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Rebbecca hated to admit it but the lack of evidence cleared Lannie.

There was no blood found in the drains.

Shower or sinks or baths.

None in the Septic Tank either they were thorough.

Where did she bathe to wash that blood off?

The weird part was there was no tracks not even a footprint around her dead husband.

How do you kill somebody and not leave evedence?

As there was no weapon found.

Did they fly?

Even then when you cut somebodys throat, they spray blood the spatter had no marks it was pristine!

The only reason she was arrested was because there was nobody else besides Lannie at the home. 

That is all she is guilty of is being the only one in the house besides her dead husband.

Unless it was a ghost that killed him that explains everything. 

He could of killed himself that explains the lack of evidence of a murder, but what happened to the knife that wasnt found.

Where could it go?

The fireplace was checked nothing inside the bottom there.

The logs hadnt been burned they had blood from where his throat was sliced.

It was still cold so there was no ash or residue of something burnt there. 

They have to prove how she did it.

They have to prove that she did it.

Right now they can only prove that she was there.

She was asleep and had wet her bed.

That is totally all they can really try her on. 

Rebbecca thinks she can get Lannie off due to the lack of evidence. They have to prove how she done it, beyond a reasonable doubt, I dont think they can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rebbecca went to the County Attorney.

She went and asked "What you got that ties my client to the murder?"

"Right now we got next to nothing.

But she was the only one in the house, it had to be her there was nobody else in the house, just had to be her!" He said.

"Well if thats all you got, that won't stand up in court."

"Listen little lady, before coming here I was a lawyer in Provo!

Not some hick lawyer from Alimony, Utah! I'm ready to go with that.

Rebbecca smiled, for her in Phoenix, Provo would be thd equvelent of being a Lawyer in Prescott, Arizona.

That would be even worse of being a Lawyer in Tucson, or Flagstaff! 

She got a tingle in her bladder and leaked a few drops.

This guy was under estimating me.

He doesnt know I'm a half way decent lawyer in her own right.

She just wondered how she could figure out how to clear Lannai. 

She started thinking about her wet sheets.

When she wet how long did it take for bacteria to grow. 

She got the sheets from evidence.

And had a bacterial count done.

How fast does bacteria grow in urine soaked sheets.

If we can get a time line.

Can we prove she was wetting her bed about the time he died.

Or if she got up and killed her husband and came back to her wet bed, to give her an alibi. 

She went with the Sheriff and did a walk through.

She saw the place it happened.

There was arterial spray everywhere. His body bled out.

She was looking in the fire place and saw a drop of blood fall from up in the fire place.

Hey look up and see what you see up in the flue. 

The Deputy got down and looked. "What the hell?" He called the Sheriff and he arrived with a detective.

He looked up and reached up and started to pull something down then she heard a metalic sound.

"Shit!" He said, I just cut myself!

There is a knife and its on bungee cord!"

He brought it down he had unhooked it.

There was blood on it some dark from Mr. Lamb and a few drops of the detectives. 

They photographed it from every angle you could imagine.  

"I thought the blood on the logs were from splatter, l didnt think about where the blood drops ran.

They ran straight down.

The detective dusted the knife for prints.

He took them off and just the size he knew it wasnt the suspect she had dainty hands this was not dainty they were pretty good sized.

He compaired them to his suspect.

Not a match.

But they did match the the victim.

With the lack of evidence Lannie was released. 

The autopsy found that Douglas Lamb had Pancreatic Cancer.

He had maybe a month to two months left to live.

He had a clause in his insurance policy that if he was found murdered it doubled the return it would of given Lannie.

Over 5 million dollars unless she was found to have killed him.

Unfortunatly suicide payed nothing.

He had to make it look like murder. 

Lannie couldn't thank me enough.

The County Attorney wasnt to happy with me!

Buck it up Skippy!

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Even with the case pretty much closed, my good friend the County Attorney didn't want to release her but the Sheriff had no choice the evidence pointed to a different suspect.

Rebbecca was sure that the DA was in the Lamb family pockets.

They dont want it let out that a Lamb committed suicide!

He was facing a death from Cancer.

He killed himself.

He drugged his wife so she wouldnt be awake to stop him.

She slept so well she wet her bed!

She wasn't affected by it much anymore, unlike Rebbecca who wet her bed every night.

Lanie didnt have a place to go.

Her house was, a crime scene. 

Her dad had died a few years back, her childhood home had been sold. 

Rebbecca took Lannie home with her.

She had her dads old room. 

Stu had a call and they had to fight with a drunk!

Stu's deputy took a punch.

He has a scratch on his cheek.

We were cleaning him up and Lanie came to see what the noise was about.

She saw Stu cleaning up his deputys face.

"I don't think you need any stitches Buck.

Dont worry your still ugly!" Teased Stu.

"Gee Thanks a lot, even uglier than me!" Said Buck!

"I don't think your ugly Buck!" said Lanie! 

She blushed. She hadnt meant to say that Buck wasn't ugly!

"Thank you I dont find you ugly either!" Said Buck.

"I shouldn't of said that, my husband has been dead less than a day.

I'm supposed to be in mourning for him! 


"Quite alright! Said Buck.

My wife died about 6 years ago.

She was killed when she hit a deer down Kingston Canyon."

"I remember that, she was your wife?" Asked Lanie?

"Yeah she was my wife.

Its been six years and it still hurts!" Said Buck.

"I loved my Douglas as well he was my soulmate!" Said Lanie.

"My Sarah as well!" Said Buck.

"Who knows in a while after I've had some time to mourn can I ask you out Buck?" Asked Lannie?

"I would like that a lot! Said Buck.

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Every Sunday Lannie came for Sunday Dinner.

Buck as well.

They were sat together.

They just talked.

About a year later after her husband's death.

Lannie and Buck had a date.

That set everybody's tongues a wagging.

It had been a while since Buck had dated.

Same with Lannie she had been married 14 years.

Buck had been dating his wife about that same time ago.

He had married a local girl he was from about 54 miles away in Panguitch!

Even though they had been married 14 years.

The Lambs didnt want to honor the prenupt that was signed by them she got a quarter of Douglas's share of the family inheritance. She was due almost 3/4 of his quarter which is about $10,000,000. 

She wasn't sweating the small stuff yet!

Rebbecca was suing them for about 20 mlllion which was what the prenupt said she could!

They will have to pay it!

Buck didnt care if she had money or not.

He loved her anyway!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rebbecca was handling her law suit.

Going through the prenupt since her husband committed Suicide she was entitled to her dead husbands share of the Lamb Family fortune or about $120,000,000 when they got looking into it.

