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Glory hoped that Eve knew what she was doing.

The guy was a suit. She thought that she had warned her about staying away from Suits.

Yeah, management looked appealing, the cars, the houses, the salaries.

But there was a line that wasn't to be crossed.

For someone like a mere secretary you were seen as a gold digging social climber.

For the Suit your seen as slumming, no matter how beautiful your marrying somebody beneath you.

From what she got from Eve, Adam is a Harvard Businesses Graduate.

He played Quarterback while there.

Does he know Eve still wets her bed.

Does he know she used to be a hooker, does he know Tommy is illegitimate?

So many questions.

So few answers.

Eve said something about a daughter seeing Eve as her mommy, she dreamed it or something.

Glory knew she wasn't Eve's mom, and knew she was just a good friend that was dating her father.

Even when she marrys her father she will Still only be step mother, she doesn't want to be the wicked type, she wants to be the best friend step mother like a Carol Brady.

She kind of knew that wasnt going to happen, she wasn't raising three very lovely girls, on her own!

Still she doesn't want to ruin something for her if it's good for her!

She wished that she had a daughter or a son that she could of had some experience at being a mom.

But Alas, it wasn't meant to be!

Eve was happy.

She hadn't been this happy in a long time.

The last time she was the happy was when her mother was still alive, and she as in the ranks of a non bedwetter.  

14 or 15 years old.

Then life came tumbling down for her like a house of cards.

Mom got sick due to stress whatever you want to call it her nocturnal problem returned.

Mom was dead soon after and it wasn't the fact that she didn't love her family, it was the fact that being in the home that reminded her of her mom was too painful.

She had to get out of there.

Some of her friends were into doing their own thing, for one their parents could care less about them, unlike her, who's father was very concerned.

He did try to talk her out of leaving.

But like most teenagers she thought she knew it all!

The plan was they were going to live in their own place get jobs and live community style everybody taking care of one another.

Then her and another boy were the ony two left.

They had a friend named Richard  that allowed them to move to his place, when the two could no longer afford to live where they did.

What a nice guy she thought.

Now she knew it was more like come into my parlor said the spider to the fly, type thing!

"Hey I got some really great stuff, I want you guys to try it's going to make all the pain go away."

Yeah, he told the truth mentally her pain went away, that was replaced by the physical pain when she didn't get it again.

"I will sell you some!" Said Richard.

"I don't have any money!" said Eve.

"Oh man said Richard.

Wait I know how you can make money!

How said Eve?

I got some friends that are looking to party, they need a girl to entertain them.

One is into bedwetting and diapers, right up your alley!

He might want to have sex with you but he will pay you more money for that.

She knew it was wrong, but dammit she hurt physically, she needed it.

Richard said "That's the worse problem that drug I shared with you, it's very addictive.

But hey I'm your friend, I'm just looking out for you Eve!"

She was stupid enough to believe him.

He Was Playing Her Like A Master Violinist Plays The Violin!

That was the first of many times.

Richard kept his promise, he gave her the drugs, and she felt better for a while.

Then the physical pain would return.

Richard always had friends wanting to screw a real live bedwetter.

Even a few woman one wanted to care for her like her baby, no sex just held her and comfort her they both needed it one was being the nurturer, the other was getting nurtured. It was a symbiotic relationship.

It got so that the same amount wasn't doing it for her Richard was nice enough, to give her more but she had to work more.

One day she was at the mirror brushing her hair.

It was the first time she had really looked at herself.

She had dark circles around her eyes she was rail thin. Looked like a skeleton, with skin.

She thought about running and running fast.

Not away from her life but that image.

It scared her!  

It was so bad she wet herself like a little kid.

She reminded herself of an Concentration camp survivor.

She felt nauseated.

She went to the free clinic as that's all she could afford.

"Your pregnant the doctor told her, you got the big three Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Clymidia.

You don't have AIDS  yet, but hey the month is still young!"

The doctors bedside manner had a lot to be desired!

He was probably just tired of treating drug whores like herself.

It was the first time she had admitted it to herself.

Richard was no friend, he was her PIMP!

She was a whore, nothing more, nothing less.

What her dad had told her was the truth she was 17 going on 18,  Even though she had met representatives of Dignity house before she wasn't a whore, she was just being a friend for Richard, helping him out with his friends.

This day they happened to come around today.

She went with them.

She was given a physical.

They comfirmed that she was indeed pregnant and had the big three again CGS Clymidia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis.

They told her that at least she didn't have ACGS.

Aids as well.

They gave her the safest dose possible of an antibiotic.

So it wouldn't harm her baby.

Two days later she was going through withdrawls!

She felt terrible for three days and what she assumed nights, time stood still.

She awoke after sleeping 36 hours, she had leaked and was getting one hell of a diaper rash, she was, starved she could eat an elephant.

She got a shower this time she looked better than the last time she looked in the mirror the painfully rail thin face was there but it looked different, there was a smile there.

She lived there she showed an aptitude for typing she had only texted at about 300 words a minute, like most teenagers,  but typing was the same but with bigger keys.

And not as many acronyms like LOL things like that.

She saw the spread sheet one day and it made sense to her, she figured out how to actually save them over $500 a month off from expenses.

She could of saved then even more but they weren't willing to budge, coffee was a necessity not a frivolity!

That wasn't her proposal.

Her proposal was to charge staff .20 cents a cup they could make back over $300 a month, Profit.

They informed her they are a non profit organization.

They helped her get her GED.

They had a place where they helped her get a job.

That's how she came to work with, Glory at Suncore Then they helped her get housing for her and Tommy they helped arrange day care.

The reason that they helped her so much was that if they let go of someone too fast their was chance of a relapse into the old ways, Hooking.

If they made sure they got them style there was a less chance that they would relapse.

Here she was a year after graduating the program.

That life was like a blur, seriously, her brains were so pickled on drugs, there were days she didn't even know her name.

That wasn't true, she didn't want to know her own name.

Now she had more than just Tommy, what scared her worse was if this didn't work out what would happen to Leeza, would she crawl back into her shell.

Lindsey would be fine now but poor Leeza she was a lot more fragile.

Eve couldn't picture Leeza not being in her life.

If it didn't work out between her and Adam?

The thought of loosing Leeza back to what she hadn't seen, broke her heart more than actually loosing her.

For Leeza's sake she had to make this work.

There were still days where out of the blue she would crave the drugs, the lifestyle.

Tommy got her through that, she promised him that he would be proud of his mommy he wouldn't ever see her like she was.

Leeza came and sat on her lap and leaned back so she was reclining back against her.

Eve kissed her head.

Leeza looked up and smiled at her, "Mommy look sad."

"Yeah kind of Eve said.

I want to promise you, I'm going to make this marriage work for your sake Leeza, I don't want to see you slip back into the way you were before.

That would hurt me more than loosing you.

I love you Leeza."

"Leeza love mommy.

No Want To Loose Mommy Hurt Leeza's heart!"

"Mine too!" Said Eve!

Adam was going through things of his own.

Eve was a prostitute.  

How would his family ever accept her.

Mom and dad were about as straight laced as you can get.

They had about abandoned his sister the druggie.

All she did was take drugs.

She wasn't selling her body like Eve, had!

Leeza saw Eve as her mother already.

If he backed out now, he knew She would never forgive him.

She would never talk like she has been, he smiled at the antics Leeza has been doing of late.

He knew she liked Chocolate chip cookies.  

So for her second trip into the kitchen what do they make.

If he decides not to marry Eve.

That sweet little girl that he is finally getting to love, goes away, probably Lindsey as well.

He didn't know that for an almost 5 year old she had such a vocabulary.

The only one on his side was Tommy.

He was hers.

He loved Tommy.

Maybe he could swap his two for her one?

Everybody would be happy, he wanted a son, she wanted daughters.

Knowing Eve and him would never give up his children, even if they never talked to  him again.

He knew Eve would never talk to him again.

He loved having Eve share a wet bed with him.

It's rare to find a girl doesn't mind if you still wet your bed as you have no control over it.

It's rarer to find a woman that will participate diapering you treating you like the baby you want to be sometimes.

Rarest is finding a woman who has as little control at night as you do!

Eve is all three.

What more does he want other than that?

Glory thought for a while, she talked with Tommy, he couldn't see the problem.

"Doesn't Eve deserve to be happy?"

'Well yes! Said Glory, She does deserve to be happy, I guess I'm afraid of what might happen if it doesn't work out? 

"What could happen asked Tommy?" 

"He could fire, us as well!" Said Glory

"Us why?" Asked Tommy

"Because we know her and are related to her?" Said Glory!

"Have you seen that happen before?" Asked Tommy?

"I haven't seen it but I heard of it happening!" Said Glory.

To whom?" Asked Tommy?  

"When I first started there, there was a lady in my department that told one of my coworkers that it had seen it happen!"

"So your going third hand that something could have happened years ago?

Could it have been that the girl or guy tryed to get with the management male or female and it was one sided, to the point of him or her stalking the Suit as you call them.

I've looked through the Law suits and I did find an incident where a young lady, fell on love with her boss, it was an unrequited love.

She sued the company aftet they fired the girl.

She followed him home and almost got him divorced claiming her and her husband were having an affair.

All the times that the girl had brought up he was with his wife and family.

That has been as close as a girl had gotten to a Suit.

Other than for a while there was a rash of Executives marrying their personal secretaries.

What position is Eve to this guy Adam?"

"Personal Secretary!" said Glory.

"Once again don't they both deserve to be happy? Said Tommy?

What I saw with my own eyes is they both looked happy.

But if you want to see for yourself invite Adam, Eve and his kids as well as baby Tommy here for a barbecue or something this weekend." 

"That's  a great idea said Glory , I want to meet this Adam!"

"Tommy called Eve. He asked her how she was doing, she told him about Leeza.

Tommy was just as glad as Eve that she was reacting in a positive way.

Tommy said we would love to meet your little friend Leeza, why don't you come tomorrow I will barbecue a Brisket.

We would love to meet Adam better, his kids. Glory had this idea he is going to fire you her and everybody else that knows if things don't work out!" Said Tommy!

"We can be there by noon tomorrow, is that okay?" Asked Eve.

"That should be fine said Tommy! They both hung up.

Tomorrow at noon!" Said Tommy, to Glory!

At noon on Sunday Adam, Eve, Leeza, Lindsey, Tommy all arived at the home of Eve's father and soon to be step mother Glory Be.

Tommy approached Glory and His name sake, his grandfather. Leeza had been asking where they were going all morning.

Lindsey said "We are going out they diapered me as well."

"For ride? Leeza asked excitedly! We go for ride and to eat?"

"Yes Leeza, Eve had said were going to my folks!"  

"Okay said Leeza we go to my folks."

When they arrived Leeza asked "This my folks?"

"No said Eve these are my folks!"

Leeza saw Glory, and Tommy Sr. She smiled and almost tackled them, like she had when she first met Eve.

"Gramma, Grampa!" Both adults looked funny.The

Eve asked "Leeza did you dream about these people to?"

"Yeah Gory and Tommy!" 

"Her name is Glory." Said Eve.

"Also dreamed Gramma Anna!"

Eve felt like she had been slapped.

"Anna was my mom Leeza but she died several years ago!" 

"Me know said Leeza she tell me she died.

Got sick MS.

She tell me Gramma Glory and Grandpa Tommy nice people won't hurt Leeza or call Leeza Retard."

Glory said "You know what she was right I would never call you that bad name your pretty smart!"

"Me smart?" Asked Leeza?

"Very said Tommy and beautiful!"

"Mommy Eve tell me I'm beautiful and perfect to!"

"Yes you are!" Said Glory!

Glory gave Leeza a big hug.

"Thank you!" Leeza said!

"Your very welcome and anytime you want another come see me okay?" Said Glory.

"What's your name?" Tommy asked Lindsey?


He said your very beautiful as well!" 

"Thank you! Said Lindsey are your going to be my grandfather?"

"If Eve marries your dad I guess I will be something like that."

"Yeah I know! Said Lindsey! 

You will only be my step grandfather.

But I like you, can I still call you Grandpa?"

"Of course said Tommy can I call you my granddaughter?"

"Yes I would like that!" Said Lindsey.

When they sat and got to know Adam better Leeza sat in Glory's lap and Lindsey sat in Tommy's.

Glory changed her mind about Adam, she realized that Leeza had Eve wrapped round her little finger, she knew that Eve could not walk away from this little charmer.

She had to admit that Leeza had her wrapped around more than her finger, she had Eve wrapped around her heart.  

She was doing the same to her.

Even if this didn't work out Eve would have a hard time quitting becausee of Leeza.

Tommy started asking questions of Adam, he just knew if they haven't had sex yet, he had seen her naked, a father knows!

He dropped what he thought was a bombshell.

"You know Eve still had a problem with bedwetting?" 

"Yes sir" she has told me and I told her about mine."

"You?" Asked Tommy? 

"Yeah said Adam I was QB at Harvard.

We played Dartmouth their Linebacker sacked me and injured my bladder.

Since then I've been a bedwetter as well."

"Really?" Asked Tommy? It was his turn to be surprised?

"Yeah!" Said Adam.

"Have you and my daughter had sex yet?"

"No sir, said Adam, even if we had, I wouldn't tell you, you'd probably kill me.

But to be honest we haven't yet.

Yeah said Tommy I would be the last guy you told said Tommy.

Yes sir I'm kind of addicted to breathing!" Said Adam.

The brisket melted in your mouth everybody told Tommy he did a good job at cooking dinner.

Even Leeza said "Good Grampa!"

Glory and Adam did the dishes.

"You know if your just trifling with Eve, in the long run the only person you'll be hurting the most is Leeza." Said Glory!

"Yes I know, her and Leeza are close, just like Little Tommy and I are he's  glad to have a daddy I've taken quite a shine to him.

My intentions are real! I will, admit that at first, Eve was a pretty face.

My secretary looks like a horse."

"You aren't Gettyup, Gertie's boss are you?" Glory asked?

"Oh you know her huh?

My first wife decided to pick my secretry for me she was worried about me cheating with my secretary.

I guess she felt guilty because she was with anybody.

Lindsey I'm not sure she is really mine.

That said she has been mine long enough if I found out she wasn't, I would fight any person that said she wasn't."

"Good for you said Glory.

I had thought since you was a ....."

"Suit? Said Adam?

Yes I am an Executive, does that mean I don't deserve to be happy?

Eve makes me happy!"

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Glory had never thought of the Suit being happy she always thought that they were there to pleasure the Suits.  

Her view of things had changed, Adam was a decent man that actually loved a Secretary, Eve.

Why not she was beautiful,  smart and would be a fine catch for any man.

The next week work was uneventful she answered phones, set appointments,  typed memos and letters.

The weekend found Eve back at Adam's house.

She lived weekends there but stayed at her now what seemed Dinky apartment, on the weekdays.

Tommy would say "Adam?" Eve assumed it meant when are we going to Adam's again he enjoyed having a daddy for a change, she knew Leeza and Lindsey loved having a mother, why not Tommy a daddy?

The next weekend she got taken to meet Adam's parents. She had a nervous stomach, would they like her, did they know about her past as a whore?

Was that forgivable?

Adam knew and still loved her.

They got to really nice place in Scottsdale.

The house wasn't as large as Adam's.  

But still quite large.

They were met at the door by a maid.

Bridgette, "Very nice to see you again yes Mr. Adam?" 

She sounded French.

The foyer had pictures of kids, one was Adam, another was of a girl she assumed was Adam's Sister.

The sister's photos seem to be outdated nothing new just older photos.

Adam had other pictures with his family,  there were Leeza and Lindsey.

There were spaces that had held photos of Leanne, Eve was sure.

Adam had bought her a dress just for this occasion.

She felt overdressed.

But after meeting Adam's Father "Charles. Not Charlie, Not Chuck, Charles!"

She was introduced to Madeline Adam's mother.

She eyed Eve and a small smile came to her mouth.

Eve had sworn she had met Madeline before but she didn't remember from where.

Poor Adam he looked almost as uncomfortable as she felt.

Dinner was served and both Charles and Madeline were dressed up, it was a formal affair.

She remembered all the etiquette that she had learned at Dignity House it taught you how to dine fine.

It was to help you get out of your comfort zone.

They figured the more refined you were the less likely you were to go back hooking.

If you did you would be a higher class hooker than you used to be.

After dinner Adam and Charles went to one room and her and Madeline went to another.

"Tell me about yourself?" Madeline said.

"Well I'm about 8 years younger than Adam, I was his temporary Secretary until Adam discovered I could read spread sheets and the like now he wants me on his team when Gertie, his secretary returns."

"I hear your a miracle worker with Leeza and Lindsey?"

"I don't think it was to much me said Eve.

Leeza dreamed me as her mom and opened up to me.

She is easy to love!

Her mom her real mom was less than a good mother to Leeza, I've heard the bad names she called her and Lindsey."

Madeline asked, "Eve do you remember the first time we met?"

"You know I know you from somewhere, but I just can't remember it.

I feel like I do know you."

"Oh you do said Madeline.

I have a daughter, as well as Adam."

Yes, I saw the pictures." Said Eve.

"My daughter got addicted to drugs, we found her and got her into rehab.

As soon as she was done she ran back to her former life, she liked the drugs and being homeless.

I can't imagine her wanting that life.

But she prefers it to here.

A couple of years ago.

I really missed my baby.

I was getting depressed.

Almost suicidal. I had a friend talk me into hiring a hooker to be a surrogate Molly.

You were my surrogate Molly.

I cared for you and took care of you.

I know what you used to do Eve."

"That's right that's where I know you from.

I was pretty stupid in those days said Eve.

Don't apologize, what happened to that skinny as a reed girl that made you the beautiful girl my son fell in love with?"

"Soon after that I learned that I was pregnant.

I also had three types of VD I got treated.

I made a promise to my unborn child that he or she would never see their mother addicted or a hooker.

There is this place called Dignity House It helps girls like I was get off the streets.

I got myself cleaned up.

Had my baby a boy I named him after my father Thomas. Like my dad he goes by Tommy.

They tought me secretarial skills I got a job at the company your son works for.

Since I left my family I met a lady named Gloria she was almost like a mom.

She talked abut this guy she met and when she talked abut him I could alost see my dad doing that.

About a month ago she calls me and what I didn't know was that she is marrying the guy and I learned the guy she has been dating is my dad!

When we met I kept waiting for my dad to say I told you so.

When I left, he told me word for word what would happen to me. Within 6 months that was a reality, or nightmare.

I m back with my father, I mean I live on my own but we're back in each others life's again.

Then I meet Adam and Leeza is my darlin.

If Adam dumps me I'm more worried about those two girls than I am abut me."

"One more question asked Madeline.

You were a bedwetter then are you still?

The reason I ask is because that... excuse the expression bitch,  brought up the fact that Adam still does during the divorce.

Yes he told me that he was tackled by a Dartmouth player I said.

Don't let him fool you he was 14 when he stopped!

His sister Molly still does that's why I was given you as you still do, said Madeline.

Now does Adam know about your past?

Yes, I think he's got a lttle problem with that.

On the other hand he does he finds my bedwetting sexy that we both still do, said Eve.

If he knows your past and still is in love with you,  I will never blow your cover as long as you never blow mine said Madeline by the way Charles set up this formal dinner to possibly scare you away we aren't always this pompous.

I think you passed his little test.

You got my vote said Madeline!"

On the way home Adam asked "How did you and mom get along?"

Eve was kind of being playful said, "Just like we were old friends that have known each other for a couple of years."

Adam raised his eyebrows in a surprised manner.

"Really?" He said incredulously.

"Oh yeah, said Eve, she told me you wet your bed until age 14!" 

Adam blushed, "Okay, okay, you win.

I didn't think she would play that card until later!

When she really wanted to embarrass me."

Like I said we felt like old friends.

She likes me already more than Leanne!

She can't wait to see Leeza and Lindsey talking like they are."

"Consider yourself lucky, I should of listened to her about Leanne, she tried to tell me that she would cause me heartache, and she did!"

"What did you and your father discuss?" Asked Eve?

"Dad already likes you more than Leanne!

He asked me if you knew about my night time problem as he called it!

I asked him if he meant my snoring?

You see dad can't come out and call it bedwetting!

It's comical to see him squirm!

I let him off the hook, I told him yes and I know about hers.

Hers, he asked?

Yes Eve wet her bed until about age 12, then when her mom died it returned, and at 20 almost 21 it still happens.

He was grateful that we were so compatible in that area!

He asked me how I felt about you?

I told him I love you!

He asked if we did some kind of background check on you what would we find.

I told him you would find she is a lot like Molly, she had a drug problem for a while.

Kind of got herself pregnant and is not sure who the father was.

She made a promise to her unborn son that he would never see her high and having sex with just anybody.

She got herself cleaned up and has kept that promise to her son Tommy.

She came to work with me about 3 weeks ago.

I also told him you got the rare privilege of Kicking Leanne's ass witout really kicking it.

I told him how your dad taught you to fight without fighting, he learned it as a Sergeant in a prison.

He was most impressed.

Then he said Leanne must be pregnant again then?

No she fought two jailers and aborted that way, the problem is she is looking at the next seven years in prison.


He said it couldn't of happened to a nicer bitch than her!

I'm surprised that she hasn't called you to bail her out!"

"I've also heard good things about Eve and Leeza!" His dad said.

I said, Since Eve has came into her life Leeza has been interacting with her they carry on all kinds of conversation, they have even cooked together.

Now Lindsey has started talking and for a 4 year old has an incredible vocabulary."

"No kidding?" Said my dad?

"I told him the worst fear I have right now is that something happens and Eve leaves.

Leeza will return to her own little world.

Lindsey will never talk to me again.

They both love her dearly.

I love her son Tommy he's becoming a daddies boy!

He likes my sports car he gets in and just feels the rumble of the engine  he "vroom vrooms" when I rev it up.

Like me he feels that rumble in his body he acts like he's driving acts just like me!"

He noticed that when we ate you weren't uncouth.

You used the right fork and everything. You have manners.

Then he asked me "How I felt about your past?"

I almost told him that I hated it.

I don't really hate it but I don't understand it but how you've came into our lives and made them better, it's easier to live with.

I told him that "I believe we're all made up of our experiences.

What you've done for Leeza, Lindsey, and me.

I can overlook it and see the you through your past that's the person I love!"

He approves of you by the way, he won't be doing a background check on you why would you lie about that.

Him finding out about you made him miss my sister Molly more!

They have seen the obstacles you had to overcome, it renewed the hope that Molly could one day  want to be part of this family again."

"Did my mom find I out that you wet the bed as well?"

"Yes I was honest with her." Said Eve.

"Mom loves because your just like Molly.

You made it back but she isn't ready yet!

You give My mom and dad hope for Molly!"

Eve thought about her luck, at one time she thought about herself as the biggest loser in the world.

Her dad got her hooked on an old variety show called Hee-Haw.

There was a segment where the guys used to sing this song about being down on their luck.

The song they sang was "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on me, if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all, then they would take turns telling each other their woes!

She used to feel that statement, If it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all.

Was written just for her.

Now days that didn't apply to her, she'd hit the Powerball of life just the past month or so.

Her best friend Glory was dating a guy that just happened to be her own father.

Now she was back in her father's life as well.

Blessing #1!

Then she gets stuck being sent as the Temp Secretary to some suit because she is low man on the totem pole.

A little diligence and bam! He wants her to be part of his team eventually, making almost double what she is currently making.

She guesses somebody has to do it. Then she and that suit find love,

Blessing #2!

That man has a daughter that has dreamed about her, recognizes her as her mommy.

This girl is autistic, she has not as much given anybody else  hardly a sniff.

Now this girl is interacting not only with her but her dad, sister and servants!

Blessing #3!

This girl has a sister that up to this time has hardly said a word all of the sudden she is talking.

Not just talking but is very intelligent sounds more like an 8 or 10 year old not a 4 year old.

Blessing #4!

Then she gets to meet his parents.

They seem all proper, they dressed for dinner, she means formal type dinner.

They seem like real stuffed shirts.

That's all just a test to see if she has any manners what so ever.

Then when she was at her lowest point in her life she was a drug whore.  

She was cared for by a lady that missed her baby who was like her a druggie and a bedwetter just like her, also something she thought was part of her curse.

That lady turns out to be none other than the mother of her boyfriend.

And even his father who she thought was the strictest man she had ever met.

Likes her and they both know her past and still accept her as a suitable candidate for marriage to their son.

Molly if she ever returns, right now is missing out on her family.

Since her past is very similar to their daughter Molly's.  

They can forgive her.

Frankly she thought that what she had done was unforgivable!

But she tends to be her own worst critic!

Blessing #5!

In three weeks she has gone from a secretary to someone that is already liked better in this family than Adam's ex wife.

That was a member of the family for almost 5 years.

Glory who saw it as an us against the Suits.

Is seeing things differently these days even.

For once in her life she is looking forward to the future! What's going to happen next week, and the next?

She couldn't wait to find out.

One thing she wishes the cosmic forces that brought them together still had not let her and Adam finish the act of sex, yet.

They have began several times, but seem to get interrupted everytime!

She knows when it will happen just not when.

She can only be patient to a point.

It's starting to get frustrating.


Tommy at his job was feeling like something was going to pop off.

After you have been in the business as long as he had been, you just get a gut feeling about it.

Something was telling him to warn his guys to be on their toes.

In his debriefing he told his guys "To make sure to check ID's make sure they're Authentic.

I don't know nothing, but sometimes you have to trust your gut.

Mines telling me to be careful tonight."

He chose the parings.

That night so guys were with other partners, also he mixed up work areas, you might work the third and fourth floors, tonight you might be one and two.

He was with the guy that had pulled his weapon on him and Glory.

They had 5th and 6th floors.

They were in research and development.

When the met some cleaners and in checking their badges. Their were two females and three males.

Tommy was checking the names on their badges on of the girls, the name was Evelyn Taylor.

Tommy hated that his hunches were correct.

"Eve Taylor didn't you used to work in the Mailroom?"

