redwelch2222 Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 I posted this story before but that glitch messed it up so I have to repost it. but I also decided to go through and fix a lot of mistakes I had in this story so her is the fixed version. It was a chilly Saturday morning, The sun just barely peeking out behind the trees. Not a cloud in sight. Such a Beautifull day to be in school detention. As we pulled into the high school, I found it really weird to look at it without all the kids running around. Granite Hills School (random school name) was a medium-sized school with nothing much to it. The only thing the school is well known for is that 4 years ago it was one of the worst high schools for bullying, high pregnancies, and dropouts. Then one day they hired a disciplinary teacher, and everything was fixed. Being freshmen, I haven't yet seen the teacher myself, and for some reason, no one ever wants to talk about it. As we pulled up to the front of the school, we were greeted by a tall 6-foot blond girl. She didn't look much older than me, and I guess she was a senior also in trouble. “Excuse me, when will the teacher be here?” my dad asked the girl. “That would be me, I'm Mis.Mare the disciplinary teacher,” she said with a smile. To our shock, both dad and I got out of the car to shake her hand and apologize for not knowing. “It's no problem it happens all the time.” she then looked over at me and gave me a smile. “So how does this work exactly. Does Sara have to come here every week? Or….” my dad asked wanting to know how long I would be punished. “Ow no for what she did today will be all. Mostly she just has to finish her test and anything else she might not have finished.” Mis.Mare told him before handing him a couple pieces of paper. “This is everything you'll need to know, and I would ask you read it as soon as you can.” he nodded in agreement while she looked back to me. she then gestured for me to follow her into the school building. As we walked through the empty halls, she leads me to a room labeled D-1. Walking in I saw that it was the size of a small class and looked like one except for the one desk in the middle of the room. “Why is their only one desk? Aren't there more students coming?” I asked. “Nope, you're the only one,” she told me as she walked to her desk and held up a folder. I walked over to sit down. After a moment of silence, she turned around and began writing on the board. 1 finish test. 2 punishment/lines As she wrote that I thought back to yesterday. All I did was not go to my math class and played on my phone in the girl's bathroom. I didn't even know we were having a test until I was caught. At least my punishment is writing lines. “Before we start I want to ask if you have any other homework you would like to do while you're here?” She asked, and I shook my head no. “ok so here's how it'll work you after you finish your test you'll have your punishment, lines and then you can go home.” she told me with a smile as she handed me my test and a water bottle. The test wasn't hard and besides Mis.Mare leaving for a few minutes to check something I was done within 40 minutes. “Done already?” she asked as she picked up both my test and empty water bottle. Throwing the bottle away she placed the test into the folder. “Ok then now please come up to the desk please,” she asked me, and I did. I guess she's just going to give me a pen and a sentence to write. Mis.Mare then picked up the folder off her empty desk and put it into a drawer before asking me to lift out my hands. When I did, I heard a click and felt a cold metal on my hands and realized I was just handcuffed! “What the hell!” I yelled as I tried to get away from Mis.Mare but she just gripped the handcuffs harder and pulled me over her desk and looped the handcuffs into a lock leaving me lying on the desk with my legs kicking over the edge. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” I screamed, but she shoved something into my mouth and strapped it behind my head to silence me. “I told you earlier after you finish your test its punishment, lines and then you can go home. This is your punishment before your lines.” this bitch said with that same simple smile as if this was the most normal thing in the world before walking behind me. I tried to kick her, but she just grabbed my legs and moved them before she grabbed the sides of my pants and pulling them down to my feet. I tried my hardest to do something, to kick her but she just pinned my legs down by putting her foot on my pants keeping my feet stuck to the floor. “What cute undies you have,” she said as my face blushed beet red. SMACK! I screamed as loud as I could when this woman smacked my bare ass. But the sound was muffled by the thing in my mouth. “That's 1 for ditching class,” she said. my tears started flowing as she raised her left hand and smacked my left butt check this time and I screamed again. “1 for playing on your phone during a class period.” Mis.Mare went on from there with each lousy thing I did. Again and again. By the end, I was out of breath and worn out. Mis.Mare walked around her desk and opened a cabinet before looking at my red teary-eyed face and gave me that same smile. “The worst is over, just going to give you some stuff to help the pain,” she said as she took out a paper bag and went behind me again. After a few moments and hearing some rustling sounds she quickly pulled my panties down. I began to squirm again until I felt a cold hand on my butt. “This is some special cream to stop the burning.” she told me before squirting moor cream on me and rubbing it in.” I was so embarrassed, but at the same time, I had to agree that the cream was soothing. I soon began to relax a bit, or as much as I could in this situation. Until I felt something weird as Mis.Mare started to poke my butthole and quickly slid a finger in, and I bit down hard on the thing in my mouth. “Ow so tight. I know exactly what will work,” Mis.Mare said as began sliding her finger in and out and looking into her bag for something else. When she finally removed her finger something bigger was put in. “good girl, that plug fits you perfectly.” I have no idea what she did next, I could feel that she put something fluffy on my butt and wrapped it around my crotch before taking a marker and writing something on it. She then started sliding my foot out of my pants and underwear and sliding something else up my legs and over the first thing before I heard a click. Mis.Mare then picked my clothes off the floor and walked back in front of me. Still, with that smile, she folded both my pants and underwear and placed them into the bag before taking a stapler and stapled the bag shut. Then with a marker, she wrote ‘for daddy’ on it before setting it aside. “Great! your punishment is over!” Mis.Mare said with an excited tone as I just glared at her. She then undid the gag, and I now could see it looked like a big pacifier? She then held up a set of keys in front of me. “Now be a good girl, and I'll use this one to let you out,” she said to me. “Fuck... you.” I panted at her, but she kept smiling. “I'll let that one go just this once after what just happened,” she told me before she grabbed a key and undid the handcuffs. The moment she did I jumped to my feet and tried to run to the door, but with the combination of the buttplug and a bulk between my legs, I quickly tripped and fell down. “What the!” I yelled as I spun around to look at what was between my legs and my brain couldn't comprehend what it was at first. “W-wh..” “It's a diaper, Sara. Something all bad kids get here.” Mis.Mare said to me as she watched me try to take it off but couldn't as it had some type of cover over it with a chain and lock. “That only comes off when you are done with your lines,” she told me. I tried to yell at her, then decided to leave, but the door was locked. I wanted to call the cops, but my phone was in my pants, and she just put them into her cabinet and held out a pen. “You can try whatever you want, but you're not leaving until I get my lines. ‘I will be a good girl for mommy’ 100 times.” she told me as she sat back in her seat, that stupid smile not leaving her face. In the end, she was right I couldn't do anything. So I waddled my way back to the board and began to reluctantly write my lines. I had just finished writing 28 linens when I felt a major cramp in my stomach. “Can I use the bathroom!?” I asked Mis.Mare. “You may use the bathroom when your lines are done. I promise.” Mis.Mare told me, so I continued. I tried my hardest to focus on my lines but I kept getting those cramps every few minutes, and I had to stop until it passed. Once it did, I tried to write faster making my handwriting sloppy, but I finally covered the entire board and Mis.Mare began counting the lines as I bent over with another cramp. “So close but that's only 97. What bad handwriting,” Mis.mare told me. “But it's close enough. Please let me use the bathroom!” I pleaded. “Nope, I said 100 and since you can't do it the first time let's erase it all and start over,” she told me as she held out an eraser. “NOOOO!” I screamed. “Please, I'll do anything just let me finish!” I pleaded with her as tears began streaming down my face. “Aww with a face like that it's hard to say no. Ok, I have an idea. Be a good girl for mommy and come here.” she told me. I was in so grateful I didn't even bother to correct her that she wasn't my mommy. I walked over to her, and she spun me around. I heard a faint CLICK before she turned me around again and pulled the plastic covering off revealing the big white diaper I had on. “I'll make you can either start over on the board, or you can be a good girl for mommy and finish your 3 lines on your diaper,” she told me before standing up and walking away. I looked down at the diaper and began to writing ‘i will be a good girl for mommy, I will be a good girl for mommy, I will be a good girl for mommy. On my diaper. Once I was finished, I looked up at Mis.Mare who now held out a pink skirt. “Good girl! Now let's get this on you and let you relieve yourself,” she told me with her smile, and I couldn't help but smile back as I let her help me get it on. It was a cheap skirt and it just barely covered my diaper. I was so glad it was Saturday so no one could see me like this as we walked through the school. As soon as we got to the bathroom, I reached for the door, but it was locked. Suddenly a massive cramp hit and I fell to my knees clenching my stomach. “It's ok. The school is closed, so all the bathrooms are locked but don't worry. You'll be able to go soon.” Mis.Mare told me before reaching out her hand. “Now be a good girl for mommy and take my hand. I did as I was told and she helped me back up before leading me by the hand to the front of the school. I could see out the door and see my dad's car already waiting for us as I began to whimper. “you're a good girl. It's time to go see daddy. Be a good girl for mommy.” Mis.Mare said as we walked to the car and my face was bright red. My dad rolled down the window and looked at us. “How did it go?” he asked. “It was perfect. She is almost done.” Mis.Mare told him Wait almost? What does she mean? “Ok I'll wait.” he told us as he took the paper bag with ‘for daddy’ on it from Mis.Mare. “Be a good girl for mommy and put your hands on the car.” Mis.Mare told me with her smile, and I did what I was told. She then got behind me to lift up my skirt and slide her hand into the back of the diaper and grabbed the butt plug. I began to whimper more before she whispered in my ear. “You're going to be a good girl from now on. You won't tell anyone about what happened today. You're going to feel really good soon. And if my baby girl wants to feel better then, be a good girl for mommy and use your diaper.” she said and pulled the plug out. My eyes went wide and misty as everything I was holding in was now coming out! My legs began to buckle as I squatted down as everything come out as I started moaning from the pleasure of releasing it all. Without realizing it, I began to let go of my bladder as well. I was squatting on the ground shaking when Mis.Mare opened the back seat door and helped my trembling body into the car and helped me get my seatbelt on before looking me in the eyes. She then started rubbing the front of my pee soaked diaper sending a shiver up my spine. “If the baby girl wants this again then be a good girl for mommy,” she told me. I had that same smile she had as I said “Yes mommy.” part 2 I had Sara place her hands on the car as I lifted up her skirt revealing her diaper and ‘time bomb written on the back. I then slid my hand into her diaper before whispering in her ear what to do and pulled her plug out. I quickly put the plug into a plastic baggie before placing it into my purse as the little girl succumbs to her please. Once she was done I helped her up and into the car but not before fixing the skirt up to show off her full diaper. I had to fight back a tear when I heard the girl call me mommy because I knew she was entirely under then. I watched the car drive away before I walked back into the school thinking of what will happen to Sara next. As soon as they get home, her daddy will follow the instructions I gave him. The first is to leave her in the diaper for a few hours. If she weren't broken by me, this would help with the punishment, if she was, well this will be a fun experience for her. Next would be to make lunch and give her the chocolate I added into the bag before getting her clean and giving her clothes back. Agin if she wasn't mine she would just get more humiliation, but if she was then, they might start to get a fetish for it. And lastly another diaper. Eather as a punishment or reward. Either way, it doesn't matter. I walked into the room labeled D-2 and into my office. It was a beautiful place I created for myself as I sat down at my desk and opened Sara’s folder before turning on the baby monitor next to me. Over the monitor, I could hear my little girls playing happily in another room. Back to my paperwork I began writing down my session with Sara and started giving her marks. She was a good kid, easy to punish, and while hesitant at first came around real quick. I wrote a few more things before I the folder away. I then looked up at the photo of a strawberry blond girl wearing very revealing clothing and I couldn't help but think back to 6 years ago ************************************************* I was the 2nd child in my family of 8. My mother was the type to have a man get her pregnant before forcing them to pay for the kid and doing anything she could so she wouldn't have to work. Including breaking her own leg to try to sue a small company. Between my siblings and me we all never really got along. Most of the time it was just found for yourself. The school was no better. People knew about my family and liked to call us trash. It was like the pot calling the kettle black, as most of the school was trash. The classes were just full of fucked up people. If you were nice you were bullied, if you were rich, you were pampered. If you were ugly you were abused, if you were hot everyone wanted in your pants. Most teachers here quit after just a year or two. It's incredible the school could even function. The only good thing in the entire school was just one teacher. An old army vet named Mr.Hobson. He didn't take shit from anyone. Always ready to put people in their place. He was the math/PE teacher. His class was the only safe haven in the school where the bullies know they couldn't mess with him. During breaks he let us stay in his class just to get away from them. He was a great teacher until Alice Young transferred to our school. She was the very definition of hot at the school. Tight body, big chest, dressed like a slut. From what I heard at the time was that she was raped by a teacher and they moved here to get away from the memories. The truth is that she was fucking a teacher for better grades and was caught. She claimed it was rape and everyone believed her. Even though she was a junior, she began to rule the school. It was just before the second half of school that we got a progress report that showed what our grade was and a possibility to improve it before the final grade. My classes were decent, mostly C’s and B’s though I could work in history a bit more as it was a D' I didn't really care and neither did my mom. Alice Young’s grads, however, were different. Every class she had were A’s except two, math and PE both at F’s. Everyone knew why she flirted with or manipulated all the teachers except Mr.Hobson. She couldn't accept not getting what she wanted, and at the time her own daddy was starting to restrict her a bit, so she decided to get rid of them both. A week before grades came out the school was in an uproar. Alice Young came to school all beat up, her dad was arrested, and Mr.Hobson never came back to school. Alice tricked her dad into thinking Mr.Hobson beat and raped her so he would kill him. She then told the cops it was her own father that hit and raped her and that he killed the old man for giving his daughter terrible grades. It was just so sick and twisted what that girl would do just to get her way. I didn't go to school for a month after that. I couldn't stand that school anymore, and my mother and family didn't care. It wasn't until I heard that Mr.Hobson family was selling his stuff did I decide to finally leave the house. Mr.Hobson had a lot of random things he collected over the years, too much for his kids to really keep. So they gathered the ones that had memories and a few valuables and sell the rest. Looking around I could see stuff from everywhere he was stationed. It wasn't until I noticed a small box did I ask heat it was. It was just some old puzzle box he got in Japan. He always said it was magic and that it would only be granted to those who opened it. I got it for $5. It's not like I thought I was actually magic but it was cool looking, and I wanted something to remember Mr.Hobson. It was 3 days later that I figured out how to open the box. I was so excited that for a moment I actually thought I might see the magic! But instead, it was just an empty box. I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, but I still made a little wish. ‘I wish I could change people. It was a few weeks later that I finally discovered my new abilities. By this point, I had been missing a lot of schools, and my mom didn't like me lazing about the house. We got into a fight about being lazy, and she stormed out of the house when I told her ‘just get a job and support your family you lazy bitch!”. The next day for the first time ever she stunned us all when she said she had a job interview. At first, I couldn't believe it, and over the next few weeks, I began to work on my new powers. I have a type of hypnosis. Depending on the age and gender determine how I can manipulate people. For adults are the easiest. Their minds are full grown and don't change as much. However the younger you are the harder it is to get you under and takes a bit more reinforcement. When I finally realized this, I decided it was time to get a little bitch back. I was still learning how to control my powers, but I came up with a plan to do both. As soon as I got back to school, I convince the school to let me work on my grades and catch up. With that out of the way, I began my research on Alice and finding out everyone she’s ever dated, for how long and why they broke up. She dated anyone with power and used them until they were useless to her. Mostly she goes after the caption of any sports team that has the spotlight on them. It didn't take much to manipulate the track team, and before long I had them all under in a matter of days. Next, I began to date the lowest man on the team, Eddy. I was made fun of for a while for being trash that cadets a loser. That is until he began to get better. I merely made him focus and work harder on track, and if he were up against other members of the team, they would sometimes let him win. After a few weeks, I was dating the star of the track team. A zero to hero story, And Alice could see it. Alice then began to put pressure on me to leave him or flirted with him to break up with me. And each time I would tell her ‘you're not woman enough for him’. Eventually i “caught” them making out and pretended to be heartbroken. But I knew I finally won, and all I had to do was watch. Thanks to my reinforcements she wanted to be woman enough for him while he just argued with her that she was just too immature and preferred a woman that was into his kinks. It took a week, but he finally texted me a picture of her peeing her pants for him. This went on until the end of school. By now Alice was utterly in love with him, and she changed a lot. She wore less revealing clothing and instead of being a bitch to everyone she could only be at his side. Everyone thought she had finally changed, that she finally mastered. Nope. She just in lust. The clothing change is to hide the pull up she now wears and she stays so close to him is because he has the remote to the toys she’s using. It was here he told her he was ready to see her as a woman, but first, she had to do something. *************************Alice pov****** It was late at night, but I met Eddy in front of the school. I had a bit of a waddle as I walked up to him wearing a big coat. “Did you do what I asked?” he asked me. My face was bright red, and I was panting a bit as I opened up my coat revealing my almost naked body. The only thing I had on was a diaper, a pacifier wrapped around my neck, and a faint buzzing sound could from the diaper. I tried to lean in for a kiss, but he just stopped me by placing the pacifier into my mouth And told her not yet before taking my coat and leading me into the school. He leads me into a room already prepared for us. Bed, an ice chest and a box that already had some of my favorite toys. Eddy led me to the bed and began taking off his clothes. I was now getting very excited as I tried to remove the diaper Eddy stopped me saying again not yet. He then started kissing my body and play with my breast. When he finally stopped, he began to untaped my diaper. By now I was panting so hard the pacifier fell out of my mouth. He then had a good long look at my naked body. Especially at the toy buzzing away getting me ready for him. That is before he told me I wasn't ready I then began to freak out. I didn't want to stop here! I wanted him to finally go all the way, and I started to plead with him. “Fine, you just have to do one more thing before you're ready,” he told me, and I cheered. He then went over to the box and pulled out a blindfold. Telling me to wear it until he says to take it off. With no way of seeing him, he took out my vibrator and replaced it with an even better one. “That'll keep you occupied until I'm done,” he told me, and I began to tremble with pleasure. I could hear him messing around with something, and I was getting excited. I then decided to start playing with my clit when my hand was smacked away. “Not yet,” he told me. Party pooper... After a moment I felt a nozzle go into my ass and I jumped when the warm water began to fill me. This wasn't my first enema, but it still felt odd to me. “Hands behind your head,” he told me before playing with my breast again while the enema fills me up. When the enema is done, I can feel my stomach bloating a bit. Eddy rubs it and calls me a good girl as he pulls the plug out, and I immediately want to go. Instead, something cold was inserted. “What is that!” I ask. “It's an ice butt plug. The warm water in your tummy will melt it in 2 minutes,” Eddy tells me. He then lifts up my butt, and I feel him put a bigger diaper on me and tape me up. “Are you ready?” he asks. “YES YES IM READY!” I yell just wanting it to be over so we can finally start doing it. “Ok open your eyes,” he tells me, and with a big smile on my face, I remove it to see a flash of bright light. “AWWW she's so precious!” I hear a girl's voice as I blink away the flash I look up to see my boyfriend's ex standing next to him with a camera in one hand and his dick in the other. “Wh-what?” I asked my brain going 60 miles an hour before the girl jumps on top of me pinning my hands to above my head. “It was so fun to watch you play the big girl, but I think it's time you know he never saw you as a real woman,” she says with a smile on her face. “b-but I am a real woman!” I yell at her as I try to get her off but to no use. “Do you remember what I told you a long time ago”? she asked as I looked over to Eddy as he masturbates right in front of me. “ you're not woman enough for him, now enjoy your diaper for mommy.” she said as Eddy turned my vibrator on full blast! No, no! This can't be happening! The vibrations make my entire body shack, and I know it’s only a matter of time before I cum. I don't even notice that mommy got off of me as I grab the front of my diaper. It feels so good that I can finally cum! My body arcs in the air as waves of pleasure wash over me. ************************mommy's pov******************* I watched as both eddy and Alice had their orgasm and Alice fall back to the floor twitching while the back of their diaper began to expand. She even started to moan even more. I knew right then I broke her and took another picture. It was here that things began to change. To start, I had my mom become a better woman by having her get a job and take care of her family. I also made it so my siblings would never become what our mother was. Plus I made one of them into a bed wetter just for fun before I moved out. Alice Young was in the news as she ran away from home stealing her boyfriend's car and leaving a video of her confessing her crimes. Her father was released, and Mr.Hobson’s name was cleared entirely. During that summer the school was being fixed up, and I threw in a few ideas to add since I became the new disciplinary teacher. With my powers, I could possibly rule the world, but I decided I wanted to help it. I wanted to turn this shity school around and make everyone a better person while also adding a bit of my own fun to it. Eddy moved on with his life and forgot everything he did involving Alice and me. I hear he even went to the Olympics not too long ago. I kept this picture of Alice on my desk to help remind me why I do what I do. I smiled at it than I received a buzz in my pocket. I received the message ‘is she ready?’ it asked. ‘Yes, come pick her up at 3:40.’ i replied. Over the baby monitor, I can hear one of them wishing, and I know just what was happening. I sighed and get up to check on the babies. I leave my office and into D-3 that had a staircase leading down to my home. Once I'm down there, I could see my bad baby Alice on top of baby Bobbi.