They tried to give her the $20,000,000.

Rebbecca got her $50,000,000 out of court and she was just to go away.

She was no longer a Lamb!

She loved Douglas, and he loved her but his family thought their son married beneath him!

There was another family that had a daughter that was more on his social economic level, she was as ugly as a horse and weighed about as much as one.

In order to save himself a life with that he and Lannie snuck off to Vegas and were married.

Her family refered to her as a Gold Digger.

Truth was for her it wasn't about the money!

She loved Douglas. 

She got away from the Lamb Family, she just went away.

As they asked.

She went straight to Buck Legrand's house.

It had been his parents house.

Buck stayed and took care of his mother who just seemed to get weaker and weaker.

Buck was sure that when his dad died, of stomach cancer.

His mom died of a broken heart.

She just gave up after her husband of 50 years had died.

Buck was the one to lift her from bed to the toilet, livingroom, kitchen. Where ever she needed to be.

He dressed her, bathed her, fed her.

She would do nothing for herself.

Her mind was good but she just failed to thrive after the death of her husband!

Buck had a girlfriend Sarah Spencer they had been lifelong sweethearts but dates included Bucks mom!

Sarah understood, she knew and loved Buck's mom from when the were teenagers she was always at the Legrands home after Buck's dad died she saw what happened to Olivia, Bucks mom.

She loved his mom.

Hers had died when she was 7.

Olivia was the only mom she had known.

Sarah had been treated like one of the family. 

After his mom passed him and Sarah were married.

They had been married 2 years.

She had gone to Richfield to see a Dr. there she was pregnant with their first child.

 She was on her way back from Richfield it was about Dusk coming through the canyon a huge buck ran in front of her and she hit it.

It was killed.

Her front end of her pickup was obliterated.

The huge Buck landed in her cab the tines on it's horns got her neck and her Jugular Vein was hit and she bled out.

Her right eyeball was punctured  as well.

It was only 45 minutes later somebody found her but it was to late she was killed.

Buck threw himself into his work for the summer if he was busy he didnt have to think about anything but work.

Then the winter came and all he had was time!

A bullet to the head was looking better and better.

He decided to find out what else he could do.

The town was looking for a deputy for Stu.

He figured if it was a bullet that got him it wouldn't be at his own hands. 

He met with Stu.

He was actually a great guy.

He was having a blast working with Stu.

He forgot about his death wish he had.

He had Sunday dinner with them quite a few times. 

Him and Stu got a Drunk and Disorderly call.

It was one of the Yorgansen kids out of Circleville about 20 miles away. He was usually a pretty good kid. 

That day he had some alcohol in his system and he was 10 feet tall and bulletproof he decided to fight.

 Stu took his right and he got the left they were taking him down and the kid got his hand loose and he accidently gouged some skin off his cheek with his thumb. 

Buck started to notice some blood on the kid after wresling with him.

Either the kid, Stu or him were bleeding. 

After getting the cuffs on Stu asked "You okay?" 

"Yea, I'm fine! He said "Why?"

"Your cheek is bleeding!" Said Stu.

Buck touched his cheek and with the sweat and oils on his fingers it stang!"

"Dang it!"

After the kid was picked up by the police Stu took him home and started cleaning his cheek.

"Dont worry, Stu said teasingly.

Your still ugly!"

"Comming from somebody that was uglier than me to begin with!" Buck teased back!

"I dont think you're ugly!"

He heard a female voice say he thought it was  one of Stu's daughters.

He saw the most beautiful woman he had laid his eyes on.

He remembered her from high school she was a year or so ahead of him.

She was Lannie Price.

She married Douglas Lamb! 

Turns out her husband had died, committed suicide.

He had heard.

They both felt a spark. 

He saw her and he was invited to dinner every Sunday.

They were sat together.

He was sure Rebbecca was playing Matchmaker with them.

They both could care less. 

Twelve months later Lannie showed up and moved in he though how lucky could he be?

One of the few things she asked was what his real name was.

He hated it his name was Richards Legrand. 

Not Richard, Richards if was his moms maiden name.

He rode rodeo and they started calling him Buck!

He liked that he had been known as Buck almost as long as he had been Richards.

Lannnie liked Buck better as well and that's what she called him.

They decided to marry and 3 months later they were.

Now Douglas Lamb had never given Lannie children.

It just never happened it wasnt due to not trying. 

Bucks wife Sarah died with their child.

A little girl She was carring her it was found out that day.

Thats why Sarah had been to Richfield with the Doctor.

Seems like Lannie and Buck were very prolific the first time they had sex after their marrage Lannie got pregnant with a little girl. 

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We had 7 kids now Marshall and Gayle were up on the adoption docket.

We had a year now and they would be ours we just got Carla she was 17.

Gramma Mia loved all her grand daughters, and Grandsons.

Marshall was no exception.

Like Cynthia he showed an aptitude for cooking.

He was being macho and was claiming that cooking was for women!

She had him watch Chopped on the Food Channel.

He saw all kinds of men that were Chef's that were owners of their own restaurants many Black male Chefs.

He started watching the channel he could tell you who was going to win.

"The way she or he is cooking it; will turn out way salty.

Sure enough that person was Chopped.

Because their dish was just to salty! 

We got him thinking about being a Chef.

We started figuring out how much Culinary Schools were.

Come hell or high water he was going to cooking school.

At their Junior year Leslie came and told Cyn and Cynthia that during the summer she had started getting dry again.

Cynthia and Cyn were so pleased with her.

They told her too bad that they would miss her in the the bedwetting room!.

Dont worry I'm not completly dry yet just maybe once or three times a week!

Im not ready to abandon you guys yet!

Your not getting rid of me that easy! She smiled.

Cyn and Cynthia were getting hot and heavy with the Olson brothers. Grant and Gary.

They had each given the two girls a promise ring.

Mr. Peterson got the two boys together.

He said "Boys I wont last forever!

Now your mom Delia was great friends with my Margie.

I wished your mom would of been one of my daughters.

Her first wet bed was in Margie's bed. 

I Held her that night, she was shaking and shivering she was scared to death of your families curse.

She told me she wished that I was her dad as well. 

I loved your mom!

None of my kids are interested in being farmers.

Would you two be to upset that when I die, l leave you two my farm.

Hell my kids will just sell it off!

This way it will be like leaving it in my family still.

Those two girls you two are dating the two Cynthias.

You cant find two girls much better than them two!

You will probably have to get another house for the other brother to use.

There is only the one of those!"

Grant and Gary looked at each other. 

