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Guest diamondback688

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Well, I don`t really know which is the most efficient one, but I take it that using wood instead of electricity is certainly cheaper.

Do you believe in moral relativism or moral absolutism, that is to say, that there is no, one true, universal morality, or that there is? I probably sway more towards the relativistic view myself.

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Guest diamondback688

if your asking if i believe in God and all that jazz, i don't...

what are the TWO main cartels in Columbia that export cociane to the US? (its sorta a general knowledge question, several books have been written...OK, maybe i get into crime to much...LOL)

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What are the five proteins of DNA?

There are only 4 in DNA, adenine, cytocine, guanine, and thymine (AT and GC pairs)

In RNA there is a fifth, Uricil..it replaces thymine

yay, some use for those 4 years of college and 1 of masters school

what is a scoville unit...provide an example :)

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Guest diamondback688

a scoville unit is the measure of capsaicin, which is the chemical in hot peppers that gives them there heat...as for an example, i dunno...

how many helicoptors were flying overhead the funeral procession for Deputy Matt Williams? (it was in todays newspaper)

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I'm guessing here that it was 5. [All I could find on the news] However having said that I feel sad that until your post I hadn't heard this person's name. And having known other anonymouse heroes who are but a blip in the publics memory. I feel slightly disturbed that stories of these peoples lives are so short in public memory but the lives of their killers remains....

If is was your responsibility to pull the switch or inject the needle on someone sentenced to die could you do it? Think about it. You know nothing of the evidence only that the person was sentenced to die.

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Guest diamondback688

i could...i follow all of those types of cases in the newspaper, so trust me, i would know what he did to deserve the death penalty...and there were 17 helicopters, all from different agencies around florida, flying overhead...

i cant think of any question at the moment...

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The Word Association fred just reminded me of a good question that I've got no end of people stumped with -

A guy with a sore throat went into a Fish 'n Chip shop and handed this note to the proprietor behind the counter:-

4 Fsh & 3 Chps, please.

How did the proprietor know that the guy was in The Salvation Army?

Having said it's caught out most of the people I've asked, I bet someone here gets it almost straight away and I'll be left with egg on my face! (If YOU know the answer, please hang on a while and let others keep guessing - please :) )

D :P lly

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