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Do You Ever?

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yeah, i had to when i ordered some cases of diapers in the past, anyone else getting there first would've been a disaster. oddly enough both times i did get enough courage to have them deliver to my house i was the only one home when they got here.

i also waited impatiently for a few things off ebay.

have you ever been in a car that rolled?

i was in one yesterday that rolled 4 times and took out a road sign. luckily i was in the back seat and came out without a scratch, the other 2 in the car with me were a little battered and torn but nothing serious enough to go in the ambulance. i'm still waiting on a call from the driver to hear if the people in the other car are ok.

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Hmm, I'm Canadian we don't use F to tell temperature ... so i have no clue what temperature your meaning. But the way you said the phrase, i'm guessing its gotta be cold lol. If its the case then no, i never went into a pool thats cold, i hate cold lol.

Have you ever seriously looked into priced and deals for certain car even if you knew you couldn't afford it?

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Guest diamondback688

no...but i have been on the roof of my parent's house...not to be alone though...@ Necros: 32 Degrees F is freezing, so 50 Degrees F is pretty damn cold...usually, a pool would be about 80 Degrees F...

have you ever built a webpage?

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Yes. From scratch, yes. From bits and pieces here and there on the net, yes. From a template that's easy has saying 123, yes: http://www.freewebs.com/babishdesires/ :3 Where my art is currently~

Did you ever faked being into a certain thing so you would be accepted by the "cool kids"? What is it?

@diamondback688: Thz, i wasn't too sure what the conversion was... now i know :3


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Let's see... I've had to be "Yamcha" from DBZ when were playing, been dumpster diving, let my friend flip me, played hide-and-go-seek in K-Mart, been in AirSoft wars, stolen candy, broken windows & tiles, broken into houses, burned things, broken into office-trailers, fought kids, flipped off a bus driver... the list goes on and on, pretty much all but drank or done drugs. I'd also like to add that was just Elementary School, and once I refused to do drugs and crap, I became a loser.

Have you ever stolen something small, then gone back and confessed?

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Well i once jumped from a gorge into a deep river down below ... does that count? I now realize how close i came to dieing when i saw how jagged the rocks were close to where i landed. Scary. But to come back to your question, one of my friends once used a house to jump into his pool. But not the trampoline ...

Have you ever eaten a baby? No, seriously, have you ever eaten a baby?

Let's see... I've had to be "Yamcha" from DBZ when were playing, been dumpster diving, let my friend flip me, played hide-and-go-seek in K-Mart, been in AirSoft wars, stolen candy, broken windows & tiles, broken into houses, burned things, broken into office-trailers, fought kids, flipped off a bus driver... the list goes on and on, pretty much all but drank or done drugs. I'd also like to add that was just Elementary School, and once I refused to do drugs and crap, I became a loser.

Have you ever stolen something small, then gone back and confessed?

Woah, you bad ass :3. I like you lol.

Its actually a candy called baby, it was a trick question to freak people out lol If you can read this you've got too good of eyes

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@Necros: Yeah, I was a pretty bad-ass little kid. The best part was I could still get out of trouble by either looking cute, or "crying." XD (Of course now I'm quiet and laid-back. <.<)

Ew, I've tasted my own arm, and it was too chewy. I would tend to think babies would be way too chewy for me, so no.

There's a "baby" candy? Really? Well I haven't heard of it until now. However, I was addicted to a candy called "Baby Bottle Pops" as a child. It was more of a lollipop-type candy, though, so I guess it doesn't really count. >.>;;

Have you ever punched/kicked a hole in a wall?

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The only time I've cried over a fictional story (that I can remember, anyways) was a few weeks back, during the 4 hour premire of 24, when the nuke went off. It took me 10 minutes to convince myself that it was fake. >.>;;

Have you ever wasted loads of money on some stupid fad?

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400 to 500$ Depending if I'm in a stylish mood or not. (I love clothes ... @_@ too much.)

Have you ever been mad at something so long that you forget what you were mad about in the first place?

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This relates to the question you ask about how much money you spend for shopping. It would be 389$, for a jean made from a weird designer i like.

How many figurines do you have? That includes any anime figurines ~

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