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A thief learns a lesson (private)


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Kayla didn't wanna laugh but she was ticklish so she did her best not to laugh but when he continued she gave in.

"Quit quit!" she said laughing.

Kayla was two things wet and hungry so she would've almost agreed to anything to fix both problems.

"Yes." She said softly as she still wasn't happy with her situation.

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James fastened Kayla in the high chair and tied her bib on. He got out a bottle of formula and put it on the tray of the high chair.

"Here you go baby girl. Drink this while I get your baby food ready." James ordered.

James went over to the counter and started mixing the baby cereal with water.

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Kayla sat there still not believing this as it was so unreal and she still couldn't believe this was happening. She thought about the alternative.

"Hey look it's Barbie doll!" Bertha teased then she took her juice and her orange without asking. Kayla just stood there as Bertha walked off laughing. She shook her head grabbing her bottle she began drinking actually thankful she wasn't in prison with Bertha.

She nodded.


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When James had the baby food ready he brought it back to the table along with a soft rubber baby spoon. He sat down and scooped up some of the baby cereal. James waved the spoon in front of Kayla.

"Toot toot, baby girl!" James cooed.

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"Of course it's baby formula. That's what's best for a newborn. I don't expect you to like the taste of the formula, but since you'll be drinking a lot of it in the next few years, you'll get used to it." James said.

James pulled the spoon away and shook his head.

"Babies don't feed themselves. So unless you want a spanking, put your hands down and let daddy feed you." James ordered.

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"Newborn I'm not a damn newborn!" she couldn't believe how serious he was. Next few years! I don't know if I can do this she thinks to herself.

"Wait a few years that means I'll lose control and I'll be dependent on diapers! She begins to panic thinking that's what he wants!

She thinks of a time when she's dressed like a real baby and everyone checks her diaper and with her now diaper dependent she would be a real baby.

"Fine!" she says putting her hands down waiting for her daddy to feed her.

"Daddy you're not going to let her sit are you?". She figured she would earn points using daddy, she was determined not to say babysit.

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James started feeding Kayla the baby cereal.

"Wendy suggested that you needed one on one time with a real baby and I agreed. She's picking you up and taking you to her house today so you can play with her daughter and learn what is expected of you. I hope you'll pay attention and learn how to be a good baby for daddy." James said, slipping another spoonful of the cereal in Kayla's mouth.

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"Wendy suggested who the hell is she to suggest anything!" she said angrily. "Please daddy I--I dn--don't wanna go!" she cried  Kayla couldn't believe she was basically going to baby school and he wanted her to learn how to be a baby. "I know how to be a baby daddy please don't make me go over there!" she cried as her baby cereal got all over her bib and face. She was mind blown with what was coming up in her future being babysat by a girl younger then her and one who used to be jealous of her and she knew Wendy wouldn't be jealous of her now!

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"Wendy is your auntie, baby girl. She is allowed to make suggestions. Now stop your fussing. You're going over to aunt Wendy's today, and that's final." James insisted.

James finished feeding Kayla and handed her the bottle to drink while he ate his breakfast.

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"Auntie you have to be kidding me I'm older then her!" she cried Kayla was mad and she wasn't going to put up with this any longer. She knocked her bottle off the tray. Kayla didn't even realize how much of a toddler she looked like.

"I'm not going I'm not going!" she yelled kicking her feet.

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James sighed.

"I've had enough of this. You're going and that's final." James insisted.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"That's probably your auntie now. Sit here and think about how naughty you're being." James said.

James left the room and came back in a few minutes with both Wendy and Britney.

"Hello baby girl. You're daddy says you're being super naughty this morning. That's a shame. I was hoping we would have a great day teaching you how to be a baby without needing to punish you, but I guess not." Wendy said.

"I'll let you two take care of baby girl. I have to go get ready for work." James said.

After James left the room Wendy pulled a leather paddle out of her purse that had holes in it and said 'BABY GIRL' on it.

"Britney, would you mind getting baby girl out of the high chair?" Wendy asked.

Britney came over to the high chair and started unfastening the straps. Wendy waved the paddle in front of her.

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kayla was stuck in her highchair so there was nothing she could do!

"This sucks I never agreed to anyone else being involved!" she yelled kicking her feet until she heard voices and giggling.

she began to panic as it was two female voices and they were getting closer..

kayls's eyes got big as she was left with the two girls that she treated like crap.

