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Falling In Reverse (Updated With Chapter 14, 4/27/21)

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I woke up, and everything seemed different. Everything was covered in a fine dust, as if it hadn’t been moved or touched in well over a week. The air was dusty and stale. I got up and walked through the bedroom to the living room. Something was off. I wasn’t wearing a diaper, and well, it looked like my old house. My parents were sitting there, arguing about something random or another, like maybe peanut butter sandwiches. I was shocked. How had I gotten here? Why was I here? 

I was back home! But how? Mommy was nowhere to be found; it’s like she had ceased to exist. I just couldn’t….and broke down, screaming on the floor, crying like I’d never cried before. Mommy was gone, it all was gone, I was stuck here, and… 

“Bab-y-girrrrl, Bab-y-girrrrl, I think you just had a mean old nightmare. “Shhhh shhhh, you’re alright, Mommy’s here, Mommy’s here.” 

Mommy was holding me in her arms, my head against her shirtless boobies. It brought an extreme sigh of relief on my part; I really hadn’t been stuck back home, and I really was with Mommy.  

“I was so scawed Mommy…I’m so scawaed, I had a bad dream,” I said from behind my pacifier. I realized that I was in my crib; Mommy must have put me in here last night whenever she decided to go to bed.  

“Honey, why don’t you come and sleep in Mommy’s bed tonight? It can be scary to be in a new place for the first time, so why don’t we just get you in for some Mommy snuggles tonight? Sounds good?”  

That didn’t sound like a half-bad idea, I thought. “Otay Mommy,” I groggily responded.  

Mommy helped me out of my and then helped me down the hallway to her bedroom. There was a small set of steps at the base of the bed; I climbed up, waiting for Mommy to get into the bed herself. She climbed in from the side, made her way onto the bed, and then motioned for me to come over. She put her arm around me, and I snuggled my head on her boobies. Mommy popped her breast out and offered it to my mouth. I began suckling rhythmically, before finally succumbing to my tiredness. You could say that I slept like a baby. 

I awoke the next day, not able to move. Mommy’s strong arms were holding me tight and from the sounds of things, she was still asleep. Not wanting to disturb the peace, I just kind of laid there pretty lifelessly.  

There was a pressure on my bladder. I hadn’t wet the bed for years, but every morning greeted me with a reminder that I had to pee. This morning was no different. Mommy said that this morning was the start of the “real baby treatment”, so it’s not like I was going to be asking her to use the potty. Obviously, I knew where it was going to go; there was only one place that it could go.  

I could kind of pee sitting down and absolutely could standing up, but laying on my side? I don’t think I’d ever tried that one before. The best thing that I could do was just relax myself and see if I could get it going. So that’s what I did. In a move that would make a Buddhist Monk proud, I almost achieved a meditative state, and managed to relax myself enough that the load of pee started really going out into my diaper. After what had seemed like an eternity, I was finally done. I snuggled into Mommy’s arms and fell asleep again.  

I awoke a little while later as Mommy moved her arms out from underneath me. 

“Rise and shine hon! It’s going to be a beautiful day today, aren’t you just excited?” 

I nodded, I definitely was curious to see what the day brought. Mommy said the adult stuff was all off-limits now.  

My hypothetical daydreaming was interrupted by the feeling of a clutching of my diaper area.  

“Well baby, you’re really wet. We’re going to need to get you changed before we do anything this morning.” 

She grabbed my hand and took me out of her room and back towards mine. As we walked in the room, she picked me up from behind and helped me get onto the changing table.  

I positioned myself on the table like I had before; Mommy unzipped my jammies and pulled them all down so that I was sitting in nothing except a diaper and socks on the table.  

Mommy went into the closet and pulled a new outfit out for the day. It was to die for. Thre was a saffron-yellow dress with ruffles going across the shoulders, and there was a matching ribbon that was going to go into my hair. There was also a ruffle-butt diaper cover (it appeared) that she took out with her. The socks were frilly and matched with the rest of the outfit completely; you could tell that Mommy was really prepared for the day.  

“Let’s get you out of that wet didee first, sweetie, we can’t go to the park with a wet diaper now can we?” 

Mommy really had a gentle way of making points while being assertive, but also while being persuasive in that gentleness.  

She untaped my diaper, using a couple of wipes to go over my diaper area. After getting out of the somewhat humid diaper, the cool wipes felt so refreshing, and definitely were welcomed. She lifted my bottom, rubbed some powder on gently, and slipped a new diaper underneath, taping it up in one swift motion.  

Next, Mommy went ahead and slipped on my socks, and then had me sit up so she could put my new dress on. Last, but definitely not least, she went about putting the bow in my hair. Mommy gave me a once over, looking very satisfied at the job she’d done.  

“There we go babygirl, why don’t you go ahead and look in the mirror at how cute you are this morning!” 

I got up to go look in the mirror while Mommy cleaned up the diaper crime scene. As I got in the view of the mirror, I made an audible gasp at the reflection looking back at me. I had all of the appearances of a toddler girl, I don’t think anyone would confuse me for anything else, other than I was a little taller than one would have been. I looked absolutely beautiful; I finally felt full of life.  

“I pwetty Mommy, I pwetty!” I screeched happily, bouncing up and down in a probably overexaggerated manner.  

“Good girl, Mommy is just so happy that her Princess looks as good as she does, yes she is just sooo happy babygirl,” Mommy beamed.  

“Now let’s go down and get some num-nums for breakfast, ok honey?” 

She stuck out her hand and I grabbed it and followed her lead downstairs. My high chair was set up next to the table again; there was a cut up banana and a thing of yogurt sitting on the tray.  

Mommy opened up the top of the high chair and had me climb up to sit down. She locked the tray into place.  

“Dig in babygirl, Mommy will give you some yogi’s here after you’re done with your nanas,” Mommy instructed.  

I dug into the banana, and picked it up, played with it a little, and then would eat it. It wound up getting smeared all over my fingers and hand. Next came the yogurt. Mommy took a rubber-covered spoon, and went almost in a cycle of open mouth, close mouth, suck spoon, repeat. It was really good; it had cherry chunks inside of it and was extremely flavorful. Mommy went about this cycle, and kept mentioning the airplane landing in my mouth, and finally she was finished with the whole exercise.  