redwelch2222 Posted November 18, 2017 Author Posted November 18, 2017 I watched for a moment as Alice was humping Bobbi’s diaper before going over and smacking her leg. With tears in her eyes, she got off Bobbi. “Bad girl! You know she gets full rights with the toy today. If you keep acting up, you won't get to have ‘fun time’ at all today.” I sternly tell the Alice as I turned my attention to Bobbi and helped her up. Bobbi was a short girl with a nearly flat chest but an adorable face and lovely long black hair that touched her shoulders. Walking her over to the kitchen table and sat her fluffy bottom down on a chair. turning to my baby Alice with a look that told her she was in trouble she followed and sat down across from Bobbi. “It's not fair, why does she get to have it all day,” Alice whined causing Bobbi to give a slight giggle to her frustration. “Because Alice today is her re-birthday,” I tell her as I open the cupboard to pull out a box of cookies. “What's that?” Bobbi asked. “It's a day where little babies are done with their training and get to go home,” I tell her and lay down 2 cookies for the both of them to tide them over until lunch is made. “I want a re-birthday!” Alice said with a demanding tone, to which I pinched her nose and turned her to face me. “If you keep up your whining you'll get your punishment. Do you understand?” I ask her with a smile and with fear and tears in her eyes she nods. “Good.” I prepare them a lunch of pb&j with carrot sticks and milk before sending them both to the playroom. During the summer of when I started, I had them add a living space under the school. At first, it was the size of a small apartment with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and 2 bedrooms. One for me and the other for baby Alice. The night I broke her I realized just how cute she was and couldn't stand the thought of her diaper butt in jail, So I kept her for myself. Now every summer when the school is being fixed up, I have them add something or add more space for something. Now my home is beautiful and cozy, plus for those really naughty kids are introduced to my “PLAYROOM.” Once I'm done cleaning the kitchen I sit down on the couch and finish up my little project. I had a small scrapbook of little Bobby's transformation. ***********************************6 months ago The school year was just about to start, and already I had a few troublemakers early on. During the summer I'm given a list of all the new students coming in and look at what their records say about them. I don't mind the kids that get the odd detention because I'll get to them when they do get in trouble. It's the ones who are always getting into trouble that I look into. For these kids, I go straight to the source and meet with them and their family. I then try to find the problem and fix it like making the family be more open to each other or having the parents back off their kid a bit. I learned that kids will mostly act out because of some family problems. But then there are the ones where I have to take over such as a bully being abused at home, so he lashes out at school, a spoiled brat thinking they're top shit, to kids just being assholes just because. For them, I really get involved, and soon it's all fixed. Bobbi, however, was a different story altogether. Her mother died 7 years ago, and her father remarried 3 years ago. At first, Bobbi was all supportive of the marriage, but when her father had to leave for months at a time, she soon began to hate her new mother. Just a week before school started I visited Bobbi's house and meet with the new mother. She told me everything that has happened. How she lashes out, gets into fights at school, was caught more than once smoking weed, and even tormenting her little stepbrother who still wets the bed at night at 6. After hearing all that I just couldn't help myself but want to help. So for the first time ever, I ask the mother a question. “Would you like that sweet little kid back?” 3 weeks into the school year I finally called Bobbi into my office. Usually I would have called her in a lot sooner but I had to get things ready, and I wanted to focus a lot of time on her so I worked hard on the others just so I can focus a lot of time on her. The punishment went smoothly. Using much the same tactic I used on Sara I used on her except I didn't put give her a laxative and I kept the locking panties on her. Telling her if she wanted out she would come to the school at 6 o'clock in the morning, 2 hours before the first class begins. At first, she called me a bitch and that I couldn't do this to her and that she would call the cops or sue. To which I told her to go right ahead. I won't stop her. This stunned Bobbi as she now began to wonder if I had some way to avoid getting into trouble or if I was just bluffing. Before she could even try to think of something to say to me I told her to have a beautiful day and pushed her out of my office leaving the girl to walk home with a diaper under her skirt and being too embarrassed to do anything. Bobbi kept quiet about what happens and when asked what happened to her pants she told her mother they ripped, so the school gave her a skirt to wear home. She then went to her room and tried everything to remove the lock but found nothing worked. She wanted to try some of her dad's tools but didn't want to risk her stepmom finding out. Reluctantly Bobbi came back to the school in the early morning. Having gone without dinner for not wanting her family to somehow find out about her diaper. Plus getting very little sleep because she really had to use the bathroom. I was happy when I saw Bobbi. I even asked if she used the diaper yet? Her face went bright red and repeatedly told me no. So I decided to check for myself. She tried to stop me, but I would just leave the lock on if she wanted to fight me. I lifted the skirt and felt the diaper all over. The girl was trembling as I poked and prodded all over. “What a good girl, you keep it clean, what a good girl,” I told her which made her face grow even redder. I then ripped the skirt casing Bobbi to freak out. I ripped it in just a way that they now wouldn't stay on the young girls frame no matter how hard she tried. “Come now, let's get those undies unlocked,” I told her before taking her by the hand and walking her through the school, leaving behind the now ruined skirt. Bobbi was beyond embarrassed walking through the school with her diapered bottom on full display. She was just so happy that no one was around to see her like this. She just couldn't wait to get this damn thing off. But Mis.Mare had just one stop before they got to her office. They stepped right into the boy's bathroom. Bobbi began to freak out a little more as she was dragged into the room and forced into a stall with the teacher. Then right in front of Bobbi, Mis.Mare got the toilet, pulled her own pants down and began to pee in the bathroom right in front of Bobbi. Bobbi was so desperate she started to clinch the front of her diaper, trying hard not to pee herself. “Aww, what a good girl trying to hold it in. but you shouldn't worry it won't leak.” the teacher told her with a smile on her face as she finished up. “Like hell, I'm using this thing you damn bitch!” Bobbi said to me, but I ignored it. When we were finally at the office, Bobbi was close to bursting. I walked over to my desk opened up my door and asked for Bobbi to come with me. I asked her to bend down a bit so I can get to the lock and as she did, I grabbed something from behind her before unlocking the panties. “Finally!” Bobbi yelled as she tried to stand up and rush out the door to the bathroom but was stopped when a hand pushed her body back down over the desk. Before Bobbi could even ask what was going on, she could feel a paddle smack the back of her diaper. Bobbi pleaded for it to stop but Mis.mare continued. Giving her a smack for every bad thing she's done. Her body couldn't last any longer as her body began forcing her to let out everything it had. “What a good girl, you don't waste your diaper.” Mis.mare told Bobbi as tears began to stream down her eyes, wondering just how much worse this could get. She didn't have to wait long as her paddling continued! When it was done Bobbi was so tired, she didn't care she was being picked up by mis.mare and walked thru the school again. This time with a full diaper on display. The teacher took Bobbi into the girl's locker room and sat the girl down on a hard bench before going over to the showers and starting them. Bobbi dint stops her when she stripped them both and forced her into the shower to help wash off the mess. Once done Bobbi was given a new change of clothes but instead of panties, she was given a pull up instead. With no choice in the matter, she put it on, along with a simple red t-shirt and black pants that felt a little snug with the pull up on. Mis.mare then lead Bobbi to the nurse's room where she was told to lie down on the bed. She did as she was told just wondering what this crazy bitch was going to do next. Mis.mare just pulled out a small blanket and laid it on her. “It’s 6:45 right now, and the first bell isn't till 7:53. Take a nice little nap before school starts,” she told Bobbi. Without any complaint, Bobbi nodded off from exhaustion. “What a good girl.” Bobbi spent the rest of the day in the pull-up. It wasn't so bad, but the moment she got home, she ripped the damn thing off to put on her real underwear. Bobbi didn't see Mis.mare for the rest of the week and Bobbi thought it was finally over until Monday morning she was called into her office. Waiting for her was a paddle and a diaper laying on the teacher's desk. “Are you ready for your next punishment?” mis.mare asked her. “No, I don't want to do this!” Bobbi told the teacher. “I don't care what you want. This is your punishment for being a bad girl.” “But you can't do this!” “But I can. And now little girl you are starting to get on my nerves. You can either be a good girl and accept your punishment, or I can force you back into that old diaper you used before. I made sure to save it just for you.” mis.mare lied to Bobbi about that last part, but the look of shock and disgust on her face was priceless. “Please, I'll do anything. I just don't want to be in diapers!” Bobbi whined, and the both of them stared at each other. For a minute the tension in the air was high, and Bobbi was afraid she might actually be put back into that nasty diaper. “Ok I'll give you a lesser punishment.” mis.mare told Bobbi as she put away the thick diaper and paddle. Bobbi relaxed a moment until she then pulled out a pull up. “What's that for?” Bobbi asked already knowing it was for her. “Your new punishment. You are to take this pull up, and every morning at 7 you are to bring me back a full one.” mis.mare told Bobbi. “But…” Bobbi started, but mis.mare stopped her. “It's simple. You take the pull up home. You decide when to fill it. You can fill it with pee, with poop, or both I don't mind. But you must come to school wearing it. If it's not full or you decide not to do it, then you'll get an even worse punishment.” With the rules set out for Bobbi, she took the pull up and went back home. She kept the pull up in her purse and was trying hard to think of some way out of this and just decided she would take the pull up and put it on just before 7 and go then. That plan didn't work out so well as when Bobbi woke up she used the toilet before leaving and only realized what she did when she got to the school. She quickly changed into the pull-up and tried her hardest to pee, but just a little came out. Mis.mare was not happy with it. She paddled the girl and told her she had one more chance. But now not only did she have to bring in a full pull up in the morning but also after school as well! To make sure Bobbi know the risks of disobeying, mis.mare pulled out a big baggy with a full diaper inside. Courtesy of baby Alice that morning but Bobbi didn't know that. The mere thought of that diaper scared Bobbi she held in whatever she could during the day just so she had a full pull up for mis.mare. At night Bobbi was even too scared to use the bathroom late at night for fear she might not have enough for in the morning. Mis.mare even gave her a little present to help her remember. A small sign that she hung on her wall that said ‘what a good girl, remember the consequences.’ This went on for 2 weeks until one terrifying morning. Bobbi pissed the bed. Bobbi was so upset that she began crying waking up her stepmom who came in to check on her. The stepmom then went over to comfort the crying child and to tell Bobbi it was just an accident and that these things happen. But Bobbi wasn't crying because of that, she was crying because she now didn't have enough to fill her pull up. Bobbi couldn't help but cry even more when she told Mis.Mare what happened. But Mis.mare is a fair woman and said to the crying child that under the circumstances she would help her. Bobbi didn't know what she meant until Mis.mare's hand slipped down the back of her diaper and felt something is squirted into her butt. Mis.mare then told Bobbi to write ‘what a good girl I am’ on the board until ‘it’ happens. She had no idea what “it” was but she did as told and after a few minutes she felt a cramp. She then remembered that the pull up had to be full with one of two things. And she was about to do the second. She wanted to whine, she wanted to use the toilet, but she new mis.mare was just trying to help her. It didn't take much longer when Bobbi felt the back of her pull up to expand and just squat down to finish. “What a good girl you are.” mis.mare told her and even helped get her cleaned up again. This time, however, she suggested that until her punishment was over, she should wear the pull up to bed as well just in case of any more accidents. It was another two weeks, and she was in pull-ups full time now. She figured why to waste the pull-up and underwear. She had to wear a bit more baggy clothing to help cover up the pull-up, but she didn't mind much. That is until during her history class she felt a little odd. She felt wet for some reason, like she just…. Bobbi jumped out of her seat freaking some of the other students as she ran out of the classroom and into Mis.mare’s office. “WHEN IS MY PUNISHMENT OVER!” Bobbi yelled at the teacher who only looked at her with a smile. “PLEASE TELL ME! I HAVE BEEN IN THIS PULL UP SO LONG I JUST WET MYSELF WITHOUT REALIZING IT!” she continued to scream. Mis.mare calmly got up, walked over to the girl and began to swat her padded behind for screaming at a teacher and for leaving in the middle of class. She then sat Bobbi down in a chair while she called up the history teacher and tell them that she was now dealing with Bobbi. Once Bobbi was calmed down, Mis.mare explained that if she had gone with the first punishment that it would have been over 2 weeks ago. But because she wanted this discipline it won't be over for another 4 weeks. Bobbi didn't even try to argue about it. She knew she couldn't win, and mis.mare could see it. “Wow, what a good girl you're being, not whining about not getting your way. I think I might have something you can do after school that might lessen your punishment.” mis.mare said and Bobbi got excited. Bobbi didn't even care she was sent back to class in a now cold wet pull up. She just wanted this to be over. The moment class ended she rushed to Mis.mars office just so eager to finally be done, but mis.mare just told her to sit at the desk and do her homework until she was done with her work. Mis.mare wouldn't even give her a new pull up telling her she could wait a little while longer for a change. Mis.mare then left for 30 minutes to deliver some paperwork leaving me bored and in need to use the bathroom again. But I did as mis.mare said and be a good girl for her. When the teacher came back, she could see the young girl fidgeting in her seat trying hard not to go number 2. Without wasting any time mis.mare took Bobbi by the hand and lead her to room D-3, a room Bobbi has never seen open before. Once opened Bobbi could see a stairway leading down and was told to head down. When she reached the bottom, she was now in a living space under the school. She was shocked that something like this could be the school that as she walked further inside, she didn't notice the hallway to her right that had someone running towards Bobbi and tackled her. Both bodies hit the grand and Bobbi began to freak out. One because she thought she was being attacked. And two she literally just shit herself. “Bad Alice, you know better than to jump on people.” Mis.mare said as she pulled the blond girl off of Bobbi. “Sorry mommy.” the Alice girl said with a smile and stuck her tongue out a little. “Wh-whats going on?” I asked now baffled. “Well, you see my little girl here been getting a bit lonely recently. And when I saw what a good girl you were earlier I decided that I would end your punishment early if you did just one thing. “What's that?” Bobbi asked in total confusion. “Just spend the weekend with Alice. That's it.” mis.mare said with a smile. Before smelling the air. “Alise didn't I just change you?” turning to Alice, and I finally realized that she was wearing a bright pink dress with a very notable diaper. “It's not me!” Alice said proudly as mis.mare checked the back of her diaper before looking at me. “Well, I guess someone's a stinky baby.” Mis.mare said to me and I couldn't help but blush