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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Hello! I’m Belle, 24 and I am a mommy/caregiver. It is nice to meet everyone here. I currently live in New York, in school for my Bachelors and Masters in Childhood/Special Education.

I joined because I am looking for new friends; I love to chat with new people so please don’t be shy. I love to play video games: I am a Xbox one player and my favorite games at the moment are GTA 5, Don’t starve together, State of Decay 2 and Stardew. I will also play an occasional game of Borderlands.

I have been a mommy/caregiver for 7 years and enjoy caring for/ babying ABDL (non-sexually) while focusing on the nurturing aspect of the little’s needs.



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Hello and welcome Mommyabdl! The mommies we have here are wonderful but it's always good to see a new one. Getting your degree will only make you better for dealing with us who love to wear our diapers.

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Hi Belle, and welcome to DD. Lots of good likeminded people here. Being a Mommy/Caregiver must be very interesting, and I’m sure trying at times? I hope you can find this to be a good place for you, I think you will. 
Do you ever wear diapers yourself? And what got you turned on to the ab/dL realm? 
Hope to talk more, have fun, and enjoy! 

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2 hours ago, MommyABDL said:

I joined because I am looking for new friends; I love to chat with new people so please don’t be shy. I love to play video games: I am a Xbox one player and my favorite games at the moment are GTA 5, Don’t starve together, State of Decay 2 and Stardew. I will also play an occasional game of Borderlands.

Hello and Welcome! This is a pretty good place to make friends, so I think you'll find some pretty cool folks. I also love video games, but I'm more of a PC gamer. I just can't get used to aiming with joysticks on console. I guess my hands haven't been trained well enough to know the "feel of things." Also, I have to have a computer with good specs for running engineering simulations, so it doubles nicely as a solid gaming computer, lol.

How did you become a caregiver/mommy?

Feel free to PM me with any questions you have,

Little Tomás

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Hey! Yes, being a mommy and caregiver can be quite trying at times, but I really do enjoy the experience. I am mainly online as of right now, but who knows what the future holds. I don’t wear diapers myself, lol I prefer to be the one changing them though. I actually started out first in the ABDL community, then learned of the caregiver/little community a few years afterwards, so I am familiar with both.
I feel like my first glimpse of what ABDL was through a friend’s Facebook where she had posted a video of an adult baby. I thought the concept was interesting so I did some research, looking at videos on Instagram. I then explored kik for possible groups and grew more as a mommy through there. However, I will say that I have a nurturing spirit and have been caring for my special needs brother for most of my life so I’m able to apply that when caring for online littles- those with disabilities or not.

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@MommyABDL Well, I find this to be interesting. Hearing some of how you came to the community, or what brought you to this point. 
I can understand, how you have gained experience in the caregiver roll. My wife is a nurse, and did home healthcare for some patients who had extreme special needs. So, I think she also developed that skill, for being nurturing, and a caregiver to an adult that requires special handling. 
My wife also enjoys exploring her “little” side too. So, she will wear diapers, and she also loves to play at things, games, toys, puzzles, etc. We explore these areas together, and have fun playing at different rolls, and levels. I am the one, much more steeped in the ab/dl realm though. I have all my life, she has more developed them much later. 

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i am finding it very refreshing to see a new mommy come here and seems like they are the real deal. Not some internet troll.. welcome to our little group. hope to chat with you soon in the chat room.

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AbabeBill- I’m glad your wife and you are able to explore both you guy’s little sides together. It seems like a fun time. I actually work as a personal assistant as well. I care for a special needs child a few times a week, helping him with daily living and although he is toilet trained, he will still mentally act like a child.




Hello, thank you. It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for the welcomes. I try to be genuine at all times.



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