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Fun wetting ideas? Roleplaying with my Little to get her back into diapers

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Hi everybody,

If this is the wrong place to post this, please let me know and where might be better suited for it.

Anyways, my new Little is very excited at the prospect of becoming unpotty trained and back into diapers 24/7 (at least for wetting). But we both agree that the experience be a jouney we share together. A jouney that wouldn't necessarily involve a jump right back into diapers. We want her to feel like her adulthood is slipping away from her - starting with daytime accidents and bedwetting. We'd then employ the use of training panties and pullups for awhile, with daytime and nighttime accident tracking, trying to "combat" the "issue", before ultimately giving up on her pottytraining.

This is a long distance Daddy/Little Girl relationship. Just telling her to pee her panties would be fun, but isn't always viable, and loses the feel of it being an accident. I am looking for creative solutions here - things like dice games like those from getdare.com, dictating when she could use the toilet. Fun rules about potty use, schedules, etc. Or other ideas in general.


Thank you all and have a wonderful day.

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This will be exceptionally difficult especially from long distance.  The fantasy of becoming unpotty trained is exciting at first particularly in this sort of DDLG scenario.  I am sure your little girl thinks she wants the submissive feelings that forcing her to unpotty train herself brings.  It is all fun a games until she has her first diaper rash or urinary tract infection.  The first time Daddy tells her to wear a diaper to work will also not be easy.  Keep in mind if you successfully unpotty train her she will be in diapers on vacation with you, at the family's house, and during intimate time.

I am not saying this to discourage you.  It is definitely possible. I know through experience. It just will take a big commitment from her.  For me to even start to become unpotty trained I had to need it, not want it.  I knew inside that when I was not wearing a diaper I was absolutely miserable and out of place.  Those feelings helped to allow me to stay committed to the long term goal of diaper dependancy.  The bottom line here is if she does not to wear diapers the rest of her life it will be very difficult for her to stay diapered long enough to become diaper dependant.

To truly unpotty train her I find that it would almost be impossible for you to transition the way you suggested from panties, to pull ups, and finally to diapers.  In my opinion she has to be in diapers all the time from the beginning.  Her mind has to mentally train itself to learn to unconsciously wet herself and that will be almost impossible if she does not constantly consciously wet herself when ever she has any feeling to pee pee.  This will also allow for her bladder to start to physically change from lack of holding her pee pee.  This takes a lot of TIME assuming she does not have any pre-existing incontinence issues.  There will be a lot of lulls in the process where it seems like you are spending months with very little progress.  At the end of the day this is a lifelong commitment.  

How much does she want this?  Is this what she wants?  Does she want to submit her bodily control to her Daddy for the rest of her life?  If the answer is yes then have her remove all her panties from her panty drawer and have her get in diapers as soon as possible.  From there take the journey by milestones. 

-Diapered for 24 hours

-Diapered for a weekend

-Diapered for a week

-Diapered for a month

If she makes it in diapers for a month it will definitely show she is committed to unpotty training herself.  Now, does that mean that one day she could quit wearing diapers out of the blue, absolutely.  You will never know how here mind will play out this scenario.  Also, after the novelty wears off, diapers become a hassle and an inconvenience.  For me the feeling I have wearing them out weights these inconveniences so I am able to stay in them.  That might not be the case for your little girl.

A D/S relationship is awesome.  You can have a real relationship while living a fetish lifestyle full time as my wife and I have done. It certainly is not easy.  There will be times it wears you down.  There will be times that you are just not feeling dirty diapers.  Once she becomes unpotty trained normal is out the door so you must be careful what you wish for.  I wish you two the best of luck.

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I do really appreciate your reply.  Not necessarily what I was looking for, but it was well crafted and meaningful.

I completely get it.  It has been a fantasy of mine personally as a DL.  I almost wasn't even going to approach the subject in this relationship as her Daddy. The logistics have always been overwhelming. She brought it up that shes given it a very legitimate shot before in previous relationships. She's the one that really brought it up and her enthusiasm is palpable.  So I want to be here to help her. Live out my fantasy vicariously as well, and give her the support physically and emotionally to stay on point, even well after she actually needs her diapers.

