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Old Style Attends -Thick plastic backing 2017

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Note: This relates to the Inspire Original briefs, but I posted this discussion where I did because for the people who have never tried Rearz diapers, I was worried they might not see this post in the Rearz section of the forum - since they most likely don't visit that section of the forum.


I've been on these forums for a few years and I remember there was always a large number of AB/DL's who really wished the old Attends from the 1990s were around still. The super thick plastic backing is one of the things that made the original Attends so great. Then the Company was sold in the 90s and it seemed like that was the last of thick plastic backed diapers. (What a sad day it was for so many of us).

What I don't understand is: why have so few talked about the Inspire Original Briefs? I bought two packs of these a few weeks ago and I'm blown away. This diaper's plastic backing is not only as thick,( possibly thicker) than the original Attends from the 90s, and the padding is just as thick and it's all white. The diaper is loud which is what many AB/DLs enjoy sometimes. No designs, just all white just like the old baby diapers from the 80s, but made like the Attends in the 90s. I realize the price is high on these diapers, but they are worth every dollar. If people don't buy them, and there is not a demand, they will eventually go away. It would be a shame.

To be honest with you. I don't really want you girls/ and boys to buy them, because I want them all for myself. ... lol.J/K But the truth is, if I had the money I would buy every case right now. I am blown off my seat, and I can't understand why they are not in the spot light. These are the baby diapers I've been looking for for the last 20 years. Wow!


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Are those the ones with single tapes or double on each side? I have put off ordering any of these because I have seen listings where they are described both ways. Being as skinny as I am, I find the single tape fit better and are more comfortable

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2 minutes ago, mark51669 said:

They are very comfortable. You find ABU super dry kids more comfortable than little paws?

Unfortunately I am really skinny and all of the medium adult diapers are too big on me to begin with but the single tape diapers are more comfortable because there are no tapes grinding my hips when I lay down to sleep. The only other option with 2 tapes per side diapers is to have the

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On 9/17/2017 at 1:04 AM, crawling-in-diapers said:

Note: This relates to the Inspire Original briefs, but I posted this discussion where I did because for the people who have never tried Rearz diapers, I was worried they might not see this post in the Rearz section of the forum - since they most likely don't visit that section of the forum.


I've been on these forums for a few years and I remember there was always a large number of AB/DL's who really wished the old Attends from the 1990s were around still. The super thick plastic backing is one of the things that made the original Attends so great. Then the Company was sold in the 90s and it seemed like that was the last of thick plastic backed diapers. (What a sad day it was for so many of us).

What I don't understand is: why have so few talked about the Inspire Original Briefs? I bought two packs of these a few weeks ago and I'm blown away. This diaper's plastic backing is not only as thick,( possibly thicker) than the original Attends from the 90s, and the padding is just as thick and it's all white. The diaper is loud which is what many AB/DLs enjoy sometimes. No designs, just all white just like the old baby diapers from the 80s, but made like the Attends in the 90s. I realize the price is high on these diapers, but they are worth every dollar. If people don't buy them, and there is not a demand, they will eventually go away. It would be a shame.

To be honest with you. I don't really want you girls/ and boys to buy them, because I want them all for myself. ... lol.J/K But the truth is, if I had the money I would buy every case right now. I am blown off my seat, and I can't understand why they are not in the spot light. These are the baby diapers I've been looking for for the last 20 years. Wow!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I do agree on many features of this diaper. The only thing that I don't care for is the stiff tape landing zone in the front. The 90s Attends didn't have that. I find the Dry 24/7s Confi dry are a lot like the old Attends. The Conf dry also

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