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How Do You Cope Without A Change When You Have To Wait For Hours?

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Guest diamondback688

i dont really worry about it that much...my diapers have never leaked, but i do keep a couple of spare diapers in my car, and since the back seat of my SUV has tinted windows i can just change there...

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I was wondering how you all cope when you end up in a situation where there is no possibility of getting a change of Nappy/Diaper when out and about or with friends for some prolonged period of time :badmood:

And also, how does this affect your anxiety? :blush:


I use my van. When I am somewhere, I am allmost allways bringing the van. The windows in the back are blacked out so noone can look in. I often use it to cath in, and have one a few ocassions allso used it to change a nappy. The last is a bit difficult, allthough there is plenty of room in the back. It is quite difficult to pull down trousers placing a nappy and pull up again, sitting on a seat in the one side of the van, when you can't balance very good and dont have the use of your legs. But still it does work when in need.

So I guess I will say, bring a van or atleast an ordinary car if you go somewhere where you may need some privacy :)

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I have changed in porta-potties (very hot=not fun), regular bathroom stalls, even the back seat of my van.

the van was more tricky....... It was like 90 degrees out, and the sun hat set a little so it may not have been all of 90. I slid the front seat all the way forward, and the second row captain seat all the way back along with the 3rd row bench seat, and just reclined the seat.

now that i have removed the 3rd row seat, i have 2 foolding tables laying on the floor back there, and maybe if i did not have all my junk back there i could lay down there for a change (not tried it yet)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can definitely feel my anxiety growing when I am with friends and I need a change. Getting a leak is just about the worst thing that could happen then. In these cases i'm always looking for an opportunity to slip away with my diaper bag and find a single user bathroom. A lot of times bathrooms in bars are not very private. This is the worst.

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You should use disabled toilets, you get all the privacy you need in there.

Good idea in principle, but have you noticed that many of these loos are now kept locked and you have to apply to the Local Authority and go through form-filling to obtain your own key? That's how it is in this district and others I've heard about anyway.


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You should use disabled toilets, you get all the privacy you need in there.

In many bars and restaurants I have been in, there's only the two-seater....and no handicapped.

Others, however, are small enough to have only one-seaters with a door that locks...

Dill Pickle

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Many bars don't have handicapped restrooms. Also, I was at a festival, of sorts, one time where the single-user restrooms were strictly for females and a portable urinal system which had one door-less stall was designated for the males. When I asked to use the single-user restrooms a bathroom-bouncer (yes, they had a bouncer for the bathrooms) told me they were for females only. I didn't bother saying that I was in diapers and needed to change. I just left and went across the street to a restaurant that I knew had locking bathrooms.

Wearing diapers is very liberating but can sometimes be a big hassle.

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i try not to worry about it much, the anxiety of worrying about it drains me, and usually makes me all stressed out. the more i worry, makes my incontinence worse. i look at it this way,,,, if i get in a situation like that, so be it.

the best defence is preporation. if i know im gonna be out for a long period of time, i diaper up.

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I was wondering how you all cope when you end up in a situation where there is no possibility of getting a change of Nappy/Diaper when out and about or with friends for some prolonged period of time :badmood:

And also, how does this affect your anxiety? :blush:


I get uncomfortable, then if waiting longer, diaper rash, and if longer still, my diaper leaks all over, and if longer still, I just leave puddles everywhere. I hope that answers your question.

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Most of the times that I can't change for long periods are on long drives. I've had leaks(including one messy one), and I've bitten the bullet and changed in an interstate rest area a time or two. I figure, if someone sees me exiting the stall with a used diaper, or for that matter entering the stall with a clean one, they figure I'm incontinent, especially at my age.

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