hard. I had messed my pull up so bad that it leaked all over. Getting poop on both my skirt and shirt. Mis.mare then stripped me, got me as clean as possible and threw Alice and me into a bath while she told me what was going to happen. “I've already cleared it with your mom, so you'll spend the weekend with Alice. Once that's over you are no longer in trouble.” mis.mare told me. I didn't even question it and just nodded in agreement. “What a good girl you are Bobbi,” she said in praise. After we were washed up, mis.mare left us to play in the water for a bit while she threw my clothes into the wash. When we finally got out Mis.mare diapered Alice and put her in a cute pink onesie. I was next and instead of my usual pull up she diapered me in the same thick diaper as Alice, telling me that they won't leak before giving me a long white nightgown. I then was lead to Alice's room. It was big and pink. The floor was covered in little girl toys, she had what looked like a changing table that was filled with diapers and other baby products. On the other side of the room, she had a big bookshelf filled with baby books the stuff that Bobbi herself read. At first, I thought Alice would have a crib, but she instead had a regular bed. She even had a giant cute stuffed animal that was 6ft tall and was very fat, it looked like something out of a cartoon. We played dolls and colored for a few hours, and I had to admit I was having a little fun. Not long after that we were called into the living room and seen it was all set up. The couch was covered in blankets. The coffee table had plates of chicken nuggets, pizza pockets, and french fries. There was even a veggie plate in the center. “Now let's get this sleepover started.” mis.mare said as she put in a movie. Alice and I were warm under the blankets as we ate our finger food dinner and watched a cute movie. The only hard part was using the sippy cup Mis.mare gave us. Once the movie was over Mis.mare had us help clean up the mess before having us set down blankets for a little bed in the living room. By now it was close to 8 at night. “Ok girls who need a change before bed?” mis.mare asked us. My diaper was still clean, so I didn't say anything. “One-second mommy,” Alice said. Looked over at her diaper and saw that it too looked clean as she stood up and then squatted down right beside me. I watched in shock as her face scrunched up and the back of her diaper began to fill out. Her face suddenly relaxed, and a hiss could be clearly heard from her diaper. “What a good girl.” mis.mare praised Alice as she waddled over to her mommy for a diaper change. “Bobbi, will you go in your diaper for mommy too?” Immediately I thought why not? I'm already in the diaper. I just watched Alice use it right in front of me. And I really wanted mommy to praise me as well. So I got on all fours and began to fill my diaper just like Alice did. I then crawled over to mommy who was now changing Alice. Alice giggled saying I had a big diaper butt and began to pat it. “What a good girl you are.” mommy told me. As soon as we were changed mommy had us lay down on the blankets while she got us out a treat for being such good girls for her. She came back with a box and told Alice to get on top of me. “You're going to love this,” Alice told me as she got on top of me. Before I could even ask what was happening both Alice and I began to moan as something vibrating was put on our diapers. “What naughty little babies I have.” mommy said as she took turns playing with us both for a few minutes before rolling Alice off of me. We were both panting when mommy began to play with Alice. Rubbing the vibrating wand all over her diaper. “Ok Alice, tell mommy how much you love her.” mommy asked her. “I LOVE YOU MOMMY SO MUCH!” Alice screamed as I watched her cum right into her diaper. “Good, now Bobbi come over here please.” mommy asked and patted her lap. I did as I was told and sat in mommy's lap where she lifted the front of my diaper and slid the vibrator in. The vibrator was so intense I grabbed it as my body began to shake. Mommy then began to massage my chest and whispered in my ear. “What a good girl you are. Now if you want to cum you must tell mommy how much you want to be a baby.” “I WANT TO BE A BABY, PLEASE LET ME BE A BABY MOMMY!” Bobbi screamed and jolted as she too felt the joy of being mommy’s baby. ***************************************************** Bobbi’s been with us since. I personally took her out of school and been training her in my home. Playing well with Alice and her toys, even the special ones. Over time she became just as happy and behaved as Alice. Soon my alarm went off, and I got both babies ready, and we walked upstairs. Waiting for us in the back of the school was Bobbi's stepmom, or should I say, new mommy. The new mommy was very surprised when we came out the back door and for the first time in a long time could see what Bobbi had become. Bobbi was wearing a light blue dress with frills covering her diaper. Her hair was beautiful and long, and she was even wearing a little makeup. Nothing the old Bobbi would be caught dead wearing. “I-it can't, are you saying, is she really?” the new mommy stammered until I grabbed her hand and placed it under baby Bobbi's diaper. “What a good girl you're being Bobbi, why don't you show your, new mommy, what you like doing now?” I asked. With a bright smile on Bobbi's face, her diaper began to get warmer and more massive. Alice and I watched as Bobbi was put into her car seat and was taken home to enjoy her new life with her new mommy. “Come on little Alice. Let's see if we can find you another sister.” mommy told Alice.
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 “Marylynn! Are you almost ready! They will be here soon!” I yell upstairs for my sister. “I'm almost done! Be down in 2 minutes Felicia!” she yelled back. Why is she never ready on time? Well, at least she’s more well behaved then she used to be. ***************************** 1 year ago. I was a high school senior and was invited to a big Halloween party. Now, I usually don't go to such parties, preferring to go to small ones with just a few friends. This year, however, we decided that if it was going to be our last year why not go to as many parties as we can. However, my father was against the idea. Saying he didn't trust me going alone, so I had to take my sister who is 3 years younger than me. I tried to protest, but he would have none of it. It was half an hour before the party when I meet Mis.mare for the first time. I had gotten in my costume early and was handing out candy to the trick or treaters coming to the door. My outfit was a gender swap of Freddy Krueger called Miss. Krueger. A ripped and blood-splattered knit sweater dress with red and brown horizontal stripes. With a matching fedora and slasher glove. I was quite shocked when I opened the door to find 2 very big trick or treaters. The first was a blond haired girl with a chest more significant than mine, dressed as a gothic inspired vampire with a poly-knit dress with bell sleeves, a high attached collar, with lace and filigree print details and A black elastic choker. She even had 2 fack pointy fangs. The other was a shorter girl who at first thought she was 13. She was dressed as a maid in a black corset-style dress, puffy white sleeves with bow details, lace ruffled skirt with attached apron, a white embroidered bodice, a matching lace choker, and a matching maid headpiece. She even had little black gloves and stocking while holding a feather duster. Both girls yelled “TRICK OR TREAT” at the same time. I was stunned at first until I someone behind them. A woman who was smiling and slightly nodding her head yes. Not knowing what I should do I gave the girls candy. They both said thank you and rushed off the deck. “Alice, Bobbi, you both stay right there for me.” the women called to them, and I could have sworn I heard them say ‘yes mommy?’. The woman was in a full-length red dress with allover gold shimmer, irresistible thigh-high slit, chain decorations with a faux ruby brooch. A tall collar with gold trim attached, and a cape that connects from the dress to the golden sequin bracelets, and a red glitter devil horns headpiece. “I'm sorry for the confusion but my girls just love Halloween, and it's hard to say no to them.” the women told me, and I realized that they must have some kind of mental disorder. “I'm so sorry,” I tell her. “It's fine, I'm just glad you're not one of those people who slam the door in their face because of their not 12,” she tells me, and I immediately feel bad. “Hey, girls, you want some more?” I call out to the girls. They immediately rush back to get a big handful of candy each. “Thank you so much!” the girls say to me. “Yes thank you.” said the women looking after the girls. “My name is Mis.mare.” “Felicia,” I replied as I watched the 3 of them walk away. Not long after that my sister finally came downstairs wearing a simple nun outfit. We then took a couple of photos with dad before I drove us to the party. On the way there we pulled to a stop light and right across the street was Mis.mare and the girls. I was going to drive up and say hi when the one in the maid outfit tripped. “Hay is that chick over there wearing a diaper?” my sister asked. Sure enough under the girl’s skirt was a big diaper. “Ow, my god what a fucking loser!” my sister said and began laughing uncontrollably. I didn't want to risk the girl any further humility buy having my sister laugh at her, so I continued to drive without stopping. Once we got to the party and got out of the car, I heard my sister yell ‘finally’ before taking off the nun outfit revealing her real costume. A witch costume made of a fancy dress outfit. Darkly glam with a seductive edge, with a black and purple mesh dress with panels of lace, triangle cups finished with stud detailing, with a tie-up satin halterneck. Includes and Included a mini witches hat. A costume we both know our dad would never let us go out in The party wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. For starters, I don't really like being around a lot of people. Next was that my friends weren't here, most of them live too far away or don't have cars that they couldn't come. And the one who could get sick. Lastly, I had to keep an eye on my sister to make sure she didn't do anything stupid. I wound up just answering the door and giving candy to trick or treaters in the end. About an hour into the party I opened the door and had a pleasant surprise, and the same girls yelled ‘TRICK OR TREAT’ at me again. “Ow what a surprise.” mis.mare said as I gave the girls candy. “Ya, it is how are you 3 doing?” I asked. “Were doing good. Bobbi here got a little scrape earlier, but she’s fine,” she tells me as I looked down and seen a purple band-aid on the girl's knee. Before I could say anything else here came running my sister. “Felicia you will not believe what…” she said excitedly but stopped when she noticed the girls. “Ow my god is that the same diaper loser we seen in the car!” she asked before she started laughing to all of our surprises. “Marylynn! What the fuck! That's fucking rude as shit!” I yell at her, but Marylynn just ignored me and went back to the party. When I looked back I seen Bobbi was starting to cry and Mis.mare was trying to comfort her. “I am so sorry for what my sister did.” I apologized. “Mommy can we pull a ‘trick’ on the mean girl?” the vampire girl asked staring daggers at my sister who was talking to a few other girls and pointing at us. “I don't know Alice. I think you should ask our new friend first.” mis.mare told her. Both girls then gave me a pleading look as I turned back to see my sister and her friends laughing. I just nodded yes. I walked up to my sister 30 minutes later and told her it was time to go. “You gotta be kidding me, I just promised to show Steev a trick I can do with this dress. Can't we leave in another hour,” she asked as she waved to the Steev guy. “Not really, dad just texted. He said he found what you were hiding and for us to get home know.” I lie to her. She fell for it quickly, and we rushed to my car. As we drove off, I begin to fidget around and grab my crotch. “God I have to pee,” I say out loud. “Why didn't you go at the party?” Marylynn asked. “Did you see the line there?” I replied before turning into a park. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Look I'm going to piss myself soon it's either here or in my pants.” I tell her.’ “Then hurry up,” Marylynn told me. “You're coming with me,” I tell her as I open the door. “Why?” “Because it's dark and it's safer with someone than alone. Now either come with me or argue and have dad get more pissed at you,” I tell her. She just sighs and gets out of the car to follow me into the public women's bathroom. The moment was inside I grab Marylynn’s phone and Mis.mare and her girls come rushing in. Marylynn tries to yell but is hushed when something is put into her mouth. It's a mad tangle of limbs and clothes as we strip Marylynn and set a new outfit on her. She was put into a dress that has a criss-cross ribbon pattern on its bodice that helps it mimic the look of a lace-up corset, while the layered skirt flaunts a front panel and black lace trim. Flirty fishnets, bold boots, a cap and hood, and a basket. Not to mention the other little extras such as the red mittens and the big white diaper on her bottom. “Aww just look at this little red riding hood.” Mis.mare commented as we all moved away from her. Marylynn was so confused as to what was going on. She even lifted up her skirt to see the diaper around her waist when she heard a click. She looked up at me and my phone as I took a few more pictures. Marylynn quickly jumped to her feet and tried to rush for the camera but was just grabbed from behind by Mis.mare. “I think it's time you calmed down little red,” she told my sister. “I would do as she said, or I post the pictures on every social media I have,” I tell her. She immediately stops and just glares at us all. “Ok little red. I want to make you a deal.” Mis.mare tells her as she sets my sister on the toilet. “Normally I would have you do something way worse, but because your sister was so nice, I decided to make your punishment simple. You can either drink this bottle of milk and go trick or treat with my girls And at the end of the night, you give them your candy as an apology. Or you walk home in your new outfit while we go show the world how cute you look in a diaper.” Mis.mare asked with a smile on her face. “What will it be little red?” My sister picked the obvious choice and took the big bottle. And along with Alice and Bobbi all drank their bottles like good girls. We had about 2 hours left until Halloween was over and we weren't missing a second. It was amazing watching my sister with Alice and Bobbi go door to door and say trick or treat. She was getting so embarrassed but Mis.mare just continued to encourage her. Telling “go to that house little red, great job little red, how much did you get little red.” And my favorite. “Do you have to go potty little red?” she asked my sister when she began to fidget with her skirt. “N-no I'm good.” she lied to us, but we could tell. We still had half an hour left and by the time we were done she was grabbing at her crotch and trying to cross her legs but with no help. “Aww look at little red. She looks like she's about to burst.” Mis.mare said out loud. “I am! Now please help me find a bathroom!” Marylynn demanded. “Not yet. You still need to give your apology to the girls little red,” I tell my sister. “Here’s your stupid candy, you happy now?” Marylynn said as she shoved her bag of candy into Bobbi’s hand and looked back at us. “Little red I have a question for you. Do you know why you're the only one who needs to pee?” Mis.mare asked her. “No why?” my sister asked not really caring and just focusing as hard as she can on holding herself. “Because little red, they've already gone.” Mis.mare say, and both Bobbi and Alice lift up their dresses to reveal a sagging yellow diaper. “Now listen to what your sister said little red.” I then grab my sister’s arms and have her face me as I look directly into her eyes and grab the front of her diaper. “Little red, use your diaper like a good girl you want to be,” I tell her. Marylynn eyes widen while little tears start coming out as I feel the front of her diaper got warm and began to sag. ************************************* Ever since that night Marylynn has been so well behaved. She also got a diaper fetish as well. Even going so far as to wet the bed and her pants at school just so our dad would put her back in diapers. Every once in awhile she will even slip up and call me mommy which I find so cute! I hear the doorbell ring, and when I open it I'm greeted with another happy ‘TRICK OR TREAT.’ “Why hello girls, how is your Halloween going,” I asked them. “It's going great!” Alice proudly announced. “Ya we're getting lots of candy,” Bobbi told me holding up a bag that was already ¼ full. “The girls are so excited to see little red, is she ready?” Mis.mare asked. “I'm coming!” Marylynn yells as she rushes to the door to happily greet are two best friends. I look down at my little baby sister and can only giggle as she wore a cheerleaders outfit but somehow got the back of the skirt stick in the diaper revealing it to the world. “Let's go get some candy,” I tell them not bothering to fix the skirt. She won't care anymore. .
