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24/7 startups, and unexpected pitfalls?

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I have a couple of notes this morning. First of all, I have managed to successfully wet a Megamax most of the way through, which, for anyone who is familiar with the product, is no mean feat. As discussed earlier, and, with some frequency, I've noted, in other people's threads, the Megamax does not lightly countenance fluidic migration. They tend to swell magnificently right in the area, and wicking further afield is nearly absent. Despite this characteristic, it is still possible to end up in a Megamax the weight of an average cat, even with half or more of it seemingly still dry. The mind boggles at how much they could carry if the load were more evenly distributed. 

Well, I wore one last night while running errands, and then, while reading in bed for a good stretch, and that caused much of the evening's production to end up in the aft area for a change, rather than concentrated up front. I went to bed in it, wet it slightly overnight, and then woke up this morning and realized that it was becoming truly pendulous. I disrobed after breakfast to heed nature's other calling, and realized that, much as that diaper was still very comfortable, it had reached the end of the road. And that was a medium!

I'm in a large right now, because the kids aren't home and I want to burn through them. The front of this puppy rides well above my navel and the back is roughly equidistant between between my shoulder blades and my hips. And I'm 5' 10. I see no way to evenly dampen this beast of a nappy - maybe if I hang inverted for some of the time? 

On the opposite end of the spectrum, before donning that Megamax yesterday, on a lark, I decided to put on one of the Depends "underwear" samples that my wife got me some time ago, for a foray in a brief that, I was reasonably sure, would be, ahem, brief. And indeed it was. Those things are useless. The one I had on had a strange, high cut to it, more like panties than typical men's underwear, and that was not confidence inspiring. But, I can't really blame the product - the poor engineers never intended it to fall into the hands of someone like me. Whereas for their tabbed product, I DO blame them. Please explain to me why a Pampers Cruiser designed for a 42 pound occupant holds more than a Depend that could encircle a 42-inch-waist. 

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I’ve been in diapers 24/7 for about two and a half years now.  I’ve learned a lot about diaper capacity and disposal, and I e become far less concerned with who knows I wear them.  My mom knows, as does one of my friends, and they don’t have a problem with it.  I expect I’ll be in diapers for the rest of my life.

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11 hours ago, Autiesaurus said:

 I expect I’ll be in diapers for the rest of my life.

That's the dream, @Autiesaurus. I haven't told anyone other than my spouse, and, of course, everyone here. How did telling your friend go? Did you tell them just because you wanted to be upfront with them, or was there some reason why you felt you had to?

This weekend I had "socially-distanced" beers with a couple of groups of friends, outdoors, because, first of all, our level of pandemic lockdown has been reduced, and, secondly, it was actually above 0 degrees C (32 F), for the first time in weeks, so it wasn't uncomfortable outside for a change. Although it's amazing how context changes perception. In October, if it gets down to 3 degrees, we pull out our warmest jackets, zip them up to our throats, cross our arms and lament about how chilly it is. Fast-forward to the depths of February, and if it's 3 degrees, we're outside in a t-shirt washing the car and beaming about what a lovely day it is, because water isn't a solid for a change. 

I have some observations; this may be because most of my friends are approaching a "certain age", wherein those "Talk to your doctor about Fantastica" adverts start to become relevant, but, when having beers in a garage or on a driveway or whatever, practically everyone I was with had to excuse themselves to use the washroom at least once an hour, if not more so. One buddy of mine went 3 times in 90 minutes. I, of course, stood (or sat) patiently and did not need to head in to use the facilities, courtesy of whatever nappy I had on at the moment (I was smart enough to start each occasion in a fresh one). 

One of my friends brought up the mythology of "breaking the seal" - the idea that, when you start drinking, you seem to be able to hold it for a good stretch at the start of the race, but then, once you go that first time, you find yourself needing to go with much greater frequency. 

This had me curious for a couple of reasons, and I thought that I would turn to the diaper "gestalt" here, since arguably, outside of the field of nephrology, nobody spends as much time thinking about these things as we do.

First of all, I once again am wondering if I should think about adding in some feigned washroom visits... a couple of my buddies excused themselves four or five times, while I sat stoically, drinking my beer. I don't think that they're paying much attention to what I am or am not doing, but it does make me think about if I am inadvertently adding another data point to the universe, that, when taken into consideration with a bunch of other ones, might serve to lead someone to a conclusion. If, say, a person noticed a couple of things that seem like they're completely unrelated... a bulge, a crinkle, consistently oversized trousers... and then, they put that into an equation that also held, somewhere in brackets, the fact that I seem to have a camel-like ability to store fluids... and all of a sudden "he might wear diapers" comes up as one possible outcome. 

I have faked a pee here and there before, but only when it's been hours and hours, and I might, in any case, need to change, or at least, evaluate, a diaper. Should I do that more frequently? But, pre-diapers, I don't recall having to go nearly as often as these guys do - I wonder if they should be talking to their doctors, or if that's just part of being in one's mid-40's... and is something I'm unaware of, because my plastic underwear causes me to rarely hold anything back. 

Second, I'm curious as to if pressure in the bladder causes reduced renal output? Anecdotally, this seems to be the supposition - that back pressure causes flow to decline somewhat, hence, the idea that not "breaking the seal" buys one more uninterrupted time on a bar stool, than heeding nature's call earlier would have. In my own, draining into my diaper experience, it does seem like my output is more voluminous than it used to be in the "before times" - I feel like I pee about every 15 or 20 minutes. I wonder if the fact that my bladder is generally pretty close to empty is causing increased output. I'll have to do some research on that. 


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I told my friend because I was at a point where I was getting tired of hiding it and wanted to be honest and open.  We were sharing more vulnerable information about ourselves over text, and I decided to bite the bullet and go for it.  She’s been amazingly supportive and encouraging, saying that if wearing diapers brings me comfort, then I should do it.  She once said she was jealous that I get to bring my security blanket everywhere because it’s taped to my butt lol.

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1 hour ago, Autiesaurus said:

She once said she was jealous that I get to bring my security blanket everywhere because it’s taped to my butt lol.

Good way to put it!

