section wearing stark white berets. He took a seat towards the back of the section. Did they not have the word ‘men’ in their vocabulary here? Raymond thought to himself.

                He took a glance behind and saw that the seats in the back were occupied by a hundred or so women who all looked in their mid-20s. He noticed that all of them had green or red colored berets in addition to black cargo jackets. Some men of about the same age were among them, though they had no uniform.

                A woman approached a lone podium on the stage and begin speaking.

“Attention everyone!” The thousands of conversations became silent, and all ears paid attention to the woman at the podium.

“My name is Mary Cordova, and I am the dean of Estrea University. I would like to thank everyone for attending today’s assembly.” She turned her face to the women’s section.

“As dean of this university, I would like to say that I am forever grateful to see new women rise and seek to better themselves for Estrea. You young women are doing more than just finding skills or getting a degree. By participating in our establishment, you are giving a little part of yourself, and that little part of you is being used to help forward the Matriarchal Revolution. 150 years ago, our founder, Constance Rasmussen settled this rock with a radical vision. Her vision was that of a future where women are truly free. Free from the constraints of Patriarchy, violence, and hegemonic Capitalism. As Estrean women, it is your duty to further the cause of matriarchy. Even if you do not join the Women’s Commissariat, get elected to the Women’s Soviet, or even the necessary task of being a caregiver for our dear children and boys. You are doing Estrea and all of womankind a favor. I hope to see every woman here live a happy and fulfilled life, the type of life denied to women still chained under the yoke of Patriarchal Capitalism. I salute you, as a fellow woman.”

                She was met with applause from the women and a few hoots of agreement from the bereted women sitting in the back. She then turned her attention to the boy’s section. Raymond felt she was staring right at him, but maybe it was just her complexion.

“And to the boys. Our adorable, lovely boys, whom we care so much for. I speak for all the women here when I say that we extend out our hands in the hopes that you would take them and crawl alongside us as we further this glorious revolution.”

                Wait, crawl?

"Boys, too, are needed for the cause. Your abilities of mind and body have been so abused by the Patriarchy. Boys suffering under Patriarchy are unable to experience the joy and freedom you get to receive from us. We give our love to you freely. There is honor in your subjugation, there is pride in your submission, and there is strength in allowing yourself to be commanded. I have been told that we have some boys from off-world with us this time. I must say I am blown away at that, it is incredible of you to make that choice. Instead of participating in Patriarchy, you have willfully chosen to submit yourself to our way of life, to submit yourself to the maternal care of women, despite all that patriarchy offers your sex. It is a true sacrifice, and you serve as an inspiration to us all. I hope you find happiness in our revolution."

                Raymond raised his hands to clap, not because he was moved by the speech, he found it to be strange and cringeworthy. But because he thought it was to fit in. He lowered his hands after he noticed none of the other men were clapping. It was all the women who were clapping, they were looking at the group of men and smiling. Smiling and clapping. It was weird. He didn’t get the impression that the men didn’t like the speech, but rather that they were simply not allowed to.

                The speech continued, and none of it was very interesting. Just references to how communism only failed in the past cause of male influence, some more stuff about the evils of capitalism, and other ideological jargon, some of which used terms he had never heard of. Some of it could be interpreted as just being pulled from the 20th century and transponded into the 22nd. But the woman at the podium continued.

                Raymond felt his bladder begin to beg. He would need to find his bush soon.

                The speech ended after about 15 minutes, and Raymond’s bladder started to ache. The speaker dismissed the boy section, just the boy section. The women had more speeches to endure, which was fine by him. He grabbed his things and stepped out of the aisle. The bereted women and the men who sat in the back got up and followed the boy's section out of the auditorium. Once outside the women split into groups and begin to corral the men. Raymond recognized this immediately as the women split the men into groups for a guided tour. He slipped into one of the groups.

                At the head of the group were three women and one man. Of the three women, two had blue berets and one green. Were these women girls' scouts or something? The green beret woman spoke.

"Hello, new boys! My name is Kinsley, this is Catherine, this is Amy, and this boy is Markie. We are going to be your tour guides today and if you have any questions feel free to ask."

                Yeah, where the hell is a men’s room Raymond thought to himself but didn't ask. The guides couldn't have been much older than him, no more than three or four years. None of the young college men raised their hands to ask a question, instead, Kinsley simply sent the group off with a smile and a gesture to come along. Raymond noticed that Kinsley lead Markie around by the hand. Was Markie his actual name or a cute pet name?

                The tour had gone on for about twenty minutes, but it felt like an hour to Raymond. The combination of a full bladder begging for release and toting luggage was working his body and straining his ability to hold his pee. The campus was, surprisingly small, He looked at a map that was handed out by one of the blue beret girls. There were only seven buildings and they had seen five already. Now they were doing a quick walk through the science department.

                They passed by classrooms and lecture halls. Some of the rooms had lab equipment, some that looked quite fancy. Raymond wasn’t a scientist, he was smart enough for it, but it just wasn’t his dream. He liked the world of machines over the world of theory. He might make a great engineer he thought to himself.

                The group stopped in the middle of the hallway. Raymond could see a sign on the wall, a familiar one. The sign for the women’s restroom.

                'Finally a restroom!' He thought, now just to find a men's room. He looked around and saw another sign, but it wasn't for the men's room. It had the same characters but, instead of a generic male it was a woman bent over a table changing that generic male figure's diaper. The implications dawned on him. That was the men's room.

                He had a suspicion there wouldn’t be a toilet or even a urinal.

“Okay boys, you see that sign?” Kinsley pointed to the women’s room sign. “This is the women’s restroom, none of you boys are allowed to enter under any circumstances.”

                She pointed her finger at the 'men's' room.

"This is the diaper changing room. If you need a diaper change just ask a nurse or caregiver for help and she will change you. As boys, you are not allowed to access any of the spare diapers or changing supplies. Those are off-limits to boys! Are there any questions?"

                Caregiver? He and the other men were, well, men. Adult males. Adults. They didn’t or at least shouldn’t need diaper changes. He felt his bladder beg for release, he needed to pee. Now. He raised his hand.

"You, the boy with the bags."

“Uh, is it possible if I could use the restroom?”

