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A thief learns a lesson (private)


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Kayla turned her head when she herd the voice of her rival and she looked but when she turned her head again she found the nipple in her mouth. She did all she could to spit it out but it wasn't happening she kicked her feet as she had no choice but to drink or choke it was disgusting she knew it wasn't milk. She looked at her daddy who seemed to be enjoying the show as he had a big smile on his face. Kayla tried to push the bottle out of her mouth but Britney slapped her hands and scolded her like she was a real baby.

"Mmppphhh." is all she could get out as the nipple muffled her cries.

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"Baby girl, you better start drinking your bottle. I'm giving you to the count of three, then I'll pull your diaper down and give you a bare bottom spanking in front of everyone here. 1..2..." James ordered.

Britney sneered at Kayla, wiggling the nipple back and forth.

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Kayla wanted to cry but a bare bottom spanking would hurt and be humiliating she tried to drink as fat as she could when she herd two. She kept her eyes closed hoping she could pretend she was anywhere but here. Kayla hated how Britney was teasing her even talking baby talk to her, she was about half done when she got full.

She shook her head and tried to push the nipple out again.

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" I think baby needs to be burped. May i?" Britney asked.

"Of course." James said.

Britney set the bottle aside and took Kayla out of the high chair and led her over to a chair. She sat down and pulled Kayla unto her lap. She started patting Kayla's back.

"Come on, princess. Give me a nice little burp." Britney cooed.

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"I don't need to be burped!" she yelled as Britney easily picked her up.

"Put me down put me down!" she screamed.

Kayla rolled her eyes

"Talk right!"

Kayla did all she could to get away she didn't know Britney took self defense classes so she easily had her.

"Burp." she did after a couple minutes.

She turned bright red cause it was embarrassing and humiliating to just have burped like a real baby after her bottle.

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People around Kayla and Britney smiled and giggled as Kayla burped.

"Good girl! Let's see if you can finish your bottle now." Britney said.

Britney picked up the baby bottle and slipped the nipple in Kayla's mouth, bouncing her on her lap.

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"It's not funny shut up!" she yelled as she tried getting up but Britney kept hold of her. Then she couldn't believe as she was still going to try to feed her the bottle.

"Please I'm not hungry!" she cried but Britney didn't care what she said as she put the nipple in her mouth she had no choice but to drink. She looked over at the guy she stole money from he was smiling at this whole thing. She may not be in jail, but she definitely lost her freedom and any dignity she might have.  Kayla was busy drinking her bottle as Britney bounced her and cooed at her. Kayla squirmed around she tried to fight it now she just hoped no one noticed as she wet her diaper.


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Britney made faces at Kayla and patted her bottom. She slipped her finger in Kayla's diaper and smiled.

"Hey everyone! The baby is wet! Isn't that just the cutest?" Britney said.

People started laughing again.

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Kayla was so embarrassed as she was shocked as Britney did a diaper check. Now that everyone knew she was wet and laughing at her. If she wasn't a big enough baby she took the leap into babyhood and showing everyone just how much of a baby she really was as she began crying!

"Shut up shut up!" she said with the tears streaming down her face as her face was now as wet as her diaper!

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Britney just laughed as Kayla cried.

"Paybacks a bitch, isn't it baby girl?" Britney whispered in Kayla's ear.

James finished eating and stood up. He came over and took Kayla from Britney. He took a tissue from his pocket and held it against Kayla's nose.

"Blow your nose, princess." James ordered.

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"Shut up you bitch I'll get you back somehow!" she yelled as she no longer had the power or confidence she once had and no one was intimidated by her anymore

"I'm not a baby!"

Kayla looked at James.

"Thanks I can hold it myself." she said reaching for the tissue.



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James swatted Kayla's hand away.

"Don't even think about it baby. Daddy will do it. Unless you want another spanking already?" James asked.

James swatted Kayla's legs for emphasis and held her horse with the tissue.

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Kayla pulled her hands back as she was smacked she wasn't expecting that hell she's done that to bratty kids that she baby sat for and now it was being done to her.

"Whatever!" she said as she didn't want a spanking much less in front of everyone.

"Ok ok!" she said surprised he swatted her tan thighs

She stood there in her wet diaper and let James blow her nose.

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James felt her blow into the tissue.

"Again." James said.

After Kayla blew into the tissue a second time James threw the tissue away.

"Feel better, baby girl? Now wave to everyone and say bye-bye. You're going back to daycare to get your diaper changed." James ordered.

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Kayla didn't protest she just blew her nose her stinging thigh was a reminder of her new status.

"Yes can you please call me kayla?" she said with head down. She truly was feeling like a little girl.

She looked at him with a look of horror on her face.

"Can we just go!"


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"Alright baby Kayla." James cooed.

"Not tell you tell everyone bye-bye. You know how to say bye-bye, right? Or you can just say goo goo if it's easier." James ordered.

James took Kayla's hand and waved it.

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James reached down and unsnapped Kayla's onesie. He pulled her across his lap and tugged her diaper down. James started spanking Kayla.

"I am tired of your tantrums and disobedience, baby girl! As long as I'm your daddy you will answer to whatever I call you. If I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it. Understood?" James said.

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"Wow wait no no!" she cried as he was as quick as a snake and had her over his lap. Kayla kicked and hit her fists as she felt her diaper being pulled down.

"No please please I'm sorry!" she cried what made it worse is she saw Britney who was mimicking sucking her thumb laughing at her, before she could think or say anything she jumped as she felt his hand crashing down on her petite ass.

"Quit quit please please I'll be good!" she cried as she realized she really was a little girl now Britney and those other bitches that she saw as rivals were now adults they wore Victoria's secret sexy panties and she wore baby diapers.

"Yes yes I'm sorry!" she cried as her bottom was on fire!


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James spanked Kayla several more times and the stood her up. He tugged her diaper up but left her onesie up past her waist and left her diaper showing.

"Alright baby, tell everyone bye-bye so daddy can take you back to daycare." James ordered.

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Kayla stood up letting him do whatever she didn't try to pull up her onesie up. She rubbed her bottom. She didn't want to call him daddy but she wanted to get her way.

"Daddy can please pull my clothes up my diaper is showing?" she asked with puppy dog eyes in a sweet little girl voice.

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James swatted Kayla's thigh.

"Good babies get to cover their diapers. Naughty babies who throw tantrums have to show everyone their wet diapers. Which baby are you?" James asked.

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"That's right. If you don't want to show your diaper, you'll be a good baby. Daddy doesn't like having to spank your bottom, so learn how to be a good baby, okay?" James said, rubbing Kayla's back.

"Now tell everyone bye-bye and I'll take you to daycare." James ordered.


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"Ok." she didn't have a choice she knew it was better then prison but it was so hard when she was used to being in control. Now she was a baby in a et diaper! This is so unfair she thougt to herself as he talked down to her as he rubbed her back. She cringed whenever he called her baby girl or when he called himself daddy. Might as well get this over with. She said to herself.

"Bye bye." she looked at her daddy looking for approval

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