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Daddy's little girl

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My name is Marie, just plain old Marie.

I'm the #2 child.

I have an older sister, you know the type, a regular Mary Poppins, perfect in every way.

In school "Why aren't you as smart as Fiona?"

Fiona learned to play the piano, music was like bred into her.

After 3 years of lessons I still can't figure out how to read music very well.

Like I said in school Fiona got A's and hardly cracked a book open.

I work my butt off just to get B's and C's.

It just ain't fair!

I love her and hate her at the same time!  

There is one thing I do better than her, our real daddy didn't really want to be our daddy.

He booked it when I was 2 and Fiona 4 years old.

Our mom worked her fingers to the bone just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

I'm grateful to have a mom that cares for us like that.

When I was 4 and Fiona 6 our mom met a guy.

Ray swept our mom off her feet.

He didn't mind that mom had two daughters.

He wanted a family.

He got us.

Ray became daddy to me, I guess he swept  me off my feet as well!

He's stepped up to the plate, I really love him.

Fiona has accepted him as dad, and that's been about it.

She never bonded with Ray, or daddy the way I did.

Even though I'm 18 he still calls me his little girl.

Fiona is jealous of me in the relationship Daddy and I have. 

Even though I'm 18 there is one other thing that Fiona is better at than I am.

Fiona was potty trained at 4 years old, I on the other hand was potty trained at 3.

All except for nightimes.

I still pretty much wet my bed every night.

Miss perfect Fiona will not let me forget that I still wet my bed.

When I wake up in the morning she is usually right there already checking to see if my sheets are wet or dry.

My mother doesn't know where my bedwetting comes from nobody on her side, and she has talked with the sperm donors side what we call my real dad, and their is no history of it anywhere.

That doesn't stop me from waking up wet every morning. 

Now I have two boyfriends, one is Berry, he comes from a family a lot better financially off than mine.

Then there is Cameron, Cameron's family is about as not rich as my own.

Both know I'm a bedwetter thanks to Fiona.

Berry treats me like the bastard step child at the family reunion.

He tells how poor I am, and tells me since I'm a bedwetter I'm just simply not good enough for him, besides he really loves Fiona, he just uses me so he can get to her.

Cameron tells me I'm a goddess, he doesn't mind that I still wet my bed.

At one time he had a crush on Fiona.

She treated him like Barry treats me.

His heart was broken, I showed him compassion and helped him find life AF.

After Fiona!

He has been a fan of mine since.

He agrees that I'm not like Fiona, he tells me that its a good thing.

My mom likes Barry, he can support me.

She has never seen him treat me like dirt.

Daddy likes Cameron.

For being from two different generations when daddy and him get together they talk about everything from Archery to Zoology!

They have even talked about me and my bedwetting.

Cameron feels I'm a whole package, if that means I wet my bed that's a part of me.

I've talked to him about it as well.

I think it excites him in a way.

He gets a hard penis whenever we talk about it, now I can have a man who my bedwetting repulses him, or one that it excites.

For me its a no brainer, I don't have to be as smart as Fiona to figure this one out!

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Good start. This could get interesting fast. I already like the conflict between sisters and the family dynamics. I do think you are wrong though in that she doesn’t have two boyfriends, she has one and she should let everyone know that . Especially Berry. I am looking forward to reading more. 

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Another Saturday morning, I wake up with Fiona checking out my wet bed again.

"Wow, you really soaked the sheets last night!" Fiona says.

She was right I was wet from my boobs to my knees.

My puddle took up most of the width of my twin bed, in fact it had started to run down the side.

"Way to go little miss pissy!" Fiona said.

Getting in my face, don't ask me why I did it I moved my arm hitting her in her face, l hadn't ment to but being still groggy as I was I felt it was an accident.

"Mom! Marie just punched me!" She yelled!

I heard mom's footsteps coming up the stairs.

Mom came in and I was sure I was dead!

"What are you doing in her room?

I'm sure teasing your sister about her bedwetting again, Fiona we have talked about it and talked about it, leave your sister and her problem alone!

Marie why did you punch your sister?

Just because your sister was teasing you about your bedwetting, doesn't give you the right to punch her!"

"I didn't mean to I moved my arm and, it was an accident."

"Uh huh." Mom said.

"You two what am I going to do with you two?

I love you both but its days like this that I dread every morning that you wet Marie, and you teasing your sister, Fiona in the blessed words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along?"

Fiona, we know your sister has a problem just because she wakes up wet every morning doesn't make it right for you to tease her!

