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Hello everyone, this story may be very similar to one you have seen before because it is. About 15 years ago, a person by the name of Jilly Poo started the story “New Girl in School”, the story was last worked on a few years ago and has seemed to have died since. I am in the process of rewriting the story with some changes to better fit the current era. This story is 100% fiction(the only thing real about this story is the city and state), if you have any ideas or changes that should be made, feel free to PM me. I apologize, for any grammatical errors as well as for the slow start. Hope you all enjoy! :) 


CHAPTER 1: Going to School 


My name is Natalie Ross, I am currently 14 years old, and just moved to Oregon, Wisconsin from a small town in North Carolina called Lincolnton where I am about to start my freshman year of high school. I am fairly short for my age, I am 4 foot 11, everyone mistakes my age and thinks that I am still in elementary school. 

*Dream fades in*It feels so real, it is currently the 4th of September, 2018, my first day at my new school, my first day in high school. I am walking down the hallway and I see this cute guy and he ends up asking me to the dance. I ended up saying yes. *Dream fades out* 
            “Natalie, it’s time to get up and get ready for school!”  yells my mother.

I am excited yet nervous, it is my first day as a high schooler in my new school. I jump in the shower all excited and I am right out in 5 minutes. I don’t even take the time to get dressed. Once I am dressed, I rush downstairs to see what my mom made me for breakfast.

“Yum!! Bacon, eggs and pancakes! My favorite!” I say.

“You better hurry up and eat before your bus comes” my mother says.

I hurry up and eat my food and didn’t even ask for seconds. Once I am done eating, I realize that I am almost late for my bus. I hurry up and grab my backpack, which contains all my items that I need for school, and head out to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Within 5 minutes of arriving at the bus stop, the bus comes. As I get on the bus, I plug my headphones into my iPhone 8 and slowly make my way to the back of the bus to avoid anyone due to being nervous about my first day at school. The bus is ride is a nice 15-minute ride, which gave me plenty of time to listen to music and calm my mind. 

After the 15-minute ride, I arrived at Oregon High School, which is medium size, but it is so much bigger than my old school in North Carolina. As I walk into the school, I am overwhelmed at the size difference of the school compared to my old school. 

I glance down at my schedule to see where my locker is. I manage to find my locker where I am greeted by a girl, which is known by many people at the school by the name of Jennifer Robinson.

“Umm… Excuse me…” I say shyly, “I believe you are at my locker”.

Jennifer laughs and says, “Your locker? Are you even old enough to be in high school? You look like you’re 5 years old”.

Before I can even retort back, I hear “Hey! Leave her alone!”. Once Jennifer heard that, she got all mad and walked away. 

“Hi, my name is Abby, I am a junior here at Oregon, I take it you’re new?” Says Abby.

“Yes, I am, I actually just moved here from North Carolina. I am a freshman” I reply.

“If you need help with anything, I can help show you to your first class once you are done putting your things back in your locker” Abby says.

“That would be great!” I reply. After I drop my backpack off in my locker, Abby shows me around the school and takes me to my first class: Physical Science.


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I'm glad to see that someone is doing a rewrite of this story. Hopefully Jilly Poo comes back sometime.

Natalie seems to have the deck stacked against her with her height issue.

I eagerly anticipate your next chapter, and I appreciate the time and effort you are taking to post this story!

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I am trying to get as much of this story done as I can today. As I am typing this story up, it is going to be a little more different than I thought. Chapter 3 will definitely incorporate some forced age regression. If you read the original "New Girl in School, you'll somewhat know what happens next, anyways, here's chapter 2. Enjoy :)


CHAPTER 2: First Day of School


“Hello class and welcome to Physical Science, my name is Mrs. Pletz and I will be your teacher this semester” says the teacher.

This class was pretty uneventful. All we did in this class was read over the syllabus that the teacher handed out and introduced ourselves. As I finish introducing myself in the class, I hear the bell signaling the end of class, I head to my next class which is gym.

As I am walking to gym, I run into Abby. “How was your first class?” She says.

“It went pretty good I guess; it was really boring. What class do you have next?” I ask.

“ I have gym, how about you?” Abby replies.

“Really? Me too!” I say excitedly. We end up walking to gym together and we head into the locker room where I spot in the corner of my eye a familiar person that I have seen earlier today: Jennifer Robinson. Hoping I don’t get spotted, I try to hurry up and change. I am usually a slow changer so I ended up being the last on in the locker room…. As so I thought.

“Aww look at the little girl. Does she need help with changing?” Jennifer says.

I try my best to ignore her, in which I succeeded, and I walk out the locker room just in time for the teacher to introduce himself and start roll call. 

            “Hello, my name is Mr. Rush and I will be your gym teacher here for the year. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to talk to me”. After Mr. Rush introduced himself, he started calling off names for roll call. Once Mr. Rush finished calling off names for roll call, he announced that we were going to play freeze tag.

            It has been about 15 minutes in freeze tag and I have had plenty of fun and I have not been tagged yet. All of a sudden out of nowhere, Jennifer pushes me to the ground and yells “That is for ignoring me in the locker room, you do not ignore me. I will get you back for this!”.

            About 20 minutes later, the teacher ends the game of freeze tag, he huddled us all up to tell us about what to expect in the future. As Mr. Rush is talking to us, I spot a guy in the huddle that is really cute. Abby notices me staring at the guy and says “his name is Caleb Allen; he is a sophomore”. I start to day dream about Caleb and him taking me to the homecoming dance. As I am day dreaming, Jennifer is noticing me eyeing Caleb and smiles mischievously because she came up with a plan.

            Before I know it, I hear Mr. Rush tell us to go back to the locker rooms and change for class. As I am walking back to the locker room, Jennifer approaches me “Hey, I am Jennifer, I am sorry for how I acted towards you earlier today. I noticed you were eyeing Caleb; I can tell you’re crushing on him. I can even get him to ask you to the dance”.

            “Really?” I say. 

            “yes, I can, but you must do everything I say, okay?” says Jennifer.

            “Okay” I say, as I hop into the shower. After the shower, I start to get dressed and head to my next classes which is algebra followed by Language Arts.