My face was a mess, it had yogurt and bananas smeared all the way across it. My hands were no different, I was covered in stickiness my body over. Mommy went and grabbed a few baby wipes from off of the counter, and took it to my fingers, hand, and my face, cleaning all of the places that had previously been covered in mess. I felt clean and smelled sweetly, so I couldn’t complain about the job Mommy had done. She grabbed a pacifier off of a cabinet by the table and popped it in my mouth.  

“Honey, Mommy has to get some work done, but it’s not a lot, so I’m going to put you in your playpen in the living room and then we can go to the park afterwards, doesn’t that sound fun?” 

I’ll admit, the idea of going back to play with my dollies and stuffed animal friends and being able to watch some cool cartoons did sound pretty awesome. Plus, I thought going to the park would be a blast, and maybe I’d get to play on some cool things.  

“Yeth Mommy,” I replied, lisping behind the purple pacifier.  

“Good girl, now let’s go play, shall we?” Mommy helped me from the high chair and led me into the living room before putting my in my pack n’ play and going to work on the other side of the room. She used the remote and turned on the Disney Channel, which wound up keeping my attention in between my theatrics with my acquaintances in the playpen. Mommy also put a bottle inside for me to drink, it was filled with milk.  

Between the cartoons, the bottle, and the toys, I was fully engrossed with all things within the pack n’ play. I couldn’t get enough. Mommy finally came over and leaned over the side to grab my diaper. She grabbed the front before finally sticking her fingers inside of the legholes.  

“Not wet yet, so we don’t need to change ya.” Mommy told me. “Do you want to go to the park babygirl? It’s going to be such a beautiful morning out, and then maybe we can go visit your Auntie Dana a little later, she and a lot of other people are just dying to meet you!” 

I knew I had little say in the matter, because, let’s face it, I was sitting here sucking on a pacifier with a diaper taped around my waist, dressed as the little girl I’d always wanted to ultimately become. It was freedom, but not the type of freedom that most people envision when they consider that word. It was freedom for me because I could finally be who I’d always wanted to be, without the constraints of societal pressure to hold me back.  

I nodded incoherently. I was just happy to spend time with Mommy. 

“Awright little girl, you sit and pay here a little bit longer, Mommy will go and get everything ready and we can go take that vacation over there.” 

So I played for a little bit longer. Soon after, Mommy, ever true to her promise, came over, diaper bag draped across her shoulder and helped me out of the playpen, took my hand and led me downstairs to the car. She opened the door to my side, helped me in, and buckled me into the car seat. She put her sunglasses on and off we drove.  

We wound around a few twists and tuns before we finally reached our destination. I saw a sign saying it was called “Peacock Gap Park,” and took in the sights while Mommy finished parking. The park was situated on a giant hill overlooking parts of the Bay; it was a clear day out and you could see miles in any direction. I saw parts of a giant bridge in the distance, but I don’t think it was the Golden Gate. As we came to a stop, I saw the playground.  

The playground was situated on a hill and shrouded with some trees. There was a restroom off to the side and a few benches scattered around the area. It looked really nice. Mommy guided the SUV to a parking space and finally stopped. She got out of the car, opened my door, unbuckled me, and helped me out.  

“Look baby, there’s so many things for you to play with around here, you’re going to have such a fun little time!”  

There really was no shortage of things to play with here. I chose to go up and down on the slides, making silly noises as I went down on each occasion. I have to admit, it was a lot of fun. There was a sandbox that I went over to and dug around in, and there was just a lot going on. When I needed a break, I went over to where Mommy was sitting, and would drink out of a bottle she gave me full of apple juice.  

As had been the usual, I kept having sudden urges to go pee, and knowing that I couldn’t use anything else, and the fact that I didn’t want to stop playing anyway, I just kept peeing in my diaper throughout the course of my time at the park.  

I’m sure that I was quite the sight; I was a bit of an overgrown toddler girl running around carefree and crazily around the park, getting my energy out for the day. There were a few people going by on the bike path, either a suburban mom out jogging with her stroller, or people riding on bikes going by. They all seemed to be too engrossed in their own daily lives to actually pay attention to what I was doing, not that I really cared, but it was an obvservatiion.  

I played out there for at least an hour, maybe closer to two. The weather was beautiful out, and it made it easy to want to stay out there. Mommy finally came and got me; it was time to leave.  

“Cmon baby, it’s time to go, we’re going to go have lunch with Auntie Dana, now won’t you like that? I’m sure she’ll have lots of fun things to do with you, she’s got some kiddos that are just going to love playing with you!”  

“Let me check your didee before we go over there, though, I’d be a bad Mommy if I didn’t.” 

Before I could respond, Mommy hiked up my dress and checked the diaper underneath. It was completely soaked, filled with the remnants of apple juice and milk from earlier. It’s not like I could have held it if I wanted to; Mommy wasn’t going to take me to the potty.  

“Hmm, we better get you changed before we go, this seems filled to the brim and I don’t want to have you making leakies on your car seat,” 

Mommy led me back to the car and opened up the rear door. She got the changing pad, a pack of wipes and a new diaper out of my diaper bag.  “Go ahead on up, baby, let’s get you changed.”

I compliantly lied on the mat in the car, my diaper exposed to whomever was passing by. Mommy pulled my dress back and opened my diaper. The cool, crisp air flowed across my diaper area and made me jump a little. Mommy seemed to brush it off, wiping me all over, before finally lifting me up and putting a new diaper around my waist. She helped me down off the back. 

“Wait here hon, Mommy has to go give this a toss.” 

I waited patiently by the car as Mommy walked over to the nearest trash can and deposited the used diaper. She came back, opened the door, and buckled me in. She used her cell phone to call someone.  

“Yes, we’ll be right over! Oh, I know, she’ s just so adorable, and I can’t wait for you to meet her!” 

I assumed it was her friend Dana, but I wasn’t a 100% sure. I figured it to be a pretty good guess though. My suspicions were confirmed as soon as she hung up.  

“Next stop, Auntie Dana’s!” Mommy announced.  

I was really excited to see what would come next.   

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  • BabyGirlSJ changed the title to Falling In Reverse (Updated With Chapter 12!)


As we drove to Auntie Dana’s, I looked out the window at the beautiful scenery around me. I also reflected about just how far I had come in such a short time. Here I was, just a college student less than a week ago, to having my wet diaper changed out in public by a woman I’d only met in person just a few days ago, and now sucking on a pacifier while looking out the window of my “Mommy’s” car. I felt like I’d hit the lottery of some sort, but I don’t know what type, just that I’d hit a jackpot.  