"Mom told us about you when we told her we had met you she has very good memories of you as well.

She loved you more than her own dad.

He was a bit verbally abusive about her and her siblings lack of control.

She said that you was the best.

She hated being uprooted from here in Antimony and moved to Richfield.

She missed you and your daughter Margie. 

All we can say is Thank You very much.

But were are praying for your long life Mr. Peterson!

The world is a better place with you in it!

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On 11/30/2018 at 8:30 AM, CDfm said:

Good additions again. I ended up getting pretty far behind again. A funeral in Maryland one week and then a trip back to Denver over Thanksgiving were the cause. Put over7,000 miles on my truck in those two weeks so there wasn’t much reading happening. I had to chuckle at one point here. Back in the chapter where Stu and Roy came across the guy with the warrant for drugs that little mistake had me laughing good and hard. He would have been  extradited back to New Mexico not rushed back by being expedited back. I don’t have any more likes again now. I will be working on staying caught up better again. 

Thank you it has been changed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being Juniors this year was great. 

Cynthia, Cyn, now they have Carla as well.

This year everything was switched around there were quite a few schools that didnt have football teams.

Those that did in their region were placed in a second district in their region.

Baseball, and Softball were in the fall followed by Basketball Wrestling and Volleyball. Then track and field in the spring. 

There was, the Gunnison Bulldogs, Piute Thunderbirds, Panguitch Bobcats, Bryce Valley Mustangs, Escalante Moquis, and the Valley Buffalos. 6 teams winning Region was like Winning State.

Then in Basketball Wrestling and Volleyball you faced the teams from District #2.

More teams in State we still had St Joes and others from the East side of the State where there were other schools. 

Playing Softball Cynthia was catcher, Cyn will be Third Base, Carla will be First Base!

First game they had Gunnison.

It was a home game.

Cynthia and Carla Phelps.

Somebody noticed that they had the same name and since Carla was black!

"Hey Cynthia and Carla, you two sisters?"

Somebody called out. Then laughed

Cynthia looked and said "Yes we are!"

Cynthia saw a persons jaw drop, she was sure that was the guy that called that out!

Cynthia wasn't ashamed of Carla she was her sister!

Just like Denice and Gayle, Naomi!

They had a squeeze play at home the girl tried to rush Cynthia.

She stood her ground and tagged the girl out.

The girl tried to run her over.

The girl hit her and Cynthia was expecting something worse.

It wasnt as bad as she expected.

The girl rushing at her hit her shoulder and she bounced back.

The girl was on the ground crying!

"Are you alright?" Cynthia asked?

"No!" The girl said!

"Are you injured?" Cynthia asked?

"No. My dad said said he would deny I'm his kid.

You got to understand, my family is very competitive. 

Cynthia saw the guy that had yelled out that Cynthia and Carla were sisters.

"Dont bother coming home Laura.

Your out of our family!"

Laura started to sob!

Cynthia helped her up he got her to the Piute side and she sat with the Piute team.

Still cryin she didnt come out to play with her team.

They had to substitute.

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Cynthia saw Laura get told by somebody.

"Get lost loser!" As she attempted to board the bus.

Cynthia saw them them leave without Laura!

Cynthia had her dad call their case manager.

An hour later Mrs. Openshaw arrived. 

"Whats the problem?" 

Cynthia told her from the 6th inning on how She had stopped Laura from scoring. 

What her dad told her before driving off. 

What the girl on the bus said to her!

"She was my little sister!" Said Laura. 

"So you was abandoned?" Mrs. Openshaw asked?

"I have been kicked out of my family! 

I dont have anywhere to go!"

Cynthia saw the tears start again.

"Dad can we take her she needs a home!"

"Yes, said Mrs. Openshaw. 

Please I do have room for her at this time but at our crisis center. 

The problem is were about ready to raid a place and they have loads of girls that are being pimped out!

They are sent to Salt Lake to be used on the street. 

They are mostly from Russia lured here by the promise of the American Dream!

Thats their Dream to be a hooker right!" Mrs Openshaw said sarcastically!

"We have an extra room we will take her." Said Stu!

As we were riding to our home, Laura kind of patted Cynthia.

"Cynthia do you think your dad will get mad at me if I tell him I still have a problem with Bedwetting?" 

"When you wet do you wear protection?" Asked Cynthia?

"Do you mean Diapers?" Laura asked

"Yeah!" Said Cynyhia.

"No, l wished!" Said Laura!

I sleep in my own wet bed!"

"Dad and mom believe in diapers for us bedwetters!

Wont be a problem!"

"Us bedwetters?


"Yes!" Bedwetting is not a problem where we come from!


"Cool!" Said Laura!

"Carla your sister, is like your mom black or something?"

"No, Carla was a Fostor sister that mom and dad adopted, were also adopting her younger brother Marshall and her little sister Gayle!"

"How many brothers and sisters do you have."

"Well believe it or not until a few years ago I didnt know my dad Stu.

All I knew was his name was Stuart Phelps.

My mom and him had me when they were just a bit younger than me.

Dad didn't even know about me until l was 14!

I actually met mom first then I met dad.

They had Denice by that time.

Mom was pregnant with David and Naomi.

Then we got Carla.

Then Marshall, then Gayle!

Then mom had Stuart!

Now it looks like a Laura will be living with us now! Said Cynthia.

They got home and Stu informed Rebbecca about what happened. 

"Cynthia will you see if anything you have will fit Laura, please?"

After Laura was out of her baseball uniform and looked more like a regular girl. 

"Laura can I talk to you?

In private?" Asked Rebbecca?

"Sure what do you want to talk about?" Asked Laura?

"Laura you will find out sooner or later our family has a big problem with bedwetting!"

"Yeah I already know that Cynthia confessed to me that she still wets her bed, she knows l do as well! 

That wont be a big problem will it?"


No, just so you know Gayle still wets her bed. 

Denice does as well.

Cynthia you know about!

Carla does sometime but not always. 

She was molested in one of her placements. 

Stu used to be a cop down in Phoenix, Arizona. 

He was shot twice.

Once in the chest, it ruined one of his lungs he only has about half a lung left on that side!

The second in his lower back, that one damaged a nerve and he is like Cynthia and you he wets his bed as well now.

He went 20 years with out wetting his bed then, bang!

He wets his bed again! 

Now me, I'm sure you've seen doctor after doctor for your bedwetting, what did they all tell you?"

"I have a small bladder?" Asked Laura?

"Did they tell you that you would probably outgrow it eventually?"

"Yeah they did!"

"They told me that as well!

Guess what?" Asked Rebbecca?

"What?" Asked Laura?

