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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

My depression is less when I'm diapered...

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Diapers are cheaper and more convenient than shrinks, and they make you happy. The conclusion is clear:

Wear diapers, don't be depressed!

Now, you might also want to ask an MD about your vitamin D levels and whether you are sleeping properly, too..since if you can address a physical cause of depression, that is best.... But in the mean time, use the most effective tool you have: DIAPERS!!

You might also want to look into something called a WRAP -- Wellness recovery action plan.

PS. There s only one person in your life that thinks diaers might be a problem--you--and you can change your mind!

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Sounds like you are doing some kind of computer support role....and understand that the people you are supporting are just as nervous about their computers and personal information as you were about wearing diiapers.....so think about what you can do to put them more at ease...

That includes empowering them where you can and explaining what you are doing....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed too that my depression is quite lessened if I have been wearing diapers in the last day or so, after a while that depression starts to come back. It got so bad at one point I refused to even get out of my bed, i just laid there and cried. But I do hope that it doesnt get to much, for either of us, and I'm totally open to getting a pm from ya if you need to vent or need someone to talk to. We can be diapered support people for each other and anyone else lol

Hope your doing well since this is a little less than a month ago

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