As we drove, there was an issue of a rumbling in my stomach that I was paying more attention to. Between the Mexican food we’d eaten, and the various fruits and yogurt, it was starting to move my insides around towards a very all-to-familiar feeling. I didn’t have to go yet, but I knew it was going to be happening at some point today; I really had no desire to hold it in. I still wasn’t versed in the art of pooping my diapers, so it’d have to wait until we weren’t in the car. I thought about that though. That meant that I’d be pooping my diapers, in front of people, likely at someone else’s house. Which, which meant that I’d be probably being changed at that house, in front of those people. The possibility made me nervous. I was used to having my diapers changed by Mommy, as it’d been done on more than a few occasions already, but other people? I didn’t know.  

It sounded like we were going to be spending a considerable amount of time over at Auntie Dana’s today from what Mommy had insinuated, so there was little doubt in my mind that I’d definitely be using my diaper at some point. For one, I’d been peeing quite a bit more than I had previously; it could have been the uptick in fluids, or maybe it was something else, I wasn’t entirely sure. I was ready to just roll with it.  

I couldn’t get over how beautiful this area was. There were trees, there was water, it was green, and it was very idyllic. It was such a contrast from where I’d grown up at, and it was even a contrast from my old existence out in Honolulu. Out there you had palm trees galore and it was very pretty, but this was just something, different. It felt so much more homey.  

We drove around a bunch of corners and stopped at lights. After about fifteen minutes in the car, we finally arrived to Auntie Dana’s house. It was a white 2-story Cape Cod style house situated on a tree-filled cul-de-sac. It really had a quaintly elegance to it; I imagined the occupants of the house were equally as impressive. 

Mommy pulled into the driveway and parked the car. She got out of the car, opened my door and unbuckled me, letting me out. She opened up the rear door and took my diaper bag out, slung it across her shoulder, took my hand, and led me to the door of the house, ringing the doorbell with her free hand. I was a bit nervous, but I always got nervous meeting new people and being in new situations. A fellow attorney, Auntie Dana was one of Mommy’s closest friends in the area, and someone whom Mommy had been friends with since she first got to the area quite some time ago.  

There was some movement inside, and pretty soon there was a sound of steps heading towards the door, getting louder as they got closer. The door made a click and was opened.  

On the other side of the door there was a woman that appeared, wearing a workout shirt with some saying like “Better Sore Than Sorry”, and a pair of yoga pants.  She stood about 5’10 with a light complexion and had black hair pulled back into a ponytail.. She looked to be around Mommy’s age. It was Auntie Dana! 

“Beth! Hello!” Auntie Dana happily, opening up the glass door and reaching out to give a hug to Mommy. “It’s so great to have you over for another coffee break, life’s been crazy lately and we have a lot to catch up on!” 

“Well you know I wouldn’t miss spending time with you for the world,” Mommy answered before trying to push me to the front to show me off, “and I have someone for you to meet.” 

I’d tried to hide behind Mommy at first, kind of drifting back behind her towering figure to use as some sort of shield. There was no need for me to be scared of anything it was probably a reaction more than anything else. Brave, I was not. Mommy moved me forward, pushing me towards Auntie Dana.  

“And who do we have here Beth? A new client?” Auntie Dana joked.  

“Tell her your name sweetie, introduce yourself to Auntie Dana,” Mommy prodded.  

“I’m Jac-wyn,” I spoke from behind my pacifier.  

“Well Jaclyn, it is just so nice to meet you,” Auntie Dana held her arms out, “Come over here and get a hug from Aunt Dana!”

I instinctively ran over to Auntie Dana and was pulled back into her arms. She had quite a hug, holding me tightly in her long, toned arms. I think I was merely swept off my feet a little.  

“Your Mommy has told me so much about you, and Aunt Dana is just excited to meet you! There’s two other little girls waiting inside to play with you; they’ve been excited at having a baby in the house today!”  

Auntie Dana took my hand, “Do you mind if I take the baby, Beth?” 

“Not at all, I’m sure she’ll love it!” Mommy replied. 

Auntie Dana grabbed me by the hand and led me inside, with Mommy following close behind. The house was pretty neat inside; there were hardwood floors throughout, it was very open inside and there was some cool accent walls, including a brick one in the living room. There were some cool little statues and the like scattered around; what was it with these beautiful ladies and their love of statues? 

“Beth, you can go ahead and sit down on the couch, I have some wine and some snacks. I’ll take the baby here to meet Amelia and Natalie upstairs, I’ll be right back,” Auntie Dana said, motioning to the couch for Mommy to sit in.  

Auntie Dana kept moving me forward, across the living room and up the stairs. On the stairs there were family pictures of Auntie Dana, her husband and two girls who appeared to be around 5 and 3 from the pictures. I’d assumed that was the age, anyway. I probably was wrong, but I thought it was a good guess.  

We walked down a hallway before finally reaching an open door. It was a room for a girl, obviously. There were decals of unicorns throughout it and puzzles stacked to one side and a bunk bed in one corner. The bunk bed had a couch on the bottom and a bed on the top, it was quite the structure. The carpet was dark purple and there were several other bookshelves with various books and toys scattered about them.  

In the center of the room, there were two girls inside playing next to a Barbie Dream House. One looked to be around five or six, the other, two or three. The younger one had a bulging butt that gave the tell-tale sign of a fellow diaper traveler. I wasn’t the only one here who needed them I supposed. They both smiled when they saw me enter with their Mom.  

“Girls, I have someone I’d like you to meet, this is Jaclyn, she’s Aunt Beth’s new baby and just got here yesterday.” 

“Wow! She is a big baby!” the older one quipped. 

“I expect you to play nicely and gently with her and include her with you both; you’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of her through this summer, and she’d love to be both of your friend.” Aunt Dana spoke to her daughters, almost lecturing them.  

“Well, I’m Natalie!” the older one replied, “And that’s Amelia,” she said pointing to her younger sister. “Do you want to play Barbies with us?” 

I nodded and went and joined up with them.  

“Well, I’m going to go see Aunt Beth, you girls have fun!” Auntie Dana walked out of the room.  

“So are you in diapers too like Amelia? You’re both babies,” Natalie asked, somewhat snidely. She was very well-spoken for as young as she was; obviously a product of spending a lot of time around adults.  

