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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

First month at my new job

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This story is a sequel to “First week at my new job.” I highly recommend you check it out first, as it will make reading this story easier! And thank you for all your kind words and encouragement. They really mean a lot to a budding author! ☺️


by LtlGary

“The bruising is healing nicely. Go ahead and rotate your ankle for me.”

I sat up on the examination table as I rotated my naked foot for Dr. Jessica. The brace rested in the corner of the room, next to my diaper bag. I lifted my foot as she scanned my foot with a digital scanner. The screen showed the bones, tendon and muscle as they moved. I frowned at the slight discomfort.

“I’ll recommend a lighter brace. One that you can wear with socks and shoes.”

“Thank you so much, Doc.”

I had something else on my mind, but had no idea how to bring up the subject.

“Something else on your mind?” Dr. Jessica must have noticed my expression.

“It’s just that… I’ve been loving my job at River-Bridge. I’ve been testing out their strollers, and… their other products.”

“I see.”

“But I’m not worried about losing my control.” I added hastily. “I’m…just worried with all the sitting I’m doing in the stroller, and having others take care of me…”

“You’re worried that you’re not getting enough exercise. And you’re also worried about your independence.”

“Yeah.” I studied her diplomas on the wall.

Dr. Jessica Cunningham was more than just a doctor to me. She was my close friend in school. Our parents were close friends, and inevitably she found out about my trouble staying dry at night. I made her promise to never to tell a soul. Ironically, my bedwetting issues were one of the main reasons why she decided to pursue a career in medicine.

She glanced over my chart. “You haven’t gained any noticeable weight since your last checkup. I wouldn’t worry about it. Though maybe you could have them switch you out from a stroller to a toddler harness. River-Bridge sells those, right?”

“I can’t answer that.” I definitely wasn’t allowed to share that information. However, I was already making plans to use the harness the R & D team gave me.

She smiled knowingly. “No matter. Now let’s check to see if you’re wet.”

“Excuse me?”

“I have to make sure you don’t have a rash. And I wouldn’t mind a trip down memory lane.”

I sighed as I laid back. Dr. Jessica expertly unpinned my short-alls and onesie, exposing my diaper. Two fingers made their way between the disposable and my boy bits. I tried really hard not to squirm.

“Aww, don’t be so bashful. You’re only a little wet, but enough that you need a fresh diaper.”

Mainly because a shot of pee had escaped me when she mentioned that she wanted to change me!

She reached over and snatched my diaper bag off the floor. The slightly used diaper was folded up neatly and tossed in the trash. I shivered as I was wiped down. A splash of powder followed, and an extra thick diaper was pulled up around my legs.

“Gonna need you to lift up, little man.”

I was surprised she remembered my parent’s nickname for me. I dutifully lifted my hips. Dr. Jessica secured the cartoon diaper around my waist and fastened the tapes. Lastly, she buttoned me all up.

“There, there. Nothing to be embarrassed about.” She gently patted my diapered bottom as she helped me back into the stroller. She pushed a button on her wrist watch, and a male nurse entered the office.

“Gary will need a smaller ankle brace. And another appointment in eight weeks.”


The nurse was super helpful. I was able to get the smaller brace in the color I wanted, which he fitted to my injured foot. He was kind enough to help me into my van and even made sure that I was securely strapped into my five point harness. I waved good-bye to him just like a little kid would as the automated door closed.


Two weeks had passed since the car accident, and I still had no desire to drive. I was still keeping up with my workload, despite protests from Hank and Danny. They were insisting that I take it slow and steady. They didn’t want me to get burned out or reinjure myself. I appreciated the concern, but I had to let them know repeatedly that I was not made of glass.

I felt a familiar rumble in my bowels. Why did I have Mexican food for lunch?

“Call Adina.” I told the van’s AI.

“Yes, baby Gary?” She answered immediately.

So glad that Nanny Bots were cellular capable!

“Can you run the bath? I many arrive home messy.”

“Understood. I have also changed the sheets on your crib as you instructed.”

“Thank you. See you soon!”

Adina hung up. I spent the remainder of the trip home engrossed in trying to solve an oversized Rubik’s Cube. A gift from Danny to keep me occupied as my foot healed.

The van pulled up to the abode, parked neatly between two sedans, and the engine shut off automatically. I unbuckled my harness and opened the door. I intended to make it home as soon as possible, as the last thing I wanted was to mess my diaper in public.

“Hello, neighbor! Don’t think we’ve met!” A heavily accented voice drew my attention. I turned over and found myself staring at the largest guy I’ve ever seen! The tall black man stood over six feet and easily more than twice my weight. And none of it was fat.

