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Leeza was 5 years old and she was getting ready to start school.

In some ways she couldn't wait, in others she was scared to death! 

It was meet your teacher night.

Molly was having a teacher named Ms. Barlow, she was young it  was her first year teaching.

She almost bubbled with her personality.

Teresa was in a different class she had a male teacher Mr. Davies.

He had a face that Eve thought looked like he had been sucking on lemons.

She thought a real sourpuss.

He unlike Ms. Barlow was towards the latter end of his teaching carrer.

Hopefully Ms. Barlow didn't look like this in 25 years. 

Leeza was going to be in Mrs.Terrazo's class.

When Leeza tried to say Mrs. Terrazo it was a hard name to say.

"Just call me Mrs. T.

That's what everybody calls me including other teachers and the principal."

She asked a lot of questions about Leeza verbal skills, even toileting skills.

They were informed that toileting is one thing they worked on here in Special Ed.

Speech, and motor skills as well.

Leeza appears pretty bright, unfortunately this has kids that are far more handicapped than Leeza.

Some we might be able to help but there are those that just sit there.

But even those respond to certain things.

I had a boy last year, no wait the year before.

He was one of those that just sat sat there in his wheelchair.

Basically just existing. 

But the end of the year he was raising his arm when I asked a question he was in his own way he made sounds and looked pleased with himself when I told him correct. 

I couldn't tell you what he said.

His parents noticed when asked he was ready to go to school he would get a big smile on his face.

They said that was the most animated he had ever been.

They thought I was a miracle worker.

Just to let You know I'm not!"

Eve said "Until I came on scene about a year ago Leeza wasn't much of a talker.

The first time we met she called me mommy, apparently she dreamed about me being her mother.

She had been in her own little world.

Her real mother used to refer to her as retarded and her sister as no personality, she was mistaken on both counts.

Leeza here is very loveable, and her sister who is a year or two younger talks like a 10 year old, very smart she can read already."

"Really asked  Mrs. T.?

So I take it your not Leeza's mother?"

"I am now that they  have been adopted by me and my husband adopted my son Tommy. We also have twins together." "Wow 5 kids, said Mrs. T.?"

"7, said Eve we have 2 older girls that we are adopting Teresa and Molly. They were the ones that had problems with Mrs. Roylance last year."

"Oh said Mrs. T. She worked here years longer than she should ever had!

There were times I wanted to smack her.

She was here before I started.

She came up and asked "How I put up with all those kids pissing and  pooping themselves?

Why didn't their worthless parents beat that crap out of them? 

I told her that most of my kids are organically brain impaired much like you!

Let's just say I wasn't one of her favorite teachers here!

I was so glad to see her go!

Weren't your two older daughters, didn't they have problems with wetting?"

"They did both are daytime dry now, nighttime is something totally different, said Eve!"

"Don t I know it said Mrs. T. I wet my bed until I was 15!"

"Same here said Eve.

Then when my mom died it returned as well."

"So you understand what your daughters are going through then said Mrs. T.?"

"Sure do, my husband does as well.

My husband played football in college he got sacked while playing Quarterback, his bladder was damaged.

He still does."

"What does your husband do?"

"He is CEO of a large local company."

"See it never stopped him from succeeding!" said Mrs. T.

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The first day of school after she got home.

Leeza came running to Eve, "Mommy, Mommy, Mrs. T. told me she really likes you!

She said I was "Teacher's Pet" she called me smart!

I can talk, there is a boy named Michael that all he does is grunt.

Clairissa she is in a wheel chair she cant walk.

David wears this funny helmet, he fell down and shook all funny.

She whispered and then he peed himself!

I'm not the only kid that wears diapers, David doesn't but maybe he should for when he starts shaking.

Teacher, Mrs. T. called it a seezher."

"You mean a seizure, asked Eve?"

"Yeah, that's what she called it."

"He wears the helmet so he doesn't hurt himself for when he does have a seizure said Eve."

"That's what teacher told us, well me anyway, I was the only one that noticed him shaking like that.

Most of the others are like I used to be in their own world.

I'm so glad I'm not like that anymore!"

Teresa came and was complaining "It's only the first day and I already have homework! Molly doesnt."

Molly smirked at her mom in a "Ha ha look."

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After about a week even Molly was complaining about the homework load.

Teresa had never stopped complaining about it.

