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DTA-Don't Trust Amazons (Re-posted) CH 10-11 10/15

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So a Long time ago I had written this story and put it up here on the Daily Diapers forums.  However it was sadly lost during the great purge a few years ago.  I believed that was the end of it as I had deleted the only copy I had and I didn't really want to rewrite the whole thing.  However, while I was cleaning out some old fines I found the rouge draft of the whole story.  @HyperShark wanted a copy of it the moment I said I can found it, though it was just the rouge draft.  After thinking it over (and encouragement from discord) I figured I would re-post it here, every day I will go though and edit a few chapters and post them here.  If there is enough interest I might right a sequel but let's take this one step at a time :thumbsup: 


01 - Little Time Daycare


"Little Time Daycare," Bryce read on the front of the building as this amazon calling herself "mommy" carried her inside.  Her "Mommy" kept patting her thickly diapered bottom as she was carried inside, though Bryce wasn't sure if this was in a strange attempt to comfort her or a way to show her dominance. She wasn't sure but she was sure she didn't like it.

As they approached the front deck and young amazon women greeted them, "Welcome to Little Time Daycare, how can I help you?"

"I'm Jessica Mills, I have an appointment today." Her smiling captor answered.  Bryce for her part was already hard at work figuring out her escape plan for this place.  The lobby was almost a large triangular room with a door leading to the left and right. However where the point of the room would have been it flattened out and about halfway up the wall it was glass to the ceiling and a figure was standing there looking down on them.  The figure was clearly another female amazon, she seemed to touch her ear for a moment and a voice came over some kind of intercom that was in the lobby.

"Sarah please see Ms. Mills to my office."

The young amazon quickly moved to the door on her right and opened it and lead them through into the main daycare area.  The room looked like any other daycare one might see, however there seemed to be no amazon children just Littles, clearly diapered Littles at that.  None of them wore much else at that, short dresses or skirts for the girls but it did nothing to hide the amazingly thick diapers. The boys and some of the girls wore nothing but a t-shirt and a diaper, if they were lucky many were naked except for their diapers.  It had only been a minute and Bryce already felt like she had entered hell. The far left wall was almost all glass letting everyone see outside and let people walking by seeing all the Littles, Bryce wasn't sure if this was a daycare or a Little baby store or both.

On the right of the room it was just a long wall with a door on the back right corner.  The receptionist quickly lead them through this door into a room in the center of the building into what looked like a lunch room in this back half with a storage area in the front.  There was only one robo nanny in this room who seemed busy with....someone Bryce couldn't tell what. They were taken to an elevator in the back and made their way to the second floor.  This room was amazing, the second floor was one giant office and looked down onto both sides of the daycare at once. While the left side of the building she had seen was a "normal" Little daycare the other seemed a little off.  There was a small room in the corner with a number of cribs with cords hanging from them, though Bryce couldn't get a better look as her "Mommy" was quickly moving into the middle of the room to shake this new amazons hand.

"Ms. Mills it's so nice to finally meet you," The amazon said.  "This must be little Bryce, she is such a cutie. Are you ready for all the fun you're going to have here?"  Bryce couldn't tell if the amazon expected her to answer as many didn't but she answered anyway in a sarcastic tone, "Loads." 

A quick swat on her padded butt made her yelp which was followed by "Don't be rude BeeBee." 

Their host laughed and asked Ms. Mills to sit, which she did setting Bryce on the ground at her feet.  As the two amazons started talking Bryce quickly moved to the window showing the right side of the building, she needed to scope the area while she could and didn't know how long her "Mommy" wouldn't be watching her. 

"Thank you for meeting with me Mrs. Jacobson, I am really hoping you can help," Ms Mills began.  "Bryce is a great girl, I love her but she is still a "free range" Little lets say. I only adopted her 3 weeks ago and in the time she has attempted to escape almost every day, I'm at my wits end." 

Nodding her head Mrs. Jacobson answered, "From the file you want to make her a baby but not to use hypnosis regression on her, is that correct?"

"Yes, while I could use hypnosis to regress her into a baby she wouldn't be my little baby anymore.  I still want my little BeeBee to be… herself but to accept being the baby she is and not always trying to run away, I want her to be happy with me.  All the research I have read said I need to punish her into being a baby or regress her with hypnosis but I don't want to hurt her. She has an energy, a fire about her and I'm afraid hypnosis would destroy who she is."

Mrs. Jacobson waiting for her newest customer to finish before speaking, "It is true we may be able to help, we are working on a new type of regression that will make a Little accept their life as babies without the need to use hypnosis to turn them into babies.  However we haven't completely finished it yet and are working on our first full test group. If you would like we can set her up as the last member of the group."

This was why Jessica had come here in the first place, this was in her mind the last chance she had short of wiping BeeBee's mind and making her a drooling, stinky baby.  "What are the risks? What happens if it fails?"

Mrs. Jacobson sighed, "I won't lie to you, if she fails there will be one of two outcomes.  Either it will fail completely and nothing will change with how she is now or her mind will be wiped clean and all her memories and personality will be gone, she would be a clean slate.  More or less what she would be if you used hypnosis on her." She added.

Jessica looking out the window and down to all the Littles in the play area.  She wanted Bryce to be able to play with them and be happy, for them both to be happy.  Right now Bryce wasn't happy so she wasn't happy. Bryce meanwhile was busy, she wasn't paying too much attention to what the amazons were talking about.  She knew this was about weak training her captor was sending her to so she would be a "good baby," it was just another chance to get away. Looking down onto the right side of the building they had a small play area along with many cribs with what looked like head phone on the sides, this didn't bode well for her.  In the corner there seemed to be a small rooms inside to room but the door was closed and she couldn't see in. As she was looking down at the robo nanny getting the room ready she felt a sudden warmth in her crotch, it was clear her diaper was now wet. After a week of the milk she had been fed she figured she should be happy the only control problems she had now were wetting ones.

From the deck Jessica looked at her Little BeeBee looking down into the training area.  She knew her baby was looking for a way out, and now she had no other choice. She looked  up at Mrs. Jacobson and simply asked, "Where do I sign?"


02 - Test group


After the papers were signed Bryce and her "Mommy" had left.  The following two days before the test started was like many of the days since she had kidnapped, filled with bottles, dirty diapers and lots of baby toys.  Importantly there had been two near getaways, one day she had been able to climb over the "Little fence" that was keeping her inside. However that didn't end well as she made it outside right as a neighbor Amazon was taking her Little for a walk, she only made it 1/4 of a block before she was picked up and taken back.  Yesterdays had been much closer, the mall was an easy place to hide and get lost in if she could get away long enough. Sadly that wasn't the case for her, while her captor had been shopping she had been able to climb down the shopping cart and away to safety; this time a store employee came around the corner right as she took off running.  After yet another red bottom and a nights sleep it was finally the day she had been both dreading and looking forward to. Little Time Daycare seemed to have very light security for a daycare for Littles and Bryce figured this would be her best chance to get away. 

As Bryce and her "Mommy" entered the lobby again they were quickly taken into the main daycare area.  She was put down with four other Littles, it was clear they were the other test subject. Despite their diapered states they seemed to be the only Littles with any fire in their eyes still.  The four other Littles were dressed as one would think for this daycare, the one and only boy of the group was naked except for his diaper while the blond and brunette girls both had on very short dresses and the red head was only in a t-shirt with a little baby devil on it and diaper all around.  Bryce hoped that shirt wasn't just for show as this girl might help her get out, or at least be the fall girl.

As the amazons left the boy spoke in a low tone, "Does any of you know what they are going to do to us?"

Bryce rolled her eyes, it was clear this boy would be the first stinky drool machine of the lot. "They want to turn us into babies like all Amazons do what else do you need to know?" She harshly answered.

The boy looked a little hurt but the red devil girl quickly answered, "They want us to choose to be babies, it seems like a form of brainwashing.  Hypnosis can make us act like babies but it's just an act, we lose ourselves in the hypnosis and as such just become generic babies. They want us to not only choose to be babies but to be happy about it, to truly believe that a dirty diaper is a great feeling."  There was a silence for a few moments before she spoke again, "I'm Dolores by the way but you can just call me Dee."