The diapers will come in time.  Neither her nor I want to start there from day 1 though.  We will have all the time in the world for that.  We've looked into the diaper training guides that are here and elsewhere.  We've made sure the cost of diapers permanently is feasible for us.  I wouldn't want to waste hers, mine, and everyone's time here if we weren't truly considering it.  We understand that when we finally get to the 'diaper' phase of this journey of ours, there is no going back.  It will be a paradigm shift for the both of us.  Rules will consist of diaper checks at my discretion.  Keeping her self shaven for hygienic reasons.  Making sure her daily bag is packed with spares and supplies.

But until we get to that particular phase of this dynamic, we want to have a bit of fun with the loss of control dynamic.

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8 hours ago, atlcuriousdl said:


I do really appreciate your reply.  Not necessarily what I was looking for, but it was well crafted and meaningful.

I completely get it.  It has been a fantasy of mine personally as a DL.  I almost wasn't even going to approach the subject in this relationship as her Daddy. The logistics have always been overwhelming. She brought it up that shes given it a very legitimate shot before in previous relationships. She's the one that really brought it up and her enthusiasm is palpable.  So I want to be here to help her. Live out my fantasy vicariously as well, and give her the support physically and emotionally to stay on point, even well after she actually needs her diapers.

The diapers will come in time.  Neither her nor I want to start there from day 1 though.  We will have all the time in the world for that.  We've looked into the diaper training guides that are here and elsewhere.  We've made sure the cost of diapers permanently is feasible for us.  I wouldn't want to waste hers, mine, and everyone's time here if we weren't truly considering it.  We understand that when we finally get to the 'diaper' phase of this journey of ours, there is no going back.  It will be a paradigm shift for the both of us.  Rules will consist of diaper checks at my discretion.  Keeping her self shaven for hygienic reasons.  Making sure her daily bag is packed with spares and supplies.

But until we get to that particular phase of this dynamic, we want to have a bit of fun with the loss of control dynamic.

It is great to hear that she has both desire and previous experience with wanting to become unpotty trained.  I apologize if you felt I was pessimistic with my response as I am usually not that way on this forum.  I do know what it takes to reach the mythical goal of diaper dependancy and it is not for everyone. 

Since you both like diapers that is very beneficial to the dynamics and support of making this reality.  It may seem almost unfathomable now but in my younger years I was the one putting my signficant other in diapers.  Like you I think it was me that truthfully wanted to be wearing diapers back then but it was simply unrealized.  I was also severely abused by my stepmother which also involved diapers and humiliation so I think at the time I thought I wanted to be the dominant one.

So with my little girls I wanted them to be all in.  Not necessarily unpotty trained but committed to being a little girl.  Back then it was much harder to find things ABDL related so it was a challenge.  Now you have so many things to enhance your play.   My little girls were never forced to wear Pampers at work but they were always in juvenile looking panties...Care Bears, Disney Princess, Tinkerbell etc.  with very thick Always overnight maxipads or overnight bladder control pads.  Of course they were always shaved smooth as lil girls just simply are not allowed to have big girl hair.  I remember my second wife was Japanese and it was so taboo to shave all her womanly hair away but she did as I wanted.  I usually always had them keep a diaper somewhere within accessibility in the event I decided that they needed to put one on.  Hmmm...I have to consult the memory banks as we are talking 15-20 years ago.  I would make them ask permission to go potty and yes on occassions they would be told to wet their panties instead.  This generally seemed to be a big turn on with both woman I had do this.

When in a diaper they used it.  I know a lot of lil girls do not like messing their diapers but if you wanted me to be your Daddy you were doing all your business in your diapers.  I wanted to own their potty privileges.  This was hard for both of them.  One I had to basically force to do so with enemas and suppositories.

I do not know if I have every shared this on here.  Since I have been a member it has always been me who was the sissy girl in diapers.  I do believe I have shared before that I have diapered my current wife but those days are long gone.

I also enjoyed making them uncomfortable in public.  No, not walking around in just a diaper but maybe sucking on a pacifier as they drove to work or having them pick out a nice children's book while wearing a very crinkly diaper at Barnes and Nobles.  There really is no limit to the fun you can have assuming your little desires to submit completely to her Daddy and this play makes her happy and all gooey inside.

