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My Nosy Mailman

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Ok I admit, I wear nappies, I usually go through about 5-6 daily which means I have a steady flow of huge boxes from my supplier. For years the same mailman have delivered them, if I'm home, he takes it into my hall, if I'm not at home, he puts them outside..

Now suddently for no obvious reason other than curiousity he suddently asked while delivering one of, what I then realized it was, the mysterious packages he asked me, what is in those boxes, with a huge questionmark painted on his face.. For a moment I honestly cocnsidered telling him that it was none of his bussiness, but I changed my mind and answered, oh it's just nappies... I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it, but he actually looked even more riddled than before he asked, as if he was thinking "what is she using those for" :-) I thought well, maybe no one ever told him, that adults could need them as well as babies..but I honestly didn't care to go deeper into the subject with him...

I still wonder, how dared he ask.. He is not supposed to do so, and I feel a little that he crossed a line putting his nose where it's none of his bussiness... But on the other hand, he didn't learn anything new that wasn't common knowledge so no damage done :-)

Lets unite and cut thte ears and tongues off our mailmen... (said the extremist part of me while I was looking the other way)

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Guest diamondback688

the ears would be fine with me, but the tounge has lots of blood vessels, so it would gush blood and be a real bitch to clean up...i sorta understand his curiousity, since he has been delivering the same boxes to the same person for a long time, but i do think he crossed a line when he asked what was in them...its nobodies business what you recieve in the mail...

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Yeah, that is definitely crossing the line and no one's business but your own. People can be so rude sometimes. I'm currently working in a restaurant while I attend collge and I have people who look at me with a puzzled expression and ask "are you a boy or a girl?" It's extremely rude.. and I even look like a girl. But people can be dumb and there's really no other way to put it.

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I think people are over reacting...

Be it deliveries, gender, orientation, or even religion... I personally would MUCH prefer somebody ask instead of making assumptions. I always reserve the right to decline an answer.

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Hewwo Juliabam! Gosh! I hope there were now elephant parts laying around for him to see! :roflmao: Curiosity is human nature, but I can understand the reserve you feel. Hope you have a wonderful day!


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Reminds me of one occasion when I almost ran out of Nappies and had to order some to arrive by 24 hour delivery post, van arrived next day, postman got out rang the doorbell and when I opened it proudly announced "here you are guv'nor a box of adult Nappies" , needless to say I went from relief on seeing my supplies to instant anger, very unusual for me I shot back the reply "have you thought of joining the diplomatic corp" and with that slammed the door on him :badmood::badmood::badmood::badmood:

I did think about reporting him but I doubt anything would have been done other than all the postmen would then have known my secret. :blush::blush::blush:


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One of recent times I received a case of diapers by a shipping company, the deliverer first tried to address me by name, my name is easy to pronounce, but not obvious. After giving up on that he looked at the box and tried to determine what was in it so he could say here is your "diapers", but the writing on the box did not make that obvious either. He ended up just saying "Here is your, uh..., box."

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About the closest I have had to that, you can't really blame on anyone, except maybe the box maker - LOL.

A lot of times, I just go to a local drug store. But this time I had ordered a case online. When they came, the mailman went to pick the box up, to bring it to my door, and somehow it split open, and everything ended up all over my front lawn. (I saw the whole thing out of my window).

I that case, it really didn't bother me, just went out to gather them all up, but his face seemed pretty red, kept apologizing, exc.

In your case, no it's not really any of his business - but I doubt anything was intended by it other than just conversation.

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About the closest I have had to that, you can't really blame on anyone, except maybe the box maker - LOL.

A lot of times, I just go to a local drug store. But this time I had ordered a case online. When they came, the mailman went to pick the box up, to bring it to my door, and somehow it split open, and everything ended up all over my front lawn. (I saw the whole thing out of my window).

I that case, it really didn't bother me, just went out to gather them all up, but his face seemed pretty red, kept apologizing, exc.

In your case, no it's not really any of his business - but I doubt anything was intended by it other than just conversation.

