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Controlable Dlism, Non Perversion

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(Note, I will be posting this in more then 2 boards just to h

Ok my whole Diaper Lover thing is something that I can't turn off, otherwise I'd turn it off until I had a wife and I was ready to hav a sex life with her or I would have tried it one time, and would go clean forever. Of course this isn't the case as since i've turned 19, I've been binging-purging and keep on saying to myself this is the last time, sometimes where good and sometimes we're downright terrible, the time in between that is. I've been a part of a Yahoo group that was trying to support to limit or elimnate Infantalism, but nobody really has got what I would call a cure and also the internet can only do so much. This recent event has lead me to this:

Ok at Wal-Greens and I was just going their to get small general stuff (energy drinks, candy, etc.) but in the back of my mind, I wanted to get a diaper, more specificly, Wal-Green Pulls Ups. At first, I went to the aisle beside and I just went around (I've never just gone in and bought these things, I walked around like I was going to steal something), but then I felt I was dieing on the inside, so I said to myself "Hey, you know if you just go over their and grab them, you can just open up the bag and then relize that you we're being delusional from thinking a small childs diaper is going to fit your 175 and 5'11 frame and you can check this off the list of stuff that isn't that great." So I went around and grab them even though a person (most likely a mother) was their and i didn't want to look like a pervert or a teenage father, I went and grabed them (boys, largest because I couldn't find the girls, which I would hav gotten to thrown off the cashier) , and I started to grab the items until I looked at them and said (Do I really want to go through with this?) so with that I went to aisle that was next to the diaper aisle (in which I saw the girls largest which may have changed my decession) , put the pull ups backs and went about my business, bought my items and left.

This event left me this convlicting feelings, the one that felt a piece of me dying from not getting them and one that said I was keeping my self from dellision.

The reason I want to limit my sexual DL is that I dont to become like the guys from American Pie, you know what I don't want to be type that obsessed with sex and do anything sex realted, I'm trying to stay celebent (yeah call me old-fashion) still marriage, and then I plan to reevaluate how much do I want this fetish or compolsion to play in my life after gettting married , but that away from the point, what schould I do with 2 conflicting fellings.

Also I hope my post didn't seem anti-diaper, if you know what I mean.

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I know the feeling, there. I was in your shoes 10 years ago. Here's what experience has taught me:

1. Your fetish is not going to go away. No matter how hard you try.

2. Your fetish is not hurting anyone else, and it doesn't have to hurt you.

3. You'll be a lot happier, a lot sooner, if you accept it and enjoy it in moderation.

Having a fetish- for diapers or anything else- is very much like loving ice cream. It's okay to love ice cream. It's okay to enjoy ice cream. But if you allow yourself to be controlled by your love for ice cream, your health will suffer in short order.

Or perhaps alcohol would be a better analogy. Plenty of people enjoy a beer every now and then with no problem. But when you are constantly partaking of it, it can turn into an addiction that can ruin your life. As long as you don't allow yourself to get in that deep, you'll be fine.

Being a DL is the same way. There's a lot of poor saps who are so owned by their love of diapers that they'll never be able to carry on a normal healthy social life. That doesn't have to be you. You can choose when to embrace your fetish, and when to put it away. It's not even that hard when you get the hang of it, in my experience. When you feel yourself indulging a little more than you'd like - stop, recognize the feeling, remember that it's okay to be a DL as long as you have it under control, and maybe put that side of you away for a while.

Good luck, buddy. :)

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I have been there as well. I finally became so frustrated with the binging and purging that I just said to myself "enough is enough, I like to wear diapers and I am so tired of fighting." See, we all can try to not to like to wear diapers, but the thing is, we do. When you have purged you are saying to yourself,"I refuse to like something that I like." So if I were you I would get out of that yahoo group. I know that one, been there, done that. They are deluding themselves. Anyway, the group is good for people who hate themselves to feel better about hating themselves. You have to realize that by not helping yourself to diapers you are in fact hating yourself. If diapers were herion you would need help, but diapers are not herion, they are just plastic underwear and are not a big deal at all. I'd even go as far as to say if you feel the need to wear 24/7 to get over your hangups about them go ahead. You do not have to have any kind of moderation with diapers. I have found over the years that I have been so much happier when I wear diapers whenever I feel like it. And as a result I have finally gotten to a point where I wear them only at night just because that is when I feel like it and I don't even think about them during the day. I am at peace. If you fight with your diaper desires you will never be at peace. It will never go away.