“What?” Kinsley looked confused. The other two girls started giggling and the man with them had a confused stare.

“Yeah, can I use the restroom?”

"You… You don't have to ask sweetie, you can just, go in your diaper, no need to tell everyone." Kinsley said rather condescendingly. The other two girls began to giggle even more.

“No I mean I am not….. I don’t need diapers.”

                A look of realization washed over Kinsley’s face.

"Oh, I see. You're an Off-Worlder!" She put her hands on her hips and spoke in a softer tone. "I'm sorry sweetie but, boys just aren't allowed to use the toilet here. They're for big adults, like me and these girls. Not for little boys. I'm sorry you'll just have to learn to go in your little diapies."

                The other two girls had ended their giggling and were looking at him with satisfied expressions, Kinsley's let out a short giggle. Raymond noticed that the men were looking at him too, and immediately recognized what they were saying. They were speaking in that psychic masculine language, the silent one all men know, and can hear from just looking at each other. All the men here were relaying him the same message with their faces. With one silent voice, they asked:

‘Are you a moron?’

                Raymond decided not to say anything further to prevent more embarrassment. And boy, he certainly needed to pee now.

“Alright sweeties. I want all of you to line up in three columns, since we are here, we might as well change your diapers. We’ll check each one of you and if you need a change go into the changing station and we'll get to you after we finish checking everyone else. Sound good? Alright, line up!"

                Raymond got to the end of the line for… He believed she was Amy? Maybe it was Catherine.

                By now he was squirming slightly. The line moved surprisingly fast. The girl pulled each boy's pants down and felt their diapered crotch before pronouncing them in need of a change or dry. Soon it was Raymond's turn. He stepped up to the girl and began undoing his belt.

"Nuh-uh." Said Amy. She reached out and grabbed his buckles, loosening them and then lowering his pants. Raymond once again felt the blood rush to his cheeks, this woman was about to pants him and check the diaper he had on.

                She pulls down his pants and puts her hand to his diapered crotch, staring at the padding. It was more than Raymond could take. She reached out her hand and cupped his padded groin.

"Oh wow! Congrats! You managed to stay dry! I'm impress-….. Oh?”

                It was at that moment the floodgates opened.

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20 hours ago, lower case m said:

This is great stuff. Props. I remember reading the original CYOA and thinking it was a great concept and it's so great seeing it done justice here. Keep up the great work!

Thanks! It's been sitting in my head for about 3-4 years and I just decided to go with it and make it. I am hoping I can do the idea the justice it deserves and get it to a decent length. 

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Chapter 4: The Change

                The urine rushed out of his bladder and soaked the unwillingly worn undergarment. The front of the diaper gained a gray hue as the sap consumed the fluid. Expanding and pushing against his thighs.

                Raymond stood in pure horror. His face was pale despite the blood rushing to his cheeks. Here he stood, in the middle of a public hallway, wetting a diaper, while a pretty girl had his diapered crotch in hand and her face mere inches from ground zero. The girl he believed to be Amy had a front row seat to the action, and a pleased grin grew upon her face as she realized what she was witnessing. The other two girls were not as exposed, but they gathered what was happened, and felt rather pleased to bear witness as well. Being last in line meant all their attention was left on him.

                The flow ceased, the tap emptied, the well dried. The diaper felt much warmer and mushier against his skin. This had been the first time he peed himself in a decade at least, and it was done under such infantile circumstances. The scene was below someone of his age and maturity…. or at least it would be, had he done it anywhere else in human-owned space. Here, this scene was expected of his demographic.

                Amy pulled Raymond’s pants up before standing herself. She looked right into his eyes and patted his cheek with her left hand. The other two girls were still giggling at the predicament, they had received the day’s entertainment.

“Don’t worry about it cutie! We’ll get you changed shortly.” She pointed to the changing room. “Go on and join the other boys inside. We’ll be there in a second.”

                She swatted his bottom and sent him off. He recoiled at the touch; the other boys didn’t get their bottom swatted. But the other boys didn’t put on such a grand show. His head hanging in embarrassment, Raymond headed for the changing room and took his spot in the back of the line behind about 5 other boys with sodden pants. The girls entered shortly afterward and began to get to work changing the boys’ diapers.

                The changing room was slightly larger than an average public restroom. The floors and walls were shiny metallic tile, and there was a large mirror and sink basin at the end opposite the door. The center of the room had 4 table-like protrusions, with a cushioned top and several cabinets at long the side supports. There were even two showers in the room. The rooms’ scent was a mixture of baby oil, talcum powder, and stale urine.

                The bereted women took over 3 of the tables and began to beckon the men over. The first three in line came forward and lay down on the cushions, slightly lifting their legs. The women went to work, grabbing supplies from the cabinets under the tables, and began to change the men’s diapers. All the while they cooed and made baby talk to their charges.

“Who’s a pissy baby boy? You are! Yes, you are!” Said Catherine as she undid the tapes.

                This scene was like something out of a nursery but being played out by young adults. The women played the part of the diligent caretakers, and the men played the part of the infants who needed to be cared for. The men submitted to the women’s cooing and made no indication of a distaste for it. Their faces blushed, but they remained otherwise silent. As if this was a daily occurrence for them, which it is.

                The women worked through the diapers quickly, cooing at the men. Each of the men gave their thanks to the women for the service before being sent off with a swat on their bottoms. Soon Raymond found himself the last in need of a change.

“Come on baby, come get on the changing table and we’ll get you out of your wet diaper.” Said Catherine.

                Raymond meekly walked over to the changing table and Catherine approached him to pull his pants down. He then sat on the changing table; the urine-soaked diaper pressed against his crotch. He felt gross being so close to his own bodily fluids. With his first diaper wetting since childhood, he rightfully felt childish. A squelching noise could be heard as he rotated on the table and laid back.

“So, what did your mother name you cutie?” Asked Catherine.

“Umm, Raymond.” He replied.

                Catherine ignored his response and turned her head to Kinsley expectantly. Kinsley brought her hand to her chin and made a thinking face.

“Hmmm, try Raby-baby, little Ray, or Rayray.”

“I like little Ray, I’ll use that.”

                Did these women have an encyclopedic knowledge of pet names for boys?