            Algebra and Language Arts went just like physical science. We introduced ourselves, looked over the syllabus, and then talked about the future of the class for the rest of the year.

            Finally, it was lunch, an hour break away from classes. I walk into the cafeteria and take a seat at a table alone where Abby then joins me. We talked about our classes and how our days were going so far. All of a sudden Jennifer comes up behind me and gives me a note. “MEET ME AT MY LOCKER AFTER SCHOOL” the note says. 

            “I really don’t like her, she is bad news, she tortures literally every student that is new here” Abby says.

            “It can’t really be that bad” I say. Abby and I continue to eat lunch together and talk about our days when the bell rings signaling that we need to go back to classes.

            The rest of the day was pretty much like the rest of the classes. Introduce yourself, go over the syllabus, and then go over the expectations for the class for the rest of the year. I was more excited to see how Jennifer was going to get Caleb to ask me to the dance than I was about school.

            Finally, the final bell rings signaling the end of school. I make my way to my locker and get my backpack and go directly to Jennifer’s locker afterward. As I approach Jennifer’s locker, I notice that she is hanging out with a few friends and laughing. Jennifer then spots me, hands me a piece of paper, and says, “Here is a list of things you need by tomorrow, have fun”. After handing me the note, she walked away with an evil grin and starts laughing.



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Here are chapters 3 to 5. My goal is to finish this story within the next couple months. Feel free to provide your feedback below. Hope you all are enjoying this story :)



CHAPTER 3: The Note


         As I go outside of the school, I realize that I missed the bus. Even though I missed the bus, I wasn’t mad at all, I would get to go to the homecoming dance with Jennifer’s help.

         After about 5 minutes of walking towards home, I hear a car honk beside me. Inside the car was Abby. Abby rolled down her window and yelled “Hey, Natalie, do you need a ride home?”

         “Yes, I do” I said. Abby pulled over her car allowing me to jump in. After I jumped into her car, she took me home. On the way to my house, we talked about how Jennifer is helping me with trying to get Caleb to ask me to the homecoming dance. As we are talking about the situation with Jennifer and I, she informs me that she thinks it is a bad idea. I decide that I am still good with Jennifer helping me.

         Shortly after resolving that little argument with Abby, I arrive home. After I get out of the car, I thank Abby for the ride and walk into the house. As I walk through the door of the little duplex that my parents and I live in, I am greeted at the door by my mother asking how school was. I told her about what I did in class and gave her a hug and headed up to my room.

         Once I am up in my room, I pull the piece of paper that Jennifer gave me and read it: “You will wear your hair in pigtails, bring a box of crayons, and wear mismatched socks”. I thought that this was a little weird, but it seems easy to me. If all I have to do is those three things, I got this. After I read the list, I was called down to dinner.

         As I went downstairs, I saw that we were having tacos for dinner. Yum! While eating dinner, I told my mother again about my day as well as my father and they told me about how their day was. After finishing dinner, I put my dishes in the dishwasher and proceeded up to my room to get ready for tomorrow.

         Once I am up in my room, I get together a box of crayons and then layout my outfit for tomorrow including the mismatched socks. Once I get all of my stuff ready for tomorrow, I start to get ready for bed so I can be well rested tomorrow.



CHAPTER 4: The Deal


         “Natalie, It’s time for school!” My mother yelled.

         I jolted awake. It felt like I was asleep for only 5 minutes when in reality it was about 10 hours. Today is the day where I find out exactly what Jennifer has planned. I get up and jump into the shower. After the shower, I get out and change into the clothes I set out last night for today. Once I got those clothes on, I put my hair up into pigtails, grab the crayons, and throw them into my backpack. I head downstairs to pour some cereal for breakfast and chow it down before I leave. On my way out the door, my mother spots me and points out how I look “Awe, don’t you look cute like that. I remember when you were little, I used to put your hair up like that every day”.

         “Thank you, mom,” I said, “This is how the cool girls do it nowadays, anyways, I have to go, I don’t want to be late to the bus”. I hurry out the door to head to the bus stop. I was planning to do the same routine as yesterday, wait for the bus then head towards the back of the bus away from everyone.

         Once the bus came, I got on and made my way to the back of the bus. As I was walking to the back of the bus, everyone was starting to give me weird looks. Some of the people on the bus were giving me smirks and laughing at me. Once the bus arrived at the school, I walked into the building. As I was walking into the building, I had a similar reaction from the students as I got when I got on to the bus.

         As I made my way to my locker, I noticed that Jennifer and a few of her friends were hanging out at my locker.

         “Ooh, look at her, she’s so cute” cooed Jennifer and her friends.

         “Also, I want to add something to your list of rules. From now on you will address me as ‘mommy’ and all of my friends as ‘aunties’” said Jennifer.

         “Okay” I said.

         “Okay who?” asked Jennifer.

         Okay mommy” I said softly.

         “What was that? I didn’t hear you baby” Jennifer teased.

         “Okay mommy” I said louder as everyone around us started to laugh.

         “Good, now that you know who I am, now I will tell you who you are. You are my little girl and you will listen and do everything that I tell you to do. Do you have all the things that mommy told you to do” Jennifer asked.

         “Yes mommy” I say as I pull out the crayons and then show her my mismatched socks.

         “I guess I should have been more specific, I wanted you to get the thicker crayons. The ones that kindergartners use. Here, take these, I knew you wouldn’t get the right crayons” Jennifer handed me the crayons “Well, we better get going to class, see you in Gym little Natalie”.

         After I dropped my backpack off at my locker, I headed to my first class. My first class was more productive than it was yesterday. Today we got our textbooks and read on matter while we filled out a worksheet on the reading that we are doing. The worksheet was very easy to finish, I finished it in only 15 minutes. After filling out the worksheet and turning it in, I went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram for the rest of the class.