"They were wrong!" 

I still wet my bed like l did when those doctors were telling me l would soon outgrow my bedwetting!

But thats okay l became a Lawyer as a bedwetter. 

Just to let you know bedwetting won't hold you back!

If anything holds you back it will be yourself!" 

You know, my family blamed me because I bedwet. 

They said I held them down, It isnt my fault!" Said Laura!

"You know l don't even know your last name! Said Rebbecca!

My name is Laura Rebecca Seals!


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The next day was a school day.

Rebbecca took the oldest 3 Cynthia, Carla and Laura, and they went to Richfield. 

All Laura had was the clothes that Cynthia had lent her to wear.

They got her Bras, panties, socks,  nylons, blouses, shirts, pants, skirts, a dress for Sunday, shoes for Sunday and nice shoes for school, plus tennis shoes. 

Rebbecca went to the Hospital Supply Store and got Laura her own diapers.

They also got her a rubber sheet for her bed in case she leaked!

Rebbecca took them to the Boutique where they all got Mani/ pedis, their hair was washed dried and cut and done up.

Laura had her brown hair dyed blonde. 

They were getting a late Lunch when the Olson brothers showed up!

Grant was happy, but Gary was kind of bummed out that Cyn wasn't with them.

They were both introduced to Cynthia's new sister Laura.

They had to get a few perishable things from Walmart.

While going up and down the aisles.

Rebbecca, Cynthia, Carla, and Laura ran into her parents! 

"What the Hell loser? Her dad asked?

What happened to your brown hair?

Already turning your backs on us?"

"Sure did! Said Cynthia.

"You guys turned your backs on her yesterday!"

"You guys really know how to pick them. Said her dad.

I understand that Carla the firstbasemen she is black don't you know!

Is Cynthia adopted as well?"

"For Cynthia yes and no.

Her father is her biological father!

I adopted her as my daughter after her mother was murdered. 

As far as Carla, yes I do know she is black.

Yes my husband and I have adopted her!

And I would again and again if I could, you see I'm not a racist and a bigot like you!" Said Rebbecca!

The guys Jaw dropped he liked to think he wasn't a racist. 

Thinking about his dealings with Carla, he could see how his words looked racist!

"Well you got the worst of the deal with Laura here.

I guess you already know she pisses her bed like a 3 year old every night!"

"Yes we know and could care less!

She is a very beautiful girl!

I guess she takes after her mother?" Rebbecca asked?

"Her mother doesnt piss her bed every night!

If I was you, I would beat her ass every morning she has a wet bed, thats what she has known thus far!"

"No I prefer another route, we call it love!

It may not cure her bedwetting, but then again neither will beating the child every morning for her wet beds! 

I have a very good friend whose mother was like you and beat her every morning.

It got so the beatings got worse and worse, belts were replaced by fists! 

Her mom beat her so bad she ended up in the hospital!

Mom got arrested and still is in prison. 

My friend is in her 20's and still wets her bed! 

So daily beatings don't work! 

All my friend got out of it was an intense hatred for her mother!

All that it did for you was turn you into an abuser!

Does it make you feel like a big man to abuse a little girl?

Frankly if thats all you can do?

I doubt your manhood!

Good day Mr. Seals, remember one thing!

One mans Trash is another mans Treasure.

We happen to think Laura is a treasure!"

The four ladies walked away.

After they were away, Laura said "Rebbecca please dont be mad but when we ran into my dad and he started to tell you to beat me....

I kind of wet my panties!

I'm sorry!"

"Dont be when I was telling him those things as mad as he was getting, I was sure he was going to hit me!

I kind of wet mine as well.

So don't feel bad!

Panties wash, pee is washed away!"

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The next day the three girls that played hooky yesterday got to go to school. 

Laurie was accepted by Cyn, just as Carla had been.

School was not bad for Laura.

She had either Cynthia, Cyn, or Carla in all but one of her classes.

There she had a girl named Leslie to watch out for her. 

She found out why Leslie was such good friends of Cyn and Cynthia.

They all played basketball and Leslie was getting raped by her moms uncle!

It caused her to be like Cynthia a bedwetter. 

Leslie was surprised when Laura told her that she was like Cynthia! 

At lunch they talked about the bedwetters room at Region and State Finals.

Every starter was in that room. 

"Laura you're  pretty tall you ever think about being a foreward for basketball?"

"Not before but maybe now! 

There are more girls like me!" She said. 

"With the three Phelps girls!

Cynthia Cyn and  l.

We could win state for the second year in a row!" Said Leslie. 

We got Cyn, Cynthia, and l as Guards. Laura and and Carla!

There was another girl from Circleville as forewards.

And there is a Freshman girl from Kingston that is like 6 foot almost 3 now!

Nobody could beat us.

"Cynthia is one tough girl she took a beating between Region and State!

Seemed the more they tried to hurt her the better she played!" Said Leslie?

"What happened to her?" Asked Laura?

Last game of Region a girl from Marysvale, dislocated her ankle.

She  made it back to State. 

The St. Joes girls beat her up twice last time was just before we played them for state!

She had stitches in her head and still was clobbering them! 

Then they elbowed her head and broke the stitches open.

I was so upset l started killing them we won state.

Buy the end they had lost all but like one of their starters.

For fighting.

All of it was them going after Cynthia. 

One of their girls was even arrested for hitting a cop!"

"Sounds like fun I can't  wait!

At least it won't be dull around you guys! Said Laura!"

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They got home Stu was going out to drive around as Constable! 

Cynthia asked if she could go.

Laura asked if she could go to.

Carla was taken to Rebbecca's and Willy's Law Firm.

She wanted to be the Lawyer like her mom. 

The other 3, Stu, Cynthia, and Laura just drove around town.

The General Store had been robbed.

Stu called the Sheriffs Department and had them start coming to town, investigations were outside his perview as Constable. 

Stu did see a car that matched the description of the car that was seen to be involved it had California plates.

The driver matched the perp.

Stu was on the phone with the Sheriffs Dispatch. 

He was giving them info of where they were going, Licence Plate number.

All the sudden the guys lit out.

They were flying through town. 

Like the kids from the year before, they slid when they hit the turn where the road goes from north and south, to an East and west road.

But instead of going through the bridge these guys slid into Mr. Barker's milk barn. 

Then they slid through the door.

And into the cow Corral!

Their car over turned and the thee occupant were trapped as the car started filling up with cow manure!

It had been raining and at the south end of his corral.

The rain water mixed the manure.

And it became a cesspool there, these guys crawled out covered in brown cow poop and urine.

They smelt terrible.

