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How many of you are firearms owners?



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  1. 1. Do you own a firearm?

    • Yes, I do
    • No, I don't
    • Had some, they're gone
    • I've been thinking about getting one.

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I'm a disabled Marine, a hunter, I have a concealed carry permit, and I own 9 guns (plus a bow, and a sword).

45/410 revolver

45 rifle

410 shotgun

22 magnum rifle

30-30 rifle

30-06 rifle

12 gauge double barrel heirloom shotgun

12 gauge pump action shotgun

12 gauge long barrel shotgun

Also currently looking to get a long range 308 automatic snipers rifle and a 22 magnum pistol (for my wife), oh and a cross bow.

is that 45/410 a Taurus judge?

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That's the major issue with gun laws in the US, apparently your not required to keep your guns in a safe when they not being used

When my weapons are good I escort them to the range and supervise their frustrating discharge and it does us both good. CASE IN POINT all my unused not safed weapons are secured with trigger locks, especially the ones that keep shooting off their mouths about getting out without me and doing society harm! I am a responsible Constitutionalist and have gun safes in my home and vehicles.

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I dont recall the first part, but it is a mute argument anyways, because you continue to bully as you have done through the thread.

Your comments pretty much make my case. It is obvious were are at a schism, but consider the fact that I actually do care for you just like I care about the well being of every one. That is why I have made my choices and do what I do. Maybe one day you will understand that knowledge is more powerful then a firearm.

Knowledge is only potential power! Try and think you or your family out of a situation where a criminal element is kicking in your door when the closest police response is 10-15 minutes away. Do you think you telling them ANY words of wisdom is going to keep you and your loved ones from preventing them from accomplishing thier immediate task, once that door obsticale is removed?

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Knowledge is only potential power! Try and think you or your family out of a situation where a criminal element is kicking in your door when the closest police response is 10-15 minutes away. Do you think you telling them ANY words of wisdom is going to keep you and your loved ones from preventing them from accomplishing thier immediate task, once that door obsticale is removed?

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feralfreak, that wait is based on our federal government's speed at processing documents. Needless to say they are not efficient. That time frame is nothing, I had to wait over a year for mine since I applied for a hand gun just after our sandy hook elementary school shooting (even though I already had owned 7 other guns at the time). There was a bunch of government talk to implement additional controls so everyone flooded the system buying up more guns and ammo. Were kind of funny about our gun rights since they are probably the single thing that gave us our freedoms in the first place.

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I do love a 22. Just the right amount of power to penetrate the human scull but not enough that it would pass through the other side. That means it just rattles around in there and does even more damage.

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That sound nasty and evil..

to me it seems more nasty and evil for a person to do something that warrants the use of a gun, like breaking into a home, or rape, if the criminal gets a .22 in the head, or point blank 410 in the chest and it blows out the heart, well that is how it goes down

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to me it seems more nasty and evil for a person to do something that warrants the use of a gun, like breaking into a home, or rape, if the criminal gets a .22 in the head, or point blank 410 in the chest and it blows out the heart, well that is how it goes down

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id like to add that in the 5-6 minutes it took police to respond to an emergency call, by a woman who just got out of the hospital, broken ankle and un-armed, a drunk man was able to break in(obviously getting past the door obstacle) and throw that poor woman onto a table, rip away her panties and begin raping her, by the time police finally got there to her his dick was already inside her and when he finished, by his own words before he penetrated her, he was going to kill her, and it took I think 2 cops to get him off of her and cuff him, a gun would have spared her of that

Possibly. As pro-firearm as I am, I'm also well of the opinion that anyone intending to carry for self defense should be made to train not just on the laws and learning what their state considers legal applications of lethal force, but also on actual combat marksmanship skills. I was fortunate in that my instructor was a VA State Police veteran who'd been in bona-fide shootouts himself and made sure anyone under his watch developed reflexive shooting skills and not just simple range time.

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Without passing judgment on anyone, I'll speak frankly: I don't own one, never considered it, was never curious about it. And I don't understand why it is so important to others to own guns and to have the right to own them. It's a mystery to me.

This pretty much is how I feel.

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In my country no one has guns unless they hunt, and to do that you need to have special licenses and undergo classes and testing. So no, I don't have a gun, and unless I get a burning desire to go hunting one day I can't see a single reason why I'd ever want one. The police here doesn't even carry guns.

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Possibly. As pro-firearm as I am, I'm also well of the opinion that anyone intending to carry for self defense should be made to train not just on the laws and learning what their state considers legal applications of lethal force, but also on actual combat marksmanship skills. I was fortunate in that my instructor was a VA State Police veteran who'd been in bona-fide shootouts himself and made sure anyone under his watch developed reflexive shooting skills and not just simple range time.

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that extra training wouldn't be a bad idea, I cant say that I think it should be mandatory but I think its a good idea to have it, id like to be able to do that in my area, but we don't have a professional shooting school here, at best there is just a gun range(at least ive been told there is, ive never seen it myself), what you are talking about sounds a bit like training in context, which frankly is a good idea, I think everyone should have some kind of defensive training and have to practice it in a range of scenarios(like a woman fighting off a rapist for example, so if she is attacked she wont lock up from fear and will have the ability to think clearly to save herself, the first mistake is always panicking for lack of the right term, no wait, that is the 2nd, the first is not maintaining situational awareness)

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There is no preparation for attempted or successful rape. You keep using that as a big bad scary bogey man to make your point. I find it highly offensive. My story, and the stories of others (remember I am a gun owner by the way, and was back then.) when it is happening, first, it is rarely home invasion. It is someone you know. Second, once things get started, panic is not exactly easy to ignore... situational awareness, even more impossible to maintain. Stop using an example you have not, and will hopefully never endure as a means of scaring people into your beliefs.

no preparation for attempted rape, really? my guess is you've never heard of something called the anti rape condom, let me describe it to you, its a device the woman puts inside her womanly parts down there, and IF an attacker does try to do something, which is a disgusting thought, I hate that any gets raped, he finds out the hard way that he messed up in his life choices bigtime, because this device has a set of BARBS on the inside of it, and PAINFULLY clamps down, and he has to go to a doctor to have the device removed, obviously giving police the chance to grab him, now not everyone knows of this device, but I strongly disagree that there is no preparation or defense for a rape attempt, that is why I suggested practicing with someone you trust, because you can do it, you just need to train yourself to react and not lose it, there was a son of a bitch called the east coast rapist, he raped up and down the eastern coast as his nick name implies, one of his ATTEMPTED victims was a soldier, did he know it? nope, did he find out the hard way? yup! he tried to rape her, and she KICKED HIS ASS! unfortunately he got away, but he didn't get to violate her, why? because her mind was conditioned to not panic. I would encourage you to watch a documentary/short lived series that was on national geographic called fight science, especially the episode called "fighting back". there are all kinds of techniques/tools for a mind that can keep level and NOT panic, and if one maintains situational awareness, in the case of a stranger, the chances of rape is reduced because an attacker doesn't want to be seen.

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