         After looking at Instagram for about 20 minutes, the bell rang signaling that the class was done. After class, I went out to the hallway to walk towards my locker and catch up with Abby on my way to gym as well as to grab my clothes. Once I grabbed my gym clothes from my locker, Abby and I started to head towards the locker room to change for gym. Once I was done changing, I went out for roll call and realized that Jennifer was not in class. Abby was right next to me and I asked her, “Do you know where Jennifer is? I saw her this morning.”

         “No, I don’t, but wherever she is, she can’t be up to any good”, Abby replied.

         After roll call, Mr. Rush stated that we are going to be running the mile. As Mr. Rush made the announcement, there were many groans and complaints.




CHAPTER 5: Suppositories and Locking Pants


         After running the mile, we all huddled up to discuss what is going on tomorrow. After the huddle, we got to go back to the locker room to change. I didn’t want to go back to class all sweaty, so I decided to shower to rinse off some of the sweat.

As I am in the shower, Jennifer went behind and whispered in my ear, “be still little one, this won’t hurt a bit”. As she said that, I felt something touch my butt cheeks. I wasn’t sure what she was trying to do, but I felt something (not one, but two things) slide up and into me on my back side. After that little encounter with Jennifer, I was left alone.


         After reading the note, I looked into the bag at the contents. The bag contained an altered denim skirt to make it even shorter, a pink shirt that says mommy’s little girl, and some light up shoes that look very childish with Velcro straps and princesses, and pink hair bows. Although there was no underwear in the bag, there was a fluffy pink diaper with princesses that appeared to fit me perfectly.

         As I am looking at the items that are now out of the bag, I begin to feel a cramp. I wasn’t sure if it was from nervousness or if it was the suppositories beginning to take effect, but I didn’t want to take any chances so I decided to give in to the circumstances. I laid down and taped the diaper on myself and put on all the other items that were in the brown paper bag.

         Once I had all of the items on, I grabbed my backpack and headed towards class. As I headed out of the locker room, I looked into the mirror at myself and looked in horror. I looked like I was a giant two year old. 

Maybe if I head over to the nurses office and tell them that I was sick, they would send me home. As I think over the situations in my head, I realize that Jennifer could weaponize this and humiliate me to the entire school so I decided that the best option was to stay at school. After all, what would I tell the nurse when she asks about my current outfit including the cute diaper I was wearing, which would be very humiliating. Ughhh today is going to be very embarrassing. 

After coming to my senses, I decide to shamefully proceed to Algebra with a crinkling echoing through the hallway. I ended up making it just in time as the bell rang. Throughout the class, we are working on classwork with our little table teams when all of a sudden I feel pressure build up in my bowels. I then raise my hand and ask the teacher “May I be excused to use the bathroom?” 

“Yes, you may” replied Ms. Murphy. 

Right as she said that I could use the bathroom, I bolted through the classroom door and headed towards the bathroom. As I am heading to the bathroom, I let out a loud wet fart that anyone nearby could surely hear. 

All of a sudden out of nowhere I hear “Baby Natalie, where are you heading? You better not be heading to the big girl potty because there is no need for you to be in there. After all, you are wearing your potty little girl”. I look around and I see Jennifer right behind me. Right as I look at Jennifer, my bowels let loose and a large mess begins to fill my diaper. “Aww, did my baby make a mess in her diaper?” said Jennifer.

“Yes” I replied.

“Yes who?” questioned Jennifer.

“Yes Mommy” I replied.

“Let's take you to the bathroom to get you changed” replied Jennifer. As she said that, she dragged me into the bathroom and pulls out a pair of clear looking panties. “Slip your legs through the leg holes baby” said Jennifer.

As she said that, I allowed Jennifer to pull the plastic panties up my legs. As the clear plastic panties get pulled up, I feel Jennifer wrap a small chain around my waist followed by a clicking sound. 

“There, now you can't take off your diaper without mommy’s help” said Jennifer. As she said that, I let out another wet fart and with the fart came another wave of mess exploding into my diaper. “Now, back to class little one and if you’re good, Mommy might change you at lunch”.

As Jennifer was about to leave, she took her phone out and took a picture of Natalie “Just in case you have any funny ideas” As Jennifer said that, she walked out of the locker room to leave me all alone sitting in my thoroughly used, messy diaper.


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I would not rewrite someone else’s story without permission.  There are shared worlds like the Diaper Dimension for the purpose of writing in someone else’s universe.

I liked Jilly Poo’s story and it did get a lot done to it toward the end.  However, this seems more like a sequel since Abby was the main character who got dominated by Jennifer.  Maybe Abby will be more specific in her warnings about Jennifer or help her out of this mess that she experienced last year.  Maybe we get to learn how Abby was able to regain her potty training, if she actually has,

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8 minutes ago, WriteAndLeft said:

I would not rewrite someone else’s story without permission.  There are shared worlds like the Diaper Dimension for the purpose of writing in someone else’s universe.

I liked Jilly Poo’s story and it did get a lot done to it toward the end.  However, this seems more like a sequel since Abby was the main character who got dominated by Jennifer.  Maybe Abby will be more specific in her warnings about Jennifer or help her out of this mess that she experienced last year.  Maybe we get to learn how Abby was able to regain her potty training, if she actually has,

This is not a sequel to Jilly Poo's story. I used her story as an inspiration to create my own work. The Abby portrayed in this story is not the Abby portrayed in Jilly Poo's story.

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How does one find the author of an abandoned story. I believe that after 3 years, if the author has not updated in the interim, the story should be considered fair game for completion by someone who is willing to try to finish it.

That being said, this author has said that, although locations are real and characters are similar. this is a new story. Please allow artistic license to work as this story continues.

I am enjoying the start and look forward to more. Please update soon.

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2 hours ago, junyour said:

How does one find the author of an abandoned story. I believe that after 3 years, if the author has not updated in the interim, the story should be considered fair game for completion by someone who is willing to try to finish it.

That being said, this author has said that, although locations are real and characters are similar. this is a new story. Please allow artistic license to work as this story continues.

I am enjoying the start and look forward to more. Please update soon.