Most of the group got a look of depression on their faces, Bryce's however was one of confusion. "Hold on, how could you possibly know all that?"

Dee had a strange look of confusion herself, "Oh, I heard the Amazons talking about it when they interviewed me.  Every Amazon picks a target age range they want us to be like and that's what the "training" it meant to do."

Bryce nodded her head, the girl was quick if she had been paying attention that much to the Amazons conversation.  She hadn't bothered as it was the same everywhere she went didn't know why this place would be any different, not that it mattered she would never choose to be a baby.  Dee might be perfect to help her get away, but if she was to get away she would need help. "I'm Bryce by the way."

"Jason," the boy spoke. The blond explained her name was Susan and the brunette was Sam.  After the pleasantries were exchanged Bryce wasted little time, "listen we all know what happens if we fail this test, we need to work together to break out at once.  I’ve seen a lot of daycares but this one is light on security, we can use that and get away."

The blond rolled her eyes, "you would never made it past the front desk before the dumb teen girl stopped you."

"That's true but she can't stop all of us, they have a low staff and wouldn't be able to chase us all down.  One of us would most likely not make it out but the rest of us would be free." Bryce wanted them to understand that this was a once in a lifetime chance that they couldn't pass up.

"I don't like it, we should all get out together or not at all." Sam said in some sad attempt at a "all for one" speech.

At this point Bryce was starting to get annoyed they all needed to be on the same page, "Look do you want to end up like all of those Littles?"  She pointed to the rest of the room. "They are nothing but drooling, stinky babies and you don't..." Her words trailed off. In the crowd of Little she saw him, or did she?  Without thinking she quickly stood and waddled over to the boy across the room. As she came up to the boys side she didn't need to see the brown stain on the seat of his diaper, the smell told her what she needed to know.

"Kyle!" she exclaimed.  She pulled on his shoulder to look him in the eye, what she saw shook her to her core.  Kyle was wearing nothing but a blue t-shirt and a diaper, extra thick crawler diaper at that.  Drool dripping from his chin and a toothless smile on his face, he was a happy baby. Pain and anger filled Bryce's body at once, she didn't know if she was going to cry, puke or both; she was leaning for both.

At this point, Dee had made her way over and was looking at the boy, "Who's he?" she asked in a half caring sort of way.

"He's my husband, or was going to be..."


03 - The Life Once Lived


3 years earlier


College is hard for everyone, but for a Little it was so much worse.  While Bryce had gotten into a college that accepted Littles they didn’t make it easy on her, or her boyfriend Kyle.  Diapers were a must at all times, any Little in college had to wear a diaper at all times on campus. As long as they had their Little student badge they couldn’t be adopted no matter how wet or messy their diapers were, if they were on school grounds.  This meant she was in a school dorm as it was counted as part of school grounds, if she lived off school grounds and attempted to go home with a messy diaper her student badge wouldn’t save her.

However, with all that doom and gloom Bryce was happy, the remarks from amazons on how cute she was only made her more confident.  Her grades were great, with the last year of her bachelor degree in only a few weeks she was already looking forward to life after school.  She had been working on her degree in psychology, the study of the mind was something she found very interesting and very helpful in a world that wanted you living your life as a mindless baby.

Lying in bed she could hear a lot of noise coming from the building next to her, most likely new Littles moving in or leaving, but even loud noises waking her up couldn’t ruin her mood.  What had taken her mood to new heights was the night before, Kyle had really done it. He had asked Bryce to marry him, she had seen it coming and nothing in the world to stop her from saying yes.  People say Littles have it hard, and while Bryce did believe that it was harder for Littles she believed that many must be too lazy. Everything in her live was going great so it could be great in every Littles life if only they worked hard and didn’t do anything stupid in public. 

Although diapers weren’t something she liked being with Kyle he made it seem unimportant, even kinky for her at times.  Getting her boyfriend into bed and changing him had seemed to make something click inside her, she didn’t mind changing him and she loved when he changed her.  Just the thought of it was getting her hot lying in bed, life was a pleasant dream that she never had to wake up from.

With a loud bang, she heard the front door open, she believed it must have been Kyle since today was the last day of his summer course and it must have let out early.  Climbing out of bed she made her way out of her room in nothing but her night shirt and wet diaper, if she had to wear diapers at night she figured might as well not worry about getting out of bed if you have to go.  Upon turning the corner she saw Kyle who looked to be out of breath and wet from the summer rain storm.

“I’m so happy your safe, get your things we need to leave.” Kyle said between breaths. 

Bryce looked at him confused for a moment, “I need to go to the office and get another badge for this semester as the old one runs out today, after then we can go anywhere…”

“Bryce they school no longer accepts Littles…”

For a long moment, she stared at him before all the pieces clicked in her mind, she was only kept from being adopted because of her school badge.  The badge no longer mattered if the school didn’t accept Littles, so the noise that had woken her up wasn’t Littles moving out it was Little now on the run.

“We have to go, the other buildings already have amazons in them, as far as they're concerned we are un-adopted Littles.  Littles here were required to be diapered at all times, if any amazon catches us they are within their rights to adopt us on the spot.” Kyle voice was stern with a clarity and focus that she was both in awe of and scared of.

Without wasting anymore time she quickly turned back to her room and started grabbing her things, or at least what mattered most to her.  After her backpack was filled he told her to lie down on the bed, wasting no time in changing her. The last thing they needed was an amazon smelling a wet diaper.  With her baggiest pants and jacket they made their way out into the rain. Although there was no gun fire she now believed she knew what a war-zone looked like. There were amazons and Littles everywhere, Littles being stripped and changed right there in public like their years of college meant nothing.  Some amazons had needles and regression pacifiers to calm the Littles down, Bryce even made a note of a tranquilizer rifle on the hood of a car. To Bryce it felt like her school had put out a sign that said, “Little Hunting Season Now Open.”

They quickly hurried down the stairs and across the parking lot, a bus had pulled up and the Amazons hadn’t noticed the Little scrambling to get inside yet.  They got to the back of the line as the buss quickly filled until it was Bryce and Kyles turn to get on, however as Bryce was about to get on she was pushed aside by another Little and her friends.  There was no time to argue and she quickly started climbing on the bus, that’s when the In-Betweener driver stopped them.

“Only got room for one more,” she said in an almost sad tone.

“Please you have to let us both on, we are the only ones left here,” Bryce pleaded.

The driver had a sad look on his face, “I’m sorry but if we are pulled over and we’re over capacity police will put all the Littles in child services, which means one thing, adoption."

Suddenly she felt herself pushed up the steps bus, she turned and looked as the doors closed with Kyle on the other side.  Bryce started screaming for the driver to open the door but he didn’t. Crying at Kyle that she couldn’t leave him she could hear him speaking through the glass.  “I’ll meet you at your parents place tomorrow morning, I’ll call your cell if I’m going to be late. I lov…” Kyle was suddenly cut off as he hears footsteps behind him and was able to jump out of the way of an Amazon attempting to grab him.

Bryce screamed while crying to stop the bus, but the driver wouldn’t.  She watches Kyle avoiding the first Amazon and then another joined in chasing him, just as the bus turned the corner Kyle had got the two Amazon women to crash into each other as he made a break for it.  Another Little helped Bryce up to the last open seat, all the while crying, wondering if she would ever see him again.

  • Like 5

Now I remember this story. I don't remember all of, but I do remember how much I loved it and I'm going to love reading it all over again. 



