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Diaperbook website down?

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One could only hope so; and for good and all

Here is the ABDL site rankings that include Diaperbook


This was my experience with Diaperbook. The place is s cesspool


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Yeah: like nutbags messing with your things, underage and pedo's aka FBI bait. About which the Admin and mods do squat event though it is in plain sight. Who wants to make excuses for THAT? It's an ABDL hater's poster child.. I would not touch it with a 92-1/2 foot pole just so I do not get the smell on me. You do not see that here or when it tries to come here it does not last. Which is part of why we're #1, DD is the gold standard, RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME requires a membership here and look at where Diaperbook is in the rankings. That is the difference between class and crass. You know what they say about if you roll in the muck with pigs

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I tried DiaperSpace. I set up a RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME group and it vanished after about a week, I went to the tech support forum and told the story and nothing was said or done. I wrote it off as an accident. I set up replacement group and it, too vanished. Just look at where it is on the Diaper Site Ranker. ErinM (I believe) called it "a cesspool"

From what I understand DiaperMates is connected to DD

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The idea is to use a simple tactic on every site you go on, and that is to just limit what you share dramatically such as pictures and information. Such as where you live, pictures and other personal info so people can't deduce things so easily.

I know many people say it but its such an important thing you can't stress it enough.

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That is SOP. There are things about me that are totally unknown here. But that does not mean I am going to go to a site that is a cesspool or one tha could have a highly probable law enforcement problems for being pedo. I just do not want to be around whtn the dragnet falls on them. And I will certainly avoid a site that abuses the patrons. It has nothing I want at the price of rolling in the muck with the pigs and being mistaken for oe of them. If Diaperbook and DiaperSpace are at the bottom of the barrel, it must be for a reason

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