Leeza always had stories to tell her mom when she got home from school.

Eve was always interested in what she had to say!

Adam was as well.

Eve was noticing when Leeza was talking her pronunciation was getting better she no longer referred to herself as Leeza in the 3rd person it was becoming me's and I's like she was becoming a sanctioned being not just Leeza.

School was doing wonders.

She  actually came home and said I gotta pee.

She almost made it, she had an accident trying to get her diaper off.

Eve got her pull ups to make it easier she started seeing less accidents and more victories. At school she got a treat every time she made it to the toilet.

They started doing the same thing at home.

Leeza figured out that if she went to like Cassy then to Nanny Kate then to mom and then dad she could get up to 4 treats for the same toileting.

When she found out, Eve wanted to be mad, but she couldn't, there was no fault in her logic.

She was proud of Leeza for figuring this out.

Lindsey was chomping at the bit she wanted to start school yesterday.

She had to wait until next year.

Eve was sure that she would be moved to another grade pretty quickly.

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That was a very interesting development in regards to Suzi. It really puts everyone in a really bad place. I hope that Tommy isn’t questioned in court about any remaining family. Perjury is frowned on. Especially when it involves a child. I would also think that Suzi would make sure everyone knew that this was her house. She would know about special little things concerning the house. There’s no way Eve won’t find out it is her family. I think they should be honest and open . Let the family know how much they love her and how much she loves them. Keep the family involved in her life like they were. Let them keep any money they just need to remain a family. I don’t have any more likes to give and today it’s slow to replenish. I am looking forward to reading more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eve and Adam were proud of Leeza with pull ups she was making it to the toilet about 75% of the time.

Noboy was more proud of Leeza than Leeza herself.

She told her mom that she wanted real panties like what Lindsey wears!

Eve said when you get to where your going 9 times in the toilet and only 1 accident we will get you panties.

Everyday she would count if she had more than 1 accident she knew she wasn't ready and she would say "darned" a lot.

She had one day where she had only 1 accident, she tried to talk her mom into going to the store.

Unfortunately she had an accident on the way to the store.

Eve wasn't sure who was disappointed more her or Leeza.

They got to the store and Eve bought her the panties that she wanted, with the stipulation that she can't wear them until she succeded at only one accident. 

About two days later she had 1 accident and Eve got the panties out and Leeza was so excited that she wet them.

Leeza didn't like the feeling of her pee running down her legs.

After that she wasn't as keen on panties.

Eve was devastated she started allowing Leeza to wear the panties over her diaper at night.

And over her pull ups in the day time.

This was the only way she would wear them!

It got so one day she had 0 accidents one day Eve took her Pull ups and just left her in panties.

She told Leeza if you feel like you need to potty go to the bathroom. She saw Leeza hit the potty about every 45 minutes.

She never wet them. 

"Mommy I didn't pee my panties!"

Eve praised her.

"Can I wear them to school tomorrow?"

"Whenever you want to little one." She almost called her baby. Since she was in panties she called her little one.

The next day Leeza wore her panties to school.

The teacher sent a notice home that read "Kudos to Leeza for wearing and keeping her new panties dry!

She went potty about every half an hour.

She told me that you told her when she felt like going potty to go. Great job in having Leeza the only child in the class wearing regular panties!" MS. T.

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Leeza came home dejected one day.

"What's wrong?" Asked Eve? "

Ms. T. Said since I'm smarter than the other kids, she ga'me homework!"

Eve corrected her "She gave me homework!"

Leeza looked surprised "She gave you homework to?"

"No, no, said Eve you Said ga'me homework you should of said Gave me homework."

Leeza looked at her mom, "I don't like it!"

She folded her arms and stomped her foot at the same time.

Eve had to suppress a giggle.

This was Leeza's first temper tantrum. 

Eve changed course "Can I help you with your homework?"

Leeza looked at her mom and whispered "Can you do that?" Like this was the biggest surprise in her world.

"Yes dear, I can help you." She said with a smile on her face due to the comedy that Leeza was supplying at the moment.

She looked in the book that they write messages back and forth from parents to teachers and teachers to parents.

"Leeza is so bright compared to the rest of the class that I have been giving her mainstream assignments, same as other kids in Kindergarten get she is doing great.

I have given her a homework assignment, it's a short book to read to you,  it will help her in her communication with others if she reads to you. Ms. T."

