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One Wrong Kick - Part 6 (23/09)

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Okay now this is something I can sink my teeth into. Conducting an investigation into who’s taking and killing pets I can work. Should be a fairly simple process to figure out who’s behind at least the note. Pretty much only the teammates know she has bonded so a quick interview of all the teammates and you should have a good idea of who is behind it. Looking forward to reading more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the comments ❤️ 

Part 6
Word Count: 1829


Kelly had everything packed up.  Her bags along with items she needed for Sam were stored away onto the large bus except for the backpack she had on.

In her hand was a simple black leather leash while around Sam's neck was a pale pink collar with tiny star shaped studs.  It looked beautiful.

"Okay guys on the bus!" shouted Rose closing her phone and walking over to Kelly with a slight frown, "Coach isn't going to be with us for the next couple of days," paused Rose, "Her Pet's missing." explained Rose taking a glance at Sam who was sitting down on the grass bored and tired.

She hated getting up early.

"How are you today cutie?" cooed Rose bending down to ruffle Sam's hair, "Your Keeper told me what a naughty Pet you were yesterday getting into your nip!" giggled Rose slightly.

Sam huffed, "I didn't even know that it was nip! I was getting hungry and I thought I smelt something good coming from one of the boxes," explained Sam, "so I just took a bit and now I have the worse headache in the history of headaches." groaned Sam whose energy just wasn't there at all.

"At least you'll be quiet on the best!" laughed Kelly causing Sam to pout a little at her Keeper's comment who started to pull her Pet gently along as she and Rose talked to each other.

Sam sighed and started to crawl. Her head was starting to clear a little from the frenzy state that it had been in for the past few days and she was starting to get her grip a bit more with being a Pet and everything that came with it such as the devilish burning heat that her body seemed to produce none stop yet she wasn't sure if that was the worse part giving that her cunt felt like Nigeria fucking falls right now. 

Sure she had a few sexual encounters before become a Pet and masturbated but this was insane! She felt aroused all the time and it was hard not to whine at all.  She hated the way the collar felt around her neck and shot Kelly a disgusted look for putting her in one despite how happy she had felt when she saw the collar. 

Getting on the bus was difficult for Sam because Kelly wanted her to crawl and had more importantly bribed her with a treat if she did as she was told and was a good girl for her yet upon seeing the cage Sam instantly turned around banging into Kelly's legs.

"Pet! What is it?" asked Kelly confused by Sam's behaviour, "Your not scared of the cage are you?"

Sam shot her Keeper a look.



It had been easy to investigate Sam's team-mates and while all of them were very unhappy with the situation that had happened on the field most seemed concerned. The only person that had stood out had been Sarah who seemed more angry and if she were to guess jealous. 

The officer, Julie, hadn't expected much from anyone yet entering Sarah's room in the college halls had been a little weird for her.  Posters of famous Keepers and Pets were plastered everywhere on the wall and she even had dvds of various TV shows surrounding Keeper's and Pet's but despite the obsession she seemed to not like them? Did it take Sam bonding with someone for Sarah to become so cold on the subject or was it down to the green-eyed devil? Did Sarah want Sam?

"Sarah I'm going be very blunt with you right now and I want a honest answer," said Julie sternly, "did you write that message?"

"No I didn't write that message and while yes I don't like the fact that my team lost I'm not going to start threatening anyone I'm not crazy!" stated Sarah glaring at Julie.

"I didn't say that you were crazy," replied Julie, "I'm going need you to cut down on the attitude big time."

"Fuck you." snapped Sarah.

"That's it," said Julie shaking her head, "your coming down to the station with me."

"That's bullshit! I've told you everything! I'm just upset that my friend has been threatened and that you aren't doing anything about it." replied Sarah.

"Calm down and just follow me," replied Julie trying to control her anger, "I already asked you once and don't you dare make me ask again." added Julie.





Sam whined a little in her cage, "I want out," she grumbled, "my legs hurt." lied Sam causing Kelly to glance down at her pet a little who was intruding on her conversation with Rose right now. Looking at her Keeper she expected to be let out instantly but instead she simply got a hand on her head scratching her almost as if her words weren't important at all, "Kelllly!" whined Sam a little more louder causing Kelly to stop scratching, "No!" whined Sam again at the sudden stop going as far as to push her head to the side and into Kelly's hand more.

"You are so demanding Pet," chuckled Kelly, "I'll let you out once we stop darling but until then you need to calm down or I'll have to muzzle you." warned Kelly lightly going back to scratching Sam's head and talking to Rose.