"Yeah I did she said but I found out maintenance pays better.

I moved here for more money."

"Wonder why I hadn't seen your name there any more.

He looked and he could make out the outline of a pistol in one guys pocket.

He said great to see you getting on in the company, maybe next you should put in for the secretarial pool Eve that pays even more than the mainenence teams."

"Thank you I will keep that in mind!" And smiled at him.

"Carry on cleaning were just heading up to the 6th floor. Have a good one!"

He got out and they acted like they were going to catch the elevator.

As it arrived he grabbed his partner and they went to the stairwell he got on his radio.

"506, to security respond to the 5th floor stairwell.

Dispatch contact PD we got a breach in the building.

A code 200 two females 3 males armed."

"10X4 506."

"Sarge their badges looked real to me."

"Thats it they looked authentic.

Eve Taylor is my daughter.

She is a secretary up on the sixth floor, for an Executive."

"That's the only reason?" The guy asked?

"Do you know an Eve Taylor in the Mailroom?"

"No!" The guy said.

"Have you ever?"

"No I havent."

"Did you notice an outline of a gun in the stalky guys pants."

"No, did you?" The guy asked?

Yes, I did!" Said Tommy.

Soon other teams started showing up.

The Phoenix PD arrived as well.

They soon had 13 cops one was a Sergeant.

Tommy told them what he had they spread to other offices where the kept an eye on the office!

Soon the hefty guy looks out and they started walking out the funny thing was they didn't have their cleaning carts with them after they were half way down the hall the Sgt. gave the word and they moved out and cought them totally unaware.

They thought about going for their weapons but it was to late.

They were cuffed they had laptops on them they had hacked into their computer system and downloaded their  info."

They were arrested and hauled off to jail.

Unknown to them there were files that were actually viruses that was deleting everything on their computers.

Even their own programs.

In a moment or two they would be expensive paperweights.

The lady that claimed to be Eve Taylor, she got so scared she wet herself.

Eve arrived at work and security was waiting for her.

She thought what the hell did I do.

Am I in trouble?

They took her to a room.

"The first question is how well do you know a Richard Comstock?"

She searched her memory.

Richard Comstock was Richard her old pimp!

"I knew him about 3 years ago, I haven't seen him since, Eve said, why?"

"Well he and 4 accomplices broke in and we're caught stealing data from R&D. One of the girls with him used your name on her now found out to be fake ID.

He said he knew you about working or three years ago, he claimed he thought that it was kind of a bland name easily forgotten.

The problem was it was your dad that caught them."

"Way to go dad!" She thought.

"Honestly sir I've not seen Richard for about 3 years, he is a user.

I thought I was helping him and all the time he was using me.

He had me do things like I would never do before!" 

"Such as, the guy asked?"

It's no secret I was working as a whore for him thinking I was actually helping him.

He got the money I got screwed, in more ways than one sir!"

"When was the last time you had contact with him?"

"Three years on the 3rd of September." 

"Why do you know the date like that the guy asked?"

"It's also how long I've been clean and sober.

The way that I was helping Mr. Richard Comstock was he was my dealer as well.

I was trading sex for drugs.

I'm not proud of that fact, I am proud that I'm clean now and I have a son from the ordeal who I love very much.

If Richard Comstock used my name, it's because I was easily forgettible.

Unlike my past!

If you would could you give me two minutes with him because after I get through with him you can put him in with the lady's.  

I want to get rid of every reminder that he was ever a man!"

Eve watched as the guy unconsciously crossed his legs.

"You've not seen him since you were in his employment then?" The man asked?

"I wasn't employed by him, I was used by him there is a difference, said Eve.

Like I said he's a user.

The girls are probably in his employment or they thought they were doing him a favor.

He's a user."

"Thank you for being so honest with us.

Your right the girls thought they were doing him a favor, the girl that used your name told us that Richard had given her the name badge.

She didn't know you.

When the guy started asking her questions she just played along he told her to try the secretarial pool that payed more than Maintenance.

She wondered if she could actually do that."

They let Eve go to her job.

Adam asked "What happened, your late?"

Eve was in no mood, "I just got detained by the police, here there was a break in."

"Yeah I know they hit R&D. Said Adam what's that got to do with you?"

"The crew that did it.

One of the girls used my name on her badge.

The person who caught them was my dad.

One of the guys who were in the party was, none other than my old pimp.

They were wondering how they came to use my name, since I am an employee.

Seems they think I was somehow involved."

The detective came an hour later and said "We want to apologize, seems Richard spent time in jail a few weeks ago, unpaid parking tickets. 

He was in with a guy named Dick who was a Security Officer here before being aressted.  

He had the blank badges he had stolen.

He told Richard how to make millions.

Dick was the mastermind behind this.

How did he know that Richard was going to use the name of the guy who caught them daughter, and that she just happened to work here? 

I apologize for being abrupt like that but we thought it had to be partially an inside job.

We were right who would know the building better than a security guard.

We started looking and the numbers of the badges were ones that Dick said he destroyed because they didn't turn out right.

It was his name that signed them as destroyed.

He had thought about this for years, Dick had.

His son used one to steal cars with from here a few months back."

I remember that said Adam the CEO's Mercedes-Benz was stolen and the Third Shifts Sergeants Chevy Silverado.

We fired that Sergeant and hired Eve's dad as the Sergeant.

He's done wonders with that crew.

"Was he a former cop the Detective asked?" 

"No said Eve my dad was a Juvenile Corrections Officer!"

"He's good don't loose him!" 

"I won't said Eve, during that time I spent with Richard I wasn't in my family's life.

I'm back and I want to stay there!"

"I'm so glad you got away from a guy like that or you might have been aressted as well.

Stay sober no relapses.

If you need to talk.

He pulled out a chip 10 years clean and sober January 10th for me. If you feel weak call me." He handed her his card.

"What was that all about asked Adam?"

Turns out Detective Burton there was a former addict like I was, that chip was NA. Narcotics Anonymous.  

A 10 year one I'm up for 3 years next month."

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Eve got in a better mood after that.

She began doing the typing that she had in her in box and within a hour everything was on Adams desk for signitures.

And she had them in Evelopes and addressed.  

Ready for the guy who picks up the mail.

He came and got it his name badge said his name was Mike. He looked at her.

"Isn't your name Eve, Eve.... Taylor?" 

"Yes why?" Asked Eve?

"We used to go to high school at Lone Cactus Butte."

"Really? She said, I did graduate from there 4 years ago.

"Yeah so did I said Mike.

We had Mr. Simpkins 1st period for World History together, I used to sit behind you.

Mike Thompson?"

"That Mike!" She said

"Yeah that was me, he said."

"You look a lot different these days, she said.

Don't take this the wrong way but you were a butterball in those days,  you had acne and unfortunately you hadn't figured out what a shower or bath was in those days."

"Oh I knew what they were, I just didn't know soap in those days.

I bathed every day I just didn't wash very well.

I had to I unfortunately was a bedwetter in the days.

He blushed.

After I discovered soap and what it does!

I started to get cleaner and my acne cleaned up.

About two months after graduation the nocturnal problem cleared up, in my Freshman year of College I  took a cross country class I started running first day I think I made it 50 yards by the end of the year I was down almost 80 pounds and was running over 4 miles a day.

Remember Lisa Silver the girl behind me?

Cute blonde , bubbly personality?" 

"Yeah I remember her." Eve said.

"She is Mrs. Michael Thompson now!" 

Lucky you she wasn't a cheerleader but she was the one in charge of the flag twirlers.

Almost as good!" Eve said.

"In college she was a cheerleader.

Like you she couldn't believe that this was me, now.

We got together and well one date led to another and another.

After her boyfriend the football player who was gay it turned out dumped her for his new boyfriend.

She came to cry on my shoulder.

Sue liked the fact that I was still the nice guy from high scool soon we were a couple and, I um, got her pregnant our Junior year.

Neither of us finished college.

I work as a cop now, I moonlight here now, that one daughter that looks like Lisa, Thank god has turnered into two, with three on the way.

"It was good to see you said Mike.

Now it's my turn to say something said Mike, rumor was that you ran away from home and was a drug whore  for a while, is that true?"

Now it was Eves turn to blush.

"Unfortunately that was also true said Eve.

I got so I was pregnant had 3 different kinds of VD.

There is a place called Dignity House."

"I'm familiar with it!" Said Mike.

"I made a promise to my unborn child they would never see me on drugs or living as a whore.

They taught me secretarial skills after I got cleaned up.

I have a son now and I came here to work.

A few weeks ago I got moved up here as a temp to Mr. Anderson.

Where you find me now.

"Great it was good to see you!" said Mike!

"You to said Eve say high to Lisa for me!" 

"You got it said Mike!

The phone calls started and she transfered them to her boss he could hear a few times that Adam raised his voice.

But that was normal.

She thought nothing of it.

At lunch time Adam took her to lunch it was McDonald's and of course Leeza and Lindsey were there.

She heard the familiar "Mommy!" and this time there were two kids almost tackling her Lindsey was just as glad to see her as Leeza was she sat on one side of the table, with one kid on one side of her and the other one on the other, she was a an Eve sandwich Adam was on the other side by himself.

This time Eve got the privilege of blowing on the hot fries for two kids to cool the fries down.

Adam was quite and it wasn't lost on Eve, or his daughters.

Leeza said "Daddy light up!" 

Meaning lighten up.

"Yeah daddy, Eve said light up!"

 He smiled for the first time.

"Yeah I guess I brough work here with me, sorry guys."

"Okay daddy, don't happen again!" Leeza said.

He had to smile even more.

He loved hearing Leeza talk to him even if it was to chastise him!

After lunch the Nanny, Kate took the two back home and they returned to work.

Eve played the messages back and put them on a memo and he had to call the people back one was from his parents asking them and The kids all three to dinner tonight. At a restaurant it wasn't the most prestigious restaurant but it was a god one.

It said semi forrmal.

She knew that was for her.

There was another from the police department for him to call, must be about Leanne she thought.

One from the CEO. for Adam to call him.

Adam made his calls and he came out oozing distraught.

"What's up?" Eve asked.

"I have got two calls today both had been bad.

The first was that since your name was brought up in a criminal investigation they were wondering if it would be prudent to fire you.

I told them no dammed way, yes you had a past but everything was behind you now they weren't to sure.

That Detective cleared you.

I assured them that yes the guy knew you a few years back, he used your name because you were name was forgettable.

Okay. That's settled your job is not in jeopardy.

That's why I was so quiet at lunch.  

The police called Leanne comitted suicide in her cell.

They want to know if I will handle the arrangements.

In a way I'm very sad it had happened, in another.

I'm so glad to be finished with her, finally!

That thought makes me feel guilty.

She gave birth to my two daughters as far as a mother you've been a better mother in 4 weeks to them than she had ever been.

Just to let you know I never doubted you for one moment, about this break in.

Just because you know somebody years ago doesn't mean your still in cohoots with them today.

I was married to Leanne years ago it doesn't mean I still love her today.

I gave the police the name of her brother.

He will make the arrangements.

If they need help paying for it I told them I would.

That's the extent of my involvement!

Also mom and dad want us and the 3 kids out for dinner tonight can you make it?"

"Adam I would love to meet with your family!" Said Eve.

"It's semi formal not like the dinner the other night."

"Yeah I know I took the message remember?"

He smiled "You know I feel free, with Leanne not out there, I feel the kids are safe for a change, Leeza won't be called Retarded anymore, Lindsey won't be referred to as Miss zero personality anymore!"

Eve said "We both know those both are not true!

I will meet you at the restaurant tonight, I have to pick up Tommy from day care.

He isn't dressed exactly formal for day care in fact I think I will have to pick him up something semi formal on the way home from work tonight."

She picked up Tommy and took him to a kids store she got him a matching outfit that had a bow tie and vest.

She got him some shoes that were black.

He looked real nice.

They arrived at the Restaurant and once again she heard squeals of "Mommy! and was tackled by two girls.

Leeza and Lindsey she squatted down both girls were dressed in blue dresses with white hats, they looked like they were going to church on Easter morning!

"Don't you two look beautiful!

Your precious!"

Adams mom and dad were there.

Adams mom gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"I've never seen these two girls so animated they really love you!" Said Madeline,

"That's easy because I love them!" said Eve!

"I can tell!" Said Madeline!

Adam's father came and gave her cheek a kiss as well, "I don't know whether or not you caught my name or not the other night but I'm Charles."

"Yeah I got it said Eve. It's Charles."

"Thank you for loving my son, after he got finished with the divorce with Leanne, I thought he would never fall in love with another woman, protecting his heart type thing, you know if you don't share it it can't get broken again type thing!

He's a good kid.

We prayed that he would meet a woman that would love him as well as his daughters.

Your fitting that bill.

Sorry we put you through the little test with the Formal Dinner the other night.

We used to do that with all the girls he brought home.

You wouldn't believe some of the manners those girls had.

One got more on her than in her I swear.

Madeline and I know about your past!

We think it is wonderful that you overcame your problems, we continue to pray that our daughter Molly gets help before it's to late."

"I got lucky said Eve I got pregnant with my son Tommy I had a reason to get myself off drugs and off the streets.

I promised him that he would never see me high or having sex to live.

I've kept that promise so far.

When I heard that the kids mother had died today my thought was with Leeza and and Lindsey!" 

"From what I've seen they are happier than I ever saw them with her.

If I had ever heard her refer to Leeza as Retard or Lindsey as Miss Zero Personality.

She would of been gone sooner than she was.

I would of killed her myself!" Said Charles!

They were sat at the table and of course Leeza ordered Hangaburger and frisse.

She crawled up onto Eves lap and said "You blow frisse so ain't to hot?"

"That's what I live for beautiful!"

Leeza liked being called beautiful by her mommy.

Leeza was also wet. "You got the diaper bag she asked Adam he handed it to her.

How about you she asked Lindsey you need a change?"

"I'm in panties tonight!" Almost indignantly!

"I'm sorry I didn't know said Eve. Do you need to go potty?"

"Yeah I think I better!"

Said Lindsey not as indignant this time.

Madeline said I'll go with you leave the men to talk of course that included Tommy.

They went to the woman's and Madeline took Lindsey 

She came out with a smile and said "I peed!"

This was a very loud proclamation, the other woman giggled know that it happened to them all while toilet training their children.

That first time that they kept their panties or undies dry and made it to the toilet.

Eve was changing Leeza several women asked that the other one looked younger than This one why is she still in diapers?

"She is older than Lindsey but she is special needs, she is autistic and just doesn't seem to grasp things as fast as her sister.

Most of the women apologized when they found it out.

One lady said what are you worried about Becky you didn't figure that out yourself until you were 7.

Then night time was another 7 years after that the woman blushed.

Eve said "I was 12 when I stopped wetting my bed!" 

She thought the first time, second time is still happening.

Madeline said "My son was 14, he got hurt playing football in college and it started all over for him."

One lady said "My husband still does but it's only a dozen times a year if that."

"My sister still does and she is 27."

"At least this little girl has a reason!"

Said the lady that was obviously Becky's mom.  

"Your daughter is very lucky to have such an understanding mother!" Said Becky.

"Oh I'm not her mother yet said Eve!"

 "You're not?"

Said all the ladies?

"Are you adopting her?" Asked one lady?

"No her dad and I are only dating we've made plans to marry but nothing concrete yet."

"But that girl looks an awful lot like you."

"I know said Eve she already thinks I'm her mommy!"

Once again Leeza said "Mommy!" 

"How cute they all said,  bless her heart!

By this time Leeza was done and said "Thank you Mommy!"

"Yeah,  said Lindsey  Thank you Mommy!" 

Thank you said Madeline for loving my grandaughters like they were your own.

I didn't know what to say."

The lady that was named Becky heard that and asked "Is the father of the children the son that got hurt playing football in college?"

"Yeah." said Madeline!

"How do you handle his bedwetting?" Becky asked?"

"It's easy said Eve when my mother died when I was 14 it returned and at almost 21 I still do." Said Eve!

"Thank you for your honesty, my mom said I quit at 14, I just got better at hiding it from her, I still do as well! She catches me once or twice a year when my diapers leak.

That's the tip of the iceberg."

They went back and she sat the two kids on either side of her and blowed on the fries for both before feeding the hem.

Madeline looked on in loving wonder at Eve.

How do I tell my son this girl is perfect.

Yes she might have a past that was less than ideal.

But from what she had seen from these 2 girls from what she had seen before.

This was day and night difference.

Madeline wasn't the only one thinking this.

Charles was thinking along the same thing.

His son had done worse Leanne came to mind she was a spoiled little brat, god rest her soul!

But Adam had blinders going into that marriage he refused to see what her bad side was like.

This time he had the blinders on, to see what Eve's good side is like.

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Charles took his son aside and he asked, "How do you feel about Eve?"

"Dad I love her!" 

"Okay said Charles, why is that, what do you love about her?"

"I love what she has done for my daughters, today at lunch Leeza chastised me.

Told me to lighten up.

I was in a pretty bad mood.

I loved it.

It wasnt me lighening up it was the way she said it.

It came out as Light up dad!

I didn't know if I should get happy or smoke a cigarette!" He laughed.

Charles asked "Have you two been intimate yet?"

"Yes and no! Said Adam.

We have started several times, seems we are just getting going and were interupted.

Just to let you know dad we each had the same dream about each other, Leeza dreamed about Eve before I had even met her.

The first time Leeza ran up and called her mommy.

That was the first time I ever seen Leeza interact with another person.

Leeza dreams things that come true.

She dreamed about meeting Eve's parents right down to Eve's dead mother.

There is a cosmic force bringing us together. It's also keeping us celibate with each other."

Charles smiled "That's an easy one son."

"It is asked Adam?"

"Yep, think.

Eve made a promise to her unborn son, Tommy would never see her abusing drugs.

And having sex with another man.

The cosmos is helping her keep that promise!"

Adam couldn't  believe It, his dad had hit the nail on the head!

At one time he didn't believe in God, the cosmos, whatever you want to call it.

When Leeza was born he was mad, how could god do this to a little girl like Leeza.

After a little research he found out that it affected little girls and boys as well.

One in every 17 births or something like that.

A friend who had studied Theology and Religion.

Asked him once "Why not her?

Did you ever think god might have given her to you so you could learn something like humility, patience.

This might not be her test but yours!"

Adam had never even thought about it might be a test to prove that you can love her more than yourself.

That you would give her love no matter what.

Leanne was for shipping her out to any half of a dozen boarding schools for autistic children.

They had gone rounds and rounds over that!

She and him had sex only a few times after that, he likes to think that produced Lindsey.

He didn't care if somebody came and tried to claim Lindsey she was his, if not his Eve's.

He would love to see someone take Eve away from Leeza or Lindsey.

There would be a knock em down drag em out fight from the two girls.

Eve was their mommy now.

With Leanne dead, Eve could legally adopt them as hers without a fight.

Leanne didn't really want them but she would fight like hell to keep someone else from doing a better job at raising them.

Adam thought for the first time Ding, dong the wicked witch is dead!

Hail Dorothy, or in this case Hail Eve!

With his parents on board, Knowing her past, they were the last hurdle so to speak, there were still going to be friends that wont like the idea of her past, hell there might even be a few that used her services!

They ain't marrying her I am!

I'm going in without the blinders, many of his friends tried to tell him what Leanne was really like, even her so called friends had!

His dad had tried to warn him even, his parents didn't hate her but they didn't love her either.

Look what it got him.

Everybody at their divorce trial now knew he wet his bed, 3/4 of their friends knew that she was screwing around on him before the proceedings.

The other 1/4 knew afterwards them.

Of the very few that knew he wet his bed still.

100% know now.

It almost cost him his job. As CFO, even though he was the Harvard Grad.

Football Quarterback hero,  

he still wet his bed.

That somehow translated into unable to manage their funds for them.

He asked them "Were you happy with me yesterday?"

"Of course!" they told him!

The only difference between yesterday and today you know I am a bedwetter.

The funny thing was I slept dry today, yesterday I hadn't!"

On the way home from the dinner with his parents.

Adam asked Eve and Tommy back to his house, there were a few things that Adam needed to discuss with them as a family.

The two cars arrived back at Adams house.

Eve sat at the couch with the two girls on either side and Tommy got the seat of honor, on Eve's lap.

"I have had a good talk with my father he said.

1st. Eve and Tommy, Tommy looked up at Adam at hearing his name.

I am crazy for you two, I'm sure I speak for Leeza and Lindsey.

Who both said "We love you mommy!"

Adam said, We want you a part of our family!

Don't we girls both leaned in and kissed her cheek and both girls kissed Tommy who reacted by wiping off his cheeks where the girls had kissed him, like a typical boy Adam thought!l

2nd. When we become a family.

Since the death of the girls mother yesterday as well.

I would like to propose that Eve, you adopt My two girls, and I adopt Tommy as well.

Make everything legal, no step mom's or step dad's.

Just mom and dad!

3rd. It seems that there is some kind of force trying to bring you and I together Eve.

Call it god, the Cosmos, or a driving force were being brought together whether we like it or not.

From day one Eve.

Gertie getting injured like that she has been driving for like 45 years.

This is her first accident.

Then you get sent as my secretary, out of the dozens and dozens we have employed at the company.

They sent me you.

Out of the pool you are by far the most beautiful. I've checked."

"Thank you said Eve!"

I think your beautiful to mommy, said Leeza!

Me as well said Lindsey.

Thank you two, I think your both beautiful as well!"

Adam continued.

That first night, I expected you to be like Gertie.

She would make me a pot of coffee and left.

You stayed.

That brought my interest in you up a notch.

You told me you stayed, in case when, not if but when I found the discrepancy, I would need your services to type up letters.

Then you came and took a spread sheet and you began searching yourself.

Your the one that found where we had paid a supplier for services twice for the same services.

That accounted to more than half of the overage.

Most normal secretaries don't know squat about spread sheets.

Gertie is one.

Then for your help I invite you and Tommy to McDonald's.

And my beautiful daughter Leeza, sees you the first time.

I had never seen her act like that before, ever!

She called you "Mommy."

She had dreamed of you as her mommy.

That was the first time we had that cosmic force in our lives.

I invited you out to lunch with Leeza and I, the next day to see if McDonald's was a fluke or was it for real.

It was for real.

She sat on your lap and had you blow her french fries to cool them off for her.

That night we both have the same dream, which I thought was a numerical impossibility.

Like 1 in 4.6 Billion something like that.

Eve the lottery has better odds.

We discovered that there are two more surprses waiting for us.

We find out both of us are bedwetters a 12 to 200 odds. About a 6% chance that we are.

You and I were dealing with it in our own way.

It also seems we can't finish what we start Eve police, waiters, kids we get no chance to do some thing we tried several times that two people share.

"What's that Mommy?" asked Leeza?

"Never mind!" Said Eve with a smile.

My dad had asked me if we had been intimate.

I mentioned the timing of things in that department.

He gave me the answer and it's got to do with the cosmos again.

You made a promise that Tommy would never see you high.

"Yeah" said Eve!

"And the second part was?" Asked Adam

"He wouldn't see me having sex with another man." Said Eve!

"The cosmos is helping you keep that promise to him!" Said Adam

Eve looked surprised.

"To tell you the truth.

I meant that he would never see me working.

Not enjoying myself.

I never expected to meet a man that I loved as much as you Adam!

I want to share that side with you.

I really do!

I don't know if it's the cosmos or just bad timing on our part! 

She smiled, Relax it will eventually happen!

Maybe even tonight, it's getting late I don't know if I want to drive over to my own house or not.

Can we spend the night here?"

"Nothing would make me happier! Said Adam!

Your right it is getting late."

Leeza asked "Mommy can you tuck me in?"

"Me as well?" Said Lindsey?

"Me?" said Tommy.

"I will be honored to!" Said Eve.

"Me to?" said Adam with a smile.

Eve got Tommy ready for bed, the nanny got Leeza and Lindsey ready.

"She offered to do Tommy but Eve told her it wouldn't be fair as she isn't getting paid to do Tommy.

She told her that still it would be her pleasure, he's such a good natured kid."

After all the kids Tommy was first then Eve took care of Lindsey, and then Leeza she kissed each one on the forehead as she put them into bed and tucked them in,

She started a load of laundry so they would have clothes for tomorrow the Maid offered but again Eve reminded her that she wasn't getting paid to clean up after her, just the Andersons, and she was still a Taylor.

The maid winked at her and smiled, "It's only a matter of time You'll be one of them.

Then it will be my pleasure.

Nanny Kate said so to!"

She went to Adam's room.

He was still dressed waiting for her instead of him bathing her they both took a bath together.

They both smelled like Lilacs when they got into bed that night.

Eve was correct they finished the deed, 3 times that night. Before they were diapered and fell asleep in each others arms.

It was 1 am when they were both to tired and wore out from sex.

Eve got so wrapped up that she forgot to transfer the clothes from the washer to the dryer which means her clothes would still be wet in the morning.

Eve remembered about 0500 that she hadn't dried her clothes, shit she thought she jumped and ran to the washer.

The clothes were on top of the dryer, they were dry and folded neatly.

The maid had done them, the reason she didn't want the nanny and maid serving her is they aren't getting paid.

And she liked them both if she starts to see them as servants she might have to give up her friendship with them.

Maid came out as Eve was discovering the laundry.

"Thank you she said I forgot about them.

I feel guilty about you serving me. 

"Don't look at it as a friend helping a friend.

I might get in trouble for this ma'am but I like you, you don't treat me like I have the IQ of a burned out light bulb.

I consider you a friend.

Eve smiled I was just thinking the same of you.

I see you as a friend.

The former Mrs. Anderson treated us like slaves, if we got things nice and tidy she felt it was her duty to undo them.

Then would complain about us not keeping the place tidy enough.

Eve said if I ever get like that you have my permission to shoot me okay?

After she dropped Tommy off at day care she reported for work and her in box was kind of light that day.

She took care of it and had everything ready when Adam did arrive.

Where was he he was supposed to be here by now.

She checked the traffic on her computer, there were no major accidents.