Marie, you smell really wet this morning are you soaked?"

"Yes," I said.

"Did you try going potty before bed?" My mom asked?

"Yeah I did but I only went a little before bed."

Mom pulled back my covers.

"My Lord!" Mom said.

Looks like a red star day."

Red star means that on my bedwetting chart a red star was the worst, it meant I had soaked my bed.

Blue star meant I was normal.

Green star meant I had a light night.

Silver star meant I woke up wetting and made it to the potty.

Gold star was a dry night I had mostly blue stars a few green and about once or twice a month a red star this was the third red star this month.

Last month was my last silver star.

We had packs and packs of just silver and gold stars mom just bought packs of blue and red stars and about every three months a green pack. 

I stripped my sheets off my bed after putting the red star on my bedwetting calendar.

I took them to the laundry room which was on the upper floor, 17 steps from my room.

I don't know how many times I had counted that walk of shame.

Everything was was loaded then I removed my pajamas and panties so I was naked.

I started my daily laundry.

Making the 17 steps back to my room nude I was lucky I had a bathroom/ shower in my room.

Another thing that irked Fiona.

She had to use the guest bathroom.

On the main floor my mom and dad had their master bathroom with a huge walk in closet.

Second floor had three bedrooms one was like a master bedroom had its own bathroom and shower, it was about half the size of my parents room.

Then Fiona got her bedroom across from the other bathroom.

My parents figured that since I still wet my bed that I needed the private bathroom.

This totally went across the grain of Fiona who felt that since she was the oldest she should get the bathroom with the attached bath! My parents told her as soon as I stop wetting my bed that room will be hers.

I don't know if I ever will stop wetting my bed.

Even if I do I will still wet my bed on purpose to keep Fiona out there!

Barry and Cameron both showed up that Saturday morning mom made pancakes for breakfast. Barry and Fiona were getting chummy, that didn't hurt my feelings one bit where Fiona was 20 years old I was 18 Barry was 19 right in the middle of us. Cameron was only about 6 weeks older than I was.

Cameron in my room was nothing new even though at the time my sheets and blankets were in the laundry he had no problem with the plastic sheeting that had been a shower curtain in its former life, now it was a mattress protector. Cameron saw the red star on my bedwetting calendar.

"Soaked last night huh?"

"Yeah I didn't pee enough before going to bed last night."

"Sorry!" He said, and I could hear that he meant it it from the way he said it.

For some reason I wasn't as self conscious talking about my bedwetting with Cameron, I knew he wasn't going to make fun of me, and he would never tell another living sole that I was still a bedwetter.

I hated Fiona knowing more than Cameron.

I heard the buzzer from the dryer go off telling me that my laundry was done, he went with me to the laundry room just 17 steps away and return my things to my room I dropped my panties and Cameron picked them up and brought them to me.

He helped me remake my bed and put my clean PJ's and panties away.

We sat on the bed.

Cameron began to talk. "Marie, I know you have Barry as well as me that likes you, but he is really only interested in getting Fiona."

"Well duh, I said I knew that!"

"Really, good because I want you to know I love you.

Your twice the woman Fiona is, she is a bitch!"

This made me laugh, I had to agree with him!

Now I know you have problems keeping your bed dry at night.

I've done some research, you aren't the only one that does I'm pretty sure that you probably know a few others, but like you they want to keep that secret, I understand how you feel, I, I still wet my bed as well!" 

I looked at Cameron and he was bright red.

Him telling me this took a lot of courage.

"You?" I asked?


"Me, really he said.

I understand the disappointments and the shame."

"I've been to your house, your room smells nothing like pee like mine does?"

"That's because I wear diapers to bed at night.

Everything is pretty much contained inside I don't usually leak, my bladder is pretty small."

My heart went out to him I gave him a hug and then I don't know why I kissed him, not just a little smack it was a lingering lip lock.

Now I know why I always felt so comfortable around him with my secret.

It had taken him months to tell me he had the same secret.

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Marie was in love with Cameron.

He was like her he still wet his bed.

She wondered how diapers felt to be worn?

She couldn't even remember what they felt like the first go around, it had been 13 years since she outgrew pampers.

Since 5 years old she had been wetting her sheets.

She remembered when she wore pampers, Fiona used to call her "Pamper Baby" she knew they had Goodnites that would still fit her, she heard they weren't the greatest they leaked. 

So Cameron must use something other than Good nights, he did say his bladder was small so maybe they work for him.

