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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Elise struggled not to cry. She squirmed and screamed as each blow smacked loudly on her behind, but the indignity of her childish position over the stranger's lap would only be made worse if she gave in and cried.

"OW! OW! STOP! You can't do this to me!" she cried out.

"Are you going to be a good girl?" the man she only knew as "Daddy" said.

"Let me go! You can't spank me!" She tried to struggle, but he held her firmly over his lap with his left hand on her twisted arm as he spanked her already red bottom with his right. She couldn't manage to budge him.

"It seems I can little girl. And after this you are going to your room for a time out."

"NO! I'm not a little girl! For god's sake I went to college!"

He reached for her belt buckled. She squealed as he undid it and pulled her pants down, followed by her underwear.

"Silly girl won't need these anyway. We'll get you dressed properly."

"No," she said. What could THAT mean?

He took the belt out of her pants, folded it, and swung it at her behind hard. It hit with a loud CLAP, and she screamed out.

"You've been a very bad girl," he said, and spanked her again. "You are going to obey me whether you like it or not, and you will learn to be good." He hit her again.

"OW!" she screamed. She began to cry. "Alright," she said, "I'll be good."

"Good girl," he stood her up. She tried to lift up her pants to cover her sore read bottom, but he swatted her hands away and spanked her with the belt. "No," he said, "good girls don't do that."  He stood up beside her. Tall, thick, and broad shouldered, he loomed over her easily, and she cowered in front of him.

Without letting her pull up her pants, he began to drag her by the wrist through the strange building she had just arrived at.  It was a sprawling complex, and they passed through several halls and flights of stairs. Every room she passed has its own odd theme, and the people around them were dressed to match. There were people dressed in leather next to rooms full of bondage equipment, people dressed in collars next to rooms with dog beds and dog bowls, men in bright pink skirts, more still in maids going from room to room cleaning, and all through out them stern looking men and woman directing them. What had she gotten herself into?

She began to wonder where she would end up. The bright skirts didn't seem that bad, but she never was one for cleaning, so she hoped she wouldn't become a maid. The bondage equipment frightened her, so she hoped to avoid it too. The dog beds just seemed embarrassing.

"Here we are," he said, pointing at a closed door. There were four other people around it in black clothing, and she stared at them nervously. "Oh, don't worry about them," he said, "they are just here to help." He reached over to her and ruffled her hair, then reached into his pocket and took out a ring of keys and began going through them.

"What is in there?" she said, sniffling. 

He smiled. "You'll see." He pushed the door open, dragged her in, and turned on the light. She gasped at the sight.

This was worse then the dog beds. This was worse then the MAIDS clothes.

"No, no no," she said, and tried to back away.

"Are you arguing with me AGAIN, girl?" he said. 

It had taken her a moment to understand what she saw. The room inside was a gigantic nursery. It was painted a sickening pink color, and filled with infantile furniture sized for an adult. A full sized crib dominated the room, flanked by a high chair, changing table, and clothing shelves covered with diapers and onesies.
Worse still, laid out on the crib for her to see, was what she realized would be her new out fit. It consisted of a pink dress decorated pastel pinks and blues, a bonnet, mittens, long stockings, and to top everything off, a thick diaper printed with rabbits. Worse still, there was a series of ropes and locks arrayed in front of them.

"You can't do this to me!" Elise said.

A split second later her world was upside down again as he flipped her over his lap. "NO!" she screamed, and tried to kick her way out.

"BAD BABY!" he shouted, and began spanking her with her belt. She started crying with the first blow, and each smack after that brought out more and more tears until all she could do was lay helplessly on his lap and sob.

Satisfied that the fight was out of her, he turned her back until she was sitting on his lap, then lifted her cradled in his arms. "Now, lets get you dressed."

"Nooo," she pouted. This time, however, she didn't fight him as he lay her down in the crib. To her surprise, there was a mirror on the ceiling above it, and she saw herself, the crib and the outfight clearly. She tried to separate herself from it- another red headed girl about to be put in diapers, another blond haired man doing it, but she realized she'd have no choice but to watch her own humiliation occur. It was a clever, if cruel, touch.

The four helpers in dark clothing were around her. They held her limbs down as he pulled her pants the rest of the way off, then took her shirt off. Finally, he lifted the diaper up in front of her and opened it up slowly, smiling as he saw her expression changed from moping to fear and embarrassment.

"No, please. I don't want to be a diaper girl. Maid, pet, anything but that," she said.

"Don't worry," he said, "you'll get used to it." He lay it underneath her and spread powder liberally over her. 