Stu had the guys at gun point.

The 2 girls started fixing the corral so the cows wouldn't walk away. 

Mr. Barker was called and he went to see how much damage was done.

The Sheriffs Department arrived. the guys were  

Escorted to the barn where they were sprayed off and their clothes that were now a permanent brown were put in large bags and the guys were arrested the tow truck arrived and the car was pulled from the mire.

The gun and the cash were recovered from the car the lady that was robbed, identified the two that had robbed her!

The third was the driver!

The guys were naked until they were given the jump suits that they were given. 

Stu called his friends and Neighbors.

Within a couple of hours Mr. Barker's milk barn and his corral was fixed! 

Next morning for the morning milking.

You almost couldnt tell where the car went through his barn!

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"Is your job always that exciting daddy?" Asked Laura?

"No not usually but it has its moments!" Said Stu.

"When you get to old to do your job, I want it okay Daddy!" Said Laura!

"Well I think Cynthia wants it as well?" Said Stu.

"Okay Daddy, but how did you get the job?" Asked Laura?

"Before we moved here I was Lt Stuart Phelps Phoenix PD Public Communication Officer. 

Before that I was in charge of Dispatch.

Before that l had been a dispatcher.

Even prior to that I was Officer Stuart Phelps, Phoenix PD.

That was until I was shot at and hit twice."

"Mom mentioned something about you starting to wet your bed after being shot!

I guess that was it?"

"Yep, one hit a nerve in my lower back leaving me bedwetter like you.

The other ruined part of my right lung, as you know is larger than your left because your heart is on that side.

If l run more than the length of a football field, I pass out."

"How did you meet Rebbecca, l Mean Mommy?"

"Well after I was shot. I became a dispatcher.

I did a really good job!

Got moved to Shift Supervisor. 

Dispatch Coordinator came open I put in for it and was told this usually went to a female because guys usually get moved to patrol by that time. 

Since I couldnt do patrol.

They wouldnt even consider me because I was male!

The lady they put in sucked at the job.

I sued for Sex Discrimination and they gave me this gorgeous attorney named Rebeccca Scott. 

We shouldn't of fell in love, but we did. 

We didnt date until I had won my case, and she gave me a pity date!

I must of impressed her we had a second and a third and then a dozen!

She still wasnt sure she wanted to marry me yet though!

My bedwetting was brought out during the Law Suit!

I still didn't know she wet her bed. 

Finally she had some vacation here in Antimony!

She came back and met me for dinner. 

The way she was talking it sounded like she was breaking up with me.

Then she told me she still wet her bed. 

I proposed to her and we were married a few months later. 

We were able to get Rebbecca pregnant with the twins. 

We came to tell her dad and Rebbecca's mom was still alive.

On the way home we witnessed a crash.

5 people dead and one girl in a wheelchair.

One girl was perfectly fine her dad mom and gramother were all killed.

This girl was in a car seat that saved her not even a scratch!

I pulled her from the wreckage and put her in with Rebbecca. 

I helped direct traffic and I also told the highway patrol we had this girl.

After everything was cleaned up and traffic was flowing again.

The cops left, l crawled into my truck and the girl was still there!

We flipped around and went back into kingman. 

You wouldnt believe the trouble we had trying to pawn this little girl off on.

Finally we got the Arizona Department of Child Protective Services.

The Case Manager begged us to take the little gir! 

That's is how we got Denise!"

"Wow, when did you get Cynthia, or has she always lived with you guys?" Asked Laura?

"Well after the twins were born. 

And we were adopting Denise.

Rebbecca and her friend Monica, had a lady they used to hangout with on weekends.

One weekend the friend met this 19 year old girl that well she kind of took under her wing!

This girl had green hair I believe, more peircings looked like a fish that got away more than a few times.

Well Rebbecca and Monica the next time they see this girl she looked just like that, a little girl! 

She looked like she was about 12, Rebbecca fell in love with this girl.

A few weeks later, this girl called Rebbecca, turns out the lady had became upset with the girl and beat the heck out of her. 

Rebbeca went and got her, brought her home. 

She was really beat up.

I heard her crying, and I went to her. 

She asked me if my name was Stuart Phelps. 

That was my name.

She called me "daddy."

Where did that come from?

She asked me if I remembered Barbara Jennings? 

Barbara Jennings was a girl I used to date when I was your age. 

Barbara and I, we....  we learned the joys of sex.

Now this girl took out a photo of me that I had given Barbara.

I had even signed it. 

It was the one l gave to Barbara.

Barbara and her parents lived close to me. 

I was there one day, and they were gone the next.

What I didn't know was that having sex we created a child. 

I didnt know that I had been a dad since I was 16. 

Barbara named her Cynthia."

"Thats how you got Cynthia? 

Why was she living with that lady and not Barbara?" Asked Laura?

"Well Barbara got a boyfriend!

He thought that Cynthia should give him sex just like her mother gave him.

She ran away from home, she was living on the streets as an 18 year old.

She was adopted by these people that took her in as a little girl. 

She called once to find out if her mom had gotten rid of her boyfriend to only find out he had killed her mom! 

Then we found each other!

"It was like Barbara got you two back together as an angel or something, l mean what are the chances that you two find each other, then A lady that is a frend of your wife, just happens to come rescue her?"

"I'd say slim or none!" Said Stu!

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Carla, Cynthia, Cyn, Laura, Russell Irons, went out on a date with The Olson Brothers, and the guy they called Cart they found out his name was Jeff Carter.

They all went to the movies and watched... well not really watched the movie.

Carla was with Russell Irons, Cythia was with Grant, Cyn was with Gary, Laura was with Jeff Carter.

They all decided to quit going to movies, it was  a waste of money!

Afterwards they went to the Chinese food place.

There were two local girls that had something to say about the color of Carla's skin and was calling her racial names!

They were surprised when the three white girls stood up for her! 

They didn't threaten them but tell them they were wrong!

"What's it to you three, anyway?" The local girls asked?

She is my Sister both Cynthia and Laura said!

"And my good friend said Cyn!"

"Really?" The local girls asked?

They made more disparaging comments to Carla.

Then they started swinging at Cynthia and Laura! 

They both took the initial hits, Cynthia got a small cut on her eyebrow, Laura got a bloddy nose!

That was the only hits the two girls landed.

Within 15 seconds both local girls were on the ground. 

Neither Cynthia nor Laura threw a punch, both girls looked like Line Backers and tackled the two girls to the ground!

There was a few other local girls jumped up but Cyn and Carla moved into their way.

The police arrived and all Cynthia and Laura did was hold the two girls down. 

