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Premium Rush

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The last week or so I have been having an ache to get a fixie track bike (to ride on the actual track, i'm not a hipster, yo). I got a job interview at a hospital set (ironically I was boning up my resume to take down there in person when they called me) so I decided to treat myself to going to the bike shop to find out what I could get. Not surprisingly, they did not have any track bikes in stock, but they are going to see if they can order me one.

Tonight, I went to see Premium Rush, after my wife has been trying to tell me all night that she did not want me spending money on another bike (i have like 2 or 3 other ones, so what?). The movie focuses on a guy riding a steel frame fixie throughout NYC as a bike messenger, and the movie is about 80% bike chases. If you like seeing bad ass moves on bikes, go check this movie out, it's pretty awesome. Problem is, now I want a fixie even more! Course, I'm not going to be riding it like a maniac through the streets of NYC. What do you think I am, crazy?


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I skipped it...trailer made it look like an action movie about a BIKE MESSENGER...seemed pretty silly to me. Somebody defended it to me by saying it's no more silly than an action movie about an archaeologist finding the Ark of the Covenant, or no more silly than a guy dressing up as a bat to fight crime. I responded with, "Would YOU go see an Indiana Jones or Batman movie where the plot revolved about delivering a package a few blocks away?

Rhianna, here's a link to the preview.

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Ok, I had to go look this up as I had no clue as to what a "fixie" was :blush: I know road bikes and mountain bikes...but track bikes...no clue. My big question is "why'?? I am sure your wife is asking the same question....

But bike guys are bike guys just like car guys or motorcycle guys are the way they are, and they always want more toys. I do the same with models...I have plenty, but there is always that one...or that 'deal' etc..

Anyways, back to bikes...I wondered about the movie as well...what nut these days rides an "all steel' (heavy) frame bike with a fixed hub?? No gear selection or anything, for package delivery...:screwy: sorry, that just doesn't make sense. I have been to New York, and it's pretty flat, but still, having just 1 gear, that would drive me nuts!

Had that one my old sting ray bike (Named Herbie) and climbing hills or getting anywhere sucked..I could'nt wait for a mountain bike! Much better :thumbsup:

Anyways, again..I presume you race (track) so this is the source of your desires, and I also presume that your other bikes aren't "fixies" so thats something different. *SHRUG* For me, the cost isn't that bad...about $350 for a decent bike. But thats compared to a mountain bike today with most of the bells and whistles which would run around $1200 :o

(yeah,.....I know!) But one bike goes round and round on a track, and the other gets muddy and dirty and makes for a lot of fun! :D But, to each his own.

Basically, if you race, or plan on racing or joining a team then thats one thing, but if you just want it to tool around with..EH...be better off stashing the money and sticking with what you have already...but thats just me. Being a pragmatic (yeah, boring) person, I usually don't buy something unless it has a definite purpose, but how do you define 'fun'?

If thats your thing, then go for it, if you can afford it, and not screw up what ever financial arrangements ...or not piss off your sife.....to much...I don't see how it would hurt anyone if you bought one....go play and have fun..you can sell it later if you have to :P or your wife makes you! ;)

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2 or 3 bikes? Well, your wife would hate me, I have about 7 or 8 complete bikes and about 10 frames awaiting a build up. I picked up a mongoose disorder at my local Kroger chain (Fred Meyer) for $100 on sale, it's a department store bike, but it has double wall deep v rims and a sealed cartridge flip flop single speed/fixie hub. It's more of a freestyle fixie, but it makes an awesome store runner. My only complaint is the crappy cranks it came with, but a new set of race face 2 piece cranks will fix that.

As far as why someone would want a fixie for town use, it's actually more efficient, and makes for a lighter bike. It's also a theft deterrent, since most thieves don't want to mess with an old drab colored bike with one fixed gear, saves from having to lock it when doing a quick delivery. I can climb hills much easier, and faster on my single speed 26" OM cruiser class bmx, faster than I can with my geared bikes, mainly, since I have no choice but to stand up and hammer the peddles.

Another option might be to build a fixie out of an old lugged road bike frame, the bike parts everywhere, and the grease on the carpet will definitely piss off your wife, ...........oh, wait, your trying to keep her happy :P

Good luck on finding a bike

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Actually, this reminede me of another 'bike' movie I watched in best buy while waiting to go to work. It's a mountain bike / BMX film called "Life cycles" and it's actually pretty neet! :thumbsup: very artsey with lots of camera and editing stuff in it, but the riders are some of the worlds best and the things they do is amazing...worth watching.

Theres a trailer here

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Thanks all! Learned a lot today, mostly nomenclature, along with what some can do w/bikes.

I have one 'mountain' bike and two 'racing style(?)' bikes, that I don't ride much. Should ride more. lol Hehe, getting to the 'grey hair' age where my next bike will be either a pedal trike or a quad/trike electric scooter. :)

A friend has several usable bikes that he, SO, and their kids ride, but he also has somewhere between 50-100 "fixer uppers" that he needs to fix, sell, and or give away.

Side note; it's amazing what people throw out or give away on Freecycle sites, like fully functional bikes and other stuff. (How do you think he got most of those bikes? :) ) I got my mountain bike by dumpster diving at a self storage facility. :thumbsup:

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