Thank you for your support. I currently have chapters 5-7 all types up and will probably release them within the next few hours. My goal is to get this story done within the next couple months. Again, thank you for your support :) 

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Here are chapters 6 and 7. I am currently waiting on chapter 8 to get edited and then I can post it. I can expect chapter 8 to be released tomorrow with the possibility of chapter 9. As stated before, I am open to any sort of feedback (either as a comment or a PM). I also stated this earlier today, Jilly Poo's New Girl in School inspired me to write my own version of it with different characters in a different city. Anyways, I hope you enjoy chapters 6 and 7.  ? 



CHAPTER 6: The Pacifier


The remaining classes, Algebra and Language Arts, were embarrassing with many wet farts causing me to continue filling my diaper even more throughout the classes. 

After Language Arts, I was relieved that it was time for lunch. I would not usually be relieved to receive a diaper change like a little baby, but I did not want to continue sitting in this mess. As I approach the cafeteria, I scan the area for Jennifer. Once I found her, I walked up to her. I noticed that she was with her friends. 

I approached her and asked “can I get a diaper change?”

“What was that Baby Natalie?” She asks.

“Mommy, can I get a diaper change?” I ask.

“Yes, little one. Let’s go to the bathroom and change you”. Replied Jennifer. Jennifer then pulled me into the nearest bathroom along with her friends and locked the door behind us.

As Jennifer closed the door, one of her friends spoke up and said “can I change the baby?”

“Yes you can” replied Jennifer with a mischievous grin. 

Jennifer’s friend then laid me down and unlocked my plastic pants and then proceeded to untape my diaper and started to wipe me down. After wiping down my private area, she then applied a generous amount of baby powder to my private area. “Now you smell the part” Jennifer’s friend added. After applying the baby powder, she then proceeded to tape a new diaper around my waist along with the locking plastic pants. 

“What do you say baby?” Jennifer says.

“Thank you” Natalie says shyly.

“Thank you who, little one,” Jennifer replies.

“Thank you Auntie,” says Natalie.

After I got changed, Jennifer reaches into her backpack and pulls something out with a little string attached to it. After she pulls the item out of her bag, she attaches the string to me and puts the item attached to the string into my mouth. “I’ve got you something that suits you little girl! What do you say?” says Jennifer.

“Thank you Mommy” I replied. As I replied, all of the other “aunties” laughed at me and cooed at how adorable I was. I turn red from embarrassment and try to turn away. Now I definitely look like a baby. Jennifer and the “aunties” then proceed to take their phones out and take a picture of me with the pacifier in my mouth. 

“See you after school, baby” Jennifer says as she leaves the bathroom. 

I spit out the pacifier and concealed it as I trailed behind Jennifer and her friends to go meet Abby in the cafeteria. 

I scanned the cafeteria until I found Abby and then approached the table. 

“Natalie, is everything okay?” Abby asks.

“Yeah, why?” I reply.

“I noticed that you are dressed differently than you usually are and that you are acting weird. Is Jennifer behind this?” Abby says.

“Yes she is, but everything is under control” I reply.

“If you ever need anything, just let me know, I am always here for you” Abby says.

As Abby finishes her sentence, I then notice that Caleb is walking by. Feeling embarrassed, I put my head down on the table. Caleb seemed to walk by without noticing me, thank God. Abby and I then continue to talk about our days until the bell rings signalling that we need to go to homeroom. 

The rest of school went on with more embarrassment with the crinkling of the diaper throughout the hallways and the classrooms and more school work from the teachers. 

Finally, the end of the day is nearing! It is the 7th hour with only Study Hall remaining. It feels good to be in the home stretch with an end to this madness in sight, or so it seems.

At the end of study hall, I start to make my way to my locker when I was approached by Jennifer alone. “Let's get you to the bathroom so we can get you changed”. 

We start making our way towards the bathroom where Jennifer locks the door behind her and proceeds to unlock my plastic pants and untape my diaper. After she untapes my diaper, she then cleans my private area and applies some baby powder. Jennifer then tapes a new diaper on me. “Consider yourself lucky, I will not be putting the plastic pants on you today, but you need to be diapered 24/7 from now on. If you take your diaper off and decide not to change into a new one, I will know” says Jennifer as she puts two diapers in my backpack. “Here are some diapers for tonight. Be good or else I’ll post those photos that I took earlier today. I’ll see you tomorrow baby”. Jennifer then walks out of the bathroom.

Shortly after Jennifer walks out of the bathroom, I walk out to the parking lot to find Abby. Once I found Abby in the parking lot, we start our journey to my house where I will be safe and away from everyone after such a long day. 

As I walk through the door of the house, I notice a note on the kitchen counter: “WE WILL BE GONE FOR THE NIGHT, LOVE MOM AND DAD”. Finally, away from everyone, I think. I pull open the cupboard in the kitchen and pull out some Easy Mac, put some water in the bowl, and throw it in the microwave for the desirable time. I then pour myself a glass of milk to calm myself from the events that happened today. After I finish the glass of milk, I hear the microwave go off and I pull out the Easy Mac, grab a fork and head up to my room.

As I am walking up the stairs, the crinkling of the undergarment that I am wearing underneath reminds me of the humiliating events that have unfolded today. Finally, I reach my room where I can lay down and watch some netflix. 

I jump into my bed, turn on my TV, and turn on “The Perfect Date” on Netflix. As I am laying in bed watching the movie, I feel the urge to pee. As I am about to get up, I realize that Jennifer said that I have to keep my diaper on and use the diaper so I decide to be all the wiser and use the diaper as I had been instructed.

Once the movie is over, I decide to fall asleep and hope for a better day tomorrow.

CHAPTER 7: The Dream


It is Saturday, October 13th, 2018, I am currently at the school where they are holding the homecoming dance. I am wearing an elegant purple dress with a corsage around my wrist that has a hint of purple matching the color of my dress. Caleb is wearing a black dress shirt with a purple tie that matches the color of my dress along with some black slacks and black dress shoes. 

We are holding hands as we are entering the building. No diaper, no Jennifer, no drama, just me and Caleb. We walk into the dimly lit gym with an Under the Sea theme. There are cardboard fish, seahorses, water, and anything else that you could imagine in a crystal blue ocean. 

