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How can you stay perfectly level?

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I'm struggling with stability again, it's hard because sometimes I have so much going on because I'm trying to get ahead; and progress is not going to come to me.

If I'm not doing anything I am not going to make any progress it's as simple as that.

And then any kind of setback can absolutely ruin my mood, if I was previously in a good mood and happy.

Even worse when I find out I am unintentionally sabotaging myself; because I say the wrong thing to someone or come across the wrong way .

Next thing you know I am "the bad guy" for having problems and my Bipolarism taking me on a wild ride

If I'm depressed I dont wanna put forward extra energy to try to move ahead.

If I'm manic I'm probably gonna come across as a Super-Mega-Ultra jerk and then whoever I had interacted with doesn't want to deal with me; and they probably told their friends "avoid that guy, like the plague, he is insane" or whatever.

And I feel like they are right, perhaps I am insane and they should avoid me.

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We ALL have our  good days  as well as  BAD days  and  for  us with Bipolar  in the mix  this is  sadly  a part  of our never ending emotional rollercouster.

You are  WRONG   youre NOT insane and those  around  you need to try to be able to understand  and  ACCEPT youre disabilities .         

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You can't push ahead too fast, when you go faster you make more mistakes then you have to go back to the beginning, start all over again.

The faster you go ahead the more behind you will get, we all tend to cut corners when we are moving too fast.

 Why not give slowing down a little a test for a week,  see if it works out?

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55 minutes ago, beallucanb said:



You can't push ahead too fast, when you go faster you make more mistakes then you have to go back to the beginning, start all over again.

The faster you go ahead the more behind you will get, we all tend to cut corners when we are moving too fast.

 Why not give slowing down a little a test for a week,  see if it works out?

Well next week I'm on Vacation anyways, but maybe I will see about clearing out as much of the "junk" (less desirable, cheap stuff) from my collection, if I cant sell it cheap I can probably find someone to give it to for free and make that a fresh start

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8 hours ago, beallucanb said:



You can't push ahead too fast, when you go faster you make more mistakes then you have to go back to the beginning, start all over again.

The faster you go ahead the more behind you will get, we all tend to cut corners when we are moving too fast.

 Why not give slowing down a little a test for a week,  see if it works out?

I agree  whole hardheartedly   and i would also like to ad this   you CANT be liked  by everyone so just  be YOU   my friend ive learns  along  time  that   i cant  be friends  nor  liked  by everyone. 


8 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

Well next week I'm on Vacation anyways, but maybe I will see about clearing out as much of the "junk" (less desirable, cheap stuff) from my collection, if I cant sell it cheap I can probably find someone to give it to for free and make that a fresh start

   Whats  even more  important  is  you trying to get  some RELAXATION  as its clear  to me  you REALLY need  it         

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8 hours ago, Baby Girl Sarah said:


I agree  whole hardheartedly   and i would also like to ad this   you CANT be liked  by everyone so just  be YOU   my friend ive learns  along  time  that   i cant  be friends  nor  liked  by everyone. 


   Whats  even more  important  is  you trying to get  some RELAXATION  as its clear  to me  you REALLY need  it         

It's not so much trying to be liked by everyone; rather feeling like a failure because I feel like I screwed up so badly

It was already hard trying to establish myself as a fair person who treats people fairly and charges fair prices

now I have gone and gave myself more setbacks making things harder for me because I have said the wrong things and now some people who could have became customers think all kinds of bad things

some likely think I'm gonna charge way too much money because of having previously not known a fair price on some things (when it's a set of 90 common and uncommon cards (times 4 for a "playset") it's a lot of work to price things, and it takes a lot of time and effort) and thinking I'm trying to pull one over on someone and charge several times what I should

Some probably think I'm a jerk and just dont care about people

Some no doubt think I'm "Crazy" and who wants to do business with crazy people?