"So said Eve, your going to read me a story?"

"Yes mommy!"

Eve sat in an easy chair and sat Leeza on her lap.

Leeza began to read, there were words that she didn't know that Eve would assist her with.

Leeza could care less what she was reading, she was spending time with her mommy, just her.

She loved mommy, even teacher told her she was smart.

"First mommy Leanne was stupid, not her." 

After the book was done, Leeza asked "Mommy if I bring home another book tomorrow can I read it to you like this, I like when you listen to me read?" "

"Leeza, I would love that!

I love spending time with you, I could listen to you read all day long!"

It was Leeza's turn to smile!

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That made me smile to. I love having my grandchildren read to me. Even when they are not able to actually read. My granddaughter, who just turned 3 has had me read her the same books over and over so many times that she knows the story and now she will read it to me. I love it. 

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3 hours ago, CDfm said:

That made me smile to. I love having my grandchildren read to me. Even when they are not able to actually read. My granddaughter, who just turned 3 has had me read her the same books over and over so many times that she knows the story and now she will read it to me. I love it. 

That's how I learned to read, Peter Rabbit. I memorized it from it being read to me then when I learned the ABC'S the words made sense to me.

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Leeza and Eve met every night after work and Leeza read a book to her.

They loved the time together.

Sometimes Adam would sit in.

Sometimes Katie and/ or Cassie joined in and listened.

Tommy started sitting in and smiled at Leeza as she read to him as well.

He always gave her a hug and the obligatory wet kiss on the cheek that went with it.

Leeza told her teacher about "Lindsey and how really smart she was."

"They tested Lindsey and decided to put her in Special Ed as well at the other end of Special Ed was Gifted and Talented, Lindsey was placed there the following School Year.

It may be only Kindergarten but they were already working at a 2nd grade level.

For Lindsey this was to slow for her they moved her to 1st grade she was already at the same level as Leeza. 

They were together some of the kids were teasing her about having a retard as her sister.

She informed them "That retard means held back by an outside force, she basically told them they are retarding her.

One boy went and shoved Leeza. Lindsey laid into him physically.

Eve got a call to come to school.

When she arrived she expected to find one of them hurt, they were both fine.

Lindsey was in trouble for fighting,

Eve was upset to say the least, until Lindsey told her the boy was calling Leeza a retard.

"When I confronted him and told him the definition of retard he pushed her down.

I beat him up!"

Now Eve was ready to fight the Vice Principal.

"You guys let kids pick on those different than them?"

"Not usually no!" Said the VP, Lindsey never said why she beat up Wendel, but he is somewhat of a bully."

"Mom, he picks on everybody, not just Leeza.

Especially those kids he knows won't fight back like those kids in the wheelchairs, I've seen him punch them!

Today it was Leeza's turn they only catch him about 10% of the time.

Leeza is my sister and I love her.

She turned to the VP and told him from now on if he picks on Leeza I will handle it, and anyone else I catch him picking on as I only see about 66% of what he does, you guys are worthless!" 

Eve had to smile at Lindsey's spunk.

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Love it except Lindsey will probably still get in trouble. The school system is broken and they don’t use common sense any longer. Everything is black and white. 

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1 hour ago, CDfm said:

Love it except Lindsey will probably still get in trouble. The school system is broken and they don’t use common sense any longer. Everything is black and white. 

Ah you already know my next Chapter!

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The vice principal failed to see the humor, "That's detention for a week he said."

Now Eve was mad "Whoa, just because you as staff fail to keep your students safe, is no reason to punish the messenger!

"Ma'am when I want your opinion as a parent I will then ask for it!"

"Tell you what said Eve, you take care of your business like your supposed to and I won't have to go to the media, oh yeah in this day of no bullying policy and you guys let a known bully operate the press will have a field day!"

"You may do what ever you feel needs to be done and I will do what I feel needs to be done!" "Good day, with that he walked out."

The next day Wendell was not a fan of being bested by a girl.

He got 3 of his friends and had one keep the playground monitor amused.

They cornered Leeza and Lindsey around a corner and started telling Leeza

"What a retard she was and threatening Lindsey, this time Lindsey was scared and just stood there until one of Wendell's thugs shoved her to the ground.

Leeza was being called Stupid Bitch and a whole bunch of other names by Wendell.