We dance the night away to a variety of songs, both slow and fast. Throughout the night, Caleb never leaves me unattended. At the end of the night Caleb gives me an intimately embracing hug and we begin to lean in for a kiss.


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This is easily the best ABDL story ever written, so it's only fair that you probably won't reach it's status.  That said, I am excited to see where you go with it.  Clearly Jilly has long since abandoned this story, I believe she initially wrote it 12+ years ago. I wish you the best of luck, and will be reading updates.

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Hello everyone, sorry it took a little longer than expected to get this little section edited. Also, thank you for the positivity! Anyhow, here are chapters 8 through 10.


CHAPTER 8: The Coloring Book 


I eventually wake up to the blaring alarm on my phone which instantly sends me back into reality. My first thought upon waking is none other than wishing my dream was as real as it felt. As I continue to slowly wake up, I feel a dampness around my waist and roll over to hear a familiar crinkle that quickly reminds me of yesterday’s events. 

I decide that it is time to get out of bed and jump into the shower. I walk into the bathroom, untape the diaper letting it drop on the floor, and jump into a refreshing hot shower. After about 30 minutes, I figured my shower had run its course and I should get out to start getting ready for school. 

As I start to walk back to my room, I remember what Jennifer told me yesterday about wearing a diaper. I reach into my bag and pull out another fluffy pink diaper like the previous ones I have worn and ever so carefully taped it on me. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt realizing, once again, that Jennifer did not give me anything that I was specifically required to wear today. As I finished getting dressed, I put my hair into pigtails and put on mix matching socks like Jennifer wanted me to and I head down stairs realizing that, yet again, I was running late.

As I get to the bus stop, the bus promptly arrives. I step onto the bus and as usual, proceed to the back of the bus and take my seat as we begin to head towards the school for another, most likely, humiliating day. As I get to school, I am greeted at the front doors by none other than Jennifer Robinson.

“Hello baby, did you have a good night?” Asks Jennifer with the stupid smirk she always gives me.

“Yes mommy, I did” I reply.

“Where is your paci?” Asks Jennifer.

“I forgot it at home. I was in a rush this morning” I reply as my face begins to turn red from embarrassment.

“That’s okay little Natalie, I brought another one just for you, here” says Jennifer, as she’s clipping the pacifier to my shirt. “Now what do you say to Mommy?” asks Jennifer.

“Thank you Mommy” I reply shyly as I  start to walk into the school towards my locker.

“Oh, and a couple more things Natalie; one, I want you to have that pacifier clipped to your shirt the entire day and two, here’s a coloring book, I want you to color me three pictures in it by Gym class.” Says Jennifer as she hands me a coloring book that was obviously meant for little kids before walking away.

As I am walking to my first class, I begin to think about how I will get three pictures done before Gym class, which is second period. I walk into the class flipping through the pages of the coloring book to find that every single page consisted of large blank pictures that needed to be colored. 

A few minutes later, the bell signalling first period rang as students began to flood the classroom. As I am listening to the lecture by Mrs. Pletz, I try to sloppily color one photo to the best of my abilities. I think, one photo down, two to go. With only 30 minutes left of class, I know this means I must color faster in order to meet Jennifer’s deadline. I flip to the next photo and color that photo, at his point, to the best of my ability with the speed that I am coloring. I see I have ten minutes of class left with only one more photo left to color. With this photo I practically scribble all over the photo trying to finish it in time. All of a sudden I hear the bell ring signalling the end of first period. Well, time to go to Gym, I thought.

As I make my way towards the gym, I look at the pictures that I have colored and it looked like a toddler colored those pictures. I walk into the locker room and Jennifer is already there waiting for me along with her friends. “I believe you have something for me” Jennifer said. 

I gave Jennifer the pictures that I colored and she looked at them and said “awe colored just like the baby you are”. As she said that, she grabbed my diaper and squeezed it. “Just need to make sure that your diaper is still dry, but as predicted, the baby couldn’t keep her diaper dry for one hour”. Deciding I don’t yet need a change, she walks away laughing, forcing me to go through gym class in a wet diaper.

CHAPTER 9: The Sleepover Invitation


As I begin to walk out of the locker room, I approach Abby. “We need to do something about Jennifer,” I say.

“Are you talking about revenge?” replies Abby.

“Yes, I do not know what yet, but we have the whole weekend to figure that out” I say.

After that little conversation I had with Abby, I proceeded to go to roll call. Little did I know, Jennifer heard the entire conversation and she had a plan in mind.

Today in Gym, we went to the weight room and did some light workouts that Mr. Rush had us do. Gym went by pretty quick with no confrontation at all from Jennifer, surprisingly. After Gym, we huddled as usual and talked about what happened today.

After the huddle, Abby and I make our way to the locker room where we bump into Jennifer. “Hey”, Jennifer says, “I am hosting a sleepover this weekend. My parents and brother are out of town and you two are invited. I will provide you more information at lunch”. 

Before Abby and I could respond, Jennifer walked away. “What do you think?” I ask abby. 

“I don’t know about this, an entire weekend with Jennifer? It kind of sounds, you know, dangerous” replies Abby.

“Maybe if we think of a plan for revenge before the party, we can put it in action tonight”, I reply, “I just need to clear it with my mom at lunch to make sure that it is okay for me to go over to Jennifer’s house tonight”. 

“Okay” replies Abby, “I should do the same.

Once we were done changing, we went our separate ways to our next classes where I begin to try to think of a plan for the sleepover this weekend. 

Before I know it, my third and fourth class was over and I, surprisingly,  didn’t need a change yet, plus it was lunch. I went ahead, stepped aside in the hallway and told Siri to call my mother. As I hear the dialing tone, I wonder to myself what I am going to say. Then all of a sudden a voice picks up “Natalie?”.

“Hey Mom” I say into the phone, “My friend Jennifer is have a sleepover this weekend and I was wondering if I was able to spend the weekend at her house”

“Of course you can” replied my Mother over the phone.

“Thank you Mom, I love you”. After I said I love you to my mother, I hung up the phone and made my way to the cafeteria to meet up with Abby in our usual spot. 