“The name’s Nolan.”

“Gary.” I responded with more confidence than I felt.

“Good to meet you! I take it you work at River-Bridge?”

“Yeah. In the Logistics Department.”

“I own the 6-10 Mini mart on 7th street. We actually carry your products, since the Senior Center is right next door.”

“That’s great.” Sweat was rolling down my back as my stomach gurgled. I had been holding it back for too long, but I didn’t want to let it go in front of Nolan. What would he think of me? The very thought chilled my blood.

I closed up the van, locking it with a simple voice command.

“Well, I got to get going. I’ve had a busy day.” I started hobbling towards my place with my diaper bag in tow.

“Let me give you a hand.” The next thing I know, I’m being swept up into his huge muscular arms. I gave a large fearful yelp as my bowels emptied themselves. The stench was overpowering! A small sob escaped my lips. Nolan gently rubbed my back.

“It’s all right.” He kept telling me.

I certainly didn’t feel all right!

“Are you embarrassed that you used your diaper like a good little boy?”

I nodded as I wiped snot onto my arm.

“Well you have nothing to worry about.”

“I don’t understand.”

Nolan booped my nose. “Most people here know that River-Bridge employees don’t wear regular underwear. Hell, I don’t even mind the smell because I helped my older sister run a daycare.”

I stared at him in awe. “I wasn’t expecting you to be so nice.”

“I get that from a lot of folks. And if you ever need someone to babysit you, let me know.”

I thought for a moment. Mom and Dad have always told me to be more sociable. I’d always brush them off, and use my imagination for company instead. Sure, I had my co-workers at work, but I never let them get this close. I never treated them more than acquaintances. What I really needed was a close friend.

“I’d be honored. Right now I just want to go home and get this nasty diaper off me.” I paused.

“Totally understandable.” Nolan walked me towards my front entrance.

I hesitated. “I’m working only half days this week, so maybe we can grab a bite to eat tomorrow?”

“Sounds good!”

Adina was waiting for both of us. Nolan handed her to me.

“See ya tomorrow, Nolan!” I waved.

“Can you set me down, Adina? I need to practice walking with my new brace on.”

“No problem, baby Gary.” She set me down. I took her hand and together we walked to the bathroom. I was lifted up onto the changing table, and my clothes were peeled off. Adina had to spend a fair amount of time wiping down my backside. I was so glad I didn’t have a blowout!

I was deposited in the tub, which was filled with warm water, toys and tons of bubbles. I was too tired to play and let the warmth penetrate my body for half an hour. Adina entered later, holding a large fluffy towel. She reached in and pulled the stopper. Soon I was in her arms, being gently dried down. I struggled to keep my eyes open as a fresh diaper encircled my loins. The last thing I remember is finding myself in my crib next to my blankie and a bottle of formula.


The next morning was fairly uneventful. I managed to solve my Rubik’s cube on the way to work. I spent the next few hours reading and answering supplier emails. I was in the in the middle of writing a report for Hank when a Nanny Bot plucked me out of my chair.


“Can you hand my tablet please?”

The Nanny Bot wordlessly grabbed it off my desk and handed it to me. I made sure the draft was saved on my email account. I was carried into the cafeteria after several back rubs and bottom pats. I made sure to hang onto the tablet as I was secured into a high chair. Today’s menu item was pizza, veggies and breadsticks. I quietly worked on my tablet as a tray of food arrived. I managed to type out another two pages as my Nanny Bot busied herself with cutting up the breadsticks and pepperoni pizza into bite sized pieces. She gently patted my head as she set a sippy cup full of juice and put a bib around my neck.

“Eat up, sweetheart! You need to be strong and healthy so you can do your best work!” The bot informed me.

I reached for the first bite of pizza, blew on it and stuffed it into my mouth. Followed by another. I had been working so hard that I forgot I was hungry! I ignored the grease that was smeared all over my face and hands.

“I hope you’re not planning on using that tablet.” I heard Danny chuckle at me. He was busy munching on a breadstick from the next high chair over.

I shrugged. “I was smart enough to work before I start eating.”

“Speaking of food, this weekend there’s a large potluck planned for the end of summer. We’re planning all kinds of games: tag, sharks and minnows, dodgeball, water balloon fights, the whole nine yards. Are you planning on coming?”

“Definitely!” I thought for a moment. “Can I bring a friend?”

“Don’t see why not.”

“Thanks! Anything else I should know?”