She heard Grandmother Annie in her head, "Punch him, fight back!"

She did Wendell was bleeding from the nose and had lost a tooth. Seeing this his thugs lost their will power and ran, they went and got the playground monitor.

Lindsey seeing Leeza fight back got herself off the ground and said to Wendell!

"You've been bested by another girl, and one you think is a retard, so what does that make you but a retarded girl!"

Were going to tell everybody how you was bested by a Special Ed girl, you are going to be laughed at!"

Wendell tried to act tough but Lindsey pumped a fist at him, Wendell wet his pants.

As the Playground Monitor and about half the kids out at recess that saw her heading that way and followed saw Wendell wet his pants. Lindsey was right they all began to laugh at Wendell and his wet pants. No kid lived in fear of Wendell again when he tried to bully them the told him to get lost or they would make him piss his pants.

He found kids weren't as afraid of him as they once was.

Leeza and Lindsey were once again brought to the Vice Principals office. "I warned you yesterday Lindsey I will not stand by and let you fight."

Leeza said "Excuse me but Lindsey didn't fight I did, I punched him, I was mad enough to fight the other 4 boys he brought with him!"

"4 boys the VP asked?

Where was the playground monitor?"

Lindsey spoke "She was having her attention on another boy to keep her from seeing what was going on!"

About that time the play ground monitor arrived and whispered something to the VP.

"Are you sure," was all they heard the VP say. The lady nodded her head.

"I still don't condone fighting!" But since you two were out numbered 4 to 2 or 5 with the kid talking to the playground monitor.

Your excused."

Wendell was also suspended that day for 1 week the other 5 boys for 2 days in school suspensions.

Wendell's parents weren't to happy with him.

Seem his dad has a cousin that is Developmentaly Disabled and he spent his week helping to take care of her.

To see how the other side lives.

Like Leeza the cousin wet the bed he got the dubious honor of changing her wet sheets.

And helping his great aunt in getting her to her program where she worked putting nuts on bolts.

After a week he learned that the others like Leeza and his second cousins, it wasn't their fault they were born that way, compared to his cousin, Leeza was way ahead of her.

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After Wendell came back to school he was a changed kid instead of being the bully he became the bully killer.

There was a kid he caught teasing, Leeza and one of Leeza's  female classmates.

Wendell asked him to stop in a nice voice. 

the kid said something to Wendell about "Minding his own F-ing business! 

The second time Wendell asked in a more threatening voice the kid told him to F--- off and faked punched at Wendell before the kids hand was back Wendell had punched the kid in the nose.

"I'm telling," the kid said to Wendell! "Make sure you tell how you was picking on a kid weaker than you!"

The kid looked at Wendell he hadn't thought about what he was doing was wrong until just now.

He stopped and just stared as he walked away.

The girl that had been teased made a noise at Wendell, she wasn't very verbal. "Tanks" she said!

From the smile on her face Wendell knew he had done good.

It felt better in his heart to help than to hurt!

He took the girl back to where the playground monitor and teacher could see her.

The Monitor asked Wendell, "Picking on the special kids again are we?"

"No ma'am!" Wendell said.

Leeza said "No he wasn't he stopped another kid from teasing Lilly and me!"

Lilly shook her head no as well.

The Monitor's eyes raised in a surprised look.


Lilly gave Wendell a hug and a kiss on his cheek that Wendell instantly wiped away, girls have cooties dont ya know went though his brain. But it still felt better than being the bully!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tommy Sr. Had to get after the second shift sergeant and his team.

His guys got a golf cart that they had to patrol the outside and they got playing around and rolled it onto its side, besides road rash one officer suffered a dislocated shoulder.

He had to be taken to the hospital.

Worst part was that everything was caught by a camera.

The officer that was driving filed a report that was one of the greatest works of fiction that Tommy had ever read.

After reading the report and seeing it on the video screen.

One of them was lying and it wasn't the camera.

When the Sergeant seen it, he was surprised because he had believed what his Officer had told him, up to that point.

They called the guy in and when confronted with the truth, resigned on the spot, before they could fire him.

The guy that got hurt.

Told pretty much what the camera showed he was seen talking to the guy, since there was no audio he claims that he was telling the guy driving to "knock it off!"

On the camera it appeared he was egging him on.