It's so hard to prove myself and so easy to do potentially irreparable damage by losing someone as a potential customer forever

The more people are against me the harder I am going to have to struggle to prove myself to those that give me a chance; meanwhile to make sales I may have to sell stuff at stupidly low prices (pretty much 85% is top selling price on most cards, to sell quickly you may have to go down to 65% or lower)

there is a website we use to estimate fair market value on the cards, and everyone in the FaceBook group sells at a discount depending on how desirable the cards are and how quickly they want to sell; if you screw up and have less potential customers you have to sell cheaper than others and hope to one day prove yourself to make things easier for you

at which point maybe you can sell at a more fair price because people know you aren't gonna rip them off, so they are less hesitant to buy from you.

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2 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

It's not so much trying to be liked by everyone; rather feeling like a failure because I feel like I screwed up so badly

Believe me  i understand  better then you might  understand  

2 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

It was already hard trying to establish myself as a fair person who treats people fairly and charges fair prices

now I have gone and gave myself more setbacks making things harder for me because I have said the wrong things and now some people who could have became customers think all kinds of bad things

some likely think I'm gonna charge way too much money because of having previously not known a fair price on some things (when it's a set of 90 common and uncommon cards (times 4 for a "playset") it's a lot of work to price things, and it takes a lot of time and effort) and thinking I'm trying to pull one over on someone and charge several times what I should

Some probably think I'm a jerk and just dont care about people

Some no doubt think I'm "Crazy" and who wants to do business with crazy people?

Well  some of them might  have takend  offence    and move on BUT some  IF you  explain things to them and apologize  might not. You dont  know  if you dont  try       

2 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

It's so hard to prove myself and so easy to do potentially irreparable damage by losing someone as a potential customer forever

I understand  and agree  

2 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

The more people are against me the harder I am going to have to struggle to prove myself to those that give me a chance; meanwhile to make sales I may have to sell stuff at stupidly low prices (pretty much 85% is top selling price on most cards, to sell quickly you may have to go down to 65% or lower)

You shouldent feel you have to  sell youre self  lower  just to please  others    its very simple  eather  you get  what you whant  from said  product   /service or  NO deal    

2 hours ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

there is a website we use to estimate fair market value on the cards, and everyone in the FaceBook group sells at a discount depending on how desirable the cards are and how quickly they want to sell; if you screw up and have less potential customers you have to sell cheaper than others and hope to one day prove yourself to make things easier for you

at which point maybe you can sell at a more fair price because people know you aren't gonna rip them off, so they are less hesitant to buy from you.

What you have to keep in mind  here is  the value  of said  in this case  cards  is  actually  what some  other  are willing to pay  tho .Youre not selling  to make  friends  are you ?    NO youre  selling to make some cind  of profit  or utliest  get what you want  from it simple as that.          

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Well as is I'm unlikely to actually make profits; it's about minimizing losses

And the way it works is recent cards are made to be useful in events that are in the near future

that way people are going to buy the newest stuff, card shops make money, and happy card shops keep the game going because that's where most of the events are held

The majority of the people buying the cards are players

So if I wait too long to sell a card and eventually it's no longer a competitive card; or it is deemed too powerful and it receives a ban in events

All of a sudden that card has lost the majority of its value

Not too long ago a powerful card that used to be $15 each card was banned in official tournaments; so this card had lost almost all of its value immediately once people heard this news because it is no good to players

Unless someone just wants to play with their friends, then official ban list means nothing.

Because the majority of people are buying cards from the newest set almost exclusively that's where the majority of my business is (along with the hundreds of other people selling their extra cards)

It's a delicate thing because I want to get the most I can

But time is money, if i make an extra 10% on a card but it takes weeks to sell, did i really make any extra money?

