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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

waddling arond


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I've been just waddling around the house doing chores (laundry, dishes, vaccuming, etc.) and I find it very relaxing. Right now I don't care if somone sees me. But I would probably feel different if anyone else was here.

Brave in private?

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We're all 'brave in private' but sometimes we forget, and sometimes it may not be as private as we thought :rolleyes: And then there are those whose 'bravery' overwhelms their 'caution' :whistling: My approach is to never presume privacy until that is at least double-checked and even then I'm ready to react quickly should a curtain rod fall or someone drop by unexpectedly. But then again I'm ready to face the truth should that ever be required. Yes, I wear diapers. Yes, sometimes I enjoy wearing babyish diapers just because it's different of kind of fun. I need to wear diapers so I do. So what of that? It's nobody's issue but my own and if they can't get past that then screw them- I don't need any more negativity in my life than I already have :P


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Welcome, right now I'm sitting here wearing nothing but a T- shirt and diaper. When home that's all I like to wear, but I do keep a pair of sweatpants handy just in case someone does stop by

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Well jesse78, the diapers I wear at home are padded and/or oversized so I can't hide them. I have to be cautious about wearing them as to not shock or embarrass anyone who might not know me. I only let a select few know. Those are the ones I can trust.

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Well John, If i were to wear one of my overnight diapers during the i'd be like you no way to hide it. My daytime diaper ia usually a ATN or Attends with a booster

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I live by the phrase "If you do not want the public in your bedroom then keep your bedroom out of the public square". That was the set of conditions by which we won what would be the "fetish debate" in the 1960's. I recently heard it stated in another way, this time, about drinking "Your lifestyle is your business; but if you take it out on the road it becomes everybody's business". In either case it is "live and let live". It is not a matter of being "'brave' in private", it is more a matter of recognizing, understanding and practicing "different strokes for different folks" or respecting for others what you would want respected for yourself

Even back in 1969, much of the opposition said that there would be those of us, not satisfied with having the right to do what we want in private. would inflict on the public things that most persons do not want to deal with, and that they would obliterate the libertarian aspects of the movement and do just that and their bad reputation would rub off on those of us who are reasonable

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I live by the phrase "If you do not want the public in your bedroom then keep your bedroom out of the public square". That was the set of conditions by which we won what would be the "fetish debate" in the 1960's. I recently heard it stated in another way, this time, about drinking "Your lifestyle is your business; but if you take it out on the road it becomes everybody's business". In either case it is "live and let live". It is not a matter of being "'brave' in private", it is more a matter of recognizing, understanding and practicing "different strokes for different folks" or respecting for others what you would want respected for yourself

Even back in 1969, much of the opposition said that there would be those of us, not satisfied with having the right to do what we want in private. would inflict on the public things that most persons do not want to deal with, and that they would obliterate the libertarian aspects of the movement and do just that and their bad reputation would rub off on those of us who are reasonable

I can certainly agree with this. Thankfully, diapers go way beyond just the bedroom (especially for those you wear for physical or mental reasons). I suppose that's why being an ABDL isn't the same as having a diaper fetish.

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I am talking specifically about the fetish and about ABDL. Do you know what comes to most persons' minds when they hear about us behaving in public behavior? Things like "Columbus OH Man Arrested Wearing Only T-Shirt and Diaper". or images of someone who is "disturbed" or hearing from a parent or grandparent "They won't be satisfied with just 'doing their thing' at home, they'll want to shove it down our throats" or "They're too [crazy, stupid, addicted beyond their conttrol, self-absorbed/narcissistic] to give a damn about anyone else". I have heard it all. There are scenes I don't mind causing but THAT is NOT one of them since it is not necessary and it would affect my credibility by being a distraction. Only ONE civilian knows about me being LG and she has a bit of trouble with it And she has knowingly hung around with a couple of gay guys in England one of whom she is still in contact with. Her attitude is "Do what you want in private: In public, don't do anything that 'scares the horsed and children' or would embarrass me"

This was the advice and information that was standard fare at DPF for 2 decades both as a matter of safety and security, and also of courtesy. People say very different things in confidence than they do in public. Mostly the attitude is "I believe in 'live and let live' but if you shove it in my face, do you expect me to just kiss your ass?"

Edited by Christine Daryleanne
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