On another topic, I forgot to mention in the above that I am DONE with medium-sized diapers, other than the Northshore Megamax. Once again I had on a medium Rearz Splash, again while having beers with a buddy of mine, this time in person,  in my garage - thank God (the pandemic lockdown having been slightly relaxed in our area), and, once again, I eventually became aware that there was a dampness at the top of my jeans, and a probing when he got up to head to the washroom confirmed that my jeans were wet at the top at the front, actually visibly so, although the way I was seated, my sweatshirt covered it entirely. From now on, I will only wear them with plastic pants, and when they're done, I am only ordering them in large. I'm losing an outfit a week to front waistband leaks in medium diapers, on average - it's too much. I have sufficient experience at this point to be confident in my ability to operate in larger ABDL diapers, and I still have my gym diapers if I find myself in need of something smaller to wear. I don't have these issues with the gym diapers because they fit very snuggly, and, I never wear them for more than a couple of hours. Whereas a medium ABDL diaper provides a false sense of security, with its 8 - 10 hour core but its failure-prone front zone. Sigh. 

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Well, I am in plastic pants today, in an attempt to cure the most common failure mode of these medium-sized diapers that I have now dedicated myself to burning through, that being frontal wicking and/or leakage. I don't wear plastic pants often, other than over cloth diapers (which I also don't wear often), so the additional layer is intruding on my awareness from time to time, in a way that my diaper used to. It's not unpleasant, just... different. These ones also add a bit of noise to moving around - they're stiffening a bit, losing plasticizers or whatever the effect is, and are probably due for replacement at some point. Let's see if they're up to the job. 

I wouldn't say that I' m entirely unaware that I have a diaper on, these days, but I can actually more or less forget about it for good stretches. It took me a while to get here; back when I was wearing only on days when the house was empty or when I was on a business trip, being in a diaper used to demand a certain amount of my processing power, to the point that I had difficulty concentrating, during the day, or difficulty sleeping at night. Now, I honestly forget about it for stretches, but, I have become much better about NOT forgetting to use it - I used to forget my diaper, start holding my output unconsciously, get a twinge of urgency, smack myself on the forehead, open the gates, but then, have to worry about moderating the ensuing release, lest it overwhelm the infrastructure. I seem to have overcome that - I just go now, even if I get wrapped up in something and stop paying attention. It's not completely automated, but if there are two gates, one, at least, has chosen "open" as its resting position. 

However, I still get a bit of a charge out of being reminded of my diaper, as it changes shape or starts to become more obtrusive, if I have gone, say, a couple of hours without giving it any thought. I still love the fact that I wear diapers. Which I guess explains why I still wear them. 

My experience with pacifiers was similar, in the beginning - if I was using one, I thought about it continually, or at least frequently, whereas now, at least overnight, having slept with one for probably three years or so, it disappears from my radar almost like the bedding does. During the day, using a pacifier has become a bit like chewing gum; it doesn't vanish from your awareness like your socks do, but, it's definitely a background process. I don't use one during the day with any great frequency - the mood has to strike me, and often, I use it as kind of an incentive to stave off procrastination. If I have an enormous spreadsheet to wade into for a few hours, I'll make an agreement with myself that I can use a paci, if I'll just get down to it. It also tends to deter snacking - I wonder if that's an idea for a diet plan? "Introducing the Peloton Pacifier...".  I think they also distract me a bit from drinking - not ethanol, but rather, water - I have a large water bottle perpetually at my side. In so doing, perhaps using a paci extends the range of a diaper a bit as well. 


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I've copied this over from a thread that @Stroller started elsewhere, because of my desire to collate all of my experiences in one place. He had mentioned bedwetting progression after having started sleeping in diapers. 


I can't make heads or tails of my nocturnal wetting situation; for a long time, I seemed to be tracking a bit behind @oznl, in terms of my "progress", if one can use that term. But that isn't the case at the moment. 

Background: I slept in diapers for about a year before I started on my 24/7 journey, and during that period, with *maybe* one exception, every time I wet, it was deliberate. If I woke up with an urge to go, I had to push, almost to the point of straining, for it to happen. I was an inveterate and accomplished bedwetter as a kid, and as an adult, I have had the odd, very sporadic incident, but we're talking about maybe a couple in 5 years. I leaned into this as an explanation for why I was wearing diapers to bed, when I finally confessed to it, but, in truth, wearing a diaper to bed every night is the equivalent of wearing a helmet at all times. Could be useful. Probably won't be. 

But, once I started wearing 24/7, I quickly got into the habit of answering nature's calls as soon as they come in, and, after four or six months of weeing every 15 - 30 minutes, surprise, my comfort in holding, and ability to hold, had declined. Thus, I began experiencing more demands for relief overnight, and this actually became a bit of a pain in the ass - I used to sleep through pretty soundly most of the time. However, I became adept at surfacing, waving at the guards manning the gateways, and then drifting right back to sleep, and I wished that at some point I might reach a place where I didn't have to "permission" events anymore. Which started happening once in a while, usually correlated with a night on double IPA's or GSM or Cab/Merlot. 

However, lately, I'm not waking up at all overnight anymore, or if I do, it's very close to when I normally get up, and I'm usually dry, unless I was a bit wet before I went to bed. (I usually try to start the night in a dry diaper, but my schedule gets thrown around by other demands, and if I put a diaper on at 9 PM, and it still has 80% of its capacity available when I call it a night, I'm generally not going to bin it.) The exception being, of course, if I've spent a night with Lady Ethanol. I also am not drinking as much water as I did overnight - I used to always wake up and have a sip of water at some point, and generally a wee at the same time.

I'm not sure why this is the case, but I'm not going to complain to my doctor that I'm sleeping too well, and never have to pee, which would be precisely the opposite of what nearly everyone in my demographic (middle-aged man) complains about. However, as I sit here typing this, I need to pee about every 20 minutes. So, the dissonance between my overnight performance and my alleged daytime requirements leaves me wondering how much of this is in my head. But I'll tell you, if I try to go an hour without peeing, I will be getting none-to-subtle jabs from down below, and once it starts happening, there will be no stopping it, other than to physically pinch myself off - I have had the disconcerting feeling in the shower of staring at myself, dribbling, WILLING it to stop, and it does not stop. That, as far as I can tell, is not a product of my imagination. 