The maddest were the two local girls. 

Cynthia and Laura both got off the girls when told to do so. 

The two local girls went back and attacked Cynthia and Laura. 

Laura was caught in the chin. 

The cops put hand restraints on the two local girls. 

The video was watched. 

They separated Cynthia and Laura.

"What did they say to you girls?" Asked the police?

"It wasn't at us it was at our sister Carla, they had something to say about her color!

"You say say something back, what was that?" The cops asked?

"That they were wrong and shouldn't be saying things like they said."

"Then they attacked you, you both took some very bad hits.

Why did you tackle them?" Asked the cops?

"My dad is Town Constable in Antimony!

He would kill me if we got arrested, we just protected ourselves from futher injury!"

The video showed the two local girls were the aggressors.

They were arrested, when asked both local girls told conflicting accoulnts and told outright lies about the other girls starting it.

Others that had witnessed it all said the local girls started wih calling the black girl racial names. 

The other two girls never threw a punch they just held the other girls so they couldnt fight!

With the excitement died down the 4 girls and 4 boys sat and ate dinner.

The girls were returned home both had blood on their shirts! 

Rebbecca called the police department and asked what are the girls being charged with?

She was happy to see a felony hate crime was one of the things charged with.

Neither girl was hurt  bad enough to get stitches or needed medical treatment.

Carla was thankful for her two sisters they stood up for her!

When the racial slurs started, she was sure she was going to have to fight tonight! 

Cynthia and Cyn and Laura all moved her behind them, she knew they had her back!

Cyn was ready to kick ass and take names.

When the other girls jumped up so did they, they were not going to let them hurt the other two even if they had to throw punches!


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  • 2 weeks later...

There was nothing going on in town now.

Cynthia, Cyn, Carla, and Larua were just going to school, nothing exciting.

Stu and Rebbecca got word that Laura had been removed from her family.

In fact all of her siblings have been removed, seems the state felt that the way Laura had been abandoned by her family, her parents were not the best parents for the other kids!

She had 3 sisters and three Brothers.

The oldest was Laura at almost 16, to her younger toddlers twin brother and sister just two.

Mrs. Openshaw asked Stu and Rebbecca if "Are you willing to take a couple of more?"

"Willing yes, said Rebbecca, but we have room for only one more!"

"I have her sister Deann she is about 15 months younger than Laura. 

Are you willing to take her?"

"We will take her but were clear full after that until we get some kids out to college!" Said Rebbecca.

"Terrific, I can have her there in a couple of hours?"

"That will be fine!" Said Rebbecca.

About an hour and a half later, Mrs. Openshaw arrived.

She had two girls with her.

One a bit older than Laura, and one that had to be Laura's sister.

"I know l know you have room for one, that is Deann.

The other girl us named Helga, she is from the Ukraine. 

I need a home for her, frankly you guys understand bedwetting so well, Helga still does, but Deann doesnt, she can stay in a room with one of your older daughters. 

Right now we got 26 girls we were expecting a dozen.

We got two bakers dozen, 26. 

She doesn't, speak very much English.

Through a translater we got that about her bedwetting."

"If she doesnt mind bunking up with Cynthia, she has a queen bed for when Cyn sleeps over." Said Rebbecca.

They all got ready for bed after dinner which was late due to Mrs. Openshaw's arrival. 

They were all diapered for bed. 

Late at night Cynthia heard crying she realized it must be Helga.

She cuddled up with Helga, who at first was scared but heard Cynthia "Shh-ing her!

She felt close to Cynthia.

Since her arrival in America a week ago.

This was the first time she had been treated nicely! 

In her room Deann was scared she had a nightmare. 

She awoke and felt the perspiration underneath her.

Wait it was mostly around her middle it wasnt sweat it was urine!

She had wet her bed!

I dont wet my bed that's Laura. She thought.

In another part of the house Laura was having the first dry night in over a year!

She wouldnt find this out until morning, she was sound asleep right now.

This would be a first Laura, she slept dry and Deann wet her bed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To those still reading my stories.

I have not abandoned them. 

I retired medically (Arthritis, Ruptured Rotator Cuff), about 2 weeks ago. 

I am in the process of moving.

I promise I will start to write more here soon once I get settled.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Helga was picking up speaking English.

Reading was another thing. 

She worked with Rebbecca and she could tell when she got it right by the facial expession on Rebbecca's face! 

At first she hated the United States. 

The people she first met were mean to her. They tried to teach her English like Rebbecca was but when she got it wrong.

They used a belt on her bottom, that stang like hell! 

Now when she got it wrong.

It was the look of disappointment on Rebbecca's face. It stung almost as bad as that belt.

She wanted to please Rebbecca as much as possible.

After being in their home she felt this was the place she wanted in the first  place she signed up to find an American Boyfriend possibly a marrage. 

They were trying to get her to have sex with anybody. 

They had a girl there that was from her neck of the woods so to speak 30 KM away.

She had sex with a guy right in front of them to show them what was expected of her and the other girls.

She was shocked!

She had been raised different, sex was supposed to be between her and her husband when she got one!

Not just anybody with the money to pay.

She prayed and prayed that something would happen before she had to comprimise her body with the guy. 

It was getting closer to her turn she was scared and had wet herself.

All of the sudden the doors burst open and guys with guns came in.

She wet again out if fear this time.

They had a lady that spoke her language. She was never so happy to hear her native tongue! 

She told the lady everything that had happened to her from the time she got to the States until she was liberated.

The lady noticed she was wet and asked het about if she had problems staying dry day and night?

"Mostly at night, but as you see, occasionally in the day time, when l get stressed, scared!"

She was given new clothes and got her first bath in about 3 days.

She and other girls that were locked up with her were put on a yellow bus.

They wete taken and a lady took her and another girl in a car.

She tryed to talk to the other girl.

She either didn't speak her Language or was ignoring her.

They drove through the dark they pulled into the driveway and the lady said "We're here."

The other girl must speak English she got up and took her bag she looked like she wanted to cry.

Then a redhaired lady came out.

Helge thought she had kind eyes.

There was nothing in them like she had ran into recenly they had evil in their eyes.

This lady didnt.

She didnt have anybody to talk to.

In bed that night she was heartbroken this is not what her mom and dad sent her here for.

She began to cry. 

The girl that she was sleeping with put her arms around her and hugged her.

This was the first comfort she had had since she left home. 

Whoever that girl was she was the kindest person she had the honor of seeing in this contry thus far.

At least Rebbecca was trying she got a Russian/ English dictionary she was trying to speak Russian but wasn't doing the best at it.