Let's say a card is worth $7 at 100%, that 10% represents 70 cents, 70 cents is nothing if I have to wait weeks to make it; let's say I sell 10 of them, that's only an extra $7

$7 is less than 2 booster packs costs, and anybody buying booster packs is rolling the dice

Most of the time they will not get their money's worth, resulting in a net loss, so while I am giving people a guarantee to get good cards (if I have them) I am far from the only person doing what I am doing

And that makes it rough because if I cant fulfill a players needs or a piss them off so much they wont buy from me; there is probably somebody else they can get the same cards from

The only way to do better is to try harder and invest more money to try to reach more people

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1 hour ago, tyrantblade3500 said:

Well as is I'm unlikely to actually make profits; it's about minimizing losses

And the way it works is recent cards are made to be useful in events that are in the near future

that way people are going to buy the newest stuff, card shops make money, and happy card shops keep the game going because that's where most of the events are held

The majority of the people buying the cards are players

So if I wait too long to sell a card and eventually it's no longer a competitive card; or it is deemed too powerful and it receives a ban in events

All of a sudden that card has lost the majority of its value

Not too long ago a powerful card that used to be $15 each card was banned in official tournaments; so this card had lost almost all of its value immediately once people heard this news because it is no good to players

Unless someone just wants to play with their friends, then official ban list means nothing.

Because the majority of people are buying cards from the newest set almost exclusively that's where the majority of my business is (along with the hundreds of other people selling their extra cards)

It's a delicate thing because I want to get the most I can

But time is money, if i make an extra 10% on a card but it takes weeks to sell, did i really make any extra money?

Let's say a card is worth $7 at 100%, that 10% represents 70 cents, 70 cents is nothing if I have to wait weeks to make it; let's say I sell 10 of them, that's only an extra $7

$7 is less than 2 booster packs costs, and anybody buying booster packs is rolling the dice

Most of the time they will not get their money's worth, resulting in a net loss, so while I am giving people a guarantee to get good cards (if I have them) I am far from the only person doing what I am doing

And that makes it rough because if I cant fulfill a players needs or a piss them off so much they wont buy from me; there is probably somebody else they can get the same cards from

The only way to do better is to try harder and invest more money to try to reach more people

Sounds allot like  a big old  dark money pit to me   (this cinds  of  card  games/collecting  have been around  for ages  and  its  NOTHING more then a way to earn money for those that makes them. & also in this game  theirs   only the  card  makers  that are the winners,

However this said i do understand  youre   concerns  and i agree   youre stuck  between a  rock and a hard  place     and  if it were me  id  acept my losses  and  get rid of the  darn things  and learn from this    and move  on   to be honest  cause  the ods  of  you  winn financially  are slim to non   and  the ods of  you  minimize  youre lost arent  great either sadly.   OR    keep them and let the cards   add in value  as the game  progress you DONT have to  get rid of them   unless youre strong  out  for cash  in that case   well  it sucks  but   better  get  what i get then nothing i guess .                

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1 hour ago, Baby Girl Sarah said:

Sounds allot like  a big old  dark money pit to me   (this cinds  of  card  games/collecting  have been around  for ages  and  its  NOTHING more then a way to earn money for those that makes them. & also in this game  theirs   only the  card  makers  that are the winners,

However this said i do understand  youre   concerns  and i agree   youre stuck  between a  rock and a hard  place     and  if it were me  id  acept my losses  and  get rid of the  darn things  and learn from this    and move  on   to be honest  cause  the ods  of  you  winn financially  are slim to non   and  the ods of  you  minimize  youre lost arent  great either sadly.   OR    keep them and let the cards   add in value  as the game  progress you DONT have to  get rid of them   unless youre strong  out  for cash  in that case   well  it sucks  but   better  get  what i get then nothing i guess .                