“Alright legs up little Ray!”

                Raymond lifted his legs. Catherine got to work undoing the tapes. The other two women gathered around her and watched.

“Someone really wet their diaper!” Catherine said, eliciting an embarrassed whine from Raymond. “Is this your first time piddling your little pants?”

“She asked you a question little Ray.” Said Kinsley after Raymond gave no reply.

“Y-yes.” Raymond squeaked.

“Awwww it’s cute when the new boys have their first accident!” Exclaimed Amy excitedly. “You don’t get to see this often; I feel like it’s a sign of good luck.”

“I for one, am absolutely honored to bear witness to this pivotal moment with little Ray.” Kinsley said with fake regality. She then bent over and shoved her hands into Raymond’s armpits and began to tickle him.

“Who’s a diaper-pissing baby! Who likes to pee his diapers! You do! Little Ray does!” Kinsley laughed.

                Raymond squirmed and let out a nervous laugh, he felt more panicked by the moment than excited.

“Kinsley quit that! I can’t change him if he’s squirming!” Kinsley released her hands.

“I couldn’t resist! He’s too cute!”

                Catherine removed his wet diaper, balled it up, and deposited it into the side slot under the table. Amy then grabbed a pair of wipes from under the table and handed them to Catherine. Catherine took the wipes and applied them to Raymond’s crotch. The wipes were somewhat cold and wet to the touch. The motion started to excite his crotch. He was growing nervous.

“Good boy, good boy. Staying still for his change.” Catherine cooed at him.

The wiping ceased and the wipe was disposed of. Amy grabbed a folded-up diaper and handed it to Catherine, which Catherine then unfolded and slid under Raymond’s bottom.

“Does it feel nice to be out of that wet diaper sweetie?”

                Raymond again gave no reply. He averted his eyes.

“Ray, you answer a woman when’s she asks you a question.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good boy.” Kinsley said as she pinched Raymond’s cheek.

                Catherine rubbed baby oil on his crotch. She seemingly had no qualms about touching a man’s junk. Raymond however, had every qualm. A woman only slightly older than him was fondling his junk. He had always fantasized about receiving hand jobs. But those fantasies involved a woman who was sexually interested in him, with him in control; not the disinterested ‘professionalism’ of the woman currently rubbing baby oil on him, and certainly not because she was changing his diaper.

                The relentless touching excited his loins, and his member became erect. Catherine stopped her rubbing, and Raymond blushed from the shame.

“Oh, my,” Catherine said as Amy snickered to herself.

“They do that from time to time. Just point it downwards when you pull up the diaper. Go ahead and apply the powder.” Kinsley said with a much more experienced tone.

                Catherine grabbed the powder and puffed it onto Raymond’s shaft and groin area, as well as onto some of the diaper. The areas it covered were now white as snow, and Raymond admitted the combination of baby oil and powder felt somewhat nice to feel. But he still found it humiliating.

                Catherine pushed his erect penis downwards and pulled the front of the diaper over him.

“Do the bottom tapes first, then zig-zag.” Said Kinsley.

“I usually do the left side first.” Replied Catherine.

“That’s why you’re still a blue beret. If you do that the diapering will be uneven and they might leak. Do the bottom tapes first. Do it tight but leave a little room.” Kinsley seemed to have this down to a science.

                Catherine complied with the advice and started with the two bottom tapes, before taping up the top left and then the top right. The diaper felt snug and secure around him. Catherine put her fingers inside the diaper and ran her fingers along the inside, puffing out the leak guards.

“So, you know to puff out the leak guards but not proper taping?”

“Well, my mother taught me.”

“Your father must have leaked all over her furniture.”

“Alright, little Ray! Do you feel much better now in a nice, dry diaper?” Catherine turned her attention to Raymond, ignoring Kinsley’s comment.

“Yes, ma’am.” Another meek reply.

                Catherine firmly patted the front of Raymond’s diaper and admired her work.

“Well little Ray, did you enjoy having your diapers changed? How many diaper changes is this since you got here?”

“Uhm, two.”

“Only two? Geez you really are new to Estrea huh?”

“He’s as new as a newborn. Wets like one too!” Opined Kinsley

“Well welcome to Estrea little Ray! I’d love to stay and chat with a cute little baby like you, but we got to finish the tour, okay?”

                Raymond didn’t respond and just got up off the table. As soon as he stood on his feet he received a firm swat to the rear of his diaper, and then a second, and a third.

“Cute butt,” Amy said under her breath.

                The three girls exited as Raymond pulled up his pants. He followed them after securing his belt. This was the second time in a single day that he has been humiliated by women who touched his crotch. He was shocked by how normal it was for them too. It was almost as if it didn’t bother them, women anywhere else would take a lot of coaxing or a relationship to come close to your groin, but the women here were undisturbed by it. What Raymond didn’t know was that on Estrea, the women had all the power in those situations, and it was ultimately part of keeping the male population under their thumb. This was something he would simply need to tolerate if he were to stay on Estrea any longer.

                ‘I am not dealing with that anymore.’ He thought to himself. ‘I am going to figure out some way to pee normally. And once I get my license, I’m leaving this crazy planet!’

                The rest of the tour went along without any more interruptions. Questions were asked and answered. During this time, Raymond’s mood went from embarrassed to frustrated. ‘What the hell is wrong with this place?’ He thought to himself. ‘Why are all these men letting the women treat them this way? It’s ridiculous! And why do I have to wear a stupid diaper and wet myself like a baby?’ Had he known he’d be treated like this, he would not have come. ‘Maybe I can leave and go get my license elsewhere. But where else is there? I was rejected by every other school.’

                Raymond was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He could leave, but that might result in him forfeiting his dream, or he could stay. But if he did stay, who knew what else would be in store for him? Raymond began plotting.

                The tour ended at the male dorms, and the men were let go. Catherine gave him another padded swat as he passed her by.

“Hope to see you around!”

                He hoped he never had to see those women again in his life, not after that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A note on the hiatus.

I would first like to say how awesome it is that people are reacting positively to this story and I am very glad yall seem enthusiastic about it, I have gotten nothing but support and I am grateful for that. Now some of you may be wondering:

Where are the next chapters?
I have two chapters written out, and they will release, however, I want to get at least one more chapter written before releasing. I like the idea of a backlog so I can still drop something if I take too long on something else.