Sam whined loudly, "I want out now!"

"I'm warning you Pet," said Kelly, "be a good girl or else."

Sam groaned and laid back down in her cage with a pout, "Not fair." whispered Sam unhappily still wanting to get out but not wanting to test Kelly anymore.


"I'm sorry about Ruby," said Jacks, "we'll get something to you soon about her whereabouts," continued Jacks looking at Violet, "until then it's best to remain busy."

Violet was drained.  She had not slept for the last two days and her bond with her Pet was going wild.  It felt like someone was stabbing her over and over. Where was her Pet? Where was Ruby? Who in their right mind would break into someone's house and steal a Pet?  

"I can't," said Violet her voice breaking up, "I can't do anything with knowing that she isn't by my side."

Violet wiped her eyes, "I can't do anything without her."

Jacks sighed, "You need to be proactive otherwise you will lose yourself and you'll be letting your Pet down by not taking care of yourself," continued Jacks, "you are a Keeper and I've seen others in your position where they just break and give up completely because something has happened with their Pet," stated Jacks, "do you know what happens when  we are able to find a Pet?"

Violet looks at Jacks and shrugs her shoulders.

"They are sick and in need of their Keeper instantly," stated Jacks, "sometimes the Keeper is able to take care of their Pet other times they aren't able to take care of their Pet and when they aren't able to look after their Pet that forces us into a difficult position," paused Jacks, "laws have been getting tighter for us in regards to this and there are people out there that don't like you because you are a Keeper," continued Jacks looking at Violet, "there's a new law that's very recently come through and while it's not national it does concern you and every other Keeper in this city."

"Basically if you aren't able to be active or you break down at all because your Pet is missing then you are not responsible enough to be a Keeper," stated Jacks, "Mayor Stone is very positive about this new law and I doubt it's going to be going away anytime soon."

"That's bullshit!"

"Yeah I know but there's nothing that can be done about that," replied Jacks, "your a coach, right?"

Violet nodded.

"Your team is on a bus right now going to the finals and the best thing for you to do right now is pack a bag and get going," stated Jacks, "it'll keep you active and give you something to focus on, alright?"

"Okay thank you." replied Violet tiredly.




The bus had finally stopped for twenty minutes at a rest stop and Sam instantly bolted from her cage only to stop once her Keeper pulled on her leash.  The pink collar digging into her neck despite the soft fluffy padding on the inside, "Don't do that Pet," said Kelly, "next to me sweetie."

Sam grumbled and moved back to where Kelly was waiting for her Keeper to take the lead while she followed next to her.

She loved Kelly she really did yet she wished so much that she could just go back to her life before where she wasn't restrained and controlled by her desires to the point that her mind went to mush whenever Kelly did certain movements or when certain things set her senses off.

There were a couple of shops about and a surprising amount of people. Sam watched as people walked by and passed her, Kelly and Rose. There were a couple Keepers and Pets about.  What were they like? Did they bond in a store? Or somewhere less normal? Were they happy? Was she happy?

She loved Kelly but she wasn't entirely sure if she was happy but she didn't feel sad? She watched as Kelly and Rose sat down with a cup of coffee each only to stare at Rose who was busy fiddling with something in her pocket.

Suddenly Sam grinned and eagerly opened her mouth for the treat that was in Rose's hand.  It tasted good! Sam was surprised by how tasty the treat was.  Her taste buds must of changed but that was normal.  

Looking at her Keeper she could see that Kelly was worried about something but she had said nothing? Rose looked pretty worried as well? Did she miss something? Sam sighed. She would just have to ask about it later on at the hotel.

Soon enough it was time to get back onto the bus. 

Two hours had passed and they were nearing the hotel. It was only ten minutes away! Sam who had been sleeping for most of the time woke up with a slight whine causing Kelly to look down and rub her head, "Hey sleepy head."

Sam stretched out slightly and frowned.

"What is it?" asked Kelly looking at Sam who had suddenly perked up a lot more but not in a good way.  Her eyes were wide and anxious and she was very stiff.

"I can smell something." squeaked Sam quietly, "I think we should get off the bus." added Sam urgently and squirming in her cage.

Everyone shot Kelly a look while her attention was on Sam.


Screams and shouts erupted from the football team.

Something had exploded?

There was fire! It was starting to spread!

Sam stared in horror and looked at Kelly.  They needed to get out now! 






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This could be really bad for Sam still being locked in a cage and with the panic on the bus, it would be east for them to get separated and Sam not make it out. 

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