One or two on the surface streets but nothing that would hinder Adam they weren't on his route.

She took calls and did the memos that wanted him to call them back, priorities and then there were others that were just the what's up bud variety.

One was from the brother of Leanne, probably about the funeral arrangements.

One was from the police about the DNA tests of her unborn child and Adam's involvement.

He came in about an hour and a half later.

He was smiling.

"Well the paternity test prove it wasn't mine! 

Her brother wants to know if I will pay for her funeral, but they don't want I or the kids there for it.

I told him that she has a lot of jewels in her property sell them.

That's what I told her before.

He yelled at me and called me ungrateful, he threatened to sue me I told him to go for it, I gave him the number of my lawyer and told him were done talking, have a nice day.

He called me an "Effing, bedwetter."

Then I hung up."

"Why were you so late today?" Eve asked?

"I had to run some errands today personal things, you mind staying an hour and a half late tonight?" Asked Adam

"Not me said Eve!

I love spending as much time with you as possible."

"About last night said Adam thank you for sticking with me, I'm glad we were able to finally do what we did 3 times last night.

I enjoyed myself said Adam.

"Like I didn't said Eve, that was the best sex I had in years, when I did that as a job, I didn't enjoy it as much.

The only time I enjoyed it was there was a lady that just wanted to baby me, care for me.

I felt special."

Adam joked, "Sounds like something my mother would do."

Eve smiled back and thought if he only knew.

"I guess what I'm saying is there is a difference between business and pleasure." Said Eve.

"Will you go to lunch with me today asked Adam, I promise no kids!

Just us!"

"Sure, said Eve, I forgot to get breakfast."

That's because you left, Cassie made biscuits with sausage gravy.

Cassie and Kate want to know why you don't like them?"

Eve was shocked!

"It's just the opposite said Eve I really do like them, I don't want to take advantage of them."

"What do you mean advantage?" asked Adam?

"They're are not getting paid to take care of me and Tommy said Eve, they are here to serve the Andersons said Eve were not quite Andersons yet!"

"But Cassie and Kate don't mind they love you I think more than they love me!

Cassie asked me when I was going to marry you?

She told me she has a brother that would be interested if I'm not.

She told me to tell you don't think that just because her and Kate are servants don't feel bad about using them.

Would you understand that say if my cousin visits from out of town would they be out of line if they cooked and cleaned up after them, or say he or she had a toddler if Kate helped take care of it would that be out of line?"

"No said Eve that's what they were hired for, right?"

"Say if while they were here they needed letters typed up and things faxed, would you be willing to do that for me?" Asked Adam?

"Of course said Eve I would be more than glad to."

But you wouldn't get paid any extra it might even be after hours, no OT said Adam!" 

That's okay I wouldn't mind doing it out of the kindness of my heart...... Point taken said Eve."

Adam said Cassie and Kate both love you, like I do.

They want to do their jobs and it seems you don't want them to serve you."

"I guess I don't like getting used, I figured I was using them it put me on the level of those that have used me in the past!" said Eve.

"Not to worry said Adam, they have been used and abuse by Leanne."

Adam did his work signed letters, returned calls.

Soon it was lunch time they put the phone on answering machine and went for lunch.

He took her to the same restaurant that they had visited a few weeks ago where Adam brought Leeza to see if it was a fluke that Leeza had interacted so well with her.

Today Adam was true to his word, no kids. Unfortunately Eve missed not getting mugged by Leeza and Lindsey greeting her with "Mommy!"

And having her legs hugged by the two!

She ordered the Seafood Alfredo again it still was very good last time even though it was cold by the time she got to eat it.

Adam had the same.

As lunch was winding down Adam stood up and faced Eve.

He dropped to one knee and out of the pocket of his suit he pulled a little dark blue velvet box out.

And lifted the Lid.

There was a ring set in there.

Eve was impressed with the size of the center stone it lead to be at least a Carat or more. 

She gasped.

"Eve Taylor, will you marry me?"

Yes!!! She said!

People began to clap and cheer.

For them it was a privilege to be a part of witnessing something like this.

It's not every day you see someone get proposed to.

He slid the ring up her finger, it was a perfect fit.

"How did you know the right size?" Asked Eve?

Thank Cassie and Kate, said Adam they figured it out for me like I said they love you as much as I do!"

"Tell them Thank you, and tell them I owe them a hug the next time I see them!"

Adam said "They already told me that!

When they returned to work, Eve asked to visit the second floor to see Glory.

She wanted to show her, her newest piece of jewelry.

Glory smiled and asked her if she was slumming?

She showed her her ring finger.

Then it was When? 


Who? asked a few others.

She told them that her new assignment she fell in love with her new boss!" 

"You mean the assignment none of us wanted so we pawned it off on you?"

"That's the one! Said Eve!

She showed them a picture of Adam and her that they had taken at the restaurant on her cell, phone.

Oh my god he's gorgeous, said one lady!" 

"You landed a Suit?" 

She was bombarded with questions.

"Are you going to quit when your married?"

"What about kids?" 

"Does he have a brother?" Asked another.

"When are you getting married?"

"What's his name and title here?" 

"His name is Adam Anderson, he is the CFO.

No brothers just an estranged sister.

The marriage isn't until December right before Christmas.

He has two kids Leeza and Lindsey, I have 1 Tommy.

No and I won't be returning here after the assignment he wants me to be on his team in the financial side."

She could see many of them mentally kicking themselves for turning down the assignment.

"Glory said were so proud of you, you worked your way out of here at least aren't we girls?"

"Yeah they all said and it was genuine.

She took the elevator to the sixth floor and did her job she took the messages off the phone and gave them to Adam.

He made calls as she seen his light light up and stay lit. Then it would go dark and then light up again.

Soon he had more letters to type and there were a few things in her in basket.

Mike Thompson came to pick them up.

"Wow he said its a pretty rough day, I have loaded up at least 6 times today, I don't even know if I will be able to get the 7th floor this trip or not.

How are things going with you he asked?" 

"Terrific!" Said Eve with a smile.

He also dropped off mail for Adam.

There were only about 7 a light day.  

Thank you said Eve. 

Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Hopefully, said Mike, but if it's anything like today, don't expect me unil quitting time!

He left.

She looked one letter was from Graves And Graves, Attorneys at Law.

Her job was to open the mail and check the contents, just to make sure that there were no surprises for Adam.

This letter was about Leanne, her brother was threatening a Law Suit if he didn't help cover the cost of his wife's funeral.

They were divorced she had seen the decree.

He had it on his wall in his office at home.

He told her it was one of the happiest days in his life!

That's why it was hung on his wall their were photos of him playing football with Harvard on his Jersey.

If she had her own office the last things she would put was pictures of herself as a drug whore.

Then again it could stand as a representation of how far she had came.

She knew this wasn't a reality she can't remember but she was sure nobody took pictures of her when she was.

Nobody could stand to look in the camera long enough.

She had a hard time looking at herself in the mirror to brush her hair.

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She stayed late with Adam, she didn't really care if she got OT out of it.

She just wanted to spend time with Adam.

Everything was done there was really nothing to do except sit and talk to get his full shift in.

Even though he was on salary, it didn't matter if he worked 2 or 18 hours he got the same wages since she was Hourly. She got OT.

They left and she went and got Tommy from Daycare.

She paid them for the month and they were very happy with her paying early.

She was one of their favorite parents and Tommy was one of their favorite kids.

They warned her to watch out he was pretty popular with the girls.

He was a girls boy, they really couldn't call him a ladies man yet!

She got to her apartment and she quickly got dinner ready and Tommy fed so she could get him ready and off to bed.

Then herself as well. She has learned to love her dapers and the fact she wets her bed still.

At least she has taken one thing away from Adam.

She liked her diapers more in the morning when she was wet, the orgasms seemed to be better.

She liked waking up wet now.

Also since her and Adam have now done the deed at least 3 times now she had quit wearing diapers to work.

She has decided though that she would wear them during her monthlys.

She doesn't feel all that sexy during that time of the month and Diapers make her feel sexy.

Her period was about two weeks away.

She got into bed and this time her mom came to her.

"What the heck she asked her your head over heels in love with this guy.

Can't say I much blame you Eve he's very handsome.

To bad I'm not still alive, I would love Leeza as well, she was wanting a new mommy.

I just gave her a dream about you.

Call me a romantic I could see you and this Adam married, you deserve to be happy.

Just to let you know, keep an eye on this Mike guy the mail guy.

He's not what he seems.

He did mention that he is a cop didn't he?

He is only acting a Mail room guy.

He's spying on you honey!

Act like you don't know I told you just let them follow you.

Spend more days off at Adams.

My boss doesn't like the fact you two are procreating."

"Boss?" Asked Eve?

She pointed her finger upwards.

"Boss! Said Eve maybe you should give him some and tell him to light up!"

Anna said "Tryed that once.

Set me back had to get reassigned.

Almost got new place to live."

"What?" Asked Eve confused.

"It was about got real hot for me." Said Anna.

"Hell?" Said Eve!

"Exactly! Said Anna!  

You don't have to worry about your diaper wearing period, yours are done for a few months.

You still might be in diapers, your bladder is going to take a beating.

Just to let you know bedwetting isn't the only wetting you will be doing the next 8 and 1/2 months."

"No?" Said Eve?

"Yep and twins a boy and girl!" Said Annie!

"Andrew and Erin?" Eve asked.

"I guessed that's what you name them.

Just remember said Annie, I love you I didn't mean to die, it's not like I had something to do with it.

I can't stop that sorry."

"Mom I love you as well and I know your dying wasn't your idea!"

Eve awoke, dang another dream about mom.

If this was true I'm pregnant with twins.

"Mom I do miss you but I know you were sick, I wanted to tell you that even though you had to die, it was better than seeing you suffer like you were!

She looked at the clock it was just verily 1am.

She squoze her diaper and she was still dry, but she had to pee something fierce.

She ran to the toilet, undid the second set of her tabs of her diaper, pulled that down, and sat.

She started peeing even before her butt hit the seat.

Peeing never felt so good.

Her whole body like spasmed as she was finishing peeing.

"What the hell was that?" She said to herself?

She redid her diaper and went back to bed she was tired enough to get back to sleep.

She awoke at 5 am and her diaper was damp but not wet, she had wet some but with her going potty some 4 hours ago she hadn't wet as much as normal.

She thought about her dream.

Her mom was in her dream again telling her she was pregnant with twins.

She did know who the father was this time it was Adam. Unlike the father of Tommy whose dad was any Tom, Dick, or Harry she had sex with.

The day she ovulated.

Andrew and Erin are there names but it seemed like that was later in their life in her original dream, she couldn't remember how old they were in the original dream she though about three.

But that would make Leeza only 9 years old and Lindsey only 7 and Tommy almost 5.

Too young to be getting sex from Lindsey.

It was a dream they are not supposed to make sense.

How many times had she flew or fell in her sleep?

She couldn't wait to tell Adam that she was pregnant, will he be glad or mad?

She really hadn't gave it much thought she fell asleep again just thinking whether Adam would be mad or glad?

At work Adam stared at her.

She would catch him staring at her.

"Is everything okay?" She asked?

"Fine." he said kind of quietly.

She looked and he was staring again.

"Something is wrong? She said!

You keep staring at me!" 

"Don't take this wrong said Adam but your dead mom visited me in a dream last light.

She kinda laid into me."

"About what?" Asked Eve?

"She thinks we got pregnant the other night having sex.

She is kind of mad at me, she said not mad but disappointed!

I haven't been talked to like that by a parent since I was 14 and broke my mom's grandmother's antique cookie jar trying to steal a cookie."

"She visited me as well. Said Eve.

It's not for sure that I am yet said Eve I haven't peed on the stick yet and seen a + or - sign yet said Eve."

"Did your mother wag her finger at you asked Adam.

She did at me!"

"If I am said Eve it's not totally your fault I wanted it just as much as you!"

"Yeah but it's the guy who gets blamed especially by dead mothers that visit them in their dreams!"

"I'm just to blame as much as you! Said Eve.

I could of been on the pill but I've not had sex in over two years, how long does it require to requlify for Virginity?"

"About that long!" Said Adam jokingly!

They stayed in today and had food ordered in Eve had the best Sesame Chicken she had ever had.

There was a budget meeting that Adam had to attend and she held down the fort.

Mike Thompson came and got the mail and delivered theirs.

Eve ribbed him and asked "How the police work is going?" 

 "Great, he said but this job is killing me, I think I might have to quit."

"Why to many hours?" Asked Eve?

"Yeah I fell asleep on patrol the other night!" Said Mike. 


I figured you would be a detective by now said Eve, going undercover things like that."

Mike looked like he had been slapped, did she know?

She hadn't been suspicious before, no money was missing out of petty cash.

She hadn't been contacted by anyone other than Adam.

She was boring other than her garbage contained wet adult diapers.

Did she still wet her bed, he knew she had in elementary school and middle school.

Hell so did he.

His wife still did Lisa might of been a cheerleader but she had that problem her whole life, she was a bedwetter.

He would be the last one to judge her for that.

The only person she had seen since the break in was Adam he proposed to her the other day, she did visit the girls on the second floor and showed them her ring.

She had been really close to a Gloria Beatrice Stallings that works there.

Everybody calls her Glory Be. She is also squeeky clean, Glory Be is marrying her dad.

They thought that they had something there with the three of them but nothing.

This guy Adam handled a lot of money but nothing has gone missing they think it's nothing now they were pulling the plug on the investigation.

In a way he was glad  that she wasn't involved in anything he wold of hated to arest her.

But how did she figure out he was an undercover detective.

Is there a leak our end, theirs?

"Nice to see you again!

I guess I'll see you in about 5 years for our 10th high school reunion!" Said Mike and he left.

Eve smiled the look on his face he was busted and he knew it! "Thanks mom you was right!"

Eve left work and picked up Tommy from daycare then she stopped at the Pharmacy to pick up the earliest detection home pregnancy test.

She asked "Tommy what do you want for dinner?"

"MaDonald's!" was his answer!

Yep, should have known better she thought.

She got tacos from the local Tex-Mex shop they were like 59 cents each she got 1/2 hard 1/2 soft.

She got a dozen.

Tommy liked the soft shelled,  but he just ate the stuff on the inside the shell itself never got eaten either way he got more on him than in him!

After dinner was all cleaned up including Tommy.

Eve was watching a show on PBS.

There was a knock on the door.

Who could that be, she thought we don't get many visitors.

She opened the door it was Adam and Leeza, and Lindsey.

Leeza had a face that Eve could tell she had been crying. After inviting them in.

Eve asked Leeza "What's wrong?"

"I missed mommy!" Said Leeza.

"I'm sorry!" Said Eve As She Took Leeza and cuddled with her and rocked her.

"There's something else bothering you besides you missing me, I'm holding you and your still crying what's the matter really."

"Missed mommy!

Grandma Annie mad at daddy!" 

"For what?" Asked Eve?

"Making you get babies!" Leeza sobbed.

"Oh that, you need to remember, mommy is partially to blame as well I was there when it happened.

Are you afraid I will love you less if we get new babies?"

Leeza shook her head yes, "Mommy Leanne forgot me when Lindsey was born."

"You know you two are always going to be special to me, yes babies require a lot of time.

If you feel I'm neglecting you two I want you to let me know I will make time for you three!" 

"Us three?" Asked Leeza?

"Are you forgetting Tommy?" Eve asked?

"Oh yeah! Said Leeza since we come to your life, you kind of forget Tommy huh?"

"Yes said Eve but with your daddy Tommy has a daddy so he likes spending time with his daddy.

You like spending time with daddy sometimes right?"

She shook her head yes again, "but I love mommy too!" Said Leeza.

"I know you do said Eve and mommy loves Leeza and Lindsey to so much!

She doesn't like seeing Leeza look like this. So can you smile for me?" 

Leeza looked and gave her a smile.

"There is that beautiful girl again the one I love!"

The smile got bigger when she heard her mother call her beautiful!

"Mommy can we sleepover?" Leeza asked?

"That's up to your daddy?" Said Eve as she looked at Adam pleadingly.

"I guess that would be okay." Said Adam.

"Good because Lindsey and Leeza brought diapers and jammies!" Said Leeza!

"Did you guys plan this?" Asked Eve?

"Kind of," said Leeza looking down at the ground, looking to see how much trouble she was in with mommy.

For Eve she had a very hard time looking stern, inside she wanted to laugh.

But being the mommy.

"If you guys want to sleepover all you have to do is ask!" Eve said.

Leeza and Lindsey looked at each other like that's all it takes.

Adam began to giggle.

He was looking like Eve felt.

"Do you want me to take Tommy, since it is a girls night we should be entitled to a guys night you know get a few beers, smoke a few cigars cruise for chicks!" 

Leeza asked innocently "Is that what guys do daddy?"

Both had a hard time keeping the laughs in.

They knew better than to look at each other because if they did they would both bust out laughing.

"No I just made that up!" Said Adam.

That took every ounce of control he had to say that with a straight face.

They both knew tomorrow when they actually saw each other the would both break out laughing.

She got Tommy's clothes and the things he would need. They decided that they would meet up at the office tomorrow.

Looks like a play day at work tomorrow.

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Eve felt like her right arm was missing.

This was the first time that Tommy hadn't been there for her.

But she still had the two girls.

She put in one of her favorite movies in and popped a couple of bags of popcorn and they watched The  Goonies.

Leeza went around yelling "Hey you guys!" Sounding like Sloth.

Eve never thought about it but she was sure that Leeza was drawn to the Sloth person as she was somewhat like him, different.

She got them both bathed and diapered for the night and got one on herself and crawled into bed.

Lindsey awoke at about 2 am and began to cry Eve cuddled with her and she knew she was safe and fell back to sleep.

Eve needed to pee she got up and peed on her stick she waited 5 minutes and there was a + in the window.

She had prayed for - but it wasn't meant to be.

Shit! She thought then chastised herself for swearing.

She redid her diaper and went back to bed.

She had to move Leeza out of her spot she had invaded it during her absence she got into bed and quickly fell asleep.

Her alarm went off at 0600 waking the girls as well as hers. Leeza saw her and smiled.

"Hi Mommy! She said.

"Hello Sunshine!" Eve said to Leeza.

"Hi mommy!" Said Lindsey.

"Hello beautiful!" Eve said back.

"Mommy can we stay here all day?" Asked Leeza?

"Sorry dear but I got to go to work."

"Daddy's work? 

Can we play like we did before?"

"We'll see? Said Eve? 

The boss might not let me!" 

"Who is the boss?" "sked Lindsey.

"Your daddy!" Said Eve.

"Is daddy mean boss?" Asked Leeza.

"No not usually but work is just that work.

It's not play." Said Eve!

"I wanna play! Said Leeza like we did before!" 

"We'll see what your daddy does, okay?" 

They all got baths.

And Leeza was diapered.

Lindsey got panties and smiled and told Eve "I'm a big girl in the day time, do you think I will stop peeing my bed at night soon?"

"I don't know said Eve I didn't stop until I was like 12 myself."

"Will you still love me if I still pee at night until I'm 12?" Asked Lindsey?

"I will still love you if you wet your bed when your 21 said Eve.

My love isn't dependant on whether your bedwetting at nights."

Lindsey smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you mommy! What about Leeza she asked?"

"What about her?" Asked Eve?

"She is still peeing her diapers in the daytime.

She is 5 and goes to school when school starts again.

Will the other kids make fun of her?"

She will probably be with kids a lot like she is, with Autism!" Said Eve. 

"She is my sister and I worry about her." Said Lindsey. 

Eve had to hide her laughter, she knew that Lindsey wasn't even 5 yet but she sounds like a 30 year old at times.

"Well I worry about the both of you.

That's what a mommy does!" Said Eve!

"Your a good mommy said Lindsey.

I know you and my daddy aren't married yet but you love us still like you are our mommy."

"That's because you 2 are so lovable!"  

She gave Lindsey a hug.

The smile on Lindsey's face wasn't lost of Eve.

For a girl that had been told she has zero personality.

She was very animated.

Of course look at the source the woman that told Leeza she was retarded and said Lindsey had zero personality was nothing more than a self centered, spoiled rich girl that would never be happy with what she had.

She missed out on the love of two very beautiful and loving girls.

Eve had that and that made her feel more rich than Leeann could ever have imagined.

They arrived at work she had the two girls.

She had to get them visitors badges so they could go up with her.

She got there in her in basket was pretty light today.

She got the messages for Adam one was from Graves and Graves. "Following up we have found the divorce decree we will not be pursing any more legal action against you!"

That was good news she thought there was a few other there's the CEO wanted a call back as soon as he got in.  She marked it priority!

She heard the girls say "Daddy." She knew Adam was there he heard Hello girls and she heard them say "Tommy!"

She heard Tommy squeal with delight she knew his squeal!

"Todays the last day of August." Said Adam.

"Dang your right it is! Said Eve.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Asked Adam?

"Well the past few weekends I've been spending at my boyfriend's house with him and his daughters and my son." Said Eve

"How would you like to spend time in Vegas this weekend. He asked?

"I really don't have other plans she said.

But if it's one of those Vegas weddings I have to have Glory and my dad there as well."

"Okay no problem we'll invite them and my folks as well.

I'll make the arrangements we'll fly out Friday after work. 

The kids go with us?" Asked Adam?

"Defiantly said Eve since after we adopt yours and mine we will be a family she said." The CEO wants you to call him ASAP! 

He left the door open she heard his side of the conversation.

"No I didn't even know that was going on.

How could I tell her!  

No nobody told me!

She did, I don't know how she found out.

Eve knew that she was the topic of conversation.

It's about that Mike Thompson thing would they believe my dead mother came to me in a dream and told me?

"Sounds like it could just be praising his police work to me said Adam telling him he should be undercover.

I can guarantee there was no leak from me, this was the first I heard about any investigation.

Did you guys ever think that this girl is no dummy maybe she figured it out on her own?

Yes she is very smart.

Do you think I would marry a dummy?

This Saturday in Vegas.

Well even after I still want her on my team.

Like I said she is nobody's dummy.

Just until Gertie gets back, then I'm not even sure I even want Gertie back.

Most of my OT was Gertie.

She did what Gertie took two days to do in 3 hours.

Gertie's an OT milker!

Okay then put Gertie back in the pool and make Eve permanent, if you won't let her on my team right now."

Eve thought no way I get to be his secretary, that's fantastic.

She didn't really want to be on his team really.

If we're married and we have sex in the office here and it's on camera will they fire us?

Never with my luck it would be my dad that catches it.

Even though we will be married.

It could be like him and mom the element of danger of being caught,  is the turn on.

Still then some guy watching the camera, she could see him masturating to her and Adams porn.

Adam came to the door "Can I talk to you for a minute? He asked.

The CEO has denied your moving to my team after Gertie comes back.

When she does your being named as my secretary.

She will go to the pools."

"Adam, Eve said they will eat her alive if it really takes her that long to type a memo.

She will be fired.

That's where everybody comes to that don't have secretaries for things that need to be done.

Couldn't you just talk her into retirement?"

"That's a good idea! 

He said you know Leeann hired her as my secretary, probably because she was the one that she had the least worry of me falling for her.

Leeane was a jealous bitch.  

I'm sure Gertie fed Leanne info about me she probably wondered why she hadn't heard from her and showed up that day you kicked her ass.

We're still on for Saturday right?" Adam asked? 

"Yeah! Said Eve why wouldn't we be?"

"Because for now I can't get you on my team." Adam said 

"You think that's all I wanted?

You poor man you need to remember I'm not your ex wife I'm not sleeping with you to get ahead.

I don't work that way.

I wouldn't of minded if I got sent back to the pools, maybe with a little raise would be nice but I would of gone.

I would still be your wife and had my two girls which I love like I do my own son!

Of course I will still love you!"

"Sorry he said I guess that was the way it used to be.

Tit for tat.

I buy you expensive jewelry you give me sex."

"Heck I'll give you sex for nothing!

I'm a cheap date!"

"Thank you for setting me straight said Adam.

Cancel the Rolls Royce!" He said to nobody.

"Besides you already got me expensive jewelry!" As she showed him the ring on her finger.

"Have you called your dad and Glory yet?

I still have to call my parents.

Tell the girls and Tommy that there is going to be a wedding! They need to get ready."

She dialed Glory's number at her desk "Gloria Stallings how may I help you?" She heard Glory Be.

"This is Mr. Anderson's office  hold for a call from his Secretary Evelyn Taylor please!"

"Hello Glory is that you?

No its Princess Grace of Monaco!

Of couse it's me said Glory what you need?"

"Uhm I want you to go to Vegas tomorrow  night with Adam and the girls plus my Tommy and I want dad to go as well."

"Didn't your dad call you asked Glory?" 

"No said Eve what's up?"

"Well we were going to get married in October as to you know.

There's a little hiccup.

We're going to Vegas already to get married, I'm pregnant."

"Your not pulling my leg are you? Asked Eve?

"No why?" Asked Glory?

"Adam and I are going to Vegas on Saturday to get married as well I'm pregnant also!"

"No way? She said both of us? 

Your dad was supposed to invite you 5 to go with us.

I wonder why he hasn't called you yet?" 

"Maybe he has cold feet!" joked Eve.

"Better now than when were getting married! 

Glory said. Maybe he's to embarrassed you know knocking your girlfriend up is fine for you youngsters not us old farts!"

Eve said maybe we can do a double ceremony?" Asked Eve?

"That would be wonderful said Glory.

I always dreamed of this day since I was a little girl.

I never saw me getting married with a girl I consider almost a daughter!" 

"Since I've worked for the company I always saw you as my mother as well! 

I would be honored to share my wedding with you Mom!"

She hung up "Huh?"

"What?" Said Adam?  

"Seems like we were supposed to of been invited to Vegas tomorrow anyway!" Said Eve.

"Why is that?" Asked Adam?

"Seems dad and Glory have not been behaving  themselves as well, Glory is pregnant also, dad was supposed to have invited us to Vegas for their wedding!"  

"Uh-uh, he said we're making it a double wedding?" 