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This is a common theme amongst folks in the AB/DL scene. The binge and purge cycle is one that I have personally gone through many times. I could never get rid of all of my diapers because I wore them for bedwetting as well as for fun so I was stuck with them for a while. It took a long time for me to get over the fact that I enjoyed wearing diapers.

I don't know what a person could do if they truly wanted to give up wearing diapers. I think that it would come down to YOU being disciplined with yourself. You own your feelings and I firmly believe that you can control how you feel about diapers.

I wonder why so many people feel that the AB/DL lifestyle is so wrong? I suppose that they see grown people running around in wet and messy diapers as being disgusting and, really, in a lot of ways it is. However, if I choose to spend time in dirty diapers then it is my choice. It doesn't affect anyone else but me. Besides a bit of diaper rash, it isn't going to affect my health like drugs or alcohol would. How can anyone acting like a baby be a threat to anyone? People need to spend more time worrying about their own lives rather than anyone elses life.

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the reason I'm not exactly gong-ho about it is the fact that I don't want to like some people my age the (18-25) who are either having sex and/or watching porn/MB, that's just not me, again call me old fashion for trying to stay celevbent till marriage. though I really don't masterbate (at all). also I wonder if the whole wanting to wet/soil my self is something else:

http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.ph...ic=2579&hl= , this a old post of mines if you want to know what I'm saying.

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the reason I'm not exactly gong-ho about it is the fact that I don't want to like some people my age the (18-25) who are either having sex and/or watching porn/MB, that's just not me, again call me old fashion for trying to stay celevbent till marriage. though I really don't masterbate (at all). also I wonder if the whole wanting to wet/soil my self is something else:

http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.ph...ic=2579&hl= , this a old post of mines if you want to know what I'm saying.

Well. I for one fail to see the problem with wearing diapers, if you keep them under your clothes and no one can see them. As for the desire to wear them I'm sad to say that that is not something that is going to vanish, no matter how much you wish it would.

The problem with your diaper desires is that, for the most of us, it is something that is in the very makeup of our personalities. Addiction to substances, like drugs or alcohol, are a piece of cake to conquer compared to this. You may abstain for years, but the attraction to diapers will NEVER go away. Sorry, but I've been there and done that.

How you choose to deal with your desires is up to you, but I myself agree with those who say "why not?" it is much easier to control the time and place you indulge this part of you than it is to keep it out of your concious thinking. Notice that when you are trying to come up with a name for something (it's on the tip of my tongue), and are unable to get it, but later, when you're not thinking of it it comes to your mind? Well it's like trying to suppress something, the more you try to shove it to the back of your mind the harder it is NOT to think of it........Good luck, no matter which way YOU DECIDE to go.


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the reason I'm not exactly gong-ho about it is the fact that I don't want to like some people my age the (18-25) who are either having sex and/or watching porn/MB, that's just not me, again call me old fashion for trying to stay celevbent till marriage. though I really don't masterbate (at all). also I wonder if the whole wanting to wet/soil my self is something else:

http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.ph...ic=2579&hl= , this a old post of mines if you want to know what I'm saying.

Not sure I understand where you are coming from. I understand and respect you desire to be celebate until marriage, but what does that have to do with diapers? (or masterbation... but that is a whole different topic). Allowing yourself to wear a diaper is not compromising your commitment to celelbacy. Far from it.

I generally worry about anybody who thinks that it is best to just put this whole thing off until they get married, and then deal with it. IMO that is a REALLY BAD idea. Figure out who you are, learn to be OK with who that person is, and learn to accept yourself for who you are. You need to do all those things before you get married, not afterwords!

Honestly, this whole diaper things get blown WAY out of proportion (again IMO). It is really not such a big deal. It just becomes a big deal in peoples minds when they fight it. I agree completely with earlier posts about people being owned by diapers. If you are binging and purging and struggling with the issue, you are being owned. Learn to love and accept yourself for who you are! Its not like your a serial killer right?

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the reason I'm not exactly gong-ho about it is the fact that I don't want to like some people my age the (18-25) who are either having sex and/or watching porn/MB, that's just not me, again call me old fashion for trying to stay celevbent till marriage. though I really don't masterbate (at all). also I wonder if the whole wanting to wet/soil my self is something else:

http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.ph...ic=2579&hl= , this a old post of mines if you want to know what I'm saying.

I thought I recognized your name......