"No," she moaned one last time, half hardheartedly trying to move her bottom out of the way and give some kind of resistance, but she was stopped by another spank from his hand. She watched in dread as he folded the diaper up and taped it on. He followed it with plastic panties, which he locked in place. With the help of the other four, he dressed her fully in the dress, bonnet, stockings and mittens. They tied the ropes to her limbs, and left her with her arms stretched to the top corners of the crib and her legs folded on top of her, unfortunately lifting her skirt to leave her diaper visible. He dismissed the others before presenting the coup de grace of her humiliation- a big pink pacifier with straps dangling to each side. He shoved it in her mouth, and she felt the bulb fill it up and gag her. He tied it behind her head.

"There. No way to move or complain, no way to get in trouble. A silent baby is a good baby. We will need the straps until you learn to keep pacis in your mouth without them." 

She groaned inwardly. How long would it take to 'learn' that? How long would she be diapered for?

"Now, we are going to play a game. I'll be asking you questions, and you can shake your head yes or no. If you're a good baby, you'll get treats. If you're a bad baby, you'll get spanked. We'll see if we can work our way up to letting you talk, then maybe moving around a bit before bed time. Ready?"

She groaned, this time out loud. That resulted in a hard smack on her diapered bottom and her getting scolded as a 'bad baby." She tried to look away from her tormentor, but just ended up looking at her own reflection- locked in a crib, clearly visible diaper under her skirt, and sucking a pacifier as a stranger spanked her. She tried to look around, but everywhere was more evidence of her new status- piles of diapers, childish toys, the high chair, a playpen- it was unavoidable. She pushed the thoughts out of her head and tried to listen to his questions, hoping she could somehow make it better by pretending to play along. What had she gotten herself into?


She tucked her head down and tried to hide as she was lead by her leash into the shopping center. The leash wasn't attached to a collar- oh no, even though she wore one complete with tags that gave her name, "Diapered ABDL" status and the address and name of her owner (though she was told she only needed to know him as "Daddy,") having the leash attach to her collar like most submissive would have been to easy, and given the wrong idea. Instead, she wore a harness like the ones normally intended for toddlers, and which gave her no choice but to follow. More ropes dangled from it, and attached to the cuffs at on her hands, followed by another rope between her legs that would have kept her from running if the leash wasn't already doing the same thing. To top it all off, she had her hands in baby mittens, leaving them useless anyway, and she had a pacifier securely strapped to her mouth.

'At least I'm not in a stroller this time," she thought to herself. THAT had been humiliating. However, at least then she could pretend she could hide in the seat. Now, walking among the staring and giggle crowds, there was no way to hide her state. Her stomach groaned, and she tried to hide it. THAT was something she didn't want anyone to notice.

She still liked to pretend she could. Though her dress, stockings, and pigtails were childish enough, the harness added insult to injury by announcing "Baby Girl," across her chest and back. However, she kept kept her head down, imagining it hid the pacifier along with her face, and she reached her hands down to smooth the annoyingly short skirt, doing her best to hide the thick diaper underneath it. It was futile, she knew- the loud, crinkling plastic filled her ears as the smell of baby powder filled her nose, and the forced waddle was easy enough to recognize if anyone knew what to look for. However, she tried to do her best without her Daddy noticing.

Elise saw him looking at her hands, and she snapped them back up. Getting caught trying to hide her diapers was something she had been warned against. He chuckled, and smacked her hard on the bottom. "Bad baby," he said. "If that skirt is too tempting for you, I might just help you out by taking it away and letting you waddle around the mall with your diapers showing."

She shook her head, eyes going wide. Much as she hated to admit it, he was good at what he did. Very little got passed him, and he seemed to know what she was going to do before she did it.

He nodded. "Good baby. Now, keep your eyes up, I want people to see my baby's pretty face."

He began walking again and led her onward. Instinct and shame still made her want to keep her face down, but she fought against both. The fear of her punishment was worse then a few snickers and laughter, and she endured it as best she could. The mall was huge, with stores she had never seen before lining both sides of the hall in a massive enclave that rose several stores. Some were typical- clothing stores, a few name brands, books, music- while others were designed for the exact type of lifestyle she was now in, ranging from broad ranges of kinks to more specific ones. "Pet" stores, 'punishment' centers, 'work cloths' stores- she dreaded to see what was in store for her. For now, she simply had to walk in the center of the most visible, crowded hall, something she was sure her 'Daddy" had planned. It seemed he planned most things ahead.

"One day you'll see this is all for your own good," he told her. "See that? That is where we are going, and you are going to happily pick out a little baby toy for yourself, beg daddy for it, and show it off to everyone we meet." He pointed to the end of a long hallway, and she could have cried at what she realized was the final destination of her humiliating journey. A massive store, set up to look like a toy store, but instead filled adult sized toys, furniture, and garments, its banner in brightly colored block letters calling it "The Big Baby Store." It had everything needed to embarrass an abdl girl. 

"Or please one", she thought, as she saw another woman skipping along, flouncing skirt revealing the pull up underneath.- wait... did she know that girl? She was gone to fast to be sure- She saw far too many of them, and worried over how many had begun resisting and fell into it.