So why no bedwetting? No idea. 

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Another copy-over; it was just announced that Bambino now ships directly to Canada, so I went to the site and had a look. Here is how they break down: 

The pricing on the site is in USD, and when I converted it to CAD, and added the shipping (also in USD), the total for a case of 48 Classico's is $3.05 CAD per diaper, which is considerably less expensive than they cost through most distributors here. I've seen them for an average of $5 CAD per diaper with shipping, which makes them way, way more expensive than, say, Northshore's Megamax, or anything made by Rearz. This actually puts them back into contention as an everyday diaper. 

Having said the above, I will have to evaluate them again - I have some in stock, but when I did my recent comparison between all the top-tier products in my inventory vying for inclusion on my "always have in stock" list, I didn't spend a lot of time comparing and contrasting them to the Megamax, or Rearz Essentials or Elite's, because they were so much more expensive that they amounted to a special occasion play diaper - I couldn't consider them as an everyday option. But at $3 a piece, I will have to wear one back-to-back with a Megamax and see how they compare. 

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7 hours ago, Little Sherri said:

I can't make heads or tails of my nocturnal wetting situation; for a long time, I seemed to be tracking a bit behind @oznl, in terms of my "progress", if one can use that term. But that isn't the case at the moment. 

I shouldn’t over-sell my “bed-wetting” thing.  It’s unpredictable, unreliable (although alcohol helps) and quite vague.  It’s never 100% clear how awake or asleep that I am.

Gradually though, visibility into the cause and effect relationship between waking up with an empty bladder and wearing a nappy that’s not simply damp, but thoroughly wet has faded, a lot.

At no time can I turn around and pronounce confidently: “I wet the bed at 2:48am”.  It is something that I experience circumstantially, intermittently and in retrospect.

Additional evidence is scant but IS there: going to bed dry (incredibly rare for me) but waking up wet anyway and even more rarely, waking up to find myself having something of a pee (this has happened as I’ve blogged it).  I do know that I’m NEVER dry by morning (whether this is by choice or learned habit) and I can’t recall being woken by the need to pee any time recently.  Clearly it’s happening but some mornings I can’t remember it happening and I don't trust myself.

Only an EEG, a moisture sensor and a data logger would know for sure.

I can however say that it killed my emerging nocturia stone dead...

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17 hours ago, oznl said:

I can however say that it killed my emerging nocturia stone dead...

I have a number of friends who are getting to a certain age who have mentioned that his has become a fact of life for them, and I have occasionally wanted to ask if they ever considered wearing a nappy, but, I've stopped myself. It's just not a solution most people consider voluntarily. Which is really too bad. They're actually quite comfortable. Beats the hell out of getting up three times a night, if that's how one is coping.

I, on the other hand, appear to be going in the opposite direction for some reason. I put a dry diaper on right before bed last night, and I woke up this morning with it dry. As soon as I got out of bed and stood up, I had an immediate need to pee. I go back to carbon monoxide as a probable explanation. 

Well, my wife made physical contact with my diaper; I made some smartass comment on a topic we were discussing, and she swatted me on the butt. I was wearing a t-shirt and a Rearz Lil' Monster. I'm not going to lie - I got an immediate thrill out of it. I don't think she'd ever go any further down that road, but one takes what one can get. I'm not sure in any case if I would actually want her to interact with them to some greater extent, or not. I have read posts here by people who are occasionally lovingly diapered by their significant other, or someone else, and it sounds really nice, in theory. At some point, I probably want to experience that, but, I don't know where my head lies with respect to her doing it - putting myself in that essentially submissive position, the power dynamics, and also the strange interplay of "mothering" behaviour that also has "fetishist" and sexual undertones. If she were into it, that might be a different story, but if she essentially thinks it's weird, and goes through the motions while harbouring distaste for what she's doing, I don't think I want to inflict that moment on her or on myself. 

I other news, I pushed a Rearz Essential to almost its breaking point yesterday, and I think I need to keep a couple of diapers in a drawer in my office. Usually, when my diaper hits 75% or so, I can find 5 minutes to run into the house and change it, but, yesterday, it was back to back to back calls, and maybe 30 minutes after I shotgunned a Diet Coke, a nearly-equal volume of liquid started dribbling out of me, and I could feel it wondering around beneath me, trying to find a place to call home. The diaper did amazingly well - I got one quarter-sized leak on my left hip where some of the moisture followed a path along the side of the diaper and slipped out. But then I had to wait for the end of the call I was on, and run into the house with a now-bulging diaper on, hoping that I wouldn't encounter the kids as I dashed up the stairs to my room to get changed. That thing landed in the bin with a thud that probably registered on a seismometer somewhere. 

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My temporary moratorium on purchasing diapers, while I burn through my stock of half cases and quarter bags, is having the desired effect. Yesterday, having exhausted all the diapers I had in my bedroom, I took a black cloth shopping bag down to the basement, and pulled out my boxes of diapers, opened them, and commenced selecting about 15 or so for restocking my dresser, and jamming those into the Bag of Disguise, lest I encounter my children in my travels. As an aside, I started doing this about 18 months ago, after I walked upstairs with, mercifully, only a small stack of diapers under an arm, only to run into Daughter #1 running down the stairs. Which caused me to pivot like I'd forgotten something vital, head back downstairs while holding my infantile underwear in front of me, and then, once I'd turned a corner in a direction I assumed would be opposite to her intended path, I jammed them under my sweater. 

