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People giving "us" a bad name...

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Miley Cyrus is the Klingon in "What the Klingon says in unimportant"

Guns and vehilcles are part of everyday life, if not in vivo then in the movies

Adults wearing diapers for pleasure is exotic. Also people draw conclusions from what they see since it is really there. Now, there are nutbags everywhere, with guns, cars and diapers. The ones who show up like that clown are probably not even part of DD. Beyond that, for some reason, making jokes about bodily functions and sexual proclivities is a cottage industry on which certain elements of society make a living. It is my belief that most persons have what would be considered some offbeat sexually associated proclivity that would be considered a fetish but that stays in the bedroom and is not put un public display so when this is done it draws attention. Being what is seen it stands as an example of the larger population

The fact is that it becomes an "us" if you share significant characteristics or share characteristics significantly with the moron in question. We live in the real world, not our own little universe off in the corner apart from everything else. Isn't there a threat "What's the most Darinig thing you ever did?" so that does touch us because we have some wingnuts too. Now, imagine a shock jock getting into here, which is quite feasible and getting a hold of THAT! or into Stinky, Squishy and Pround. Also, but less "bizarre", the LG forum although that is not as gross as scat nor as in your face as exhibitionism but it is still offbeat enough not to be well understood and will raise eyebrows

Now, I am a strong individualist, but there is a strong "us" component here based on signigicantly shared characteristics so there is so "rubbing off"

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This is called "guilt by association". These people go out wearing diapers and doing odd weird things and end up making 'US' look bad...doesn't really exist, simply because the "US' doesn't exist. They are more then likely not part of this 'community' nor were they 'elected' or nominated' to 'represent 'Us' or this 'community" to the general public and we don't associate with 'them'. So in reality, they don't have any effect, unless 'we' allow them to....they certainly don't bother me :P because I don't let them....they do not represent 'ME' or my interests :P

This is also how "politics' 'works' because we the people let it. Politics is just simply doing what ever it takes to make your opponent look bad, as we have seem in recent political events :badmood: and it really has nothing to do with anything else. Make your opponent look bad, so that more (brainless0 people will follow you and your interests blah blah blah....I don't buy it...so these 'fools' just go out and make themselves look bad...:roflmao: I wear diapers too....so what...I don't hang out with these kinds of people so I won't let their behavioral choices shade my life and choices, as I make BETTER choices then they seem to be able to...

So don't let this kind of stupidity get to you, just see it for what it is, and continue to make BETTER choices for yourself :D

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I diasgree somewhat- there is an "us" but only because 'we' want to be "us". Now that does not include everyone ABDL, because you can choose whether you want to be a part of "us" or not ;) Myself, I am discreet in public as are most of "us" :thumbsup: Those who do stupid things in public are not one of "us" nor will we welcome them well until they begin to act better <_<

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If there were no "us" then what would square_duck and Bettypooh be mods of/

The term "guilt by association" is fraught with trouble. It is usually meant to mean "casual association:, such as being seen in the same bar or club with no more than that. What about the guy seen quite often with a known drug lord?

If people did not "believe what they see" and make inferences from it, we would not be having this discussion. None of the techno-sturcture beyond tools made of found bones and pieces of rock would exist since nobody would have inferred to the next level. Besides which that characteristic is built into us

These are natural or observable truths and have to be lived with. Now inferences can be false, as you said. These whoopydings are not part of DD or the ABDL community but that is the end of it. Even to reference DD is to prove that there is an 'us". Now, to be sure, groups are sub-functions of their individual parts, but to see that there is nothing there just does not make sense

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