She had another problem coming. Her stomach groaned again, and she almost doubled over from a cramp. She had been cramping since breakfast, but tried to hold it in. It was silly, she knew, as she would never be afforded the right to use the bathroom. She had gotten used to wetting herself, but part of her still wanted to resist using her diaper for... that. She saw her Daddy glancing her way and chuckling to himself.

Her stomach groaned again, and this time she farted loudly into her diaper.

"What was that sweetie? You say something?" her Daddy said in a teasing voice. She looked at him sadly. "No, I think your little bum bum did. Her, let daddy check your diaper."

She squealed loudly from behind her pacifier as her turned her around and lifted her skirt, exposing her diaper to the entire mall. More people started laughing behind her, and she squirmed in embarrassment. It would have been bad enough had it been a plain white one, but the one she wore today was designed to look like a true pamper, covered all over with cutesy pictures of pacifiers, bottles and teddy bears, and with thick purple stripes along the sides. Added to that were clear plastic pants that locked in the top, just in case she could find a way to open a diaper with her hands in the ridiculous mittens.

"Hmmm I don't know baby girl. You certainly are a smelly butt, and definitely damp," he reaches his hand between her legs to the front of her diaper, and she squirmed again, eliciting more laughter from her growing crowd.

'Why is he taking so LONG!" she thought. He kept prodding and patting her as people laughed and she grew redder and redder, commenting on her personal hygiene. 

"Such a silly little girl. Still in diapers at your age! Do you need daddy to give you a change?" Finally, he lifted her entire skirt, front and back, clasped it in one hand and pulled open the back of her diaper with the other. At the same time, another cramp hit, and she heard herself fart loudly again as he was checking her, getting the loudest laughter yet. She couldn't bear it any longer, and reached down to pull her skirt in front of her diaper.

She instantly regretted it. Her Daddy stood up from the crotched position he had taken while checking her, and she backed away as he leaned over her.

He undid the strap of her pacifier and took it out. Despite the newfound freedom from it, she knew better then to speak now.

"Sweetie, what did I tell you about holding your skirt?"

"I..." she was afraid to answer.

"Good babies don't try to hide their diapers. Bad babies do that. Good babies aren't afraid to show off how cute they are."

"Yes, Daddy."

"And what did you do?"

"I held down my skirt to hide my diapers."

She felt a sharp smack on the back of her diaper and yelped.

"Bad baby!" he said.  "What did I say would happen?"

"No Daddy please! Its embarrassing!"

"Well, I bet its embarrassing to be a naughty adult woman walking around in diapers. It should be. A little baby, however, is fine. If its embarrassing to walk around with your diaper showing, then you clearly need more practice doing it. We'll have to give you more opportunities to show off."

He took out a remote and hit a button on it. She felt her hands being pulled upward by the rope toward her chest. Once they were folded in front of her, he reached down to grab the hem of her skirt. As always, he was doing it as slowly as possible, letting her dread grow.

"Please daddy. I promise I'll be a good baby," she said. Unlike other times she had said it, she meant it. Fighting him was turning out to be much worse then going along with what he said.

"You better be," he replied. He undid the buttons on her skirt and tossed it into a bag. "Now, about you being a gassy baby. Do you know what that means?"

"Uhhh... nooo.." she tried to reply but felt another cramp. She was shocked by how hard they were coming, and how quickly they were getting worse. "What, Daddy?"

"What did I tell you to do when you needed to go potty?"

"I uhhh..."

"Tell me unless you want a spanking."

She blushed and looked down. "Good babies don't hold back their messes. Good babies go the second they need to and fill their diapers for their daddy's to change. They like making presents for their daddy's because it proves they are babies."

He nodded. "Exactly right. Good baby." She tried to hide the embarrassing pride of finally getting something right.

"But Daddy, do I..." she glanced over to where she saw a public bathroom, but knew what the answer would be. "How long..."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about how long we'll be in the mall for, I promise you'll be good and stinky before we are gone, and your bare pampers will be visible to all."

"Daddy!" she whined.

"Now, if you had listned to what Daddy told you and filled your pampers when you first started feeling the cramps this morning at home, what would have happened?"

"I..." how did he know when she first felt them? How much could he figure out?

"Sweetie, be a good baby. I know its difficult for a little diaper girl like you, but see if you can figure it out. Daddy changes you whenever you need it. If you had filled your pampers at home, what would have happened then, and what wouldn't be happening now? Can you figure it out sweetie?"

She blushed at such a simple question worded so condescendingly. "I would have been changed at home, Daddy, and wouldn't need to mess now."

He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Good baby! Such a smart baby!" To her embarrassment, Elise giggled as he said it. "So if you were a good baby and listened to Daddy, you wouldn't have this problem now. Since you were a bad baby and didn't, you're going to end up messing your diapers in front of all these people, then walk around the mall with your stinky pampers. Sound like fun?"

