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Kayla's Roommates


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"It will be much easier feeding you in a high chair. I brought one in this morning, just for you. But it will be good to have for class as well."

Mrs. Reynolds helped Kayla out of the crib and led her over to the high chair. She tied a bib around Kayla's neck before helping her into the high chair.

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Kayla sat in the highchair as the teacher tied a bib around her neck. She knew better then to argue or fight so she opened making faces as the baby food was gross.

"What kind is that?" she asked trying to get the taste out of her mouth.

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Mrs. Reynolds looked at the jar.

"It's strained chicken, honey. Come on, show me what a good girl you are and finish your food."

Mrs. Reynolds scooped some more of the baby food out and wiggled it in front of Kayla.

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Kayla shook her head as she didn't like the meats the fruits and desserts were fine.

"No I don't like it!"

"Can I have the fruit instead?" she asked begging her. She didn't even think that by her fussing she could get in trouble when she gets home.

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"I'm sure Mia would like for you to you to eat the chicken. She didn't put it in the diaper bag for me to throw out, right?"

Mrs. Reynolds brought the spoon with chicken on it up to Kayla's mouth.

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"No I guess not." she said figuring that made sense. She opened and accepted the food making faces.

"Can I have a drink?" she asked wanting to wash that down and the taste out of her mouth.

She continued to eat as the teacher cooed and played the airplane game with her!

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Mrs. Reynolds set the bottle down and fed Kayla the rest of the chicken. She fed her the mashed potatoes and started on the strained peaches.

"See baby? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

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"No I guess not." she said enjoying the peaches. Her mind was running wild with thoughts of everyone finding out and how long was she going to be a baby.

"Are you sure no one in class knows?" she said swallowing the peaches.

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"I'm afraid I can't help you with Mia. You don't realize your diapers are wet, do you? And you don't mind sitting in a wet diaper either. That sounds like something a baby would do, doesn't it? You really shouldn't care if anyone finds out you wear diapers, since you do need them. I'll do my best to keep your 'secret' from the other students, but there is a chance they will find out."

Mrs. Reynolds set the empty bottle aside and took off Kayla's bib. She helped Kayla out of the high chair.

"How would you like to be my helper today? Can you get me a diaper, wipes and powder from the diaper bag and meet me at the crib so I can change you?"

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"Yes I do notice when they're wet and I hate sitting in them!" she couldn't believe Mrs..Reynolds was making it sound like she liked this! She just listened as the teacher kept going on and on about everything. She was glad when she took off her bib cause she knew she was about to get her out of her highchair.

She shook her head thinking she was going to ha e her help clean the classroom but when she found out how she was going to help her she felt just like a little toddler being asked to be mommy's helper and get her a diaper ect.

Kayla figured she had no choice so she did as she was told.

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"Well you don't look that way. Anyway let's get get you changed."

Mrs. Reynolds stood next to the crib as Kayla brought her the diaper, powder and wipes. She smiled and patted Kayla's bottom before helping her into the crib and had her lay down. Mrs. Reynolds slipped a pacifier in Kayla's mouth and untaped her diaper.

"Let's see how wet our little baby is." Mrs. Reynolds said as she lifted Kayla's legs, pulling the diaper out.

She held the diaper up and smiled at Kayla.

"Wow, you little stinker. You sure peed a lot, didn't you?" Mrs. Reynolds said, tickling Kayla's stomach.

She cleaned Kayla thoroughly with baby wipes and slid a clean diaper under her.

"We're going to get you all nice and snuggly in a dry diaper, aren't we? Yes we are!" Mrs. Reynolds cooed.

Mrs. Reynolds sprinkled lots of baby powder on Kayla before fastening the diaper closed. She sat Kayla up and helped her out of the crib. She had Kayla get down on her hands and knees and patted her bottom.

"Go crawl over to your playmat and play with your toys. Dolly is there already, see?" Mrs. Reynolds said.

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Kayla found herself in the all too familiar position on her back looking up at the mobile and the adult changing her. Mrs. Reynolds was really laying on the baby talk. Kayla blushed as it was embarrassing. She remembered doing it when she was babysitting but now it was being done to her. She couldn't help but smile and laugh behind her pacifier as Mrs Reynolds was really good with babies she could tell that. Then she herd the tapes rip which was a new sound in her life that she hated to admit was becoming a normal sound. Then she blushed again as she held her wet diaper up for her to see. She was just grateful it wasn't a messy one. She had been having cramps so she knew she would be having a messy diaper soon unless she could talk Mia or Mrs.Reynolds into letting her go, but she figured she had a better chance at winning the lottery then that happening!

She knew from her years of experience she wasn't expected to answer the questions as the teacher went through the process of changing her. She commented on each detail talking to her as if she was an infant. Kayla knew why people actually talk to the baby during the change it was to calm them down and distract them keep them laughing and happy and now it was being done to her. She felt the cool baby wipe touch her skin and the touching felt good down towards her diaper area.

Then she smelled and felt the baby powder being rubbed in she had to admit it smelt so good. Then the diaper was next it also had a really nice pleasant smell. She herd the crinckle sound as Mrs. Reynolds unfolded it then slid it under her dusting her with more powder making sure she'd smell just like a baby! Then she watched as she pulled the diaper nice and tight between her legs taping each side. Once again she was in a fresh diaper. She was then placed onto the ground and told to crawl.

"Cr-crawl can't I just walk?" she said stuttering asking nervously.. she couldn't understand why she'd have to crawl!

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Mrs. Reynolds rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Kayla. It's less than five feet. besides, babies aren't supposed to walk unless they are holding someone's hand. It's not safe. Now come on, I know you can do it."

Mrs. Reynolds gave Kayla a pat on her bottom to encourage her to move.

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Kayla was ready to argue she wasn't a baby but when she just had her diaper changed after being fed baby food in a highchair she knew that argument was pretty lame.

"Fine." she said pouting as she crawled over to her toys.

She was ready to blow up at Mia for this. She wondered was this Mia's idea or was Mrs..Reynolds doing this herself!

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Just as Kayla reached the toys there was a knock on the classroom door. Mrs. Reynolds stood up.

"Keep playing with your toys. I'll be right back, baby."

Mrs. Reynolds pulled a curtain that separated where Kayla was from the classroom. She answered the door.

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She cringed and jumped when she herd the knock on the door. She nodded as she was told to keep playing and she felt better when Mrs. Reynolds pulled the curtain so she felt safe knowing no one should see her..

She tried to be quiet to see if she could hear the voice and what they were talking about!

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Two of the girls from Kayla's class had stopped by to get something from the classroom. Mrs. Reynolds invited them in the room. The girls heard Kayla playing on the other side of the curtain.

"Are you babysitting someone?" Julie asked.

"Yes, I watching a baby girl for someone," Mrs. Reynolds" said.

"Do you need any help?" Annie asked," Maybe we can earn extra credit or something."

"Not today, but possibly in the future. I might have a meeting or something and will need someone to come over and watch her."

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Kayla listened intently to the conversation she didn't mean to but she kicked the rattle and then the girls knew she was babysitting and then one of the stupid baby toys made a sound after not being moved in awhile it made a sound which it did.

"Hell No you won't!" she said to herself as she wasn't going to let her classmates babysit her she didn't care what anyone said!

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Mrs. Reynolds gave the girls what they came for and let them out. She closed the door and then the curtain, smiling at Kayla.

"What a good baby you were! I heard you playing with your rattle and other toys while I was busy, weren't you?"

Mrs. Reynolds started doing other things, leaving Kayla alone with the baby toys.

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