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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Hi, I’m new to this community. I’m 42 and I have always wanted to wear diapers. When I was a teenager I would go to the grocery store with my dad and steal pull-ups when no one looking?‍♂️. As I got older I went through the classic binge and purge cycle.  I started dating, and I couldn’t bring myself to telling her my secret.  We eventually got married and I finally opened up to her. I tried to explain it to her, but to be honest I didn’t understand it myself... I didn’t know there were others like me until after I opened up to her. I didn’t get the internet until after we got married. Well It did not go well!!!! She freaked out and told people at her work and insisted that I see a counselor. I refused and shut down to her. Shortly after that we found out that we were pregnant. I told her I would quit wearing, and I struggled to do it. I would get a stash every once in a while, and hide them in the garage (usually depends). The years went by and I would seldom indulge. I eventually stopped having the desire to wear. After 15 years of marriage and 2 kids later I caught her having an affair. She was sleeping with a married guy from her work. She told me that it had been going on for years. She then told me that “it was because of the diaper thing”. She blamed her infidelity on my secret I shared with her 15 years earlier..?!? so now I’m divorced and trying to understand this side of me? I just got my first ABDL diapers from wearing clouds ☁️. I love them and I am super happy to be wearing again. Does anyone have any idea why I have a diaper fetish? Where did it come from?  Thanks for reading I look forward to any response. 

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2 hours ago, DiaperSD said:

Does anyone have any idea why I have a diaper fetish? Where did it come from?

Some of us have a good idea of where it started, but I think most of us don't really. I certainly don't, but it's always been there, back to when I was small.  The key is to accept it and roll with it, which takes most people quite a long time.  It doesn't go away.  A lot of us here are happy with what we are now, and living accordingly.  I've been married for the past 25 years, and my wife knew from the start.  Earlier relationships were much more of a problem, but once I decided I couldn't live with someone who wasn't aware and accepting, things went a lot better.  These days I'm in nappies full-time, and I wear clothes for littles a lot, always have my dummy in my mouth or my pocket, and my wife goes along with it happily, although she's vanilla, so her involvement is limited.

Good luck with it, and remember there are plenty of people on here who can answer any questions you have - unless you can think of any new ones!

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Hi and welcome to DD DiaperSD. Glad you joined us, nice to meet you. Sorry to hear how things went with your x wife, not very understanding of her, or nice. Seems like 2 large betrayals there, one when she told others, and of course the infidelity. And to insist you seek a counselor, as if it could be washed out of you, like a soiled shirt. Stroller brought up, how a lot of us feel already. Many of us don’t know how, or why, myself included. I too, have had this all my life, since when I was actually in diapers as a youngster. It’s been a lifelong struggle, first thinking I was alone, then without the internet, finding magazines, that at least confirmed others liked diapers too. I think I was pretty lucky, to find my wife, who knows, and participates. 
Well, now you are here with us, and there’s lots of likeminded people here, who understand. So, come on in, and yeah, if you have questions, just ask. Relax, have fun, and enjoy! 

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Thank you for the response. I am still struggling to accept this side of myself. I recently told my new girlfriend and she is very accepting. My problem is that I have only ever indulged in my love of diapers by myself and I’m not sure how to start introducing this side of me to my girlfriend? She is willing to try it out, but I’m not sure where to start? I also have only ever been a DL and have not ever dipped into the AB side. 

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I would just ask her, if she would like to participate with you. Whatever that may turn out to be? If she would be willing to diaper you, play with you while diapered, or maybe wear one herself? It’s something you will have to discuss with her. If she is accepting, as you said, she should be open to talking further about it, and open to what she would be willing to do. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey welcome to the community, sorry to hear about the relationship sometimes its for the better. Its a cool supportive place so just have fun.

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the diaper thing was just an excuse, she CHOSE to sleep with someone else, not your fault. as for why you like diapers we cant tell you, a counselor might be able to help you uncover that, so i cant disagree completely with that idea, but there is no shame in diapers or being little as long as you are responsible, not making someone baby you. it could be a feeling of safety they give, or possibly being a bedwetter, some exposure you might have had to diapers when you were younger. as for how to introduce your new lady, the answer is GENTLY!!!!! dont ask her to wear one at this point, just ask if its ok for YOU to wear one around HER, and if she minds if you WET it around her but much later, let her get use to it and let her lead the pace, if she asks if they are comfortable, i think my answer would be "well the short answer is yes, the long winded one is they have to be, we are a comfort driven society, matresses, shoes, clothes, cars, couches, we all want things that are comfortable, and diapers are very comfortable, for some it might take a little getting use to but one can sit and be very comfortable in them, whether its being used or not"(i wouldnt go with the long winded version, i might also go with, "of course! try one if you want" and let it go), just let her lead and dont force it, nothing beyond "mind if i wear?" and be ok with her saying "not this time". remember you wear the diapers, they dont wear you, you dont have to be in them all the time(unless you are incontinent of course) and she might just want to have diaper free time with you some times

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Hello DiaperSD,

Sorry to hear about your difficult time with your ex. This can be a difficult thing for others to understand. My wife is very understanding and i told her only after we married so i got lucky. Previously I thought it was a passing phase and that I’d grow out of it but no- this appears to be a deep-seated desire for me. So I had to tell and even with her being understanding, it is still hard for me to talk about with her, and that is where forums like this come in.

