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Kidnapping her little sisters from the System


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Brenda shook her head at her and frowned.

"I thought you were a big girl," she told her.  "Big girls go potty before they go to class, and then they can make it through a short class without peeing their pants.  Why didn't you pee before we started working, if you had to go that badly?"

She frowned at her.

"You better not be wetting again, or you can just go in your pants like the baby you are being."


Cindy let the teacher take Lacey from her to take her to a bathroom in the room to help her get changed.

Angela got permission to get a diaper, and she led Olivia to a changing table.

"Get up there, honey.  We need to get your wet diaper off you so we can get you feeling clean again."

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Lacey looked down at the floor while Brenda talked to her. 

"I don't know. I didn't realize I had to pee until I started reading. I am a big girl." Lacey insisted.

"I'm trying hard not to. Can I please sit on the toilet?" Lacey asked.


Ruth took the teachers hand and clawed with her to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry." Ruth mumbled.

"Okay." Olivia said.

Olivia climbed onto the changing table and laid on her back.

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Brenda frowned and nodded.

"Don't touch.  Let me.  You've wet your pants like a baby, so you need help like a baby to get on the potty properly."

She started to undo Lacey's pants for her if she let her.


The teacher sighed and then smiled.

"Well, it's not the end of the world," she said brightly.  "Let's just get you some clean pants, honey."


Once Olivia was on the changing table, Angela started to pull her diaper apart and get a good look at how wet her little girl was.

"You really wet all the way, didn't you, baby?" she asked her.

Then she started to clean her up, removing the old diaper from under her and making sure she was nice and clean....

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Lacey pulled her hands away. As she did she felt another spurt of pee escape into her pants.

"Hurry please." Lacey whined.


"It is to me. I'm in the third grade, or will be when school starts. I shouldn't be wetting my pants." Ruth said.


Olivia looked away as Angela untaped her diaper and commented how wet it was. She just hoped she didn't have to poop at school.

She felt a cool breeze as Angela took her diaper from under her and started cleaning her.




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"I'm trying to hurry, Lacey, but if you keep wiggling around, I can't get your pants down."

She tried to hold her still.

When she did, she heard some pee pour out of the girl's pants and directly to the floor.

"You're peeing," Brenda sighed.  "Just sit on the toilet.  I can't get your pants down, and you're already wet.  Just go."

She helped her sit on the toilet.


The teacher smiled at Ruth and nodded.

"Yes, you should know better than to pee your pants, honey.  But we won't talk about it anymore or tell anyone that doesn't already know, okay?  I'll make sure to talk to Cindy about keeping it quiet."


Angela smiled as she got her little one cleaned up, and she put another diaper on her.

"There we are," she said sliding the diaper under her.  Now, since you can't seem to do any better, no more potties at daycare for you for a while.  You just come and tell me when to change your diapers for a while, and we'll see how you do at school.  If you stop peeing your pants at school, then we'll rethink you needing to just wet your diapers at daycare, okay?"

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Lacey frowned but sat down on the toilet. She looked at Brenda with a frown as she finished peeing.


Ruth nodded at the teacher and waited for the teacher to get a new pair of pants for her.


Olivia nodded but frowned. She didn't want to be in diapers all the time she was in daycare, but knew that that's what was going to happen. 

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Brenda frowned back at Lacey.

"You are the one that started to pee  your pants before I could get them undone," she reminded her.  "I didn't just tell you to pee them just to make you pee them.  I didn't want to have to clean you up, you know."

She helped her off of the potty.

"Let's go get you cleaned up unless you want the whole third grade to know you pee your pants like your sister does."


The teacher smiled and handed Ruth some clean pants and a pair of panties.  These panties for more for little girls that were still training, but at least they weren't pull ups or a diaper.


Angela looked at Olivia frowning, and she sighed.

"What do you want?" she asked her.  "For everyone to catch you peeing or worse, maybe pooping your pants next time?  If you want, I can let you wear panties, but you are not doing very well at keeping panties dry, are you?"

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"No you didn't. I'm sorry for frowning at you. I'll try to do better from now on and let you know when I need to use the toilet." Lacey apologizes 

She blushed when Brenda mentioning everyone in third grade finding out.

"No I don't." Lacey said.


Ruth took the pants and panties and looked at them.

"Thank you, ma'am." Ruth said. "Should I change here or go to the bathroom?"


"No, I want to stop having accidents. I appreciate you helping me keep them hidden. I don't want to chance having an accident if I was wearing panties." Olivia said.

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Brenda smiled.

"Well, okay, then, honey.  You do what I say, and even if anyone in the third grade finds out, I'll make sure they are too scared to pick on you or tell anyone that doesn't know, okay?"

She helped Lacey up off of the toilet and started to walk her to the toddler's changing room.


The teacher smiled.

"If you go all the way to the bathroom to change, other kids will see.  You said you don't like the idea that you went in your pants.  I'm sure you will hate it if everyone else finds out even more, so just change right here.  I'm here if you need any help."


Cindy waited for her little one to get back.  The teacher had Ruth behind a curtain to give her a little privacy from everyone else.


Angela sighed.

"I'm sure you do want to stop having accidents, but I don't see any point in drawing attention to them by having you try to make it to the potty right now.  If you try to go potty and do it in your pants, even if you are wearing a diaper, I'm afraid other kids will notice, especially the kids in lower grades.  If they notice, that won't make you feel really good about yourself, will it?  If you just not worry about a potty for a while, until we start school and you start showing you can make it at school, then no one else will know if or when you are peeing, or worse, pooping your pants like you did yesterday."