"No Daddy!" she whined.

"And since Daddy locked you in those plastic pants and your spare diapers are at home, it means you'll spend a lot of time in your mess before you get changed. Sound like fun?"

"No Daddy," she said. She knew exactly where this was going, but couldn't argue. There was nothing TO argue this time. She hated to admit to herself he was right.

"So, what was the better option- listening to Daddy, filling your diapers like a good baby, and getting changed immediately at home, or not listening, being a bad baby, and walking around a mall in smelly?"

She sighed and looked down in shame. "Listening to Daddy, being a good baby, and filling my diapers when I needed to." She felt the cramps come again- it would be coming out soon whether she liked it or not, and she knew he was right about the last time she held it in.

"Do you think its fair to make people have to smell your stinky diapers?"

"No Daddy."

"So what should you have done, and what should you always, always do? Who should you listen to, even if you don't know why?"

"I should always, always be a good baby and listen to Daddy. I should always listen to Daddy because Daddy always knows best." She hated hearing the words from her mouth.

"Good baby," he said, ruffling her hair. "Since you were good since then, if your lucky, I might pick up some cute new diapers at the Big Baby store and change you in the bathrooms here. If you are good. Now, I think there is something you were going to do for Daddy? What was that?"

"I... I was going to make a present for Daddy in my diapers, because I want to be a good baby." She said. 'Change in the bathrooms? In PUBLIC? Could he do that?' she thought. It seemed he could effectively do what he wanted to her.

"Well?" he raised an eyebrow.

She sighed, closed her eyes and pushed. She farted far more loudly then she had hoped, and felt the hot mess come out of her and into her diaper.  "Ohh," she said, and she doubled over and squatted as the cramps hit again and she kept messing herself for the audience. She hoped their laughter at least drowned out the sound of her messing, but to her each release sounded like thunder. The smell stung her nostrils, and she almost gagged. There was another advantage of messing the second she got the urge, she realized- there would have been far less of it, and her messes would be far less... messy. She shuddered at the feeling as she finally finished.

She opened her eyes and stared at her Daddy, eyes seeking pity. She tried to concentrate on him and ignore the other's around her, most of whom were laughing at her.

"Good baby," he said, rubbing her head again. He leaned forward and checked the back of her diaper. "You're a very good baby, stinky butt." He patted the back of her diaper, and she cringed at the slimy feeling but was glad to at least be in his good books again.

A group of young women came running up to her. One of them held a camera. "Excuse me, can we take a picture with you? We just LOVE the outfit! SO adorable!"

"No I..." she began to speak, but was cut off by her Daddy's hand on her nose.

"Silly baby, they weren't asking you." He put the pacifier back in her mouth, this time leaving the strap off. She didn't dare spit it out. "She'd love to have her picture taken, and she promises to give you her prettiest smile."

She tried her best to smile for the camera. And for her Daddy, she knew- if he was going to change her diaper after all that, the least she could do was smile. She thought about what he had said earlier. At this point, a doll or teddy bear to call her own would make her feel better, and she probably would beg for it.


"Now now sweetie, put Jeremy down," Daddy said.

She pouted and squealed behind her pacifier. She cuddled the teddy bear close and shook her head no. Her pigtails twirled, adding emphasis in her mind, making the protest all the more adorable to her Daddy.

"You know the rules. You don't get to have teddies or dollies for comfort during punishments. You're going into the naughty corner after this, and you need to be able to think about what you did without distraction. You can have him back after. You want to be a good baby, don't you?"

She nodded. She did know the rules, and she did want to be a good baby. Good babies avoided punishment and got more toys. Also, she knew it would be easier to think about what she did without Jeremy distracting her. He was just too cuddly to think when he was around.

She shook her head. Where had THAT thought come from? She held onto them because it was expected of her in her role, and she wanted to avoid punishment. It did make her feel better to hold one after a spanking, but... she shook her head and ended the train of thought.

"Then go put him with the others and crawl back here," Daddy said.

She waddled over to her toy pile and lay him on top. This was the pile of things she had picked out. She was allowed to have them all out to play during the day, but was only allowed to in her crib at night. Picking those two and putting the rest back into the box at night was one of her chores, and as the first she picked out Jeremy made the cut more often then the others. She always kissed the others before putting them back in- Daddy told her too, as they might feel bad otherwise. Silly, she knew. She kissed Jeremy before putting him down, hoping Daddy would excuse her removing her pacifier for an important reason. She put it back in and suckled it. She would at least have that for comfort during her punishment, and she was glad Daddy was kind enough to let her have it.

She crawled back as commanded. Crawling wasn't always necessary, but she would do it when told to. In the end, it was no more embarrassing then anything else she went through, and not worth the punishment if she argued. This time, however, it had the added impact of putting her lower then someone she'd normally be taller then.

She glanced up at that person, her babysitter, and the reason she was being punished.