04 - Home Sweet Home


The bus ride had gotten her away from that part of the city, this allowed her to get on another bus to take her to her parent's apparent.  She had just spoken with her mother last week, but now they weren’t answering the phone. This wasn’t a shock as both her parents worked during the day and couldn’t answer their phones so she just left a message for them.  She had badly wanted to call Kyle to make she he was safe but her better judgement told her not to. He could be hiding in a bush somewhere from an Amazon and her calling could end up getting him caught. It would be best to wait until tomorrow, in the meantime, she kept herself worrying about other things then Kyle.  Her school no long accepted Littles but the school credits weren’t worthless she just needed to have them transfer school as soon as she found another that would accept a Little. The only issue was that the school had given her a scholarship since she couldn’t afford college. She might be able to find another school that she could get a scholarship for, her grades were amazing for a Little or Amazon so finding another scholarship wouldn’t be hard, finding a school to accept a Little would be.  None of the colleges close to her parent's place had accepted Littles that’s why she went to a school hours away.

Bryce woke up some time later, this was the last bus on the way to her parent's place.  Her parents lived in a small 2 bedroom apartments on the edge of the city, the rent was low and as such the landlords took anyone who would rent even Littles.   At least the rain had let up now as she got off the bus, it was already past time for her parents to be home so there was no reason to call them. She walked the block to the apartment which was across from the city park, on the front door there was a note that read “Under New Management.”  Despite this Bryce found herself smirking, her father had always told her, “Don’t Trust Amazons." "They’re only out for themselves.” The management changing hands in a place she lived was normal, always meant rent was going up. Going in the door she sighed a bit of relief, she was looking forward to her father’s complaints about Amazon now that he had his rent bumped up.  Anything to keep your mind off Kyle was a good thing for her.

Turning the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks, there was a red paper on the door to her parent’s apartment which read “EVICTION NOTICE” across the top.  Reading down the box next to unpaid rent was check marked. That made no sense their rent would have been due the day after she spoke with her mother. Quickly she went to the door and started to knock, with no answer.  She started fishing through her backpack looking for her key she still had. She pulled out her phone and started calling her mother’s phone as she opened the door. In the dark, she could hear her mother’s phone and quickly moved to turn the lights on.

The door shut as the lights turned on and her growing feeling of dread had taken hold completely.  Her parents clothing was scattered across the floor, her mother cell phone was with them. On the table there was a small container of baby powder and an unused diaper.  Her parents didn’t keep any diapers in the house or baby powder, as her father had said DTA. If you let an Amazon into your house and they see those things it could be it for you.  She went to call her father, hoping maybe they were still safe only to hear his phone go off in the pair of pants on the ground. It was too much for her to take and what little food was in her stomach made its way back out her mouth and all over the floor.  She couldn’t stop herself and crying, in one day she felt like her whole world died.

Leaning against the wall the need to go to the bathroom returned, she had been holding it until she got home.  She may have still been in a diaper from when she left school but she didn’t need it, she didn’t want to use it.  She couldn’t seem to find the strength to stand and in that moment let it all go. Her crotch started to warm and she let the days worth of drinks make their exit.  The seat of her diaper started to crinkle as the warm mush filled the seat. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks, “Is this what they want us all to be? Is this what you were turned into?”  Sitting in her own mess she pulled her legs up and just let her emotions go.


After a while she finally felt herself all cried out, and knew she couldn’t stay here.  She quickly went to the bathroom and cleaned herself off and took a shower, the water seemed to help wash away everything even if it was just an illusion.  Exiting the bathroom, she took the extra diaper and powder and got dressed again, even if she didn’t need diapers the idea of wearing the mother’s panties just seemed…. gross.  Back in the living room she went through her parents’ phones, there was a number of missed calls from their works dating back to 4 days ago. There was some number she didn’t know also, the number was on both her parent's phones though she dared not call the number.  On the coffee table there was a letter from the new management, it said that the building no longer would accept Little or In-Betweener tenants effective immediately. This explained what happened to her parents was what happened to her, the rules had been changed right out from under them and now they were most likely stuck filling their pants somewhere.  Her father had been right all along, you can’t trust Amazons.

Staying inside the apartment hadn’t been her plan but with the rain starting again it wasn’t worth the risk leaving.  She locked the front door and turned off most of the lights to make it look like no one was there. Taking a pillow and a blanket she curled up in the walk-in closet and finally got some sleep. 

It was around 5 am when she awoke, getting out of the closet she could see the sun would soon be coming up.  She quickly went to the bathroom and gathered everything of her parents she wanted to keep and got ready to leave.  As she was heading to the door she took a picture that showed the three of them at her 16th birthday, a lump in the back of her throat had to be forced down so she didn’t start crying again.  The dirty diaper from yesterday sat next to the door, she had planned to take it to the dumpster when she left. Reaching down she picked up her own balled up dirty diaper with her free hand still holding the picture in the other.  Looking at the diaper her sadness slowly turned to anger, and then rage; what they had done to her what they had done to her family. With all the force she could muster she threw the dirty diaper against the wall, causing it explode and send her own waste all over the walls and floor.  With a determined look in her eye she unlocked the door quickly, checked to make sure no one was in the hall and left. If they wanted to turn her life to shit, then they could clean it up.

She quickly left her parents now former apartment and went to get coffee, she was going to need it while she waited for Kyle.  The coffee stand was run and owned by an In-Betweener which is why she had always gone there, the owner called her over as she got her coffee.  “Bryce, I haven’t seen you in years; how have you been?” The man asked with a look of joy on his face.

She was able to give him a weak smile, “Not so good Roger, when was the last time you saw my mother?”  Knowing her mother would stop by almost everyday for coffee.

Rogers face dropped like a brick, “I…almost a week ago I saw an Amazon taking two Little out of your parent’s apartment building.  The girl wasn’t wearing anything but a diaper, at first, I thought it was your mother but I kept telling myself it wasn’t. If you’re asking I’m guessing it was…” They were both silent for a moment before he added, “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks Roger, it’s good to know something at least.  Take care of yourself.” Before she could turn to leave Roger stopped her and handed her a large roll of cash.  Bryce was about to refuse when Roger stopped her. “Just take it and get far away from here, I don’t want to lose another friend.  The laws around here changing to fast, and unlike me there is nothing to protect you. Get away from here and have a good life, and most of all don’t look back.” Roger said wiping away a tear from her face.

Bryce made her way to the bus stop that was within view distance of her parent’s old apartment building.  She would be able to see Kyle from there and could come up and surprise him. As the hours past waiting she started to get worried and by noon she had finally waited long enough to call him.  The phone just rang and rang until it went to voicemail. She let the phone slid down her ear into the lap where she hung up. Kyle had never missed a phone call from her, ever. It didn’t matter if he was on the toilet or getting changed he always answered.  She had no more tears, no more sobs she just sat there numb from head to toe starting at the door. Noon turned to two pm, then four and finally the sun was going down, when the street lights turn on she looked at her phone, its battery almost dead from all the calls to Kyle without answer.  Finally, she stood from the bench and walked down the street until she was standing in front of their meeting place, she placed her hand to her lips then placing her hand on the door. “Good bye,” she whispered under her breath as she turned to walk down the street.


05 - Old Wounds



Three Weeks Ago


The last three years of her life had changed Bryce more than even she wanted to admit.  The first weeks after everything had happened she had blamed herself, that if only she had been faster or called her mother more she would have saved them.  In the end however she knew it wasn’t her fault, even the Littles that had pushed her out of the way on the bus she couldn’t blame. They had been looking out for themselves and if her and Kyle had gotten on one of them would have ended up in diaper land.  It was a world of every Little for themselves, she didn’t dislike other Littles like she did amazons she just understood that sometimes sacrifices had to be made to survive.

Just the day before when she got off the bus she was walking down the street next to another Little, who she didn’t know when a random Amazon stopped them both.  “Aren’t you two so cute, is your mommy around here?”

Before the other Little could say or do anything Bryce covered her nose and yelled, “Eww, your poopy.”  The other Little face twisted into shock, fear and confusion all at once. The Amazon quickly scooped the Little up to check, and while the Little was busy attempting to get free Bryce made her way quickly down the street and out of sight.  “Every Little for themselves,” she thought.

