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My Daddy the Diplomat (FINAL chapter coming soon!))

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I've been meaning to continue this story but I got a little stuck. It's hard to work in triple digit temperatures with no air conditioning. I'm not sure when I'll have an update but I promise you'll see something soon.

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  • 6 months later...

 AUTHOR's NOTE - I finally managed to squeeze some time for a short update! Sorry to make you all wait. I'm sure you guys understand when real life happens and interrupts your dreams. Not to mention there are so many cool stories here that I get distracted because I gotta read them all. I make no promises, but I hope to finish this story in the next several posts. We'll see how the chips fall.

Chapter 10.5

“I brought your favorite, Lelani!” Palu greeted me with a winning smile. He pointed over to a large chest he had carried over. I eagerly dove inside and found a large pulled pork sandwich. I tore into it with reckless abandon, as I had worked up quite an appetite from all the soccer practice.

“Slowly, you don’t want to choke.” Huelo mothered me. I rolled my eyes as I stuffed the last bite into my mouth. She chuckled as she saw the barbeque sauce plastered all over my face, arms and chest.

“Let me get that for you.” She turned to Palu. “Can you check on Aleki?”


She pulled a wet wipe from the diaper bag and proceeded to wipe me down. It took several to make me presentable once more.

I saw Palu leading Aleki out of the surf. Judging by how the boy was walking, he definitely needed a change. Huelo tossed him the diaper bag and both of them made their way to the changing hut, returning fifteen minutes later. Aleki helped himself to a sandwich while I laid down on the warm sand. Palu and Huelo moved away for some private conversation. They didn’t realize that my hearing is quite good, even with all the sounds of crashing waves and happy kids. And it gave me a chance to practice the native language.

“So, you got your last immunization today?”

“Yup! I didn’t mind the diapers but I was ready to move on.”

“I know the feeling. I always wanted to be the one changing diapers, just not on myself.” She paused. “Which reminds me, I need to schedule my next appointment. Can’t afford to miss my booster shot.”

I was mostly asleep when I felt a finger in my waistband, checking if my swim diaper was used. “Are you all done playing in the ocean, Lelani?”

“Yeah. I might play on the playground in a little bit. After I unwind.”

“Ok. Let’s get you in a regular diaper then.”

I found myself being picked up and carried to the hut, while it was Aleki’s turn to get his face cleaned with wipes. I stared at the beautiful paintings on the ceiling as Palu wiped me down, powdered me and put me in a fresh diaper. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me but I had since gotten used to it.

I curled up against Palu’s muscular chest as he carried me back. I yawned as he placed me in my beach chair. I groaned as I rolled over and pulled out my tablet from the diaper bag. I eagerly uploaded the latest robot anime. The outside world faded as I watched intently. I didn’t even notice when I was picked up and placed in someone’s lap. I sighed as I paused the movie, expecting it to be Palu. To my absolute surprise, Daddy had gotten off early and was here in his swimsuit!

To Be Continued...


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  • LtlGary changed the title to My Daddy the Diplomat (Chapter 10.5 uploaded!)
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Tis a shame this one has lost some of its momentum.

I hope LtlGary will rejoin this wonderful island life and finish such an original tale.

Hugs to each and all

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On 6/7/2021 at 9:07 AM, Les Lea said:

Tis a shame this one has lost some of its momentum.

I hope LtlGary will rejoin this wonderful island life and finish such an original tale.

Hugs to each and all

I promise to have the next chapter posted soon. And thank you for not giving up on me. I am a huge fan of your work.


On 6/7/2021 at 1:17 PM, BobbyDrago said:

I just read the entire story and I have to say I enjoyed every second!

Thank you. This means a lot! ?

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Chapter Eleven

“My last meeting was cancelled, so I decided to join my son at the beach. Did you want to go for a swim?”

“No thank you. Aleki and I were out earlier. “

“No worries. So what do you think of my tan?”

“What tan? Your chalk white skin is blinding everyone here!”

Dad responded by tickling me mercilessly. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t pay attention to my show anymore. Not to mention I shot a large jet of pee into my diaper. Dad checked it with one of his fingers.

“Only slightly damp. Say, want to walk along the beach instead?”

“Sure, as long as we visit the playground too.”