A small bladder wasn't her problem, she didn't think a Goodnight would hold a Red Star night, maybe not even a Blue Star night.

They might be good if she had Green Star nights every night, like that was going to happen!

She had heard about other things like Tena, Abrifoms made good diapers.

She had no idea where or how to get them. 

Barry would join forces with Fiona and somehow make fun of her if she got some good diapers, they would probably call her "Diaper Girl" instead of "Pampers Girl" but if it meant that she didn't have to walk those 17 steps of shame to wash her sheets, blankets, pajamas and panties every morning.

It might just be worth it.

Maria took her mom aside, "Mom I've been thinking, ummm... do you think we could order me some diapers for at night?"

"Marie, I've thought about talking to you about this about a half a million times.

I just didn't know if you would be open to it.

What changed your mind?"

"I have a friend that still wets the bed, they use diapers."

"Oh you mean Cameron," said her mom.

"You knew about Cameron?" Marie asked?

"Yes" said Marie's mom, "You got to understand sometimes when parents get together we talk about our kids, somehow bedwetting was brought up.

We talked about you two still wetting your bed.

One thing did shock me though, I found out you two weren't the only two that were bedwetters, you would be surprised at how many kids in this neighborhood were bedwetters or still did.

You know the Shrivers over on the next block Randy and Karen are both bedwetters Randy is 15 Karen is 12.

The Bradley's their middle son Brigham is 17 and still wets his bed, as does his little brother Kevin he is what 13 now?

The Thompson's daughter Wendy 14 still wetting her bed.

The Smith's their daughter Judy is your age and like you still has problems with wetting her bed, unlike you she is seeing more dry nights than wet ones.

Thats just this block alone there are 23 blocks in this subdivision.

You think your alone?"

"I thought I was the only one my age until Cameron admitted to me he still wet his bed this morning, now I know Judy, she used to tease me mercilessly about when I had accidents when I was younger.

Comes to find out she wet her bed just like me. I wish I had known this when I was younger to get her back with.

She always played "Little Miss Perfect!" 

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Call me weird but I started fantasizing about Cameron.

Barry got what he wanted and was now with Fiona, all I could think was good luck to them both!

It wouldn't last they were both too stuck on themselves. 

Cameron was my boyfriend, like I said I fantisized about him but that was all I would do, being daddy's girl he tought me some values that I should wait until my wedding night to surrender my female body to another man.

I promised him I would.

Fiona on the other hand had promised daddy that same thing and broke that promise within days.

She told me that "I didn't know what I was missing by not getting laid!" I think that every serious boyfriend she had since the first time got a ride on the "Fiona Express!"

Barry soon would be riding that train!

Now don't get me wrong, I've never had sex, but I do know that my own fingers inside my own panties can do wonders.

I have Fiona to thank for that.

When I was 12 and she was 14, mom and dad were out Christmas shopping.

I heard Fiona making moans and weird noises in her room she had left her door open enough that I could see her she was masturbating and I didn't know what she was doing.

I didnt even know it had a name until about a year later.

She looked... Happy, I went to my room and tried what she was doing.

You know monkey see, monkey do. 


No wonder she was doing this it felt wonderful!

I swear to god I saw fireworks in my head.

I also leaked a little urine out while doing it.

I decided only to do that when I was in bed getting ready as everytime I did it I lost urine.

I figured in a few hours it would be part of my nighty wetting anyway.

I had gotten a Silver star one night I hadn't wet my bed but I had left a little spot from masturbating. Mom thought I had started wetting woke up and went to the toilet, hence the little spot rather than a full wetting.

It didnt hurt my feelings any thats what mom though.

I got major praise for that. It would of been better for getting praise for a dry night, and a Gold Star.

Fiona was ready to move into my room with the bath.

That next morning I got a Blue Star, almost a Red Star. It was borderline, mom gave me the benefit of the doubt. Fiona was pissed because I pissed.

My own little joke.

That night while fantasizing about Cameron in bed here with me and us both bedwetting together.

That gave me the kind of orgasm that had fireworks going off in my head.

I hoped we would marry so we could make my fantisy a reality!

 About a month later Fiona started getting sick all the time, my mom was convinced it was Stomach cancer as her mom and grandmother had both died from it, young. 

They took her to the doctor I had to go as I saw the same doctor for my bedwetting.

I got to go first, the doctor asked me about my bedwetting and how I had done this month?

When I basically told him there was no change, Fiona giggled the whole time.

Then it was her turn the doctor listened to her tummy with the stethoscope.