OK, it seems someone has been trying to teach you abstinence only, but your hormones have other ideas. Not having sex (or admitting to or permitting yourself to have) of any kind until you are married seems likely to produce the same kinds of results it did for the catholic priests, or, at the very least, pregnant girlfriends. The truth is,


and if they don't get it, the usual result is they go nuts in one way or another. With your diapers, you are seeing exactly this: You are going a little nuts trying not to use them.

As the others have said here, give yourself permission to wear and enjoy diapers. If you can't or won't do this, then I strongly suggest you seek some professional counseling in the matter -- by someone with professional credentials and not with church credentials. I say this, because as far as the pros are concerned, diapers are only a problem if they are interfering with the rest of your functioning...which I would say they are.

I personally suggest you make yourself wear diapers 24/7 (and use them exclusively) for a week or two. Do all normal activities during this time. When you get tired of them, get a box, put all of your diapering stuff in it, label it something innocuous, like "laundry", and keep that box. As you know, you will want it again in a few months. If you get asked about them, tell people you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or cracked up your motor bike, and are waiting for things to heal inside. But if you ensure your diapers keep you dry, you won't be asked. Oh, and buy yourself the right size diapers. Your nervousness is a dead giveaway....people who need diapers aren't nervous in the slightest when buying them --- they have done it too often to be that way.

Note that most of us guys masturbated long before we had girlfriends -- and it's no act of disloyalty or anything. Your GF, if she's good to you, will want to help. Also, even in a committed relationship, if the degree of need for sex isn't exactly matched between partners, the one partner can masturbate to reduce the pressure on the other partner.

And by the way, your chances of finding a partner are much increased if you are happy inside, and don't need to "cling" onto whatever female thing comes your way. Also, your doc and shrink will also recommend excercise...including sex...

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the reason I'm not exactly gong-ho about it is the fact that I don't want to like some people my age the (18-25) who are either having sex and/or watching porn/MB, that's just not me, again call me old fashion for trying to stay celevbent till marriage. though I really don't masterbate (at all). also I wonder if the whole wanting to wet/soil my self is something else:

http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.ph...ic=2579&hl= , this a old post of mines if you want to know what I'm saying.

I do agree with you. I am an AB and hopefully will remain a born again virgin until I am married and my girlfriend agrees. Just because I know that is really what God wants of us. But, as I have said before, diapers have nothing to do with other people. The psychology is complex and it seems that you have a desire to wear diapers that either goes into the sex part or away from it. You tell me. Many times have I thought, can I be married and still wear diapers when I want? Can that fit into my life? Well, as I look at where they are in my life I can say yes. Simply because I only want to wear them now whenever I am stressed out or horny. I have yet to tell my girlfriend, but I plan on before I ever propose to her. You have to have the right perspective and attitude.

Perspective: They are just plastic underwear. They can't be seen or heard by other people when I am asleep or even under my clothers. They only affect my inner child and make me feel good. No one else has to know. No girlfriend ever has to participate. I don't know what kind of underwear she wears. Diapers are so much better than any drugs or drinking.

Attitude: I am not hurting others so I won't worry about it. I can feel good about who I am, so screw those who think otherwise. If my girl doesn't accept me and leaves me then it wasn't in God's plan. God must've planned for me to be like this, so who am I to question it? Diapers have made me the person I am today. I am humbled because of it and I am thankful that I get to wear them, whenever I feel like it. Diapers are a healthy way of healing my inner child and getting out all of the daily stresses.

Think those thoughts and you will see that it is not the diapers that control us, but us that controlls the diapers.


I see you are a Christian. Check out http://intodiapers.blogspot.com for more help.

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I want thank you guys for advice, though I belive this weekend has given me somethings to think about:

1.I belive diaper don't have to be my life, I want to live a normal life and if this has to be a part of it, and eventally it was going to, so I'm best to live with it.

2.I know that DL isn't tempoary, but I wonder if I haven't challeged the one thing of desire: wearing pull ups. The story I've told was good and bad, it was good cause the issue would have been, whem would I've used them, when I came home the day, I thought my mother wasn't home only to find out she was, which would have been ockward holding that Pull Ups and with no good excuse.

3.I need to get out on my own, the problem I've keep on seeing is (in which most hav) that I've had a concern of getting caught and exposed. I may be possibly be moving to a apt. in fall (MAYBE) and perhaps when I don't fell I have a window of using my supply. Also if I find out if Pull Ups and Attends (the 2 things I haven't tried) aren't what their cracked up to be, then I may be crued or not care as much.

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