Officially, she was being punished for arguing over a change in bed time. When the new baby sitter came in to help Daddy, she told her she'd be going to bed at 7:30 tonight instead of the usually 8:00 so the babysitter would have time for her college homework. It was then condescendingly explained that homework was something people did to learn at home, sort of like her learning to color in lines, and college was where big people went to learn things, sort of the way Daddy had taught her to use her diapers properly. She had thrown what her Daddy called a 'tantrum' while he was still there, so he ordered this punishment.

The reality of the matter was deeper then that. The babysitter- named Sarah- had almost been perfectly chosen to upset her. Her Daddy had been giving Elise lessons lately about her status. As an adult baby, her former age and accomplishments didn't matter, and she was now to consider herself as younger then people she used to think she was older then as long as they were adults, and beneath submissive with a higher role. The speech she got explaining what college was when Elise herself had graduated years before, was just the cherry on top of a long list of annoying traits. First of all, as shown by the fact she was still in college, Sarah was several years younger then she was. Making matters worse, she KNEW her. Or, as her Daddy told her, had known her in her old life back when she had baby sat her. She had been taught that her past accomplishments didn't matter, but finding out her former ward was now her babysitter was too much. There was more too- her Daddy wanted her to know it wasn't just age that was lower but her status. Sarah was a submissive and had been one earlier, and a little at that. She was the girl who had been skipping along in the mall. She had watched in awe as the girl lifted up her skirt to proudly show off her pull up and explain that "even a toddler in pull ups is mature enough to be in charge of a little baby in diapers." When Sarah had announced the new bedtime, Elise had had enough, and started shouting.

Now, she paid the price. She reached her Daddy's legs and remained on all fours beneath where he was seated.

"Good girl. Now keep crawling! Up up up!" he patted his knees, and she obediently crawled over his lap, lap down, and braced herself.

This time, there was no struggling. Daddy didn't even hold her down as undid her onesie, revealed her soaked diaper and began spanking her. She yelped as the first blow squelched against her damp padding, the itch from the wetness making the pain from the spanks all the worse. H spanked her again and again. She winced, moaned, and cried out as the pain got worse, and by the end, she was in tears, but she was proud that she didn't struggle. It had become embarrassing to constantly fight back only to end up in the same position.

"Good girl, Daddy's proud of you for not struggling. Now, go to the babysitter."

"Come here little one!" Sarah said, patting her legs. She crawled over and climbed over her knees, then lay patiently for the first smacks. 

Her blows were softer, but more embarrassing. She was used to being spanked by her Daddy, this was something new. Each one drove home the fact that she was not only a submissive who could be punished and taken control of by almost anyone, but a baby whom even Sarah was considered more responsible then. She would have liked to pretend only her Daddy was in charge of her, but the truth was anyone could be, and her Daddy just kept her safe from them all and determined who was right.

Despite her weaker arm, the pain still added up, and soon she was bawling over Sarah's lap. She kept spanking her, and the baby kept crying louder and louder.

Finally she stopped. The diaper clad girl lay over her lap, sniffling but not moving.

"Learn your lesson?" Sarah said.

"Mhmm," she nodded.

"Good Baby. Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did."

She got up and waddled over, rubbing her bottom as she did. When she reached the corner, however, she kept her hands by her side as she had been taught. She heard Daddy and Sarah get up behind her and leave with the door wide open, and not a bone in her body wanted to run out of it or even leave the corner. She knew it would be hopeless, and had no reason to want to try.

The punishment was as much about humiliation as it was boredom. The corner was angled to be visible from the hallway, and her onesie still hung open, leaving her wet diaper visible. More importantly, anyone coming by would see her completely unrestrained and willing standing there in a soaking wet diaper and sucking a pacifier. However, there was nothing she could do about it, and she told herself not to worry. She suckled her pacifier for comfort and took her mind elsewhere.

It really was her fault, she knew. Daddy had told her the lessons over and over, and she shouldn't have reacted that way. It was wrong to blame the babysitter, she shouldn't have been a Bad Baby. She shuddered at the words.

Being a Good Baby really did have advantages. She thought of all the hard work Daddy had put into her, taking care of her, changing her, feeding her. She thought of all the toys she had got as rewards for being good, and all the fun play times she was finding she enjoyed more and more. Despite what she once would have thought, once she got over the embarrassment of admitting it, a lot of what happened was fun. Really, the problem was she was still thinking of the before time, and tricking herself into being embarrassed when she could just be having fun.

She thought of her Daddy. She wondered how much of this had planned. The entire thing really had seemed perfectly planned to get her to react, and the resulting punishment really had taught her the lesson. They often did- as he said, she was punished for her own good. Her Daddy must have thought of everything.