He did hear something he ordered a blood test and a few other things.

We waited after they drew blood and ran tests. 

The doctor came back in and assured mom and Fiona it wasn't stomach cancer.

"Fiona is pregnant!"

Mom looked like she was about ready to kill Fiona, "Did I hear you right Fiona is PREGNANT?"

Pregnant was almost a scream. I'm sure the only thing keeping mom from killing Fiona was the doctor was there as witness to her murder.

"About three to four weeks along" said the doctor.

Fiona knew she was dead.

After we left  in the car mom was.

Who, When, Where, Why?

Turns out it was Barry, no big shock there.

It was in her bedroom in Fiona's bed.


Mom I am over 20.

This didn't sit well with mom.

It was my turn to giggle now at Fiona, I had suddenly became the good child even though I was still a bedwetter!

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I heard mom and dad arguing.

That was a first.

Oh I knew they argued from time to time just they did it where we couldn't hear them usually in the car.

This was in the living room.

Mom was ready to kick Fiona out, dad was a bit more forgiving, but even he was not pleased with Fiona.

As much as I disliked Fiona's attitude towards me I still loved her as a sister, she was crying in her room I could hear the sobs.

I left my room and I went and sat by her and put my arm around her and let her cry into my shoulder.

At first she gave me a look I knew she couldn't believe that I was there comforting her, I also knew if the tables were turned I would not be getting this from her.

She knew that as well I think that's why she was so shocked. 

I heard dad leave, mom came up and saw me comforting my sister she looked just as shocked as Fiona had.

They had talked about what they could do there were 3 solutions that mom said to Fiona as I held her.

1. Get an abortion, we weren't a religious family but we felt that abortion was wrong.

2. Have the baby and put it up for adoption.

Mom and dad felt that that was letting Fiona off the hook, I tended to agree with them!

3. Barry was going to step up and either marry Fiona or he was going to be financially responsible, even if that meant a paternity suit in a court of law.

Right now daddy was on his way to Barry's family.

We were ready for a DNA test to prove that he was a father. 

Soon daddy returned he was even more mad than when he left.

Turns out there was another family of another girl there that was claiming the same thing, Barry had also gotten their daughter pregnant a few weeks before Fiona got knocked up.

He already had two kids on the way and daddy said he looked smug, he was proud of what he did.

Their family had their lawyers there, they refused to even acknowledge what their son had done or not done, they were willing to pay for the problem to go away.

They had plenty of money the children would be cared for until 18 years old, but there would be no blame placed on Barry, and he woluld have no dealings with the children, meaning he wasn't going to be a father to either of those two kids Fiona and the other girl were going to become mother's and Barry was free to keep being just Barry.

I thought that sucked myself, I wished we had money to just make Barry face up to the situation.

After the birth there would be DNA tests and if it proved to be Barry's kids there would be trusts funds set up for the kids. They were paying hush money so Barry and their reputation wouldn't be soiled with a scandal like this. 

Fiona's and the other girls medical bills would be covered by Barry's family.

To them the children would always be Bastards.

When dad said that Fiona began to cry even more.

I held Fiona for a long time my shoulder was wet from the tears that she cried and I'm sure some snot as well as I heard her snort a few times.

She stood up and actually said "Thank You Sis!" 

Through the next coming weeks Fiona and I became kind of close.

She didn't come to my bed to tease me about my bedwetting anymore, she still came and woke me up every morning.

But she didn't once peek under my blankets and sheets to see how much I peed in the bed the night before. 

Things were changing with me as well there were actually a couple of Gold and a few Silver Stars on my bedwetting calendar, I also had gone a month without a Red Star, "Yeah!"

Fiona started sleeping with me some times seems the baby was killing her bladder and she had a couple of accidents in her bed.

Mom put a queen sized bed in my room and if she had a problem she could climb in with me.

She actually apologized for teasing me about my bedwetting.

She didn't realize how embarrassing it was to wet your bed until it happened to her.

There were a couple of nights in our queen bed that we had overlapping wet spots. 

When Cameron came by she would look at us.

I know she hated not having a relationship with the life growing inside of her it's father.

I kind of wish she had somebody.

When Fiona was about 7 months along we got news that Barry had been arrested.

He got caught in a girls bed by her dad who commenced to beat the crap out of him because the girl was only 14.

She did tell him she was 17, but still he was going on 21.


Seems all of mommys and daddys lawyers and money couldnt help him.

Guess what she was pregnant as well with his kid.