Having selected a mix of common (several Lil' Monsters & Splash's, medium Megamax's, BetterDry's) and uncommon diapers (a Bambino Classico, a Rearz Alpaca, a large Megamax) for the week, I turned to consolidating my remaining inventory, and I was able to collapse everything down to four basically full cases, from six. That also took me down from occupying three shelves to occupying two, although I should have put a placeholder sign on the ones I vacated ("reserved"), because I may at some point have to cache product there again. My plan, if it can be described as such, is to burn through another case-sized box, while favouring my medium Rearz diapers, because I want to completely divest myself of those holdings - too many frontal leaks have occurred over the past couple of months. Other than with Megamax, which has a slightly larger cut for their medium products, I no longer plan to buy anything in medium. I had thought that their reduced bulk would be useful for some day-wearing situations, and they have been, but at the expense of reliability. I've taken to wearing them under plastic pants, and that cancels out a lot of the bulk reduction benefit I was looking for. 

I also used to wear those mediums of various models as single-tab diapers on occasion, primarily out of a nostalgic preference for having one tab on each side, because all the diapers I grew up in were constructed thusly. I remember being a bit unsure, when I bought my first "adult" diapers, if I would ever come to enjoy wearing double-tab designs. I have come around to them, needless to say, although I still don't relish triple-tab's, which end up looking like plastic gym shorts, and remind me more of yawning graves than of cribs. 

These leaks have dispelled me of any single-tab frippery, however. If I use the lower tabs to secure the leg openings, despite the fact they barely make it over to the landing zone, I can then use the top ones exclusively to keep the waistband snug, which discourages Northward migration of fluids. 

I will say this about these medium Rearz products: I am not abandoning the line, merely moving up a size. First of all, I really like having a couple of printed options - my tastes seem to vacillate back and forth between white diapers (again, the underwear of my youth), and, the cute printed diapers that I wished I could wear, most of which hit the market shortly after I outgrew their plain predecessors. But, as importantly, the Rearz Lil' Monsters and their ilk are at a good intersection of price, capacity and minimized visual bulk. They also hold up extremely well to active wearing; I spent part of this weekend helping a friend repair a barn, and my diaper, a Splash, held up great. Try that in a Tena. My takeaway is that there is not a lot of ladder climbing in palliative care settings. 

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Both kids are out of the house today, so I put on a Rearz Lil' Splash size large under some jeans and a t-shirt, and am enjoying how they are rising up out of my jeans at the back and forming a "diaper shelf" that my shirt comes to rest on basically anytime I move around and don't pull it back down. Waistband diaper excursions used to be my nemesis, but most of the time now, I wear a diaper shirt onesie that keeps everything snug and hidden. Most high-profile "diaper humiliations" that I experienced as a kid occurred as a result of waistband sightings, so I have always been paranoid about this possibility, hence my investment in onesies. The Pampers of the 80's weren't extremely bulky, and their crinkle was well-muted under corduroys or jeans, although they talked more under pajama pants. So, the "give away", other than a wet spot, was a line of white plastic at the lower back. I didn't have onesies back then, so I used to wear my longest shirt, if I had to leave the house in diapers, and tuck it as far as I could, and conduct frequent status checks, while also being aware that constantly tugging my shirt down also served to highlight exactly the area I was trying to hide. Sometimes my mom would also tug the back of my shirt down, although I didn't like her doing it, because she would tug it down on the outside of my pants, which wasn't as reliable as my tucking it in. 

I wonder when I first started becoming self-conscious about what I was wearing. I have no recollection of a specific event, or, indeed of any of that evolution. I just know that as a youngster, I'd play on the floor or climb around the playground, utterly unconcerned about what might be seen, and then at some point, I became more private about it, and eventually, I developed what could only be described as fairly intense diaper anxiety, as I grew older. Of course, by then, wearing a diaper other than at home was much less frequent. 

But it strikes me that this path I'm on currently essentially represents a reversal of the developmental process I just described. As an adult rediscovering this aspect of my psyche, I started out, years ago, wearing pull-ups or diapers ONLY when I knew I was entirely alone, and likely to remain so, and even then, usually under clothing, wary of a knock on the hotel door or a delivery that had to be signed for or a neighbour dropping by, let alone my wife. I hid them like they were radioactive material. Sometimes I packed what I could and threw out the rest, if I were going on an extended business trip, lest my wife decide to organize the basement or my office, and stumble upon them. 

I progressed to wearing diapers under clothing, often under my underwear, for a couple of hours here and there, or crawling into bed wearing one, after my wife was asleep, but, I was so choked up with anxiety that I barely slept at night, and if something emergent happened during the day that required my involvement - say, the couch needed to be moved or something got spilled or broken and needed cleaned up (with kids and dogs around, this happens...), I would bolt into the washroom and toss my diaper before wading in. 

Gradually, I became more comfortable wearing a diaper. I was still cautious, but, I would, say, leave my hotel room (with clothes on!) to get something from my car, without taking it off. But I'd take the stairs in case I ended up in the elevator with someone, such was the extent of my concern about how obvious what I had on might be. I never flew with them in my baggage - I would buy them when I arrived, generally Goodnites or similar, and toss anything I didn't use before my departure. Eventually, cautiously, I might be willing to go out and fetch takeout. A couple of times I ate in a restaurant, but only one on site, nothing that required a drive. 

Fast-forward to where I am now, a few years later, coming up on my second anniversary as a 24/7 diapernaut. I travelled with a suitcase 1/4 full of diapers (back when one could travel). I wore one on the plane. When the kids are out of the house, or asleep, I wear diapers without a care in the world. I don't obsessively tuck my shirt into my pants. Indeed, sometimes, I'm not in pants. I sleep in one every night, and I sleep, well, like a baby, most of the time. I have gone back to where I came from, essentially - blissfully, unconcernedly diapered, at least sometimes. It's been an interesting journey, and I don't feel like I'm done with it yet. I wonder if that's the "reason" for all this - taking control back, as an adult, over something I had no control over, when I was a kid?

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Well here's a security breach I never really contemplated - I had my derrière swatted by one of my younger daughter's friends. Background: I was at their place helping with a flooring installation, when my daughter and her friend needed to get by where we were working, which was a relatively tight space. We were joking around about blocking their progress through our "construction zone". My daughter was holding a ruler they'd been using for some craft, so, as she went by, she swatted me on the butt with the ruler. Then her friend squeezed by us, and she also swatted me on the butt... with her hand. It all transpired very quickly, and they headed straight into a bedroom and closed the door. Nobody said anything, but I detected a slight pause in her gate, a twitch of her head.... but I also could be letting my imagination get run away with me. I realize that I was paying a lot more attention to the moment than she was, because of course I had something to hide, but she had no idea there was anything to be noted. 