She had gotten a job ironically at an adopted Little supply store in the mall, she believed it was better to hide in plain sight.  The shelves were large and deep and many times Amazons couldn't reach to the back, but Bryce could crawl down the shelf and moves things forward.  The biggest gain for being a Little working in a store for adopted Littles was no fear of being adopted. For one, her workers badge worked through the whole mall.  This meant she could do her shopping without fear as long as she had her badge on. Second reason was how helpful she was, at least once a week a Little would get away from their "Mommy" and would need to be found before they got away.  This was her strongest role, a Little would run from an Amazon but not another Little. All she had to do was find them and let their "Mommy" know, the Littles either had no clue she had tattled on them or soon wouldn't have the IQ care or memory to remember anyway.


It was her day off and the sound of her phone receiving a text pulled her away from her fridge where she was attempting to figure out her breakfast.  It was strange for her to get texts; her work would call from time to time but they didn’t text.

I don’t know if you still have this number but please you have to help, your father and I need you.  We will be at the park across from our old place around noon, please hurry.

Bryce put her phone down on the table and walked to the window.  Could it really be her parents? It had been three years, why now?  The questions filled her mind, and with no answers to go on she had to make a choice.  Her life was a stable one, maybe a little empty as she hadn’t had a friend since everything happened but it was stable.  She pondered on the question for a while, to go or not? In the end, she came to only one truth, if she didn’t go and see she would never be able to live with herself knowing she had a chance to make things right.  She couldn’t be stupid about this, if she was it could be the end for her and her parents. She didn’t want to respond, that could be a bigger risk then not answering. The number looked familiar to her but she couldn’t remember when or where she saw it.  Bryce could only conclude two outcomes as to why her parents would contact her, first was that they had gotten away and needed to find someplace safe. The other was that their new “Mommy” was going to be taking them to the park and they wanted her to help them get away.  In either case she needed to be able to be in the park but not have anyone suspect why a random Little was walking around the park.

She quickly went into her closet and got everything she would need for the undercover operation.  In her closet, she pulled out baggy clothing for her parents if they were dressed like babies to help get them out of the area.  The other part of her bag had a very thick diaper made for a baby just past the crawler stage which would give her a very large waddle.  Sometimes packages would be broken or damaged and it would be written off and tossed, she had managed to snag a few things just in case. With any luck, she would arrive at the playground area in the park and be able to blend in with the babies and Littles.  If her parents were dressed like adults and on the run she could take off the diaper and get her parents out of there and if they were being treated as babies it would allow her to get close without drawing attention.

Without any time to lose she grabbed her things and went to the bus.  Though she had moved a few towns over she wasn’t too far away, thus the bus ride would get her there in plenty of time.  It was almost 11:30 by the time she got to the park and there was already a good number of babies and Littles at the playground that she could slip in unnoticed.  One side of the play area there was a row of bushes that bent around the playground area which would make a great cover for her to change. Once she was behind the bushes she quickly started to strip herself down; shirt, pants, bra, panties and even her socks and shoes.  She pulled out the insanely thick diaper and a small bottle of baby powder, the diaper was the thickest she had ever had seen and wondered why anyone would buy these. She attempted to tape it in such a way that she would be able to slide it off when she was ready. 

Standing was extremely strange as the diaper was meant for a baby or Little that was still 75%-80% a crawler so it wasn't meant for her to be walking or running in.  She quickly put on the pink princess shirt on that only covered the top of her diaper. Her father had always told her not to trust Amazons, and since she couldn't trust them she would have to fool them.  The clothing was something no self respecting Little would ever put on themselves and as such no one would think she was anything more then a dumb baby. With nothing on but a t-shirt and a thick diaper she was ready to go.

Putting her clothes and phone in her backpack she slid it under the bush, no one would find it unless they knew it was there.  With that she quickly made her way around into the play area without any of the Amazons noticing her joining in. The play area was sand and it was warm on her feet, made it a little slower to move but on the plus side it seemed to help her from falling over in her diaper.  She went around to each Little on the playground looking for her parents, but all the while making it look like she was just a mindless baby like the other Littles. As an Amazon started walking toward her she got scared at first until a Little boy behind her yelled, "Mommy."

Bryce quickly put half her hand in her mouth and let the drool run down her hand and onto her shirt.  The Amazon looked right at Bryce as she picked up the boy, "Aren't you a cutie, I bet you a lot happier without those big girl thoughts in your head?"


"More in my head then yours, dumb ass" Bryce thought to herself as the Amazon moved off with her Little.

It was clear that her parents weren't any of the Little in the play area, she was able to see most of the park from the play area so she would know when they arrived.  As time passed more Littles and their amazons came and left, along with others in the park such as Littles and In-Betweeners. After another Amazon had comment on her cuteness she felt the need to pee, while being a Little in a wet diaper was bad it would be suspicious if a baby Little like her was dry for too long.  After finding a spot where the Amazons couldn't see she was able to calm herself enough to let go and flood her diaper. It had been 3 years since she last wore or used a diaper so she wasn't shocked it took some doing so. However the crawler diaper was even worse when it was wet and walking was almost impossible, so she sat down in the sand pretending to be playing with it while keeping a "mindless" eye on everyone coming and going.

 It wasn't long before another Amazon came into the area with a stroller for two.  The amazon stopped and pulled the Littles out of the stroller, though Bryce couldn't get a good view as they were on the other end of the playground.  The Amazon took the girl and plopped her on the ground with another Little, the girl that had a bucket she was playing with. "Alright Emmy, you play here and Mommy will feed your brother while we wait for your little sister." the Amazon pulls up the girls shirt and pulls open the back of her diaper, "I'll change you after your brother is fed sweetie."

Bryce crawled her way around the jungle gym to the new girl.  I wasn't long before she was behind the new Little, though she couldn't see the Amazon as she was blocked from view by the jungle gym.  The smell of the girls diaper, it was like a nightmare, and that was coming from someone who worked in a store with Littles that lived in dirty diapers.  She gently pulled on the girls shoulder to get her to turn, and as she did, Bryce's jaw dropped. It was her mother.

Her mother was sitting in the sand in a dirty diaper and the same pink princess t-shirt and crawler diaper she had on.  Her mother had a vacant look on her face as drool dripped from her chin. "Mom, you in there?" Bryce waved her hand trying to keep her voice down.  "Mom snap out of it we have to go," Bryce was running out of time and her mother was just out of it. This didn't make sense, did her mother get caught sending the text message? As Bryce was thinking her mother had been playing with the sand this whole time, and suddenly flung her hands in the air like the happy baby she was and got sand right in her daughters eye.

"DAMN IT MOM!" Bryce yelled without thinking.  Suddenly alarms were going off in her head as her mother started crying.

"Emmy, what's wrong?" The Amazon called as she walked over to her along with another Amazon who was coming to pick up her daughter.

Bryce had crawled her diaper off, or wished she had to get around the jungle jim in time from being seen.  The Amazon with the Little girl that wasn't her mother picked up her own Little. "I hope your Little girl's alright, she has been a good girl all day."

The Amazon holding her mother sounded confused for a moment, "all day?" "Oh, yes she is well behaved isn't she? Such a cute little stinker."

As the extra Amazon walked away Bryce made sure she wasn't seen, all the while keeping an eye on her mother and her mothers new "Mommy."

"It looks like your little sister is already here sweetie, let's find out."  The Amazon pulled out a cell phone and held it to her ear. It was a moment later that the phone in Bryce's backpack started ringing.  However the backpack was in the bush on the other side of the playground and she would have to pass the Amazon to get to it. However the Amazon had not missed the sound and quickly put her mother down and went over to the bush.

It was at that moment it click, it was all a trap.  Somehow the Amazon had gotten her number and tricked her to come back for her parents.  Bryce was quickly backing up out of the play area keeping her eyes on her mother's captor.  Everything she needed was in there, her ID, money, clothing, cell phone and even her workers pass so she didn't get adopted on the job.  While the badge didn't work outside of the mall the big letters saying "No Adoption" on it did help. Bryce knew at that moment things couldn't get any worse and knew she had to get out of there and turned to waddle-ran as fast as she could.

She should have looked where she was going as she ran right into someone as she turned around and without thinking opened her mouth, "watch where you're going."  Looking up at an Amazon in a jogging outfit. Bryce looked at her once and took off down the path away from the playground which was blocked from view by the bushes.  She only made it a few waddles before the Amazon caught her. "Let me down I'm not a baby."