I just asked my wife if i could wear a nappy around her at home and she is fine with that and i think that is a good place to start. I have no interest in seeing her wear- i just want her to be a caregiver- so that is not an issue for me (she is happy to play the CG role). I just like to wear myself and it is like a form of self-expression. I only wear at home but I’d like to wear maybe for a car ride one day. I’d also like to wear if out in the boonies someplace where it was just me and her.

so just ask your gf if she is okay with you wearing around her. Def ask before wetting. Make sure she knows you’re considering her comfort level. If you’re both comfortable with that, you can ask to go down on her or pleasure her while you wear so she knows it’s not all about your pleasure. Then maybe ask if she would be okay doing a nappy change or a breastfeeding session while you wear. Maybe do a dry run for the nappy change at first so you can both get comfortable with it. I think it will be less awkward if you take “adult baby” steps. I feel you as it is still kinda awkward over here but as I said it is such a harmless fetish honestly! I see it as an extension of the caring and loving roles a girlfriend or wife would want to play anyway. Good luck!

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14 hours ago, AugustRaineDL said:

Hello DiaperSD,

Sorry to hear about your difficult time with your ex. This can be a difficult thing for others to understand. My wife is very understanding and i told her only after we married so i got lucky. Previously I thought it was a passing phase and that I’d grow out of it but no- this appears to be a deep-seated desire for me. So I had to tell and even with her being understanding, it is still hard for me to talk about with her, and that is where forums like this come in.

I just asked my wife if i could wear a nappy around her at home and she is fine with that and i think that is a good place to start. I have no interest in seeing her wear- i just want her to be a caregiver- so that is not an issue for me (she is happy to play the CG role). I just like to wear myself and it is like a form of self-expression. I only wear at home but I’d like to wear maybe for a car ride one day. I’d also like to wear if out in the boonies someplace where it was just me and her.

so just ask your gf if she is okay with you wearing around her. Def ask before wetting. Make sure she knows you’re considering her comfort level. If you’re both comfortable with that, you can ask to go down on her or pleasure her while you wear so she knows it’s not all about your pleasure. Then maybe ask if she would be okay doing a nappy change or a breastfeeding session while you wear. Maybe do a dry run for the nappy change at first so you can both get comfortable with it. I think it will be less awkward if you take “adult baby” steps. I feel you as it is still kinda awkward over here but as I said it is such a harmless fetish honestly! I see it as an extension of the caring and loving roles a girlfriend or wife would want to play anyway. Good luck!

i think he should let her choose for herself when it comes to anything with diapers, not ask for favors beyond wearing around her, and as for giving her oral well i think that is up to them, really not our place to say "give'r head!" or anything even in that ballpark...... but i would want to sneak in and hide cameras if they did muahahahahahaha

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8 hours ago, feralfreak said:

i think he should let her choose for herself when it comes to anything with diapers, not ask for favors beyond wearing around her, and as for giving her oral well i think that is up to them, really not our place to say "give'r head!" or anything even in that ballpark...... but i would want to sneak in and hide cameras if they did muahahahahahaha

I'm not telling anyone what to do or what not to do. I'm just making suggestions.

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On 3/17/2021 at 11:08 AM, AugustRaineDL said:

Hello DiaperSD,

Sorry to hear about your difficult time with your ex. This can be a difficult thing for others to understand. My wife is very understanding and i told her only after we married so i got lucky. Previously I thought it was a passing phase and that I’d grow out of it but no- this appears to be a deep-seated desire for me. So I had to tell and even with her being understanding, it is still hard for me to talk about with her, and that is where forums like this come in.

I just asked my wife if i could wear a nappy around her at home and she is fine with that and i think that is a good place to start. I have no interest in seeing her wear- i just want her to be a caregiver- so that is not an issue for me (she is happy to play the CG role). I just like to wear myself and it is like a form of self-expression. I only wear at home but I’d like to wear maybe for a car ride one day. I’d also like to wear if out in the boonies someplace where it was just me and her.

so just ask your gf if she is okay with you wearing around her. Def ask before wetting. Make sure she knows you’re considering her comfort level. If you’re both comfortable with that, you can ask to go down on her or pleasure her while you wear so she knows it’s not all about your pleasure. Then maybe ask if she would be okay doing a nappy change or a breastfeeding session while you wear. Maybe do a dry run for the nappy change at first so you can both get comfortable with it. I think it will be less awkward if you take “adult baby” steps. I feel you as it is still kinda awkward over here but as I said it is such a harmless fetish honestly! I see it as an extension of the caring and loving roles a girlfriend or wife would want to play anyway. Good luck!

Thank you for the feedback. I really like your advice. I think this is definitely the right strategy ?

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