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 It’s been 3 months since Bobbi went back to her own mommy and Alice has been getting a little upset. Alice had finally had someone to talk and play with while I'm at work. She’s really missing the company, but the sad thing is I just can't find her the right sister. With Alice, she was so bad that I completely babytized her before adopting her. With Bobbi, I babytized her for her mommy. Both were extreme cases as with the rest of the school its just punishment. To anyone I punish they are too embarrassed about one thing or another that they don't dare say a word to anyone. Then when others take notice of the change, they get scared and don't do anything wrong if fear of what will happen. In all good conscience, I can't make any of them into Alice’s sister because they don't do anything to deserve it. However, I do git kids like Sara who will stop by and ask to be diapered, but that's only because they now have a fetish for it. I was about to give up when I got a shocking phone call. ************************************ RIP Betty Mare. 1969-2017 I could only stare at the grave as the rest of the mourners left the graveyard and off to the wake at my eldest sisters house. Mom died on her way to work after being hit by a drunk driver. Ever since I left a few years ago I rarely ever talked to my family. I guess after so many years of being treated like a meal ticket will do that to ya. Even with me making my mother a better person the moment we could leave was the moment we did and never looked back. I was the last to leave the grave and drive over to my sister's house. I decided not to take Alice with me only because she has never met my mother and personally I never wanted her to. Plus since my sisters and I don't really see eye to eye I think that was for the best. I didn't know most of the people at the wake. Half of them being from my mom's old life, the other was from her new life. Personally, I could care less about all of this. If it weren't for the one major problem, my mother left I wouldn't be here. That problem being Jean Mare. Of my sister, in order their Evelyn, Me, Janice, Janet, Sharon, Katherine, Jean, and Brenda. Both Janet and Janice disowned the family when they left the house. Sharon, Katherine, Jean, and Brenda are all under 18, but Sharon, Katherine, and Brenda all live with their dad’s after they got custody of them. Jean was the only one left to stay with our mother for the last few years. She was now 13, and with our mom gone she had nowhere to go. No one knows who her dad is. My mom's parents disowned her lazy ass years ago. And right now I hear Evelyn and Sharon argue were she would stay. Evelyn just opened up her own business not too long ago and barely has time for anything else. Were Sharon just turned 19 and moved in with her boyfriend in a tiny apartment. I can hear them arguing about it before I even entered the room. “You have the house, you have the money, you take her!” Sharon tells Evelyn “All that money goes right back into the business, and I'm always working. I wouldn't be able to look after her!” Evelyn tells Sharon. I listen to the banter a bit more before announcing I was in the room. They both turned to me with a look of shock. “I thought you already left,” said Evelyn. “Hell I'm surprised you even turned up,” said Sharon. “Look I know I haven't been around, but I know neither have you two. But she is still my mother, and I'm going to at least pay my respects. Now tell me why you two are fighting.” I tell them, using some of my powers on that last bit just to move on to the problem. “We're trying to figure out where Jean is going to stay,” Sharon told me. “Right now we are running out of options. I can't take her because I'm rarely home and can't watch her,” said Evelyn. “While I have a tiny apartment Jack and I can barely afford,” Sharon explained. “We've tried Sharon, Katherine, and Brenda’s families but none of them want or can't take her in. I'm sad to say, but we're running out of options.” Evelyn explained. “Wait, why didn't you ask me?” I asked very confusedly. “Your kidding right? You were the first to leave, the first to disown the family. We weren't even expecting you to show up.” said Evelyn. “Ok I get it, but don't just point the blame at me. Look I have a good job, a home with plenty of room and I'm already used to working with teens. Out of everyone you know, I am the only one that is qualified to take her in.” I tell my sisters. They both look at each other mulling it over before they agree that I would be looking after Jean. I look out Evelyn’s window and see jean on a small bench in the backyard. People all around her talking about our dead mom while all she does is stare blankly at the ground. All that is going through my head right now is ‘what the hell did I get myself into?’ It wasn't long after that I drove up to my mom's apartment. Standing outside with 2 bags was Jean who looked like a zombie. She didn't talk, her movements were sluggish, and her face was dark and had bags under her eyes. All around her was a garage sale of all my mother's things. Before I changed her my mom got quite the debt and even with her working she had to work 2 jobs just to try to get out of it and be a good mother. When it was only her and jean a year ago, she decided to downgrade from the shitty house they were living in a small apartment. “Are you ready to go?” I asked her when I got out of the car to help her with the bags. She didn't answer me. Just put the bags away and got into the car. “She hasn't spoken a word in days,” Evelyn told me as she brought out another box of my mom's things. “After we sell this moms dept should be clear.” “Would it be ok if I took a quick look around?” I asked. “Go ahead, hell take a few pictures if you want,” she told me pointing to a box with picture frames before going back inside. “Are you sure you don't want to grab anything else from here?” I ask jean in the car, but she ignored me and laid down in the back seat. I sighed and began to look at all of my mom's things. Most of them were just little nicknacks she collected over the years. Taking a look at the box of pictures, I found 3 that I decided to keep. One was of my mom, one of me, and one of all my sisters together at one of our birthdays. Years ago. As I turn around something catches my eye, A box full of toys. “Hay Evelyn mind if I take that box of toys?” I asked as she came out with another box. She looked at me then at the box then shrugged ‘why not’ and went back to what she was doing. I put the box in the back of the car and grabbed out an old stuffed animal that I remembered Jean loving a long time ago and slipping it into my purse. If she doesn't want the toys I know one little girl that will. When we got to the school Jean’s dead expression never changed. She wasn't even surprised that I lived under the school. It wasn't until we got inside and Alice ran up to greet us did she show a sign of shock. “I'm so happy to meet you, Jean, mommy, has told me all about you!” Alice happily bounced in her purple t-shirt and diaper before hugging Jean, who was a foot and a half shorter than the baby. “Ok, Alice I think that's good. Jean isn't feeling all too well right now,” I tell her and she lets go of the 13-year-old. “I'm sorry,” Alice told jean who didn't reply back. I led Jean to Bobbi's old room and told her that from now on this would be her room. The room was big and pink. The room was a mostly empty except for the dresser, a desk, a bookshelf that had a few books, and the bed that had Disney princesses bedspread on it. “I'm sorry if you don't like the color, we can paint it whatever you want later. And the bedspread well changes as well. It was just the only thing we had left.” I tell her, but she doesn't respond. Only walking over to the bed, taking off her shoes, and laying on top facing the wall. I didn't know what to do at the moment. I'm used to disobedient kids that are acting up. Not emotionally empty ones that don't show emotion. “If you need anything I'll be right outside,” I tell her before leaving the room, leaving the door slightly cracked. I went back upstairs and got her 2 bags and the box of toys bringing them back downstairs. I gave the box to Alice who was excited to see all the new toys she could play with. I then went back to Jean's room to leave the bags by the door. She didn't move. Over the next few days, I didn't see jean much. Besides using the bathroom twice a day, she doesn't leave the room and just lays on the bed. I leave her food and a glass of water on the desk but when I return the food is barely eaten and twice the water was spilled on the floor, and I had to start giving her a sippy cup so that I wouldn't have to clean up the mess. Alice would even sit right in front of the door and ask if Jean would like to play with her. Or talk to her. Alice just wanted jean to say something to her. It was on the 5th day that I got worried. Jean hasn't been out of the room all day, not even for the bathroom. So after I put Alice down for her nap, I go in to check on jean. Inside she was still in her same position, facing the wall with her food barely touched. The air smelt very familiar as I walked over and seen she had also just pissed herself. Terrified I immediately began saying her name and shaking her to see if she was still alive. She didn't respond, but she did weakly try to move my arm off of her. With a big sigh of relief, I just stood up and looked at the girl. It was hard, but I decided I had enough. I left the room for 20 minutes before returning to grab jean and lift her up to her feet. She tried to moan and groan and fight me but in her wack state, she stood no chance. “Look I know you are upset, I know all you want to do is stare at your wall all day but the only people in my house that get to use the bathroom in their pants were diapers. Not to mention after 5 days you are starting to stink,” I tell jean as I tack her into the bathroom and favorably undress her. As soon as she is naked, I get undressed myself and drag her into the shower with me. She no longer tried to fight me as I began to scrub her entire body getting it all clean. Being careful as I wash her long red hair as to not get soap in her eyes. Once done I dry us both off before wrapping a towel around her and a bathrobe for me before dragging her into the kitchen was a plate of food is waiting for her. I don't bother having her get dressed as I set her down at the table. “We both won't move from here until at least half of everything is eaten off that plate, and you drink your milk,” I tell her as I sit across from her in nothing but my towel watching her as she stares at the plate. It was just something simple. 8 carrot sticks, 10 grapes, 4 slices of ham, 2 slices of bread, 2 pieces of cheese, and a glass of milk. I just wanted her to just eat something. We sat them for 5 minutes. Jean just staring at the food and me watching her like a hawk. Until finally she ate a carrot stick. Finally. Slowly she began to finish her plate leaving only half a piece of bread and 2 carrot sticks as she drank her milk. With her food done I got up from the table and reached out my hand for her to take. She stared at it for a moment before finally taking it and following me back to her room. Once there I left her in the middle of the room as I went over to her bags and pulled out some clothes for her. A pair of underwear, sweats, and a nightshirt. Once she was dressed, I bent down right in front of her, still in nothing but my towel as I looked at her. “Can you please just say something? You haven't spoken a word in over a week. Please, anything?” I asked her as she stared right at me. Her eyes just dead inside. Finally, she opened her mouth and in a very faint whisper said something that had my blood run cold and a shiver down my spine as I smacked the teen across the face. “Just let me die.” “Don't you ever say that!” I yelled at her as I grabbed her arms. I watched as her face went from shock to sadness, before rage as she screamed and jumped on top of me knocking me back with her right on top of me punching me in the chest. “I HATE YOU ALL! I HATE YOU, I HATE MOM, I HATE EVELYN, JANICE, JANET, SHARON, KATHERINE, BRENDA! I FUCKING HATE MYSELF!” jean screamed at me as she continually hit me until she finally punched me in the face. I just reached up and grabbed the raging teen and did the only thing I could think of and pull her in close. I wrapped my arms around her, and despite jean trying to fight her way out, I continued to hold her there. I don't know how long we were there, but eventually, the angered girl finally stopped fighting and just lay there on top of me. “I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.” I apologize. “I still hate you,” she replied. “That's fine. I deserve it,” I tell her as I began to loosen my hold on her and start rubbing her back instead. “Why does it have to be this way?” jean asked. “Want to talk about it?” I asked her. For a moment she didn't respond. “You've already punched me in the face, why not let out the rest of what's bothering you.” “Why am I so alone?” she asked. “What do you mean?” “You left, then Evelyn and one by one you all left.” “I'm sorry I left. But mom put us thru too much.” I tried to explain. “Ya and I were left with her.” Jean continued. “But even she wasn't there. Always at work, I was forced to be in that tiny apartment all alone.” “I'm sorry.” “I hate you,” she repeated, and I couldn't blame her for it. “I'm not mom. I won't let you be alone again,” I tell her. “You're lying,” Jean replied. “I'm not lying,” I tell her. “You're just going to send me away as soon as you can,” Jean told me. I just had to look up at her. “Why would I ever do that?” I asked. “I heard Evelyn and Sharon fighting. Never of them wanted me. They said that no one in the family wanted me. You just got stuck with me.” she told me. I was beside myself. Jean was already going thru a hard time and to hear that? I reached over and lifted her head, so she was looking straight at me. “Jean, I know you think I'm lying, I know you're scared, but believe me when I tell you I want you here. This IS your home now, and I will never make you leave. I will promise you I will love you more than you will ever know.” I tell her, and I do mean it. I watched as more tears came into the girl's eyes and she buried her face into my chest. “I hate you,” she told me. “I know,” I told her and held onto her. “I hate you” she repeated. “I’ll always be here.” “I hate you!” she yelled. “I will give you everything I have.” “I hate you!” Jean sobbed. “And I love already love you,” I tell her as we lay there on the floor. The faint scent of urine in the air from the bed. The muffled crying of a girl in pain. We laid there until Jean finally cried herself to sleep on top of me. I could only sigh and slowly roll onto my side and have us both laying on the floor. The girl using my arm as a pillow. I watched her sleep until even I fell asleep. The smell and a numb feeling in my arm woke me up. I looked at my arm and seen two beautiful girls lying on top of it. Alice must have woke up from her nap and seen us like this so she decided to join in. She even threw a blanket over us. I could smell the full diaper she had and was torn. Wake them up or let them rest just a little longer. I decided on the later as I reached my other arm around both of them for a small hug. “I promise to love you both,” I whispered to them both. After that day things stayed mostly the same. Jean stayed in her room all day. Alice would try to get her to play but wouldn't answer. I would still leave her food and started sitting in her room with her for a little while at a time. It was mostly just me watching her breathe, but I didn't mind. When I would leave for a little while I would come back to the food all gone and her still in her same position. Baby steps. Every 2 days I would have her get up and take a shower with me. And after a week she started to sit up and eat with me in the room. A few days later I had Alice come in as well. She mostly played by herself on the floor but after a few days, Jean was finally on the floor with her silently playing. Then one day I went into her room and asked her one essential question. “Want to eat with us at the dinner table?” I asked her and reached out my hand. I wasn't expecting much. But jean surprised me when she took my hand and followed to the table to eat dinner like a family. By this time school was already over and jean would have to repeat a year, but that was fine. Jean was now slowly opening up to us. I almost cried when I came downstairs from grocery shopping to find both girls in the living room playing together. “How are my 2 favorite girls doing,” I asked them walking over to pet them on their heads. “Great! Jean decided to play with me today!” Alice exclaimed happily. Jean didn't say a word, but I could see the faintest of smiles coming from her. “That's great. But Alice you know what time it is,” I tell her. “Ok.” was all she said as she got up and ran to her room. Coming back with a new diaper and other cleaning supplies. She immediately sat down right next to jean and laid down ready for her diaper change. Jean just sat there shocked as her face grew red and she turned away as I untaped the saggy diaper. He tried to not look, but I notice she would steal a peek every now and then as I wiped, lotion, powder, and finally diapered my baby. I gave Alice a raspberry on her tummy having the girl squeal before I move over to jean and whispered in her ear. “Would you like to try one?” I asked. And watched as the girl's face went red and shook her head no. That night after I put Alice to bed I went into Jean's room. “I have something for you,” I tell her. Jean then turned around on her bed and looked at me and seen the stuffed animal I had in my hands. When I found it in the box, it was already nasty and gross. It had stains all over it, one of its ears were missing, and most of its stuffing was gone. So I did what I could to fix it. Getting it cleaned up, filling it with new filling, putting it into a dress to cover up the stains, and sowing on a small hat were the missing ear was. “I remembered how much you loved this toy. And while I couldn't make her as she was I think she’s good as new,” I tell jean as I give it to her. “I love it,” Jean said as she gave me a small smile. “I also have one last thing for you. I know you said you didn't want to but I think you might want to try this,” I tell her as I set a pull up on her lap before kissing her on her forehead, wishing her a good night and leaving the room before she could protest. Later that night I when in to check on Alice. Alice is a massive bed wetter, and sometimes her diaper will leak so I come in to check just before I go to sleep if she needs one last change. Shes wet but not too bad. She won't leak tonight. I give the front of her diaper a pet before covering her back up and leaving the room. I then decide to check on Jean. She was sound asleep, and upon taking a closer look, she had her stuffed animal wrapped safely in her arms. I then noticed a pair of sweats and panties on the floor. I decided to take a look and keeping her bottom nice and safe was the pull-up. I covered her back up and moved closer to her. “Mommy will always be here for her girls,” I whisper to no one as I give jean a peck on her cheek and walk out or the room. Behind me, the little girl just happy smiles and for the first time in years was really happy.