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Your pessimism was valid.  I've seen countless retreads of the same fap material posted here and elsewhere.  You have no need to apologize.  I know the heuristic I would have probably applied too.

What I do really appreciate is that response.  It was eye opening, insightful, and just a wonderful read.  Heck, it may even be one of my favorite posts I've read on this forum that I can remember - aside from the abuse you suffered.  For that, you have my sympathy.

My Little Girl is most certainly all in.  We've spent the past several days really defining our dynamic and establishing rules, reviewing phone apps for tasks, and in constant contact.  It's amazing how convenient that is these days.  Sharing everything via Google Documents and our choice out of a plethora of Task Apps. She will be tasked with asking Daddy for permission to use the potty.  Given our time differences (UK for her, US East Coast for me), response times there could be detrimental for staying dry.  I have created some tasks and dares, based on feedback from other forums, that she will have to play out and potentially pay the consequences for (ie wetting herself in public or private)

We haven't exactly had the conversation about messing yet.  Unless she wants to bring it up, I'm quite content just visiting that conversation if the event arises, or not at all. I'm comfortable  enough with the idea, but since I'm not exactly there to help with cleanup, that's a lot to put on one partner in a relationship

That last kind of play you mentioned is what really excites us both.  I would never push her beyond her limits, but we will both enjoy humiliating her at her expense.  Her enjoying the thrill, and me watching her desperation and reactions.



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The very best of luck with your journey. I'm impressed with her apparent desire to go through with this, but the distance between you won't help. i'm lucky in that whilst I don't live full-time with my partner we spend most of our spare time together and he is very supportive of my desire to untrain and acts as a coach if i'm ever having doubts. For instance we spent the Christmas holidays together with his parents for the first time. They had no idea I was diapered for the entire stay and we didn't feel it was appropriate to share this with them The rich Christmas food and additional alcohol consumed did make it hard to continue at times but with his support I made it through. I'm not sure I would have been able to continue in that situation on my own. FYI I'm now almost 4 months in to 24/7 wearing and I'm beginning to notice that control is definitely reducing.

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Since alcohol is a duretic (increases ones need to pee), and to avoid over indulgence, mixing beer with white lemonade / 7up(sprite) would have the same effect. A drinking game or similar would increase the need to wet. Add this with the ability to use the bathroom at only 11 mins past the hour (to the second) for only 2 mins. Earlier entry / late exit would incur a penalty ie no access in that hour and/or something to do with water ie hand washing and rinsing dishes. Running water with a partially full bladder increases the urgency

This type of control would ensure that your little would wet her panties. Night time accidents is more pschycological - ie get your little one to place a large thick plastic bag on her matress and coat it with baby powder before placing the sheet over it.

Plastic bag for the noise, powder for the smell, top sheet so it slides

Add to this a sippy cup of half milk and half water warmed and the triptofan in the milk will reawaken infant behaviour. Going to bed with a partially full bladder, warmed watery milk, partially drunk with the plastic bag etc on the mattress will ensure that the mind will not disturb your little one to wake and void, and the likelyhood of your little one wetting in her sleep is very high.  One can add chocolate powder to the milk for flavour and/or childhood memories.

Following the above increase ones need to urinate. The sleep behaviour will tend to reduce the bladder capacity which will decrease your little ones ability to 'hold it' between the hours. The specific times are difficult to follow for a person unless they are watching the clock. You can either distract her with tasks / games OR allow her to watch the clock. A watched clock is percieved to move slower than normal, this increasing urgency and focusing ones mind on the need to void. This tends to stop the 'hold it' signal that is normally sent to the urinary sphincter.

This process will work if you are extra nice to her when she has an accident. Mentally you need to convince her that it is OK and fully acceptable to wet her panties / bed as and when she needs to, but not acceptable to stop what she is doing to attend to her needs at 11 mins past the hour. This is done without telling her exactly how you are doing this. You are convincing her subcontious mind to relax the sphincter 24/7/365, but to become extremely shy when she sees a potty.

Best of luck.

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