"That's up for debate, you’re in a wet crawler diaper that no adult Little would ever wear themselves." the women held Bryce by her armpits and looked her right in the eyes. "I bet you’re one of those Littles that want to be a baby but you’re too scared of getting a bad mommy, well your in luck sweetie.  What’s your name, you can call me Mommy."

"Bryce, now will you let me down I'm not a baby and I don't want to be a baby." Bryce kept struggling to get free as another Amazon walked up with a stroller.

"She has a lot of energy, she must be newly adopted." The passer by asked.

"You have no idea, maybe about 2 min ago," her new "Mommy" answered.

" Congratulations she is a cute one that's for sure.  Here this will help for new babies."

Bryce suddenly found herself being cradled in this woman's arm as a pacifier was shoved in her mouth.  There was a strange taste to it, not a bad taste just...strange. She felt warm all over as her eyelid suddenly felt extremely heavy and she passed out in her new Mommy's arms.


06 - Foundation


"Your husband..?" Dee asked as Bryce was clearly lost in her own memories.

"Ya," she answered slowly.  "He proposed when we were in college, he sacrificed himself to get me out when the school stopped accepting Littles."

All the emotions came flooding back to Bryce at once, her pain, sadness and anger all at a boiling point.  She didn't want to just escape she wanted to make every Amazon pay for the pain that they had caused her and all the other Littles.  That idea, like her old life was a dream; at least for the moment. She swallowed hard and took a breath, this wouldn't break her; she had already been broken nothing could be worse than what she has already felt.


Bryce quickly turned on her heels and went back to sit down in the same spot they had been to start with.  Like sheep the others followed her and sat down. "Dee, what else do you know what the test?" Bryce asked, the more she knew the better her chances.

"What do you want to know I've already been through it once?" Dee answer matter-a-factly

"Wait, I thought if you failed the test your mind is wiped clean.  How can you still know how to talk if you already went through it." 

Dee signed before she spoke, "not always.  Sometimes the test is complete failure and it doesn't do anything at all, like with me but no one has made it more then two rounds." Dee shrugged and added, "or so I've been told."

"Isn't this the first test?" Bryce asked

"This is the first full test, the last test I was in was just the foundation.  Others here have been in different parts of the test." Dee looked nervous as if she wanted to say more, "I think, Kyle was it?  I believe one of the Amazons said he was in their first ever test, not sure what was done though that was before my time."

"So what's this foundation part you were in?" wanting to change the subject off Kyle for her own sake.

"It's what our Mommy's," Dee stopped for a moment. "Sorry, what our captors want us to be in the end.  Mine wants me to be around two years old, able to walk but not yet a toddler; a classic baby. The goal I guess is to get us to want to be like that in the end and feel that is our natural state."

"How does it work?" Bryce needed every bit of information she could get.

"How the hell would I know that!" Dee snapped.  "I don't know how this hypnosis or subconscious stuff works!"

The group was silent for a moment, "sorry I didn't mean..."


"Alright everyone who's ready to begin?"  Bryce's apology was shut short.

Two Amazons and a Robo nanny picked up the 5 Littles and moved them to the other side of the daycare.  The room was a lot like the other side but with 5 cribs in a row and each crib had one of their names on the side, along with a clipboard.  Each Little was placed in their cribs but was facing the Amazons in the middle of the room.

"Alright everyone, since 4 of you are new we are going to go over everything.  This might seem strange since you all babies but it's important you all understand how much we are trying to help you.  My name is Michelle and I'll be with you through the whole test, you can Call me Ms. M, Nanny or Nanny Michelle." Announced the rather chipper young Amazon.

Bryce believed she could smell the load of crap even from her crib and knew it wasn't coming from a diaper.  She knew this wasn't for the Littles it was all about the Amazons, always was and always would be.

"You're all unhappy," the Amazon started.  "We want to help make you all happy again. We still want you to be you, and help make you happy with yourselves."  A thud was heard from Bryce slamming her head into the top rail on he crib, having to listen to this mindless self help class was torture.  "BeeBee don't do that you'll hurt yourself sweetie."

"Well let's get started and see where everyone is going to be at."  The Amazon started with the only one in the group with an outie instead of an innie.  "Jason dear, your mommy want you to be a walker. Your a baby that is just at the cusp of being a full toddler.  That diaper is a little thick for your status but we can just get you a walker diaper when you get changed."

"Moving down the line, Dee your mommy still wants you to be an advanced crawler and starting to walk, still just her little baby." The Amazon moved to Bryce, this was going to be good.  The amazon looked confused for a moment, "Well BeeBee it seems your mommy wants you to be a crawler but that's it, she made it very clear she wants you to keep your teeth. Your diaper is thick enough as long as it doesn't leak." She said before moving on.  Bryce let out a sigh, she almost felt for a moment she should thank her "mommy," almost.


"Let's see here, Susan your mommy want you to be an infant.  Just over a newborn, I'm sure you will love your tummy time." The amazon smiled, which contrasted to the look of horror on Susan face. "Oh dear that diaper is much to thin, it just won't do.  Nanny please change Susan into the thickest diaper we have and keep a log, those are the only diapers she is to be wearing she won't need to be walking or crawling anymore." With that Susan was picked up and taken to the changed table.

"Finally, we come to little Sammy, your mommy wants to be a toddler, a little older than Jason.  She wants you to be able to be potty trained but to never have it done. I think it's cute how your mommy just wants her little girl to be diaper no matter her age." Giggled the amazon as she walked back to the other amazon. 

Susan was put back in her crib but her diaper was too thick for her to stand and found herself flat on her butt.  Bryce saw Susan looking at Sam, she swore she could hear Susan say, "Lucky bitch." Though it was a good thing the Amazon didn't hear.

"Alright everyone it's cartoon time." Scooping up Susan and Sam, while the other Amazon got Dee and Jason and the Robo got Bryce.  Bryce figured it was because of her history of getting free. All of them made their way into the small room in the back. In the room there were five high chairs and something hanging over each of them.  Each Little was strapped into his or her chair as the wall in front of them opened to show a large TV screen. After they were strapped into their chairs they all found their hands now bound to the tray in front of them. 

Hearing a noise above 5 headphones dropped from the ceiling.  "Since everyone is in a different age group we will need to use the headphones." The Michelle explained to her young helper.  The headphones weren't simply headphones they kept her from turning her head away and shaking it off. As the headphones came everything when silent, it was as if she heard nothing but her own breathing wearing them.   Out of the corner of her eye Bryce could see the door into the shut. As the music started Bryce knew at once what they would be watching, but didn't see the point; a moment later the shows title flashed on the screen.


"Little RugRats"


07 - Make a Break for it


“So good,” Bryce thought.  “I don’t know why but the milk tasted so good for some reason.  Little RugRats have never seemed so interesting bef…”

Bryce realized she had finally come to her senses.  She remembered entering the room, and the headsets coming down over her head but that’s about it.  When did they unlatch her hands? When did she get this bottle? How long had it been there? She squeezed her legs together and found her diaper completely soaked, she figured it had been a while.  About the time she finished her bottle the show ended and the lights in the room came on. Michelle came in with Robo and started removing the headphones while the Robo nanny started taking the littles out to be changed.

Bryce wanted out of the soaking wet diaper, though she really wanted some more of that milk.  All the Littles were stripped when they were changed, each girl was dressed in a pink shirt and diaper; Jason got the same but his shirt was blue.  Once everyone was dressed the Littles would put in the play area.

“Play for a little bit while we get lunch ready,” Michelle turned, clearly not expecting a response.  Bryce was more confused about how it could be lunch time if they just had their bottles, how long was she out for?  Before leaving the Amazon picked up a stuffed bear and handed it to Bryce. “Here, you play with Mr. Stuffy while we’re gone.”

Bryce look at the bear in her hand as the Amazon left, she pulled it back to throw it at the Amazon but didn’t.  It wouldn’t do any good and the bear didn’t deserve it. She put the bear between her legs and looked at her cell mates. “What the hell happened in there, I don’t remember anything?”