“My Mom said yes” I say.

“ Awesome! Mine too!” Abby replies excitedly. “Now, what do you have for a revenge idea?”

“I haven’t thought of much, but what we could do is wait for Jennifer to fall asleep and once she is asleep, we could try the warm water trick! That should embarrass her” I say. As I finish my sentence, Jennifer and a couple of her friends appear behind me and Jennifer looks at me, smiles, and walks away. Abby immediately took notice.

“What was that about?” Asks Abby. 

“Not sure” I reply, “As you said in gym, she probably has something up her sleeve”.

Throughout the rest of lunch, Abby and I discuss the plans when the bell rings telling us to head back to class. As Abby and I are heading to class, Jennifer walks by and drops off a note and walks away before I can even get a word out. 


I thought out loud, Interesting, usually at sleepovers, I always get asked to bring something. I wonder to myself  why she doesn’t want me to bring anything. I freak out over the note and accept it. Nonetheless, I found the address on the back to be no problem at all and quite helpful, regardless if I wanted to go or not.

The rest of the day went by without any other issues at all, just a diaper change in the middle of the day, but I was smart enough to keep a spare in my backpack from yesterday. Soon enough, it was the end of the day, I met up with Abby and we started to go over our plan again. Before heading to Jennifer’s house, Abby and I decide to run to the store to get some things for tonight. Now,we are ready to put the plan into action.

CHAPTER 10: The Attempt At Revenge


It is 5 o’clock: Abby and I are rolling up to Jennifer’s place in Abby’s car. As we roll up to the house, we, once again, go over the plan for revenge. The plan was simple, we wait for Jennifer to fall asleep, we then fill up a bowl with warm water, wait for Jennifer to wet the bed, take pictures, and then put her in one of the diapers we bought from the store.

As we got out of Abby’s car, we decided it would be best to leave the items in the car. We start walking to the door and we erupt with three solid hard knocks on the door. 

As the door opens, Jennifer appears, smiles, and then says, “Come on in guys, it’s gonna be a great weekend”. 

Abby and I then start to walk into the house and start looking around. The first thing that we noticed while looking around the house is that the house is huge. The next thing we notice is that Jennifer's friends are here too. 

Jennifer then gives us a tour of the house. She shows us where our room is, the bathroom, the kitchen, and the remainder of the house. As we are completing the tour Jennifer has Abby wait in the living room and pulls me into one of the rooms “Hey, I apologize for how I have been lately, here, you can wear these this weekend, also, I will allow you to not follow the rules for the weekend”. She then hands me the pair of underwear she stole from me during gym the other day and walks out of the room. I then proceed to put them on and head out to the living room with everyone else.  

As the night goes by, we spend time watching movies, chatting, and playing games. The clock struck 12AM and everyone decided to go to their rooms except for Abby and I. Abby and I decided to stay out in the living room until we were sure that everyone was asleep. 

It is now 1:30AM and we were sure that everyone was asleep, Abby and I got up and went to Abby’s car to grab the things we got from the store today. As we walk into the house, Abby proceeds to the kitchen where she grabs a bowl out of Jennifer’s kitchen. She then fills the bowl up with some warm water. So far, everything is going as planned according to what we had settled on, even though Jennifer’s friends are here. We walk into Jennifer’s room to check to see if she is asleep, which she is, or as we thought she was. 

We proceeded to bring the diapers and bowl of warm water into Jennifer’s room. Abby then drops the bowl on the floor next to Jennifer’s bed. After she puts the bowl next to Jennifer’s bed, she takes Jennifer’s hand and proceeds to place her hand into the warm water.

“What in the hell are you doing?!?” Asks Jennifer as she jolts awake. As she gets up, she sees what is going on, “Ahh” she says, “I see what y’all are doing, you guys are trying to get me to wet the bed. Oh and Abby, I didn’t know you needed diapers too”. She then yells for her other two friends who then immediately run into the room to see what is going on. As they see what is going on, they start to smile, knowing what is going to happen next.


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While I don't normally comment on stories I had to comment on this story in progress. I very much enjoyed the 1st version of this and am enjoying this new adaptation. Keep up the good work.

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I apologize for the long wait, I got a little writers block, so I am only uploading 1 chapter.


CHAPTER 11: Jennifer’s Plan


As Jennifer’s friends walk in, they grab Abby and pin her down and attempt to strip her of her clothes. Abby puts on a large fight in which Jennifer’s friends start to have trouble stripping her clothes. Jennifer then takes notice and whispers something that neither I or Abby could hear in one of the girls ears. Both Abby and I get pickled up by the feet and hands and we get carried out of the room.

“Where are we going?” I ask angrily. 

“Oh you’ll see” Said one of Jennifer’s friends.

They end up bringing us to another room in the house. A room that Jennifer did not show us. As we get brought into the room, the first thing that I notice are the pastel pink walls. As I glance around the room, I see a crib, a changing room, everything you could find in any stereotypical baby nursery, except, everything is adult sized. This room is an entire adult “nursery.” 

Jennifer then proceeds to push Abby and I into the room, close the door, and lock it.

Jennifer’s friends then put Abby on the changing table. They then take out some handcuffs from underneath the table and begin to cuff her to the table. As they cuff Abby, she starts to struggle against her restraints.

“Try struggling now Abby! You can’t even leave your restraints without our help” one of Jennifer’s friends said.

“Let me go!” Abby screamed.

Jennifer’s friends begin to laugh as she begins to take out a pacifier with a strap that goes around the head. As Abby continues to yell, Jennifer’s friends then puts the pacifier into Abby’s mouth and ties it around her head. Jennifer’s friends then continue to laugh and get out a pair of scissors and start cutting Abby’s clothes off.

“Mmph”, Abby cried out as her clothes are slowly being removed from her body.

“Awe, does little Abby need to speak? It’s a shame that you and your friend would try to do that to Jennifer with all that she’s done for your dear friend Natalie” says one of Jennifer’s friends. Once they stripped all of Abby’s clothes, they got a diaper out and start to tape it onto Abby. Once they get the diaper on her, they got out the locking plastic pants and put it on over the diaper and locked the panties. 