God, it sounds like the time I was bringing out the trash. I had a big cardboard box of trash, including diapers, and my metal can of dirty diapers. Box split open, then I picked up the bags, they split open, spilling the diapers, trash, and glass bottles on the ground, and I dropped the metal can. Talk about drawing attention!

I just grabbed everything, and threw it in the dumpster, can and all.

I went back later for my can, cause it works so well.

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Maybe he felt a certain amount of rapport with you after all this time.

I guess some people forget themselves and I bet he wished he didn't ask after you told him.

I'm sure he was way more embarrassed than you would ever be.

The only thing that would of been better is if he said "oh you too?"

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  • 2 months later...

God, it sounds like the time I was bringing out the trash. I had a big cardboard box of trash, including diapers, and my metal can of dirty diapers. Box split open, then I picked up the bags, they split open, spilling the diapers, trash, and glass bottles on the ground, and I dropped the metal can. Talk about drawing attention!

I just grabbed everything, and threw it in the dumpster, can and all.

I went back later for my can, cause it works so well.

Only my trashman knows what I use. Beer and diapers. Lots of both.

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I agree JuliaBam handled it very well. I might well have said the same (or something similar) thing. But it's possible the mailman, who has been doing your route for years, could have been making conversation, but even so, it's still none of his business. His only job is to bring you the mail and packages, not to scrutinize what you're getting. After all isn't that what we have the CIA for? :lol: But if he thought you might have been running a business from your home, that's still not in the mailperson's province. Or one can always say, "just deliver the cotton-pickin' mail and let me worry aobut what's inside!"

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I have dealt with people and things over the years.My 1st thought would be after years of deliveries he was curious and tried to have friendly chat while doing his job.If he did think you were running a business; he might have thought "Maybe I could use whatever they are making here!Since they seem to be doing alot of business from all the deliveries I make here."To me it is 1 of the boarder line ?s.I wouldnot think much of it this time;the next time he may be a bit redfaced and sorry.

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Some times it’s not what you ask but how you ask it. I agree with both sides:

No! It is none of his B I bubble gum business (anyone remember that from when you were a kid?) And

Yes, curiosity is human nature.

However his question was less than tactful.

It might have been better to make a statement like “Gee, you get a lot boxes delivered….thank God they are light…. do you collect teddy bears or something?”

This would have left you in better position as you could just laugh it off, simply say no or say no they a nappies without actually having to answer a direct question.

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I agree that he should not have asked that but I think it was a good move to not be angry with him. After all he has been (I assume so anyways) professional for all of this time. You shouldn't be to upset because having a constant postman is a good thing. You can trust that this anonymous person will know what to do with your delivered goods.

I'm not really trying to make a point here, just noting that your response was good. You haven't made it akward either way by dismissing him or letting him know too much.

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It doesn't seem to me that he meant to be offensive, but rather just making conversation. I would think work could get pretty boring if the only phrases you ever used in your job were "here's your delivery" "please sign here" and "have a nice day." I don't know about anyone else, but I'd get bored with that quickly.

I'm currently working in a restaurant while I attend collge and I have people who look at me with a puzzled expression and ask "are you a boy or a girl?" It's extremely rude.. and I even look like a girl. But people can be dumb and there's really no other way to put it.

Yep, I'd say that is rude. I remember being moderatly disturbed by boys back in grade school, middle school, and high school that decided to wear their hair long but didn't have enough masculine maturity yet to allow people to determine that they were male, though. I never said anything, as I knew that would be rude, but it always kinda bothered me. I know that it didn't affect me, but I guess you think about people differently based on their gender, and not knowing caused a bit of a distress as I had trouble figuring out how to think about said individual. I found that nine of ten times simply asking someone what their name is can clear up the confusion and isn't as rude. Then there are names like Kelly, Dani/Danny, so on and so forth, that are somewhat androgynous. Anyway, I'm rambling.

If everyone just went around without pants on, then there would be no more questions. Or chairs that I'd want to sit on in restraunts.

Now, I myself did eventually grow my hair out, but I decided to wait to do that until I could grow side burns so that there would be no question.

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