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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

How Can I Get Diapers?

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how to get diapers 101

1. save your money, a pack of diapers will run you about $15, so save up $20

2. put on your shoes

3. go to the store


5. find the diaper aisle and find your size

6. put the bag in the cart

7. pay for the diapers

Optional, buy other things like soda, chips, etc.... cause you can hide the bag of diapers under those

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Sorry.. Im not 14. im 23. i just moved from canada 3 years ago so english is not at its bestt. I have problem with and typing. Stores here sel no adult diapers.. no parents, but people stop by often fro job. Sorry if this was an inconvenience for all. (tell me, can i edit profile, or re-register with same electric mail?)

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There is not one place in the world unless your in the middle of the desert or somewhere obscure that doesn't sell adult diapers. Did you look everywhere?

You can buy them online.

LOL, Pretty much! You can even get them in Antarctica! About the only places on earth you can't have diapers for fetish is either Saudi Arabia or Abu Dhabi...

Or Oral Roberts University.

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It is weird being so conscious about what other think. just to let you know I found a cool website that sells boi undies for guys who like diapers. check out www.plantfunwear.com

Just to let you know, you're a spammer, and probably some kind of pedo for your obcession with little boy's underwear. And just for reference, why would people who like diapers want underwear?

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