Sam and Susan both shook their heads, clearly not knowing anything themselves.  Even Dee didn’t have much to say, “It was the same as last time, no one remembers.”

“I remember,” Jason said, though it was slurred like a baby or drunk person was talking.


“Ya, but we didn’t end up with a lisp,” Bryce looked sideways at Jason who simply stuck his tongue out.  Not in a way to be rude but to show us, he had teeth marks on his tongue.

“I focused on the pain, so I remember everything.  I remember watching some of those episodes when I was a kid.  Though I don’t remember all the extra voices.” It was really hard to understand him with the lisp but Bryce was getting used to it.

“Extra voices?” Sam, Susan and Bryce all asked at once.

“It was in the background, I could make it out when the characters weren’t talking.  If you weren’t listening for it you wouldn’t hear it.”

Bryce’s college days made her believe they were trying to affect the subconscious, in some way.  This did seem to confirm the belief of brainwashing. Now she suddenly wished she had taken a class on brainwashing, if there even was such a thing. 

It was at that moment that Bryce realized no one was watching them and that the Amazons and the Robo nanny had all left.  Before she could point this out Susan said in a hushed voice, “Listen if you still want to get out I’ll help but I’m not going to make it.” 

This broken Bryce concentration, thus she and the others were all looking at Susan.  “They are going to make me only able to sit up, and I won’t lie even now I feel a great want to lay down, I'm not sure I can even crawl."

"That's stupid I'm sure you can," Bryce said waddling over to Susan.  To her credit it seemed to take a lot of effort on her part to be on all 4 fours, and she did take a step, or a crawl/step.

"I’ll never make it to the door let alone down the street.”  It was clear she was choking back tears, “use me as a decoy.”

Everyone was silent for a second, which was enough time for Bryce to finish her plan.  With only two doors out of the room one lead straight to the lobby and out the front door.  “Alright this is what we’ll do, that door leads to the lobby and then outside, there's only one Amazon there.  Susan that will be your job, we will make a “Little Ladder” to get to the door handle. When the door swings in, stick your head out for the Amazon to see you.  When she comes to get you, we will run past and head for the door.”

“Bryce we can’t just leave…” Sam was cut off.

“You have to, I don’t think I can stand let alone run." Susan stopped and looked at them all.  "Just make me a promise, if you all get out take a shot of rum for me; it was my favorite.” Susan said wiping a tear from her cheek.

Without saying anything else the 5 of them nodded and moved towards the door.  Bryce, still with bear in hand got on her hands and knees to be the bottom, with Dee being in the middle and Sam going up top as she had the best motor control at the moment.  This was a good thing as Jason was helping Susan get across the room to the floor. Once Susan was in position Bryce whispered, “do it.” Which was then spread to Dee and Sam pulled the handle down.

Sam had only just cracked the door open and she quickly climbed down, Jason pushed Susan into the doorway enough to be seen. With a coy smile Susan looked at the Amazon at the front desk and said, “Hasta La Vista Baby!”

Bryce lowered her head slapping the palm of her hand to her face at how utterly stupid that one liner was.  “Sweetie you can’t come out here,” they all heard the young Amazon say. As the door started to open from the Amazon pushing on it, they saw that Susan being picked up they all made a break for it.  At that moment, all hell broke loose.

As Bryce and the others ran through the door heading for the exit a very loud alarm went off through the building.  Susan for her credit started crying again squirming keeping the Amazon busy trying not to drop her. The four diapered Littles extremely quickly waddle ran to the glass door to their freedom.  Bryce noticed a handicap button higher up that could open the door but there was no time for that. Bryce hit the door but it was much heavier than she thought and all four of them found themselves suck trying to push the door open. 

With the alarms and Susan crying it was hard to think, Bryce look down the length of the door to see the others and yell, “ON 3.  ONE, TWO…. THREE!” With everything she had she pushed to open the door, even with the bear still in hand, it started to move for a second then stopped.  As she was pushing the alarm suddenly stopped, out of breath she looks at the others. 

Sam and Dee had stupid vacant smiles on their faces, looking behind them she should see both their diapers had expanded an extreme amount.  It was at that point Bryce noticed the tube-like arm of the Robo nanny coming out of the back of Sam’s diaper. Bryce quickly attempted to turn around but a hand was keeping her facing the door.

She felt someone long and metal enter the back top of her diaper, and a moment later the biggest pile of mush started to fill the back of her diaper.  Looking at the others Sam and Dee dropped onto their diapered butts with a loud squish as her own diaper was filling up. She could smell something, it smells like her own dirty diaper but, in a nice way?  She didn’t understand, but she didn’t have too. The warm mush felt so nice on her bottom, the warmth seem to spread through her body like pure joy. She wasn’t sure when the tube was removed but when she fell back on her bottom and felt everything squish against her, she could think of only one word to describe it, joygasm.

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's socool to see that this story is back!


Sorry for the delay, boss was gone for a month and I was crazy busy.  I'm hoping to get on a more regular schedule to get this finished.  With a little luck there shouldn't be more then a few days between updates.



08 - Mushy Joy


"Megan Jacobson to the front desk, Megan Jacobson to the front desk." blasted out of the intercom, followed by Mrs. Jacobson walking through the lunch area.

“Here comes the airplane,” Michelle said turning back to Bryce as she shoved another spoon full of mush into her mouth.  The taste of apples wasn’t bad and she was rather enjoying it, at least it was until she came back to herself. As Michelle began scaping the last of the mush onto the spoon Bryce was able to see she was in the lunchroom with everyone else, though the test subjects were kept apart from the rest.  As the last spoonful was shoved in her mouth Bryce suddenly saw Kyle, he was lying in an Amazon’s arms being breastfed? She was disturbed that Kyle would ever do something like that, well with anyone but her at least. She wasn’t sure if she was angry he was doing it or jealous he wasn’t doing it to her.

Michelle wiped Bryce’s face clean  and had her bib was removed. “Now you play with Mr. Stuffy while I get the others fed.”

Bryce looked at the bear, it now had a diaper on just like hers.  She took the bear from the Amazon at glared at it. Wiggling her own bottom, she could feel that she was still in a mushy diaper, though the smell was gone now.  She looked at the diaper on the bear and said, “At least yours is clean.”

The bottle had been left on her tray, and she was a bit thirsty.  One drop and it brightened her mood, it tasted great, like the last milk she had.  Bryce looked over and saw Sam to her left with a bottle in her mouth, though she still looked out of it.  Jason on her right though had finished his bottle and looked normal, well as normal as an adult in a diaper can look.

“Your back?” Jason asked.

“Let me guess, tongue action again?” Jason just nodded. "Michelle picked me up right as you said to started pushing, you might not have had enough force to open the door."   It was at that moment Bryce noticed she didn’t see Dee with them.

“Where’s Dee?” She asked, Jason’s face looked grim.

“I don’t know, when you were all…let’s say out of it they asked who’s idea it was and Dee said “Me” with a grin on her face.  I don’t know if she was trying to take the fall or if her mind was too far gone to know what she was saying. They took her up the elevator and we haven’t seen her since.”  Bryce looked down at the bottle and put in her mouth, at least the milk was good.

“Look it’s not your fault Dee’s…”

Bryce cut him off, “She knew the risks, we all did.’

Jason seems to look at her for a second then turned his head and looked at the other Littles eating.  Bryce put the bottle back in her mouth, wondering if what she said was too far. It was true, but sometimes people didn’t like to be reminded of the truth.  Still, even she felt a bad saying it. If Dee came back as a mindless poop machine that would be two of their group that had sacrificed or been willing to sacrifice themselves for the group.  Bryce knew deep down she wouldn’t have done that for them, and she hated herself for it. Sitting in a messy diaper in a high chair drinking from a bottle was a strange time to start questioning herself, and she needed to be hard as steel to get out of this.