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Lacey thought about it and nodded.

"Okay." Lacey said.

Lacey took Brenda's hand as they went to the toddlers room.


Ruth blushed and took off her pants and panties, then took the panties the teacher had given her and started putting them on.


"Alright, I'll do that." Olivia said, blushing at the reminder of her pooping accident.

She put her hand out for Angela to take.


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Brenda put an arm around her and walked hugging her.

"Good girl, baby," she told Lacey.  "You're my baby sister from now on."

She walked Lacey into the room where Angela still had Olivia on the cot and just fixing her diaper closed.

"Her sister peed her pants, too," Brenda smiled.  "I'm going to take care of her to make sure no one in third grade or anyone else for that matter, makes fun of her."

She helped Lacey up on the cot.

"I'll go get you some panties and some pants.  I don't think you need a diaper over peeing your pants just one time," Brenda tried to put Lacey at ease.


Angela smiled when Brenda brought Lacey in and explained what happened.

"She's just a third grader.  Maybe the homework period is too long for her.  Maybe next time, you can split it up for her in two periods."

Brenda nodded as she found some toddler panties that looked like they would fit her little girl.

"Okay.  I'll try to do that."

"Make sure you check to see if she has to go often during the day.  She's a third grader, so she's rather be reminded to go potty than to pee her pants like her big sister."

Brenda nodded.

Angela now how Olivia's diaper on her, and she was putting a skirt on her.


The teacher helped if or when Ruth needed it, but she mostly let Ruth take care of herself.

Then she brought her out to Cindy.

Cindy smiled when Ruth came back out.

"There's my little sissy," she cooed at Ruth.

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"Alright." Lacey agreed.

When they walked into the toddler room Lacey saw Olivia and waved at her 

Lacey let Brenda lift her up. She sat there as Brenda went to get her pants.


Olivia, stood still as Angela fastened a skirt on her.


Ruth went with the teacher and blushed as Cindy called her her sissy. She held out her hands for Cindy to take.




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Brenda brought back a pair of pink minnie mouse panties and a pair of jeans that would fit Lacey.

Then she started to take the wet girl's pants off of her.

"Don't forget to wipe her," Angela reminded Brenda.

Then Angela helped Olivia down to take her back to the big kids' room.

Cindy led Ruth right behind Angela and Olivia.


Brenda nodded and started to get some wipes to clean up Lacey with.

"You're a good little sister," Brenda cooed at her.  "And soon enough, big sis will have you all dressed and happy again."

She wiped the little girl clean and then she threaded her feet into the panties, pulled them up, and then she did the same with the jeans.

"There, all dressed," Brenda said reaching out to help Lacey down off of the changing table.


Teacher there decided not to say anything since Lacey didn't seem to mind the help.

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Lacey saw the Minnie Mouse panties but didn't say anything. She waited for Brenda to get her dressed. 

Olivia took Angela's hand and they walked out of the toddler room.

Ruth held Cindy's hand and followed Angela and Olivia.


Lacey nodded as Brenda said she would clean her up. She held still and let Brenda do what she needed to do. The panties felt thick on her. She was glad when Brenda helped her off the changing table.

"Thank you." Lacey said, taking Brenda's hand.


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Back in the big kids' room, the kids were all starting to play now.

Angela and Cindy took their littles back to the area with blocks and toys.

"You two play," Angela told them.  "Lacey will be along soon."


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Olivia and Ruth went with Angela and Cindy to where the blocks and other toys were.

"Okay." They answered together.

They sat down and started playing with blocks, working together to build something.


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Once Lacey was ready to face everyone again, Brenda took her by the hand and led her down the hall.

"No one is mad, Lacey, but from now on, you tell me as soon as you start peeing your panties, and if you are not wetting, but think you need to go, I want you to tell me to take you potty.  If you don't, you'll pee your pants again, understand?"

She patted her shoulder.

"As long as you just pee, I'll let you wear pants, but if you poop your panties, you will wear diapers."

She was talking to her on the way back to the big kid room.

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Lacey listened to Cindy as they walked back.

"I will. I'll tell you when I feel like I need to pee. I don't like wetting my pants." Lacey replied. "Thank you."



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"Good, because third graders really shouldn't be doing that.  But if it happens, then don't worry.  I'll take care of you."

She brought her into the play area, found the others, and led Lacey to go play with Ruth and Olivia.

"The third graders need a break halfway into the study period," Angela told the other two.

"What about Olivia?" they asked her.

"Well, Olivia doesn't need to worry about the potty for a while, so she's fine without a break before getting her work done, but I don't think Ruth and Lacey need to be peeing their pants every day, right?"

The girls agreed and they started to talk about something else....

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Lacey nodded at Brenda. When they got to where Olivia and Ruth were playing Lacey let go of Brenda's hand. She sat down next to Ruth.

"What are you building?" Lacey asked 

"I don't know, we're just building." Ruth answered.

Lacey nodded and started building with them.


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Cindy and the others chatted about this and that while they watched the others play.  

They were acting as though they were the mothers or something of some rather young children.

When two other fifth graders came by to see what was happening, the three girls said that they were playing house, and that the three on the floor were their children.

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The three of them kept building, not listening to Angela or the others. When they got it as high as they wanted it, they stopped.

"Let's play a board game." Lacey said.

"Alright, we should ask first though." Ruth said.

Olivia stood up and came over to Angela. She waited for Angela to notice her before speaking.

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Angela looked down at her little one, and she smiled.

"What is it?"

She was tempted to check her, but decided not to just yet.

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