As Jennifer’s friends uncuff Abby from the changing table as well as ungag her, Abby then immediately runs towards the door and tries to open it. 

“Good luck trying to get that door open”, Jennifer says, “The door will need a key to unlock it, which I have”. Jennifer and her friends start to laugh. Jennifer then pushes me towards the changing table and cuffs me to the table and gags me with the pacifier that goes around my head. I lay there knowing my fate. Jennifer then cuts off my clothes and tapes a diaper on to me. After the diaper, she puts a onesie on me with the phrase “Mommy’s little girl”. “Do I need to put locking plastic panties on you too or will you be good?” Asks Jennifer. 

“I’ll be good,” I say.

“Good, now, Abby and Natalie, here are the rules: you all are my little girls and must call me mommy and my friends as aunties. You will also do as I say. Got it?” Jennifer says.

“Yes mommy” Abby and I say in unison. 

Jennifer then gives Abby and I a bottle filled with a white substance. “Here babies, have some milk. Abby and I then take the bottle of milk and start drinking it. As we start drinking the milk, a mischievous looking smile appears on Jennifer’s face.

Within the next 15 minutes, Abby and I passed out with Jennifer and her friends still in the room.

“They are finally knocked out” says Jennifer, “Time to get the supplies”. Jennifer’s friends then come in with a bunch of medical supplies while Jennifer starts to take off our diapers. Once the diapers are off, Jennifer inserts something into Abby and I. Once Jennifer is done putting whatever she had into us, she diapers us back up and heads back to the room along with her friends. 

It seems, in no time, the morning comes. As I wake up, I look around at my surroundings. I find myself in a crib next to Abby in a nursery where everything is built to adult size. As I continue to wake up, I find my diaper to be saturated. “Strange” I thought, “I don’t even remember wetting my diaper”. 

Shortly after Abby and I wake up, Jennifer and her friends walk in. “good morning babies” Jennifer says “It looks like my little girls need a change”. As Jennifer says that, she walks over, picks Abby up and takes her to the changing table while one of Jennifer’s friends takes me to another changing table that is in the room, one that I didn’t notice yesterday. As they took our diapers off, they proceeded to tape a new diaper on us. 

Within five minutes of getting a new diaper on, I feel mine becoming wet. I then realize that this liquid is my own urine and I am not controlling it at all. Abby then begins to notice herself wetting her diaper uncontrollably. Jennifer and her friends realize that we are now noticing what is going on and laughs. 

“What’s so funny?” Abby asks “Why am I peeing my diaper uncontrollably?”

“Last night while you and Natalie were asleep, my friends and I put a catheter into you. With this being said, you will no longer be able to control your bladder as long as the catheter is in. If you are good, we’ll discuss when we might take the catheter out”.


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From reading the original story to your story "New Girl In School" i'm definitely like the changes and way your bringing back adn created the story in your unique way it gets better and dbetter reading it.  Thanks for recreating the story and cant wait to read more chapter when they get posted.  I know Jilly Poo would of loved to finish her amazing story but glad someone brought it back to life

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is chapter 12 as promised. Again, I apologize for the delay in releasing chapter 12, I got writers block and then got really busy with work and school. Also, thank you to those who have supported my spin on this story. As said before, if you have any further ideas on what to put next, please PM me or comment below. I am open to all feedback. Anyways, enjoy chapter 12! ? 



CHAPTER 12: The Backpack


As the day went on, we were now realizing that we were Jennifer’s slaves for the weekend. “How is Caleb going to like me now once he realizes that I wear diapers, will he like me?” I thought. As these thoughts raced through my mind, I am now fully aware of the situation that I am currently in. As I stand here wondering when I will be let out of this nursery that I am currently unable to exit, I feel another warm feeling in my private parts signalling that I am again uncontrollably wetting myself. I dropped to the floor and started crying as I realized the state that I am now in. As the day went on, Jennifer and her friends made Abby and I do embarrassing things while laughing away at us. The weekend finally ended and we were allowed to go back home. Before Abby and I even exited the house, Jennifer gave us our clothes back. Thank god I didn’t have to go home in this, I thought, That would be embarrassing to explain to my parents.

As Abby and I started to walk to the car, Jennifer came out with 2 backpacks filled with unknown items. “Don't open this until you get home, or else”, Jennifer said to us. 

As Abby and I get into the car and start to drive off, I ask “Should we open the bag?”. 

“I don’t think it is a good idea” Abby replies, “I really do not want to find out what happens if we do not listen to her”.

“Good idea,” I reply.

We rode the rest of the ride to my house in silence. As we approach my house, we say our goodbyes and I head in greeted by my parents. 

“How was the sleepover?” my mom asked. 

“It was great,” I replied. I quickly ended the conversation and went up to my room to drop off my backpack as well as the backpack that Jennifer gave me. As I dropped the backpack that was given to me by Jennifer, I quickly opened it, curious about what was inside. As I opened the backpack, there was a piece of paper on top.

“Hello Natalie, you might need a few of these to last you until we meet in the morning. I also have an outfit in here that I want you to wear to school in the morning. Also, make sure you wear your hair like you did on friday and bring your crayons and coloring book. Anyways, see you at school, Love Mommy” read the note. 

As I poured out the backpack, sure enough, the first thing I saw were 5 diapers. The diapers appeared to be the same ones with princesses that she gave me during gym class the other day except they were thicker and somehow more crinklier. As I looked at the diapers, I realized that I needed to change because my diaper was becoming soaked to the point it was about to leak. As I realized, I noticed right away that there were wipes in the bag. 