"Yes!" Said Eve.

There was a knock at the door when Eve answered it there was her dad Tommy.

"What brings you by here?" Asked Eve? 

Leeza seen Tommy ran and said "Gwampa!

About knocking him over in the process.

I dreamed grandma Annie last night."

"Did she tell you anything Important?" He asked?

"Yeah yous are pregnant!" Leeza said

"Oh my gosh! Said Tommy how did she know?"

"Gamma Annie mad at daddy he get mommy pregnant!"

"What?" Asked Tommy?

"It's true pops I am pregnant."

"I don't know whether to be pissed off or glad said Tommy! I guess under the circumstances  I guess congratulations?"

"Same to you pop!

I was going to ask you to a weekend in Vegas but what are your plans?

We were going to ask you to a weekend in Vegas as well we're getting married this weekend."

"I know said Eve, Glory already told me!

You mean you let your poor old dad sit there squirming and you knew all along?

Good girl I have taught you well.

So if your going and we're going we might as well go together, don't you think asked Tommy.

"Glory and I already discussed it.

We"re getting married together." 

"Okay shotgun wedding for two."

"Oh dad quit being so dramatic!"

The next day after work we all boarded a Delta Airlines flight from Phoenix Sky Harbor to Las Vegas McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada.

It was a 40 minute flight or a 3 to 4 hour drive.

We arrived and it was very nice that the man your marring is rich.

We got a penthouse suit since he was paying for it we got the master suite I think it was the size of my whole apartment.

His Parents had flown in earlier and had a nice suite of their own.

The girls didn't know it yet but they and Eve's Tommy would be spending the night tomorrow with them.

While Tommy and Glory spent time in their room and Adam and Eve in theirs.

Even more funny was the room was called the Garden Room as it overlooked the garden.

Eve just jokingly called it Eden!

They went out and had a little fun they lost about $1000 before calling it a night that's not true Eve won about $5000 playing the $1 slots but they came away up $4000.

She ordered room service for breakfast the next morning.

That was a few hundred right there with tips.

They got dressed in their best suits and the girls were in their best dresses the kids were in theirs Tommy was the ring bearer he had a tux that Adam had rented for him.

He looked adorable.

Leeza was maid of Honor for Eve, Lindsey got Glory.

Adam had his dad as best man.

Tommy had his Grandson Tommy as his.

Even though his best man was bored and decided to sleep.

Tommy Sr. Made the joke "When he married Eve's mother his best man had gotten drunk and was still trying to sleep off the effects of the night before.

Having his best man trying to sleep was a tradition for him."

Soon the I do's were completed they went back to the Penthouse.

There was a big basket of fruit and Champagne.

From Their work it was addressed to Mr. And Mrs Anderson and Sergeant and Mrs.Taylor from your friends at The Suncore company.

That  they all worked for.

Leeza was a bit put out that she didn't get to go to the honeymoon with mommy and daddy.

Or Grandma and Grandpa.

She made a threat "When I go on my honeymoon you guys aren't coming with me!"

Eve talked with her she said I will see you tomorrow.

Be good for Grandma and Grandpa Anderson they love you almost as much as I love you!

Come next week we're going to be talking to lawyers about me adopting you guys and your daddy adopting Tommy.

"Once we're adopted will we be real brother and sisters?" Asked Leeza?

"We will be a real family then!" Said Eve!

"Okay, Leeza said, but you guys still aren't coming on my Honeymoon!"

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Sunday morning they all met again for breakfast.

At 2pm their flight left McCarron airport headed back to Phoenix.

That was all except Adams mom and dad they were staying in Las Vegas and renting a car to drive back to Phoenix they were bringing the basket back that the company had sent them.

The Champagne was put on hold for a few more months as neither bride were drinking as both were pregnant neither were drinking alcohol.

The kids and adults that needed it were diapered for the flight with the tail winds going east the flight was 5 minutes shorter at 35 minutes.

They were due to arrive back at 2:35pm they got back in Phoenix at 2:32 pm the first order of business was to get Eve moved from her apartment to Adam's home.

Her meager sticks of furniture were in no way compatible to what Adam had at his place.

She gave what she could away to neighbors.

Most were happy to get them her queen size bed was great fully apreciated by a newlywed couple that had two twins. They also got her couch and two chairs.

Her coffee table was handmade by her great grandfather Lloyd there was no way she was parting with that.

It was made from Cedar wood. He had made them when he got on a wood working kick a few years ago.

Her and Tommy's clothes were also packed as well as his crib he needed somewhere to sleep.

And they needed somethings to wear.

Her lease had ran out the month before.

She payed her last month and she gave her last month as a notice that she was leaving, they hated to see her leave she was quiet, clean, and she paid her rent on time.

They got to the Adam's house Cassie and Kate both met her and said "Now that your Mrs. Anderson it is our privilege to serve you, no arguments!"

She said "Thank you dear friends!

The deal is still the same if I become too demanding or unappreciative, shoot me please!"

"We promise!" They both smiled!

After the dinner that Maid Cassie had made.

It was very delicious.

They sat and talked they tried to serve her wine and Eve said none for me please the kids are drinking grape juice, I'll drink that as well.

The maid and Nanny Kate looked and smiled at each other.

This wasn't lost on Eve.

After dinner they went and watched videos in the theater.

It was Disney movies some Eve hadn't seen since she was younger.

Adam and Eve cuddled together the whole time.

Cassie brought popcorn and sodas as well as candy.

It was like being in a theater.

That night Nanny Kate took care of the kids incuding Tommy.

Eve felt guilty but was told  "Mrs. Anderson, that's my job now since she was now Mrs. Anderson they were pulling rank on her."

She calmed herself, not rank they were doing the job they had been hired to do.

After the kid's were all ready for bed she did come and tuck them in.

She kissed them all good night.

"Love you mommy!" Said said Leeza.

"Love you Mommy! Said Lindsey. 

"ov u Mommy! Said Tommy!

"And I love all 3 of you!" Said Eve!

"Mommy? Asked Lindsey, when are we going to be adopted so we can really be yours and Tommy my brother?" 

"Bother!" Said Tommy.

I don't know said Eve I'm not versed very well in those legal thing so.

I know if I was adopting you because say you were orphans it could take up to a year.

With your daddy's permission with Leeza and Lindsey and my permission with Tommy.

I don't know if we have to wait a year?" 

"A year long time!" Said Leeza!

"Yes I know it is. Said Eve.

I'm hoping that it won't take that long."

"Me too said Leeza I want mommy now."

"I want you guys as well!.

Tomorrow is to long!"

Monday morning as they got ready for work Tommy came dressed he was ready for his day care.

He liked going.

Now the reality was he was going to be cared for by Nanny Kate.

Like most kids it was out of his routine and for the first few days he was going to hate it.

"Maria? He asked? In his way he was asking are you taking me to Maria?

"No your going to stay with Lindsey and Leeza today." Said Eve.

He smiled. "Linsey, Leeza?"

"Yes and Nanny Kate." Eve added 

"Nan Kate?"

This didn't seem as foreign as she thought.

He ran to Leeza "Stay wif u today!" He hugged her.

"Tommy my brother asked Leeza?"

"Yesh!" He said.

She took him by the hand to show him what they did.

"Play games and Nanny Kate read stories. 

With Lindsey." Leeza said.

"Linsey?" He asked?

"Yeah she my sister!" Said Leeza! 

"Siter!" He said!

Okay today was the easy day.

Adam came and whispered in her ear.

"You might want a diaper on the traffic is a  killer some mornings!" 

She reached out and felt his crotch he was diapered under his grey pinstripe suit, she kissed him and felt his crotch again.

'Too late we need to get going otherwise we might be late" 

She hurried and got herself diapered and threw a few more in her purse.

She was determined to christen his bathroom having sex.

They got in his car!

The vroom vroom one that Tommy loved she had no clue what make it was.

The steering wheel said Ferrari.

OK she had heard of them but being raised poor she had never ridden in one until the day that Tommy hurt his chin.

She was so worried about Tommy that she hadn't realized it was a Ferrari until just now.

She could feel the engine and she smiled at Adam and said "Vroom Vroom!"

"That's right little girl this is the Vroom,  Vroom car!" 

"Yeah!" she said she lifted up the hem of her dress.

She exposed her diaper to Adam and gave him a look.

He almost wrecked.

He grabbed her hem and covered her diaper back up.

"Your making daddy nervous exposing your diapee like that!"

Just to prove his point a trucker on her right side blew his air horn and gave her the thumbs up sign.

She lifted her hem again and gave him a free shot of her diaper.

It was his turn to almost wreck.

She looked he was smiling and shaking his head side to side he couldn't believe it.

They got to work she had to go and get a new badge her old one said Taylor and she was an Anderson now.

Glory hadn't made it in as yet they had a new badge for her that said "Gloria B. Taylor."

Her's said "Eve Anderson."

She had a hard parting with the old one but security took it and after pulling the metal where it connected to her lanyard it was shreded.

At least her new badge was brand new the photo was crisp and it looked like her again.

With Adam she got to ride the executive elevator.

In the morning the elevators all stopped at the first floor they had to be searched.

The executive went straight to the 6th floor or second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh by passing Security.

As soon as the door was unlocked and they entered the reception area. Adam drug her to the kitchenette.

He stood behind her, she felt his hand as he rubbed her wet diaper, she had wet it the second time she had flashed her diaper at the trucker.

Probably why he almost Iost control!

He was rubbing her diaper and he was in the right area.

His other hand he was rubbing her left breast.

He was kissing her neck and she felt her breathing rate increase.

God this felt good.

Her next stop was that toilet off his bathroom.

She was filling her diaper but it wasn't her urine this time she felt her body convulse, she moaned.

He was still going for it she was now increasing the volume of her moans she eventually screamed "Oh Adam!"

She was wetting herself from the orgasm.

Then he stopped.

He whispered "Did my little girl bring her diaper bag with her?"

"Yes Daddy!" She said!

"Good go get changed your a wet, little girl." 

"Sorry Daddy! 

She said as her breathing rated returned to normal.

I go get changed now.

You think Nanny Kate change me like she do Leeza?"

I really think she would said Adam, why don't you ask her?"

"Me to embarrassed about my wetting bed to ask."

"If you like I would ask her said Adam.

I'm sure she knows Cassie I'm sure told her she found your and my wet diapers in the trash they know I do, probably as well as you by now.

I had Kate offer me one time she caught me playing baby and offered.

I'm sure she wouldn't mind another little girl to take care of!" 

That almost sent Eve into overload again.

Having Kate diaper her at night like the little girl she really was.

She wondered if she hung around she would get to play with the girls and Tommy treated like a little girl again.

Why did that idea sound like so much fun?

Work was fun today what they had gotten done of it.

They had christened the bathroom a few times today, seems like every time Eve needed a diaper change, it lead to sex.

At lunch they went to the Hospital Supply Store and got some more diapers two bags worth that they kept in that bathroom.

She had soaked the two extra that she had in her purse.

After lunch she was changed into those they had just bought.

They picked up lunch at the Chinese food place near work and they fed each other.

One Security Officer came and asked them "If Adam knows that what he was doing could be considered Sexual Harrassment?

She is an underling your Secretary."

Eve said "Also his wife!"

She flashed the ring at him.

"Your wife but she is also your Secretary?"

"Yes she is. Eve said I like the fringe benifits like kisses as she planted one on him.

It's only Harrassment if it's unwanted.

I want it it said Eve.

It's fringes benefits!" She said!

The guy left disgusted.

"I should expect a call from the CEO soon that will get back to him!" He smiled.

"If you want I will talk to him I can recite the policy from memory.

Glory had me learn in case one of you bosses got a little friendly while we're typing something for them.

She figured since I was so young and cute that it could happen.

She figured if I fired the warning shot across their bow it would deter them, well most of them!"

"Why didn't you fire that across my bow?" Asked Adam.

"Because after meeting Leeza I was hooked on her daddy.

I don't think it would be nice to fight against the Cosmos, or God, or my dead mom.

Whoever was trying to bring us together.

I would lose in the long run!

It was better to go with it!"

"I can buy that!" Said Adam.

"Where were we asked Eve? Oh yeah!"  

She began to kiss his face anew.

"I want you to be serious with me, asked Eve?

Do you think Nanny Kate would baby us?"

"Like I said she offered to do it for me when she found out I was a bedwettter."

"You want me to talk to her asked Eve?

I mean would you mind her caring for us like we were babies?"

"If your involved with me hell yeah!" He said.

Eve said "She can care for us after she cares for our kids.

That reminds me.

Since they are our kids is there a waiting period to adopt, Leeza wanted to know."

"My lawyer said no!" Said Adam.

"I was just wondering the lady that runs the daycare that Tommy used to go to, Maria has one adopted daughter and they are about 3 months away from Adopting their second daughter there is like a years wait from the time you get approval to the final adoption hearing."

"Far as I know it's you file and are approved the same day, it's final that same day.

My lawyer said there might be a problem with Tommy since we don't now who the father is.

They might have to do a DNA test to see if the father is in the system, if he is they will try and get his parental consent or go after child support since day one.

With penalties and interest were looking at quite alot of money!"

It was so weird for Eve to get in a car and go straight home.

Not having to pick up Tommy on the way home, and going some place else totally different than her old apartment.

She felt nostalgic.

They arrived at Adam's and her home she was tackled by two girls.

Adam was tackled by Tommy, each child was hugged and kissed by their parents.

Leeza was chatting up a storm.

Telling about her day to Eve who listened and smiled as she was getting moment by moment accounts.

"Wow it sounds like you had fun with Kate today."

"Yeah she said it was fun having Tommy with us.

Can we have him back tomorrow?"

"Yes you may!" Said Eve!

"Thank you!" Said Leeza!

"You're Welcome!" Said Eve!

Cassie told them that it was "Dinner time!"

This was the first time they had eaten in as a family.

Eve helped each child wash their hands for dinner.

Kate came she was blushing a little.

"Ma'am I didn't know but I have heard your like Mr. Anderson and wet your bed."

"Yes I do!" Said Eve.

"The reason I ask is how do I put this? It would be my honor to be able to get you two ready for bed at night.

Just like I do the children. And myself, I wear diapers for sleep; well all the time."

I'm sorry said Eve I didn't know you were incontinent." 

"Yes Ma'am I'm am, Whew!

I also like wearing them I need them but I'm an ABDL.

Are you familiar with that term?"

"Yes said Eve I've kind of discovered I like playing like I'm a little with Adam, Mr Anderson myself!" 

"Really?" asked Kate?

Eve slowly lifted the hem of her dress exposing her wet diaper beneath there and smiled and winked at Kate.

"Does the Mrs. need changing?" She asked?

"Not quite said Eve probably after dinner." 

"Yes Ma'am  come find  me and I will take care of that for you.

Just to let you know, Cassie the maid, I turned her on to diapers she wears them as well.

So you aren't the only one same as the Mister!" 

"I do believe that soon the only one in this house out of diapers will be Lindsey!

That sucks that a almost 5 year old is dryer than you!" Eve joked.

"Yes Ma'am!"  Was all Kate said.

After a very good dinner of Beef Stroganoff.

Kate came and as promised changed "The Missus's diaper." Adam was not upset that she had done it it was just that he was wanting to do it as well.

But it was Katie Nanna's job to change diapers, no matter what the age of the diaper wearer now

Adam began to think just a few short weeks ago he was single and had an Autistic daughter that hardly recognized another human being and one that was very quiet and never spoke.

Now he had a wife and a little all in one.

He had an Autistic daughter that was interacting very well with others.

He had another daughter that was talking up a storm and he was finding out was very intellegant!

Life was good, his former wife who had hated him because he had became a bedwetter, called his oldest Daughter a Retard because of her Autism.

Called his youngest daughter Miss Zero Personality, because she refused to talk to her.

She had died at her own hands.

He also had a son from Eve who he loved very much.

They were expecting if the dreams were true with twins.

His lawyers had them take a swab of the inside cheek of Tommy, they were searching for the father of Tommy.

After watching cop shows he figured that DNA testing was almost instantaneous,  not true it does takes a few weeks to get things done.

They still had a couple of weeks to wait.

Then if they didn't find a person or if they did it would take a few weeks to either declare him father unknown or to locate him if they do find one then either have him decide yeah or nay if he wants something to do with Tommy.

 Eve was enjoying being a little.

Nanny Kate brought her a babybottle of chocolate milk.

She gave it to Adam to feed it to her.

It had been a few years since she had drank from a nipple.

It took her a couple of moments but soon she was drinking like an old pro.

Eve thought the chocolate was sweeter somehow, she thought it must be the fact that she was drinking it from the baby's bottle.

After she was done.

Adam was diapered and by Nanny Kate.

She gave Eve a bottle that she fed Adam.

He had been using a pacifier for the past few years.

He had no problems.

Adam had given her a pacifier that was her size. She loved it.

She was sucking on it while feeding Adam after they were done, they both felt very tired and fell asleep.

it was like they both had fell asleep and it was time to wake up.

It was 8 hours later but it felt like mere seconds since they have gone to bed.

The were both soaked and the both smelled like they had bowel movements.

"Do you think she spiked our chocolate milk last night asked Eve?"

Adam grinned "I don't think I know, when was the last time you pooped yourself?" Asked Adam?

"I was about 3 or 4 said Eve."

"Same here said Adam."

"I think I'm wetter than normal, said Eve must of used a diuretic as well."

"Same here said Adam, I bet she drugged us so we wouldn't wake up to poo either!"

Kate came in and asked "How are my two big babies this morning?"

"Wet and shitty said Adam! If course you planned it this way!" 

"Me?" Asked Katie Nanna with a wry smile?

"But of course, don't feel bad all people, including Cassie and your kids, all except Tommy he was messy this morning as well, his was natural though.

Even me I woke up with a klinker in my diaper This morning."

"You must of put a diuretic in our bottles as well said Eve I'm a soaked baby this morning as well."

"You must have drugged us as well we slept through our bodies pooping, Adam said best nights sleep I've had in quite a while!" Said Adam!

"Do my two babies need a bath?" 

I hope you two don't mind being bathed together?"

"Mind? Why should we mind asked Eve?

Us two babies are married, remember?"

"I love spending as much time with Eve as possible said Adam! Lead on McDuff!

They both laid at the side of the bed.

Katie noticed that Eve had leaked.

"From now on little girl your going to wear plastic panties over your diapers, you pissed your bed.

Now Cassie has to wash your wet and pissy sheets."

"But I don't have any plastic panties, said Eve!"

"That's alright I have some that should fit you, not to worry!" Said Kate!

She made quick work of the two babies and they were soon in the tub getting washed.

Leeza walked in and said mommy "I pooped in my sleep last night so did Lindsey and Tommy."

"I'm sorry to hear that said Eve.

What happened?"

"I don't know went to bed and just pooped."

"What did you eat before going to bed?" Asked Eve?

"Some chocolate milk that Nanny Kate brought me, same as Lindsey! Tommy never got any but he still pooped."

We had some to said Eve.

Really did you poop to?

Eve didn't really know how to answer that, the the thought occurred to her.

"I don't remember pooping in my sleep, how about you Adam do you remember pooping yourself last night in your sleep?"

"No not in my sleep!" Said Adam.

"Lindsey thought maybe Nanny Kate put drugs so we poop and sleep through it!" Said Leeza.

Adam asked "Does that sound like something Katie Nanna would do?"

Leeza shook her head no.

"Can you go until we get dressed!" Asked Adam?

Leeza left.

"Yes!" Said Eve!

"Yes, what?" Asked Adam?

"That sounds exactly like something Katie Nanna did do!" Said Eve with a chuckle.

"Thanks for phrasing that question the way you did.

I don't remember pooping myself in my sleep, did I yes, but I don't remember doing it!

We didn't lie to her did we?"

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It was Saturday.

Katie Nanna had 6 of her 7 babies diapered including Cassie, Adam, herself, Eve, Leeza and Tommy.

The last two was because they had not mastered the art of toilet training as of yet, Lindsey was put into panties.

The oldest 4 really didn't need them but they were playing a game.

Adam, Eve and Cassie and Katie Nanna took all the kids out for breakfast.

Eve was enjoying herself.

She saw what her mom and dad had seen, the chance of getting caught diapered was a huge turn on for her.

Her diaper was getting wetter but the majority of it wasn't urine.

Katie Nanna whispered in Eve's ear "You like almost getting caught in public in a diaper, don't You?"

Eve gave her back a smile and a nod.

Katie Nanna said out loud, "Eve do you need your diaper changed?"

"Eve shot back not yet!" 

As she felt her secretions double.

The guy at the next table made eye contact with her and smiled he mouthed the words "I do!"

They smiled knowingly at each other.

He turned to his wife and said "Mommy I peed!"

She looked at him and smiled, she said quietly "Me to!"

There was a girl of maybe 7 or 8 "Me to mommy!"

They left another couple there and the three went to the family restroom.

Lindsey said "Mommy I got to pee!" 

Leeza said "Me to Mommy.

Eve, Leeza and Lindsey went to the family restroom and waited soon the guy came out all smiles at Eve.

"I'm dry now, he proclaimed.

I'm Russell by the way, you need diapers or are you just into them?"

Eve felt herself blush."Uhm I really need them at night, she said.

Daytime not so much."

"That's okay my wife June and I both have been shot, at different times.

June's husband tryed to kill her several years ago.

I was shot during a home invasion, our daughter we adopted her father had sex with her when she was three."

"The bastard! Eve said!

"Yeah it left her incontinent."

"Those other two at our table the woman she wets her bed at night but wears all day now she is an ABDL.

So is her husband.

What's your story he asked?"

"Life long bedwetter wearing in the day for one of the first times!" 

"Your daughters are beautiful by the way, they look a lot like you!"

"Believe it or not I'm only step mom right now, their dad and I have only been married a week today!"

"Really? The guy asked.


They look like they really love you!" 

"Well their real mom wasn't the nicest to them Leeza here is Autistic.

She called her retard!"

"No way? The guy asked?

"Yes she did! Said Leeza, I ain't no retard!"

The guy smiled and said "No your not! Your a very beautiful young lady!"

"Thank you! Said Leeza!

Lindsey said "She called me Miss Zero Personality!

I just chose not to talk to her!"

Russell smiled, "I don't blame you, sometimes I don't want to talk to people either!"

Lindsey looked at Eve and smiled!

She said "Mommy is going to adopt us and daddy is adopting Tommy!"

"Who is Tommy?" Asked the guy?

"He's my son said Eve. Yours, Mine and Ours, type thing?"

June came out with her daughter.

"She was messy as well, sorry it took so long she said to Eve and her husband."

"Not at all said Russell just getting to know these people."

"Lindsey said gotta go Mommy!"

She ran in! 

Leeza looked sad "What's the matter?" Asked Eve?

"I didn't make it mommy I peed my diaper."

"That's okay said Eve we'll change you!"

June said don't feel bad.

We were both wet!"

She said she put her hand on her daughter's head.

Russell offered and said "This beautiful girl is Autistic!" He told June.

"Oh okay said June we have a friend that their son is Autistic.

He's like 12 now.

Still wets his bed.

Who am I to judge said June, so do I."

Eve said "Me also."

"You look like your diapered right now!" Said June.

Eve blushed, "How did you know?"

"Please, said June.

My ex husband shot me almost 8 years ago I wear day and night.

I can spot another one like me a mile away.

The older waitress is diapered."

"Really? Said Eve I didn't notice."

"She has a huge butt, she crinkles when she moves and she has a strong odor of urine!" Said June.

"What are you a detective or something, asked Eve?`

"Kind of said June I'm in charge of loss prevention at a Wal-Mart store were tops in this district we catch probably 73% of shoplifters!

My manager has faced a drug cartel he doesn't like anybody stealing from us!


Lindsey came out I pooped in the toilet!"

"Good for you Lindsey Eve said did you wipe?"

"Uhuh clean as a whistle!"

"Did you wash your hands?"

"No said Lindsey I forgot!"

"Let's go back and do that shall we?

Excuse me please." She ushered her two girls into the room she changed Leeza and kissed her forehead that brought her a smile from Leeza.

She helped Lindsey wash her hands as well as Leeza.

She got hugs from both her daughter's.

She thought about changing her own damp diaper.

No she thought I'm not a wet enough baby for that yet.

She wanted to put June to the test she wanted to find out if the older waitress was actually diapered!

Eve returned to the table with the two girls.

Jane and Russell, and the other couple that was at the table with them all gave Eve a big smile when she returned.

As the older waitress walked by she indeed did crinkle. June gave Eve a knowing smile!

Eve returned the smile.

Her name tag said Fran.

Eve this time blew French fries for three kids, besides Leeza, Lindsey and Tommy wanted the service as well.

It was fine her baked potato was must have came straight from the oven to her plate.

It was too hot by the time she got done being the blower it was perfect.

They all loaded in the van and went home.

It was almost 1:30pm when they got home.

Katie Nanna changed all her babies and put them down for a nap.

Eve at first was kind of indignant she was 21 years old for cripes sake!

She was one of the first asleep.

She awoke at about 3pm.

She felt wonderful, but she was wet as well.

Adam was still asleep.

She wondered if she was allowed to get up and change herself.

She still needed to pee, she let it go.

She had lived 21 years and even though she had worn diapers for 19 years of her life, this was one of the very first times she had wet after waking up wet like this. She usually dropped her diaper and peed in the toilet.

She felt something she hadn't felt before, a sense of a naughtiness! She loved it!

Nanna Kate came in and saw her, Eve blushed at being caught.

Kate took her hand and led her to the living room where she placed a changing pad underneath her and changed her very wet diaper.

Kate made comments like, "Ooh we got a very soaked little girl here!" 

Eve smiled back at her like she was 3 or 4 years old.

"Somebody's got a very wet Toushy!"

Eve felt like she was three, she giggled like a little girl!

Just a few short weeks ago if you had told her she would be spending her Saturday afternoon getting a diaper changed by her Nanny, and loving it, she would of called you crazy!