Is this story abandoned?
Absolutely not! I am 100% going to continue, thing is, I am busy again due to school and will be busy for awhile, but I will try and write a little bit whenever I get the inspiration. This project was mainly a creative break to help me with my art burnout. And it worked! So for now, I might not have much inspiration, but Im still captured by the idea and want to write more, but not too much at the moment. But yes, I will be making more in the future.

I am writing the next chapters as we speak, and Ill try and have at least one more done by Christmas Break.

See yall then.

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 5: Plotting

He was plotting and scheming. Thinking of ways to relieve himself that didn’t involve using a diaper. Two other women, quite older than the tour guide girls. Waited on the first floor. They took the men’s IDs and gave them a room key, a set of papers, and a ‘Welcome!’. Raymond received his room key, 204. He headed that way.

                Upon entering his room, he was impressed with the size. It looked like it could house two people, which it was meant to do. The school simply didn’t have enough applicants to house two in each dorm, resulting in a rare luxury for the students.

                The room itself was simple. A single bedroom, with a single bed, desk, and wardrobe. Raymond had almost expected a crib, considering how men were treated in this place. But he was pleasantly surprised to see this was not the case. He sat his backpack on the desk and laid himself out on the bed, feet dangling over.

                He gripped his groin, feeling the thickness of the diaper he wore. He felt the need to pee again. It wasn’t urgent, but it reminded him that he would need to find an alternative, or he would be stuck wetting a diaper for the rest of his college career. How long would that be? Two years at least. He cringed at the thought of ever having to go through today’s humiliations, let alone every day for two years. He weighed the possibility of just leaving but always came back to the fact that he probably couldn’t get his license anywhere else. He cursed his lazy high school self. He had to think of something.

                And then an idea came to him. There was a shower in the changing room, and the water had to drain from the shower, right? Maybe, he could pee down the shower drain. Maybe this is how he could escape diapers for the duration of his stay in Estrea. If he could hide it, he could get away with it. He could outsmart these crazy women who diapered their men. Maybe, just maybe, he could come out on top. And now was the perfect time to test it.

                He leaped off the bed and headed for the door. He opened his door and a surprised girl backed up when he opened the door.

“Oh sorry! Didn’t see you there!” Said, Raymond.

                The girl was about the same age as Raymond. She stood only a few inches shorter than him, her hair was the color of honey and came down past her shoulders. Her eyes were green as a shining emerald partially hidden by a pair of prescription glasses. Her skin looked soft to touch and was only slightly paler than Raymonds’ own. She was wearing that same uniform that he had seen so many other girls wearing that day. The cargo jacket and beret combo. He noticed a metal pin on the jacket’s lapels, the symbol of Venus inside a gold star, he could infer what it was supposed to symbolize. Her beret was a stark white. ‘Do the colors mean something?’ he wondered. The rest of her clothes were suit pants, a blue t-shirt under the jacket, and the standard boot that was commonly worn among space colonists. It was a somewhat masculine outfit, but it had an enticing flair of femininity to it. Raymond found himself captured in her beauty.

 She was clutching some flyers in her chest.

“Oh, it’s fine. No big deal!” She said, adjusting her hair. “Anyway, are you the boy from Earth?”

“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m from Earth.” Replied Raymond, he held out his hand for a shake. She didn’t return the gesture.

“That’s perfect! I’m Emily,” she said rather excitedly. “I was wondering if you were interested in attending a special course this semester. It’s optional but it is highly recommended that off-world boys like yourself take it.”

“Oh uh, sure what is it?” Raymond said, awkwardly lowering his hand to his side.

“It’s called the Babysitter’s Club!” She held out a flyer. “It’s a class to help women and boys better understand each other’s place in a matriarchal relationship. We understand that boys need women’s help and that not every woman is ready for the task. So we have this class that provides for both! We have classes every weekday at 11 AM and 7 PM. Sometimes we have food, movies, and even provide free clothing!”

                Raymond took the flyer and inspected it for a brief second. On the cover was the name of the class, BABYSITTER’S CLUB, just as Emily had said. The cover also depicted a picture of an odd subject, though not one he should find surprising after today. It was a woman holding a child and feeding it milk from a baby bottle. Only the child was a full-grown male in his early 20s. He was sucking on the bottle and was wearing what appeared to patterned romper. The image made Raymond cringe internally. He thinks he knows exactly what events went on in that class. No, this wouldn’t be the type of curriculum he would be interested in.

“Oh, that looks…. Interesting. But I’m sorry I think I’ll be a little too busy with my pilot’s classes.” Raymond replied nervously, tossing the flyer onto the desk across the room.

“Oh,” Emily said with a look of genuine disappointment. “Well, if you change your mind you can join at any point in the semester. We would love it if you joined! It is highly suggested that immigrants take…”

“I’m not an immigrant. I’m just here for school and I’m gone.” Raymond interjected.

                Emily seemed as disappointed as ever. Despite her beauty, the woman did not exude much outward confidence.

“Well, still, we hope to see you. We’re short one boy this semester.”

“I’m sorry it’s just… not my thing you know?”

“Right well…” She said nervously. “I’m sorry to hear that. Anyway, I gotta go see if the other off-worlders are interested. Tell us if you change your mind!”

“Thanks, I will.”

                ‘But I won’t.’ He thought to himself. The girl, Emily, went off down the hall. Raymond exited his room and began to make his way down the hall in the opposite direction, looking for the changing rooms. He found himself thinking about the girl as he made his way down the hall. She was very pretty. Maybe he could find her somewhere else and charm her? Ask her out on a date? But then he remembered the class she offered him, maybe the women on Estrea weren’t the type you’d want to date. But wow, was she pretty.

                He walked down the hall with a confident stride. He was going to show these crazy women who was boss! He didn’t plan to humiliate himself anymore by their weird rules. Twice was more than enough.

He spotted the symbol he spotted earlier. The female figure changing a diapered male figure. He thought that was inappropriately given to the place that he would use as his toilet, he planned on never needing another diaper change so long as he was on Estrea. He didn’t have a plan for number two yet. But that could be figured out later. He didn’t think about how long he could possibly hold off something that was meant to be a daily occurrence.