"Please you can't leave me with them!"

once kayla realized she was stuck and her daddy wasn't coming back, she turned her attention to them.

'No I-I--I don't need a spanking!" she cried trying hard to hold her ground to avoid the spanking!

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"I wish that was true, baby girl, but you are being naughty. The only punishment suitable for naughty baby's like you is a sound spanking." Wendy said.

Britney took off Kayla's diaper and dragged her over to Wendy. Wendy pulled Kayla over her lap and started spanking her with the paddle.

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"No please can't we talk about this I'm not a real baby you can't do this she cried! She did all she could to fight them from spanking her problem was they were both stronger then her and there were two of them. She was so humiliated when her diaper was tore off. She had no time to really think about anything as the paddle made her body jump forward from the contact. She kicked and begged trying to get them to stop.

'I'll be good I'll be good please!" she cried as it seemed the spanking would never end!

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"Yes you will, don't you baby girl? Are you ready to go get your baby lessons from my daughter?" Wendy asked.

She gave Kayla a couple of additional swats on her bottom.

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Kayla was outnumbered and outmuscled she just needed the spanking to end and maybe later she could figure something out.

"Owe ok ok yes." She said as she recived extra smacks for not answering so she finally broke down and said what they wanted to hear.

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Wendy stopped spanking Kayla and moved her to the floor. Britney got the diaper bag they had brought with them. Wendy diapered Kayla then took out  a short pink dress and put it on her. Wendy slipped a pacifier in Kayla's mouth and put her hair in braids.

"Okay baby girl, let's go." Wendy helped Kayla to her feet and Britney patted her bottom.

"Your diapers are showing under your dress baby girl. That's okay isn't it? After all you're just a baby." Wendy giggled.

Wendy led Kayla out to her car, walking slow.

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Kayla laid there after her spanking crying to herself, she just let them do whatever they wanted without any resistance. She actually found the pacifier comforting as she was dressed. Once her diaper was on they did her hair.  Bet you bitches are having fun! She thought to herself as Britney patted her bottom, she wanted to scream that her dress was too short! Kayla didn't see anything funny so she just let them laugh at her expense. Please don't let anyone see me like this! She thought as she was being lead outside sucking a pacifier wearing a baby dress with her diaper showing! She wanted to cry, but she held it together.

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Once they were at the car Wendy opened the back door she helped Kayla into a car seat, fastening her in. Wendy took out her phone and called someone and hung up a minute later.

"Baby girl is going to have so much fun at auntie Wendy's house. Becky is excited to be having a playdate with another baby." Wendy said.

Wendy and Britney got in the car and started for Wendy's home.

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As Kayla was getting in Britney came up behind her and patted her diapered bottom. She sat down as Wendy bucked her in.

"Um can't we talk about this!" she wasn't looking forward to learning how to be a baby!

When she realized there was nothing that was going to change their minds, she decided to set there and look out the window.

"Can you loosen this a little I can barley move?'

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"Sorry baby girl. I need to keep you safe and that means keeping you fastened in your car seat." Wendy said.

They arrived at Wendy's house and Wendy got Kayla out of the car seat, standing her on the ground. She took Kayla's hand and led her in the house. A woman was there watching Wendy's daughter Becky.

"We're back. Thank you for watching Becky for me. This is baby girl, Becky's playdate." Wendy announced.

"Well aren't you a cutie. I've heard so much about you." The women said, pinching Kayla's cheeks.

The woman left and Wendy smiled at Kayla.

"Alright baby girl. Becky is a crawler. She does know how to walk but doesn't do it very often. Since your here to learn from Becky, I think you know what you need to do." Wendy said.

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'I am safe." She cried getting tired of this baby crap she still couldn't believe how she had fallen who would ever believe this. She saw the house as they pulled into the drive way. Kayla hated how she couldn't just get out she had to wait for Wendy to let her out. Once they got inside Kayla got nervous as Wendy shouted out to someone. Kayla wanted to yell and slap the woman hands away.

"My name is Kayla and I'm not crawling!" she yelled


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"So you would prefer more spankings? That's okay with me." Wendy said.

Britney moved Becky out of the way and Wendy took Kayla's hand. She got the paddle and pulled Kayla over to the couch.

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"No no I don't b--b-but!" she cried as she was yanked over her lap. She did her best to block her from spanking her.

"Ok ok I'll i'll cr--crawl!" she cried hoping to get out of the spanking.

Kayla would do anything to get out of the spanking! She just hoped Wendy would let her off the hook.

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