So I'm assuming that nothing was noticed, but, on the other hand, I was wearing a Rearz Lil' Monster at the time, not the world's bulkiest product, but, there is no denying the fact that they are an actual diaper. They disguise well under a onesie and a slightly-oversized pair of jeans, but that camouflage doesn't hold up to tactile scrutiny, I would imagine. The only saving grace is that, first of all, the contact was very fleeting, and, second, I don't imagine she was paying much attention as she did it. However, she did wear pullups at night, until fairly recently, so, in theory, she's not completely unfamiliar with what the bulk of such a product might feel like. It's another one of those questions that will never be answered. 

And of course, as is typical behaviour for the species, as soon as they shut themselves into a room, they then laughed and giggled continually for an hour... I probably shouldn't think about it. There is no way to secure against such a breach. Nobody takes any special precautions day-to-day to ward off lighting strikes, either. They happen when they happen, and there isn't much you can do but have faith in their infrequency. 

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Assuming it was a simple swat, a single percussive event delivered with the flat of the hand against a garment already slightly compressed by a onesie by somebody not looking for specific haptic feedback (there's an assumption) then I think you're fine.

It's occurred to me that it's a good thing that its not the 1970s and that I'm past being attractive.  I'm not sure that a soggy Abena L4 would withstand a grope from a drunken fellow party participant without raising an eyebrow.

On 3/16/2021 at 1:15 AM, Little Sherri said:

And of course, as is typical behaviour for the species, as soon as they shut themselves into a room, they then laughed and giggled continually for an hour...

Absolutely normal behavior for the species.  I can remember postulating a rule about this to my beloved back dealing with my own daughter's social gatherings: "the collective IQ of the party is not the sum of all IQ present but rather 0.5 x the mean IQ of the party".

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14 hours ago, oznl said:

"the collective IQ of the party is not the sum of all IQ present but rather 0.5 x the mean IQ of the party".

A good formula. I think this probably would hold up to empirical testing, and also, it can be more widely applied. There are lots of examples of of gatherings of adults, including some recent newsworthy events, where the collective IQ of the group could be represented as a maximum of 0.5 X the mean IQ of the party, and probably, lower. 

There was no ensuing commentary on their part and no attempts at tactile confirmation of any findings. Later yesterday, I was working on the floor in the room they were in, while they were sitting on a bed. They didn't pay me any particular attention. I can only assume that nothing irregular was noted. 

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It's been a very busy few days and I haven't been in front of my computer very much, engaging instead in some demolition work at a friend's business. Spending three days doing things like that makes me appreciate that most of the time, making my living involves a laptop and a cell phone, rather than hammers and pry bars. But, it was very physical work, so it did help me in further advancing my field testing of diapers in high-exertion situations. Thus, I have determined that both a Bambino Classico, and, a Rearz InControl Essential, can stand up to a hard day's work. However, I was later betrayed by the Classico in a way that probably wasn't its fault.

Having had the thing on since about noon on Saturday, we wrapped up working at about 5:30, and, I was invited to join a buddy in his backyard for a fire and some beverages. I could (and probably should) have gone home and gotten changed, but, that would have added an hour to the proceedings, plus, the possibility that I would then get sidetracked on the home front and not be able to extricate myself. Social gatherings have been few and far between, given the pandemic, so, I was determined to make the best use of the opportunity that I could, nappy be damned. Plus, the invitation included leaving my car where it was... my car which had my "crash kit" in it. The building we were working in no longer had a bathroom - we had ripped it out and thrown it in a dumpster. And my kit was in a white plastic bag, not the usual backpack I use for such purposes, because I had loaned the backpack to my daughter. 

So, I couldn't change my diaper and I didn't want to get into my friend's car carrying a translucent shopping bag with a diaper in it. Also, I couldn't remember what I had in my kit for a spare - I think it might have been a Lil' Monster, not sure. Note to self: crash kit diapers should always be white. 

It had been a busy day, lots of exercise, my diaper was pretty dry... a Classico is a big diaper... I'd probably be okay. It wasn't going to be a late night. Right? Wrong. Once I got there, the beer started flowing freely, and since none of us had sat outside in probably 5 or 6 months, even though the temperature drifted down to zero, we were treating it like the first summer night after a dark, desolate wasteland of windblown winter weekends. I was sitting on a plastic outdoor chair, with a slopped seat and backrest (a "Muskoka"-style chair), and I guess that helped with dampness distribution, because I could feel that I was pretty wet inside, but, careful probing throughout the night assured me that outside, I was as dry as the Sahara. The second-to-last person took their leave, and I summoned my ride... 15 minutes out. Time for one more beer, the host asked? Sure. Didn't really need it - we were drinking double this and imperial that, big beers in big glasses, but, on a zero-degree summer night, fire roaring, why not? 

But, I did need to pee again. Which I did. It seemed to last a long time - had I been ignoring signals? It was all pretty foggy. Maybe. The wetness out back increased, but, I didn't think there was cause for alarm... until I got up, and instantly felt the evaporative cooling of my thighs commence. Yikes. I was wet. REALLY WET. It was dark out, so I was really, really hoping that either, a) my friend would be too intoxicated to notice anything, or, b) that he'd attribute anything he did notice to a spilled beer incident that occurred earlier, involving some careless gesticulating. I thanked him and dashed out the gate of his yard... but now I had to get into a car, soaking wet. There was nothing for it - I took my jacket off, tossed it onto the backseat, and then sat on top of it. It was a winter jacket of a washable, but fairly waterproof material. 

When I got home, everyone was asleep, and I was able to make my way into the house and toss my clothes in the laundry bag, take a quick shower and get a new diaper on, undetected. End of story, right? Almost. 