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 Summer has come and gone again, and it was pretty hectic in our household. Jean slowly got out of her shell and began to play with Alice a lot more. Jean doesn't wear diapers but will from time to time sneak a pull up to bed with her as if it was to be ashamed of. I might just have to show her it's ok to wear them more. Maybe I might have her use it someday. We also celebrated Alice's birthday where we invited Bobbi, Marylynn, and Felicia. She just had the time of her life that day. I'll have to remember Jeans birthday is coming up as well so I'll have to make plans for that. Because of her absence in the last half of the school year jean has to be held back and is remaining a freshman in high school. That was fine since this gives her a good chance to start over in a new school. After thinking about it, I decided it wouldn't be fair to have jean go to school while Alice gets to play all day with her toys. So I decided to sign her up for the same classes as Jean. Now I know she can't be in the class as it would be too hard and dangerous for her but I did come up with a solution. I placed a small camera and mike in the classrooms that will play on the tv in our living room. When class starts, Alice will be at her own desk following along. I even used my powers on the teachers to give me the work in advance to give to Alice and Jean will turn it in the next day. At first, Alice was really cranky about it, but I made her a deal. If she gets good grades for her report cards, I'll get her a new “special” toy to play with. That got her excited especially since after Jean moved in her “special time” has gone down a lot. Where once it was twice a week for being good has been once every two weeks. But I did tell her that any bad test will be punished just like any other student. Speaking of punishments I have two coming in today, both on the cheer team. Bree is the cheer captain of the Hyper Vipers and Kelly is a backup flyer for the team. While I usually would have them come in on separate days I today was a pleasant exception. With Bree being caption she needs to be at practice while Kelly can miss it. So I'll have Kelly meet me after school, and when Bree is done with training in a few hours, I'll have her meet me. And I think I'll have some of my own fun. Both girls are coming to see me because the janitor caught them grafting the girl's bathroom stalls during a class period and calling a teacher fat. Personly I would have stripped them of their cheer positions, but the cheer coach convinced the principal to let it slide with just a session with me. Kelly came into D-1 with her cheerleading outfit already on. Her coach told her that if she's lucky, she might get on my good side and I'll let her out early. Kelly was 5’5 and had her dark hair in a ponytail wearing a purple cheerleader dress that featured a glittering viper at the center, mesh detailing on the stomach, and a pleated skirt. “Before we start I would like to ask if you have any other homework you would like to get done while you're here?” I asked Kelly who shook her head no. so I began to write on the board. Mandatory test Punishment / exercise. “Since you don't have homework or a test you'll do one of my own. Then you will receive your punishment/exercise, and then you can go back to practice.’ i tell kelly with a smile on my face and hand her a 40 question test and a water bottle. Kelly took both and sat down at the desk and began. This test was meant to be done in about 20 minutes, and she finished hers in 25. Once done she brought the test up to my desk to look over, She got a B-. “Are we like, almost over?” Kelly asked in a valley girl accent. “Almost sweety, now please be a good cheerleader and hold out your hands. “Why?” Kelly asked. “It's part of the punishment,” I tell her. When she does raise her hands, I swiftly slap my cuffs around her wrist. “Huh?” was all she could say before I pulled her over my desk and attached the cuffs to the lock on the side. “Mis.Mare whats going on!” “Your punishment,” I tell her as I slip a pacifier between her lips. “Good cheerleader, be quiet for me. She tried to kick me but like so many before her I grabbed both legs and spread them before lifting up her skirt and grabbed the sides of her shorts pulling them down to her feet. She tried again to kick me, but I just pushed her legs down and put my foot on her shorts trapping her legs and giving me a beautiful view of her ass. “My what a naughty girl you are not wearing any underwear under your shorts,” I tell her before I smack her bottom and listen as she screams into the pacifier. “Good cheerleader. Now, how do 10 swats to each check sound?” She tried to look back to shake her head no but screamed again as I smacked the other cheek. “Good cheerleader, that's 1,” I tell her. *smack! *scream! *smack! “Good cheerleader, that's 2.” *smack! *scream! *smack! “Good cheerleader, that's 3.” I continued on until I reached 10. Kelly was now crying and breathing hard. With the spanking out of the way, it's time for the next step. I pulled out a paper bag and grab out the gloves and lotion. “Good cheerleader. Now I'm going to give you something to help with the burning,” I tell her and squeeze lotion on her bright red bum. She squeals when the cold lotion touches her but soon starts moaning as I rub it in. “I beat all the boys would love to see this sight.” I poke fun at her and make her squirm at the thought before I grab the laxative pill and slide it right into her tight hole. Her ass feels like a clamp on my finger, but with the lotion, I am able to quickly slip it in and out. “What a good cheerleader. Now let's get you nice and sealed,” I tell her and push the butt plug in. It takes a moment from all her thrashing, but it goes in making a tight seal. Next, comes the diaper before I stem off the girl's shorts and pull them back up over the diaper. “Ok you now have two options,” I tell Kelly as I walk in front of her and look her in the eyes. “You can either try and run away when I unlock you. Where you run the risk of the school seeing you and the laxative I gave you. Or you can be a good cheerleader and do your exercise. When you're done, I'll let you use the bathroom and send you on your way.” I tell her already knowing what she was going to pick. I unlock the girl, and she stands up immediately rubbing the back of her still stinging bottom. I then have her stand in the center of the room as I move the desk. ***********author's note (these next selections have kelly in different flyer positions. If anyone doesn't know what they are here is a link to a picture that will show what she is doing. ******************************************************* “You should be familiar with these positions since you do them every day. First ‘two feet’,” I tell Kelly. Kell just fiddles with the front of her skirt a bit before spreading her legs and raising her arms in the air. “Good cheerleader. Now, ‘liberty’” I tell her. She keeps her arms in the air but put her feet together and raises her left knee into the air. Her face showing her discomfort of the diaper and plug. “Good cheerleader, “arabesque’” She put her foot down before she stood on one leg with her other leg turned out and extended behind her body, and as straight as she could. “Good cheerleader. ‘Heel stretch.’ Suddenly Kelly looked a little scared. And a single tear came out as she raised her left leg up as high as she could reviling the diaper with her shorts on them. “Good cheerleader. “Bow and arrow,” I tell her next. She grabbed her leg and held it high as she stretched her arm out. “Good cheerleader. ‘Scorpion” Kelly put her leg down and was about to do it when she felt the first cramp, and she grabbed her stomach. Looking up at me with eyes full of terror. “The cramp will subside I a moment. When it does, you won't have long before the next one hits. Be a good cheerleader and finish your last 3.” I tell her. As I said the cramp went away and not knowing when it would be back, she quickly put her leg behind her head and grabbed it with both hands. She held it for 2 seconds before letting go and staring intently at me to give her the last 2 positions. “Good cheerleader. Needle.”I tell her. Kelly took a deep breath through her nose and began to put her leg behind her back and tried to straighten it when she collapses on the floor clutching her stomach. She looked up at me and started to plead with me thru the pacifier. “Is it getting to hard for you?” I asked her. And she frantically shook her head yes. “Ok fine I think I'll go easy on you. If you be a good cheerleader and let me write something on the back of your diaper I'll let you use the potty. Now put your hands on the desk.” Kelly was a good cheerleader and got up and placed her hands on the desk. I walked up behind her and lifted up her skirt. Next, I taped her legs having her spread them before I pulled her shorts down to her ankles. I then took a purple marker to write “Hyper Diapered Vipers.” “Good cheerleader, now feel good and go potty,” I tell her as I slipped my hand into the diaper and pulled out the plug. “Hellow? Mis.mare I'm here for…” Bree said to me. *********************************Sara’s POV. “I can't believe I forgot my science book at school,” I whisper to myself as I walked back into the school. I walked all the way home without even realizing I forgot the dame book with all my knots and I have a science test tomorrow. Part of me wanted to say fuck it and ditch the test, maybe get to see Mis.mare again. But I then remembered what she warned me about. “I don't mind you scheduling a little fun time with me. However, if I find you back on my list for being a bad girl ill lock you into a chastity for a month.” Mis.mare word me. I could only sigh in frustration as I opened my locker and pulled the science book out. Then a thought occurred. I wonder if Mis.Mare is still in her office? And I wonder if she wouldn't mind a quicky? I blushed at the perverted thoughts as I closed the locker and began to walk toward her office when a cheerleader came running around the corner and slammed right into me sending us both to the floor. “What the hell!” I say as I look at the girl and see that she was wearing a pacifier wrapped around her head and had handcuffs on her wrists. The girl quickly crawled over to me and grabbed my shirt and squealed something at me. “Bad cheerleader, where did you go?” we heard Mis.mare call, and the girl freaked out more. I didn't know what to do so I got up, grabbed the girl and pulled her into a nearby classroom. Once inside the girl ducked behind the teacher's desk and I dipped below the door and listen as Mis.mare walked past. “Bad cheerleader you can run, but you can't hide,” she said before walking away. “She's gone,” I whispered. A moment later the girl poked her head out from behind the desk and I walked over to her and removed the pacifier. “My name is Sara, I'm a sophomore. Can you tell me whats going on? Why was Mis.mare looking for you?” “My name is Bree. and that bitch attacked me,” she told me. “Ok start from the beginning, what happens?” I asked. Bree took a breath to calm down and told me what happen. “I was leading the cheer team thru our normal routines when our coach told me she could handle the rest, and I should get my detention over with. So I walked into Mis.mare’s Office earlier than expected when I saw something that shocked me. I walked in just that bitch was forcing my friend Kelly to shit in a diaper.” “Oh, my,” I say out loud and blush. “That not all. Mis.mare grabbed me when I tried to run and put these handcuffs on me.” she lifted her hands showing the cuffs. “ I tried to fight, I tried yelling for Kelly to stop her but she didn't move as I was placed over Mis.mare’s desk. That bitch then told kelly ‘to be a good cheerleader and sit at her desk’. I don't know what she did to her, but Kelly actually sat down in a chair in a full diaper! I tried yelling for help, but mis.mare removed that pacifier out of Kelly’s mouth and shoved it into mine.” “I can't believe it,” I said as I held up the pacifier. “It's true. She then started saying I was a bad cheerleader as she pulled my shorts and underwear down and started to spank me in front of kelly! I haven't been spanked in years! She- she then….” she stopped for a moment as small tears forming in her eyes and she held her stomach. “She put something in me. In my ASS! She then took my shorts and underwear and put me in a diaper!” Bree then stood up and lifted her skirt to show not only was she in a diaper but also locking panties. If it weren't for the rush of everything her diaper would have been poking out of the bottom of her skirt. “Wow,” I say as my eyes went wide and I began to blush more. “Ya, but I was lucky. She got a call right then and had to leave the room for a moment. I finally had my chance, and I realized she didn't lock my cuffs on her desk all the way, and I ran. But she saw me just as I ran the corner and ran into you. “That's quite the story,” I say as I look down. “Can you help me! Please!” Bree asked as she grabbed my hand.” please go find someone or something to get me out of these things and call the cops on that bitch!” Bree said before another cramp hit her. “Ok, I'll be right back. Stay here!” I tell her as I run out of the room. The moment I'm out I quickly lift up my skirt showing off my diaper, and I can't help but rub the front for a minute. IM SO FUCKING LUCKY! Before I get too invested in my fun I run around the corner and right into room D-1 was my favorite teacher Mis.mare is helping up another cheerleader off the ground. “Ok Kelly, be a good cheerleader and take your diaper home with you. When you get home to throw it away and put on a new one to practice your positions in,” she tells the girl before giving her a quick peck on the check and a tap to her butt sending the cheerleader rushing out of the room with a smile and brown paper bag that undoubtedly had a used diaper in it and a few extras for fun. Mis.mare then when behind her desk and sat down. Justering me to do the same. “I'm so glad to see my good girl. I was quite surprised when I turned the corner and Bree were gone. That is until I see you poke your head up and put your finger to your lips. So how is my bad cheerleader doing.” Mis mair asked “She’s fine, she's just a little scared at the moment and is already feeling cramps,” I tell her. “Well, at least I know where she is. I wasn't expecting her here so soon. Well, I might as well go get her.” “Wait!” I yell and mis.mare just looked at me. “Let me handle her!” I didn't know what I was saying. I think I'm just getting too excited I'm not thinking straight. “Actually that might be a good idea.” Mis mare said before opening a drawer and pulling out another bag. “I'm going to give you some instructions to follow, and I want you to be a good girl for mommy and follow them,” she told me, and I was more than happy to follow her instructions. “Anything for mommy,” I tell her. “Good girl, also I think you dropped this.” mommy said as she held up my science book. A few minutes later I was slipping back into the classroom. No one was in sight. “Pisst, it's me, Sara,”I say to the room. Suddenly Bree’s head poked out from behind the desk. “What took you so long?” she asked. “I had to get some tools to get the lock off,” I tell her as I raise the paper bag up. “Let me see the lock.” Bree was starting to get up as I walked over when we heard familiar footsteps echoing through the hall. “Bad cheerleader. I'll find you.” Mis.mair said outside as she walked past the room. Both Bree and I jumped behind the desk and waited for a few moments. “Lat down on your stomach and I'll work on the lock,” I whisper to her. She does, and I get on top of her. I then open the bag and start getting things ready. “What's taking so long?” Bree asked. “Just a moment,” I tell her before taking out the key and unlocking the panties and sliding them off. “Thank you so much. I don't know how much longer I could have…” Bree started, but as she turned around to thank me, I shoved a new pacifier into her mouth. “Shh, mommy said since I was a good girl for her I can play with you for a bit,” I tell her before getting on Bree's stomach. Bree started to freak out and started to hit my back before trying to pull my skirt down. There she saw my own diapered bottom with the words “hyper diapered viper” written in purple marker by mommy. “Bad cheerleaders like you don't deserve it, but I'm going to let you play with my favorite toy,” I tell her and show her a little plastic bunny with a rod sticking through its belly. Bree tried to kick me in the face as I rubbed the front of her diaper, but she soon stopped when a cramp hit her and I slid the toy into her diaper, and then her sex. I then spun around to face Bree. Her face was bright red, and she was breathing hard. “Mommy also gave me the same laxative she gave you. So before we use our diapers let's play,” I tell Bree and press a button on a remote. The vibrations come to life, and both let out a loud moan. Bree tried to hit me again with her cuffed hands, but I just grab them and force them to rub the front of my vibrating diaper. “Aaaaaa, that feels so good!” I moan out as the first cramp hit me. I had to use all the strength I had not to go since I don't have a plug. I then watched as Bree’s body also went through a massive cramp. I then laid down tight on top of her, pressing the front of our diapers against each other and I began to play with Bree's breast. “Is the bad cheerleader having fun,” I asked as another wave of cramps hit. “Oh god, I got to POOP!” “I think that's my cue,” said Mis.mare from the doorway as she walked over to us. “No mommy I'm not…” I tried to protest, but she pushed a regular pacifier into my mouth. “I know but the bad cheerleader has needed to poop longer, and it's not good for her to hold it in so long. Now be a good girl for mommy and flip her over.” mommy told me. Happily, I wrapped my arms around the struggling Bree and rolled her on top of me, locking my legs around hers, so she didn't get in mommy way. “Good, now the bad cheerleader. Why don't you do something good and make you and Sara feel great.” mommy tells her as she pulled out Bree's plug and using the remote I left on the table set the vibrators on max and we screamed! A few minutes later Bree is bent over the desk she was hiding under waring an ever bigger diaper over her still messy one. On the back of it, sais ‘MESSY hyper diaper viper baby’ and I'm behind her with a paddle in hand as I smack her thick backside casing us to moan. Mis.mare is sitting right in front of us with the remote in hand. Every time I spank Bree, she said “Bad cheerleader.” and turns on the vibrator for just that moment. After 30 spankings Mis.mare says it's time to stop. She can't let Bree walk home in a double thick full diaper so decided to drive her instead. Mis.mare even offered me a ride that I turned down. My skirt was long enough to cover my full diaper. Before I left, however, there was just one last thing I had to do. I asked Mis.mare for her marker and the remote, which she said I could keep. I then walked in front of Bree and lifted up her skirt to wright on the front my phone number and the message ‘call for a good time’. I then quickly gave her a kiss on her pacifier and one last jolt of the vibrator before grabbing my science book and walking out of the classroom. It wasn't 40 minutes later as I'm studying my notes I get a text from Bree…..