What was that thing her big girl baby sitter was doing? College? She wondered what that was like, and why a big girl would need to learn about diapers. She giggled. She was happy she'd never have to worry about it. Daddy had told her that since she was a baby, all she had to worry about was playing with toys and filling diapers, and she liked knowing she wouldn't have more stress then that. However, maybe she could help with 'homework', whatever it was, since she was so good at coloring inside lines now.


The Baby skipped along gleefully beside her Daddy. She held his hand losely, and was glad not to be on a leash. She was proud of the fact she no longer needed a leash to stay beside Daddy, though sometimes she asked for one if she got scared in crowds. Likewise, she was glad she didn't need the gloves anymore because she wouldn't do naughty things, glad her paci wasn't strapped in because she sucked it freely, and glad she didn't have locking plastic pants because she had learned better then to take off her diaper. Each freedom was a sign she had learned to be a Good Baby in another way, and she was proud of it.

Today was another triumph in her mind. Daddy told her they were going into the mall to meet someone because she was 'such a Good Baby now." She didn't know who or what that was, Daddy had told her she didn't need to, she just needed to know it was a good thing. She accepted it. Daddy had always been right before after all, and could tell when she did or did not need to know something.

She paused in front of the glass door. She saw her reflection, and smiled. She always liked to see how cute she looked in her outfits. One of her favorite times of day was when she was lying in bed right after waking up and before bedtime, and would see her reflection in the mirror, emphasizing what she was from the first moment and the last moment of her day. She'd role over, stick her bum in the air and examine all the parts of her pajamas. Sometimes she'd try to guess from the reflection of her diaper if she had had an accident in her crib over night. Sometimes she'd be able to see damp or brown spots, but she knew only Daddy could tell her that for certain. Daddy had told her a baby like her couldn't ever know.

Today's outfit was extra special. Since today was a special day to celebrate her being a Good Baby, she'd been allowed to pick her own outfit. It was all matching in bright pink. It was her favorite color, since Daddy said she looked cute in it. She had chosen her favorite onesie- one of the cutest with pink frills along arm and leg cuffs and a duck on the chest. Importantly, the diaper cover was narrow, so it left the edges of her diaper clear. She looked down in the mirror and moved the cloth inward slightly. Daddy said it was good luck if her diaper tapes were visible, so she always did her best to make sure they were. She made sure not to touch the tapes though, as bad things happened when she did.

She examined the rest of it- her knee high socks were always fun, and the big pink ribbons that tied her hair into pigtails were perfect. Her paci was in her mouth of course, and attached to her chest in case she dropped it. Jeremey accompanied her on this trip (she had begged Daddy for to let her take him and kissed him when he said yes) and since he was going out, he too was dressed up in a small suit and diaper. 

Diapers for stuffies was another thing she had begged Daddy for. She liked to dress her toys up, and couldn't conceived of dressing anything without a diaper. She wasn't certain how Daddy went without them. He explained he used the potty instead, which she assumed was like a diaper but for grown ups. He said she didn't need to worry about it. However, Jeremy came on trips out sometimes, and she didn't want to risk him having an accident somewhere important. Daddy had agreed and said seeing them all diapered would be a good, constant reminder of what she was.

They both entered the mall. People stared at her as usual, and some laughed. She laughed back and waved, she was proud people were noticing how cute she looked.

Daddy met with a few other grown ups and shook their hands. She heard him mention the "Baby" and realized they were talking about her, but it sounded like boring grown up talk, so she ignored it. Probably too complicated for her anyway, maybe that college stuff again. Instead, she let her mind wander and looked around the mall.

There were people everywhere. It was more crowded then usual. Also, there were more submissives then usual. Some were even on display, standing in cages on stages or tied up in stocks. She wondered what was going on.

"Bad Baby," she heard the words come out from the conversation. Instantly, all the guilt, all the punishments, and all the anger from the times she had misbehaved came up at once. She could feel the spanks from every time she had been bad. Desperately, she searched her mind for what she had done wrong. Had she walked in wrong? Had she been holding in her messes again? SHe reached for her pacifier, it was still there. She looked at her Daddy pleadingly.
He noticed her staring. "Ohh sweetie," he said, cupping her cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you were listening. That wasn't meant for you to hear. You're not a bad baby. You're a Good B. A very Good Baby." He leaned forward and kissed her forhead, and she giggled. Being called a Good Baby and being kissed on the forehead were both pleasures, getting them both at once made her ecstatic. She started humming happily and bouncing back and forth from her heel to her toe.

She went back to looking around the room as the grown up talks. She held Daddy's hand tightly and cuddled Jeremy in her other arm, making sure they were both always there.

She felt something come in her diaper and heard a loud noise. Paying it no mind, she continued watching people, humming, and rocking on her heels. Whatever it was, Daddy would take care of it. She didn't need to pay it any mind.

She noticed the grown ups Daddy had been talking to were staring at her. They didn't seem to be talking anymore, and one was had his mouth hanging wide. She wondered why. Was he trying to catch flies? 