The next day, that bag of laundry got tossed into the clothes washer, and, a while afterwards, I was summoned in a testy tone, by my beloved. There was fluff and crystals all over the laundry. It seemed likely that a diaper had gone into the washing machine. Since I'm the only one wearing diapers around here right now, my wife figured it was my problem to solve, and I wasn't going to argue with her. But, I was very confused - surely to God, I had thrown the diaper out? I was fairly intoxicated, but, still. And, nothing that big could possibly have made it into the washer undetected, could it? I was hung over, but sober, when I loaded the machine in the morning. A post-mortem on the damp pile revealed the true culprit - my younger daughter had left a pull-up entwined in some jeans, which had then gone through the wash. 

My wife's words to me were something like: "I think a diaper went through the wash, and you're the one who wears them, so deal with it, please." Despite being on the precipice of two years being at this, I still had a moment of slight disbelief over hearing her summarize where I have situated myself... I wear diapers. 

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A near-catastrophic leak without a safety net: nearly as bad as a catastrophic leak without a safety net.

The "well-insulated-and-therefore-unnoticable-before-arising-from-chair" leak at the back of the thigh seems to be the #1 failure mode for adult diapers.  Plastic pants can delay or minimize those leaks but won’t always prevent them.

Did you at least defend the charge with respect to the contamination of the family washing machine or was it YOUR pull up?

At least you got home ok.  If you had that much alcohol on board and you were driving, there were a whole pantheon of potential embarrassments in front of you, or your next of kin.  Horns of a dilemma really because I doubt leaving a wet seat in an Uber would get you much of a rider rating from the driver…

I’m going to add a plastic rubbish bag to my crash kit.

Logistically it's not possible for me to dump a disposable in the washer because of waste and washing segregation.  I've stood accused previously of co-washing terry nappies with my beloved's laundry leaving white lint stuck to everything.  It's true I did this once or twice but quickly learned and yet the lint-tastrophes continued.  Fortunately, my beloved worked out eventually that it was our eldest daughter who was incapable of removing tissues from her pockets before dumping clothes in the washer and the death ray of cold hostility moved off of me...

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10 hours ago, oznl said:

I’m going to add a plastic rubbish bag to my crash kit.

This is advisable. I am going to do the same. I really have to be more careful, though, or one of these days what happened last weekend is going to happen on someone's white leather couch, in a well-lit room, and it's not going to be funny, it's going to be mortifying. Or I'll be forced to deliberately dump a beer on myself for cover, and apologize profusely, and pay for the couch to be cleaned. If we're drinking red wine, I might have to buy someone a couch. Which would also put me in a bit of a dilemma with respect to my beloved... which octave of her disdain would be preferable? Do I cop to having soaked myself with wine because of a diaper leak, or, do I instead let the overconsumption of ethanol be the poster child for the incident, and let it stand as drunken folly? And the thing is, I am NEVER that guy. I am a seasoned and professional drinker. I know how to harness Lady Ethanol and ride her at my chosen speed. I don't get adversarial, I don't black out, I never throw up, I don't spill things. I always get invited back. Frequent nappy failures could curtail that last one. 

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15 hours ago, Little Sherri said:

do I instead let the overconsumption of ethanol be the poster child for the incident, and let it stand as drunken folly? And the thing is, I am NEVER that guy.

This guy? ?



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8 hours ago, oznl said:

This guy?

That guy indeed. I really try not to be that guy, because I was essentially raised by him in the latter years of my childhood. An angry version of him. But I don't let it stop me from enjoying Belgian Quad's and local double IPA's. Actually, as an aside, it's too bad we can't get any Australian craft beers here, but I guess the economics of small-batch brewing preclude trans-global shipping for the most part. Except for Fosters - I suspect they fill repurposed petroleum tankers with it. 

As the second anniversary of my 24/7 experiment looms, I have taken what *may* be the first step in legitimizing this wearing of nappies that I've engaged in. I had a follow-up phone appointment with my doctor regarding the imaging of my lower bits that I experienced and documented earlier this year, and he said that he wanted to send me to a urologist just to make sure all was well (everything came back inconclusive). On a lark, basically, I followed an impulse similar to the one that compelled me to drop my pajama pants and come out to my beloved that I wore diapers. 

At the end of the conversation, he said, do you have questions or concerns? So I said: "I do have one more thing I want to bring up - I don't think it's related at all to what we've been discussing. If you recall, a few years ago, I told you that I had unexpectedly wet the bed a couple of times. As you know, that was an issue for me when I was a kid. Well, it seems to be recurring with more frequency now." So, he said, "I'll put that in the notes for the urologist." 

So, there you have it. I haven't committed myself to much, here - I could easily tell the specialist that it's only happened very rarely, and isn't of much concern, given my history as a kid, etc. Or, I could say "I've taken to wearing protection", and see where that goes. Ultimately, I'm in the driver's seat - they can't make me participate in any tests or treatments that don't appeal to me, and I have no interest in tying up medical resources on what is, essentially, a vanity project. I also don't have much of anything to gain from any kind of "official recognition" of my "condition", other than the ability to wear diapers to medical appointments, an ability which I already have in any case, really. I'm not getting my diapers from my insurance company. I suppose if I'm ever hospitalized, it might make it a bit easier to be in diapers, but, if that situation arises, I imagine that I'll have bigger things on my mind than whether or not they're aware of my underwear preferences. 

So, I have no idea why I did that, but, at the time, it felt "right". 

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On 3/26/2021 at 1:25 AM, Little Sherri said:

 I have taken what *may* be the first step in legitimizing this wearing of nappies that I've engaged in. I had a follow-up phone appointment with my doctor regarding the imaging of my lower bits that I experienced and documented earlier this year, and he said that he wanted to send me to a urologist just to make sure all was well (everything came back inconclusive). On a lark, basically, I followed an impulse similar to the one that compelled me to drop my pajama pants and come out to my beloved that I wore diapers. 

At the end of the conversation, he said, do you have questions or concerns? So I said: "I do have one more thing I want to bring up - I don't think it's related at all to what we've been discussing. If you recall, a few years ago, I told you that I had unexpectedly wet the bed a couple of times. As you know, that was an issue for me when I was a kid. Well, it seems to be recurring with more frequency now." So, he said, "I'll put that in the notes for the urologist."