She hated wearing diapers, they were a necessary evil, because she was a bedwetter.

Here she was just a few short weeks later and she was being changed by a Professional Nanny, and she was loving it.

Was she going crazy?

Adults like her are not supposed to like wearing diapers, make that love wearing diapers and wetting them like she was three!

She didn't mind waking up in a poopy  one this morning.

What the hell was wrong with her?

She was almost 21 years old for heaven's sake!

She looked 21 but felt 3 or 4 years old.

It wasn't a bad feeling, she loved to feel this way.

Katie Nanna asked her something bringing her back to the here and now.

Excuse me she asked?

Kate asked her again.

Do you think you could change me?

Of course said Eve, as she laid her down on the same changing pad she herself had just occupied.

Kate wore a dress  that she hiked up she undid her diaper, Eve was horrified! Her diaper area was scared up.

Kate saw her face. "My mom! I grew up a bedwetter, still am, she gave me panties and plastic panties.

She made me wear them all day.

The scaring is from diaper rash. It also left me sterile, I can't have kids."

I'm sorry said Eve I didn't know!"

"It's okay Mrs. Anderson, you had no way of knowing, the only other one that knows this is Cassie."

Eve pulled Kate into a hug.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that when you were younger said Eve, just know your my friend now, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I got two!" said Eve!

"Thank you ma'am said Kate!

Don't let my secret out it's still pretty embarrassing for me."

"I understand said Eve."

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Eve felt better and worse now.

How come some parents feel it's their duty to punish a kid for bedwetting?

The kid feels bad enough for not being able to keep their bed dry.

Then mom or dad comes along and adds insult to injury to it.

By beating the kid half to death for something they didn't even know they had done until they wake up, laying in their own urine.

They feel a failure, then they get punished for it, like that's going to stop them from wetting their bed.

How stupid can a person be?

Eve considered herself lucky, her parents were pee freaks to begin with.

She had friends not so lucky.

Most got called names, a few were beaten, one girl was made to wear her diapers to school to embarrass her.

That was in 5th grade.

Eve made friends with her and told her about her own wet beds, well diapers.

The funny part was her friend stopped wetting her bed before Eve herself had.

She often wondered what ever became of Tori.

She just came up missing one day.

The word was her father had been trying to get custody of her, the school diaper thing was maybe the straw that broke the camel's back.

She missed Tori.

There was a boy she was sure was being abused early on in school.

She was sure for bedwetting as well he always had bad bruises on his legs and backside.

He was also that kid that had the pee spot on his jeans all the time.

His name was Joseph Ponderosa.

She remembered his name because of reruns of Bonanza. He got called little Joe.

Turns out the guy that played little Joe grew up a bedwetter as well.

Cassie made biscuits and gravy for breakfast.

Tommy took a bite and smiled, he liked them.

Eve realized she had never fed biscuits and gravy for him before.

Lindsey said "Daddy what do you have planned for the day?"

"Adam never thought about it.

Nothing really!" he said.

"Can we go to grandma's and grandpa's today?"

"Which ones, he asked?"

"Both!" Said Leeza!

"You want to go visiting family today? Said Adam,  I think that's an excellent way to spend a Sunday! 

Who should we visit first?"

"Glory and Tommy!" Said Leeza.

Eve said "They are closer, than Scottsdale said Eve, but I want to see your parents as well!"

Adam thought and said "Okay but I was thinking how about your family one Sunday, mine the next."

"Yeah, said Leeza! Good idea!" 

The phone rang it was Adam's  parents.

She only could hear Adam's side of the conversation.


"Your kidding me!"

"We were just discussing that!"

"We would love to come!" Said Adam!

"We will be there as soon as we can!"

"Bye!" Said Adam.

He realized everybody was staring at him, "Change of plans!

My sister Molly and her girlfriend came home this morning and wants to be a part of the family again.

Wants to get off the streets and drugs.

Her girlfriend is her partner.

They were married last week.

I never knew Molly was that way!

They want us to visit today."

"Your right said Eve we need to visit your sister."

"My parents haven't told them about me and Leanne divorcing yet, or about her death yet, she doesn't know about the kids talking yet.

Or anything the past 3 years or so.

Molly isn't looking forward to a visit from Leanne.

Your going to be a big surprise!"

They arrived at Adam's parents place.

They were ushered in by the maid, Bridgette. This time she gave Eve a smile and a hello.

Something she didn't get the first time.

Eve felt like one of the family now, jokingly she thought.

She was greeted with a kiss from Madeline.

"How are you doing dear she asked?

You take good care of that grandson or granddaughter your pregnant with!"

Eve hadn't told her it was one of each yet.

How did she tell her she had inside information.

"This is our daughter Molly." Said Madeline!

"What happened to Leanne?" Molly asked? 

"She divorced me and committed suicide a few weeks back." Said Adam

"Good said Molly, I hated that bitch!

I heard her call Leeza a Retard, and say Lindsey had Zero Personality!" 

Leeza spoke up, "Mommy call me beautiful girl now!"

Molly was shocked, she smiled and said "Yes you are.

Last time I saw you you were kind of in your own little world!"

"Perhaps, it was because our mother never encouraged us to talk!" 

Molly got the second shock, Lindsey sounded like a grown up woman in a little girls body!

"Their mother had them pegged wrong didn't she!" Said Molly!

'Adam are you happy?" Molly asked?

"Very much so said Adam!" 

"Why?" He asked?

"Happier than you were with Leanne?" Asked Molly?

"Definitely!" He said!

"Where did my brother meet you Eve?"

"I'm his Secretary." Said Eve.

"Really? She said.

I guess I'm not anyone to judge until about 2 weeks ago all I wanted to do was sit around and get high.

Same with my girlfriend Amber, that's all we did.  

Amber had a daughter.

She gave her up for adoption a few weeks ago.

She went to a really good home, Amber decided that she could never be a mom to anyone, as long as she just kept taking drugs.

She decided to clean her act up.

Now Amber and I are lovers I didn't want to lose her so we went to a place that helps girls like ourelves get clean.

I've been clean and sober for about 2 weeks now."

"I'm working on 4 years!" Said Eve.

"You?" Asked Molly?

Madeline said "Molly, Eve was on the streets like you, she used to sell her body to make a living."

"No way you was a drug whore?" Asked Molly?

"Yes I got help through Dignity House."

"What made you stop?" Asked Molly? 

"This is Tommy my son, I found out I was pregnant, I didn't want to him to see me high and have sex with any man that had the money."

"Now your married to my brother.

Is that a success story or what?"

Madeline said "Yes it is we were hoping for the same thing for you!

We figured if there was hope for her, there was hope for you!

We never gave up hope Molly, the reason she fits so well in this family is because of you!

That and Leeza and Lindsey are crazy about her, and her them!"

"You must be better than Leanne mom and dad never cared much for her, anybody that really knew her, hated her!" Said Molly.

Amber came in and kissed Molly.

Eve recognized her it was Amber Roberts, she had helped Richard out like she had for a while.

Like Eve she knew that Amber was a bedwetter.

She knew Molly was one as well.

"Hello Amber!" Eve said!

Amber looked at her "You look familiar, do I know you?"

"It's me Eve."

"Eve who?" Asked Amber?

"Eve Taylor, we both worked for Richard."

Amber's  jaw dropped. "Eve goodness I didn't recognize you! What are you doing these days?"

"I'm a secretary!" Eve said.

"It must beat the hell out of making a living on your back.

You look fuller no skinny little girl, last I saw of you your cheeks were all sunken in you look unhealthy.

How long you been Clean and Sober?" Asked Amber!

"I'm working on 4 years now!" Said Eve.

"You heard from Richard lately?" Asked Amber?

"Yes and no Eve said he is in jail!" 

"In jail I thought he told everybody he was to smart to get caught!" Said Amber?

"He broke into the place where I work.

One of the girls used an ID with my name.

My dad the Sergeant caught him."

"I thought your dad worked in a prison?" Asked Amber?

"Retired said Eve got his 20 years in.

Went to work where I do.

His wife is the lady I saw as my mom the past few years."

"That's right said Amber your mother died a few years back.

Mine just a few weeks ago."

"Sorry to hear that Eve said, I remember you telling me what a witch she was to you about your bedwetting."

"Yeah! said Amber she started doing the same to my daughter Faith."

"Molly said that you put her up for adoption!" Said Eve!"

"You wouldn't believe who is adopting her!" Said Amber 

"Who?" Asked Eve?

"Remember that football player that wets his bed like us that we used to talk about that we would like to hook up with."

Eve said "Chris Mitchell, your daughter is being adopted by Chris Mitchell!" asked Eve?

"No she said his mother and father!" Said Amber.

"You used to say you went to school with Chris Mitchell's sister!" Said Eve.

"Yes, said Amber I used to pick on Hermione and her friends in school.

She is married to some guy that's almost a billionaire some lawyer.

If I would of been smart I would of been her friend!" Said Amber.

Leeza asked about Molly, "Who she was.

What relationship she was to daddy and her?"

Eve explained that "Molly is your dad's sister that made her your Aunt."

"What happened to her?" Leeza asked"  

"Well she had a problem with drugs like I did for a while before Tommy was born.

She had lived close to where you can get those drugs the street." Said Eve.

Leeza asked "Didn't she worry about getting hit by a car living on the streets?"

Eve had to smile, "She didn't live in the streets, she lived close enough to hear the traffic.

Living on the streets means you really don't have a home to live in." Said Eve 

"No home, where do they sleep?" Asked  Leeza

"In alleys sometimes a friend will let you stay at their home. But you are what they call homeless.

All your money goes for drugs." Said Eve.

"What do you eat?" Asked Leeza?

"Anything that you can find in a garbage can!" Said Eve.

"Yucch said Leeza you ate garbage?"

That or you starved! Said Eve.

I was pretty skinny then, almost starving.

"I don't want to be on the streets!" Said Leeza!

"I don't want you to either said Eve!

It's not a very good place!

Things happen there that I don't ever want to see you doing."

"Like what?" Asked Leeza?

"Illegal drugs, prostitution!" Said Eve. 

Leeza asked "What's prost..."

"Prostitution! Said Eve?

"Yeah, said Leeza.

'It's not a very nice job!" Said Eve.

"You did it Mommy asked Leeza?

"Yes I did, I'm not proud that I did do it, I would never do it again!"

"Okay mommy. I love you!" Said Leeza.

Eve wondered if she knew what prostitution was, would she still love me?


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Adam asked, "I take it you knew my sister's girlfriend?"

"Yeah she said we both worked for Richard for a while.

We were bedwetting hookers."

"Is there much of a call for that asked Adam?"

"You would be surprised said Eve!

Some guys are into stuff like that.

I had a lady just want to baby me even."

"Really? asked Adam, sounds like something my mom would do, I mean when she was really missing Molly! 

He laughed not that she would, but I can see how that would bring her closer to Molly."

"I don't think it was your mom, said Eve, even if it was I wouldn't sell her out!"

"I don't blame you, good way to stay on her good side!"

Eve changed tactics, "Are you glad your sister Molly and her girlfriend Amber are back?"

"Oh yeah said Adam, believe it or not I really do love her, I did miss her.

But it was her choice to live on the streets and take drugs.

Her thing, not mine!"

Eve, Adam, Leeza, Lindsey, and Tommy arrived back at home.

Katie took care of the kids and their diapers, Lindsey  was able to stay dry the entire trip.

After the kids were all squared away it was time for the parents.

Adam was dry.

Eve said I am as well I haven't peed yet! 

I'm as dry as Adam!"

"Uhhm said Katie, Ma'am your soaked!"

"But I haven't peed yet!

At least I don't think I have, I don't remember peeing!"

Eve waned to cry.

Katie tryed to make her feel better, it's probably due to your pregnancy!" 

"Must be said Eve.

I was wanting a nap today, I'm pretty tired said Eve."

"You want some companionship asked Adam?"

"It's your bed! Said Eve. 

"Its our bed!" Said Adam.

They both took an hour nap before Katie came and woke them up for Dinner.

Eve felt much better.

As she got up she could feel her diaper sag she was soaked again, it has only been an hour or so since she was changed.

For the past couple of weeks diapers have been a real turn on for her, wearing and wetting them, exciting the hell out of Adam with the wetting of them!

Could she be losing control?

Being Adam's baby is making her loose control! Being incontinent was embarrassing, but in a way wasn't this was what she had been doing with Adam playing like she had no control.

She was slowly actually turning into a woman that has no control!

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it!

Eve was kind of quiet at dinner.

Cassie noticed as did Adam and Leeza.

Leeza came and asked "Is mommy alright?" 

"Yeah I am said Eve!" 

Leeza crawled in her lap.

"I love mommy I don't want her to be sad!

Are you mad at me she asked?"

"No princess I am not mad at you! Said Eve?

'Are you mad at daddy?" Asked Leeza.

"Not him either said Eve.

If you must know I'm mad at myself."

"What did you do!" Asked Leeza?

Cassie came and said bet I know, can I talk to your mommy alone please." 

Leeza looked concerned but said "Okay as long as mommy gets happy."

"Cassie said you've been wearing diapers for about 2 weeks straight now and your finding that your losing control!"

"How did you know!" Asked Eve?

"It happened to me the same way, after Katie introduced me to diapers I loved wearing them and her.

You knew we are lovers don't you?"

"No said Eve I didn't know."

Well we are!

The former Mrs Anderson, knew tried to make our lives hell.

I was going through that as well as losing my control as weĺl.

That was about the time Mr. Anderson kicked her to the curb.

We for ones were greatful.

But still I couldn't keep my diapers dry day or night."

"What happened?" Asked Eve?

"We decided that for real I was more like Katie now and we loved each other and Mrs. Anderson was out of our life, we hoped for good.

I lived with it.

Other than losing control I got what I wanted.

I was more like Cassie, whom I really love.

I get to be her baby for real now, something she wants and I'm pretty sure Mr. Anderson wants, of you!

He never looked at the former Mrs. Anderson like he looks at you, or her look at him, like you look at him.

So you have a bad past. 

So do we, we're having to play coworkers, when we're madly in love with each other.

When your in your bed, were in ours making love just like you two!

We think it's great that Mr. Anderson is so happy again!

We know it's because he gets to baby you.

That's all he's wanted was a wife to baby and play baby with.

The former Mrs. Anderson was about as huggable as a cactus!

Not only for her two girls but her husband as well.

Why do you think the girls love you so much?

You show love to them!

They are like sponges they have never gotten so much love, in just a few short weeks that she ever gave in their lifetime! Leeza wants more and more.

Lindsey is the same way!

That's why they interact with you the way they do.

You give them love, unconditional love!

That's what they give back to you unconditional love.

You might of lost control of your bladder, but look what you have gained.

The love of a hurt man.

He was hurting! 

Two perfect girls!"

"Your right they are perfect! Said Eve.

Adam was hurt his mom told me when during the divorce Leanne blabbed about his bedwetting."

"That's another thing said Cassie.

We were sure you would never pass muster with them but you did!

We also love you because you don't treat us like were second class people you see us as friends.

We're so glad you came into our lives and especially these girls lives.

Your just what the doctor ordered.

For everybody!

You touch people's lives for the better.

We think you must be part angel, we're waiting for the time you get called back to heaven."

"No I'm just as mortal as you are nothing even that spiritual about me!" Said Eve.

"Well what ever it is keep it up.

We need it!" Said Cassie.

Eve couldn't wait for Monday, at work at least she could stay busy, take her mind off her increasing incontinence.

She tried one more time to the god(s), the Cosmos.

Mom! "Sorry I got pregnant!", she felt her bladder leak only because the warmth of her diaper got warmer when she wet and it just got warmer.

Answer to my prayer I guess.

One great thing was Adam couldn't leave his hands off of her.

If she wasn't pregnant before she was now!

The term Like  rabbits was apropos!

All he had to do was see her in one of her wet diapers and bang, he was screwing her brains out.   

Leeza said "Mommy are you really alright?

Grandma Annie said you worried about peeing.

She say you like me and can't stop.

Don't worry Katie Nanna change you like me.

We be like sisters!"

Thanks mom Eve though.

A though hit her you did pray to me.

"What has the cosmos done for you?

I sent you a babe and out of the mouth of babes!" Annie said in her mind!

"Eve drew Leeza into a hug I really love you you know?"

"I know you do mommy and Leeza, love mommy.

Don't like her worry like she is.

You tell me when I pee that I can't help it!

You understand.

Leeza understand, you can't help it no worry!"

Eve tilted her head back and laughed.

Out of the mouth of babes, indeed!

She sat down in a near by chair and rocked Leeza in her arms.

Kissed the top of her head.

"At least mom was listning."

"Always babe! She heard in her head your my baby girl!"

Leeza fell asleep in her arms as she continued to rock her.

"Leeza may not have been born to you but she is your baby none the less! Take good care of her!" 

This wasn't mom this sounded more like Leanne.

She did love this girl.

She couldn't wait to be her mommy for real!

They told her she that it could take a month or two to find Tommy's father and get him clear.

So Adam could adopt him.

They were going to file The same day and then bam we would be a family.

Like great grandpa Lloyd said he is a bastard.  

"That will change soon it was her mother this time.

Eve I never told you this but I'm so proud of you!

You have came a long way since my death.

I know that the time that you spent on the streets was bad, but it made you stronger.

You wouldn't be you without that time there!

This girl loves you unconditionally!

So does Lindsey!

Soon they will be yours. I'm not there physically but remember I'm always here for you!

Leeza will always be there for you."

"Yes mommy I will be! The Leeza in her dreams wasn't handicapped like the Leeza in her life.

You love me mommy but I also love you!

There are times in our lives you will want to kill me, I know you'll love me instead."

Eve awoke it had been a dream but it was a true dream, it was going to happen.

Leeza stirred.

Looked at mommy and smiled. "Good dream huh?

Yes it was little one!" Eve said!


`Yes Leeza?"

"I proud of you to!

You love  me even though I like this!

Not smart.

Dream Leeza smart!"

'I don't think it a matter of smart, Leeza I think it's a matter of processing thoughts and ideas.

I think your very smart!"

Leeza gave her mommy a smile!

"Mommy Leanne not understand Leeza.

You understand Leeza.

I not retarded?" 

"No your not, said Eve I know that. I love you because your you! You love me because you see I understand you."

"Katie came and asked do my two girls need changing yet?"

"Yes said Eve us two girls both need changing don't we Leeza?"

"Yes mommy.

Sorry you pee like Leeza now!

Not your fault!"

Monday morning Eve went to work, she figured that she could keep her mind off her constant wetting.

Yes her mind was on work but she found herself thinking about the kids, missing them.

She was wet and miserable at the same time.

They got news from the lawyer,  the DNA for Tommy's father had found a match.

It was good news though the guy had his DNA on file because he was the same bastard that had given her syphilis.

After infecting several others with it.

His DNA was taken for if another girl popped up they could prove it was him that infected them.

The good news was he was married and another report negatively would result in his divorce from his wife whom he also infected.

He was more than willing to keep this a secret as he was a pro basketball player and his wife got half of everything.

His current contract was 10 million he wasn't about to hand her 5 million.

He had been a college player at the time of the services rendered by Eve.

Tommy was free and clear for adoption!

The irony was the guys first name was Thomas.

The papers were filed for adoption her of Leeza and Lindsey, and Adam of Thomas, or Tommy.

Adam asked Eve "What was wrong?"

Eve felt better now knowing that her two Munchkins were one step closer to actually being hers.

The waiting was now for a court date.

She started working typing up memos.

She forgot her little problem.

She took notes on a meeting Adam had with his his team.

They were kind of stuck on us solution.

After the meeting she offered a solution that Adam hadn't seen he called them back and when they heard the solution it made sense to them all it was so simple.

When asked how he had came up with it he credited Eve.

They asked why are you not part of this team.

Eve told them it was blocked by the CEO.

They told her if you have input like this feel free to voice an opinion!

When it was given to the CEO he was surprised that the secretary's name was on it.

The Team credited her.

He began to rethink his decision.

Adam enjoyed caring for his wife at work.

It was everything he could do just to not screw her right there on camera.

He was so tempted, so was she, the thought of getting caught doing something like that, but alas they would be fired for sure.

Gertie contacted him and told Adam that "She had made a decision that she would retire.

She wouldn't be returning to work.

She asked if he had heard from Leanne lately. As she hadn't!"

"He informed her of the death of Leanne."

She was surprised no wonder she hadn't heard from her.

"If he wanted she offered to help him find a suitable replacement for her."

He informed her already taken care of.

One had been moved up from the pool permanently."

"Gertie hadn't liked the idea.

Maybe it was a good idea she was retiring.

Sounds like she had been replaced.

Did he know she abused the OT?

Is she pretty good at her job Mr. Anderson?"

"Very good, I also hired her as the new Mrs. Anderson!"

Gertie thought crap that was her job to make sure he wasn't tempted by some young lady, even after they had been divorced.

Leanne had attempted to keep him in line though Gertie. She had failed!

Adam was in an excellent mood the rest of the day.

It was quiting time he went to change his beautiful wife one last time before heading home and she was still dry.

Eve did you know you aren't wet?" 

No, I'm dry?" She asked?

"Yep said Adam, your slightly damp but not wet or soaked!"

Eve smiled it had been a very good day indeed!

After arriving home.

Dinner was delicious, Beef Stroganoff! Cassie outdid herself.

Katie came and told Eve to lie back she would change her wet diaper. Eve did as told.

"Huh said Katie your wet but not soaked.

I expected you to be leaking but but you aren't."

Eve said "You sure I've been in this diaper since like 3:30 pm, I shouldn't be this dry."

"Well you are said Katie, are you sure of the time?"

"Yes said Eve ask Adam he changed me!"

"Well that's different I've never heard of anybody reversing incontinence." Said Katie.

"Oh said Eve I haven't, I hadn't felt myself wetting this diaper but I'm just not putting out the volume I had been.

I can live with this kind of incontinence!

I don't mind wetting as long as it's not a deluge!"

Katie said "I'll change you before bed, you and Mr. Anderson before your bottles of warm milk.

Katie hugged her I love my really big babies times two!"

Eve found Adam he was on the phone and he was writing something in his appointmen book.

"Got it the 10th of October at 10:30 am in front of Judge Carson.

Judith not Terrance."

Adam smiled Judge Judy he thought.

You couldn't prove it by him he didn't know there were 2 judges named Carson, all kids had to be there it was 2 weeks from tomorrow.

They would be a family then.

Eve asked Katie "If it would be alright if she bathed her girls tonight." 

"As long as I get to bathe you later!" She said with a wink.

Eve said "Come on you got Cassie as a girlfriend all ready."

"Katie said "Yeah I know she said, oh, no no I didn't mean it that way! I meant your like my baby.

Not sexually!

I would never, she smiled unless you asked for it I am a servant after all!"

"No Thank You said Eve my husband is already ready to OD on me sexually as it is!"

Katie laughed "You lucky girl!

Mr. Anderson is very handsome.

And when I have changed him very... large in the toys department.

I wouldn't mind playing with his toys!"

"KATIE, said Eve, your so naughty!

You better watch out Santa will forget you, your so bad!"

Katie gave her a smile.

"A girl can dream can't they?

Of course you don't have to dream you've got the reality!

We often wondered about the former Mrs.

She had that and hated it touching her.

Of course I would of never talked to her like this.

Your so much cooler than her.

She didn't like the fact that Mr. Anderson wet his bed.

It was like since his penis did that it was diseased or something.

Here I had been searching for something like that my whole life, somebody to share my own bedwetting with.

Somebody that would understand what we go through.

The emberrasment of bedwetting.

That dumb bitch had it.

I would of killed for it, and she didn't want it!

Then you come along.

Your the nicest lady I've ever worked for.

You got it and your defiantly using it!

I feel kind of jealous.

Then I have Cassie she's is pretty exclusive to me.

I never thought about that kind of relationship before.

The funnest part was we were having sex right under the former Mrs. nose.

That was fun!"

Eve got her two girls into the tub.

Leeza was all smiles as well as Lindsey.

She told the girls "That on October 10th a Tuesday they would be adopted as her kids and Tommy would be their brother.

They loved the idea, "I can't wait mommy said Leeza long time no fast enough!"

"I agree with you after she got them all dryed off and diapered for the night and in their Jammie she let them talk the news had excited them.

Soon though they were both asleep.

Katie said "Okay it's my big girls bath time!"

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As Katie was getting Eve ready for her bath, Adam walked in and she got him into the tub as well.

Eve didn't mind bathing with her husband, Adam looked a little aprehensive, she saw why, he was excited about something, he was erect.

Both babies were scrubbed, their hair was washed and dried they were both diapered in cloth diapers and plastic pants.

The pants were clear you could see the pins that Katie used Light blue for Adam, pastel pink for Eve.

Cassie came in and both her and Katie disrobed they got into the tub together and soon the show began.

It was the fact that the two girls were kissing, they were touching each other in a way that showed their love for each other.

This was what Adam was so excited about.

Eve had to admit it was exciting her as well.

The problem was she tried to get her hand into her diapers .

The plastic panties were locked and the lock was tight enough that her hand couldn't make it inside!

She wasn't the only one, Adam was just as frustrated that he couldn't get into his.

She tried to excite herself from the outside, the bulk of the cloth diaper thwarted that attempt.

She was turned on as much as Adam.

She grabbed him and began kissing him on his neck and he was returning the favor.

Dang but but she was enjoying the show and the way that her and Adam were exciting each other.

Exploring each others bodies with out regular sex.

Adam could get to Eves breasts he began to suck on a nipple, Eve thought come to momma!

All she could do was cuddle his head and play with his hair.  She watched Cassie and Katie, they were mimicking them they were as much a show as Katie and Cassie were for them.

Eve reached down and began to stroke Adam, who was almost ready to bend the diaper pins from the inside out. Through The Plastic Pants and the thick cloth diaper.

Adam was enjoying that, his suckling on her nipple intensified. "Good baby!"

She heard herself say to him he was rubbing her diaper.

She wasn't feeling much the cloth was acting as a cocoon on her clitoris.

