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Just thought i would share this photo. It's of my fiance and I. We wanted professional photos taken as we rarely ever get them taken and i was wearing a Tena Maxi Slip with a Abrilet booster. Towards the end of the shoot, i think the diaper was pretty obvious as the photographer even commented my shorts looked bulky in the pictures lol. I guess i had too much to drink that day, thank god there werent any leaks! My fiance was wearing a Always Discreet and hers really isnt obvious at all. Just a share!



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Yea, i rarely leave the house without a diaper on, so it is what it is. Im just glad we werent found out. I think the photographer didnt think of it too much. Thanks for the compliment Rusty!

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I thought of that too Brian. But it also made sense that not too many people are aware of adults wearing diapers. It works either way, either way I enjoy them, and no one can convince me any different

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