I blushed and nodded. I really didn’t have much to say to that; I was in diapers, after all. Was I going to argue with someone this young, even if they were technically “older” than me? It’s not like I was going to get anywhere, there probably would be tears and I’d probably piss Mommy off, which might send me out of here. So, I just decided to play nice and be kind and respectful towards an older kid.  

“That’s ok, someday you and Amelia will  be able to use the potty, just like me,” Natalie proudly spoke again. “Here’s a Barbie, there’s some stuff for her over in one of the house’s rooms, and there’s a car if you want to drive her around.” 

She was a bit domineering, but she was also fairly friendly. I found her and Amelia to be fantastic to play with. We took our Barbies all over the room in things like airplanes, sports cars, and other sorts of things. We played veterinarian, we played teacher, and we found a bunch of different things to get into. It was really a blast.  

“I wike you Jacwyn,” Amelia laughed as we played.  

“I wike you too Amewia, and I wike you Natawie,” I spoke to both of them, and reached my hands out for a hug. “Huggy?” 

Natalie and Amelia both came over and we embraced in a hug. “You’re pretty cool for a big baby,” Natalie retorted.  

The hug soon broke up and we continued to play on. By this time, though, the pressure in my lower half was reaching max capacity. I’d already peed while I was in here playing; that’s what my diaper was there for. It was surprisingly nice to be able to play and not have to worry about getting up to go to the bathroom and just going in my pants. There was something bigger brewing here, though.  

I hadn’t gone in a few days, and I’d eaten enough different things to finally trigger a response. The pressure had been building since before we got here, and even though I’d ignored it, it wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t simply will that pressure away. Mommy had brought my diaper bag anyway, so it was obvious she was expecting I’d go while we were here. I figured I’d might as well go for the gusto here. I’d tried to mess my diaper on a practice run before, and it wasn’t that hard to do; with all of this pressure, it should just be an easy pop out.  

I stepped back from the other two girls and kind of hid in the corner in an almost-ashamed manner. I squatted slightly and began to push. My face got red as I continued to put expelling pressure on the contents of my bowels. Soon, that technique began to get the results I’d been looking for. A warm log began to creep out of my bottom and into the welcoming embrace of the already pee-filled diaper. I felt like I’d breached a poop dam, and it didn’t seem to be subsiding. The mess went all the way up the back of my diaper, and there was a substantial amount that had crept up towards my scrotum, creating a gross, poopy embrace.  

I breathed heavily as the final part was expelled from my butt into my diaper. The pressure was gone, I felt strangely relieved. There was the matter of the smell of the mess in my diaper, but it was a small inconvenience.  

It wasn’t long before both of the girls had picked up on what I’d done. Natalie sniffed the air. “Something stinks! Amelia! Did you go poopy?” 

“NO! I not go poopy! It not me!” Amelia screeched back, making a noise like a harmed screech owl.  

“Jaclyn! You pooped, didn’t you?” Natalie turned her attention to me.

I blushed again. I was guilty as charged. All I could do is nod sheepishly.  

“Don’t worry, Amelia poops in her diaper all the time, I’m sure your Mommy or mine will change you.” Natalie patted my back, trying her best to comfort me, the best a little kid could.  

We kept playing. I didn’t want to go bother Mommy or interrupt her conversation, and besides, I was having the time of my life. We continued the adventures from earlier, and we would all sit and laugh about one stupid thing or another. It was really great to be spending time with these two.  

After what seemed like a long time, I heard footsteps, followed by Auntie Dana reappearing in the doorway.  

“Girls, it’s time for a nap, you all have played enou…” she started sniffing the air before she finished. “..gh. Did one of you make a poopy in here? One of you is really, really stinky.” 

I was surprised that Natalie didn’t say anything, but she remained deathly quiet.  

Auntie Dana went to Amelia and peeked down the back of her protruding diaper. “You’re a little wet, but you don’t need a change.” She then gazed in my direction.  

“Jaclyn, come over here, let Auntie Dana check your diaper really quick.” 

I obediently followed her command, and toddled my poopy bottom to where she could check. Auntie Dana pulled up my dress and peeked down my diaper.  

“Yep, you really need a change little one,” she almost gagged when she talked, but did her best to keep her composure.  

“Natalie, I need you and your sister to clean up, I’m going to take Jaclyn down to Aunt Beth and I expect this to be picked up and your butts to be in bed when I get back up here, understand?”

“Yes Mommy,” Natalie replied, before starting to direct Amelia around.  

Auntie Dana led me out of the room and down the hall and downstairs. “Phew-y little girl, you did a number on that diaper, I’m sure your Mommy is going be so excited to change your dirty little bottom,” Auntie Dana chuckled.  

We finally reached the living room, where Mommy was sitting on the couch.  

“Is she giving you any trouble?” Mommy asked.  

“She’s being an angel, but she’s giving her Mommy a present,” Auntie Dana laughingly replied. “Take a big smell of air.” 

Mommy sniffed and wrinkled her nose. “Well I’m surprised it took this long to happen, I’ve been expecting it since she arrive.” 

“Do you mind if I change her out here?” Mommy asked.  

“Not at all, I have to run up and check on Nat and Amelia, but go ahead and change her wherever you’d like,” Auntie Dana told Mommy.  

“Hmm, okay, I need to get her stuff out and ready, thanks Dana.” 

“Not a problem Beth, you know you and your kids are like family,” Auntie Dana smiled. She walked out of the room and disappeared upstairs.  

“Well Princess, we’re going to need to change you out of that diaper, we don’t need you to be getting a rash and I don’t think Auntie Dana is going to be wanting that smell to keep drifting around here house,” Mommy took my hand, leading me over to a spot by the couch. She opened my diaper bag, taking out a changing pad, a pack of wipes, and a new diaper.  

“C’mon hon, time to lay down and be cleaned,” Mommy motioned for me to come and lay down on the extended changing mat. I walked over and laid down on it, staring up at a beam going across the living room. I moved my head over to see Auntie Dana re-emerging from upstairs. She came over and knelt by Mommy.  

“They were buzzing up there, your little girl has two big fans. They couldn’t keep talking about their new friend Jaclyn. You made quite the impression, little one,” Auntie Dana beamed.  

She looked at me before continuing, “You sure have a good Mommy to be so on top of things and getting you cleaned up so nicely.”  