She had a hard time not laughing at Rebbecca.

She was sure that Rebbecca was having a hard time not laughing at her attempts at English!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Helga got taken on another yellow bus. 

This time The girl who's bed she slept with.

At first she was embarrased she still wet her bed at night, come to find out that she wasn't alone. 

The girl she slept with, wore diapers and was as wet as she was.

Not only her but the the girl who was in the car the night she was brought here was wet and another girl that looked a lot like the girl that got brought with her that night. There was another girl a black girl wet her bed last night as well.

At school they got off the yellow bus.

Helga knew it was a school, it looked like the one she used to go to.

Rebbecca was there and she had papers.

She signed other papers and she was taken to a classroom. 

The girl she slept with and the girl who got on the yellow bus with them and looked and talked to her bed mate. She said her name was sin, Americans had funny names.

Her bedmate was named Sinthia or something like that . 

There was one boy who got in her face and yelled at her.

She could tell he was mad at her. 

The two girls got in his face. She heard them say Duh to him.

In Her homeland that meant your stupid! She thinks it meant the same thing here!

The boy got in Helga's face and called her a "Commie!"

Both Cyn and Cynthia told the boy! "Just because she is from what used to be part of the Soviet Union, doesnt make her a commie! In fact the Communist Party hasn't existed since the late 1980's! Duh!"

The boy looked surprised, Cynthia and Cyn decided he must not be doing very well in History Class!

Soon she was taken and they had lunch. 

Then more school then they got out of school and got on the yellow bus that took them back the other way and she got back to the place she left this morning!

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  • 1 month later...

Helga went from her room and the next room she found was Carla's.

Like herself Carla was different, she was a black girl that wasn't born to Rebbecca. 

She was treated just like another daughter.

Next she found Laura who was talking to Deann.

They looked alike they were probably sisters.

Neither looked like Rebbecca, Laura was already here, Deann arrived the same time that she herself had. Deann as she understood had started wetting her bed since her arrival here.

Helga kind of understood how she felt, but like Laura had wet her bed prior go her arrival here.

Next room was a girl that looked just like Rebbecca and Stu.

She was her kid there was no mistaking it and her name was Deniece! She was playing with a girl that was like Carla named Gayle. 

Next room was two kids a David and Naomi. 

these 2 were sister and brother to Deniece.

There was another boy he was like Carla and Gayle he was black.

"Hi, he said my name is Marshall, your?"

Helga didnt understand. 

He touched his chest, "Marshall!" 

He touched her chest, not in a sexuall way but she understood.

"Helga!" She said.

"Helga, that's a beautiful name!"

He smiled at her.

Helga found herself smiling back, he had a beautiful smile.

They sat and tried to communicate the best they could.

Rebbecca yelled "Dinner!"

She got up and smiled at Marshall as she kissed his lips. 

Marshall kissed her back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After dinner Rebbecca took Helga aside and with her Russian dictionary helped Helga with her homework.

She read to Helga, to the best of her abilities the questions. 

Then had Helga answer the question in Russian. 

She then found the answer in American and had her write it down.

One of the answers was black.

Helga said in English; "Marshall, Carla, Gayle black?"

This came out more of a question than a statement.

"Yes you are right, but they prefer African-American." Said Rebbecca.

"Afican Amracan!" Said Helga.

"Af ri can- Amer i can!" Offered Rebbecca.

"African- Amer i can!" Said Helga!

"Thats right!" Said Rebbecca.

Helga got a huge grin on her face she knew she had got it right!

"Laura, DeAnn?" Helga asked?

"They are foster kids, like you." Said Rebbecca.

"Foster kids?" Asked Helga?

Rebbecca thumbed through the dictionary to explain "Foster Kids."

She gave the word for "Surrogate Parents!"

Helga gave the word for "Mommy?"

Rebbecca smiled, "Nothing would please me more than to be your, she gave the Russian word for "mommy."

Helga took the dictionary and said in English "Daughter?" 

"For now yes!" Said Rebbecca.

"Mommy!" Helga said in return.

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  • 1 month later...

Helga thought to herself, When l first got here, l hated the United States!

They were trying to  get me to do things l know I shouldn't do.


They kept us prisoners. 

We were locked away, we couldnt leave!

The English that they were teaching us was of a sexual nature.

"Sucky Fucky, thirtyfive dollars!"

That was the extent of her English prior to Rebbecca teaching her.

Her mom and dad in The Ukraine had sold her to those guys to come to America. 

Those guys all told us our moms and dads didn't care about us anymore! 

"They got their money, to them you are dead!"

Rebbecca wanted to be her mom! She loved Rebbecca, Cynthia, they made her feel loved again! Rebbecca was mom now.

At school the next day a kid walked by she asked Cynthia "African American?"

"No! Said Cynthia American Indian, Navajo!"

"Naveyho?" She asked?

"No Navajo." Said Cynthia.

She took Helga to the library. 

She got a couple of books one had a map of Africa and had pictures of people from that area.

"African American descended from the people from Africa!

Navajo were people from Northern Arizona," she had pictures of the Navajo people!

Helga saw a picture of a round house and pointed at it.

"Hogan what Navajo people live in, their houses!" Said Cynthia.

"Hogan, Navajo house?" Helga asked?

"Yes!" Said Cynthia with a smile!

They went to their next class Marshall was there.

She had been watching Cynthia and said "Hi Marshall!"

"Hello Helga!" He replied back with a smile. 

For some reason Helga loved Marshall.

After that she wanted more kissing, tonight.



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  • 2 weeks later...

That afternoon Helga sat by Marshall on the bus on the way home. 

"Marshall I love you!" She said quietly.

She didn't want anybody else to know.

Where she was from, she didn't know if an African American male and a Ukrainian girl could get together?

Was that even legal here?

She didn't want to be arrested! 

Where she was from if you was arrested, often you were often never heard from again!

Marshall reached out and held her hand. 

He was smiling, she smiled back.

Must not be to bad he didn't look scared. 

"Not, not legal?" She asked as she moved her index finger between them?

"Is it illegal for us to date?" Asked Marshall?

Helga shook her head yes!

"No we can legally date here nothing is illegal, just watch out for Rebbecca, mom!"

"Mom get mad?" Helga asked?

"A little, she sees it as her kids are dating, or something.

But if we get caught and tell her how we feel, l think she might see it from our point of view!"

They held hands until they reached the little bus at the crossroads.

They got on the bus and sat on the back row there hands were held again.

They were the last off the bus. The only farm further out was Roy and Amanda Irish's farm about a quarter mile down the road. 