So, the metaphorical cat is out of the bag.  I’d be surprised if your uro doesn’t quiz you on that when you see him/her.

You’re in front of me on that score.  Heading into late 50s in a few weeks, there are a handful of things starting to wear out and I’m acutely aware that I’ve not been a hospital patient for a few years now which is something of a personal best.  I’m not sure if I could manage a hospital stay at this point without “incidents”.  If I stay this course, at some point I'm going to have to deal with this.

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2 hours ago, oznl said:

I’m not sure if I could manage a hospital stay at this point without “incidents”.  If I stay this course, at some point I'm going to have to deal with this.

I too will have to deal with this, although my opportunity will be a little more predictable in that it will be a scheduled procedure next year. I'm committed to attend this in a nappy, with an appropriate supporting diagnosis on my medical record. I did briefly mention this to my doctor, but left this to be something discussed later. I'm hoping that by that time, my incontinence will actually be more pronounced too. 

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On 3/26/2021 at 11:44 PM, sparklezBear said:

I'm committed to attend this in a nappy,

I don't have any looming overnights in hospital, thankfully, but, I would definitely not go without a nappy on at this point, either. I "test drove" the experience last year when I went to a medical imaging appointment at a big downtown hospital that I knew would involve spending an hour in a couple of waiting rooms wearing a hospital gown. I wore a nappy, a plain white one, and it was a complete non-event. I didn't go out of my way to let anyone know I was wearing one, obviously, but, I don't think they would have cared even if they did know. 

My goal is never to be an exhibitionist, I just want to be able to be comfortable wearing in all situations. 

Speaking of which, I thought that today would mark my two-year "diaper-versary", but, when I went back to the start of this string, I realized that that first Friday when I put a diaper on, planning to see if I could get through the weekend without going back to underwear, was actually March 29th. Well, the 30th was my first full day in diapers. It's just as well - I probably won't have time to give this momentous occasion the attention it deserves right now, anyway, so, no harm done if I wait until tomorrow. 

Coincidentally, my brother, of all people, reminded me of an incident from my childhood that I hadn't thought of in years, and never thought to bring up here before. Background - my brother and I basically never talk about this stuff. I was sensitive as a kid to the fact that he was three years younger than me and never had any wetting issues, and I pummeled him on numerous occasions when he took potshots at me over it (something which I could not do to my older sister...). We basically haven't discussed it since I was a kid, although he was there that fateful day when my step dad found my homemade diaper stash, which I was 13 or so. That's never come up in conversation, either.

So, I was amazed when, out of the blue, he dropped this blast from the past on me, which, evidently, he remembered, even if I had blocked it out. We were discussing the potty training history of his daughter, how it had gone very smoothly, as was our experience with our older daughter, whereas, our youngest followed more in my footsteps, IE, the overnight dryness aspect took a lot longer. Then, he said, "Do you remember the time...", and proceeded to recount a story.

We were at a relative's house for New Years Eve - this was actually the relative of a relative, the sister of an uncle by marriage, and somewhere we'd never been before (or since, as far as I recall). At some point in the evening, it was time for all the kids to get their PJ's on, so that right after the midnight countdown, everyone could hop into to bed, or hop in the car, as the case may be. There were a bunch of kids there, some of them my cousins, some of them other cousins of my cousins, that I didn't know. A few were sleeping over, but we were not. 

Kids shuffled into bedrooms or bathrooms to get changed, and I hovered nervously around my mom - for me, getting ready for bed meant putting a diaper on, and I didn't know quite how that was going to go. I was probably 8 or so, so I was capable of putting them on myself. My mom told me to wait until everyone else was done, and then she took me aside and handed me my PJ's and a diaper, and directed me down a hallway on the main floor to a bathroom. I scampered down the hall and opened up a door... walking into a den, instead of a bathroom. There were several kids, including my brother, sitting on the couch and the floor, watching TV, and when I went to pull the door closed in haste, I fumbled my handful of bedtime gear, and the diaper landed on the floor, partially exposed. I snatched it up and reversed at max speed, but just as the door was slamming shut, I heard one of the older cousins-of-a-cousin say "Nice diaper." 

That was all there was to it. I went into the bathroom, red-faced, put the diaper and my PJ's on, brushed my teeth, gave my clothes to my mom, and then hung around the adults until someone told me to go back with the kids. I remember walking back down that hall as though I was walking the plank, but, when I went back into the room, some of the older kids had gone elsewhere, nobody said anything, and I positioned myself against the wall, sitting in a corner, and basically waited out the ending of the evening. 

I asked my brother what happened after I left the room, and he said he didn't remember much, just that one of the other older cousins, a girl, elbowed the loudmouth and told him to shut up. I don't have an older female cousin who lived anywhere near where we grew up, so I have to assume my unnamed savior was from one of the other families. 



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14 hours ago, Little Sherri said:

I don't have any looming overnights in hospital, thankfully, but, I would definitely not go without a nappy on at this point, either. I "test drove" the experience last year when I went to a medical imaging appointment at a big downtown hospital that I knew would involve spending an hour in a couple of waiting rooms wearing a hospital gown. I wore a nappy, a plain white one, and it was a complete non-event. I didn't go out of my way to let anyone know I was wearing one, obviously, but, I don't think they would have cared even if they did know. 

My goal is never to be an exhibitionist, I just want to be able to be comfortable wearing in all situations. 

Speaking of which, I thought that today would mark my two-year "diaper-versary", but, when I went back to the start of this string, I realized that that first Friday when I put a diaper on, planning to see if I could get through the weekend without going back to underwear, was actually March 29th. Well, the 30th was my first full day in diapers. It's just as well - I probably won't have time to give this momentous occasion the attention it deserves right now, anyway, so, no harm done if I wait until tomorrow. 

Coincidentally, my brother, of all people, reminded me of an incident from my childhood that I hadn't thought of in years, and never thought to bring up here before. Background - my brother and I basically never talk about this stuff. I was sensitive as a kid to the fact that he was three years younger than me and never had any wetting issues, and I pummeled him on numerous occasions when he took potshots at me over it (something which I could not do to my older sister...). We basically haven't discussed it since I was a kid, although he was there that fateful day when my step dad found my homemade diaper stash, which I was 13 or so. That's never come up in conversation, either.