She reached down and showed him to move the diaper use the texture of the cloth to excite her.

It worked within moments she was having an orgasm.

With her going Adam began to wet the inside of his plastic and cloth prison with his cummings.

While they had been so interested in each other Katie and Cassie had gotten out and dried off they came and laid both babies down on their laps.

And began feeding each a bottle of milk.

Soon the bottles were both empty.

A large pacifier was placed in their mouths and each was tucked in and kissed on the forehead by their respective mommy Eve had Katie she could see Katie had tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong mommy?" She asked still in her baby mode.

"Nothing said Katie.

You accepted us as a couple, you didn't call us gross or unnatural.

The former Mrs Anderson caught us one day making love she called us every name in the book, forbade us from being unnatural in this house.

She was gone a few months later but that was the hardest few months to not make love to Cassie.

When you guys are all asleep we often do this for each other.

"We talked to Mr. Anderson about us and he joked can he watch, we decided to give you both a show."

"It was certainly... entertaining Eve said as she gave them each a smile.

She gave each a hug and kissed each on the cheek.

You two go to bed and finish up what you two started. That's an order from your employer as lady of this house!" 

They each kissed her back and she put Katie's hand in Cassie's and patted their rump like you would scoot a kid from the room.

When they got to bed,  Eve was wondering what would it be like if she had joined them?

Or better yet what would it have been like if, the three women had included Adam?

Oh what fun she thought!

In about two weeks she would be Leeza's and Lindsey's mother.

Like her two soon to be daughters, she couldn't wait.

She loved those two as much as she loves Adam!

She thought for one of the first times in her life she felt blessed, she hadn't lived a life that would warrant a life like she was having.

How did she get so lucky?

A year ago if you told her that her life would take the turn it has, she would of recommend you to the nut farm.

You would have to be certifiable to dream it up.

She felt like pinching herself several times a day just to see if she was awake.

Right now she wanted to sleep it was night and tomorrow morning it was a work day.

It was what Tuesday, Wednesday.

She couldnt remember. She fell asleep. Her mother was waiting for her there.

Eve was asleep and her mom was there waiting for her.

"Well that was interesting she said.

Who knew that two woman could be so Erotic?"

"You saw" asked Eve?

"Yeah said mom when we die we take our desires with us, the guy that trained me died some 90 years before me he asked if I had a cigarette on me, he still craved the nicotine.

I was kind of kinky I still have those kinks, well the desires, not that I can do much without a body.

You need to watch out there are snakes after you."

"Snakes?" Asked Eve?

"People out to do you wrong.

Try and hurt you, not physically but attack your moral character.  

Those kind of snakes in the grass!"

"Who?" Asked Eve?"

"The family of Adam's exwife.

Your adoption isn't going to go as planned.

That's all I can tell you, I shouldn't even be able to tell you this much but I am because I'm your mom!"  

She was gone and Eve awoke she heard screaming.

She thought it was her but it was from across the hall it was Leeza she was crying and screaming.

Eve made it there first and hugged her and rocked with her.

"Oh Mommy!

She said I want to be your girl!

Really I do!

I don't want to go away."

"Who's taking you away?" Asked Eve?

"The bad people!"

"Who are the bad people?" Asked Eve?

"I don't know said Leeza, grandma didn't tell me?" 

"My mom?" Asked Eve?

"Yeah grandma Annie! She told me to watch out for snakes, I'm afraid of snakes!" 

Adam said "I think I know I dreamed of her as well my exes family are going to try and block the adoption.

They are going to file for custody citing you as an unfit mother!"

"But mommy is a good mommy!

Said Leeza, I love her I didn't like their mommy they gave us. She wasn't very nice.

She called us bad names."

"Looks like we will be in for a big fight said Adam. We will be ready I will talk to my Lawyers in the morning.

We will get injunctions against anything they throw at us.

But I'm afraid your past isn't going to be in the past anymore!":

They got the kids calmed down and Adam and Eve went back to bed.

They began to talk.

"You scared?" Asked Adam?

"No said Eve my past is my past.

I own it.

I can't change it.

I'm not so sure I would try even if I could.

Am I proud of it?

No but it helped me become a stronger person."

Adam said "I love you and your past. I personally don't think they have a ground to stand on.

I mean what you did in the past, isn't who you are now! 

Oh they will try and prove your still addicted to drugs.

They are just sore I didn't help pay for Leanne' s funeral."

"Maybe we should counter sue to show what a bitch she was to her own kids!" Said Eve!

"Alas they thought she was perfect, especially that brother of hers!"

"I think we will be just fine!" Said Adam.

Eve knew he was trying to convince himself!

On Monday they were served papers, trying to take the girls.

There  was an injunction filed to stop that from happening. The girls were safe for now with Adam and Eve according to the papers they filed, they also wanted Child Support for the two girls.

They were upset with Adam how did he know they were going to try and do this?

They had an injunction to stop Eve from adopting.

The girls. Citing drug abuse still and the fact she was a whore still.

Not the most ideal setting for raising children!

Court would be in a couple of weeks for the hearing.

They thought that they could get the girls remove them and file for child support immediately.

Leanne's brother was infuriated that they had blocked it, how did they know?

This was supposed to be done secretly.

He decided to take matters into his own hands, he really didn't care for the safety and well beings of the girls, he wanted the flipping money!

He went and broke into Adam's home only to find that the cook and nanny were the only ones there the girls weren't home he started beating the info out of the the two ladys."

The nanny was able to kick him in the men's parts, he was hurting he was able to get out of there with his testicles still in tact.

He at least knew the kids were with their dad and mom at their work.

His idea was to waltz in there and take the girls.

What he didn't know was that, Cassie had called the police and informed them that he was coming to take the girls, kidnapping them.

Sure enough he got into the lobby and blended in with others and made the elevator.

He rode it to the 6th floor as he entered the hall there were guys buffing the floor a maintenence crew.

He made his way to Adam's office.

He opened the door.

There was a lady at the reception desk.

He could hear the girls laughter coming from Adam's office they were in there, this was the lady that was to be their mother, the former drug whore.

He pulled a gun out and aimed it at her.

Telling her to get the girls and bring them here.

Or he was going to kill her!

She said "That wouldn't be to smart! She pointed out the cameras, and said right now your being filmed everything is on tape he looked up like most idiots right into the camera.

Fuck he thought I'm nailed by dammed cameras.

He raised the gun and her intercom came to life.

"Ms. Taylor would you please come here I need to send out a memo!" It was Adam's voice.

He smiled shall we go in?

Eve went and entered the office as they did the next thing he knew he was looking at several guns pointed at him,

No Adam no girls there was a tape playing with girls voices he tried to run the other way and the cleaning crew was there with guns drawn.

They were police officers as well the secretary was there with a gun even she was a cop.

Crap he thought, "If this is the way it's to be he raised his weapon and he heard several shots ring out he felt pain for a fraction of a second.

Then it was gone he fell to the ground.

He was dead before he landed in a heap on the ground.

Adam was with Eve and the girls in the security office he and a detective were watching the video he identified his ex brother in law.

For some reason the outcome didn't surprise him.

Leroy wasn't the smartest kid in school.

Now his mom had another funeral to plan.

Last month she had two children, now she had none the judge will totally block the taking of the girls now.

With the way these two kids have acted they weren't sure placing them with the parents would be the best idea for the two girls and the mother in question had not done drugs in almost 4 years and the only sex was with hir husband, they had premarital sex she was pregnant with his child but she wasn't active as a hooker, like the family had said.

Eve breathed a sigh of relief her past wouldn't be drug through the courts like Adam's bedwetting had.

The adoption would go as planned.

It was delayed a week but it was going to happen.

Their lawyer told them that his family might file a wrongful death suit he would be named but with the video they didn't have a prayer!

Adam was dang glad that Eve had talked him into bringing the girls to work today, he thought they wold be safer there and she was right!

They all arrived home Cassie had a shiner, and Katie's lip was split open from where Leanne's brother had  attacked them.

Katie was proud of the fact that they had kicked his balls so hard they were sure they had done irreparable damage to him.

Adam said Either way they won't be fixing his testicles any time soon!"

"How bad was he shot asked Cassie?" 

"What I saw on camera, at least 5 times all core shots. Said Adam.

It couldn't have happened to a better asshole said Katie!

Some people are just to stupid to live, he was one. She added.

I couldn't believe he came in here acting all macho waving a gun around pointing it at us.

Demanding Leeza and Lindsey. He was so stupid he would of probably took Tommy as well."

It was over the cops had put an end to his kidnapping spree.

Death by cop was his last way out thought Adam.

Katie was right the guy was no rocket scientist, when you make the decision to break the law you just keep getting in deeper and deeper.

Did he think he was going to get away with it?

He would be the first person they looked at if the girls went missing.

Even if he had succeed getting them then what?

Get them to his mommy?

If he had done that they would of never granted them custody after that.

The battles are won in the tents of the generals!

Meaning prior proper planning prevents piss poor Performance.

The cops had expected this as his next move, he got through the lobby only because they had let him.

He was on survalience the moment he entered the building. Even in the elevator there were cops with him, the maintenence workers were cops, all offices on either side of his were evacuated.

The secretary was wearing a bullitproof vest under her baggie dress.

The tapes of the girls laughing were taped by them and they had him call the secretary but the intercom was from another part of the building.

He hadn't stood a chance.

They were hoping for a peaceful solution but he had other ideas.

Eve was just glad it was over, there was a telephone repairmen across the street, he was her friend Mike Thompson.

He was to keep an eye on Adam and Eve and Kids and servants, in case another family member pulled something stupid like their son had.

They were under surveillance as well, the custodian cleaning the funeral home was actually a Cop as well.

There was talk of finishing what the son had started.

But it hadn't gotten past that point yet.

The talk was mostly how they didn't want the girls really, but they were sure Leanne would turn over in her grave thinking that a former addict and whore, was raising her kids.

Not only that but she was basically from the wrong side of the tracks, she was white trash!

It didn't matter that their family fortune was gone and they had less than Eve now.

They were from the right side of the tracks, and therefore better than everybody else.

The officer thought these people are nuts, they think there is one set of laws for them and another set for the poor folks.

Lady Justice was blind for this reason!

They left and they didn't know it but we're all followed home.

They went to their destinations.

The mother left and drove towards Adam's house.

She got out and walked up to the door.

She rang the bell. It was answered by Eve.

They started moving in.

The lady handed her a paper she read it and Eve shook the lady's hand.

There were guns on the lady in case she went squirrelly on them.

Eve went back inside and shut the door the lady got in her car and left and returned to her home.

Mike Thompson asked are you okay?

"Yeah Mike we are!"

"What was the note she gave you?"

She gave Mike the note it stated that they were no longer pursuing custody of Leeza and Lindsey.

And it was signed by her.

The girls grandmother was followed back to her home.

And she went inside.

About 10 minutes later the cops heard a shot.

They ran to the house knocked and there was no response. They tried the door it was unlocked they found the lady dead on the floor the barrel of the gun still in her mouth and the back of her head missing for now it seemed a suicide. Daughter, son, mother all suicides.

Within a few weeks of each other,

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Eve was thinking what an unusual twist of fate.

She hated seeing anybody take their own life.

Suicide isn't the answer.

Life beats death any day of the week she had to admit that before she found out she was pregnant with Tommy she had entertained the idea briefly.

Her life sucked.

She had been slightly depressed her life wasn't going in the direction she  wanted.

Her dad had outlined what her life was going to look like, he had been 100% right so far.

If she killed herself like she had thought.

It would only make him more profetic!

Then she found out that she was pregnant.

Many of the girls rode the hanger, aborted their babies.

She had been raised that that wasn't right.

She had also been raised that if she killed herself now that was two lives she had taken.

That's when she got help at Dignity House.

Got off the drugs, that she thought was going to kill her, well it hurt so bad she wished she was dead!.

Then 7 months later she Had Tommy.

That's when they let her out of Dignity House, she got a job with Suncore in the Secretary Pool.  

She met Glory Be.

She was just old enough to be her mom.

But Eve saw her as that even though she wasn't any relation.

Eve heard a saying once.

There are Friends and there are family.

Then there are Friends that become Family.

That was Glory Be.

She saw her as her mom before she was married to her dad.

Then she was made Adam's secretary it just felt right.

Now she was his wife.

She couldn't write this stuff, she didn't know if Barbra Cartland wrote a book about this if it would sell or not but for Eve it was a Fairytale story!

In a  few weeks she would be picking up two daughters that would be hers legally, no step mother thing, same thing for Adam he would be getting a son in Tommy.

Tommy would be getting a dad, something he didn't know up to this point!

The girls would be getting a loving mother, something that  they haven't known up to this point, they would also gain a brother and Tommy sisters, something they hadn't known up to this time.

Then in a few short months they would be adding another girl and boy if the dreams are true.

"They are true!" She heard her mother say in her mind.

She wondered what she had done to deserve a life like this, nothing she thought.

"If not you who?" Her mom again.

Don't you deserve to be happy?

Doesn't Adam?

Adam did he had been wonderful.

He was a good dad with two adorable daughters.

They just happened to cross paths.

Their life since had been made up of choices.

What would have happened if that night she hadn't stayed late to help Adam?

That night she found the double payment.

That was when Adam gave her a second look, more than just a secretary.

What would of happened if she had gone home?

Would she even of been introduced to Leeza who saw her as a mommy she had dreamed about?

It was like a little snow that runs down hill it starts out small then gets more snow and more snow, soon it's this huge roll weighing over a ton or more.

And is over 8 feet high.

It started out as a little piece of snow insignificant really.

But look what it turns into, a Juggernaut it moves everything out of its way trees, rocks you name it.

That's the way this romance had developed!

To tell the truth she wouldn't of had it any other way! 

Adam thought at the same time.

Just a few short weeks ago I was single, I had two daughters, one was in her own autistic cocoon.

The other silent not having anything to say.

His sister was living on the streets a drug addict.

He was bored.

His job even though he loved it wasn't exciting him anymore, he didn't feel challenged.

Then Gertie his secretary was in a car accident.

Her leg and arm was broke.

He requested a temp from the Secretarial pool.

He wasn't expecting much, had you seen some of those ladies?


Some of them made horse face Gertie look beautiful.

He wasn't expecting much.

Imagine his shock when he got a cute one.  

She was tons more proficient at her job than Gertie had ever been.

He had been tasked to find out why one account was way over budget.

He knew it was going to take hours and hours.

He was ready for an alnighter if needed.

Gertie would make coffee for him and be out the door at 5pm.

He was shocked when What's her name Eve was still there.

Then she grabbed a spread sheet and started looking with him.

He didn think a lowly secretary would even know what a spreadsheet was, let alone know how to read one.

Then she found the double payment.

He got the credit but it was her that discovered it.

Then he found that another account had been payed from that one.

Usually the boss would be unhappy if an account was over budget.

Even a couple of dollars.

It was over a couple of hundred.

That beat the 1.5 million they thought it was over.

He was happy.

He wanted to spend time with his daughters and reward Eve for her help.  

They met at McDonald's. His autistic daughter who verily made contact with them.

She almost tackled Eve called her mommy, like she had known her her whole life interacted with basically a stranger.

He had never seen her so focused, ever!

They talked and Leeza was in this world.

Eve treated her like one of her own.

It looked like they were actually mother and daughter.

Leeza even kind of looked like Eve they were often told that.

Then the miracle was Leeza was focused on Eve when ever they met.

Now if Leeza looks like she wants to go back into her own little world Eve brings her out of it.

He started falling for Eve about that time, just to date she was after all his secretary.

Then his ex showed up Hurricane Leanne she always left deviation where ever she went!

She tried to pick a fight with Eve.

She fought without fighting better than anybody he had ever seen!

Leanne's ass was kicked.

She was speechless.

A first for Leanne.

Who always had something negative to say about anyone. He was sure he was in love by then!

Late that night Leeza was dreaming and Grandma Annie visited her, Leeza was always glad to see Grandma Annie she loved the lady.

Grandma Annie had always treated her very good. She knew Grandma Annie was dead, but she wasn't scared of her. She wasn't going to hurt her.

"Hello little one how is my favorite granddaughter tonight?" She said this with a smile.

"I'm good Grandma said Leeza.

I'm always glad to see you, I love you!"

"I love you to little one.

Tonight things are better.

Remember I told you the other day that there was bad people out there trying to take you away from your mommy?"

"Yeah mommy Leanne's family.

Leeza panicked they aren't coming for me now are they?"

"No Leeza they won't be coming at all like me they are all dead now."

"They won't hurt me in my dreams will they?

A little panic again crept into her voice!

No they won't be visiting you ever.

Me and my boss agreed that they need to leave you alone!

Who is your boss asked Leeza?

Well I don't want to really say his name, he said "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven."

"Wow said Leeza I like that saying. 

Tell your boss thank you for giving me my new mommy, I really love her."

"And heaven knows she really loves you!"

Now it looks like in a few short weeks she will be your mommy for real!"

"Yeah said Leeza I can't wait, Lindsey either.

Tommy and daddy are going to be related for reals huh?"

Yes that will happen as well he will be Thomas Ingram Anderson just like Your Leeza Ann Anderson."

"I love Tommy to said Leeza.

I like having a brother I never had one before."

"Yes I know said Annie.

Tommy is going to be a good brother for you when he starts school he will protect you from kids teasing you."

"You mean because like mommy said my brain works different from everybody elses?"

"Yes said Annie!

But that's only a handicap if you let it be.

Your really smart!"

"I'm not a retard like my mommy Leanne used to call me?"

"No dear said Annie when I think about that at times I want to slap that lady ugly for what she did to you kids, she is here now I could do it!"

"Don't get into trouble Grandma I like your visits I want you in my and mommy's life still!"

"For you I won't, said Annie! Always remember I love you, your mommy and daddy love you, Grandma and Grandpa Taylor love you and Grandma and Grandma Anderson love you , even Aunt Molly and Aunt Amber love you!

They all want to see you succeed in life.

Always remember your worth it, when others try to make you feel inferior, your not!

Your a very special little girl.

Lindsey is to!

But you have a guardian angel, your grandmother!

And a guardian mother that's still alive, Eve she will protect you from the physical problems in life.

We all love you, your sister and brother, your mommy and daddy.

We even love Cassie and Kate."

"I love them to said Leeza until my mommy came into my life they were more a mommy than my real mommy."

"Yes I know said Annie they are special in my and your mommy's book to."

"How come others see them as different? Asked Leeza?

"Because most loving couples are a man and a woman.

"They are two ladies, right?" Asked Leeza?  

"That's right even in today's world there is hatred for them."

"But I love them does that make me weird."

"No said Annie, the world needs a lot more of your kind of love little one.

If more people loved the way you do, there would be a lot less bad things in the world!

Most of us can only wish we loved like you do!

Your like a love magnet, when mommy was changing you in the resteraunt all those ladies talked about their families, everybody was happy in that bathroom even the the mother and daughter that looked like they hated each other, they loved each other in their own way.

You bring out that love in others Leeza that's why your so special.

If your real mom's family had gotten you, you may have lost that love!

The world needs it because of your capacity to love.

God made you special because of your ability to love others, he didn't want to see you loose it, that's why your brain doesn't work like others!

Your special in your heart as well!

It's us poor slobs that need to learn from you!"

Annie was crying at this point.

"Don't cry Grandma I'm safe here now!"

"Yes you are my little one, but always remember not everyone wants your love in the world.

There is a guy called the Adversary that will always be out there trying to make you unhappy.

He will do it through others.

Never himself."

Eve was thinking about why for a couple of days she thought she was becoming incontinent.

Everything was normal again, now.

Katie had given her stuff to make her poop herself.

She awoke extra wet that Saturday.

Did she get some kind of drug to make her pee more?

If she did could it have worked on her like that?

She drifted off to sleep.

Annie was there waiting for her.

"Yes that was it said mom, used to to do the same for me.

They are called Diuretics.

I used them a lot when I was alive.

You know your dad wets his bed when he is diapered don't you?"

"No mom, yours and his sex lives weren't the high topic of conversations we've had."

"Your father has trained his bladder that when he is diapered he wets in his sleep."

"He used to upset me that he could do that and I couldn't!

He slipped me diuretics one time to make me feel better.

I couldn't stop pissing for about 3 days.

I didn't know whether to be happy, but it scared me at the same time.

3 days later I returned to normal being a dry sleeper again.

Then he did it again and there I was pissing uncontrollably for another couple of days.

This time I was praying it was permanent. It wasn't!

He's the one that added 2+2 =4 he figured it out next time he cut the dose in half.

I wet all day Saturday and woke up wet on Sunday morning.

That's when he confessed to doping me.

After that we always had Diuretics in the house.

You found them when you were about 2 almost 3, you pissed for a week straight.

We had a hard time keeping you hydrated.

We stopped using them after that.

Felt that what would of happened if we couldn't keep you hydrated.

They weren't safe on a child as little as you were.

You might want to mention to Katie Nanna that we Taylor woman don't handle the Diuretics very well and and to cut the dose down."

"Thank you mom but believe it or not I remember that incident.

I don't remember the uncontrollable peeing I remember you telling me they were mommy candy."

"That's right I did tell you they were mommy's candy!

Not mommy candy!

That's what I called my birth control pills! I remember you took one of those and told me they were yucky!" She laughed.

"Sorry I was so curious about your meds mom!"

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Eve thought about the dream she had the night before.

She remembered her mom telling her that her birth control was mommy candy.

All she really remembered the word Candy, what kid doesn't like candy?

She was born with a sweet tooth.

Unfortunately they tasted nothing like candy.

They looked like the little candy neclaces that her mother used to buy her.

They weren't her favorite that was Snickers bars.

But mom would give her a necklace if she was good while shopping.

It was good to know that diuretics do that to her, like they did to her mom.

For her if she takes caffeine it makes her tired, it has the opposite effect.

One girl she went to school with if she drank just a little like say Coke she got really hyper and talkative, like a machine gun.

She had only a little work to do.

Adam figured out how to get Eve into the meetings with his team since they wouldn't allow her on it.

He used the guise of her taking notes.

Most of the team liked and agreed with her ideas.

They wanted her to be a part of the team more than just the capacity of the Secretary.

After work they arrived home and Adam's lawyer was waiting for them.

He just needed a couple of forms signed for the adoption of each others children.

Leeza was scared that something might of happened again when she saw her daddy's law guy.

"No its just something that needed signatures to make everything legal.

I want you so bad!" Said Eve!

"I want you to be my mommy to said Leeza do I have to sign anything?"

"I don't think so said Eve.

I think they might ask you verbally if you want to be adopted, I don't think you have a signature yet!"

Leeza put a couple of squiggly lines on a paper and said "That's my signature!"

To Eve it looked more like birds in flight than letters. "Oh yeah I can tell!"

She played along not wanting to hurt Leeza's feelings!

Eve showed Adam "This is your oldest daughters signature!" Said Eve with a wink.

"I could tell!" Said Adam and Leeza smiled!

"They put them on the refrigerator.

Cassie asked "What are these?" 

"That's my signiture!" Said Leeza.

"Oh yeah said Cassie I can tell now!

Cassie asked Katie. Can't you tell Leeza's signiture?"

"Oh yeah she said I can just make it out!" Said Kate

Leeza wondered what she wrote she just made  some scribbles on a paper.

Who knew she knew how to write like that she didn't even know herself.

Adam felt uneasy.

For some reason he felt that there were still people out there that were just waiting to try and take his daughters. He contacted a security company that specialised in bodyguards for the rich and often famous.

They also put in cameras and other things in the house and monitored those cameras.

Adam wondered was he just paranoid or was there a threat.

There was a car that parked across the street for several days on end watching their house.

It followed Adam and Eve as they left for work.

Leaving the house unmonitored like the threat was to Adam or Eve.

Checking the cameras at work once they got there safely it left.

One day on the way to work Adam was hit some guy ran a red light hitting him.

From behind him a blur tackled the guy that had hit him.

Eve recognized the man as her own sweet father Tommy Sr.

"Dad what's going on?" She asked?

This guy has been following you until today.

I've been following you as well."

Tommy found a weapon on the guy.

That had hit Adam's car.

Another guy tryed to climb in Adam's car to drive it away and Tommy stuck his own weapon in and ordered the guy out.

The cops were on scene within moments.

Tommy was in his uniform still and it wasn't him that had started it.

Adam's car wasn't damaged that much.

It turned out that thre were two car theives they watched and followed a high end car like Adam's.

Got to know their routine and would cause a little wreck and steal the car as another guy got in and drove the car off.

Adam was smart he took the keys out of the car in that case the guy would pull the gun and take them and they would drive off still taking the car.

Tommy had been watching the house and seen the guy follow Adam and his daughter to work for the past few days. Today was the first day he hadn't seen the guy follow them but when he hit them and Tommy recognized the car he sprang into action and he watched Adam's car and sure enough somebody crawled in it.

They were both arrested for car theft. And they found a garage that fixed the damage then shipped the cars to like Saudi Arabia where they sold them for millions.

Adam was glad he wasn't paranoid, Eve was thankful that she had a dad that was still protective of his little girl!

When  they got to work, Eve started typing up the notes from yesterday's meeting.

Adam started  getting quotes to get his car fixed, it was damaged now thanks  to some  dumbass  would be car theives.

He was upset at himself as well.

He was thankful for a caring father in law that looked out for his daughter, that just happened to be his lovely wife now!

Those guys were lucky he had started carring a gun since what happened with his ex brother in law last week. Unfortunately he would of probably shot Eve.

He had never shot a gun before.

He hadn't  grown up around guns like some of his friends had.

His dad had  grown up and was sent to Viet Nam.

He had seen enough death and destruction to last him a lifetime.

He didn't want anything like that in his house!

Adam was conflicted one place was almost dirt cheap, but it would take twice as long as the other to did which was about $400 dollars more.

Decisions decisions?

In the end he decided to go with the more expensive one but he would get his girl back faster.

Being a guy he loves his car almost as much as he loves Eve.

He wouldn't tell anybody that, especially Eve! He wasn't stupid!