“Well, Hank and I are working on forming a small softball team. A few of the other biomedical companies also have teams and we’re thinking of joining in on the fun.”

“You mean T-ball league?” I gave him a sly grin.

“I’m still working on the details, though the other teams said that would be fine.”

“Count me in. I need to get some more exercise.”


“My doctor noticed I’ve put on ten pounds. I need less time in the stroller.”

I finished my meal, and the Nanny Bot rolled over. My face and hands were wiped down with a damp cloth, and the food splattered bib was removed. My diaper was checked, and I was still dry... for the moment. I held the Bot’s hand as I walked back to my desk. Once I hooked up my tablet to the charging pad, I made my way to the playground.

For the next hour I pretended to be on a pirate ship as I turned the big wheel. Next I was a ninja, defending my lord’s home against the invading army. Finally a Viking, as I searched for cities to plunder. I worked up quite a sweat as I ran up and down the slide and monkey bars.

I really wanted to continue to play, but I did promise to hang out with Nolan. Reluctantly I made my way towards my van. I was about to open the door when I groaned. I left my cell phone at my desk! I raced back inside, and up the stairs. I managed to snag it, but then my luck ran out. A Nanny Bot cornered me at one of the exits.

“Wow, little one! You are quite smelly and sweaty! Someone could use a shower!”

“I don’t have time. I’m meeting a new friend and I don’t want to be late.”

“But do you want to meet your friend all disheveled? Come on, you’ll feel better!”

I found myself in her arms as we walked to the large showers. I wasn’t getting out of this. Ah well, better to be late and presentable!

“As long as we make it quick.”

“Of course, little one.”

The Bot made good on her word. I was stripped, scrubbed, and rinsed in under ten minutes. Powder, deodorant, a thick diaper and fresh clothes followed. It even combed my hair into a nice part.

“Thank you.” I said when I was set back down on the ground.

“No problem, little one.” It gave me a pat on my bottom, urging me to get going.

I made my way back to my van and began the journey back home. I absentmindedly stared out the window, wishing I had brought more toys to play with. As the van parked fifteen moments later, I unbuckled myself and sprang from the van door. I made my way to Nolan’s front porch as fast as I could waddle. I was about to knock when Nolan stepped outside.

“Come on in, little one!” He swallowed me up in his arms.

I giggled in spite of my nervousness. I hadn’t expected to share my love of acting younger with anyone else. Having my parents, let alone the hospital staff was a lot to take in. But letting my neighbor in on my lifestyle was a whole another level.

Nolan’s fingers made their way underneath my short-alls.

“You’re soaking wet!”

“My diaper bag is in my van.”

I handed him the keys. I was a little surprised as I no longer noticed when I needed to wet myself.

We walked back out to the parking lot where he grabbed it from the trunk. Once back inside, he laid me down on the floor of his living room. He made short work of my clothes. The diaper was tossed in the trash.

His touch only made me giggle more.


“Not gonna answer that.”

Nolan responded by blowing a big raspberry on my stomach. I howled with laughter. He nimbly secured a fresh diaper around my bottom, and rebuttoned my onesie and short-alls.

“Can I have my blankie?” I pointed to my diaper bag.

“Sure, little one.”

I cuddled with my blankie as I was powdered, oiled and diapered. I then found myself on Nolan’s lap. He gently rocked me back and forth. We talked about all kinds of things: favorite movies, food, hobbies, family as the hours ticked by.

“Do you have any plans this weekend?” I took a deep breath.

“I was just going to take it easy. Did you have something in mind?”

“My work is hosting a potluck and…” I hesitated. “I was hoping you’d be my plus one. My parents are too far away, let alone too busy. And you’re the only person that I’ve gotten to know.”

A subtle grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I’d be honored. Can’t have my little boy be all alone at his party.”

“My little boy?”

“You don’t mind, do you?”

I scrunched my eyebrows in thought. Having Adina was nice and all, but I really enjoyed the company of another person. And being out on my own was so daunting! It was nice to have someone look after me when my parents aren’t able to.

“Not at all. Thank you, daddy.” I cuddled up to him.

I found myself nodding off due to all the excitement earlier today. Nolan carried me back to my home where Adina was waiting.

“May I put him to bed?” Nolan asked the Nanny Bot. She nodded.

Once again I was laid in my crib. Nolan secured my blankie under my arm. He also put a pacifier in my mouth, which I immediately started sucking on unconsciously.

“He’s so bloody cute.” Nolan whispered to himself as he shut the door to my room.