So, I was amazed when, out of the blue, he dropped this blast from the past on me, which, evidently, he remembered, even if I had blocked it out. We were discussing the potty training history of his daughter, how it had gone very smoothly, as was our experience with our older daughter, whereas, our youngest followed more in my footsteps, IE, the overnight dryness aspect took a lot longer. Then, he said, "Do you remember the time...", and proceeded to recount a story.

We were at a relative's house for New Years Eve - this was actually the relative of a relative, the sister of an uncle by marriage, and somewhere we'd never been before (or since, as far as I recall). At some point in the evening, it was time for all the kids to get their PJ's on, so that right after the midnight countdown, everyone could hop into to bed, or hop in the car, as the case may be. There were a bunch of kids there, some of them my cousins, some of them other cousins of my cousins, that I didn't know. A few were sleeping over, but we were not. 

Kids shuffled into bedrooms or bathrooms to get changed, and I hovered nervously around my mom - for me, getting ready for bed meant putting a diaper on, and I didn't know quite how that was going to go. I was probably 8 or so, so I was capable of putting them on myself. My mom told me to wait until everyone else was done, and then she took me aside and handed me my PJ's and a diaper, and directed me down a hallway on the main floor to a bathroom. I scampered down the hall and opened up a door... walking into a den, instead of a bathroom. There were several kids, including my brother, sitting on the couch and the floor, watching TV, and when I went to pull the door closed in haste, I fumbled my handful of bedtime gear, and the diaper landed on the floor, partially exposed. I snatched it up and reversed at max speed, but just as the door was slamming shut, I heard one of the older cousins-of-a-cousin say "Nice diaper." 

That was all there was to it. I went into the bathroom, red-faced, put the diaper and my PJ's on, brushed my teeth, gave my clothes to my mom, and then hung around the adults until someone told me to go back with the kids. I remember walking back down that hall as though I was walking the plank, but, when I went back into the room, some of the older kids had gone elsewhere, nobody said anything, and I positioned myself against the wall, sitting in a corner, and basically waited out the ending of the evening. 

I asked my brother what happened after I left the room, and he said he didn't remember much, just that one of the other older cousins, a girl, elbowed the loudmouth and told him to shut up. I don't have an older female cousin who lived anywhere near where we grew up, so I have to assume my unnamed savior was from one of the other families. 



Thank you for sharing @Little Sherri. That's quite an experience, not one I would have forgotten quickly. I'm glad that it worked out as it did, knowing that kids can be quite cruel sometimes.

I have a plethora or other adrenaline-inducing experiences, such as buying my first pack of nappies with my pocket money at about age 12. It was the first time I was left home alone for an evening, so I made use of it. It was one of the hardest experiences of my life, finding a shop open that sold nappies (everything closed at 5pm back then), finding the appropriate size (junior size back then) and buying the pack while being entirely tomato in colour I'm sure. I remember shaking with the cashier. Somehow I fumbled through this in a blur, and after the purchase I never rode by bicycle so quickly (and probably recklessly) home with the visible pack of nappies tied to the bicycle. I really wasn't a very bright 12yo.

There were also numerous experiences near age 10 and 11, wearing some stolen nappies with some family members who used them for bedwetting. One one occasion I was caught once by an adult while trying to steal one. It was super embarrassing, but I just couldn't stay away from them and stole another nappy afterwards and still wore one overnight. It wasn't fair that my relatives could wear while I couldn't. It's funny to think about these days ?. God knows what that adult thought I was doing, or if they knew I stole another nappy.

Back to the original topic, yes, I will be wearing a nappy, whether it's medically required or not. Of course by that point, I very much home it to be required. Before that, I'll make a post some time this week about my 24/7 life, further observations and musings.

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8 hours ago, sparklezBear said:

I have a plethora or other adrenaline-inducing experiences, such as buying my first pack of nappies with my pocket money at about age 12.

It's interesting to me that a lot of us went through "awakenings" at a similar time. I know now that I was a DL even earlier than this age, because I was fascinated by other kids who wore diapers even when I was very young, but because I was wearing them myself, I didn't need to come up with a way to get my hands on them until later, after I had outgrown wearing them to bed. But I was very conflicted about both wanting to wear diapers, and, the wellspring of embarrassment and shame that wearing them sometimes carried. I didn't mind being diapered, but I also knew that it wasn't "right" to like it, so I didn't want anyone to know that I did. And I didn't always like it - there were times when other kids were around when I was almost paralyzed by the anxiety that wearing a diaper elicited. However, on a weekend morning, I'd often try and stay "off the radar" and just keep my overnight diaper on until someone told me to go get dressed. Sometimes, I put my daytime clothes on over my diaper and tried to stay in it for a while, but I was always afraid it would get noticed and would tip my hand, so to speak, and make my parents suspect that I liked them.

After I stopped wetting the bed, and no longer had access to them, THEN I quickly realized that I wanted to be in them again. I wasn't as resourceful as you were - the local drugstore only sold baby diapers and adult diapers at the time, youth diapers and pullups were not common yet. So at around 11, I started making my own. 

I did some dumb things at the time, too, such as sneaking out of the house at 1 AM to walk to a park across the street, wearing just a diaper - things I would never consider doing now. I was absolutely shaking with anxiety, but I felt compelled to do it. I even wore one of my homemade diapers to school on a few occasions, once, unbeknownst to me, getting caught - I didn't know until 20 years later when a former classmate asked me about it. 

And I felt exactly what you described when, a few years ago, I discovered that Rearz had a (now closed) storefront about 45 minutes from where I lived. It took me weeks to summon the courage to walk in there, and when I approached the counter, holding a package of Bambino's and a couple of pacifiers, I could barely speak. 

I think a lot of that "adrenalin-chasing" related to trying to recreate, and maybe, to attain some control over, the avalanche of anxiety I experienced while wearing diapers as a 6 - 10-year old, believing, as I did, that if someone ever noticed or found out, the world would end. 

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