Eve made plans that when the kids are adopted that they would have a family portrait taken that the kids look and see the family any time they wanted.

She loved seeing her family album.

They would just get a small one done for now and another in about 7 or 8 months when the rest of the family arrives she even thought about inviting both sets of grandparents and aunts and Uncles after the twins are born.

Leeza was getting excited.

She was constantly wetting herself from being excited! Katie was about ready to say something not very nice to her.

She asked Leeza "Why are you always wet?"

"I'm happy!" She said!

"What are you so happy about Leeza?"  Katie asked her.

"I get my new Mommy really soon, I love mommy!"

Katie smiled, okay she can live with her wettings.

To tell the truth her and Cassie can't wait and see excited as well to see Leeza and Lindsey get their new mom and Tommy a new daddy it was just that their bladders were just a little bit better to contain their pee!

Lindsey was greatful to be getting a new mommy as well. She was wetting her bed more other than being excited as she was.

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Things started going better for Adam and Eve, Adam's car was repaired.

The bad guys were in jail.

Some rich oil milionare didn't get his Ferrari like he wanted and was promised.

The day came for the adoption of the kids.

Other than the kids either now legally had a mommy or a daddy.

It was anticlimactic.

Leeza was probably the happiest girl in the world, she could actually call Eve her mommy and it meant just that.

Same for Lindsey.

Tommy was now just Thomas Ingram Anderson no more Taylor III after his name.

Tommy Senior didn't mind one bit he still had a grandson named after him and  Charles and Madeline, we're pleased to have a grandson to carry on the Anderson name now.

They were pleased that those two beautiful girls had a real mom that loved them.

They never cared for Leanne, frankly they never knew what their son saw in her in the first place?

She was a spoiled rotten little, witch!

They wanted to use the b, word.

But that wasn't a word they used very often.

Until they had Molly run off and live on the streets, Eve wouldn't of been suitable for their son.

When they found out about Eve they saw hope for Molly.

Eventually Molly came back with her girlfriend/ lover.

They could care less she was back and sober.

Something they had been praying for for several years.

Not only was Eve a good mother but Adam looked happier than he had in several years.

Eve was a miracle worker.

She was one that touched people's lives and they were better for having knew her.

Madeline thinks she is an angel in disguise, as a mortal!

Adam and Eve were off on FMLA, since they were adopting they qualified like new parents.

They get to bond with the kids.

One of the first places they hit was a place called Castles and Coasters it was an anmusment park.

They rode most of the rides as long as they didn't go too high, or tossed you around while you rode them.

That left only a few rides that they would go on, mostly the kiddie rides.

Eve didn't care one bit she loved riding rides with her two daughters and her son.

Adam rode with his new son and his daughters as well but he would sneak off and ride the adult rides.

Eve was more than content to ride with the girls.

Watching their faces was better than any ride she could go on!

Leeza tugged at her shirt and said "Mommy I'm wet I need to be changed." 

Lindsey said "Me to!"

She took her two daughters to the family restroom she forgot to lock the door and as she was changing her two girls, a group of 3 teenage and one not yet a teen maybe 12 girls came in and saw Leeza getting changed.

They giggled and said to the youngest girl there teasing her. 

"Hey Teresa, looks like you getting changed this morning out of your wet diapers.

One girls Eve knew had to be Teresa blushed and looked like she wanted to cry.

The other three giggled!

Eve said "You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Teasing others to make yourself look better! That makes you a bully in my book.

You like bullies asked Eve, Pizza face?

The girl that had said that to the younger girl blushed as she had pretty bad acne.

The other two laughed at the girl that had said the thing to Teresa.

Or you chubby to one of the other girls who stopped laughing.

Or you Anorexic Annie! Which shut the last of the girls, laughing up.

You see we all aren't perfect.

I'm sorry I was the bully to you guys.

But I grew up wetting my bed.

It isn't no picnic I assure you.

I stopped and after my mother died it returned."

Teresa did begin to cry "I started after both of my parents died!"

Eve took Teresa in her arms and gave her a hug.

"I understand Eve said!

Teresa began to sob into Eve's shoulder.

Shhh, it's okay, it's okay!"

"The girl with acne said I'm sorry Teresa I didn't mean to make you cry.

'Yeah, said the other two were sorry as well!"

"But you guys know how bad I hate wetting my bed like a little baby!"

Leeza said "It alright Teresa!"

That got her to giggle. 

Teresa gave Leeza a hug, "Thank you, that made me feel a lot better!"

Teresa wiped her eyes and said to Eve "Thank you Ma'am."

"My name is Eve!" She said.

Teresa said "That's a pretty name.

Your a pretty lady so are your daughters.

What's your name she asked Leeza?"

"Leeza Anderson, this is my sister Lindsey.

She's almost 4!" 

"I'm almost 5!"

'Wow said Teresa I'm almost 11! Eve, I don't want to embarass Leeza but what's wrong with her?"

Before Eve could say anything, Leeza said "I have Autism. My old mommy used to call me retarded!"

'Old Mommy?" Teresa asked?

"Yeah we got adapted yesterday!" Said Leeza!

"I think you mean adopted said Teresa, lucky you I want to be adopted!

You guys look an awful lot like your new mommy, were you in the foster system?"

"No said Eve I married their daddy and I adopted these two and he adopted my son,"

"You guys really are a family.

It looks like you've been together for years not just one day!"

"We've been together for a few months said Lindsey!

We just were adopted yesterday!" 

All 4 girls mouths dropped at how well this 4 year old talked!

Teresa asked "Can I hang out with you guys today?"

"Eve said we would love to have you Teresa!"

"Yeah said Leeza I like you!"

"Me to!" said Lindsey.

They each got a hand and the three older girls left.

Teresa looked like she wanted to ask something of Eve, but was afraid to ask.

Eve looked and said "What do you want?" 

Sensing there was something bothering her.

"Uhmmm can you change my diaper to I'm wet as well?"

After Teresa was dry as the other two girls they all 4 exited the family restroom each girl still had an arm of Teresa.

This wasn't lost on Eve. She looked like an older sister to Leeza and Lindsey.

No said Eve to herself it can't be what would Adam say?

Eve felt herself falling in love with this girl, she had no parents she said hers were dead.

She was a foster child she gathered from the questions she asked.

But she fit like a glove!

Her mom said in her mind "Remember your friend Charlotte, this girl needs a good home as well.

Think about it!"

"I am mom, I am!' Thought Eve the hard part would to be convincing Adam, she was already convinced!

Adam asked "Who is this lovely girl?"

As the girls plus Teresa met back up with him.

"I'm Teresa Heather Williams."

"I'm Adam he said this is Tommy."

Tommy waved.

Leeza said, "She is our new friend!"

"Good for you I could tell she was your new friend by the way your holding her hands!"

He looked to Eve for answers and saw more questions there.

"Adam Eve said could you take the girls and get them some water, it's getting pretty warm.

I want to talk to Teresa for a minute."

Adam sensed something, he wasn't sure what it was, but she wanted to talk to Teresa about something.

He trusted her enough that they all went and got into the concessions line.

"Teresa, I want to talk with you."

"Your not mad at me are you?" Asked Teresa in a paniced tone?

"No dear I'm not in fact thank you for coming and being a friend to the girls!"

"Sure Eve, She said I like the girls, Leeza is so lovable! Lindsey is so smart!"

"Thank you said Eve.

I wanted to talk with you, I don't want you to think I'm making fun of you.

But the girls were teasing you about your bedwetting, but your diapered today?" 

"You want to know why in the daytime?" Asked Teresa?

"Yes that's it," said Eve!

"Well yes I do wet every night but sometimes in the day times if I get playing and kind of forget to go  potty or get a little scared like riding some of the scary rides I wet.

They diapered me today because of it.

It mostly happens on weekends.

But I wear diapers because I forget to go potty until you know, it's to late all the time!" 

"Okay said Eve, I understand.

Second question.

You mentioned both parents were killed?"

"Yeah they were in Vegas and some lady drove into a crowd of people, my parents were in that crowd, pretty much in the front.

They and 5 others were killed 18 injured.

I've been an orphan since I have Aunts and Uncles, but none of them wanted me so I live at the nursery until they can find me a place to live, but with my diapers I am what they call difficult to place.

The kids are all from the nursery here. It's an outing for us. We don't have families to bring us places like this." 

"Great said Eve., I'm so glad I got to meet you today!"

"Me to!" Said Teresa!

"I have another question for you, said Eve last one I Promise!

If we can arrange it would you like to come live with us and hopefully we can adopt you?"

"Me, you want me?" Asked Teresa?

"Yes said Eve I don't want you to get your hopes up but if we can swing it, would you like to?"

"Yes said Teresa I would love to really be a part of your family!"

"Just to let you know said Eve, your wetting won't be a problem for us. I mentioned that when my mother died I reverted back to bedwetting."

"Yeah?" Said Teresa?

"It is still a problem for me!" 

Teresa gave her a kiss on the cheek,

"If you don't make fun of my wetting I won't make fun of your's, okay?

I'm really happy right now said Teresa.

Believe it or not I didn't want to come here today.

If I hadn't I wouldn't of met you or Leeza and Lindsey, Tommy and your husband."

"Adam, his name is Adam!" 

"Adam and Eve, I love it!" She said.

Adam enjoyed Teresa's company as much as Eve did, he thought to bad she isn't ours, she wasn't afraid to ride some of the higher more adventurous rides with him.

Eve treated Teresa just like her own when the sun got so it was blistering she got sunscreen slathered on her just like Leeza and Lindsey and Tommy.

They bought her lunch and she ate it with them she felt like one of the Anderson's already.

She was praying that things would work out.

She loved Eve, since her own parents were killed, she was the mother she had been searching for!

But being used to heartbreak as thats about all she had known the past year.

She also knew in the back of her mind that things usually don't pan out.

She was due to be placed in a home when she got so nervous she wet her pants in front of the family that she was supposed to go to.

Let's just say she got a good ride out of it was all, from the nursery back to the nursery, story of her life!

One day about a week later they told her that they had found a home for her, she was heartbroken, she wanted to go to Adam and Eve's.

The other kids told her that it takes weeks if not months to get certified as a foster family it had been a week to a week and a half since she met Eve.

They took her and they drove up to one of the biggest homes she had ever seen.

These people had to be rich  to live here.

That was a plus but she stil, missed Eve as her mommy.

They knocked on the door and a lady met them it wasn't Eve that was for sure.

She had waited to long and she felt her bladder give way, they had her in a diaper for the trip. "Craptastic!"

Here she was ready to meet her new family and she wet herself.

What a baby I am I can't hardly go a few hours without pissing my pants!  

These people won't like me now.

Nursery here I come again she thought to herself they aren't going to want a girl that can't stop pissing herself!

She got through the door when she heard. 

"Teresa!" As she was tackled by Leeza and Lindsey!

"But I thought it took weeks or months to be certified?" Asked Teresa astonished?

"Usually it does said Eve but we talked to a really nice man named Mr. English and he helped us get you said Eve!

Are you surprised?"

"Yes said Teresa when they took me I was disappointed today, I thought they were placing me in another home.

I almost cried, said Teresa!"

"Mr. English helped us finish the classes in one day.

It usually takes 4 weeks to do them.

Then the fingerprints.

Then the home study.

He told me that he knows that great big football player for the Raiders and him and his family have adopted like 18  kids so far and he is expecting more!

We only wanted one, you!"

"You really want to adopt me?

I wet myself on the way here, that and I was nervous. I'm really happy though!"

"Are you hungry?" Asked Eve?

"Starving!" Said Teresa.

"Let me introduce you to the staff Cassie and Katie.

Cassie is the maid and cook.

Katie is the Nanny she will change when your wet."

"Why?" Asked Teresa?

"She handles all wet diapers like Leeza, Tommy, and yours, mine and daddy's."

"Daddy wets to?" Asked Teresa

"Only at night he got hurt playing football in college.

He wets his bed now so we don't want you to feel differently!"

"What about Lindsey asked Teresa when I met you you changed her diaper as well?"

"Yes I did but only because she can't go all day and we were in line a lot she had a rare accident that day, but usually she doesn't even wear diapers but it was just for in case and she needed it for just in case.

At home she doesn't wear them at all."

"You mean the driest kid in the family is the littlest?" Asked Teresa?

"That's it said Eve, drier than her own mom and dad even!

Leeza still is diapered due to her disability, other wise I'm sure she would be out of them as well now said Eve.

I think she will be out of them before I even think about getting dry!" Said Eve!

"Me to said Teresa, but I dream of the day when I can wear real panties like normal girls.

I tried them once and they felt funny!

Not thick like diapers."

"I do know what you mean said Eve I got out of them from age 14 to age 16 when my mommy died.

Then I have been back into them at night since.

I'm used to diapers again.

I wear in the day time quite often.

Just to be safe!" She said,  she thought and because it excites the hell out of Adam!

Sex is great when I'm diapered!

"So I wear quite often!" Said Eve aloud.

Eve took Teresa to her room.

"We're across the hall.

We just moved Lindsey to her own room since she is dry.

Leeza and Tommy still share the room because that's where the crib is that Tommy sleeps and they both still wet!" 

Teresa got to her room.

Even as a kid they lived in a one bedroom apartment and she slept with her mommy and daddy.

The nursery had two sets of bunk beds.

She was always put on the bottom bunk a when her bunkmate got moved she took the top bunk and she found out why.

She leaked that night and her bedwetting leaked down to the bunk below.

She soaked two beds that night.

From then on she didn't fight for the top bunk anymore.

At least she wasn't the only bedwetter there there were a few more one even older than her.

A few younger.

They called the house the BW House for Bed Wetters House.

If you got sent there, even if you didn't, you were looked upon as a bedwetter, it had that reputation.

Christy the Pizza face girl was there she used to bedwet but not anymore.

There was an older boy named Quinton that was 13 he still wet his diapers at night he told her when she first got there to not be considered for adoption, 1. She wet her bed.

2. She was over 7, most family's don't want kids over 7.

He told her that that she would go a heck of a long time before him she was younger and female, but at 10 your getting over the hill for adoption.

Nobody was more surprised than him when all of the sudden they found a home that wants to actually  to adopt him.

She kind of found her own family.

At Castles and Coasters.

"Mommy can I ask you a question?"

Eve loved that she called her mommy! "Yes you may." 

"Are we rich, I mean.. when I got here, the house is huge!" 

"Well Adam is rich were not.

He is Chief Financial Officer, for the company I work for, I'm just his Secretary."

"Mommy your really smart you should be more than a Secretary!"

"Thank you for the vote of confidence kiddo!

Adams trying to get me on his team but right now it isn't happening." 

"Why not?" Asked Teresa?

"I did things in my past, bad things that people aren't ready to forgive me of yet."

"I forgive you!" Said Teresa!

Eve kissed the top of her head, and hugged her.

"Thank you dear!"

Eve loved kids they loved you unconditionally!

As long as you loved them the same way.

Teresa was introduced to Katie and Cassie, Cassie asked "Since it's your first day here, is there anything you would like special for dinner dear?"

"I like Pizza!" She said.

"Who doesn't? Said Cassie!

What kind of Pizza?"

"Pan is my favorite!" said Teresa.

"I mean what do you like, Cheese, Italian Sausage, Pepperoni, Vegie, What?"

"I like Sausage and Pepperoni with Onions."

"That's good said Cassie, I can do that!

I need to get some Pepperoni though I got everything else.

I need I need to go to the store!" She left.

Katie whispered something to Teresa who blushed, she shook her head yes.

"Okay dear come on." Katie took her by the hand.

A few minutes they came back and Teresa was smiling.

"What are you so happy for?" Eve asked?

"I just got my first diaper change by a nanny!  Said Teresa! 

Eve said "Won't be your last either."

Teresa looked like she was slapped, she thought Eve was making fun of her.

"What's wrong? Asked Eve did I say something wrong?"

"You made fun of me!" Said Teresa!

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to!

I mean Katie changes me when I'm wet as well.

I can see how you would take what I said as wrong but I meant that when your wet, she will take care of you, like she takes care of my wet diapers after I've wet."

"Thank you for not making fun of me, because I still wet." Said Teresa.

"If I was making fun of you I would only be making fun of myself.

I know you can't help wetting yourself.

No more than I can! Said Eve!

"I love you and would never make fun of you in that way!"

"You love me?" Asked Teresa?

"Yes that day at Castles and Costers I fell in love with you.

Then when you got here today you called me mommy.

That's music to my ears!

I want to be your mommy.

Did you just think this was a placement, for us to just be your foster parents?"

"Yeah I thought that you just wanted to give me a home, to get me out of the nursery."

"No Teresa, Adam and I want to adopt you to make you our daughter just like, Leeza and Lindsey, and a real brother to Tommy.

Do you want that?"

"Yes, said Teresa!

When I met you I was hoping you would just be my foster parents.

But being adopted by you is even better, I can really be your daughter Eve?"

"Yes,  I would be honored to call myself your mother, I would be just as proud of you as I am Leeza and Lindsey to call you my daughter, and as proud to call you my child just like Tommy!"

Teresa began to cry, "I want you to be my mommy, please!

Eve drew her into a hug and held her while she cried.

I'm so happy!" Cried Teresa!

Eve teased her this time "You look so happy crying like that."

Teresa looked up and started laughing and crying at the same time.

"When can I be your daughter?"

"Well first we have to petition the Courts and then we're going to have you a whole year then at the end of the year we go back to court and it will be finalized."

"But I'll almost be 12 by then, what if I'm..... I'm still wetting then?" 

"I don't care if your still wetting when your my age said Eve I will still love you!"

"I can't believe anybody really wants me!" Teresa said!

"Not just anybody wants you I and Adam and Leeza and Lindsey, Tommy.

Even Katie and Cassie want you.

I didn't even get what I wanted my first night I was here.

I guess that's a lie, I got to see Leeza interacting with others, in a way she never had before!"

"You make it sound like she never looked at anyone before?" Said Teresa.

"The first time I met her she called me mommy, she had dreamed about me.

She was animated like she is now.

Before she was in her own little world, never interacted with others.

"You mean the first time she saw you she like awoke and saw you?"

"Something like that she called me Mommy and she about tackled me like she did you.

When they had their old mom, she called Leeza retarded, and told Lindsey she had no personality.

We know that's not correct.

I know Leeza has a disability but by no means is she retarded!" 

"Your right, said Teresa, can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure!" Said Eve.

"Leeza is my favorite!" Said Teresa!

"Can I tell you a secret said Eve, I'm proud of the way she shines now days, what she was then and what she is now is night and day, I love Lindsey as well she is so smart, I love you because your so beautiful, and loveable and you want to be our daughter as well.

I love Tommy, he helped me clean up my life, I will always love him for that!"

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Teresa went to Adam and asked "Can I have a hug?

I also want to........, ask you something?"

Adam gave her a hug.

"What do you want to ask me?" Adam said?  

"It's about mommy she talks like she used to be a bad person, was she?"

"I'm not sure I'm the one that should tell you this, or not. Here goes.

When she was 17 she felt she had all the answers to life, at that age you think that you do, but you really don't!

Her father was a Juvenile Corrections Officer, he told her exactly what would happen and it all almost came true.

Her and several of her friends moved into their own apartment there were quite a few of them.

One by one they started to lose one here one there, as they became disillusioned of their life.

Soon there were only a couple left, no way they could afford to keep an apartment like they had.

Along comes this guy named Richard.

He payed for their apartment, he gave them some stuff to take the worry away."

"Was it drugs?" Asked Teresa?

Yes said Adam, soon they were hooked on the drugs.

Richard said tell you what you help me out I'll help you out by giving you a place to stay and the drugs to make you feel better.

They were only helping a friend.

But really he wasn't their friend he was selling their bodies to guys that would pay money for it."

"She was hooking then?" Said Teresa?

"Yes, said Adam she was hooking, how do you know about that?"

"One of the girls at the nursery, her mom was doing that and when Tracy was 12 she got her doing that as well, for more money!"

"Sorry to hear that said Adam.

Anyway Eve got pregnant."

"With Tommy?" Teresa asked?

"Yes with Tommy.

Before he was born she promised him that he would never see her high, and would never see her have sex with another man like she had been doing.

She got the help that she needed and got off the streets, cleaned up and got sober.

She has kept that promise to Tommy so far.

Then she came to work at my company.

My secretary had gotten injured in a car crash, I got one from the secretarial pool.

I found out she was very smart, good at her job.

She helped me out of a problem I was having, see one of my accounts was over a million dollars over budget, she found where almost 1/2 of that was.

Her not me, the guy who does that for a living!

We had payed a supplyer twice, she found it not me.

I fell in love with her.

I took her out to dinner with my girls.

Now Leeza used to be in her own little world.

She hardly recognized another human being.

Leeza saw Eve for the first time and ran to her and called her mommy!"

"Uh-uh? Said Teresa really?"

"Yes I was surprised as you, not only that but Leeza sat in her lap and had her blow french fries for her to cool them down, she was focused the whole time for me that was a miracle!"

"How did Leeza know?" Asked Teresa?

"She said she dreamed about her becoming her mommy!

Next day to see if it was a fluke I invited Eve to lunch and had Leeza brought there as well, guess what?"

What?" Asked Teresa?

"As soon as Leeza saw Eve like you were tackled today she did it again to Eve, I knew it wasn't a fluke.

Leeza and her looked like mother and daughter.

People actually thought they were, they were surprised to learn that they weren't.

I knew I loved her by then.

That's when I found out about Eve's past.

I was shocked!

Eve was so nice, so beautiful so sweet, it's hard to believe she used to do those things!

For Leeza's sake I knew I needed to get Eve as her mommy or she would withdraw back into her own little world again.

Then all of the sudden Lindsey starts talking like a 10 year old.

We didn't know that as well.

It's because of Eve.

It was her idea to adopt you, she fell in love with you, that day at Castles and Coasters."

"I know she told me.

I feel so lucky I mean I got a mommy and daddy, sisters and a brother.

And your rich to!"

Not only that, said Adam you have Grandmas and Grandpa's, Aunts an Uncle.

If you didn't know Eve is pregnant with twins you'll soon have more brothers and sisters."

"I was an only kid in my family, said Teresa.

Now I have a big family!"

Cassie as promised had pizza for dinner, it was homemade but every bit as good as you could get at a national pizza shop.

Teresa gave her a hug to thank her.

"Wow best tip I've ever gotten!

That made my day, Thank you Teresa!"

A litle later Leeza came and got her by the hand and began dragging her somewhere.

"Where are we going Leeza?" Teresa asked?

"Katie Nanny,  Cassie say you wet like me!

Two little girls need changing!"

Teresa smiled she probably was wet she's had this diaper on since she was changed when she first got here, wet.

"Katie Nana, Leeza said, Two wet girls!"

"Two of my favorite wet girls, Katie said, who wants to go first?"

"Take Leeza!" Said Teresa.

"Thank you!" Said Leeza.

Teresa watched as Leeza was changed, she begin to think about down the road when Leeza was her sister for real.

She knew she wasn't the best fighter, but she was going to protect Leeza from kids teasing her.

She was the big sister! She felt the pride in her breast from that thought.

Even if their real mom called her a retard again, that wasn't right she would be in that bitches face, she didn't know that Leeza and Lindsey's mom was no longer in the picture.

Just let her try!

Same with other kids in school let them try, just because she is a little different.

Teresa herself felt different how many other 10 year olds still forgot to go pee and wore diapers.

She could see it when she was 6 or 7, for gods sake!

But 10!

She realized Katie said something. "Pardon?" She said.

"Your turn! Said Katie with a smile. What were you thinking about?" Asked Katie?

Teresa blushed!

"Let me guess said Katie your emberassed about still having daytime accidents right?"

"Yeah how did you know?" Asked Teresa shocked that Katie was reading her mind.

"Let me tell you you aren't the only 10 year old needing daytime diapers!" 

"Really?" Asked Teresa?

"Really!" Said Katie! I used to work for a family that had a 15 year old still wetting his diapers in the day time."

"Really?" Said Teresa? 

"Before that I  had twin girls both 13, still in diapers all the day and night! 

One of my fellow nannies I know works for a family that has two parents and three kids the oldest kid is 18, the youngest 14, plus both parents in their 30's and still in diapers.

You aren't alone!

I bet in a couple of years you will no longer need your diapers in the day time.

Now night time might be different entirely.

But your in good company for that, your mom and dad, Cassie and myself all are bedwetters still."

"You!" Asked Teresa?

"Me, said Katie!

The really only dry one in this house is Lindsey!"

"I can't help it said Leeza!" 

"I know you can't!" Said Teresa! 

"It's okay! I still love you!" 

"Leeza, love Teresa to, you my sister, like Lindsey!"

"Teresa said I'm so glad your my sister your a cutie!"

Leeza hugged Teresa "You tell me I cutie, you not call me retard!"

"If anybody ever calls you a retard you come get me, I'll kick their butt for them, got it?"

"Yeah, you my sister I  like!" Said Leeza!

Teresa was going to love being a big sister!

After 5 of the 6 Andersons were diapered, ready for bed by Katie, and she went to go get her girlfriend Cassie ready for their bed.

Adam and Eve visited the 4 kids and gave them each a kiss and tucked them in for the night.

Teresa fell asleep and had a dream, she was visited by a ghost, in her dream, at first she was frightened, she realized she was so scared she was peeing.

The ghost named Annie said "Please don't be scared of me, I'm not going to hurt you! I was your mommy's mother when I was alive.

I'm kind of your guardIan angel now.!

"You were Eve's mom?" 

"Yes, and I would never harm a hair on your beautiful head!" 

That put her at ease.

"I'm so proud that you've came into our family!"

She came and sat by Teresa who in her dream was sitting on the side of the bed.

"Are you the one that told Leeza about Eve being her mommy?"

"Yes that was me.

I also told Eve that you needed a home, she had a friend when she was 9, that was in foster care, poor girl was being raped by her foster father, she killed herself.

Taking a bath he told her to get ready for later that night, he was coming.