                He entered the changing room and thankfully, they had showers. Hopefully, they all did, if they did, this would make his plan much easier. The changing room was devoid of people, perfect. He took a quick look out in the hall. It was empty too. He noticed a little button on the wall next He quickly scurried over to the shower and pulled the curtain. He pulled his pants down, pushed his diaper aside, leaned over the drain, and let loose.

He was relieved. He had a way to pee without having to use these ridiculous diapers. He would be spared embarrassment for the rest of his time on this crazy station.

Who knew rebellion would be so easy?

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  • 2 months later...

I just found this story, and while I am not a sci- fi fan, I find the idea of a matriarchal society fascinating; especially one where the men are kept as diapered playthings, or servants. Great work, I hope to read more soon. Thanks for taking the time to write and share this here.

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  • 2 months later...

Chapter 6: The First Day

                “…When it comes to enforcing matriarchy, I think I have an idea.”

                                -Communique between Constance and Margaret, Circa 2274

                The next morning Raymond was awoken by a woman’s soft voice.

“Wake up babies! It’s time for breakfast!”

                He woke up in a quick panic and looked around his room for the intruder. But no one was there. Must have been his imagination. He got out of bed, confused, groggy, and recovering from what felt like a strange dream. It was the weirdest dream he had ever had. He went to a habitation station that was run by crazy women who kept men in diapers. He had his stuff confiscated and received a spanking. He listened to some insane feminist-communist-whatever give a speech, and then he wet his pants. Three girls changed his diapers. What a weird dream.

                He stretched his body and yawned. Full consciousness beginning to return. He first notices that the room he is in is not his normal room. Strange, he thought. He reached for his phone on the bedstand, but it wasn’t there. Must have misplaced it. He groggily gets out of his bed and stretches, letting out a great yawn. Raymond became aware of a strange feeling in his crotch, there was a thickness between his legs. He put a hand on his crotch and felt a plastic, it crinkled as he felt it. Suddenly he realized his dream was a recollection of the previous day’s events.

                He felt annoyed, why had he done this? He was in a foreign place wearing an adult diaper. The situation felt like it was out of a weird comedy.

                His feelings of annoyance were interrupted by a primal urge. He needed to pee. He could go in his new underwear, it was made for that, but yesterday he had come up with a plan to avoid this. He pulled on some pants and headed to the changing rooms. The diaper tightened under his pants; the thickened fabric pressed against his crotch. Lovingly letting him know exactly what he was wearing.

                He walked with an awkward gait out of his dorm room. The hallway was the same as last night, but this time fuller with other young men in the same predicament. Yet, despite their shared clothing article, Raymond hid his face in shame and headed to the changing room, hoping they were empty so he could loosen his bladder.

                Walking through the hall he sees two others standing in the hallway talking. One of them wasn’t wearing pants and had a diaper on full display. The other simply dressed, normally. Of course, normally to Raymond, to the men here, the former man was dressed more normally, or at least, more comfortably.

                Finally, he came to the changing rooms. He was greeted by the scene of three people engaged in the same humiliating act he was trying to avoid. A woman stood over a man lying on a table, his legs in the air, the woman cooed and made silly faces at him as she slid a white diaper under his pelvic area. Another young man stood nearby, his pants down and his stained diaper sagged heavily.

                “That’s a good boy! Behaving so well for his changies!” The woman acknowledged Raymond’s entrance without looking away from her subject, “Hey baby, if you need a change you’ll have to wait, I have my hands tied. Isn’t that right little stinky?” She said returning her attention to her charge.

                “Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad.” He replied.

                “Billy, you make the stinkiest diapers I’ve ever seen. I’d almost say you were born to fill diapers!” She chuckled and looked up at Raymond, “I’m sorry, do you need a change?”

                “Uh, no thanks, I was just leaving.” Raymond motioned for the door.

                “Uhm, okay then.” The woman replied confused before she disappeared from vision as Raymond went out the door. Great, he would have to hold it. He didn’t feel the need that badly, maybe he could wait a while. Raymond just needed to distract himself until he could, but he’d need to go back before his next class.

                He headed back to his room before he was interrupted by his stomach. It was breakfast time, and maybe some food might keep him from thinking about his bladder. Where was the cafeteria exactly? Did this place have one?

                As it turns out, after a little bit of exploring, there wasn’t a cafeteria in the dorms but a shared kitchen. This kitchen was shared by everyone on that floor, Raymond cursed himself for not taking the time to buy food to store and eat. He would have to go hungry.

                He sat down on a chair in a little dining area just outside the kitchen, he was surprised he didn’t notice this last night when he arrived.

                A young man approached Raymond’s table with a plate of food.

                “Hey, are you the grounder?” He said.

                “Grounder?” Raymond replied.

                “Yeah! Like, you’re from a planet, right? Not a station like here? Mind if I sit down?” He said, sitting down without permission. Raymond thought he heard a soft crinkling noise, confirming that his new seating partner was diapered as well. But maybe he should just assume every man here is, Raymond didn’t think that tuition would be proved wrong anytime soon.

                “Yeah, I’m from Earth.”

                “Which Country?”

                “Florida, I just got here.”

                “Oh, I’ve heard about Florida! Isn’t that like, where the biggest shipyard on Earth is?”

                “Uh, yeah actually. You can see the landing ships out in the gulf, I used to work there, in the shipyards.”

                “That’s sweet.” He says before spotting someone who is presumably his friend. “Hey, Tom! Come over here! This is the new guy he’s from Florida!”

                Another young man arrives in Raymond’s view and sits down, right next to the other occupant. He sets his food down and looks at Raymond.

                “Oh straight? My dad’s from there!”

                “Ah, where in?”

                “Yellowknife, I think he said? Yeah, I think he’s from there.”

                “That’s way up North from where I live. I live in New Miami.”

                “I hear it’s pretty hot down there this time of year.”

                “Yeah, but you got the wind from the gulf, keeps it cool.”

                The conversation continued with small talk. The first one to sit with Raymond was Sanely, and his friend was Michael. They asked Raymond was asked a lot of questions about where he was from, why he came, and other pleasantries. But the conversation inevitably came to the elephant in the room.