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 What to get, what to get. That is the question. Currently, I'm shopping with Jean to get her some new school clothes. Because of everything that happened during the summer we didn't have a chance to go until now. “What about this one?” jean asked me as she held up a skirt to her waist. “It's adorable,” I tell her. While school shopping is essential, I'm also here for another reason. In a few days, it will be Jean”s birthday, and I'm trying to keep a mental list of things Jean might like for a present. I tried to ask her what she wants, but she’s been stubborn about it and won't tell me anything saying things like ‘i don't need it’ or ‘you’ve already done a lot for me’ it's somewhat irritating. So far the list is a camera, plasma ball, bean bag chair, and a book called Cirque Du Freak. So far so good and ill let some friends know as well. “So how does lunch sound before we get Alice a toy?” I asked Jean as we left the store. “Sounds good,” she replied holding her bags. We went to the food court was Jean got 2 slices of pizza, and I got some Chinese food. We just sat and talked while we eat. It was a delightful time when a man walked over to our table. “Aw so it was you I saw, good evening Mis.mare.” the man said. He was a handsome man who just started working for the school this year as the science teacher. “Good evening Mr.Cunningham what brings you here today?” I asked him as I wipe any food from my face. “My toaster caught fire so I thought I would do a little shopping,” he explained. “How did a toaster catch on fire?” jean asked. “My roommate partied a little too hard that night and tried to fit a wrapped turkey sandwich into the toaster. It didn't work.” Mr.Cunningham explained. “Anyway I was heading out when I saw Jean with who I thought was Mis.mare and just had to see if it really was you.” “Yes, Jean and I are just doing some late school shopping,” I told him. “Better late than never,” Jean replied. “Ha, I agree,” Mr.Cunningham said. “Well we should be going soon too, we still need to get one last thing before we go home.” I remind Jean, and we both got up to continue shopping. “Wait just a moment, there's something I would like to ask you,” Mr.Cunningham said to me. “Yes?” “I was wondering if you might be free this weekend. I was hoping you might consider going out on a date with me?” Mr.Cunningham asked. I was a little stunned. This was the first time since high school that I was asked out. And I've been too busy with work and Alice I never really had much time to date. “I'm flattered, but I already have plans. Its Jean’s birthday this weekend,” I explained. “Ow happy early birthday,” he tells Jean. “And I understand, maybe another time.” “Wait, she can still go,” Jean spoke out just as he was about to leave. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “I'm having a sleepover that night, I think we can handle ourselves while you go out on a date,” Jean said. “But it’s your birthday.” I reminded her. “It's fine,” she assured me. “Well let me give you my number, and you can call if you make a decision,” Mr.Cunningham said to us as he pulled out a pen and a reseat to write his number down and give it to me. He then said his goodbyes and wished jean a happy birthday before leaving. I then gave Jean a look. “You're in trouble,” I tell her. “Why? I just got you a date!” she said a little too excitedly. “But I didn't want a date, and I wanted to be at your party,” I tell her as we walked to a toy store. “Like I said it's fine. It's a sleepover so you can afford to be gone o few hours… or all night.” she said with a slight grin and a girl. I just reached over and grabbed her ear bringing her close to me. “Naughty girls with dirty minds get punished,” I whispered in her ear, and she blushed a bit. Either way, I wasn't sure about even wanting to date. Also if I did, I would have to force them to understand Alice’s situation and so much more. While it does sound nice, I put my baby's first. After that Jean didn't bring it up anymore as we got Alice her toy. As soon as we got home, Alice greeted us with a friendly warm smile. “Hi mommy, hi Jean. how was shopping,” she asked not really caring and just wanted to snoop out the bags for her toy. “It was good. Jean got a lot of cute outfits and some other school supplies,” I tell her knowing what she’s doing. “Did you get me anything?” she asked. “Now why would I do that?” I asked. “Because I've been a perfect girl and you love me,” she told me trying to act all cute. I wonder if this is how she got her way with her old life before? “Why yes you have, and I did get you something,” I tell her as I pull out a book from one of my bags. Her face went from overly excited to slightly happy. “Thank you, mommy, I like it,” she told me as she tried to keep up the excited act but failed miserably. “Want to make a deal,” I asked Alice. “What?” she asked confused. “If you promise to read 3 chapters tonight before bed I'll also give you this,” I tell her as I pull out a new doll. Alice squealed with excitement and gave me a big hug saying she promised and ran off with to her room with the book and doll. “She’s very excitable,” Jean remarked. “Ya, it's because she doesn't get to go out much or have many friends come over. It's only recently she’s had anyone else to talk to. I tell jean as I pulled out everything from our bags and began putting them away. A few hours later I tell Alice it's time to read and remind her she owed me 3 chapters from her new book. I then checked on Jean who was listening to her music while at her desk doing homework. Now was a perfect time. I walked upstairs and into my office where I keep my phone. I don't get service downstairs, so I never bother to bring it down. I dial a number and listen as the phone rings 4 times before someone answers. “Hi, Felicia its Mare. I tell my friend over the phone. “How are you doing.” “Hi, Mare. I'm doing good. Just changed the baby out of her dirty diaper and about to have her take a bath.” she tells me. “What a good big sister,” I remarked. “Ya, dad started working nights, and since she likes being a kid at home I have to look after her,” she replied. Ever since that Halloween Marylynn has become so addicted to her diapers that is she's not in public she immediately wants to be in them and treated like a little girl. “Well, at least she's not how she was before. Who knows what sort of trouble she would be in.” I tell her. “Ha, ya she wasn't the brightest tool in the shed before but know we have less to worry about her. Plus dad doesn't mind too much. He's just glad she’s not hanging around a lot of boys. But I don't think he likes the fact that she sometimes has accidents at school.” she told me. “I'm sure it will all work out, and hay I can give her some pull-ups to try at school.” I offer. “That would be great! I'm sure she will be excited to try that. Anyway, so what's up?” Felicia asked. “I wanted to remind you about Jean's birthday party this weekend,” I tell her. “Ya, we can't wait. Marylynn and I have been looking forward to it. By the way, did you figure out what present we should get her?” she asked. “Ya get her a plasma ball. She’ll love it.” I tell her. “Awesome, hey I have to go I hear Marylynn crying down stares. She might have had another accident. Call me tomorrow.” Felicia said and hung up as I told her I would. Before I forgot I also sent her one last text. Ok, next person to call. I called Bobbi’s mommy and spoke to her about letting Bobbi come over and stay the night this weekend, and she said Bobbi would love too. Once I got done talking to her, I decided on calling someone else. “Hello?” the girl said on the other end. “Hello. This is mis.mare, I'm looking for Sara.” I tell the girl. “Ow hi mis.mare this is Sara. How did you get my home number?” she asked. “I work in a school it wasn't hard. Anyway, I was wondering if you might like to be invited to a sleepover at my house. It's one of my little girls birthdays this weekend, and I thought you might enjoy it.” I tell her. Sara has been a good girl, and she is always trying to set up “play time” for us. So I thought she might like to play with Jean and Alice. “That sounds awesome! Would it be alright if I invite someone with me?” she asked. “Who is it?” I asked. “Bree. we've seen each other a lot lately, and I think she might like to come as well,” she tells me. “Why not, the more, the merrier,” I tell her. We talked for a few more minutes discussing the party and where to meet up. Sara also wanted to set up “play time” as well. I think she might like them a little too much…. might have to cut her off for a while. When Saturday finally came, I went into the kitchen and made an excellent breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, and two big pancakes each. I set the food on the table and went to wake up jean. She was sound asleep when I came in. She just looked so cute curled up sleeping. I decided to take a little peek under her blanket to see if she was still wearing the pull-ups and sure enough she was. I then had an evil thought. While Jean slept, I removed her underwear and her dirty laundry from the room and quickly hid all the pull-ups. “Baby girl it's time to wake up,” I whispered to jean as I slightly shook her awake. “Happy birthday!” “Thank you, mom,” she said groggily until she looked up at me. “I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean…” she panicked realizing she just called her sister mom. “It's ok sweetie, I already think of you as one of my babies,” I tell the now blushing girl. “Alice calls me mommy all the time and so can you. Now get some sweatpants on and come eat.” I leave the room and go to wake up Alice. She's groggy but knows to be good for mommy and hold still while I change her diaper. As I'm finishing up, I notics jean poking her head into the room. Her face was bright red, and she was shaking a tiny bit. She tried muttering something to me but was interrupted by Alice yelling happy birthday to her. I then walked over to her and whispered into her ear. “You've been wasting too many pull-ups lately. I don't mind you wearing them, but I don't like wasting things. I'll give you back your underwear when you give me 4 wet pull-ups.” I tell her before walking away from the confused birthday girl. Jean was fighting at breakfast a lot but finished her plate while Alice only had the pancakes and sausage before wanting to play. While jean came up to me and weakly whispered in my ear that she used her first pull up at the table. As soon as I was done, I told the girls I would be living for a few hours and wanted them to straighten up the house while I was gone to get ready for the party. I went to the grocery store and got a lot for the sleepover. 3 types of chips, 3 two liters of pop, a box of popcorn, 4 frozen pizzas, (I'm planning on a birthday dinner later just not for so many people.) a veggie plate, a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and a tub of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce to go with it. I was just about to check out when I ran into Felicia. “Fancy meeting you here.” I greet her. “Same, getting things for the party?” she asked looking at all the stuff I had. “Yes, Jean and Alice are really looking forward to it,” I tell her. “Same, I just went and got the plasma ball not too long ago. Ow and I got what you asked for,” she said reminding me of the text I sent her. “Ow thank you, I'll pay you back for it during the party,” I tell her. “No need, after all the stuff you have done for my sister and me I think this is the least we can do to help pay you back,” Felicia told me, and I was very grateful. We both went to the checkout station and paid for our things. Felicia was only getting a few things for her house. We then put our stuff in our cars before going to a nearby coffee shop to sit down and talk face to face. Our talks went from the party to how the girls are doing. And somehow landed on me being asked out on a date. “I think you should go,” Felicia told me sipping her coffee. “No, you too. Jean said the same thing, but I want to be there for her birthday,” I tell Felicia as I set my smoothy aside. (i don't like coffee.) “But that's because she has a party that you should go. You were already planning on having a family dinner tomorrow. Tonight you should enjoy yourself just as much as they are.” she tells me. “But I haven't been on a date since high school. Plus I do enjoy myself at our parties.” I tell her. “Ya you enjoy watching us have fun and playing while you sit and relax,” she tells me. It's true though. I do enjoy just watching, but maybe the kids have a point. It's a sleepover, and I can go out for a few hours and still be home to play with the girls before they go to sleep. “I'll think about it,” I tell her. A few hours later and the party is fully set up. The table is fully set up, and I got them 3 new movies for them to watch. Soon all the guests arrived. Bobbi was first and was already in a cute cat onesie. Next was Sara and her new friend Bree. They were both surprised to see the house under the school and even more surprised when I introduced them to Alice. Sara immediately fell in love with Alice’s room. Last to arrive was Felicia and Marylynn. Felicia whispered in my ear that she stepped into my office and dropped something off, to which I thanked her. We all had a little fun and had some snacks before I brought out the cake, and the singing began. “Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday Dear Jean Happy Birthday to You.” We all sang as I lit the candles and watched jean blow them out. It was 6:37 now and after they all had their cake that I told them I would be going out on that date. I had no complaints and was much encouraged to have my own fun for the night. *************************Jean’s pov********** It wasn't long after she left that we all went into the living room and talked about what we should do next. Bobbi suggested we watch one of the movies, but we decided it was a little too early for that. Marylynn suggested we tell scary stories but her sister reminded her that the last time she did that she was scared shitless for weeks. It was finally Sara who had the idea of truth or dare. But regular truth or dare would be boring as most people just wind up sticking with truth. So she suggested we write down the truth or dare questions and role a dice to decide what the person would do. 1,2 got truth, 3,4 got dare, and 5,6 got drink. She suggested that if we got 5 or 6, we drink a glass of water. As a little twist to the game, it would also be a holding contest. At the start of every new round, we all had to drink. With the rules set we were all given 4 plank flashcards to make our own questions before they were all shuffled into a deck and we got into a circle to start the game. Making a toast first. Sara was first, and she got 2 truth. ‘Have you ever lied to your parents about what you were doing after school?’ “Yes. I told my mom I was meeting with friends when I was really going to meet Mis.mare,” she told us. Alice was next. 1 truth. ‘What was your childhood nickname?’ “Mommy used to tease me a lot and call me Miss Alice P. Buttfart,” she told us as her face blushed. Bree next. 6 drink Marylynn next. 3 dare. ‘Roll a die and whoever's turn it is lick or sucks their nipples for 30 seconds each.’ Marylynn blushed heavily at this but rolled the dice. It landed on Bree (3), and she even blushed as all us girls cheered it on. Bree lifted her shirt revealing her perky breasts. Marylynn inched closely before latching onto Bree’s breast and causing her to moan for a moment. After 30 seconds she switched to the other one and was sucking on them like a hungry baby. Once she was done both of Bree’s nipples were sticking out. She decided not to put her shirt back on. I was up next and hoped I didn't get something like that. 1 truth THANK GOD! ‘What is your best talent? “I don't know. I guess it would be sports?” I answered honestly. Bobbi went next. 3 dare ‘Lick someone’s foot.’ Bobbi rolled the die, 2 Alice. Alice took off her socks, and Bobbi crawled over to lick her foot which made Alice laugh out loud because it tickled. Felicia was last, and she rolled the die. 5 drink Back to Sara and we all took another drink. 4, dare. ‘Twerk for a minute without pants.’ She laughed and said that that one was hers. She then removed the long skirt she was wearing to reveal her diaper. Then in front of us, all began trying to badly twirk as we all laughed. Alice next. 6 drink Bree. 5 drink again. She sighed a breath of relief that it wasn't a dare. Marylynn. 4 dare again ‘Put peanut butter on your nose, and try to lick it off’ (hay mine!) I went and out the peanut butter and put a dab of it on her nose, and we watched as the tried to reach for it and went cross-eyed trying. My turn again. 1 again. ‘How was your first kiss?’ “To tell you the truth I've never kissed anyone except my mom or sister on the cheek,” I tell them. “Ow, I have an idea!” Alice said, and ren up to me and suddenly kissed me! It took everything I had just to push her off, and everyone was laughing and asking how was it. “Like kissing my sister,” I tell them as I wipe my mouth. Bobbi next. 5 drink Back to Felicia. 3 dare ‘Give a back rub to someone till next turn.’ 1 Sara. Sara got on her stomach as Felicia began to rub her back. Sare was next again which meant another drink. 2 truth. ‘What's the craziest thing that you have ever done without your parents knowing?’ “I just recently, (moan from the back rub) tried wetting my diaper, (moan again) while I walked right in front of them,” she told us. Alice was next. 2 truth ‘What is one embarrassing fact?’ “I like to play with Totoro.’ she said with a slight blush. “What's that?” Bree asked. “The big stuffed animal she has in her room, it's from an anime,” I tell her. “But that's not embarrassing.” “No I like to PLAY with Totoro” she specified as she blushed even harder and it finally clicked what she meant. I won't be able to look at Totoro the same again… Bree was next. 4 dare. ‘Raise your shirt play with your nipples 30 sec.’ “Whats with my nipples today!” she yelled. After a moment to calm down, she began to play with her already erect nipples and began to moan just as loudly as Sara. Marylynn, 1 truth. ‘What is your weirdest habit?’ “I like the feeling of a wet diaper and will try to hide that it's wet for as long as possible,” she said. “So that's why you're getting that rash!” Felicia exclaimed casing Marylynn to blush deeply. Back to my turn. 3 dare. Fuck... ‘make a sandwich naked I was blushing deeply, and I really didn't want to do it. But after seeing what they all did I slowly began to take off my clothes. First my shirt, then my socks, my training bra, then my skirt revealing I was in a pull-up. I was about to take it off when Marylynn suggested I keep it on to which everyone agreed. Making me even more embarrassed than if I was just naked. I then proceeded to make the sandwich. Once done I quickly wanted to put my clothes back on, but Bree stopped me. “New rule. Whatever is taken off stays off,” Bree said to which they all agreed. “B-but this is too embarrassing!” I complained. “Then why don't we all strip?” Sara said before moaning again. Soon everyone was taking off everything, and I finally realized I was the odd girl out as they all were wearing diapers while I was wearing a pull-up! “Even your wearing one Felicia?” I asked. “Well, I thought I would be the only one left out, so I thought why not!” she told me. “Besides I'm positive Mis.mare won't mind if we're all in diapers." “My turn!” Bobbi exclaimed before I could proses what was said. 1 truth. ‘Who is the worst teacher you have ever had, why? “Mr.Boker. He was such a messed up teacher. If you didn't kiss his butt, he didn't like you. I made him mad once calling him Boker the Goat poker.” we then busted out laughing at that and asked why. “Because it sounded funny and it caused a good rumor to go around saying he liked to ‘poke’ goats,” she told us. Felicia was next, to Sara’s disappointment. 5 drink Sara again. But before we went she had us all drink another cup, and I was now starting to feel the need to pee. 2 truth. ‘What is your biggest turn off in a partner? “If they don't like diapers their out. Luckily I don't have to worry about that right now, “ Sara said, and I noticed Bree’s face just turned an even brighter shade of red. I wonder why? Alice was next. 3 dare. ‘Bite or kiss someone’s booty. 6 Felicia. Alice giggled as she crawled over behind Felicia. She then pulled down her diaper and Felicia yelped as Alice bit the girl on the ass, and we were on the floor dying! When we could finally stop, it was Bree’s turn. 2 truth. ‘Who is your best-looking teacher that you have ever had.’ “I don't know. I guess Mr.Cunningham” she told us and we all started to think about what the date was like right now. Marylynn was next, and she was starting to hold her crotch. 4, dare. ‘Have the birthday girl give you 6 spankings. If this is the birthday girl, you get one spank from everyone.’ I was so glad I didn't get this one as I walked behind her and had her put her hands up as I started spanking her, I was on the 5th spank when she suddenly let out a gasp, and we watched as she was the first to fill her diaper. “Marylynn is out!” Sara said. I was up again. 6 drink I was getting pretty full, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold. Bobbi next.3 dare. ‘Make out with someone. 2 Alice. “Haha well it's not like we haven't tried before,” she said as she when over to Alice and sat on her lap and started making out. Then suddenly we all heard a hissing sound, followed by another as both girls filled their diapers while still making out. “Both are out!” Sara called while she started to do the pee-pee dance. Felicia next. 3 dare. Put your hand down someone's pants until your next round. 1 Sara. Bree walked over and shoved her hand down the girl's diaper. “Wow, its nice and smooth” Felicia commented making Sara blush a lot. We then took another drink and suddenly Sara was holding tightly to Felicia’s arm as both girls started screaming. I didn't know why until I see Sara’s diaper turn yellow and we all began to laugh as Felicia finally pulled her hand out of the diaper and went to wash it off. It was down to the 3 of us, and we were all looking almost ready to burst when Sara suggested we drink one more glass. As we did, she whispered something to Alice and Marylynn. As soon as we were done drinking suddenly, Alice came up from behind and started to tickle me! But I wasn't the only one as Sara was tickling Bree and Marylynn had Felicia. “Let's see who lasts longer!” Sara yelled, and I knew we wouldn't last long. Sure enough, Bree’s diaper turned a bright yellow. It was just down to Felicia and me as our sisters tickled us! **************Find out who wins at the end of Part 2!************ 1