Not only was the guy hurt but a $3000 cart was damaged, it needed to be repaired which meant that they were down one of two carts.

They were told that unless they wanted to walk the perimeter in 107° weather they better treat cart #2 very gently.

The rest of the shift was seen to be following safe cart driving from then on.

Tommy just knew it would just be a while until one of the officer did something stupid to again to the carts.

About twice a year somebody did something reckless damaging the cart or themselves.

The last time a cart was damaged, the officers built a ramp and were seen jumping the ramp with the cart.

That was until a strut that kept the ride smooth broke loose and came through the fiberglass body of the cart.

$900 worth of damage was done that time.

The cart was out of commision for 6 weeks.

The guys were good until the second cart was returned and the guy was doing slaloms and turned it to sharp causing it to roll, also injuring a coworker in the process.

Tommy knew that when some guys get together their IQ levels drop 30 points and they do stupid things.

But lying about it only made it worse. 

Worse than that not admitting to your mistake.

This guy had done both and was now looking for a job.

If their HR was contacted they couldn't say why the guy was fired or quit but could say, no they would never hire that person again.

Uncle Dick had better not put in any applications anywhere. He was probably stupid enough to use Tommy and Glory as his referances.

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Great. Can’t Begin to tell you the number of officers I have seen let go because of stupid stunts like this and then lying about it. They could have probably still kept their jobs had they been honest. When my first badge was pinned on the Colonel told me two things I never forgot. The first was that you can only give up your integrity once. If you lie one time you may as well turn in your badge because you can never be trusted as a police officer ever again. The second thing he told me was that the badge will get you pussy but the pussy will get your badge. Both are the absolute truth. By the way I still have my badge. 

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On 9/12/2018 at 9:30 PM, CDfm said:

Great. Can’t Begin to tell you the number of officers I have seen let go because of stupid stunts like this and then lying about it. They could have probably still kept their jobs had they been honest. When my first badge was pinned on the Colonel told me two things I never forgot. The first was that you can only give up your integrity once. If you lie one time you may as well turn in your badge because you can never be trusted as a police officer ever again. The second thing he told me was that the badge will get you pussy but the pussy will get your badge. Both are the absolute truth. By the way I still have my badge. 

Being  a Sergeant. I had an officer do something like this on my day off. Bein the Sergeant. It was my fault that I didnt teach them any better, It was my shift!

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Glory Be loved being the Office Manager to the CEO. Adam had to admit she ran a tight ship, nobody got into seeing him without an appointment!

That was unless it was his wife or children he always had time for them.

The company was growing, Adam had to think about putting a building something like they were in now in either Hong Kong, Tokyo, Berlin or London, Toronto, Mexico City. 

He had even thought about Zurich, a Swiss Bank Account sounded awful tempting.

After the former CEO was caught doing what he was doing, Adam wanted to be transparent he had five lovely daughters and two sons, a beautiful wife.

There was no way he was going to screw that up.

Prison didn't appeal to him one bit!

The best part was the company was sending him to visit all those cities.

Of course Eve and the kids were going along.

They had to wait a couple of months until the older girls got out of school.

Christmas Vacation was going to be traveling this year. 

His new CFO had very good things to say about a member of his team an Eve Anderson, he joked "Any relation?"

"Yes she is my wife!" 

The guy was stunned he had meant it as a joke as Anderson is a pretty common name.

"She is your wife, really?"

"Yes really said Adam, her dad is the Lieutenant of Security Thomas Taylor, her step mom is my Office Manager!"

"Did you teach her about finance she is a natural."

"Adam said, my secretary was injured I got a temp.

I had an account that was overdrawn hugely!

She stayed and she found out we had double paid them, not me but my temp secretary.

She just gets the financial side.

Here I went to Harvard, and she was taught at a residential place she lived at because she was on the streets."

"She was on the streets at one time!" Said Adam 

"Was she a druggy?"

"Yes she was, she was also a hooker, if you must know," said Adam.

""What happened?" The guy asked?

"She got pregnant she knew that where she lived and what she did for a living wasn't the best environment for raising a kid.

She got to a place that helped her get off the drugs and get her back into society.

She came to work here in the secretarial pool and the rest is just history shall we said said Adam!

That and my Autistic daughter dreamed that Eve was going to be her mommy.

My daughter was kind of non verbal,  she meets Eve once and she starts talking up a storm. She knew that Eve was going to be her mother before I knew I loved her."