After Susan was done being fed and cleaned up all four of the testers were taken back to their side of the daycare and placed down in the play area.  Feeling the mush in her diaper smash against her should have disgusted her but it didn’t. Whatever the stuff was, she didn’t want to leave her diaper and it retained heat well so it didn't become cold and clamming the way a “real” pile would.  After they were all on the ground the door to the lunchroom opened again, it was the Robo nanny with Dee in her arms, and she was crying hard. From the red around her diaper it looked like she had gotten a really bad spanking. The Robo didn’t put Dee on her bottom but on her stomach in the play area before leaving.

Everyone gathered around the crying Dee. “Dee are you ok?” Jason asked through his lisp.  However, Dee didn’t answer, she just kept crying.

“Come on Dee, you can’t be gone…” Susan tears started to fall

“Her brains just a pile of sticky mush,” Bryce reached around and pushed the mush against her butt. “Just like her diaper.”

“I’M NOT A MINDLESS BABY YOU BITCH!” Dee shouted, swinging her arms at Bryce trying to get a good shot in.

Bryce just laughed, “See, she’s fine.”  It took a moment but everyone started laughing.  Their captors would have been happy if they were watching seeing them all laughing like that.  

“None of us are getting out are we…?” Sam said as the laughing was dying down.

There was a long moment of silence.  “What was that mush?” Sam blushed “It felt…well…”

“Orgasmic!” Susan blurted out.  This sent Jason into a coughing fit like he was going to die, Bryce didn’t think he had ever been with a girl, let alone listen to them talk.

“It was like a joy high for me, I can’t remember the last time I felt that good.” Bryce lied, she could name the day she had felt that.  The day Kyle purposed, but that was a lifetime ago now.

By this time Dee had calmed herself down. “It’s done to make you want to poop your pants.  Since you all came back to your senses have any of you even wanted to be changed?” This question caused all the Littles to blush, it was clear none had even thought about it.  Bryce had noticed she didn’t mind it, would pooping herself feel the same? She didn’t remember it feeling like that before. She had to shake the image from her mind, it was a game they were playing and she wasn’t going to lose.

Dee sighed, “don’t worry about it, the first test I was in three of the Littles started begging for it after the first time.”

"You mean your only other test," Bryce just loved pushing Dee's buttons

"Well..."Dee shrugged, "ya."

“Well I didn’t think it was that good, you’ll need to gain some control like me.” Jason said proudly trying his best not to lisp from it.

Sam just narrowed her eyes at Jason, “That doesn’t count you just…”

“Oh, Jason sweetie are you ok we heard you coughing,” Michelle said cutting Sam off, while picking Jason up at the same time.  “Let’s see back of your throat, open up please.” Jason did no such thing, he was worried about what they would do if they saw his tongue.

When Jason wouldn’t open up he was assaulted by a vicious tickle attack which caused him to laugh and the amazon to put her fingers in his mouth.  “Oh dear, you made a big boo boo on your tongue.” The Amazon reached into her pocket and pulled out a pacifier with a cap over the nipple. She removed the cap and forced the pacifier into his mouth, at first he was trying to push it out but after a few moments he stopped.

“You have been such a good boy today Jason, you didn’t even cry from your boo boo.  I think we can let the evil plans Dee got you involved in slide. As a reward, you get a little extra cartoon time.”  Jason was picked up and taken inside the room. As he was going in he had a look of horror on his face as if he was pleading for their help.  Jason didn’t want to go in and started screaming and squirming to get away. As the amazon unlocked the door she called the Robo, “Nanny, please set little Jason up for some cartoon line.  He’s a level 4.”

They could all hear Jason’s crying screams until the door shut, and all they heard was dead silence.




09 - Bear necessities


“What the hell is level 4,” Bryce whispered.

Dee answered without hesitation, “His age level.  1 is infant like Susan, 2 is baby like you, I’m a 3 which is crawler, he’s a walker so 4 and Sam’s a full toddler for 5.”

As they were all staring at the door Jason had just gone through, Sam couldn’t stop staring that the bear Bryce was still holding.  “Bryce why are you still holding that bear?”

“Mr. Stuffy?” Bryce looked down to see she was still holding the bears hand. “They keep giving him to be, I don’t know why.”

Sam raised an eyebrow, “You were holding it when we were trying to get away, you even just called him Mr. Stuffy.” 

Bryce looked at the bear for a moment and then threw the stupid bear across the room smirking.  “It’s just a stupid bear.” 

Sam turned to Susan and started asking her about the feeling from the mush in their diapers.  Bryce however had her head turned staring at Mr. Stuffy on the other side of the room, suddenly feeling emotions she hadn’t felt in years she swallowed hard and turned back to the others.

By this time the Robo nanny and Michelle had come over to them.  “Alright girls I think it’s time for a nap before your mommies arrive.”

Bryce was put in her crib first, followed by Susan and Dee and finally Sam.  It was strange that they weren’t being changed even now, who knew how much time had passed if it was almost time to leave.  Bryce had something else on her mind however, from the moment she was put in her crib Bryce couldn’t stop herself from staring at Mr. Stuffy, it was very strange.  She wanted him back, but for the life of her she couldn’t understand why. Clearly her attention hadn’t gone unnoticed when the walking demon put Sam in her crib came over, “oh BeeBee, where’s Mr. Stuffy?” Looking around she quickly picked the bear and put it in her crib, which made the lump in Bryce’s throat disappear. 

Sam glaring at her through the crib bars, “it wasn’t me, they got him, I mean it, they put it in here.” Bryce explained, which Sam just rolled her eyes and sat down.

Bryce grabbed Mr. Stuffy as the Robo nanny started putting the headphones on their heads.  These didn’t keep them from moving their heads but it was set up so that couldn’t take them off.  After all the headphones were set up the Robo came around and put a pacifier in each of their mouths, then turned the lights off.  From inside the headset Bryce could her the amazon say, “Have a nice nap;” as soft lullaby music started playing. 

It was dark, cold and raining.  Bryce could feel herself running, running as hard as she could.  The rain was beating down on her and making her clothing heavy, so heavy she couldn't stand so she started crawling.  At first she didn’t know what she was running from, just black figures in the night. As the figures took shape she knew what they were, Amazons.  She kept crawling and crawling as fear took over, she could even feel herself peeing while she was crawling. Finally, she turned the corner and slammed into someone.  The Little she ran into was sitting around in a dirty diaper, as she turned it was her mother with a vacant, toothless grin with drool running down her face. “Why didn’t you come find us?” Her mother asked. 

“I couldn’t,” Bryce said quickly turning to crawl the other way.  She stopped crawling when she felt her hand press down on something warm, wet and sticky.  She looked up to see Kyle with the same vacant, toothless grin as her mother. “Why didn’t you stay with me? Why didn't you help me?”  Kyle yelled. 

Crying, Bryce replied. “I tried, I wanted to stay.  I waited for you, I would have died for you.”

Bryce watched as Kyle started to laugh in an evil way she had never seen.  Suddenly the smell of a dirty diaper overtook her and she could see Kyle being lifted off the ground by the mess he was making in his diaper, it wasn’t even possible, an unnatural mess filling the diaper with an unnatural amount.  “Do you know what I am become?” Kyle laughed. “I died for you.”

Bryce turned again to crawl away but Mr. Stuffy was there, his diaper was just as dirty as Kyles.  “Why did you throw me away BeeBee? What did I do to you, I just wanted to be your friend.” 

“I’m sorry,” Bryce said starting to back away.  “You’re sorry, that all you have to say?” Mr. Stuffy seemed to be getting bigger, or she was getting smaller.  She wanted to crawl away but felt that she was against a wall. Instead she leaped forward wrapping her arms around Mr. Stuffy, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m…” She cried as her teddy as he put a pacifier in her mouth.  She closed her eyes and just kept thinking, “I’m sorry,” over and over. 


When she opened her eyes she was still in her crib, with Mr. Stuffy hugged tightly in her arms.  This didn’t stop the tears still running down her face. She looked at the back of Mr. Stuffy’s diaper and pulled the back of it to check him.  She laughed behind her pacifier and said, “At least yours is clean.”