                “So, did you wear diapers before you came or?”

                “What? No! Hell no. Why would I wear diapers? I don’t even want to be wearing these stupid things!”

                “Well, they-“

                “Why do you wear these things? You guys can’t actually use them can you?” Raymond interrupted Stanley. Of course, Raymond should know that answer already, he had witnessed other’s using them, or at least the aftermath in the changing rooms today and yesterday. Raymond even used them himself. But this was his first moment to talk to another man without the weird Estrean women around.

                “Well, uh, yes?” Michael said, visibly confused. “Do you not use them on Earth?”

                “No! Why would we use diapers! They’re for babies!”

                “So you use the toilet like women?”

                “Yes! Like adults!”

                “I can’t even imagine using one of those.” Said Stanley.

                “Yeah, my babysitter let me see the women’s bathroom and they look weird,” Michael replied. “What’s using a toilet like?” Michael said turning back to Raymond.

                Raymond was confused and somewhat offended. There were two grown adult men who couldn’t have been younger than 20, talking about how toilets were ‘weird’ and being unable to think of using one. Also, babysitter?

                “Babysitter? How old are you?”


                “You’re too old for a babysitter!”

                “N-no? I think you’re supposed to have one by now. I’ve been dating mine for a while now.”

                “You have a babysitter and she’s your girlfriend?”

                A moment of realization came over Michael’s face.

                “Oh! Yes, she is, I forgot. That’s what we call our girlfriends here, at least, that’s what they want us to call them.”

                Raymond was just disgusted by how they talked. The humiliation he had experienced was now coming up as disgust and anger.

                “This station is weird as shit, and y’all are insane.”

                “Not taking to the local culture well hun?” Came a woman’s voice.

                Raymond turned around to see that a tall middle-aged woman with brown hair was standing behind him. She looked down at the boys from her standing position with a sweet smile on her face. The same you give to little children. The same smile that all women on this station used on all the men.

                “I came over to the boy’s dorm to come and make sure you made it to class on time, I know off-station boys have a hard time adjusting.” The woman said with a condescending tone, “But I am very proud of you Raymond! The last student like you stayed in his room all day, scared. Poor thing went a whole week before he even talked to anyone. Don’t worry he’s a very happy baby like the rest of you boys.”

                “Hey Mrs. Goldstein!” said Stanley.

                “Well, hello there! How’s my little stan-stan doing? I hope you’re doing well?” Mrs. Goldstein said, rather pleased. She acted as she had just met a long-lost relative.

                “I’m doing rather well actually. I’m getting an internship at the university’s history department. I work under Mrs. Edgeworth now.”

                “She told me about that! I am very proud of you! It’s not often we get boys interested in preserving and teaching our matriarchal history. Are the girls giving you any trouble? I know the upper department women can be very mean.”

                “Oh, they’re not too mean, well, I get teased sometimes.”

                “Oh do they?” Said Goldstein, sounding like a mother who heard their child was being bullied. “Well, I want you to tell me and Mrs. Edgeworth all about that later, remember, just because you’re a boy doesn’t mean you’re not smart enough to handle the history department.”

                She turned her attention to Raymond.

                “Anyway, where are my manners? Hi, I am Mrs. Goldstein, and you must be Raymond, I believe? I was told you were the new student from Earth.”

                “Yeah, that’s me.” Raymond replied, exhausted by all this weird talk he had to overhear.

                “Well, you don’t sound all that excited to be here hon. Something wrong? I overheard your little tantrum earlier. Do you need to be changed?”

                Without even waiting for a reply, Mrs. Goldstein pulls back his pants and looks down at his diapers waistband. Raymond recoils and swats her hands away.

                “Hey!” Raymond exclaims as he stands to his feet, now taller than the woman with the probing hands.

                Mrs. Goldstein retreated her hand and recovered, then she looked at Raymond the same way an adult looks at a child they’re about to tell off for being very naughty. But instead, she makes a breathe-in, breathe-out motion with her hands and changes to a more calm and patient demeanor, one learned from years of dealing with infants of Raymond’s caliber.

                “I think I see, are you hungry? Have you had breakfast yet?”

                Raymond had not, and he could use a bite.

                “No,” he replied, “Where’s the cafeteria?”

                “I’ll lead you to it, it’s not far. But I expect good behavior from you on our way there mister.” She said sternly, as if she were talking to a naughty toddler. Raymond would need to get used to hearing this tone from women, but he doubt he ever would.

                “Yeah, sure.”

                “We’ll work on your attitude later,” she said sighing, she turned her attention to the other two. “Do you little ones mind me borrowing your friend for a bit? You all can chat again once your classes are done today!”

                “No, we’re fine.”

                “Good! Alright, Raymond follow me.”

                She held out her hand, and Raymond begrudgingly took it. She began leading him towards the other side of the cafeteria where a bunch of men his age was gathered, seemingly standing in a line. The line dipped into a recess and dipped out at another end, where men with lunch trays and awkward gaits exfiled back into the main cafeteria. Raymond and Mrs. Goldstein got in the rear of the line.

                “I think you’ll come to like it here.” Goldstein said turning around to Raymond, twisting so she still held his hand. “I know it’s a big change for a lot of boys,” she chuckles, ”In…. more ways than one. But most of the boys I help introduce to this society do come around. You know, a lot of people call this station a weird experiment, or just full of crazy people, or worse. But I believe that Estrea is the way of the future, the way that humanity was meant to be ordered.”

                She paused for a moment. Trying to guage a reaction, her face betrayed that she knew Raymond wasn’t fully appreciative.

                “Well I get ahead of myself, I can tell you how great this station really is in history class today. You got assigned to my class this semester, and you’re lucky! My specialty is off-station males.” She said, with a look of satisfaction of her own self appraisal.

                “Well, thanks, but I don’t plan on staying long. I’m getting my pilot’s license and going back to Earth, or maybe Mars. Maybe Estrea is great, but uh, I don’t think it’s for me.” Raymond said, adding the last bit to try and soften any blow.