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 I walked back through the school hallway glad the date had to be canceled. I just hope the girls haven't gotten into too much trouble. I open the D-3 door, and I hear them immediately laughing and having fun. I giggle wondering what the kids were doing as I walked down the stairs and heard one girl yell yes. As soon as I was at the bottom step, I was very shocked to see all the girls standing around naked except for a diaper and an overpowering smell of urine. “Whats going on here!” I yelled, and all the girls stopped what they were doing and look at me with dread on their face’s. All of them in a wet diaper. Immediately they all started to talk over each other trying to explain what happens. “QUIET!” I yelled, and they all fell silent. “Don't move!” I tell them as I walked out of the room for a moment and returned with a laundry basket. I had each of them collected their discarded clothing and place it in the basket. When one tried to speak, I gave them a look that made them fall silent. I then had them all line up on the wall and wait. I go into my room and grab a few things before carrying them all back into the living room and set them all down on the table. I then laid down a changing mat before sitting on the couch. “Alice you're first,” I tell her and the girl walked over knowing she was in trouble. “Tell mommy what you were doing before I got home.” “Playing truth or dare and a holding contest,” she said. “Ok, then I'm going to give you all a spanking. Not for playing the game, but for trashing my house and being naughty girls and being naked when I got home.” I tell them. To tell the truth, I don't mind. I already know it was a harmless game, and the kids would have cleaned up, but I decided if they were going to be naughty I might as well join in on the fun in my own way. I had Alice over my knee and in front of everyone I took my paddle and started spanking her wet diaper. Once done I have her over the changing mat and start the change. I remove the wet diaper and got the girl nice and clean and put a new one on her. But before I put it on I have something special for them. I grab a baggy I had filled with bananas I froze and pulled one out. “You all are getting two, and you are to hold it until I say so. Anyone who goes without my say so will start over and get a plug.” I tell them and watch as they silently look at each other in fear as I coat the banana in glycerin and put the banana into Alice. “Sara you're next,” I tell her as I help Alice up and give her a large pink hello kitty t-shirt to wear before having her stan on the opposite wall. “you're enjoying this aren't you?” I asked her. She just gave me a sly smile before I pulled her over my knee. I then gave her a diaper change and put the bananas in her before giving her a green shirt to put on. “Bobbi comes here,” I tell her. She walked over with tears in her eyes. “You can cry if you like, you're still getting a spanking and bananas,” I told her before I pulled her over my knee. I then gave her a diaper change and put the bananas in her before giving her a blue shirt with a white star in the middle. “Marylynn gets your baby butt over here.” she was the most scared of them all and even tried to cover her diaper with her hands so that I wouldn't spank it. “Marylynn you can either remove those hands or you can get a bare bottom spanking instead.” she made the right choice and went over my knee. I then gave her a diaper change, put the bananas in and gave her yellow shirt with a smiling sun on it. “Your next Bree,” I told her as she slowly walked over. “I hope you're having fun and come play with us more,” I tell her as I spank her diaper. After the change and bananas, I did one last thing and wrote ‘Hyper Diapered Vipers’ on the front of her diaper before giving her a purple shirt. By now most of the girls were squirming, but I still had 2 more babies to go. “Felicia, my new baby girl, come to mommy,” I tell the girl as she blushed and walked over. “You look good in a wet diaper, maybe you should try it more often,” I tell her before paddling her, new diaper, bananas, and a red t-shirt. “Birthday girl, it's your turn,” I tell her. “Can I not get a spanking as a birthday gift?” she asked trying to get out of her spanking. “Nope,” I tell her with a smile and pull her down. “Let's all count the birthday girl spankings!” I cheered and had everyone counted her spanking until they reached 14. “My what a nice wet pull-up,” I tell her as I slid it off and began to clean the girl. “Now since you wanted your present from me so much I'm going to give you one right now. An extra BANANA!” I happily tell Jean as I put in 3 bananas into the girl making her immediately have to go. But not just yet. I gave Jean a white t-shirt and had her stan in the middle of the girls facing the wall with her legs spread and her hands on the wall while I picked up my camera. “Ok girls, have fun,” I tell them as I start recording them. Alice and Bobbi were able to stay standing while messing their diapers. Felicia and Marylynn were crouching down as they filled theirs. Bree and Sara were on their knees hugging each other as their backsides expanded. And in the center of it all, with the fullest diaper was the birthday girl who just like the others was moaning in bliss from the release. I am definitely saving this video. After the girls had their fun, I gave them their next surprise. I wasn't going to change them. Most of them then started to complain, but with one look they were quiet again. “Good, now go get the blankets in Alice’s room and make a pallet on the floor. We're going to watch a movie and then it's time for bed,” I tell them. Soon most of the girls were sprawled all on the floor while Jean and I were on the couch watching the movie. One by one the girls slowly nodded off until there was just Jane and me. “So tell me, how was your birthday,” I ask her as I stroke her hair while she lays her head on my lap. “It was fun,” she tells me before yawning. “That's good. I also have something for you.” I tell her as I pick up my purse and Jean sits up. Jean’s eyes light up as I pull out a Kindle Fire and give it to her. “I know how much you love reading and listening to your music so I thought you might like this,” I tell her. “I LOVE IT!” she said in a high whisper. She then turned it on and seen it was already set up. “Felicia helped me with it, and it already has 3 new books for you to read. Jean then jumped on me giving me the biggest hug she could while I hugged her back. And to think that jackass almost made me miss this moment. **************************a few hours ago********************* I honestly can't believe she called me back! I was really looking forward to this date and knew our lives would never be the same. Mis.mare had knocked on my door and was wearing a beautiful red dress that looked stunning on her. I was planning on picking her up, but she insisted on driving over to my place to see me before the date. The moment I saw her it was like the whole world changed. We both got into my car and drove to the restaurant. I felt like such a short distance before we pulled into an empty parking lot. I got out of my car and helped the beautiful lady out before we walked into the restaurant with our arms locked together. The place was packed, but the faceless waiter told us there was one table left. We didn't bother looking at a menu as we both ordered a steak with potatoes, salad, and red wine. As we I ate I told her a lot about myself. Such as where I'm from, where I went to school, what's my life like. All the while she never lost that beautiful smile. Once dinner was over, we both sat back up and left the restaurant hand in hand. Leaving one empty plate and one that was never touched. As soon as we left the restaurant, we were already by the beach. The tide was out, and I knew the perfect spot. I laded out a blanket I had with me and sat down with a small cooler. Here I took out 2 fancy cakes and another bottle of wine. We sat there I don't know how long as I drank my wine and talked about nothing. After we were done, we both got up, and we walked up the beach where my house was. Leaving behind my empty glass and hers never touched. Once there I suggested she come inside and had a cup of coffee before driving home after a couple glasses of wine. She did, and soon we were making out. I picked her up, and we were trashing my place as we when to my room. Once there we both pulled off our clothes, and she reaped her lips over my 12’ rod. I was pounding her face when I finally came and threw her on the bed. I jumped on top of her, and before she could say a word, I placed duct tape over her mouth. I then proceeded to tape her hands together. “I know your little secret,” I tell her as I pull her legs apart. “I have seen what you were doing with those students.” I pulled out a set of pictures out of my coat pocket I was still wearing for some reason. “I have proof of what you were doing. And I know you've been using some type of hypnosis on the students.” I tell her as I shoved my fat member into her tiny pussy to hear her scream. “Now that I know this I'm going to to make you my personal slave and have you bring me all types of women. Maybe even that cute sister of yours,” I tell her before I hear the sound of clapping in front of me. I look up and see her standing right in front of me still wearing her dress. “Careful now, she likes to bite,” Mare told me as I looked down at the faceless woman and suddenly feel great pain from my dick. I jumped back as blood sprayed everywhere from the spot my member used to be. “WHATS GOING ON!!!!” I yelled. “Were just in your head, And stop screaming you're fine,” she tells me as I look down and see there wasn't any more blood, but my manhood was gone. “And 12’ really? You must really be overcompensating.” “This can't possibly be happening!” I say, and she laughed. “You want proof?” she asked as she walked over to the door and opened it to a broad street with hundreds of people walking around. She then proceeded to rip off her dress and step out into the middle of the crowd. She then stopped two faceless people and had them help her. She had one of them hold his hands out as she placed one leg on the hand and used the other guy as support showing off her vagina before she started peeing. “This is all in your head,” she tells me as I walk out close to her. “How is this possible. You were supposed to repeat yourself over and over to make a trigger for people to do your bidding.” I tell her, and she laughed. “That's not how my powers work you fool. I can make anyone do anything I want just by talking to them. However, they turn into something like zombies if I just command them to do something. A school of behaving zombies isn't what I want.” she explained. “But why….” I tried to ask, but with a wave of her hand, my mouth was literally sewed shut. “I learned that if I force something they would be like that until their task was done. However, if I slowly made someone want to be good, then they would do it on their own. So I proposed to use pleaser and humiliation tactics to reinforce a trigger and at the same time enforce the want to be a 'better person' into them.” she explained. I tried to say something but couldn't. “Let me guess you're wondering why we're here in your mind,” she said as she gestured to everything. “It's simple really I don't like surprises, and I wanted to see what type of man you were before I did anything.” She then walked over to me and looked me right in the eyes. “And you fucked up. I really loved the date, dinner, the beach. So romantic. And personally I don't mind that you thought about sex, that's natural, and while I wouldn't have slept with you on the first date, I might have later. But then you had to show your hand.” suddenly she kneed my balls, and I fell to the floor. “You really thought you could make me into your toy? But that part I'm fine with. I could just erase your memory and pretend like it never happened.” she told me with a smile before the whole world went dark around us and that smile faded away. “But the moment you mentioned hurting one of my babies I won't let you off that easy.” Suddenly for the first time in my life, I was so scared I started relieving myself as I tried to get up and run away. I'm then thrown from the darkness and into multiple scenes of my life. All traumatic, all painful all the while I could hear her in my head. “My babies mean more to me than anything. Any threat to them and mommy will make it go away.” She said. “MOMMY!!!” my high pitch 4-year-old voice screamed in the dark. I was in my bed, my pull-up soaked as I look at the monster peeking out of the closet. “Mommy’s not here.” a voice whispered, and I Screamed. “Give me your cote and drive.” I was told my mouth drooling as I took off my jacket and handed it to the women outside the car. Once she had it, I slammed on the gas and drove 20 feet until I hit another car and my body began to seize. The women screamed for help as my vision went dark. Mis.mare spent 20 minutes dealing with the roommate, an ambulance and giving a statement on how she got out to grab something out of her car when Mr.Cunningham suddenly drove off and hit a car. The roommate got in the ambulance with his friend and drove off to the hospital where they will tell him his friend had a seizure and became brain dead. While mis.mare goes inside their house grabs Mr.Cunningham’s laptop and proceed to login and delete everything on it. She then got back into her car and went home. Hoping she hadn't missed anything. ************************************** “By the way. Alice said you were all having a holding contest. Who one?” I asked Jean. “Felicia,” she told me with a yawn before laying her head on my lap and immediately fell asleep. “Good girl.” mommy said as she patted the girl's full diapered bottom and hoped that these days would last forever.
redwelch2222 Posted November 19, 2017 Author Posted November 19, 2017 ********I fond something that goes great with this story. give it a listen before you read the story. ***** It was a long hard day for Alice as a babysitter as she handed the squirming 3-year-old to his mother. “You are so great with kids” the mother commented. “Only because my mom raised me right,” she said as she gave the baby a little tickle and hear him giggle. She let out a sigh as the mother left and she was finally able to send a text to her sister. “Need to make a stop real quick. Be there soon :D” ‘Hurry up, or we'll start the party without you! >.<’ her sister replied. Alice got into her car and drove back home. She pulled into the back parking lot of the school and using a spare key she had she opened the back door and walked inside. The school has really changed over the last few years, but its layout was still the same. Alice walked to a door labeled D-3 and proceeded down the steps. Once she hit the bottom step, she turned on a light switch and seen her old home. Everything was gone, replaced with boxes of random things the school will most likely forget about. Ali walked through all the rooms and remembered everything that had to happen in this house. The fun, the laughter, and even the tears. She stopped just outside one door and remembered the last time she was ever in this house. ***************************years ago************* “NO! This can't be true!” Alice said as she clenched her head. “It is baby, I'm so sorry.” the woman she had been calling mommy for years said as an entirely different life flooded into her head. A life where she grew up, a life with her real parents, a life that wasn't all a lie! Alice then ran out of the woman's room. “Alice! Wait!” the woman yelled, but Alice just ran, shoving the girl she thought of as her sister to the floor as she ran past and up the stairs into the school hallway. Alice immediately realized she was still in a Black onesie and a thick diaper when she looked inside the woman's office and seen she had left a large cote and her purse right on her desk. She ran in and grabbed them before rushing back out and running around a corner as her fack sister came running upstairs yelling for her to stop. Alice didn't listen as she ran out of the school and away from the lies of the women who kidnapped her. The memories were slowly coming back as Alice went to a store and bought herself a cheap outfit with the cash in the woman's purse. It was a simple outfit of just a t-shirt new underwear and sweatpants. The look really didn't matter, all that did was getting back home and letting my real parents know I was still alive. She took a bus all the way to wear her old house was and was amazed it still looked the same. Without any hesitation, she ran into the house yelling for her mom and dad. After a moment a man came into the hallway with a puzzled look on his face. It was her dad. He looked older, but it was definitely him. “DAD!” Alice yelled as she ran up and hugged him. But instead of embracing her back he pushed her off. “Who the fuck are you?” he asked with a mad look on his face. “It's me, Alice!” I told him. “Whats going on? A woman asked as she walked into the hallway. It was my mother. My dad then blocked her path from me. “Some woman just broke into our house claiming to be Alice,” he said, and that shocked me. “Dad it is me, I know I look a bit older, but I finally got away from that woman who kidnapped me,” I tell them and they still looked just as puzzled. “Whats going on?” a small voice said above me. I looked up and seen a little girl looking over the rail of the stares at me. She had to have been around 10 with long blond hair. “Alice stay up there, were calling the police!” dad said, and it finally hit me, that bitch changed their memories too. I didn't want to be arrested, so I ran away again. Even as my parents yelled at me to stop. But I didn't stop until I was far away from them. Over the next week, I stayed in a crappy hotel living off of fast food. The cops never came looking for me, and I'm glad. Not only did my family think I was a criminal but I realized I had pooped my pants while I was there without even realizing. Well, I was in diapers for years, so it was to be expected. I had to use the coat to help cover myself as I went to another store to get another change of clothes and a box of diapers. I’ve been in the hotel room ever since. Just trying to make sense of everything and I hated it. The room was disgusting, I continuously hear people fucking in other rooms and my room constantly smells like shit because I cant use the fucking toilet! I was at my wit's end when there was a knock at my door. I took a look outside and seen it was that fack sister. “Alice I know you're in theirs. I just want to talk please.” the 18-year-old jean asked. “Go the fuck away. I don't want anything to do with you or that bitch!” I yelled. She looked disheartened as she walked away. As she did so many emotions ran over me that I couldn't comprehend, so I just started screaming and lashing out in the room. When I finally calmed down. I was in a full diaper, the room was trashed, and I was hungry. So I took off the shity diaper and jumped into the shower where I washed off the rest of the shit. Once out I put on a pull-up for going outside and got dressed. I then went 3 blocks down to a local fast food restaurant. I got a chicken sandwich and fries before walking back to my room. I only made it 2 blocks when a guy got in my way. “Hay sugar, why don't we go to your place.” the sleazeball said. “No.” was all I said to him as I walked past him. “But I have money,” he said to me thinking I was nothing but a prostitute. “Fuck off!” I yelled back at him. “What did you say bitch!” he yelled and grabbed me. I screamed as loud as I could trying to break away. “You need to learn your pl…..” I watched as he started twitching before falling over. Right behind him was Jean with a taser. “No I think you do bitch,” she said as she kicked him in the nuts. “Let's go.