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Desperately in need of some help

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Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 8 years. He is an ABDL mostly leaning towards the DL side. He has always only needed minimal attention and babying but since the birth of our son 19 months ago he has been wanting more attention and babying and has been upset when I have been to busy to give it to him. I am a full time nursing student which requires most of my time and when I'm not at school or doing homework I am running after our son who is always getting into something. As well my boyfriend is gone most of the day at work when I am at home and we live with my parents so it makes it hard to baby him and be discreet about it when I do have time to baby him. I feel he is jealous of our son for getting my attention and that our relationship might be in some big trouble. Any suggestions that anyone has for me would be greatly appreciated.

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He needs to wrap his head around the FACT that as a parent his kids & old lady come first....his stuff will get pushed to the side....and yes it sounds like he's jealous of his own son...too bad! Can't be doing that! Get over it, dude...otherwise he'll lose everything....the marriage, his kid(s), and his "mommy".....

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I must agree with SpoonChicken, he needs to get over it. Right now life is in the way of "play" time and he needs to be a big boy. Time to grow up for a while and be the "man" of the house. If you or he needs to talk drop me a line, and keep up the good studies we can always use a good nurse around.

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Diaper the baby and then diaper him, right next to the baby, put the baby in his night sleeper then put hubby in his, when you get up to change the baby check your hubby to see if he is wet also.

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Give what you can give, but make it clear that if he wants more of your time, then he's going to have to take up doing some of the things you do which take up the time he wants. He can babysit while you study, he can clean then too. The bottom line is that neither you or him is number one anymore and that's the way it's going to be for at least the next 20 years. If he can't deal with that, then indeed you've got relationship problems and that nursing degree you're working on is going to be more needed than you know.

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Wow. You all are heartless. Needs are needs whether you're 2 or 92. A parent or not, single or married. All these "You are an ADULT! Grow up and DEAL WITH IT!" is bullshit. You all sound like my ignorant mother.

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