                Mrs. Goldsteins did not react or take offence. What Raymond didn’t know was that she had heard this all before. ‘Oh I don’t wanna stay. I got big dreams elsewhere!’ They all said. ‘This place just isn’t right for me.’ They thought. ‘I’m a man. I don’t need women changing my diapers and treating me like a child!’ They all insisted. It never changed in her 20 years as a professor specializing in male education. She had seen and heard it all before. And she made sure every single one of those ‘men’ were happy little pamper packers before graduation, and every single one of them found stayed. All had been married to some Estrean woman who kept them in their place, and they loved those women for it.

                Mrs. Goldstein knew one thing if she knew anything, and that was how to get a man to stay on her beloved little station of weird women and baby men. Raymond would be no different, he thought he was, but Goldstein knew he wouldn’t be. Goldstein believed truly that all boys are just overgrown toddlers who needed mommy’s love, and it was her proud duty to make them realize that. It was all about saying the right words, implanting the correct brainworms, and in her view, just stating what was true! Most importantly, she knew how to matchmake. She just needed to get Raymond with the right Estrean girl, and he’d stay alright. She had faith that Raymond would crack like the rest, she knew that the women of Estrea were all his betters, and he would need to submit. Issue was bringing him to see that.

                “Well, we have plenty of time to change that!” Mrs. Goldstein said smugly.

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I would just like to let you know how much i appreciate this story. The characters are believable and not overly caricatured as is usual in this kind of thing

Mc actually tries to rebel instead of giving up after one try

The woman in charge that has patience and understand that you can't force things instead of going fully mental when he refuses...

The whole lets brainwash him with love instead of over the top torture.... (gentle femdom for the win)

Anyway in my opinion this is the genre done the right way, or at very least how i like it.
This is definitely one of my top 3 ongoing stories on this site.
I hope you have lots of inspiration to continue this and am eagerly awaiting the next chapter

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 7: The Foundation Myth

“…The issue is this, most men simply do not feel like women have any power over them. In order for our plans to be achieved, this must change… The only woman who is a constant threat to male power is his mother. So let me present this idea to you; what if every woman held that mother’s power over every man?”

-Communique between Constance and Margaret, Circa 2274, archived by the Estrean Historical Society


Excerpt from another life on Estrea


She had become used to these meetings. Her boredom is displayed in how she held her head in her hand. This time she wore a dress instead of that pantsuit. It was too close to what men wore, too masculine, too infantile. Below her station as a shadow matron. She was proud of that, but the veil and the voice modulator they were all required to wear, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to those.

“Do we have any updates on the dignitary visiting us next month?” said one of the other veiled women in the room. Her face was completely covered; no features were visible. Her voice was distorted, ridden of any accent or inflection from the modulator on her throat. Next week she would have a new voice and a new seat. Keep her identity hidden from the others.

“The one from New Guangdong?” Replied another veiled, distorted voice. “I would say the whole event is coming along well. All arrangements are prepared.”

“Wonderful, a selling contract with them will do wonders for our economy! I’m surprised how hard it can be to get rid of spacerock.”

“People used to start wars over the stuff we dig out of asteroids, now we can’t get rid of it.”

“We need to pivot into biotics; food, medicine, animals. Many of our sister stations are trying to break the Earthen governments’ monopoly on such things. The women who run our medsci division are wonderful and deserve more funding.” This woman made the same point at every meeting since Ann had joined. Ann knew nothing of biotics or medical science, let alone how profitable it was. When she was ‘selected’ by the council to join them, she was head of the cultural division. She made movies, comics, video games, books; those things. She was the finely tuned comb that made sure every cultural product produced stood true to Estrean values. Editing or denying funding to those that didn’t, and changing incoming culture products to fit the ideology. She made sure that the patriarchy didn’t sneak it’s way in on the backs of action films and male-dominant romance novels.

The conversation continued on about biotics, something was said about more funding, and another said about it being approved. Apparently, they had even recruited a rather prestigious chemical researcher to emigrate to Estrea. A male one too! That always felt like victory to this secret coven, convincing a male to use his talents to further their little matriarchy. Ann was a fervent matriarch, but, she had to admit the boys were smarter than she gave them credit for.

“Back on our topic of the foreign visitor,” interjected the woman to Ann’s right, only her pink lipstick visible behind her veil. “A little bird I know has remained in contact with his wife since the last visit. The wife seems to have put in an order for a custom-made husband stroller!”

“Oh, now that’s interesting!” The distortion from the modulator could not disguise this woman’s pleasure at such news.

“Sounds like someone has taken a liking to our way of life!”

“Well if the wife is to be trusted, their hearts were changed by us.”

“Our own women don’t even use those!”

“Can we just address the wife as if she is the dignitary this time then? I don’t like treating boys as if they have any authority.”

“Let’s make the going away party a baby shower, I have a feeling they’ll need some diapers for the trip home.”

And with that, the important meeting on economic matters became the planning of a baby shower for what was hopefully the inauguration of a relationship transforming into a more proper form. Ann thought back on her own husband. She left at home for a nap without a change and a bit of a surprise in his bottle. He’ll need a clean diaper when she gets home, but she fully planned on having some fun before relieving his mess. Perks of a stay-at-home husband.




                The classroom looked nothing like a college classroom, and everything like a kindergarten. Which, at this point, Raymond should have expected. The male students sat on pillows on the floor while the middle-aged Mrs. Goldstein sat in a padded armchair holding up a storybook. The room was complete with cubbies, a changing table, and cutesy designs on the walls.

                Mrs. Goldstein turned to the first page.

                “Now today class I decided that we should review the history of our great nation! I am sure many of you are very familiar with the story, but we have a new classmate that has just moved to Estrea and doesn’t know how inspiring our story is! I also think it’s important for you boys to understand how much debt is owed to the women who fought so hard to make our way of life possible.”

                She turned her attention to the book, reading the first line.

          “Our story begins over 200 years ago, on a little mining outpost in the galactic frontier.”

                She turned a page in the storybook, this one no less childish than the last. It was a cartoon depiction of a silhouette he recognized easily. That of a mining outpost, most had been built by the same companies, so they had almost standardized designs. An oval dome area with a glass ceiling and several struts leading out. Is this what passed as a history textbook on Estrea? Or was this reserved for the men?