She felt something behind her and looked to see Daddy opening her onesie. He patted her diaper, and she felt a rotting smell come up.

"Whew stinky butt! That's quite  a mess!" Daddy said teasingly and ruffled her hair. She giggled.

Daddy normally called her stinky butt instead of Good or Bad Baby after she did the same thing. However, she couldn't be sure until Daddy said so.

SHe pointed at her pacifier, indicating she wanted to speak. Daddy nodded, and she let it drop. It bounced on the cord attaching it to her onesie- Daddy had been smart to encourage her to include that part.

"What is it, my Good little Baby?" Daddy asked.

"Daddy, I think I have a poopy diaper."

He laughed out loud, and she noticed the others did too. What did THAT mean?

"And why is that sweetie?" he asked, smiling.

"Well, first I noticed something in my diaper but I couldn't tell what, and there was a noise. Then they were staring at me, and people do that a lot when I'm messy. Then I noticed a funny smell and Daddy called me a stinky butt, so I think the smell was coming from me."

"Oh? And what else might have made a loud sound and a stinky smell?"

"Ummmm" she thought. She remembered Jeremy, who was also diapered. She held him up, back bent toward Daddy, so he could check Jeremy too. "Maybe he did?" 

Daddy tapped the bear's diaper, checking it. "No, its not him silly. You were right the first time. Very good sweetie! You did make a messy. Such a smart baby! Good Baby!" he said, and she filled with glee at her accomplishment. "Now, Daddy needs to talk with these judges, but you've done very well, ok poopy butt? You're a Good Baby. I'll change your pampers later." She nodded, and he put the pacifier back in her mouth.

She went back to humming as Daddy talked with them. She didn't know why, but she thought she had done well. They seemed very happy about something. She looked around and wondered where she might get changed. There were rooms in a corner with changing tables, but sometimes Daddy just did her on the ground or on a bench. She didn't mind. She used to complain, and sometimes it was fun to have an audience. Daddy had told her 'babies don't have modesty,' but she wasn't sure what that meant anymore anyway.

She began to get bored, and tired of standing. Maybe she should have asked for a stroller. She sat down on the ground. She felt something squish underneath her, and remembered she had messed herself. It was fine though- Daddy had said Good Babies didn't try to hide their messes or hide from them, the just kept going, sat in it, and played, and that was what she was going to do. 

She held Jeremey out in front of her. First she checked his diaper. Since she was messy, she figured he might be too. Daddy had, but that was a while ago. She thought she might ask him to check again later, since only grown ups could really tell. Satisfied she was sure he was clean to the best of her ability, she began to make him dance in front of her to the sound of her humming.

She felt a hand on her head and looked up. Daddy was looking down at her smiling, and she smiled back. She hugged his leg and went back to playing.

A while later she felt herself being picked up into the air. She looked up and saw Daddy carrying her, and she cuddled into his chest. He reached a a bench and stood her on the ground, then sat down.

Without thinking, she bounced up and landed on his lap with a loud squish. The smell she had noticed earlier suddenly got worse.

Daddy laughed. "Silly baby. You're going to make a big mess for Daddy to clean if you keep bouncing like that."

"Is this another lesson?" she thought. She began squirming and bouncing as best she could to make a bigger mess for Daddy, since he said he liked it when she made big presents for him. He seemed understand what she was doing, laughed, and began bouncing her on his knee. Each squish would once have made her stomach turn, but now she was happy she was doing something for Daddy. She felt her bottom begin to itch, but paid it no mind. If it was a problem, Daddy would tell her.

She pointed at her pacifier, and he took it out for her. "Daddy, who were those men?" she asked.

"Oh, don't worry. Its all grown up stuff. They wanted to see how much of a Good Baby you were, and you were even better then they expected."

Here eyes went wide. "Really?" she asked gleefully. 

"Uh huh. That's right poopy butt. You are a VERY Good Baby."

She laughed out loud. "Whats that mean Daddy? Do we get something?"

"Yes sweetie. We get an award for training babies, and you get to live with me as long as you want."

"As long as I want, Daddy?"

"Yes. Do you want to be a Good Baby? How long do you want to be Daddy's little diaper girl for?"

She thought. She remembered her past life, and all the things she had gone through. She remembered all the work she had done before, all the stress and and trials. She remembered the punishments, the toys, the changes and the spankings. She didn't even need to question it. "Forever, Daddy."

He kissed her. "Good Baby."

She laughed, and couldn't imagine anywhere she'd rather be.

  • Like 7
3 hours ago, Vulpix77 said:

Ooooh this so good! I loved this one a lot!

thank you! I'm glad you did :)


This is great! I especially loved the various time jumps that served to give the audience an insight into the changing state of her stance to her situation. I do admit that some parts of the final section gave me deja vu from the auction part of one of your stories I saw on Deviant Art a while ago (a quick search has remininded me the title of that one was "The Baby Slave") and I thought she was going to be auctioned off (which turned out not to be the case.)