The potluck totally consumed my mind for the rest of the week. Adina helped me cook up a storm the day before. The condo smelled heavenly as I made freshly baked bread, a large fruit salad and baked a large batch of cookies.

I loved to cook for large groups, as it’s something I don’t do very often. My family was never large and I had leftovers for days whenever I cooked on special occasions.

The scheduled day arrived, and early Saturday morning I began loading the van with my baked goods. I put on my best clothes – a sailor suit romper - with Adina’s help. With that large job done, I knocked on Nolan’s front door.

“Ready to go?”

“Of course, little boy.”

He ruffled my hair. He was dressed in a nice golf shirt, shorts and a pair of sandals. There wasn’t a single wrinkle on his clothing.

I grabbed the offered hand as we walked to my van. He gently strapped me into my car seat.

“I forgot the diaper bag.” I fretted.

Nolan went back to my condo where Adina was waiting with a bag in her arms. He thanked her as he took the bag and stowed it in the front seat.

Nolan chose to sit next to me for the ride over. We made small talk as my van zipped along the back roads. The conversation kept me calm, as I inwardly worried over the smallest details.

Did I follow the recipe correctly? What will my coworkers think of my neighbor? Will I say something awkward and ruin all the goodwill that I’ve painstakingly built up?

I saw a concerned look on Nolan’s face, so I took a deep breath. He rubbed my shoulder reassuringly.

The van made its way to the employee parking lot and parked in the closest stall. Several of my coworkers greeted me when the door opened. They helped carry all my food, gushing with all kinds of complements on how wonderful it smelled. Nolan managed to grab my diaper bag from the trunk. I took his hand, and we walked towards the playground.

Small tables had been set up, full of all kinds of baked dishes, salads. Another small table held numerous baby bottles and sippy cups full of juice, milk or water. Nanny Bots were busy feeding their charges. I spotted Hank and Danny happily playing on the playground, their shrieks of laughter permeating the air. Upon spotting me, both of them slid down the slide and ran over to me.

“Why don’t you introduce me to your friends, Gary?”

“This is Hank and Danny.” I stared at my shoes, as my cheeks began to turn pink.

“And you are?”

“Nolan, Gary’s neighbor.”

“Good to meet you!”

Nolan eyed Danny’s sagging waistline. “You could use a change, young man.”

My co-worker glanced down. “Huh. Been too busy having fun.” He sighed. “Would you mind? Most of the Bots are busy at the moment.”

“Not a problem, just point me towards the changing area.”

Danny raised his arms, and Nolan plucked him off the ground. My neighbor bounced him around as both men walked towards a large blanket full of changing supplies.

Hank grabbed my hand. “Come on, you got to try all this great food. Who knew the Customer Service department could cook!”

A small smile crept on my face as we filled our paper plates to the brim. We ate with our fingers, with the occasional Bot putting a full fork or spoon into our mouths. I have never tasted food this good! I was lucky enough to sample everything. A few other factory workers struck up a conversation with me, and I managed to shelve my anxiety as we sat at the main table.

The Marketing division then got a game of sharks and minnows going. I eagerly joined in on the fun. I was able to even tag several people despite being in an ankle brace. I definitely worked up a sweat as the sun crawled across the cloudless sky. A slight breeze was wafting through the park, but it still wasn’t enough to cool us down. After a few rounds, we switched to kickball. I had a little trouble with my foot but I was still able to get on base a few times. I couldn’t tell if the opposing team was being nice to me or not, but I decided not to worry about it.

When the last game had finished, the CEO stood up and announced that the permitting issue had been fixed and now he was able to turn on the fountains. A shout of joy rang from the crowd. I joined in, but only half-heartedly. I didn’t mind getting wet but I didn’t like all the extra sagginess around my waist. Yet I saw all my coworkers taking off their clothes (with the help of others or being assisted by Nanny Bots) and run to the fountains in just their diapers. I really didn’t want to be left out, so I decided to brave a little discomfort.

A nearby nanny bot noticed my expression. “Would you like to play in the water with your friends?”


She divested me of my sailor suit romper and left me in just my diaper. Which was a little wet, but the Bot surmised that it would hold up for now.

“Arms up.” The Bot gently started spraying sunscreen over my body. I closed my eyes, trying not to let the banana smelling mist near my face. That stuff will sting like no other! The Bot didn’t forget my ears, nose, cheeks and forehead.

Liam from the product development team was next.  