Mommy hiked up my dress and worked to slide it back so that it was bunched up behind my back, leaving my wet and poop-filled diaper visible to the entire living room. Mommy then began the change, opening up the diaper to reveal the nasty contents which had settled inside.  

“Wow, she smells as bad as Amelia’s poopies,” Auntie Dana quipped, holding her nose, “You really did need a change didn’t you little girl?” 

“She’s just the stinkiest stink stink, aren’t you baby? Aren’t you Mommy’s little stinker? Aren’t you?” Mommy added in a sweet, almost mocking tone.  

For my part, I just kind of stared vacantly, but nodded tacitly in agreement. I was messy, and I was a stinky little girl. They both were right.  

Mommy began the undertaking of changing my destroyed diaper. She took out a handful of wipes, and began wiping my under areas in a robustly repetitive manner. Wipes went all over my genitals, they went on my thighs, they went between my balls and my butt, and then they went on my butt, and ultimately deep up the crack of my butt, cleaning out any residue of the poopy mess that had until recently resided there. It felt so nice to have that icky poop mess no longer splattered on my bottom.  

I was impressed that the whole time doing this, Auntie Dana had leaned down next to Mommy while Mommy worked her magic, and held a conversation completely unrelated to the current diaper change going on. This was one of the first times since I came to Mommy’s that I actually really felt like a toddler. There were lots of instances that I could have felt like a toddler, but didn’t over the last few days, but it wasn’t until this moment that I really started to see my part in this bigger picture.  

Mommy finished wiping my bottom and depositing all of the used, poop-covered wipes into the poop-filled diaper. Mommy lifted my legs and spread a new diaper underneath me, landing me back down and taping it back up. Auntie Dana came back with a plastic bag, rolled up the diaper, taped it up, and put it in the bag, wrapping it up and taking it to throw outside in the trash. I didn’t blame her; it had the status of a biohazard from the smell of it.  

“There we go Princess, all clean.” Mommy smiled at me. 

“Fanks Mommy,” I replied.  

“Auntie Dana is bringing you some juice hon, and I want you to lay on the couch with your bottle and take a nap. Mommy’s going to do some catching up with Auntie Dana, we’ll go home when I’m done.” Mommy informed me. “In the meantime, take this nap, and maybe you can play with Amelia and Natalie when you’re done. Sounds good?” 

I nodded. It did sound fun. I’d enjoyed playing with Amelia and Nat up until this point, I didn’t see any reason that fun wouldn’t continue. Maybe we could go play toys a little later. My happy thoughts indicated that the possibilities were endless.  

Auntie Dana reappeared with a bottle of juice and a blanket just as Mommy was finishing up talking to me.  

“Here you go pretty girl, enjoy your drink.” 

“Fank you Auntie Dana,” I reached my hands out and took the bottle. I took my pacifier out and replaced it with the rubber nipple.  

“You’re welcome,” she replied, taking the blanket and covering me up. She put on a marathon of the Powerpuff Girls. I sucked on the bottle until it was bone dry, and I put the binky in my mouth before finally drifting off to sleep. What a day it had been so far. I had my diaper changed in public, a relative stranger seeing my naked bottom covered in poop, and now I was falling asleep on her couch.  

All I could do was smile. This was life at its finest.  

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  • BabyGirlSJ changed the title to Falling In Reverse (Updated With Chapter 13!)


I awoke from my nap with a nagging feeling. I really had to pee. The juice Auntie Dana had given me had apparently gone right through me and was really putting pressure on my bladder. This was business that I needed to attend to. Far from being a bedwetter, I had managed to stay dry for every day since I was probably two originally. It was a really commendable record, considering I managed to get blackout drunk on more than a few occasions throughout high school. As my bladder would inevitably get weaker, I suppose that record would eventually be in real danger of going. 

I laid on the couch looking up at the ceiling, sucking on my pacifier. Not wanting to get up and stand up yet, I tried my best to relax, even closing my eye and picturing things like waterfalls, tumbling rivers, and algae-infested ponds. It seemed like it took an eternity, but soon a trickle of pee started to escape into my plastic-backed pottypants, and pretty soon that trickle turned into a full on stream. As the pee escaped, the pressure lessened, and pretty soon it all settled into the absorbent and waiting diaper. My whole under area felt warm, and I snuggled back onto the couch, sticking my face between the cushions and the backing, my diapered bottom sticking up in a shallow point towards the air. 

It wasn’t long until I felt my dress being lifted and the inside of my diaper being checked. I knew that they’d soon come to the conclusion that I was, in fact, pretty wet. 

“You’re going to need a change little one,” Auntie Dana’s voice offered, “Your Mommy went out to grab a pizza for lunch, so let’s get you dry and clean before she comes back.”

I couldn’t really object, could I? This was definitely going to be strange, as Mommy was the only one who had changed me. Sure, Auntie Dana saw my poopy bottom being cleaned, but actually being changed by her was something completely foreign. I felt a little embarrassed, but this was the kind of thing I was probably going to have to be getting used to. After all, Mommy would be going back to work, and I was going to be babysat by Auntie Dana and others, including my sister, Samantha. There was a hundred and ten percent chance that I’d dirty my diapers with any of them at some point. Might as well pop that cherry now, I supposed. 

Auntie Dana went and grabbed my changing pad, some wipes, and a new diaper. She carefully laid them out on the floor, patting it gently and motioning for me to come over to her. 

“C’mere baby, let’s get you changed, it’ll be really quick,” Auntie Dana motioned welcomingly, “the girls are awake upstairs, and you can get up and go play with them until your Mommy comes back with the food.”

I obediently followed Auntie Dana’s command and laid on the changing pad. Auntie Dana moved the fabric of my dress out of the way, quickly moving to untape my diaper, and opening it up. She moved my legs up in the air while she pulled the used diaper out, setting it to the side.
“Wow there babygirl, you really made that wet, are you sure you didn’t drink a lake earlier, and not just that bottle?” Auntie Dana asked teasingly. 

“Wotsa peepee Auntie!” I excitedly replied. 

