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Kayla's Roommates


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Kayla was ready to argue that she would be fine and she didn't need it but when she threatened her with a spanking she knew better.

"No I don't." she hated how just like that any hope of growing up wasn't going to happen anytime soon!

She wondered if this was really like it was when she was a little girl for the first time.

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"Why would you want that? Baby food is much better for you. Grandma Claire probably has your breakfast all ready." Chloe said. 

Chloe took Kayla into the kitchen. She lifted Kayla into the highchair and fastened her in. She tied a bib around Kayla's neck. Claire was stirring the bowl of baby cereal and had a bottle of baby formula.

"Good morning, baby." Claire cooed. 

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"I don't want baby food!" she whined once she was in the high chair having her bib tied on she looked at her grandma and her bottle. She at there trying to remember how this all started! It was so fast she was put back in diapers, she hated it but she could understand that since she was having accidents but the baby food and bottle she never could understand that.

"Good morning can you tell my mommies I can have some adult food." she was hoping to get her grandma on her side.


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"Why would I do that? Here you have this delicious baby food. And formula. That's what's best for babies like you." Claire said. 

Claire scooped up some of the baby food and brought it to Kayla's mouth.

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Kayla was disappointed that her grandma wasn't going to help her out. She figured she went along with her daughter cause she wanted grandchildren and she knew this made her daughter happy. She figured what was the point in arguing so she opened and let her grandma feed her.

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Kayla entertained her grandma and laughed and giggled and she played with her baby food getting it all on her face. She moved her head a few times when she was full but her grandma wasn't having none of it. She was happy to get her bottle and she began drinking like there was no tomorrow.

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 Claire ate her breakfast and talked to Chloe, Mia and Lily as Kayla drank her bottle. 

"How about we take Lily and baby to the park today and let them feed the ducks?" Claire suggested. 

"I'd like that, grandma Claire." Lily said with a smile. 

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 Claire smiled as Kayla set her bottom down. 

"Good. I'll go get the stroller out so baby doesn't have to walk." Claire got up and went to the living room.

Chloe got Kayla out of the high chair and carried her into the living room. Claire set the stroller up and Chloe put Kayla in it, fastening the harness. Claire left the room and came back with a pink baby bonnet and tied it on Kayla. 

"There we go. Now we don't  have to worry about the sun burning baby." Claire cooed. 

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Kayla was ready to argue she's older and she don't have sensitive skin, but as soon as she opened her mouth it was stuffed with her pacifier

Damn them they use that stupid thing to shut me up! She thinks to herself as the bright sun shines on here as they head out the door.

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"Very good baby!" Lily cooed.

She kept it asking Kayla different things until they got to the park. Chloe pushed the stroller over to the duck pond and got Kayla out of the stroller. She got a few pieces of bread out, giving them to Lily. 

"This is for you and baby to feed to the ducks. Go ahead and go to the edge of the pond." Chloe said. 

Chloe, Mia and Claire went over to the bench and sat down. Lily started for the pond.

"Come on, baby. Let's go feed the ducks." Lily cooed. 

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Kayla was getting agitated as Lilly kept after her pointing out a dog, a bird, and then she went on about other things. She didn't wanna play but after a threat from her mommies about getting a spanking she began playing.

Once they got to the park, she in the stroller waiting to get out.

"Ok." she said letting her sister take her hand leading her to the pond.

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 Lily took Kayla to the edge of the pond and let go of her hand. 

"Sit here and I'll show you how to fed the ducks. Don't be afraid of them, they won't bite you. All they want is food." Lily explained.

Lily handed Kayla a slice of bread and tore her slice into small pieces. Shr tossed a couple of pieces in the water, making the ducks swim over to her and Kayla. 

"Tear your slice up too, baby. Don't eat it, it's for the ducks." Lily said. 

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Kayla sat down or plopped down as she watched her big sister walk over to the ducks.

"I'm not!" Kayla rolled her eyes. She long ago quit arguing her name was Kayla and not baby!

Kayla stood there feeding the ducks watching at how cute and cool they are.

"Quit I'm not eating the bread!" she said stomping her foot in frustration.


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"I see that. Babies will eat the bread if you don't watch them. You're doing a good job, baby. Sissy is proud of you. You look adorable in your baby bonnet." Lily said, giggling a little. 

Lily knelt down next to Kayla and tore up another slice of bread for her. She watched as the ducks surrounded Kayla. Chloe and Claire both took pictures of Kayla and Lily feeding the ducks. 

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"I'm not really--um never mind." she was going to say she wasn't really a baby but why go through that again! She knew she would only lose that battle. She frowned how it sounded like her sister was making fun of her or something.

She smiled as the ducks just kept coming and coming like they were about to attack her.

"Look there's a bunch of them!"



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