"So this is like that movie Pretty Woman? hooker meets rich man and they fall in love?" The guy asked?

"Kind of, but I don't remember Richard Gere having kids already," said Adam! 

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While in school Lindsey was moved to first grade, though she was a year younger than Leeza she was in the same grade.

The only one that seemed to mind was Lindsey.

The kids asked her about Leeza all the time, they weren't being cruel, they were just curious about what was wrong with her.

They knew she was Special Ed, and so was Lindsey as she was in talented and gifted, which comes under the same heading as Special Ed, just at the other side of the spectrum. 

For Leeza it was good to have her sister in the same grade as her.

Kids that were some of her friends asked her about why Lindsey was so smart and she wasn't.

I have autism and Lindsey doesn't was all she told them.

Most of the kids bought that and understood. 

For her friend Lilly, she had a boyfriend, it was her hero Wendell.

Lilly had Cerebral Palsy, She was smart but her body was limited.

Wendell liked Lilly, since that day that he protected her against the other kids.

Wendell liked the feeling he got being the hero more than the feeling he got being a bully!

Instead of kids running and hiding from him they talked to him and welcomed him.

There were a few that were still leery of him, he went out of his way to apologize to them.

Soon even they became friends.

If he caught another kid picking on a weaker kid he took the bully aside and explained that I was just like you, he told them about the happiness he got now from being their friends.

There were a couple that still pursued the bully life but the next time Wendell caught them, the time for talking was done.

He usually kicked their butt and then bullied them just to let them know how it felt.

This usually lasted about a week then he made friends with them.

Soon they were friends.

The school was slowly becoming a bully free zone.

All it took was a kid named Wendell. 

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Yea most bullies come around pretty easily. About all you really need to do is stand up to them. When they realize you are not going to fear them they think twice about messing with you. It’s good to see a reformed bully actually trying to change the minds of others doing the same thing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eve was doing well at the financial side, her new boss was good at praising you and making you feel like a million bucks.

She felt that way today.

She made a contact that they could get office supplies cheaper from.

She stood to save the company thousands and thousands of dollars a year on pencils, pens, paper, even office equipment, like computers, fax machines, copiers.

Her boss was praising her right and left.

She felt at times he could be overly complimental.

He said he he had a meeting with the CEO.

"I didn't know you was his wife."

"Yep I was his secretary when he was in the office your in now."

"Did you guys ever have sex in my office he joked."

Eve joked back "Once or twice but we were married by then!"

The guy laughed a little.

But it was the way he laughed and the way he looked at her.

Eve had seen this look before when she was still on the streets.

It was lust, the guy wanted her, he was just trying to figure out the best way to get her.

She had seen it before, guys wanting sex but scared about getting caught by their wives.

This man looked like them at this moment.

Eve decided not to be alone with him there were strength in numbers.

He wasn't going to try anything with others around. 

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Hope for his sake he doesn’t try anything foolish like trying to force himself on her. Her daddy will chew up anything that is left after Adam gets finished with him. 

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At work Eve and the team had a meeting called by the CFO.

He started talking about what was going on he was walking around and when he got to Eve he stood behind her, he placed a hand on her shoulder and told the team about her latest way she was saving them money.

All the time he was talking his hand was on her shoulder.

He put his other hand on her other shoulder and as he lavished praise on her.

The team members smiled at her as they were glad she was a full fledged team member now. 

The meeting lasted about 15 minutes, he urged the team to find ways to cut the budget.

"Look at our suppliers and see if we can find somebody that can do the same thing cheaper but but with the same quality.

We all know we can find things cheaper without the same quality, that's easy.

Eve here saved us thousands and I think this company has better quality, the resolution on my new computer screen is twice as good as my last one.

It was also $55 cheaper than the last one I had.

Plus it uses less electricity to operate, we saved again." 

Eve began to wonder if her new boss was trying to get into her life?

One, he was new to the company having been almost stolen from one of their competitors.

He didn't gave a Harvard MBA like the last CFO.

He did have one from Northwestern University.

Almost as impressive.

Two, he knew that she was the wife of the CEO.

Was he after Adam's job?

Three, he was much more touchy feely than Adam had been, except after they hooked up and got married.

She had twins with Adam to prove it.

She began to wonder what his game was?

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