Stu sat and watched the kids do their homework. 

After they were done Stu called Marshall over. 

"From watching you two, l can tell you and Helga are sweet on each other.

How long that been going on?"

"How did you know dad?" Asked Marshall

"Well the looks that she gave you, pure love!

The smiles you gave her back!

Cant say much your one handsome guy! Said Stu.

"Dad it just started yesterday, l have kissed her once, we've held hands on the bus back from school today. 

That's it dad, l havent done anything else!" Said Marshall

"You're not planning on going any further are you?" Asked Stu?

"No dad, l want to go to Culinary School, accidently having a kid that will kill it for me!"

"Good boy! You know your mom will kill you if you do!" Said Stu!

"I know that dad, that's why were just holding hands, and a little kissing!" Said Marshall.

"I will be the one to tell Rebbecca, she can yell at me for a while. 

Once she vents she won't explode again on you.

But nothing more than holding hands and some kissing.

I was just a bit younger than you when l helped create Cynthia, l was young once as well.

I know that's hard to believe, but I was."

"Thank's dad for going to bat for us!" Said Marshall.

"Hey you are my son!

I love you, just in a different way than Helga loves you!" Stu smiled.

So did Marshall.

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Stu and Rebbecca were getting their diapers on for the night.

"Dear have a seat." Said Stu.

"Whats the matter?

Usually when you start things out like this it isn't good!" Said Rebbecca!

"This isn"t that bad!" Said Stu.

"It's not one of the kids is it?" Rebbecca asked?

"Kind of, but it isnt bad.

It's about two of them!

Marshall and..."

"Helga I know she asked me if she could be arrested for dating an African American?

Who is the only African American male we know?


But dont worry they have held hands and kissed so far. 

Helga told me!" Said Rebbecca

"Marshall told me!" Said Stu

"Frankly l think they could both do worse. 

Them getting together, here we can keep an eye on them!

Don't you think?" Said Rebbecca!

Uhm Marshall told me they even held hands and kissed on the bus." Said Stu.

"The bus isnt bad there are 60 or so other kids on the bus from school to the dam and 20 or so others on the short bus to here.

I'm not worried!" Said Rebbecca. 

"Me neither, Marshall assured me he doesn't want to screw up going to Culinary School." 

"Helga told me that since she wasnt ready to have sex with any man that had the money, she is waiting for to share herself with her husband. 

And only her husband!"  Said Rebbecca

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Cynthia, Cyn, Carla, Laura, Helga. They asked Grant, Gary, Russell, Carter, Marshall out on a date. 

Carla and Helga were the only two with boyfriends from town. The others Grant Gary, and Carter were all from the Richfield Area. 

There was a dance at the College, it wasn't a formal so being dressed nice was okay.

It was a Live band. 

They tried all dances but really loved the slow dances. 

They tried the Chineese food place again, and nothing happened this time no fights, nothing was aimed at them personally.

They ended up and were just kissing. 

This had to be the best date thus far.

It was getting late, Carter and the Olsen Twins were dropped off and they were on their ways home they made it to Kingston Canyon.

There was a car off the side off the road, there was steam pouring out from under the hood. 

There was a dead deer off the side of the road.

They recognized the girl driving she was from a small town called Greenwitch that was where the big bus went after they got off and got on the small bus.

Cynthia took her so she could call her dad.

Then they went back and waited for her dad to come.

The girls name was Ellen. 

She was surprised to see a lot of kids she saw from the high school.

She was even more surprised to learn that Cynyhia, Carla, Laura, and Helga were Fostor Sisters or Sisters, and Marshall was a Fostor Brother, or Brother to them.

A truck came and they thought it was Ellen's dad.

It wasnt it was Stu and Cyn's dad.

"You were really late, we began to worry. 

I called Cyn's family they hadn't heard anything.

So we come looking for you!" Said Stu!

"I'm sorry dad we came upon Ellen here, l drove her back so she could call her dad! 

I didnt think of calling you, we didnt have an emergency! 

Sorry dad!"

About that time Ellen's dad did arrive and he helped her get the car far off the road.

"Thank you for stopping to help Ellen!

You renewed my faith in todays kids. 

Ellen was on her way home with her dad. 

"You know at first l was kind of upset, that you hadn't called!

I'm glad you stopped to help that girl!"

They hadn't gotten far when they encountered a whole herd of deer, there had to be at least 20-30 deer!

It took about 3 minutes to get around the herd.

The deer were more than Happy to stop traffic!

Cynthia and her car and Stu and Cyn's dad were about through them when Stu, looked in his side mirror.

There was a new Dodge Charger, it had to be doing 70- 75.

They hit that herd hard! 

Deer were flying. 

Stu had his truck, one buck a three point landed in the bed of his truck.

The Dodge was a mangle of metal.

Stu, called the Piute County Sheriffs Office and got Police, and EMS responding.

Stu and Cyn's father, Cynthia, Cyn, Carla, Laura, Marshall and Helga stopped to help those in the Dodge. 

There had to be at least 7 kids in the car. 

He sent Cynthia in his reflective vest and a flashlight she was slowing cars down when they came.

Soon there were Two Piute County Officers and One Ambulance.

The Piute Sheriff's Deputy had their dispatch get more EMS Ambulances on the way soon they had 4.

It took 2 hours and they were released by the Piute Deputy Sheriffs. 

When they got home, Rebbecca was getting after the kids for being almost 4 hours late getting home.

Stu had to set her straight that Cynthia had been very responsible!

He told her abour Ellen, then the Accident with the Dodge and Deer.

She softened a bit, they all got asleep it was going on 3am.

Stu awoke the next morning, he looked at the back end of his truck, there was blood leaking.

"What the hell?"

He asked himself.

He drew his own pistol.

He began slowly moving until he coud see the dead three point buck in his bed area.

His first call that day was to the Utah Fish and Game, he informed the Warden  what he found in the back of his truck. 

The Warden joked with him about "Been out poaching have we?"

Stu had to tell him about the Dodge Challenger, hitting the deer and them going flying. 

"One must of flew back there!" Said Stu!

"Come on, these are Mule deer, not Reindeer, they dont fly! 

I believe you Stu l had one of them suckers up a tree this morning.

I had to count them. 

With yours the number killed was 8 that included the one I had to kill, he was paralysed from the neck down, still alive when I found him.

You heard the Kid was doing 83 miless per at impact?

Didnt ya?"

"I expected 70, 75 MPH, even I under estimated!" Said Stu!

I will be there in a short to get the deer, said the Warden Mackay!

"Okay." Said Stu

  • Haha 1
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