Before I finished looking at the contents that were in the bag, I grabbed one of the diapers that were given to me and the wipes and started to undo my diaper. Once I undid my diaper, I grabbed one of the wipes and started to wipe down my private area. Once I was done wiping, I taped on the diaper and stood up to finish looking at the contents in the bag. As I stood up, I realized that this diaper was way more thicker than the other ones that Jennifer had me in. I walked to the door and back to see if I could walk still without people noticing that I had a diaper on. It was almost impossible to walk in these diapers. With every step I took, there was a very audible crinkle. Added on to the crinkle, I had a major waddle to the point that everyone would know I was in a diaper. From this point I am realizing my fate that I am now stuck in. A little more than a month left and I am done with this deal, I thought. As I thought of how much time I have left of the deal, I came to think about what Caleb would do if he found out about my condition. As I thought about that, I broke down and started crying, realizing my unfortunate fate of possibly being known in the high school as the girl who wears diapers. 

Once I finished my little breakdown, I waddled up to my bed to finish looking at the contents from the bag. After all, I was curious about what embarrassing outfit Jennifer wanted me to wear this time. As I looked through the contents, I saw a denim mini skirt, some pink and white striped knee high socks, and what appeared to be a pink jumpsuit with pictures of unicorns and rainbows on it with snaps down by the crotch. I then realized how childish I would be wearing this. Stressed out, I lay down in my bed and fall asleep without eating dinner.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a while since I have updated this story, here is chapter 13. I am also working on 2 other stories, "Kidnapped" and "Cheating Girlfriend", feel free to check them out. I always listen to input and take it into consideration while writing these stories, feel free to provide feedback and input on what you want to happen next. Enjoy ? 


CHAPTER 13: New Homecoming Dance Day


As I hear my alarm go off, I realize that it is time to get up. As I got up, I did the new usual. Take my diaper off, jump into the shower, change into a new diaper, and put on the childish clothes that Jennifer had me wear. Once I put on the clothes, I styled my hair to the way that Jennifer wants, pigtails. As I got done getting dressed and doing my hair, I walked past the mirror and stared in shock. As if I never thought that I would’ve looked younger than I looked on Friday, I now officially look like a toddler. Especially with the diaper peeking out of my miniskirt. Thank god my parents go to work early, I thought.

I then got my backpack, put a change in there, and grabbed the pacifier that Jennifer wanted me to have, I headed out the door to be surprised by a 2016 Toyota Camry sitting in my driveway. As I looked in the driver side window to see who it was, the window rolled down to show the face of Jennifer Robinson. 

“Come on in baby, we need to head to school” Jennifer says. 

As I got into the car, I noticed that Abby looked nowhere near as childish as I do. Abby wore some jeans and a t-shirt as she normally wore. There was barely even a bulge in her jeans from the diaper. 

As I got into the car, we headed towards the school. “Do either of you need a change?” Asked Jennifer. 

“No” we both replied.

“Even if I did need a change, I can change myself” I blurted out. This comment seemed to make Jennifer mad. 

After making that comment, Jennifer grabbed her phone, sent a couple text messages, and waited in the car for a couple minutes. I attempted to open the door so I could get out when I found it unable to be opened. “It’s child locked silly” Jennifer said, “I child locked it so that way you couldn’t get out in case you were naughty which of course you are”. 

Shortly after Jennifer made that comment, the same friends that were at the party appeared at the door on my side. They proceeded to open the door and escorted me into the building. “Hey!” I exclaimed, “I need to go to my locker to drop off my school stuff”. 

“Not right now little girl” replied Jennifer, “first we need to settle a couple things”. With that being said, a mischievous smile appeared on Jennifer and her friends’ face.

I was scared once I noticed those smiles, that meant that something embarrassing is about to happen to me. As we walk into the nearest bathroom, Jennifer and her friends locked the door and blocked the path to the door to prevent me from escaping. 

“It seems like whatever I do, you are always a naughty little girl” Jennifer said. 

“What are you going to do to me now?” I questioned.

“Oh you’ll see” replied Jennifer with a smile. Jennifer then opened up her backpack and got out a couple things. “Turn around so your back is towards me” said Jennifer. 

I did as I was told to prevent anything being added on to my punishment. Jennifer then proceeded to stick something up my butt and I started squirming. “Stay still,” said Jennifer. She then proceeded to stick another two things up my butt. “There,” Jennifer said, “that should do it. Oh! One more thing!” Jennifer then proceeded to get out the plastic pants and put them on me and locked them.

“Let’s see you change yourself now, hmm?” Jennifer said as her and her friends laughed. “Now, why don’t we leave the little girl alone so she can head to class” With that being said, Jennifer and her friends walked out of the bathroom leaving me alone.

I tried everything I could to try to get the plastic pants off of me, but to no avail, they were stuck onto me until Jennifer decided to take them off of me. I then hung my head in defeat and headed to my locker to put my backpack away and head to my first class. As I sat down, I felt liquid gush all over the diaper signalling that I have uncontrollably wet myself again.

About a minute after sitting down in my chair, the bell rang signalling class. Shortly after the bell rang, a voice rang over the speaker “Good morning students, unfortunately due to an unorganized schedule, we were forced to reschedule the homecoming dance. The homecoming dance will now be September 22nd. With this being said, I know that it is an inconvenience for all of you, so we decided that the dance will be free, there will be no admission. Have a good day”.

I thought to myself, “ thank god, that means that I have less time in my current state”. 

I then sit through my science and try to pay attention. I can’t help but lose focus over my soaking wet diaper as well as what else Jennifer has in store for me. What felt like five minutes turned into the whole entire class period. 

Once I heard the bell, I headed towards the locker rooms to change for gym. As I am walking down the hallway of school, I notice something funny. There isn't a lot of people laughing, it’s as if they either don’t notice the outfit I am wearing or that they are used to it now.

Once I got to the locker room, I ran into Jennifer. “Hi baby”, she says “I will be hosting a party this weekend and I want you to go”.

With no option, I had to say yes. “Yes mommy”, I say. 

With that being said, Jennifer and her friends laughed and left.

Once they left I heard a loud fart sound come from my diaper. ‘Of course’ I thought as I realized what Jennifer and her friends did this morning. The rest of the day was very embarrassing resulting in wet and messy diapers and changes from Jennifer and her friends during school.


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  • 1 month later...

Wow Jennifer's got some tricks up her sleeves to make Natalie and Abby very embarrassed.  Hope to read any new updates on Chapters. this story is getting really interesting


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