Auntie Dana continued to use the wipes to clean the entirety of my diaper area. She got in my thighs, up my buttcrack, and around my scrotum, wiping all of the pee out of those hard-to-clean areas with a wipe. It felt refreshing, and I was glad to be out of that icky mess. I continued to lay on the pad with my legs set up, feet on the ground, completely nude from the bottom down. Auntie Dana, clearly satisfied with the wiping job she’d just committed, took a new diaper out and unfolded it. She tapped the side of my leg gently, and pushed them up, lifting my butt off the pad. She slipped the new diaper down, sprinkled some powder on my nether regions, and taped the new diaper up. She rolled the old one up and put it to the side. 

Kneeling on the ground still, she grabbed my hands and pulled me up into a sitting pose. She picked the diaper up, and climbed to her feet, offering her hand out, and pulled me into a standing position.

“Why don’t you go up and play with the girls, baby? I’m sure they’ll be happy to have you back, they just got up from their naps too!” Auntie Dana patted my bottom, gently scooting me towards the staircase. 

I toddled up the stairs and could hear a chattering of voices. As I got to the doorway, I saw both Natalie and Amelia. 

“Jacwyn!” Amelia excitedly shouted. Natalie ran over and grabbed my hand, dragging me towards the doll fort the two of them had apparently been building. Even though these two were technically considerably younger than me, we really seemed on equal footing, and they didn’t seem to care that I did tower over them; they were just glad to have someone else to play with. We all benefited and we were all happy, and that’s all that really mattered.  

We played for quite a bit, once again moving around from place to place in the room, making random adventures and team-ups with various universes, including Barbies and Littlest Pet Shop, plus a ton of random things in-between. It was a lot of fun. 

Auntie Dana interrupted our fun a little while later, coming in announcing that it was time to eat downstairs. She did her obligatory diaper checks on both Amelia and I, and finding us dry, took all three of us downstairs. Mommy was down there, setting up the plates and table mats for all of us; strangely enough, I only counted four place settings. I wondered where the fifth one is. 

Natalie and Amelia took their places on a bench seat on one side of the table near Auntie Dana. Auntie Dana took one seat at the head of one side of the table, and Mommy took the other side, before motioning me to sit in a seat set up right next to her. I noticed that there was not a plate, but rather a plastic food cup with a plastic spoon and a bib set up next to it. I sat down and Mommy tied the bib around me, it had “Mommy’s Messy Eater” on it. While the adults were getting pizza for themselves and the older kids, I was soon resigned to the fate that I’d be getting something else. Mommy wasn’t kidding when she said things were an anomaly yesterday; it seemed she really was serious about this being full-on baby mode. 

She opened up the food cup; it appeared to be a red, mush mess with some bits of pasta and carrots inside. From what I saw on the label, there was allegedly some beef and the like inside, too. I’ll admit, I wasn’t thrilled, and was probably more grossed out at the thought of eating it more than anything, but, I knew that this was likely when I signed up for this whole radical life change. 

It was a happy time at the table; Mommy and Auntie Dana were engrossed in conversation while Natalie and Amelia would occasionally entertain them with some random line or another that seemed like inside jokes between the two of them. Mommy fed me as she talked, alternating between eating her own pizza and giving me my food. The food surprisingly wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be. The texture took some getting used to, but I’ll admit, I’d had worse cooking at home. Still, it wasn’t the best thing in the world that I’d ever had; I hoped that Mommy had more flavorful options in the future. 

Eventually we were all done eating, and Mommy and Auntie Dana cleaned the three kids up before focusing on the dishes and the table. Natalie, Amelia, and I went back upstairs and got back to our long-awaited toy adventures. This was honestly the best fun I’d had in years; I was thoroughly enjoying myself with my two new friends. 

All good things come to an end, though, and our playdate was no different. We’d spent a lot of time at Auntie Dana’s and now it was time to go home. Mommy showed up a short while later with my diaper bag across her shoulder. 

“We’ve got to go home sweetie, your friends need to get ready for bed, and so do you!” 

“But Mommy…I don’t wanna, I stay!” I defiantly shot back. 

“Honey, it’s time to go,” Mommy’s voice grew a little stern. 

I realized that I may have put myself in a bit of a bind here, and while Mommy had given me an out, I wanted to dig my heels in a little more. I was a baby, after all, wasn’t I? 

“I don’t wanna Mommy. I stay here with fweinds and pway!” I lisped confrontationally from behind my pacifier. I sure had a big attitude right now for someone sitting in a partially-soaked diaper sucking on a pacifier. 

“Baby, we’re going, and that’s final. You need to tell Natalie and Amelia ‘Thank You’ and you need to say your goodbyes, we need to go home and get you a bath and into bed, too, Missy.”  
I could tell Mommy was getting annoyed at this point, so I decided to push a little more. 

“Mommy, no! I stay!” I shouted, before ultimately crumbling to the ground, my legs and arms crossed, and my pouty lip sticking out from the bottom of the pacifier. 

Auntie Dana must have heard the commotion and showed up at the door. “Is everything ok here?” she asked. 

“Hmm, yes, but it seems that Jaclyn here is enjoying being a meanie to her Mommy. Can you grab the girls for a second?”

Auntie Dana went and got the two girls and took them out of the room into the bathroom. “Time for a bath girls!” I could hear her sing-song voice stay. 

Looking at Mommy, I could tell she wasn’t pleased. I gulped nervously; I realized my mistake at that point and the full gravity of the situation. This wasn’t going to end well for me.

Mommy got up and walked over to a chair, sitting down. “Over here. Now,” she ordered, pointing in front of her. 

I sheepishly followed her direction, shuffling my feet across the ground and staring at my feet. As I got within range of Mommy, she grabbed me by the wrist and flung me across her lap. In one fell swoop, she pulled up my dress and yanked my diaper down from my bottom, exposing my bare but for the entire world to see. 

Auntie Dana reappeared just as the carnage was about to take place, standing in the doorway and taking it all in. 

It seemed like a long time before anything happened. Just when I thought that Mommy was bluffing, the first swat landed. And another. And another. And another one after that. It was a full on, multiple swatting. My body jerked with every one of them. As much of a tolerance for pain that I had, and I had a a high threshold, the feeling of Mommy’s powerful hands landing on my bottom finally got the best of me. It really hurt! Tears began to form in my eyes, and I began sobbing. 


“Sorry about what?” Mommy asked back, her hands still coming down on my bare butt. 

“I SOWWY FOH BEIN A BWAT! I SO SOWWY MOMMY!” my tears were blinding me at this point. 

Suddenly, the swatting stopped. I felt my diaper being pulled back up, and my dress flowing down over it. 