My bottom received another endless pat as she ushered me to play. I giggled as I hobbled over to the fountains where Liam, Danny, Hank and several others were laughing and playing among the granite surface. Water would squirt up from the holes, drenching their bodies. There was even a pole containing three buckets. Spigots would fill them with water, and they would tip every so often. Drenching anyone underneath. Many tried running across, trying not to get wet. I even tried a few times. We didn’t succeed in the slightest. I could hear Nolan’s laughter as he sat watching us from the food tables. The water was ice cold, but felt amazing against our skin. The humidity was low and the day was hot, making for perfect balance.

Out of the corner of my eye I find Hank and Danny holding a large plastic laundry basket. Liam and a girl from Marketing are holding another. My suspicions were confirmed when the first water balloons were hurled at unsuspecting targets. War was declared as combatants squared off. Multi colored balloons were soon flying everywhere. Along with giggles and laughs. I quickly joined the melee, reaching for the nearest ammo stockpile. I got in some good hits and took a few mighty blows.

I stopped by the food table to grab a cookie for two. My sweet tooth needed to be sated! I happily munched as I found myself being picked up by Nolan.

“I found a little boy who desperately needs a dry diaper!”

I laughed as he threw me over my shoulder. I found myself on the changing pad, staring up into the crystal clear sky as my saggy diaper was handed to a Nanny Bot for disposal. A dash of power, a dollop of cream and one fresh diaper later, I found myself being gently bounced on Nolan’s knee. I leaned against his large frame as I watched the chaos. I was mostly dry by then, but he had told me he didn’t mind getting wet. My eyes absorbed every feint, every successful hit, and every chase.

“You ready to get back into your regular clothes?” Nolan asked me after a while.

I nodded tiredly. He carried me back to a changing mat where I was put in fresh diaper. A bottle full of formula kept my attention while Nolan took care of me. My romper was stowed away, and in its place I was wearing a light blue onesie with golden stars all over. I found myself growing more and more tired. I don’t remember Nolan scooping me up into his giant arms, while thanking countless people for the fun we had. Hell, I don’t even remember messing my diaper on the ride home. Nolan apparently did because he said the smell was the foulest thing he’d smelled in a long time.

But what surprised me the most was when I found myself in the shower with Nolan. Now I really began to like him as a friend, but not as a lover. I’ve never been gay, but I’ve always wanted a father or an older brother in my life. Nolan filled that void perfectly, and I got the impression that he felt the same way about me.

I pondered my feelings as he scrubbed my diaper area. I shyly asked if he needed any help washing himself, but he laughed and said he’d handle it. His shower was much larger than mine, and easily fit both of us. I relished the rain like feeling as it gently poured from the spigot in the ceiling. He toweled me off, put me in a thick nighttime diaper, and carried me back to my crib in my apartment. Adina didn’t mind as he gently laid me down. A pacifier was slipped into my mouth, and my blankie found itself in my sleepy fingers. Soon I was lost in another adventure in dreamland, as Nolan sought his own bed back in his own condo.


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  • Thanks 1
17 hours ago, Pierry Louys said:

Wonderful chapter really liked the new interaction between baby and daddy rsrs 

Thanks, it was my favorite part to write! ?


Great story good sequel.

Thought is was different that there would be a place like this.

Isn't Danny or Hank gay? One is married and has a wife and the other

is married and has a husband?

When I read that Gary now has a Daddy Nolan I thought there would

be more to that then just his little boy even though Gary is not gay.

I really thought that was where you were going. I would have liked

if there was more. ?

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

Isn't Danny or Hank gay? One is married and has a wife and the other

is married and has a husband?

Hank is the one who has a husband. Danny has a wonderful wife who puts up with him. Neither of their spouses were able to make it due to them working.

37 minutes ago, dmavn said:

I sooo wish I could get a job with this company

Me too. ?




1 hour ago, dmavn said:

I sooo wish I could get a job with this company

I'm prolly too kaiju to work there too, being 1/3 building and company squashing godzillas :(

19 hours ago, Pierry Louys said:

I really hope there more !!

We'll see. I have another idea in my noggin that I want to work on. But who knows?

12 minutes ago, Sarah Penguin said:

I'm prolly too kaiju to work there too, being 1/3 building and company squashing godzillas :(

Every good company needs a mascot. ?

23 minutes ago, LtlGary said:

We'll see. I have another idea in my noggin that I want to work on. But who knows?

Every good company needs a mascot. ?

ooooh there's a thought :)

  • 10 months later...

I was reading again this ! And loving again rsrs and thinking that maybe you can write a sequel since you write the first part talking about the first week , the second part the first month now you can write about the first year !! Showing his live , because everybody knows how important is the first year of a job or in this case a baby rsrsrs 

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