I set my tablet aside and followed Dad out towards the rolling waves. Seawater mingled along my feet as we walked side by side. The sounds of children playing slowly faded around me as I focused on just Dad and me. How could I make this moment last forever? I lost track of time as we walked back and forth along the edge of the ocean. The sun was making its inevitable descent and no clouds impeded its path.

Aleki was waiting for us when we got back to our spot on the beach. Palu had changed him out of his dirty swim diaper and put a fresh Dino diaper around his waist. He was taking a big drink out of his sippy cup.

“Dad and I are heading to the playground. Wanna join us?”


“I’ll get the cooler, umbrella, blankets, and our other things into the van.” Huelo said. Palu immediately offered to help, which she accepted.

“We’ll meet you at home in an hour or so.”

“I’ll give you a call if I need anything!” Was her reply.

“Race you to the playground?”

“You’re on!”

Both of us took off like speeding cars.

“Boys, wait!” Dad shouted but it was too late. Both of us darted between umbrellas, kids, parents, and seagulls. Sand flew around our feet as we charged across the beach, past the boardwalk and onto the playground. Both of us were huffing and puffing.

“Let’s…call…it…a…tie…” Aleki grunted between breaths.


Dad found us moments later, disappointment evident in his expression. He sternly grabbed each of our arms and pulled us into the changing hut. Once inside, he pulled down my diaper and gave me several stinging swats to my backside. Aleki was next.

“What was that for?!” I accused him. That hurt!

“I told both of you to wait and you didn’t listen. This beach is extremely crowded. What if you had gotten lost? Or someone had grabbed you? Going forward, If I tell you to wait, you WAIT.” Dad’s tone brooked no argument.

Clearly Dad’s time on Panjeah had been rubbing off on him. And in in the end, he was right.

“Sorry, Dad.” I mumbled.

“I’m sorry too.” Aleki added.

Both of us were enfolded in a large embrace. “Apologies accepted. Now let’s get you guy in some fresh diapers. Both of you are sagging badly.”

Dad let me to the bench and I hopped on. A fit of giggles distracted me as a young boy entered with his father. He watched Dad as he stripped off my wet diaper. When he raised my legs to clean my backside, his eyes widened as he saw my bottom was bright red. Dad got an approving nod from the boy’s father. The boy asked a question, which I wasn’t able to make out the words due to not having my ear buds. I mean, ocean water doesn’t get along well with electronics. In response, his father smacked his backside once with a quick sentence. The boy immediately quieted down as his dad picked him up and set him beside me.

“What did he say?” I asked Aleki, was waiting patiently after Dad finished with me.

“He wanted to know what you did to earn a smacked bottom. His dad ‘reminded’ him that it wasn’t any of his business.”

“Ah.” I blushed. I was whiter than most kids on the beach despite my tan.

Once Dad finished changing Aleki, we returned to the playground.

“Don’t wander off!”

“We won’t!” We replied.

He chuckled as we joined the other diapered children. Aleki and I fit right in since most of the kids wore just their diapers. I lost count of how many times I slid down the plastic slide. Or crossed the netted bridge. Or climbed the fireman’s pole. Our imaginations transported us away from Panjeah where pirates and ninjas did battle. Large monsters would join the melee, devouring all that would challenge them. Both the pirates and ninjas had to put aside their mutual hatred and defeat the mosters. The tale ended as Aleki and I made our way to the swing set. I didn’t have enough energy to propel myself, but Dad came to my rescue. He alternated between me and Aleki, until Palu arrived.

“Huelo has gone for the day. And all the beach equipment is stored in your garage.”

“Thank you so much, Palu.”

“No problem at all.”

The sun had disappeared into the ocean, and the evening light was fading.

“Time for you boys to go home, bathe and go to bed.” Dad announced.

It had been a long day. To end on a high note, I used the last trick in my sleeve: I jumped out of the swing right at Palu. Without missing a beat, he caught me in his arms and lowered me to the ground.

“You’ve gotten heavier, Lelani!”

“Probably just muscle.”

Not my fault the food here is so good!

“Think you can manage?”

“I’ll be fine. You have a good night, Palu.”

“You too, sir.”

Aleki followed my lead, and Palu caught him in midair as well. After hugs, Palu made his way back to the parking lot. Together the 3 of us made our way back home. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect evening!

To Be Continued...

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  • LtlGary changed the title to My Daddy the Diplomat (Chapter 11 uploaded!)
  • 1 year later...
  • LtlGary changed the title to My Daddy the Diplomat (FINAL chapter coming soon!))

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