  • Like 3

I very rarely chime in but I felt the need to let you know that this is one of my favorite stories I've read here! It hits a lot of the stuff that I like that very few other stories do and it's well written to boot! Thanks for choosing to share it again!

  • Like 1

Thank you @dumdiaperdolly, I remember when I first wrote it only a few people responded to it.  I didn't think it was liked by many people until I said something in discord and people asked me to reedit and post it.  It's a small update today but I'd rather do small ones then forget about it again.



10 - First Place


At some point Bryce had fallen asleep again, at what point or for how long she did not know.  She felt the headphones being taken off and the pacifier removed. Bryce watched Robo nanny take Sam and Dee to begin changing their diapers, while Michelle came over to change her diaper.  Bryce’s diaper change took the longest of all of them, not because hers was any worse than the others but the amazon wasn’t as fast as Robo. The Robo though didn’t have the soft touch that was nice when someone else’s hand was…down there.  Once her diaper was changed she was moved into the play area with the others until it their “mommy’s” arrived to get them.

Susan looked at Bryce with concern, “You alright Bryce, your eyes are all red and puffy.” 


“I’m fine.” Bryce replayed coldly.  Sam on the other hand was glaring at her again, only this time Bryce could tell she was staring at her breasts. 

“You know, if you want to be breastfed I’m sure your mommy could help you with that more than I can Sam.” Bryce said with her arrogant tone.

“The bear, you dumb ass.” Sam replied gritting her teeth.

Bryce looked down to see she was holding the bear across her chest like a young child would.  Slowly she lowered the bear to her side and let go, the bear leaning against her leg. It was at the time that the door to the back room was opened and the Robo carried Jason over to the changing table.  After a few moments Jason was brought over to the rest of them still naked, save for his diaper but he still had his pacifier in. “Your mommy will be here in a minute Jason.” The Robo say turning to leave.

Jason just stared at them blankly, “Jason what happened in there, you missed naptime.” Susan asked.

Something wasn’t right, he didn’t have the vacant look in his eyes Bryce had seen in her mothers or Kyles but he didn’t seem... normal. 

“Watched Wittle WugWats,” between his lisp and the pacifier it was hard to understand.  “Dey funny babies wike us.” Jason laughed at his own comment. 

“Oh god no,” Sam said.

“Jason remember who you are, you’re not a baby.” Susan tried to reason with his adult side.

“Me knew who me is, me baby, happy baby.” As a little drool dripped from his pacifier.

“No Jason, think really hard, what you use to be.” Susan seemed on the verge of tears.  The only thought going the Bryce’s mind was wondering if someone could get that phone, because she called it!

Jason squinted for a moment, “that’s it Jason just re…” Susan was cut off mid sentence by the loudest, wettest fart Bryce had ever heard.  Jason’s was red as he finished pushing everything out and sat down with a notable squish. The smell filled that part of the room and Susan stopped holding back the waterworks, she wasn’t all out crying but she was getting there.

Suddenly Jason stood up and started running to the door, “Mommy!”  He was picked up by an amazon woman who was walking in the door. “Well hello my little stinker,” she said patting the freshly loaded diaper.  “You made Mommy a present, didn’t you?”

“Sorry about that, we just changed his diaper I swear.”  The amazon said coming over. “It’s alright Michelle, I’m sure my little poop machine loves his dirty diaper.”  Jason’s Mommy bounced him a few times on her arm. “Same time tomorrow?” His Mommy asked.

“No need, Jason here past the test on the first day before anyone else.  He is more than welcome in the normal part of the daycare, but we finished his testing already.”  Michelle said.

His mother seemed to beam with pride. “You hear that honey, you got first place!”  This only seemed to make Jason laugh more.

Bryce looked up at Jason and his mother, “First place loser is all he is.” She said.




Sam had slapped Bryce so hard, so suddenly she wasn’t sure if she’d been hit with a hand or a bus.  Sam’s face was inches from hers with tears rolling down her cheeks, “It should have been you!” Sam’s voice was filled with more hate and venom then she had ever heard in her life.

“Sammy we do not hit, that’s a bad baby.”  Michelle picked Sam up and walked over to the changing table and sat down in a chair pulling the Little over he lap.  Once she ripped off the girls diaper she started to give Sam the spanking of her life. Jason and his mommy took that as their que to leave, Dee and Susan looked away not wanting to watch.  Bryce just sat there motionless staring at Sam get the crap slapped out of her ass as Sam had just done to her face. Bryce wasn’t sure if it was the slap from Sam or the utter hate in her voice but Bryce was just numb, she hadn’t felt this numb since the day of hell.  Every spank on Sam’s ass felt like a slap to the ass end of Bryce’s soul, and there was nothing she could do about it.

At some point Bryce was picked up from behind by her “Mommy,”  her and Michelle spoke about why she was spanking Sam but the words seemed to drown into the background as if they were whispers in the wind.  As Bryce left the first day of her testing all she was left with was a single sound ringing in her ears over and over and over....

*Slap, Slap, Slap…* Was all she could hear…


11 - Not My Baby


Bryce felt almost dead inside as Jessica put her into the car seat and started the drive home.  Something in her had been so shaken by what happened. The words Sam said raddled in her head, "It should have been you."  Bryce could still hear the sound of Sam's spanking in her ear, not once had Sam made a sound during her spanking. It felt like Sam didn't want to give Bryce the "pleasure" of seeing her in pain.  Is that what they all thought she was? A monster Little that wanted to see others suffer?

This circular line of thinking that kept rolling in her head over and over.  Jessica had gotten home and taken Bryce inside and she hadn't squirmed once, or even made a sound.  Jessica put Bryce in her high chair and thought maybe something special for dinner would cheer her up.  Jessica took a jar of applesauce and added a little brown sugar and cinnamon so it would taste like an apple pie.  It was the only thing she had ever seen put a smile On Bryce's face before.

As the first spoonful entered her mouth Bryce was still lost in her own thoughts to care, however the smell of what seemed to be apple pie was too much to not eat.  She closed her mouth on the spoon and let Jessica take the spoon out herself. Bryce didn't have the desire to fight with Jessica about anything tonight and just left herself be fed like the baby Jessica wanted her to be.  Jessica however was getting very scared, she was eating the apple pie like a real baby, but not like the Bryce she loved.

When Bryce was about 3/4 of the way through her dinner she felt her tummy rumble for a moment.  Without and resistance, as another sponfull was in her mouth she gave a little push with small grunt and the seat of her diaper was filled with mushy pile of poop for real this time.  It didn't feel as good as the tube mush that had been in her diaper for most of the day but it did feel good enough to drag her out of her stupor enough to crack a smile.

As Jessica took the spoon out she could see a smile start to crack on her babies face, but at the same moment the smell hit her nose.  Jessica dropped the spoon and put her hands over her mouth as she starting crying. "Oh my god my Little BeeBee, what did that do to you?"

This wasn't the Little she had adopted, it was like they killed the part of her daughter she loved the most.  Jessica stopped what she was doing and went to her phone to call Little Time Daycare, they hadn't turned Bryce into a baby they had turned her into a zombie.  After a rather heated conversation with Mrs. Jacobson at LTD Jessica started cleaning up after Bryce's dinner, she had completely forgotten to eat herself.

Jessica gave Bryce her bath and got her diapered and into a nice warm onesie.  Jessica held Bryce in her lap as they wanted TV, Jessica normally didn't want Bryce watching shows for adults.  However at this point anything to bring back her baby was worth it. Bryce however had zoned out she had even fallen asleep in Jesscia's lap, she woke up when rain as hit her face.  When she looked up she saw it wasn't rain but Jessica crying, "Don't worry sweetie, tomorrow we will go back and they will fix everything."

"Fix everything..." This rolled in Bryce's head for a moment.  That's it, she would go back tomorrow talk to Sam and everyone would be fixed and they will get out together.

  • Like 3

Beautiful addition, I regret that I was not able to read this story before the crash.

  • 2 months later...

I love what you're doing with this revamped version of the story. Keep up the good work!

  • 4 years later...

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