                “This outpost was called Estrea. A small little place with small little people who lived small little lives.”

                “But these little people were not happy. They lived under capitalism you see. A system meant for greedy men to leave the working class oppressed!”

                “They had their labor exploited, and their surplus value was stolen! They were enslaved by the bourgeoisie and left broken.”

                “They also believed in the patriarchy too! Women were an oppressed class prevented from being the leaders they should be!”

                “Till one day, when the women got together and hatched a plan. They had big heats and big ideas you see. But that wasn’t all they had!”

                “These women called themselves “The Daughters of a Better Future”. And they had a dream, a lovely one at that! A beautiful, lofty dream! And one they would bring to pass!”

                “This dream was of matriarchy! A wonderful idea! A world where women ruled, and boys did their chores.”

                “Under matriarchy, women would no longer be exploited. They would be free and lead with a mind for equality and justice.”

                “But matriarchy is for boys too! Women know what’s best for everyone! And we want our boys as happy as can be!”

                “So The Daughters set out to take Estrea from the greedy men. But it wasn’t an easy fight. Too many people, both women, and boys clung too hard to capitalism. Brainwashed to serve the bourgeoisie.”

                “The women started by spreading awareness, writing books, and making movies. They told everyone they could about the need to throw off the barbaric system and establish communism!”

                “Their work paid off! And soon the bourgeoisie came too much to bear! The people of Estrea threw off their masters’ chains and banished them from the station!”

                “There was a big celebration! The whole station came to see their oppressors flee! But The Daughters knew their work was not done. They had gotten rid of capitalism, but the patriarchy was yet to be undone.”

                “They continued to do what they did before and made even more aware. The revolution had just begun, they couldn’t end it here!”

                “The station was still ruled by boys. The poor things couldn’t rule, but it wasn’t their fault! They didn’t know their place!”

                “The Daughters knew that boys were good for only a few things, and none of them were governance! Boys belong in cribs, wearing diapers and sucking pacifiers.”

                “The Daughters went about doing what they did best. They taught their fellow women how to control a man, they had them sucking at their breasts!”

                “They convinced the moms that their sons were better of not potty-trained. The diapers were stinky, but don’t boys like to make a mess?”

                “Husbands began taking their wife’s name and laying in cribs to rest. Every house now had a changing room, and a highchair at best!”

                “Soon it was revealed that this wasn’t just some fad, boys were going back in diapers, and oh where the women glad!”

                “But some boys didn’t know what was good for them and fought against the clever women. They blocked their votes and protested their voices. It was a temper tantrum you see!”

                “They insisted that boys could be adults too! That was just as mature and capable as women! And maybe even better too!”

                “The women found these boys to be quite silly, how could they be so mature if they through a fit over diapers? They were mad at losing their precious patriarchy!”

                “But the ladies had a plan! They spanked their naughty behinds, and put them in their place! Soon there wasn’t a boy without a diapered bottom and a pacifier on their face!”

                “And when all those silly boys were laid down for their naps, the women knew that patriarchy was defeated. The matriarchy was victorious! The Daughters then went about building our society. A place built on female principles, style, and grace. A place where women could be free, and all the boys could find loving mommies to change their stinky diapies!”

                She closed the book and looked out towards her ‘babies’ with happy expectant eyes.

                “So!” She said, “What do you little cuties think of the story? Isn’t it inspiring? Aren’t you glad for the women who started our great society?”

                This elicited a tepid verbal response from the group.

                “You boys aren’t as excited as my class last semester.” The professor said, her body deflating from her disappointment. She seemed almost offended and genuinely disappointed at the lack of eagerness. Raymond found it odd that she would expect men to be happy about their own humiliation. “Did we wake you up too early? Is that it? Do you babies need a nap to catch on some Z’s?”

                “I’m…….. kind of tired.” Said one of the overgrown infants.

                “Well then, I was hoping to have a discussion after that story, but I guess it just made you boys sleepy.” The woman said, her demeanor partially rejuvenated with the knowledge that the lack of enthusiasm was only due to tiredness on the part of the participants, and not any other reasonable assumption. Such as, being told you had your rights taken away and weren’t to be treated like an adult. Of course, that was just Raymond’s assumption the boys were too sleepy and needed their naps.

                “All right! Let’s get out the sleeping mats and blankies! It’s naptime babies!”

                Blankets and pads were handed out from a closet and then distributed before being applied. Raymond just sat there where he was, he took the sleeping mat and blanket that was handed to him. Despite being an adult, he didn’t understand exactly what he was supposed to do with them. The men around him laid out their sleeping mats and wrapped themselves under the blankets.

                Raymond wanted to just leave the classroom but remembered that he was here to resist these women silently. Whatever most other people would kill for a naptime anyway. He laid out his mat and got under his blanket but didn’t even attempt to sleep. Observing the room around him he noticed the other men in his position doing the same, some were actually even falling asleep. Could he and everyone else even be called men anymore? They all looked like overgrown babies who were being corralled by some schoolmarm to take their naps. He looked to his right, and the ‘baby’ next to him was sucking his thumb. Incredible.

                “Okay babies, time to get some sleep. I’ll be back in 30 minutes to wake you all up!” The professor blew a kiss and closed the door as she left, leaving a darkened room full of the ‘babies’ sleeping.

                The man closest to Raymond had pulled out a phone no sooner than when the professor left the class. The holo-screen emitting a low blue light in the darkened room. Raymond sat upwards and whispered to him.


                “Hi.” The man replied.

                “Are all the women here crazy like her?”

                The young man looked away from his device towards Raymond.


                “Ever since I got here every woman I’ve come across has tried to humiliate me! I just got here yesterday and… “ Raymond ranted for about 5 minutes. Replaying the events of the past two days to his fellow victim of feminism. “How do you even handle living here?”

                “I don’t see your issue, that seems normal to me.”

                “It is absolutely not normal!”

                “Oh wait, you must be an outsider.”

                “Yes! You didn’t listen?”

                “Not really, I didn’t sleep enough last night.” He said returning his attention back to his phone.

                Raymond turned away and laid down, no use in ranting to those with closed ears. If this was the average man on Estrea no wonder they were so cowed by women!

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