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Diaper Dimension RP ideas and some others


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Diaper Dimension:

1) Doing a research project an Amazon goes through a dimension portal to study 'Little's' but upon returning home through a dimension portal the Amazon finds herself turned into a Little.

2) Two Amazon's are rivals with each other at college.  One of the two Amazon's finds out that the other is actually a Middle who has and is continuing to take medicine and treatments to stay physically as an Amazon partially to fit into society and partially due to her family but having taking medicine and treatments since she was a child has caused her a few problems.  One of them being that due to how unstable the treatment was at the time if stopped could revert her into being a Little.  The treatment and medicine was only legalised recently. It's normally only giving to Middle's who are deemed deserving or if enough money is involved rich amazon/middle parents can give their child the treatment bypassing the test.

3) A Little goes through the Portal having applied to college in the Diaper Dimension mainly to get away from her home and neighbourhood to start a new life despite the possible hardships she might have to go through in the Diaper Dimension but because she isn't a 'Little' from their world she is partially protected by her original Dimension yet the protection laws for 'Little's' in this Dimension don't count towards new people like her who are from another Dimension which makes things a more then a little difficult giving that she only has 'Protection' for the first year of college unless she is able to become a proper citizen of the new Dimension she wants to live in.

Other ideas - all of them could be turned into a diaper dimension RP I can expand on this through PM's.

1) Having little to no choice a college student finds herself forced to sign an agreement with the head/mistress of the school.  The agreement allows her to keep her scholarship at said school but it comes at a cost of giving the head of school to deal with her in any way possible.

2) A trainee nurse or doctor and a injured police officer find each other in an odd relationship.  They were both at school together (we can discuss if they were friends, rivals, bully or bullied, etc)  The trainee nurse finds herself treating and caring for the officer who is put into her care.  The officer tries to get the nurse deem that she is fit/healthy to go back to work but this is where the nurse decides to have a little fun instead offering that she'll only do so until the officer agrees to do anything she asks/requests for a week. (could be a therapist instead of a nurse)

3) An intern at a company ends up creating/causing a problem.  The boss of said company only agrees to keep the intern on if she enters into an agreement/contract with her. 

4) A graduate returns home from college only to find her mom distraught and still grieving from the death of her husband and youngest child.  The graduate is willing to do anything her mom wants to make her feel better or happy again not realizing what might be requested of her or how far her mom might go to get what she wants. 



Decent post length.


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10 hours ago, FalloutZone said:

1) Having little to no choice a college student finds herself forced to sign an agreement with the head/mistress of the school.  The agreement allows her to keep her scholarship at said school but it comes at a cost of giving the head of school to deal with her in any way possible.

I would be interested in playing the Head Mistress in this one.  Maybe the student didn't exactly cheat, but rather, just lied on her application or something to get the scholarship, maybe claimed to be disadvantaged in some way because there seem to be more scholarships for (minorities) than for white people these days?  And the Headmistress, after hearing her excuse for claiming some lineage to claim minority status, sort of agrees with her, but what she had put down can be discovered, so she tricks her into having others believe she has a mental problem that is controllable through medicine and treatment, but in return, she has to live with someone that can take care of said problems, so the headmistress says she can live at her house.... and things go from there?

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1) Doing a research project an Amazon goes through a dimension portal to study 'Little's' but upon returning home through a dimension portal the Amazon finds herself turned into a Little.

I like this between your propose. Could I propose you another roleplay setted it in Diaper dimension too? If you are interested contact me privately. ? 

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