“Now hon, I hope you learned your lesson. When Mommy says it’s time to go, it’s time to go. You have no say in the matter. Now go apologize to Auntie Dana for ruining the end of her night. You were having such a great day, and you really ended it poorly.”

I waddled over to Auntie Dana. “Auntie, I sowwwwy,” I looked up at her with sad, tear-stained puppy dog eyes. 

Auntie Dana wrapped me in a hug. “It’s ok sweetie, you just need to do better. I won’t tolerate that behavior either, you can expect a similar thing from me, so you just need to be the good little girl that Mommy and I know you can be.” My face went against Auntie Dana’s boobs and she rocked back in forth as she held me in her vice-like hug

She finally let go, before adding, “Why don’t you go say goodbye to the girls, and then go and  meet your Mommy downstairs?”

That sounded like a good idea. I went into the bathroom and stuck my head in, waving goodbye to my new friends.

“I go bye bye wih Mommy now! See you soon! Fanks foh pwaying wif me!” I spoke through my pacifier. 

“Bye Jaclyn!” “Bye Jacwyn!” Natalie and Amelia waved goodbye.

“I’ll be right back girls to get you out of the tub, I just need to say my own goodbyes,” Auntie Dana remarked.

I reluctantly went downstairs, Auntie Dana following behind, and where Mommy was waiting down below. She had my diaper bag draped across her shoulder and looked ready to go.

“Are we ready now sweetie?” Mommy asked. 

I nodded. 

“Say goodbye to Auntie Dana,” Mommy told me, motioning in Auntie Dana’s direction. 

“Bye bye Auntie Dana” I said in a somber tone. 

“Ohhh sweetheart, you don’t need to be upset, you’re going to be coming over here a lot, so don’t be too sad, we’ll be seeing each other soon, especially when your Mommy goes back to work.”

My tears subsided a bit. I really did enjoy these new people, so I was beyond happy that I’d be getting to spend a lot more time here. I reached my hands out and gave Auntie Dana a hug. She was really an awesome lady. 
“Alright Dana, I need to get this one home, cleaned up, and in bed. Why don’t you bring the girls over this weekend and we’ll have another playdate for Princess Jaclyn here?”

“Sounds great Beth, I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed to hear it.”

They gave each other a quick embrace, and Mommy stuck her hand out and led me outside. She opened my door, helped me in and buckled me up, before sticking my diaper bag in front of my carseat. Mommy got in the car, turned it on, and we started our long trek home. I didn’t know what to expect, if I’d be in more trouble than I already was, or if Mommy did all that she needed to. One thing was for sure, I wouldn’t be giving lip to Mommy again. I’d certainly leveraged her patience past a breaking point that I wasn’t too sure I wanted to see again. 

Mommy interrupted my thoughts. “Did you have a good time with the girls, Princess?”

“Yeth Mommy, I weawwy woved pwaying wif dem,” I replied back. 

“Well good. Auntie Dana loved having you over and another girl to spoil, and both of the girls loved having you too.”

“It wah fun Mommay,” I lisped back. 

“When I go back to work, Auntie Dana has agreed to babysit you, like she was saying before you left. Samantha won’t be home for a bit, and even when she is, it’ll be an on-again off-again thing; she’s got a lot going on this summer, but she’s also going to be another one who’s watching you and maybe Auntie Dana’s girls, we’ll have to see.”

Sounded good to me, I thought. I was really enjoying myself with these new people I’d found myself with. If Samantha was anything like her mom, I’m sure she’d be more than fun to spend time with, too. 

We drove back to the house, Mommy making small-talk to me like a mother would her child, pointing out things and really adding on a new layer that wasn’t there before. There was a full moon outside, illuminating Mommy’s yard when we got back home. It kind of reminded me of something out of a Shakespeare play, but maybe it was just the beauty of the moonlight. Mommy had mentioned someplace called “The Valley of the Moon” before, maybe this is what she was talking about.

Mommy parked the car in the garage, got out and got me out. I’d wet my diaper several times over the course of the day, and needed a change. Mommy had said she’d give me a bath that night, so I supposed that’s what was coming next. 

“When we get inside, you need to march yourself up to Mommy’s bathroom and we’re going to get you all nice and clean, you’ve been playing a lot, you’ve pooped today, and well, we just need to get you clean.”

“Otay Mommy,” I replied. I followed her direction, walking upstairs with her following behind. She followed me into her bathroom, setting my diaper bag down beside one of her massive dressers in her room. Mommy walked in her bathroom and started the bath, finding a Goldilocks zone of temperature for me, apparently. 

“Okay babygirl, raise your arms!” Mommy commanded in a gently beautiful tone. 

I complied, and Mommy pulled my dress off and over my head, leaving me standing with my hair up and clad only in a very wet diaper.

“Well someone here needs a change, doesn’t she? You really are a little peepot, aren’t you?” Mommy laughed. 

All I could do was really nod. My hair came down next, and then Mommy moved to my diaper, undoing the tapes, and letting it helplessly plop on the floor. There was a distinct yellow tinge; I had gone quite a bit. 

Next, I went into the bath, sitting down in the water. It had filled up to a decent capacity, and Mommy had turned it off. She took out a washrag and started cleaning. She washed my face, my armpits, my diaper area, my ears, up and down my back, and all around. She then took a little cup and poured water over my head before shampooing that and getting that all washed up. 

“Good girl, now we’re all clean, so let Mommy get you some bath toys and you can play in here a little bit.”

Mommy brought in a bunch of rubber animals, which I gleefully played with, making random animal noises and using them to squirt water at each other. 

“Alright girly, time to get you out and ready for bed,” Mommy brought over a towel. 

I stood up and Mommy helped me out of the tub, encasing me in a warm towel. She stopped my drips, and led me back to my room, where a fresh set of pajamas and a new diaper were waiting. 

“Up up babygirl,” Mommy directed. I complied and went and positioned myself on my changing table. 

Mommy made quick work; she was very efficient, I had to give her that. She re-dried my diaper area, unfolded the diaper, lifted me up, and slid it under me. She added some powder and taped it up around my waist. Next, she pulled out a set of Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” pajamas, sliding them up my legs and then putting the top over my head. Finally for a finishing touch, she combed my hair and straightened it out. 
“Let’s go get a bottle and watch some more Nemo, shall we?”