During the trial for him there were several girls that came forward that claimed he had fathered kids with other girls some as young as 15 and 16 now that had kids that matched his DNA.

Fiona was about the oldest at now 21.

Fiona took her vitamins and went to her doctor appointments.

I was with her when she had an ultrasound done and was told she was having a girl.

I didn't know who was more proud me or Fiona!

I guess I had became the kind of stand in dad since her girl didn't have a daddy.

Now that her, sperm donor was doing the next 57 years in prison.

I even got to pick the nane of the girl Ashley after mom's mother. 

Fiona began to sleep with me on the queen bed.

There were a couple of nights I accidently wet her.

She told me it was okay that she knew I hadn't meant to.

There were nights that I was dry and she wet me, I joked with her and told her "Not to worry I was used to sleeping wet, I don't even wake up for it."

We would laugh about it. 

I became her coach at Lamaze class. 

I was going to be in the delivery room with her. 

The day came she went into labor and I was with her.

It took 16 hours but she gave birth to a little girl.

Thank god she looked like Fiona and not the sperm donor Barry!

After Fiona got to hold her I was next.

I stared into her little eyes as she looked into mine,  I told her she was perfect and I am your Aunt Marie!

I may not be your mom but I feel really close to you.

She moved her head like she was listening to me and her mouth came open like she wanted to say something.

I gave her to the nurse and I went and kissed my sister, I told her "You did good!" 

Cameron and I were getting serious, we were talking marriage we were both 19 now and he had gotten a good job with the Department of Juvenile Corrections.

It didn't pay the best but the benefits were terrific.

My parents went out of town and Cameron and I played like a married couple we did everything but actually have sex together we slept in my bed together and we both wet it, it wasn't the first time both occupants had wet it..

Fiona and Ashley were terrific.

After a while I knew that they needed more room I gave her my room since she needed more room with a child and all we still slept together occasionally, the best thing was after Ashley was born I expected Fiona to stop wetting the bed.

She didn't, on the nights I slept with her we always woke up wet together and we slept spooning so it was just one big wet spot.

Mom just shook her head she actually liked the fact we loved each other now.

For Ashley's first birthday we went full out.

Ashley since I was the 2nd person to hold her after she was born saw me as mom as well.

I loved her just as if she was my own daughter, to her I wasn't Aunt Marie. 

Fiona looked bad she was tired and just wasn't at the top of her game.

I took her to the doctor and they did tests again this time the news wasn't good Fiona did have stomach cancer this time, the reason she was wetting her bed was because she also had bladder cancer, when the doctor told her that I felt my heart in my throat, that wasn't all it had metastasized to her Breasts as well, it was to late.

I felt the tears flow.

Fiona hugged me and let me cry into her shoulder wetting it with my tears.

I was losing my sister and best friend.

I was surprised that Fiona wasn't the one bawling her eyes out instead of me.

In the car she said.

"I kind of knew something was wrong, I guess I had time to prepare myself for the news.

Ashley sees you as a second mom, when I'm gone I would be honored if you became her mom with Cameron as her dad, if you adopt her it won't break my heart, in fact I can't think of another person I would rather see her with including mom!

I'm sorry I treated you so bad all those years, I just thought I was better than everyone else, including you.

When I got pregnant with Ashley mom wanted to kill me you showed me what  it meant to be a sister you hugged me and held me you showed me love, more than I ever showed you.

You stood by me and helped me get through everything with Ashley.

You were the second person to hold her, I watched as you told her she was perfect.

She looked at you I'm sure she wanted to say something but just didn't know how!

You helped me when I started wetting my bed, l couldn't of had a better teacher at learning to accept  the fact that I was a bedwetter!

It wasn't so bad.

I learned to be a better sister because you showed me how to be one.

I might of been the oldest, but you've always been the one with a greater capacity to love, I've always been jealous of that about you."

"Me" I said!

"You've always been the smarter one, the most beautiful!"

"I think in some ways your more beautiful than I ever was, you have the most beautiful soul!" Fiona said.

We hugged each other and just cried into each other's shoulders, yes right along with the snot!

We made it home and told mom and dad about the prognosis mom was fine but dad started to cry he held Fiona and Fiona looked like she belonged there she was his little girl as well. 

Fiona died about 9 months later, Cameron and I adopted Ashley.

It almost hurt, I remember the day she was born I was so glad she looked like Fiona and not Barry.

Now it reminded me of my loss, when I saw Ashley i saw Fiona!

The End! 

I hoped you liked reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!


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