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How Do You Get The Right Kind Of Poo?

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I've got a love/hate thing with shitting in my diapers. Once of the main reasons I resist is I don't know what kind of poo is coming down the pipe. Does anyone here have a special diet they do to produce certain types of poop?

I want to ensure I have a lot of volume, and not wet/squishy,

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Well if you want mass then you're going to want to eat plenty of fibre and roughage (found in whole grain cerels, nuts, fruit and vegtables... generally removed in processed foods.)

As for your poop lacking consitancy and being squishy, it sounds lke you might not be getting enough of the above in your diet anyway.

One thing to remember though, is to be responsible about what your eating. I realise you might want to go on 'specail' diet just to achieve your pooping desires, but you should try to achieve that whilst retaining a blanced healthy diet.

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It depends on the person. Your best bet is to keep a 'food diary' and take your activity levels into account. You should be able to find out what clogs you up, and what makes for the perfect poo. Some people find that a tab or two of Immodium (anti-diarreah med) can help slow things down for an epic poo, but don't go overboard.

That being said, it doesn't matter WHAT I eat, it's soft and horrible. I usually have to go 1-3 times a day, and often you could probably guess what I had for dinner the day before. >.< (I had one morning it smelled exactly like spaghetti sauce from the night before :wtf2: ) Even immodium doesn't work for me. :s What drives me nuts is that I'll get one good poo every couple of months, but I can never figure out what I ate or didn't that made it so. >.<

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I've found that if I eat a breakfast consisting of a cup or two of high fiber cereal, a banana, and 5-6 Citrucel or Metamucil caplets in the morning; a big salad with some sort of meat added (like chunks of chicken) and 5-6 more caplets for lunch; then an Amy's frozen bean & cheese burrito with lots of tortilla chips and more caplets for dinner that I'll usually have a pretty good one the next morning.

Pretty good what? Belly ache? Man, I can see two things with that menu! One is a sore stomach, and the other is a diaper load so huge that you have to hang one of those leather poop catchers that they use behind the horses in Central Park on your own butt to catch the overflow!On the serious side, by my count that's at least 12+ metimucle or Citrucel capsules. Is that safe, unsafe, over the recommended dosage and could it cause some bad side effects? I've never done this so I just don't know about how so much fibre might negativly affect someone's system.

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Pretty good what? Belly ache? Man, I can see two things with that menu! One is a sore stomach, and the other is a diaper load so huge that you have to hang one of those leather poop catchers that they use behind the horses in Central Park on your own butt to catch the overflow!On the serious side, by my count that's at least 12+ metimucle or Citrucel capsules. Is that safe, unsafe, over the recommended dosage and could it cause some bad side effects? I've never done this so I just don't know about how so much fibre might negativly affect someone's system.

Last time I looked at the Metamucil-capsules package at the store, I believe it said the daily dosage was about 10. (5 twice a day). I believe it's just the drink-mix powder but in capsule form, so going over the limit a bit is harmless. What he should worry about though is water intake. Taking that much fiber requires you up your water intake by a ton.

Personally, Metamucil gave me horrible stomach cramps and minor gas - and the resulting poop looked as poopy_dipes said - like brown spongy brains. I stopped using it after a few retries. Too painful and disgusting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't recall getting any sort of reasonable result from citrucel, but maybe I'm not remembering correctly. It seems to me I just got the runs with that.

I typically have a problem getting a good consistency for an enjoyable diaper dump, so I rarely indulge that particular desire. For some odd reason, I got lucky and didn't go yesterday, and today I got a nice, firm, bulky surprise. I could feel that it was 'different' when I started getting the urge, so I taped on my very last disposable diaper once I got home and Ohhhhhh, it felt so good... T.T I miss this. :) I'm hoping that what caused it was the long hours in the car the last few days, along with a slightly restricted water intake. I'm taking another trip tomorrow so maybe I'll have another perfect poo in a few days... *crosses fingers*

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Wholemeal or whole wheat bread, cereal and pasta.

Lots of peanuts.

Everybody is different, but i eat alot of these foods and my poop is always solid and kinda dry no matter how much water i drink.

Unfortunately i prefer soft and squishy lol

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm pretty regular, but generally quite soft/mushy, which I attribute to lots of fibre, liquids and possibly diet soda in my normal diet. When I travel, I tend to get less fibre and less diet soda, and often seem to firm up.

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  • 1 month later...

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