She stuck her face under water and breathed in, drowned herself in the tub.

It was discovered that she had been raped, father went to prison.

Eve was tore up that her friend was dead that way, we never told her about the raping and other abuse she went through."

"Nothing like that ever happened to me said Teresa!"

"Yes but you need a good home like her friend, who would probably still be alive today if she wasn't in that home."

"I think I got a good one!" Said Teresa!

"I think you do as well!

Annie smiled at her.

I watched them bring you here, you was scared about what you would get though I saw you wet yourself."

Teresa smiled this time. "Yeah, I kinda did!"

"I also knew you was hoping to get with Eve!"

"Yes, I was hoping that, but I was afraid I wasn't.

Somebody told me it took weeks if not months to get certified." Said Teresa!

"They had it done in days not weeks, said Annie.

I am glad your with us child.

When you two met at that rollercoaster place, I'm sure my boss had something to do with it!"

"Boss?" Asked Teresa?

Annie pointed upwards and  moved her arm up and down.

"You mean God?" Teresa asked?

Annie nodded her head yes.

"You mean he.., put us two together?"

"He moves in mysterious ways, Annie said!

Doesn't it seem like a miracle, that you meet, hit it off and they already want to adopt you, less than two weeks later?"

My time with you is ready to come to a close, next time I come to you please don't be frightened!"

"Next time I won't said Teresa I love you now!"

With that she was gone.

Teresa felt kind of alone now just herself it felt weird.

Annie visited Eve next.

"How are you mom?"



Sorry,  afterlife humor!"

Eve smiled.

"I just visited Teresa, I scared her so bad I think she soaked her diaper, sorry! 

She is such a good girl Eve!"

"Yes I know I fell in love with her when I first met her!"

"She is yours take good care of her, keep her happy we don't want another Charlotte!" 

"No never.

I found out a few years ago what was happening to Charlotte, mom, if I knew I would of helped!"

"I know dear none of us even had a clue the  Machaud's weren't a great family.

Richard has 337 years in prison to think about what he did to that little girl, if it was up to me, I would keep him alive for every day of that 337 years, said Annie!

Then let him die the same day he gets out!" Added Eve.

Anyway said Annie she is a keeper don't let her get away."

"I won't mom, we want to make her a part of our family." Said Eve!

"Just to let you know I think there is a higher power than me wanting this to happen.

I think my boss has his hand in this!"

She was gone.

Adam was visited next.

"Hey, said Annie, you hit the jackpot guy.

That newest daughter is a gem!"

"Yeah I know mom, you back to yell at me again for getting your daughter pregnant?"

"No not this time, Annie smiled, maybe next time!"

Adam wished he knew this lady when she was still alive, she was a pistol!

"This girl is quite beautiful, you as a dad will have to keep her safe that's your job."

"Yes mom said Adam without thinking, I have thought about that all day, I have thought about getting a knife and castratIing any boy who wants to be close to her."

"Good for you.

Watch for the wolf's in sheep's clothing those are the ones that bears watching!"

Adam wondered what she meant.

Annie said "Just so you know I think your a good man!

You take care of your family, you love your family, that new little girl needs lots of love, she hasn't had an easy life!"

"What do you mean by that? Asked Adam, but she was gone.

that's the last of what I had saved there were a few more chapters that got eaten. 

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When Adam and Eve got to work the next day.

The next thing you know Tommy and Glory Be came to the office.

"What brings you here?" Asked Eve?

Tommy said "We need to talk Adam to!"

They both looked serious!

"Okay said Eve, She Paged Adam and said "If you aren't busy could you come here?"

He came to Eve's desk.

He saw Tommy and Glory, he saw their faces.

He wasn't much of a poker player but they looked serious!

"What's up?" He asked? 

Tommy spoke. "We understand that you got a new daughter, a foster child is that correct?"

"Yeah dad said Eve we were going to surprise you with Teresa this weekend!" 

Glory and Tommy looked at each other.

"Your mom visited us, I'm scared what does she mean sheeps clothing?"

"I don't know dad? Eve said it was kind of vague?" 

"She told you to?" Asked Tommy? 

"Me as well, said Adam.

I've been kind of thinking about that all morning!" Said Adam.

"Same here!" Said Eve.

"Me as well!" Said Glory.

"I got visited yesterday! Said Tommy.

Anna reminded me of your friend you had that killed herself, when it was found out Richard Machuad was raping her."

"Charlotte!" Said Eve!

"Yes that's it! Said Tommy, Charlotte!

I don't know but I'm scared about this one! Said Tommy!

Adam do you have a gun?"

"I bought a pistol he said after my exe's brother and that unpleasantness.  

The problem is I would probably shoot my own dammed foot or Eve or one of the kids, I don't know how to use it!" 

"Understandable said Tommy.

I can help train you.

But you need to protect this girl.

She will become your daughter!

Who do you know that would want to hurt her?"

"Nobody, that's just it!" Said Eve.

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All 4 came away wishing that Anna had given them more info on who would want to harm Teresa.

It wasn't like she had spent years pissing people off.

She was just an almost 11 year old girl.

An orphan at that.

Her parents were killed in Vegas, some lady pissed at the word.

Drove up on the sidewalk running people down.

Tommy remembered reading about it remembering that a couple from Arizona had been killed in the atfack.

The lady wasn't even part of a terrorist group, her life sucked and she took it out on innocent people! 

"Well just keep her at school!" Said Glory.  

"What if the threat is at the school said Adam!" 

"Or if we have her at the neighbors, what if it's them said Eve, we've already discussed that."

"Tommy said it's somebody we already know, Anna said a wolf in sheep's clothing.

We already know them and trust them! What kind of servants do you have Adam?"

"Eve said "There only the Maid and Nannie, I really trust them dad."

"Besides said Adam I've run them frontwards, backwards and upside down said Adam.

There are no skeletons in the closet I don't already know about.

The Maid and the Nannie are lovers.

I knew that before I hired them, that's the least I know about them." 

"Maybe we should just go to bed and sleep, maybe Anne will give us more like who the hell to watch out for?" Said Glory.

They looked at each other that was the best idea that they had heard yet. 

"Tommy said I want to meet this girl today, so do I said Glory that way maybe we can get a feel from the girl herself."

Adam dialed the phone.

"Hello Katie, listen could you bring the girls, and Tommy. to work, we want Teresa to meet her grandparents, at least Eve's parents.

About half an hour 45 minutes.

Make sure that the three who need it are diapered.

Yes including Teresa! 

They are on the way." 

35 minutes later Adam got a call that his kids were at the front desk.

Adam said "I'll be right down!" 

Tommy said "I'll go with you!

They caught the executive elevator.

Adam said "I bet you this is the first time in this elevator?" 

Tommy smiled "I bet it isnt! 

The night of the break in we brought the cops up and down in this I made 5 trips up and down.

The guys who broke in were transported down in this.

Adam said "Huh, Eve got her first ride in it just after we were married." 

They got to the main floor.

As the doors opened!

Tommy heard "Granmpa!" 

He was almost tackled by Leeza and Lindsey, Tommy was in the tackling as well, he didn't want to be left out.

Teresa was a bit more leery about this guy in a cops uniform, he also had a gun in a holster on his side.

Leeza looked at Teresa "This is grandpa he's nice, she said he married to gramma Glory. 

See he is nice to.

But I didn't get to go on their honeymoon with them!"

She still sounded upset about that!

Teresa came foreward and did extend her hand.

Tommy also realized that she was ready to pull it back if he looked like he was going to bite it.

Tommy extended his hand in a hand shake.

He pulled her into a hug sorry he said "If I'm going to be your grandpa, a hand shake just won't do!" 

At first Teresa was scared, she felt her diaper warm.

But then she was enjoying it.

Leeza was right he was a nice guy he just looked mean.

She realized that this was the guy that was her mommy's daddy she was alright with him. 

They were on the 6th floor and we're in Adams office.

Mommy was talking to a lady, she just knew had to be Glory, she was once again pulled into a hug.

This time she realized that like her Glory was wearing a diaper.

She wanted nothing more than to get just a few moments alone to ask her why she wore diapers.

Was she like herself and still had trouble staying dry at her age? 

Grandpa Tommy asked lots of questions of her.

Some were easy to talk about some hurt to talk about like her parents. She still missed them.

They ordered Chinese food in for lunch.

She saw they had mustard, she loves mustard and put it on her Sesame Chicken.  

She took a bite and her nose started running and her eyes watering.

That was the worst mustard she had ever had.

Eve saw her in discomfort. 

"Are you okay?" She asked? 

"I just put some mustard on my chicken!" 

"Oh sorry dear thats Chinese mustard it has horseradish in it!

It's nothing like American mustard!'

"I don't like it Teresa said!"

Adam said "Me neither!" 

"Nor I" said Eve! 

"I don't either!" Said Glory! 

"I do but I just use a tiny little bit!

He showed her just a touch and...? 

it wasn't bad grandpa was right! 

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Tommy had to go home and get some sleep.

Glory Be had to get to work.

Eve started to do her work.

Teresa sat and watched what Eve did.

She was impressed she had never seen anybody type like Eve before.

She wanted to be a Secretary just like her mommy!

She came and gave Eve a kiss.

"What was that for asked Eve? 

I enjoyed it!" 

She grabbed her and began kissing Teresa's face, smothering her with kisses!

"Thank you mommy!" Teresa said.

"For what? Asked Eve, kisses there are plenty more where that came from!"

"No  said Teresa, today has been perfect!

I enjoyed being here at work with you.

I want to do your job, can you teach me?"

"Come on your smarter than I am.

With daddies money I think you should learn from him.

I didn't have the opportunity to learn like your daddy.

Believe me if I had I would of jumped at at it.

It took most of the money that was put aside for college to take care of my mother when she was sick and to bury her.

My brother was lucky enough to get a scholarship he's going to be a doctor one day.

He wants to study urology to help kids like his sister, kids that wet their beds!" 

"That will help kids like me as well!" Said Teresa! 

Eve never thought that it would help her daughter like that but what if her brother finds something that will stop Teresa from a life of wet beds like herself.

A few months ago she would of jumped at the chance to be a Guinea Pig for her brother.

Now, she enjoyed bedwetting, well not enjoyed it she had fun with it. But what kind of life would Teresa have with it.

Would she hate it like she used to or enjoy it like Adam?

Would she like being a baby, that's what Eve liked being a baby.

That's what her mom liked, being a baby, Glory wasn't above being babied as well

 She was done with her work she took the papers in for Adam to read and sign and mail them off.

Teresa said "Mommy can you change me I forgot to go pee and I'm wet now." 

She took Teresa into Adam's office bathroom and changed her, soon Leeza was there for a change.

She told Adam that "His little girl needed changing as well" 

Adam joked back "No Lindsey has gone pee at least three times, she isn't wet!" 

"Not that little girl!" She whispered and guided his hand up under her dress to her wet diaper.

She saw the smile on his face when his hand touched her wet diaper.

It was like electricity for him.

She saw his Mr. Happy spring to life.

He told the three girls and Tommy "That he would be back he had to take care of his wet little girl!" 

Leeza said "Mommy peed!"  With a smile.

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That afternoon they returned home after work.

Cassie and Katie were all smiles.

Eve joked with them in a sing song voice said "I know what you two did!" 

They both smiled more.

Then she told them that "If they hadn't had the kids, she was sure Mr. Anderson would had been at her in the same way!"

Cassie said "Dinner will be ready in an hour!" She winked at Eve. 

Katie asked any of my little girls or little boys need a change.

Mr. Anderson grinned sheepishly.

She said "Come on!" 

He followed her and was changed out of his wet diaper that  he wore for the travel to and from work. 

After dinner Teresa went and asked Adam, "What she can do to learn to become a secretary like her mom?"

Adam said to her, "Teresa I was hoping that you would want a good education so you could do something like I do now!

Your a smart girl, you have opportunities now that you didn't used to have."

"But mommy is smart to! 

Said Teresa and she is your secretary!"

"Yes she is my Secretary,  but do you think how far she could of gone with her brains, and the opportunities that are available to you?

I would probably be working for her!"

"Teresa said daddy your smart as well.

Yes and I had the opportunities of having enough money to go to Harvard.

Do you really think I would be a Chief Financial Officer at 29 if I had graduated from anywhere but Harvard?

Just think you could be a Doctor, a Lawyer, even a CFO, maybe even a CEO at my age."

"Daddy I'm not that smart I haven't even learned to stop peeing myself in the day time at 10 years old!"

Adam smiled "I was 8, and I wet my bed unil I was 14 then I got injured playing Football and it returned at 21 years old.

Being a bedwetter doesn't mean your stupid, you know how many Urologists become Urologists because they used to wet their beds?

They want to help kids like themselves.

Their has been some famous people that were bedwetters.

Who asked Teresa?

We had a president that had Polio it left him with a weak bladder and he wore diapers because he wet himself."

"Who was that?" Asked Teresa?

"Franklin D. Roosevelt our president during the great depression.

There were a few actors have you ever seen Bonanza, Little House on the Prarie, Highway to Heaven?"

Highway to Heaven, and Little house on the Prairie I've seen. Said Teresa.

"The guy that played Pa, Michael Landon grew up a bedwetter."

"Really?" Asked Teresa?

"Yes I'm telling you the truth.

Your in great company lots and lots of kids over 6 years old wet their beds like you and I!

There is that great big football player Chris Mitchell him and he has admitted several family members wet their beds still.

Then he plays with about 3 other guys that do, one wears all the time he got hurt playing football, he doesn't even know when he wets.

Other than his diapers get warm and heavy.

Jeff Washington.

Then there is Marcus Jenson, and That Rookie running back they have Brenton Spencer.

That's just the Raiders.

Chris has said there are other teams that have players that haven't said anything yet that still wet their beds.

So we're out there, I've heard reports that Lady Gaga does.

It's not confired yet.

Reports of some others.

Think about it of all the kids in the world that wet their beds 3 in 100 to 12 in 100 will still be wetting their beds as an adult.

Several of those 3 in 100 to 12 in 100 will become famous in either Politics, Sports, Entertainment, Business. Many become just moms and dads!

Lots more suffer in silence unhappy with themselves and life.

You can either be miserable doing nothing.

Or you can live life become what you want to be.

If you want to be a secretary you can be a secretary, but live up to your potential and take advantages of those opportunities." Said Adam!

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Teresa sat in her room thinking about what her daddy had told her.

She wanted to be a Doctor at one time but she felt she was to stupid to be one.

She was 8 and was worse at wetting herself, she had less control in those days, if that was possible.

It was like that when she felt the urge to pee it was because she already was, or she felt it and whoosh she was wetting.

She had mere seconds from the feeling to wetting!

She wished that she could have at least minutes.

She might actually make the toilet sometimes.

At night she didnt even know she has wet until she wakes up wet. 

She doesn't feel to bad about that, yes she is 10 years old but mommy and daddy are way older.

So are Cassie and Kate they still wet their beds.

Gramma Glory as well grandpa Tommy too!

At least she never got beat by that lady that works overnight at the nursery, she was wet most nights but she had never leaked. Other than the bunk bed thing and that happened the night that lady was off!

She liked the idea of being a Doctor again, she had parents that were rich.

She heard Medical School is quite expensive.

Her daddy would make sure she gets there if she wants to, she also knows Eve would make sure she gets good grades in school, she just felt that Eve was the type that education was important to.

Her mom was like that before she was killed.

Teresa missed getting encouragement in school.

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Soon the whole house was asleep, soon all were wet.

Including Lindsey she had a rare wet night. 

Across  the street the older man watched the house, he had been searching for Teresa for quite a while.

She took his daughter now he was going to take her.

It was just revenge was all he told himself, he wanted to replace his daughter.

Teresa was beautiful, his daughter... wasn't horse face came to his mind.

Unfortunately she took more after him and not his wife, she went away when his daughter went as well.

He was biding his time.

Her new mommy was definitely a looker.

She wears diapers.

He has in the as well when he was at that rollercoaster place he had found her the day before.

She hung out with the lady.

He overheard them talking about bedwetting and diapers.

He was diapered that day as well he didn't want anything getting in the way of his objective taking the girl the replacement for his daughter.

She was gone from him now he was due a daughter.

His was gone, theirs was so close he could taste her.

He knew this was all illegal.

If caught he would end up in prison.

The same place his daughter had been.

His wife had a hard time dealing with what Caroline had done, she attempted suicide.

It didn't work, she lost enough blood that there wasn't any blood with enough oxygen getting to her brain.

She is still alive but it wasn't life as he remembered, she was brain damaged.

Her mind was like a 5 year old.

She needed diapers now like Teresa and her mom.

Having sex with another diaper wearer didn't bother him one bit.

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Annie was in Leeza's dream.

"How Is my favorite granddaughter tonight?"

"I'm good grandma!"

"How do you like your new sister?" Annie asked?

"She is good grandma I really love her!

She told me that she would fight anybody who calls me retard!"

"But your not a retard!" Said Annie!

"I know but I'm different than other kids.

Mommy said I think different is all!" 

"That's true but you still aren't retarded, never was, never will be.

I'm here tonight to let you know something."

Leeza said "It's something to do with Teresa something is bothering Mommy and daddy and grandma Glory and grandpa Tommy!"

"Yes said Annie I told you weren't retarded!

Your my beautiful granddaughter.

But your right I told them to watch out for a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

"But grandma Annie, sheeps don't wear clothes!" Leeza said!

Annie had to smile, Leeza was so innocent!

"Your right my little one they don't.

It means watch out for people who look one way and are really another, like a wolf acting like a sheep."

"Oh okay I understand now said Leeza.

"Can I help my sister Teresa, I mean she will fight for me do I have to fight for her?"

"Yes baby you might.

Fight like a wolf!"

"Grandma I'm scared, I'm just a little girl."

"I know you are little one but it might come down to you having to protect her.'

"Grandma I love Teresa I will fight like a wolf for her because you asked me to.'

"Whatever you do said Annie I need to have you not tell your mom about this dream!"

"You mean lie to mommy?" Asked Leeza.

"It's not exactly lying if you don't tell her, that I visited you in your dream.  

Remember if you love Teresa don't let her wander outside the house  alone, okay?"

"I can do that!" Said Leeza.

"I love you little one, one regret I have is that I died before meeting you for real. I would love to give you a hug and a kiss in real life."

"But grandma we can do that in our dreams.

It's just as special, because in my dreams my mind works better anyway. 

I love you too grandma.  

I think mommy was so lucky to have you as her mommy, I know why she is so nice, she got that from you!

Grandpa Tommy can be a bit scary at times.

But I still love him!" 

"Yeah I know what you mean said Annie, that's the protector coming out.

He used to work in a prison with kids just a few years older than you.

It hurt his brain a little, he only sees black and white, he used to see grays and all other colors of the rainbow.

Now it's just black or white."

"So working in a prison makes you Color Blind?" Asked Leeza? 

Grandma had to go she was about ready to burst out laughing.

Leeza was a funny kid that was for sure!

Grandma sheeps don't wear clothes.

That did it she was laughing her halo off!

It was impossible not to love that girl, everybody trusted her, she wasn't the best at telling things and she trusted everybody.

That's what she was hoping for.

Her being a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Adam was next she told him "To learn how to shoot with his pistol.

He might need it someday.

Just make sure he doesn't shoot one of his own kids.

Tommy could help him do that he was a good teacher.

He had taught her to shoot.

At the time he was working third shift, he felt scared leaving her and the kids alone at nights.

He told her you never know.

There never was a problem thank god but she was ready if she needed to.

Eve was waiting for her sitting on the side of her bed.

Well in the dream she was.

Eve could tell that her mom looked upset.

"Okay I'll bite what's up mom is the guy you told me about in Teresa's room?"

"No, no but he's close her mother told her.

She was about ready to wake up and run to Teresa.

No stay here she is safe for the moment.'

"What's the matter then?" Asked Eve?

"How much do you love Teresa?"

Eve smiled "I love her like you loved me."

"You promised your Tommy that you would never see you have sex with another man, if it comes down to push and shove would you do that to save her?"

Eve thought, "I don't know she said, my brain says no, but my heart says yes!"

"Before this is over you might have to eat those words!" Said Annie!

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Leeza came and woke up Adam and Eve.

"We're getting new people!"

"New people?" Asked Eve?

"Yeah big trucks across the street and Next door.

"You mean neighbors?" Asked Adam?  

"Yeah new people!" Leeza said!

Adam said "I heard the they sold.

The Carson's across the street and the Lambert's next door."

The Carson's had been vacant for a few weeks.

The Lambert's a few months.

The Carson house they moved to Boca Raton in Florida.

The Lamberts they had a death there.

"Should we go meet our new neighbors today? 

Asked Eve? Bring them something like a fruit basket or something?"

"Can we?" Asked Leeza?

"I don't see why not!" Said Adam.

"They got everybody up and showered, any that needed it or wanted it were rediapered.

They got baskets and filled it with nuts and fruit.

The first place they saw anybody that wasn't a mover was next door, that's where they went first.

They introduced themselves and he told them his name was "Hannibal Caruthers. He is a widower kids grown up and still back home, and he had moved here from Cleveland, Ohio,  he had gotten tired of the cold winters off the lake." 

The guy across the streets was named "Terrance Streeter, he had move there with his wife that was an invalid.

No kids.

He hoped that the Anderson kids were quiet, he liked to be left alone! Them being neighborly was about all that he cared to know about his neighbors.

"Wow what a crab!" Said Eve!

Adam said "I agree."

This was after they made it back to their house.

Out of the two they liked the next door neighbor, he was at least nice! 

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All the neighbors agreed Mr. Streeter was a crabby neighbor.

He would be the type to offer a drowning man a glass of water.

Everybody wondered what his poor wife the invalid was like?

Mr. Caruthers seemed nice Adam liked him.

Adam thought with his wife dead, his kids in Cleveland he did look lonely the house he bought wasn't as large as Adam's but it was still big for one person.

Same with the Streeter's it was a pretty big house for just two people. Eve wondered if she invited Mr. And Mrs. Streeter and Mr. Caruthers for dinner one night would they come.

She talked to Adam who thought it was a great idea.

She also cleared it with Cassie.

She sent out invitations.

Mr. Carruthers responded, she never got back anything from  the Streeters. 

That night from across the street the older man sat and watched the house where Teresa and her diaper wearing mother lived.

He thought you know this is a perfect opportunity to get a sense of the house.

He hated leaving his wife, but they didn't want to see her like she had became.

Dinner would be the perfect in.

To get to know the family better.

His wife was like Leeza very child like their brains worked about the same way.

Who knows maybe they could be playmates.

He hoped that they didn't think he was to anti social, that wasn't what he wanted to portray.

That first day he felt like they had intruded on him! He had barely got his feabile minded wife inside before they arrived.

Teresa was to be his new daughter to replace the one that had died in prison, she had been depressed and decided to run over several people in Vegas, she killed Teresa's parents and a few others.

She was found guilty and sent to prison. Some bitch there stabbed her with a home made knife. She died.

That's when her mom decided to end it, but the paramedics saved her, for what so she could be a half a vegetable.

She thought she was three years old now.

In her mind she is.

Her body is much older like himself.

But in her mind three years old.

Teresa needed parents, who better than the family of the girl that took hers?

She has a very beautiful mother that he wouldn't mind screwing, he has needs.

Leeza would be an excellent companion for his wife child!

He would have to do something to Adam he looked to be a threat.

He looked like a quarterback, he was willing to bet he was one in high school.

That's okay he had been a defensive lineman in his day.

He even played college foitball.

That's where he met his wife, she was a cheerleader at the University of Ohio where he played football.

Teresa need parents and they needed a daughter.

A match made in heaven.

  • Confused 1
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Mr. Curruthers was the first to arrive.

Mr. Streeter did send his regards.

He couldn't leave his wife all alone for that long, and there was no way she would be able to attend!

That's a start thought Eve.

They had dinner and the conversation was good Mr. Curruthers complimented them on their home.

Adam gave him the guided tour.

He was interested in the construction as he had been an architect before retiring. 

Eve really liked Mr. Curruthers.

As did Adam.

Teresa also enjoyed his company.

After dinner, Katie came and whispered something in Teresa's ear she blushed.

And went with Katie.

Mr. Curruthers asked "Is everything alright?"

Eve blushed "uhm how do I put this? 

Teresa has accidents and wears diapers."

"Say no more Mr. Curruthers said I have 5 kids 3 wore nighttime diapers way past an age that  most consider normal.

My youngest had daytime accidents as well, way into her elementry school days.

I do understand.

My wife wore them as after 5 kids she became incontinent as well.

I'm nobody to judge!"

Teresa came back she looked happier.

Mr. Curruthers said nothing but gave Teresa a wink and an all knowing smile.

Mr. Curruthers actually talked to Leeza, "I bet your almost ready to start school next year?" 

Leeza looked at her mommy.

"Yes she is but unfortunatly she will be in Special Ed. Leeza is Autistic."

"Got a nephew the same way, smart kid just processes things different.

What about you", he asked Lindsey?

"I'm not quite at that age yet." She said.

Mr. Curruthers was surprised, "As smart as you are they should start you early!" This garnered him a smile from Lindsey! 

Adam and Mr. Curruthers went to the family room thats where the TV was at it was a Thursday and the football game was on it was the Cleveland Browns vs. The Cincinnati Bengals.

Even though the Brownies were looking like crap this year they were Mr. Curruthers favorite team. Hometown team and all.

The game was over the Bengals had won! 

"Of course, the Brownies couldn't whip their way out of a wet paper sack this year! 

He told Adam!

Well at least the Cavs and Indians look good!

He looked heaven wards and asked God is it to much to ask for all the teams in Cleveland to hit good at the same time?"

It was his way of praying Adam guessed as he smiled. 

After the game Mr.  Curruthers went home.

Adam and Eve along with Katie Nanna got the girls and Tommy ready for bed.

After the kids were down it was the adults turn.

Katie Got the Mr. and Mrs. ready for bed.

She then went and diapered her partner and herself and they went to bed themselves. 

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