I of course was eager to go back into Mommy’s lap. We went down, where I hungrily drank a bottle and snuggled on Mommy’s shoulder while we watched the movie. I wasn’t as exhausted as I was last night, so I didn’t fall asleep with Mommy. 

Finally, the clock reached 9pm, and even though the movie wasn’t over (it was getting to a really good part), Mommy announced that it was time for bed. She held my hand, and led me back upstairs to my room, where the crib gate was down.

“Time to get into bed sweetie, we’ll have some more fun tomorrow. I have one thing I need to talk to you about though before you drift off.”

I climbed into the crib, and snuggled onto my pillow. Mommy covered me in a blanket, popped a pacifier in my mouth and lifted the gate up where it reached a tell-tale “click”, indicating that it was in the proper restraining setting. It’s not like I’d have tried to get out anyway; I don’t know why I would, or even if I did, where I’d go. I was still a little unsure about all of this, about 25% I figured, but it was really more of a kernel of self-doubt that I’d always had following me. It was really nothing; sometimes I worried just to worry. What if Mommy got sick of me and put me on the streets? I always had irrational fears dating back to my yo-yo of a childhood.

Once again, Mommy interrupted my thoughts (she had a real knack for doing so)

“Now honey, I’m not pleased with how you acted towards the end at Auntie Dana’s. Quite frankly, you embarrassed me a bit,” Mommy looked down over the crib. This wasn’t a discussion, this was Mommy laying down the law. I knew another she was going to drop. 

“So you’re going to lose something tomorrow, and I haven’t decided yet. You may just be getting ready for an extended stay in the playpen tomorrow. I’d thought about taking you to a museum in the city, but I can’t do that for little girls who like to be disrespectful towards their Mommy. Do you understand, hon?”

I guess I kind of did. I did overreact, and I really did keep pushing Mommy’s buttons just to see where it would go, so I did deserve this.

“Yeth Mommy.”

“Ok hon. Tomorrow may not be as fun as today was, but that’s because I love you and I want to make sure that I’m raising you right. Mommy doesn’t put up with bratty behavior. I never did from Samantha, and I won’t from you either.”

I started to cry a bit. The situation sat in, I really was in trouble. I’d made Mommy mad. Here came that irrational fear again.

“Mommmyyy…pwweeease don’t send me back, pweease don’t weave me!” I cried out. 

Mommy did something I didn’t expect. She laughed. “Oh honey, just because you’re in trouble doesn’t mean that I’m going to throw you out or cast you aside. I just need to make sure that I’m being the best Mommy that I can be for you, and that means that sometimes you might be getting into trouble. Every kid does.”

It was strangely reassuring. I don’t think I’d ever been happy to be lectured before. She wasn’t leaving me and was taking an interest in my well-being. It was definitely something that I’d never experienced before. 

Mommy continued, “Now let me give you a kiss goodnight”

I sat up and Mommy kissed me on the head. I plopped back down underneath my blanket. Mommy smiled at me. “Goodnight Princess,” she spoke softly, before finally going out and turning out the light. Before she left, she lovingly doted back towards me, “Mommy loves you and can’t wait to spend another great day with you tomorrow.”

She closed the door, and the room was illuminated only by a night light in the corner. As I sucked on my pacifier, I peed in my diaper a little. I drifted off to sleep. Today had been an absolutely wonderful day, and I felt like the luckiest little girl in the world. 

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  • BabyGirlSJ changed the title to Falling In Reverse (Updated With Chapter 14, 4/27/21)

I’m enjoying this story even though I was sort of hoping it might deal with the many issues that such a protagonist would almost certainly have, given this situation. We’re talking about someone who has lived nearly twenty years, the last one as a college student, and all as a male. Jaclyn may not have set any solid future goals in her life, but just growing up sort of forces a perspective on a person. How has she passed her time and enjoyed herself for all of those years? Did she read? Play video games? Go to parties? Listen to music? Suddenly, in a desperate bid for fantasy wish fulfillment, she has abandoned all of this and entered the pretended life of a baby. OK, I get that: I mean who on here has not had that fantasy? But isn’t it reasonable to think that she would not simply turn on a dime and forget her more adult life? Suddenly finding such immense pleasure in playing with dolls (which is an activity she had zero experience with) amid a group of toddlers feels sort of odd. Wouldn’t it take some getting used to? I mean she’s already throwing tantrums even. And she didn’t even hesitate to sign up for this for life...without even having experienced it and without any effort to negotiate things like the food she will eat (I mean she certainly could eat cut-up pieces of pizza, for instance) or even the opportunity for “temperature checks” with her mommy to see whether she’s happy with everything. 

Don’t get me wrong: it’s all good fun and I am totally aware that it is fetish fantasy, but I can’t help wishing she were a bit more realistic in her thinking and acting. It would make her eventual acceptance of the baby role better to understand. Maybe I’ll just have to write that one myself. ? Meanwhile, thanks for this one.

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22 hours ago, kerry said:

I’m enjoying this story even though I was sort of hoping it might deal with the many issues that such a protagonist would almost certainly have, given this situation. We’re talking about someone who has lived nearly twenty years, the last one as a college student, and all as a male. Jaclyn may not have set any solid future goals in her life, but just growing up sort of forces a perspective on a person. How has she passed her time and enjoyed herself for all of those years? Did she read? Play video games? Go to parties? Listen to music? Suddenly, in a desperate bid for fantasy wish fulfillment, she has abandoned all of this and entered the pretended life of a baby. OK, I get that: I mean who on here has not had that fantasy? But isn’t it reasonable to think that she would not simply turn on a dime and forget her more adult life? Suddenly finding such immense pleasure in playing with dolls (which is an activity she had zero experience with) amid a group of toddlers feels sort of odd. Wouldn’t it take some getting used to? I mean she’s already throwing tantrums even. And she didn’t even hesitate to sign up for this for life...without even having experienced it and without any effort to negotiate things like the food she will eat (I mean she certainly could eat cut-up pieces of pizza, for instance) or even the opportunity for “temperature checks” with her mommy to see whether she’s happy with everything. 

Don’t get me wrong: it’s all good fun and I am totally aware that it is fetish fantasy, but I can’t help wishing she were a bit more realistic in her thinking and acting. It would make her eventual acceptance of the baby role better to understand. Maybe I’ll just have to write that one myself. ? Meanwhile, thanks for this one.

Yeah I was kind of thinking this as well

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