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is this wrong?

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If you don't involve real people and keep it in your fantasies, then go for it! They are your thoughts and as long as you don't harm the person you are fantasizing about or let it get out of hand, there's no harm in it.

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I won't say there haven't been people who have fantasised about something which lead them to actually doing it, but these people are mentally unstable to begin with, I think to assume that people will always try to act on their fantasies (legal or otherwise) is to assume everyone on the planet is either a psychopath or a sociopath!


Careful there. Acting on fantasies to make them more real or come true isn't a problem. It is the crossing of boundaries in that process that is the problem. If the OP wants to fantasize about his old flame, and purchases things that remind him of her, thats not a moral problem. It might be a pragmatic problem, in that it means he is not doing what he needs to make himself attractive to whatever person might be his next partner, or that person might be turned off, or he isn't desensitizing himself so he is comfortable.

As another example, think of all the ABs who put on diapers and other silly clothes to make themselves more like babies. Do we see those enactments of fantasies as bad? No, because real children, who might be harmed by this, are not involved and the ABs are aware of and consent to what they do.

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Careful there. Acting on fantasies to make them more real or come true isn't a problem. It is the crossing of boundaries in that process that is the problem. If the OP wants to fantasize about his old flame, and purchases things that remind him of her, thats not a moral problem. It might be a pragmatic problem, in that it means he is not doing what he needs to make himself attractive to whatever person might be his next partner, or that person might be turned off, or he isn't desensitizing himself so he is comfortable.

As another example, think of all the ABs who put on diapers and other silly clothes to make themselves more like babies. Do we see those enactments of fantasies as bad? No, because real children, who might be harmed by this, are not involved and the ABs are aware of and consent to what they do.

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Yes, any fantasy can lead to unrealistic expectations- if you let that happen <_< And therein is where problems can arise, especially among those whose thought process and self-control are not doing well :screwy: But for most of us, we can keep fantasy and reality separated enough to know that one is not the other, and to not have one adversely affect the other :thumbsup: Sadly, most of those who have a problem doing this also have a problem in seeing that they are like this, which perpetuates their problem. Since you are questioning this in yourself, you are aware of it, so I'd venture to say that you are not going to have much of a problem with it, and that seems to show that with you, things are how they should be B)

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