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her until we turned a corner away from that jackass. “Let go of me!” I told her as I finally pulled my hand away. “Look I know you don't want to see us, but I did just help you right there. So can you please stop being a bitch for to minutes and talk,” Jean asked. “Fine,” I say. I really just wanted to punch Jean, to tell her to fuck off and to stay out of my life. But after what just happened I also want that taser to get me home. Once inside I set my food down on the tiny table and sit on the bed while I ate. Jean sat at the foot of the bed. Just watching in silence. “How did you find me?” I asked. “You have mom’s card. It wasn't hard to track you,” she told me. I now wish I hadn't have used it. “I'm sorry for what you're going through.” “It's that bitch's fault,” I tell her taking a bite out of my sandwich. “She already told me what happened. Please just come back and talk to her.” Jean pleaded with me. “What so that she can steal more years from me!” I yelled. “I'm already over 25! I've been down in that tocher dungeon for years! Being that Bitches toy to dress up! I could have gone to college, got married, had kids! But she kept me locked up! My real family has replaced me!” I screamed at jean She looked distraught, but she stood up and pulled out a folder filled with papers. “What's that?” I asked. “Our mom wanted me to give them to you,” she said, and my blood began to boil as she said that. After her first year with us, Jean could not see her sister as anything but a mother and soon started calling her that. Much to that bitches delight. “Get out,” I tell her. “Alice please you need to see…” she said, but I slapped her before she could finish her sentence. She had a look of pure shock. But with the tears coming up she shoved the paperwork back into her purse before pulling something else out and tossing it on the bed. “A gift from mommy,” she said as she slammed my door shut. It was a taser. ******************************************** I took in a deep breath and walked away from the room. Back up the stairs and turning off the lights. I got back into my car and drove away for the final time. I was finally letting this place go. When I finally stopped, I was in front of a large house. Without bothering to knock I let myself in and was greeted by all my sisters. Jean is the only one to get up and give me a hug. “It's about time to got here we've all been waiting for you!” she said as she pulled me over to where everyone was. Around the table I see Felicia. This is her house were in, and she is going to college to become a doctor. Next to her was her blood sister Marylynn and Bobbi. Over the last few years, they started up their own website for ABDL. their they Buy, sell and review all types of toys and even videotape them testing out the product to make sure it was safe. The sight really didn't get traction until they took one company to court for a faulty product and won. They are even starting to talk about hearing a few more people to test products and get a broader audience. Next was Sara and Bree. After high school, they both went to different schools. Bree got a scholarship with her cheerleading and has been going to school to become a lawyer while Sara has been working towards animation. About two years ago they stopped flirting with each other and finally started going out. They told us they tried other people, but they just know each other too well. What I find funny is that in public Bree is in full control but with Sara, she is submissive about everything. Sara even invited us to their place where she forced Bree into a maids outfit to serve us drinks. Jean was next. She decided to become a guidance counselor. Something like what mommy was. Helping kids with bullying and other problems. Sadly she’s not as good as mommy. Finally in the center of the table sat Mommy in a beautiful urn. With a tear in my eye, we all raised a glass. “To mommy!” we yelled before downing our drink. ************************************ It was late at night when Alice broke into the school. She finally had enough. It's been 2 months since Alice learned the truth. She tried everything she could to find a job. But no one would hire her. She had nothing. Someone broke into her room and stole all her clothes. The card stopped working yesterday. And she ran out of diapers. She finally wanted it all to end. But first, she was going to kill the bitch who stole her life. The one who made it impossible to get a job. The one who took almost 10 years of her life away. She moved thru the school and reached the D-3 door. She opened it knowing it would be unlocked. She crept down the steps. It didn't matter that it was dark. She lived here for so long that she got a big knife out of the kitchen and went to that woman's room. Slowly she opened the door. Making out a large lump on the bed. Slowly she moved forward until she was right over it. Without a moment's hesitation, she began to stab repeatedly. But soon came to realize she wasn't stabbing anyone. She turned on the light and realized she was only stabbing a body pillow. She then proceeded to check every room in the house, but no one was there. The only place she didn't look at was her own. When she opened the door, she saw that the entire room was the exact same. All her toys were scattered about. Her bed was still unmade from the morning she woke up. And all of it pissed her off! She just wanted this nightmare to end!. Alice then raised up her left hand and with her right clutching the blade she put the knife on her wrist. She watched as a small amount of blood slowly ran down her arm. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes and…. Nothing. Alice opened her eyes and saw the bladed gon and the blood no longer there. “Fuck the stupid bitch really did do it.” someone said behind Alice. She quickly spun around and seen a hooded figure standing in the doorway of her room. “Who the fuck are you!” Alice yelled. “I would tell you, but I think the truth would be more shocking,” the hooded women said. Alice was in no mood for games as she ran at the women and tried to tackle her, but she disappeared, causing Alice to fall on her face. “Where are you!” Alice yelled as she tried to get up but a foot on her back prevented it. “Ok 3 things. 1 welcome to your mind. Our hours are 9 to 5 unless a fucking dumb bitch tries to kill herself. 2 I suggest doing as I say if you want out. I got a job to do, and the sooner we finish, the sooner you go back to reality. 3 stop being so fucking stupid.” the woman told me before getting off me. “What the fuck is going on,” Alice asked the women. Still not entirely understanding where or why she was here. “Ok let me explain. Before mommy gave you back your memories, she feared you might do something stupid like killing yourself. So she made it my job to try and stop that.” “And how are you supposed to do that?” Alice asked annoyed that the bitch put something like this in her head. “Just show you the truth you refuse to see,” she said. “I already know the truth. That bitch kidnapped me and turned me into her fucking toy!” I yelled. The hooded women just stood there for a moment before she and millions of other voices all around Alice started to laugh. “Ow do I got a lot to teach you, you dumb cunt,” she said, and with a snap of her fingers, the world went dark. Suddenly they were in a different room. “Where are we?” Alice asked. Suddenly a little blond girl came running into the room and right through Alice. “What the fuck!? “ALICE! A man yelled. Alice turned her head back to the door as her dad came into the room. “Dad why are you…” “Alice, how dare you embarrass me like that in front of everyone!” her dad said which confused her. Why was he… “I TOLD YOU I HAD TO GO POTTY!” the little girl behind Alice said and realized dad wasn't talking to her, but to the kid. “This is one of your memories,” the hooded figure said as everything froze in place. “You want to think you loved your parents but you really hated them.” “That's not true I loved my mom and dad. They gave me everything I wanted.” I told the women. “Ya, as long as you looked like and acted the part,” she said, and everything started back up. “You could have held it for a little while longer!” dad yelled at child Alice before he grabbed her and spanked her. Once he was done he stripped the girl naked and forced her into a corner. “If you aren't going to be a big girl then you don't get big girl things!” The girl just cried as she was left there naked in a cold room. “But that isn't reason enough for me to hate my dad. Yes, I'm mad he did that but still,” I tell the hooded women. She just snapped her fingers, and suddenly the walls of the room were gone and surrounding them were windows showing other memories. Once where she got in trouble for getting a C., some were her parents never showed up to school events. And others where they tell her they are too busy with something and to go play in her room. “When you turned 14 they started getting you anything you wanted. Just as long as you looked and acted like the perfect daughter while in public. The women told her. Then she saw one that made her heart sink. It was the first time she got her grade raised. She had to suck the teachers penis to turn her C grade into an A. she was only 14. “Just stop,” Alice asked, and the windows disappeared. “You hate your family so much. So when you had the opportunity to get rid of one of them you took it.” the women told Alice, And Alice knew what she meant. When she had her dad kill that old teacher and told the cops it was for a different reason. “Ok! I get it! I fucking hate my parents! They weren't around for me! They made me feel like I was just a doll!” I yelled at the women. “Good, now that's one lie down,” she said and snapped again. The next memory was very recent. It was when Alice was yelling at Jean. “I could have gone to college, got married, had kids! But she kept me locked up! My real family has replaced me!” I yelled, and the memory stopped. “That entire sentence is a complete lie,” she told me. “No, it wasn't!” I yelled at her but before I could continue my mouth disappeared, and I couldn't say a thing. More windows appeared. Half of them was of me ditching school. Goofing off. Or fucking my teachers for the grade. “In that sentence, you were making it sound like you wanted a degree. In reality, if you had gone to college it would be to party all the time. At least until you found someone with money and fucked them for it. You would have never had kids as it would ruin your party, and the only reason you would have them was to lock down some rich guy.” the hooded women said. Returning my mouth. “Fine but the rest is true. She did keep me locked up and My real family did replace me,” I tell her. Suddenly a buzzer sound blared in my ears. “Wrong again.” she said with a snap. This time we were in the school. I had just had the best orgasm of my life and the girl I would come to know as mommy had just changed me into a clean diaper as I nodded off to sleep. “What does this memory have anything to do with proving me wrong. If anything it shows that she just turned me into her toy.” I tell the women. “You know memories aren't just what you see, they are also what you hear. And even if you're asleep you still hear things, and your mind subconsciously records it. Just not as a big memory.” the women told me. I then watched as the boy and girl talked but didn't move. “So what are you going to do with her now?” Eddy asked. The boy I once thought as my boyfriend and who I tried doing anything I could just to get him to fuck me. “What she deserves. I'm going to make her confess her crimes and be sent to jail for what she’s done.” the girl said. Wait that's not what happens. “I think you should change that,” Eddy told her. “Why that bitch got the only decent person in this school killed just for a grade! She deserves worse!” “Please just hear me out first. Then decided, ok?” Eddy asked. After a moment of silence which I think was her nodding, he spoke again. “I've spent months with her. She is definitely a spoiled brat but one that's been neglected all her life. She doesn't bother feeling for people when she doesn't expect them to be there for her. Yes, she got him killed. But I also blame the parents for raising her like this. Please at least think it over before you decide.” Eddy told her. Then a door was open and shut. Leaving Alice and the girl alone. “Fuck, he’s right.” the girl tells herself out loud. “I would be no different from you if I used my powers to get whatever I wanted. Both of us were neglected, and now we have to choose what to do...and I think I might have an idea. Suddenly the room changed. “This is a memory your mommy hid from you. But it's important you see it now." the woman said as she waved at the sean in front of me. We were in what looked like an interrogation room in prison. Sitting at a table was my mom and dad with two guards behind them, and the girl sat across from them. A few feet away I sat on the floor playing with a few toys with a skirt that just barely hid my diaper. “What is wrong with her?” mom asked. “I made her forget everything. She is no better off than a 4-year-old in a 16-year-old's body.” the girl said. “How is that possible!?” dad asked. “Alice did a lot of bad things recently. So I decided that she needed to start over. And I wanted you to make a decision.” she told them. “What?” they asked. “You are to blame for why she became what she did. So I'll let you decide who will take care of her. Me or you.” she tells them. “What the fuck are you talking about!” dad yelled. “If you decide to take care of her then your husband will have to stay in jail for the mistake you both made in raising her the first time. However, if you have me raise her I will make her confess to her crimes and make it so no one will remember who Alice was after you get out,” she tells them. “But she is our child!” mom yelled “But I am in jail because of her." Her dad said. “I'm surprised dad hasn't gone berserk at me knowing what happened,” I say out loud. “Ow, he would have killed you. But mommy is keeping him calm right now just to get an answer.” the hooded women told me. After a little back and forth it was decided that I would go with her. But before we left Mommy had one last thing to say. “When everything is fixed. I'll leave you with one warning. If I ever find out, you have another kid, and you treat them like you did Alice. Ill turn you brain dead.” she threatens them before taking my hand and walking out the door. “Your parents didn't replace you. They gave you a new life, and they just so happened to have another kid later. They don't remember anything about you, that's why they called their daughter Alice. Mommy just fixed your mistake in the only way possible. “If no one ever remembers me then why was I locked down there for years!” I questioned the women. “That is the final memory I have for you,” she said as we were surrounded my windows again. “Take a look. These are the first 6 months you were with mommy.” I really was a spoiled brat. The memories were of me yelling and screaming at mommy. Just because I didn't want to stop playing, or go to sleep, or eat my veggies. Memories of me just being a hand full. Stressing her out. One of them was when mommy went to her room while I threw my tantrum and cried. Asking herself why she was doing this. The memories faded and we were back in my room. “Was that it?” I asked, but the hooded woman was gone. “Who are you?” another me in a footie pajama asked a man in my doorway. WAIT, WHAT!!! There has never been a guy down here! “Who are you?” the guy asked. “I'm Alice!” the other me said And smiled at him. “What are you doing down here?” he asked her. “I live here! Want to play!” she asked him as a crooked smile crossed his face. “Ok but let's play a different game,” he said as he came closer. He then pulled his pants down and convinced her to play with his thing. Then told me to start sucking on it. But then he began to get forceful, and Alice bit him. The guy yelled in pain. “No, Stop,” I said meekly, my body trembling as I watched the guy start hitting me. Over and over and over. The only thing I could do was scream. “MOMMY!!!!!!!!!” When the man stopped, he ripped open my pajamas and grabbed my diaper before frying pan was hit over his head repeatedly until he was knocked out. Mommy then dropped the frying pan and rushed over to hold me. My body shaking and gripping her tightly as she repeatedly told me mommy had me. suddenly the room froze. “I won't bore you with the rest.” the hooded women said. “After this, she blocked this memory from your mind. Apparently, the guy was a student who ditched class and went in here by mistake. Once you fell, asleep mommy made him get up. He is the only person mommy didn't help and forced him to strip naked and run. Making only able to say and write ‘im a little sissy’. Also from then on, you fell in love with mommy and subconsciously you know mommy would always protect you. But subconsciously you also gained a fear of men. She tried to take you out into public plenty of times, but unless you were holding onto mommy tightly, you wound up having panic attacks. So mommy had to make a choice and had you stay home. The only time you wanted to go out was on Halloween. I said nothing to her. All I could do is look down at the beaten and bloody me. Holding onto mommy like at any moment if I let go the man would start to beat me again, and she was the only one to protect me. “I know who you are,” I say as I look back at the hooded women. “you're my ugly truths. The ones I wanted to hide from. The ones she protected me from. The ones that show just how much I hate myself.” The women then pulled off her hood and showed that she was indeed a very disgusting version of Alice. “Finally the stupid cunt got something right. What will you do now?" She asked. I opened my eyes. The bladed still on my wrist. The blood was even there. I immediately threw the knife across the room and curl up into a ball and cry. I wanted mommy I wanted my sister. Why did I have to be like this? I don't know how long I was there. But I knew I was hungry, and I could feel my diaper leaking. I got up and went into the shower and got cleaned before grabbing a fresh diaper. I was cold and went into my room and put on the warmist footie pajama I had. I then when into the kitchen and made myself a pb&j before sitting at the table all alone. That's when I finally noticed something on the table. A letter, addressed to me? ‘Dear Alice. I'm hoping you get this. I tried to call you, but you refused to answer the hotel phone. Mom is very sick right now and is in the hospital. She has been ill for a while but it only just got worse. I wanted to tell you back then, but you refused to talk to me. I know it's a long shot, but I'm hoping you might come home and see this. I know you are mad. And you can hate her all you want but grant a dying woman one last wish to see her daughter. Love jean. DYING!!!!!! I ran out or the house and out of the school as fast as I could. The hospital was a mile away, and I ran the entire thing. I ran past cars, mud and everything I could just to get to the hospital. Once I got there, my pajamas were ruined. The legs were torn up. Covered in mud and the blood of my feet as I didn't even put shoes on. “Where is she!” I yelled at the front door clerk who was too shocked at me to answer. “Alice?” I heard Jean say. I turned to see her stand up from a char. A single tear went down her face as she seen me. I just rushed over and hugged her. “Where is she?” I asked Jean. Soon I was standing right outside her door. “Mom pleaded with me to stay outside and wait for you. Telling me, she didn't want to miss you.” Jean told me before opening the door and letting me inside. Jean decided we needed some alone time and shut the door. Laying there was a pail husk of my mommy. How did she get like this? I just walked over and fell to my knees beside her. “Mommy. I'm here. I'm finally here.” I tell her as I take her hand. The room I quiet except for the slow beep of a heart monitor. “Mommy I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being a spoiled brat. I'm sorry for putting you through so much trouble. I'm sorry for it taking me this long to realize how much I love you. Please wake up.” I asked as tears continued to come out and I gripped her hand tighter. Beep. Beep. Beep Beeeeeeeeeee…… I just looked at her with a blank look. This can't be happening. No, I just got here. I finally said I'm sorry. She can't die, No. No. No! “Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mommy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird” mommy sang. I immediately twisted around and there she was. Sitting in a rocking chair. “And if that mockingbird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." “Mommy.” was the only thing I could say as I crawled over to her. She just smiled at me and picked up my now small body and raped me in her arms. “You're such a cute baby girl Alice,” she told me as she rocked us back and forth while I gripped onto her as tightly as I could. “Mommy, I'm sorry!” I tell her as I start to cry again. But mommy just puts a pacifier in my mouth. “Hush little girl. I already know. I want you to know this right now. I don't know how long we can be like this. My powers make the mind seem like the rest of the word go slow. So however much time we have left let me just spend it with my baby girl.” she said as she continued to rock us back and forth. Her soothing humming and the crack of the chair was all I heard. Mommys warmth was all I felt. I bared my face into her as a few more tears came out. Soon the cruel world will be back. But for this one moment, however brief, I was with mommy safe from everything. ************************* Mommy had brain cancer. If she had gone to rehab, she might have survived. But Mommy didn't go. She told jean after I ran away that she had a lot to prepare for and the rehab would only get in the way. Jean tried to convince her to go but nothing she said or did would help. Before she died, she left behind money for each of her girls. All 7 of us. The money was to be used to go to school or get a house. Mommy also had a particular page for me. The folder I didn't want was filled with paperwork. One was a change of identity. I was no longer Alice Young but Alice mare. She also had my diploma from high school and a list of job offers and colleges to apply to. There was also a unique trainer mommy setup to help me get potty trained and learn a few more adult skills I would need. I was living with jean in a small apartment she bought while she went to school. With mommy gone we could no longer live in our old home. We took everything we wanted, and the stuff we didn't or couldn't bring with us (mommy's blue room) was to be sold. All money going to us. After a year I decided on what to do and bought myself a house where I made it into a 24/7 daycare. I could think of nothing else but that. Mommy to such great care to me. I want to give that attention and love to other kids and help them be better. One of the kids I babysit for is Alice. Her mommy and daddy didn't remember me at all but had a funny feeling they should drop off their daughter there 3 times a week to play with some friends. They even asked me if I could help with something. Their daughter has a weak bladder lately and has to wear diapers. Was there anything I could do to help her feel more comfortable and less shy about them? Yes, yes I could. With the toast done all us girls huddled on the couch for one last present mommy left for us. A home movie of all the fun times we had, we couldn't help but laugh at everything in the film. The 8 women laughed as they watched everything. One by one they all filled a diaper they had on. One by one mommy watched as her girls laughed, cried, and played. She could only smile as the final scene of the movie was of jean’s birthday, and they all messed their diapers together. Mommy, knowing her job was done, then started to walk away knowing that they would be fine. Only turning one last time to say to her girls. “Be good for mommy.” 1
PinkTheDinosaur Posted November 30, 2017 Posted November 30, 2017 I loved this! I nearly cried at the end :'(
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