Well like I said it isn't about profit and wouldn't be unless I could get ahead; if I had say $5,000 I could do what some people do and just flip cards for profit

Theres always someone completely selling out, and if I could make sure to have basically every card people want/need things would be a lot easier than they are now where I almost always have limited stock of newer cards,

and usually the only older cards I have are either bulk that is so common it has very little value, or it's a higher rarity card that is staying in my own personal collection 

Theres usually 90 (sometimes less) cards from each set that will probably NEVER have value unless the company making the cards releases new cards that work well with old cards (which they have actually started doing) and even then the only ones that MIGHT see a worthwhile price gain are going to be the shiny ones (higher rarity cards and shiny versions of cards that dont normally come that way)

I really do enjoy collecting the cards; but I dont like how they have made it hard to buy sealed packs at retail; you cant find the latest set of this card game anywhere because everyone is either flipping the sealed products or buying them to open and hopefully draw a $300 card.

The plan is I'm only gonna clear out the utter junk that isnt likely to see any significant price gain.

I am not 100% selling out, I'm keeping my own personal collection no matter what.

Not to mention a small stash of cards that are basically "collectors" versions of cards that are valued at what they are because they are extremely desirable and very few have been made and the set is out of production never to be made again

By utter junk, I mean cards that basically anybody buying the booster packs of this card game would have and usually these common and uncommon cards have a value of 10 cents each or less; with the only conceivable way of selling them for $15 for a set of like 200-300+ (4 of each of up to 90 cards)


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I would sell what you could, just try to get even, recoup as much money as you can without loosing your shirt.

Selling is a tough way to make money, I bought and sold cars, from the age of 13 on,  I didn't make a ton of money but I had a hell of a good time.


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1 hour ago, beallucanb said:

I would sell what you could, just try to get even, recoup as much money as you can without loosing your shirt.

Selling is a tough way to make money, I bought and sold cars, from the age of 13 on,  I didn't make a ton of money but I had a hell of a good time.


It would probably take a miracle to break even, like I said I like collecting and I'm only clearing out the junk, anything decent that is an extra I will sell at a fair price (besides the cards I have that I am hoarding as an investment; some might say there is no such thing but these are special cards that aren't dependent on playability to hold value) and that way I can feel like it is a fresh start.

My problems started with overvaluing bulk "junk" because even the cheapest cards are usually worth 4 cents each market value

Card dealers buy these cards for $1-$3 per 1000 because some people cant be bothered to put any work into selling low value cards

Now I see why, I did have some success for a short time and got extra money by selling sets of 100s of cards for $15-$25 (the $25 sets had some Rares (the most common Holographics))

But before I had figured out values I was getting s*** on pretty badly because people love to s***post rather than actually be helpful and say "you have $15 of cards here" or better yet OFFER

I had put Offer, but clearly people were more interested in s**posting on how I was being ridiculous and I must have been high when I made those sales posts

Who knew the expectation is to give away or throw away low value cards or sell it to dealers for a fraction of a % of its value

And that's where people got the idea that I am unfair; never mind to put together a $15 set of these cards actually takes low end $80+ of packs so I wasnt gonna make money regardless and the listed value was supposed to be a starting point

Much like how some people always have to lowball you no matter what price you ask of anything, you could sell something worth $300 for $30, some moron would probably offer you $5

And then there was one set I sold for $75 because it was cards from a limited print set, so I figured I could get $50 or $60 from another set of the same cards that was almost as complete (still only low value cards because a 100% complete set would be worth $700-$800+ with the higher rarity cards included) so because i wasnt giving it away for $15 like most sets I'm some sort of Ultra Jerk

And then the worst thing i could do; i asked the community why i had such a hard time selling things and i figured out why

Some people that never interacted with me offered general advice, others said i was unreasonable/unfair, I asked too much money for things, I'm an @$$hole, I come across as crazy.

I was just trying to get a little extra money for things and didn't know what prices to ask for the more common stuff as I usually just try to sell the Holographics (Rares, and Super Rares mostly)

I do have some people that buy from me, I will just have to do better next time, and skip trying to sell the more common stuff as theres too much drama over it or work involved to make it worthwhile.

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