Also: is there any updates on when the next chapter of Tested is going to come out?

  • Like 1

This was an enjoyable story to read. It took me a second to figure out the scene breaks as gaps in time. I do want to ask, why had she been started down this path in the first place? I understand that the final scene was him getting legal guardianship of her but did you ever explain what led to her being placed under his care in the first place?


neat tale, really enjoyable read.

only comment would be to possibly think about chapter titles, as the first transition was confusing to me.


5 hours ago, HyperShark said:

This is great! I especially loved the various time jumps that served to give the audience an insight into the changing state of her stance to her situation. I do admit that some parts of the final section gave me deja vu from the auction part of one of your stories I saw on Deviant Art a while ago (a quick search has remininded me the title of that one was "The Baby Slave") and I thought she was going to be auctioned off (which turned out not to be the case.)


Also: is there any updates on when the next chapter of Tested is going to come out?

Hello! And thanks for replying and liking it so much! 

You could interpret this as taking place in the same world as "The Baby Slave," or a simmilar one anyway. Part of the reason he was asking her that at the end is it was a possibility, and some of the people there were being auctioned. Of course, it isn't specified, so mighjt change. I do like having continuity between stories though.

As for Tested, no exact day, but hopefully soon. I'm sort of busy with a bunch of things right now

5 hours ago, chansu ragedashi said:

This was an enjoyable story to read. It took me a second to figure out the scene breaks as gaps in time. I do want to ask, why had she been started down this path in the first place? I understand that the final scene was him getting legal guardianship of her but did you ever explain what led to her being placed under his care in the first place?

I delibertatly left it ambiguous as to why she was there. I figure it could range from her doing it willingly, and her reactions being roleplaying, mixed feelings/ cold feet, or agreeing to be a sub but not knowing she'd end up diapered, to some kind of legal punishment (maybe an option instead of prison time?), to something more random like being selected as good for the role. It could also just be basically a career choice, with obvious downs but she took it for the benefit of never having to pay for anything. Its up to the reader.

And yes, he has legal guardianship, and was also demonstrating that his form of training worked, hence why he was happy when she messed. Arguably she could still end up being 'rented' out to people for playdates or as a mascot or something. 

Anyway, mainly it was meant to be what the reader wanted, so whichever.

Thanks for the feedback!

5 hours ago, Sarah Penguin said:

is funs :)

thanks :) :D

3 hours ago, kirababy said:

neat tale, really enjoyable read.

only comment would be to possibly think about chapter titles, as the first transition was confusing to me.


Thank you!

And yes I've gotten that comment a few times. Will remember for next time!


I really liked this story. These humiliation type stories always seem to bother me a bit. Having “regular” people see someone being treated as an AB I think has a negative impact on this lifestyle. It seems like every time you hear about some AB trying to get society to be more accepting of the lifestyle, they come across as a bunch of nuts. I do admire their willingness to address the issue some but I don’t think they are going about it the right way. Like everyone who wears diapers, I would like to see society become more accepting of those who do either for need or desire. The facts are that even those who have a medical need are still liked upon as different. In the case of this story he was using the humiliation as a tool rather than a means of acceptance. I actually enjoyed seeing how he was able to regress her over time and using his lessons. Great job! Well worth a like. 

On 8/6/2018 at 9:12 AM, CDfm said:

I really liked this story. These humiliation type stories always seem to bother me a bit. Having “regular” people see someone being treated as an AB I think has a negative impact on this lifestyle. It seems like every time you hear about some AB trying to get society to be more accepting of the lifestyle, they come across as a bunch of nuts. I do admire their willingness to address the issue some but I don’t think they are going about it the right way. Like everyone who wears diapers, I would like to see society become more accepting of those who do either for need or desire. The facts are that even those who have a medical need are still liked upon as different. In the case of this story he was using the humiliation as a tool rather than a means of acceptance. I actually enjoyed seeing how he was able to regress her over time and using his lessons. Great job! Well worth a like. 

Thanks for the comment, and the feedback. I agree both that the humiliation aspects are harsh and shouldn't happen in real life, and that it is unrelistic and would probably have a negative effect on the way AB is seen if someone actually did this in public. However, it is meant to be taking place in a fantasy world. Sort of like the 'diapered dimension' stories, where no one really thinks shorter people should be treated that way, I don't expect people to think of this as real. Though it isn't directly specified as being in a different dimension, I always consider many of my stories as taking place in an alternate world where submissive and dominent relationships are more common. I don't specify here why she is in this position and how much she wanted it vs how much she was forced, but I figure as soon as people see her collar they realize she is in that sort of position and accept whatever her master decided to dress her in.

I also agree its very sad that eople with medical needs are looked down on as well, that just isn't right.

Glad you liked it despite that! Thanks again for the feedback :)

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